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=== Složení Týmu ===
=== Složení Týmu ===
Team Fortress 2 is a class-based team game in which players on a team have to cooperate and coordinate to achieve victory. The nine different [[classes]] have their own strengths and weaknesses and their own unique styles of play, based around maximizing their strengths and minimizing their weaknesses. However, it is impossible for any one player no matter how skilled to ''completely'' compensate for the weaknesses of the class they are currently playing. One player may be less skilled than the other, but he could still win in an encounter in which his current class has the upper hand (such as a less-skilled [[Pyro]] beating a skilled [[Spy]]). This makes the choice of which class to play very important, and the player will be rewarded for learning more about different classes, and at the same time it makes cooperation equally important. One could think of it as a very complex game of rock, paper, scissors.
Team Fortress 2 je na třídách založená, týmová hra, ve které musí hráči spolupracovat a koordinovat, aby dosáhli vítězství. Devět různých [[classes/cs|tříd]], které mají své silné a slabé stránky a vlastní unikátní styl hry, založená na maximalizování jejich silných a minimalizování jejich slabých stránek. Nicméně, to je  nemožné pro samostatného hráče, bez ohledu na to jak je kvalifikovaný, aby "zcela" kompenzoval nedostatky tříd, kterou v současné době hraje. Jeden hráč muže být méně kvalifikovaný než ostatní ale i tak je může porazit v setkáních kde má jedna třída navrch (jako např. méně kvalifikovaný [[Pyro/cs|Pyro]] porazí zkušeného [[Spy/cs|Spye]]). Toto vytváří volbu, jakou třídu hrát velice důležitou, hráč bude odměněn za větší seznámeni s více třídami. Člověk by mohl o této hře přemýšlet jako o velmi komplexní verzi hry kámen, nůžky, papír.
A mistake many new players commit is to view Team Fortress 2 outside of the team context, focusing instead on the class(es) they prefer to play and thinking of strategy only in terms of a series of one-on-one match-ups. However, most combat situations in Team Fortress 2 will be between groups of players involving a variety of classes. Therefore to be successful, one must think and work as a team, rather than as a solitary unit. This includes being aware of what classes currently make up your team as well as the classes that make up the opposing team, this is known as ''team composition''. It is often possible to gain an advantage by having several players that play as classes who counter the classes of the enemy team (an example being, using [[Demoman]] and [[Medic]] combos, to counter a team that has many [[Engineer]]s, thus too many [[Sentry Gun]]s). However, it is important to not over-compensate and have too many people change classes (eg. a team has a problem with [[Spies]], so lots of players switch to [[Pyro]], this could lead to vulnerabilities in the team due to the classes they lost from switching). It is a better idea to check the scoreboard periodically to keep an eye on your team's current [[classes]] and recommend adjustments accordingly, but you must also be willing to change your class if the situation calls for it.
A mistake many new players commit is to view Team Fortress 2 outside of the team context, focusing instead on the class(es) they prefer to play and thinking of strategy only in terms of a series of one-on-one match-ups. However, most combat situations in Team Fortress 2 will be between groups of players involving a variety of classes. Therefore to be successful, one must think and work as a team, rather than as a solitary unit. This includes being aware of what classes currently make up your team as well as the classes that make up the opposing team, this is known as ''team composition''. It is often possible to gain an advantage by having several players that play as classes who counter the classes of the enemy team (an example being, using [[Demoman]] and [[Medic]] combos, to counter a team that has many [[Engineer]]s, thus too many [[Sentry Gun]]s). However, it is important to not over-compensate and have too many people change classes (eg. a team has a problem with [[Spies]], so lots of players switch to [[Pyro]], this could lead to vulnerabilities in the team due to the classes they lost from switching). It is a better idea to check the scoreboard periodically to keep an eye on your team's current [[classes]] and recommend adjustments accordingly, but you must also be willing to change your class if the situation calls for it.

Revision as of 20:01, 18 June 2011

Team strategy image.png
That was an amazing killing spree... by the other team!
The Soldier on improper team strategy

V Team Fortress 2, je složité bojovat s nepřátelským týmem, pokud každý pracuje pouze za sebe, je v podstatě nemožné hrát sám. Spolupracovat s ostatními třídami ve vašem týmu je důležitý aspekt úspěchu. Tento článek je určen pro výpomoc vám a vašemu týmu s dosažením vítězství. Jako průvodce pro zlepšení vaší hry,se podívejte na strategie. Pro strategii určité mapy se podívejte na jednotlivou stránku každé mapy.

Základní Strategie


Vzhledem k absenci mini-mapy a faktu, že Team Fortress je profesně orientovaná hra, komunikace a spolupráce je vždy klíčovým prvkem k dosažení vítězství. Koordinace mezi týmovými hráči a vyváženost tříd vede tým k vítězství. Dokonce i bez ohledu na úroveň dovedností, komunikace je nejdůležitější schopnost k naučení. Buď pomocí teamspeaku nebo herní hlasovou komunikací, tým s dobrou komunikací a synchronizací může porazit zkušené hráče, kterým chybí týmová spolupráce. Efektivní komunikace a je zvláště žádoucí v konkurenceschopnějších místech konání hry.

