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Backpack Gun Mettle Campaign Pass.png
Пропуск на кампанию «Лихие пушки».
Хорошо выполнено.
Мисс Полинг о завершении ещё одной успешной кампании в Team Fortress 2

Кампании — это внутриигровые события, длящиеся неделями или месяцами, и обычно требующие пропуска на кампанию для участия, взамен предлагая контракты, за выполнение которых игроков вознаграждают различными предметами, такими как оружия, аксессуары, кейсы или боевые краски, а также Кровавыми деньгами, на которые можно купить выбранные игроком внутриигровые предметы из определённого списка. Первая кампания была добавлена с обновлением «Лихие пушки», и с тех пор кампании стали постоянной частью игры.


Item icon Australium Gun Mettle Campaign Coin.png

Впервые функция появилась в Gun Mettle Campaign, и представляло собой трёхмесячное событие that introduced skill-based contracts that awarded one-of-a-kind weapon skins and exclusive weapons cases. Participation in the event required purchase of a premium Gun Mettle Campaign Pass, which would be converted into a Gravel Gun Mettle Campaign Coin upon usage. This Campaign Pass was not available for sale during the last month of the event. It introduced Contracts, Contracts Points, objectives and advanced objectives. Contracts dropped at a rate of 2 Contracts for every week of the Campaign, appearing in the player's Ящика контрактов (pictured at left), which could hold up to two Contracts at a time. This Contracts drawer system was reused in the next few Campaigns.

Backpack Tough Break Campaign Stamp.png

The next Campaign was introduced in the Тяжёлый Отпуск, the Campaign of which required a Tough Break Campaign Pass. Using the Campaign Pass converted it to a Tough Break Campaign Stamp.

Backpack Soul Gargoyle Gold.png
Маразмиссия на карте Eyeaduct.

In Scream Fortress 2015, Merasmissions were introduced, which worked similarly to the previous Contracts but with changes to reflect the Merasmus or Halloween theme. Completed Merasmissions awarded Halloween Cosmetic items. The event also implemented a new tool called a Soul Gargoyle that recorded the amount of Merasmissions completed, Halloween transmutes performed, and souls collected by the player through various actions such as completing map objectives or killing enemies. Merasmissions were repeated in Scream Fortress 2016.

Next, the Jungle Inferno Update was published with its own campaign of the same name also requiring a premium Campaign Pass, along with the separate free Pyroland Contracts that awarded the new weapons added in the update. A week after the opening of the Campaign, Scream Fortress 2017 commenced the Scream Fortress 2017 Contracts, which were a new set of Halloween Contracts that again awarded Halloween Cosmetic items and were again counted as Merasmissions on the Soul Gargoyle. All of these Contracts were accessed through the new ConTracker device introduced in this Campaign, which is a replacement of the previous Contracts drawer. The Campaign also introduced Blood Money and the Mercenary Park Gift Shop as an additional reward system, as well as Friendly-Fire, a way for players to help each other with completing Contracts.

Saxton Jungle Inferno Campaign Friendly-Fire.png

См. также

Эти внутриигровые события схожи с кампаниями, но не имеют контрактов:

Backpack Duck Journal.png
Backpack Invasion Community Update Coin.png