Hlasové příkazy a textové zprávy jsou velmi dobrým způsobem jak komunikovat, ale protože mnoho herních zvuků a umístění charakterů může mít vliv na slyšitelnost hlasových příkazu spoluhráčem, navíc někteří hráči nevěnují pozornost textu v chatu, je mikrofón vždy spolehlivější způsob komunikace s týmem. Například důležité informace, jako je například lokace a maskování nepřátelských Spyů, místa nepřátelských Sentry hnízd, Stickybomb pastí a časování útoků ÜberChargů (od nepřítele nebo od týmu), prostě nemůže sděleno tak snadno bez použití hlasového chatu.

Je však dobré mít na paměti, že některé servery používají funkci AllTalk, která umožňuje všem hráčům na serveru naslouchat všem, včetně nepřátelskému týmu. Za těchto okolností může být vhodné použit týmový textový chat pro další důležité informace, protože sdílení těchto informací na hlasovém chatu může způsobit že nepřítel bude připraven čelit vašim útokům. AllTalk je obecně povolen na některých veřejných serverech, na kterých je hra spíše sociální interakcí všech hráčů, nezáležící na týmu a už vůbec ne na soutěživosti.

Složení Týmu

Team Fortress 2 je na třídách založená, týmová hra, ve které musí hráči spolupracovat a koordinovat, aby dosáhli vítězství. Devět různých tříd, které mají své silné a slabé stránky a vlastní unikátní styl hry, založená na maximalizování jejich silných a minimalizování jejich slabých stránek. Nicméně, to je nemožné pro samostatného hráče, bez ohledu na to jak je kvalifikovaný, aby "zcela" kompenzoval nedostatky tříd, kterou v současné době hraje. Jeden hráč muže být méně kvalifikovaný než ostatní ale i tak je může porazit v setkáních kde má jedna třída navrch (jako např. méně kvalifikovaný Pyro porazí zkušeného Spye). Toto vytváří volbu, jakou třídu hrát velice důležitou, hráč bude odměněn za větší seznámeni s více třídami. Člověk by mohl o této hře přemýšlet jako o velmi komplexní verzi hry kámen, nůžky, papír.

A mistake many new players commit is to view Team Fortress 2 outside of the team context, focusing instead on the class(es) they prefer to play and thinking of strategy only in terms of a series of one-on-one match-ups. However, most combat situations in Team Fortress 2 will be between groups of players involving a variety of classes. Therefore to be successful, one must think and work as a team, rather than as a solitary unit. This includes being aware of what classes currently make up your team as well as the classes that make up the opposing team, this is known as team composition. It is often possible to gain an advantage by having several players that play as classes who counter the classes of the enemy team (an example being, using Demoman and Medic combos, to counter a team that has many Engineers, thus too many Sentry Guns). However, it is important to not over-compensate and have too many people change classes (eg. a team has a problem with Spies, so lots of players switch to Pyro, this could lead to vulnerabilities in the team due to the classes they lost from switching). It is a better idea to check the scoreboard periodically to keep an eye on your team's current classes and recommend adjustments accordingly, but you must also be willing to change your class if the situation calls for it.


Je důležité být dobrý v několika třídách ne jenom jedné. Poznejte silné a slabé stránky tříd, takže si pak můžete udělat dobrý dojem o tom, kdy byste měli přejít na jinou třídu. Je také důležité vědět, různé role každé třídy, jako např. ptát se jediného týmového Engineera o přepnutí na Medica k protlačení vašeho týmu k nepřítelově inteligenci by nebyl dobrý nápad, jelikož je stejně důležité jak inteligenci chránit, tak brát v CTF mapách. Obecně platí, že místo toho abyste říkali "Může být někdo Medic?", bylo by lepší kdybyste sami na něj přepnuli a splnili tak potřebu týmu pokud již nehrajete hlavní úlohu.


The heart of Team Fortress 2's gameplay are the nine different classes and how they interact with both friend and foe. Even if you play only one or two of them on a regular basis, it is still enormously helpful to learn about the role of each class in the overall context of a game. Each class has unique attributes that determine their strengths and weakness: health, movement speed, weaponry, and other innate abilities such as health regeneration or the ability to Double Jump. This section categorizes the different classes and is meant to draw attention to how the different classes can work together to become more powerful in groups than they would be functioning alone. NOTE: this categorization is different from the "official" class roles of Offense, Defense, and Support defined by Valve, and it is meant to draw attention to strategic and play-style similarities as opposed to an arbitrary "theme."

1. Skupina - Základní Boj

  • Třídy: Demoman, Heavy, Pyro, Scout, Soldier
  • Charakteristiky: All the members of this group possess high average firepower, survivability, or maneuverability and in some cases a good mix of all three. All of them except for the Scout have a Health range of 175-300 without overhealing, and will receive the vast majority of ÜberCharges due to their powerful Primary weapons which have a high rate of damage over time and also due to their simple presence on the front lines. Another characteristic of this group is that almost all of the abilities in the game that have some sort of negative effect on enemy movement are found in this group: Natascha, the Force-A-Nature, the Shortstop, the Sandman, "juggling opponents" with the Rocket, Grenade, and Sticky Launchers, and the Pyro's Compression Blast. All of the abilities in the game that allow positive enhancement of movement (with the exception of Teleporters) are also found here. All five of these Classes are battle ready upon spawning and don't really need any special positioning or prep time and can jump right into the fight.
  • Týmové role: Makes up the majority of most teams, and engages in the heaviest and most direct fighting on the front lines. The members of this group are generally the most responsible for spearheading pushes into enemy territory and securing objectives, and should play as aggressively as a situation allows. Their success is usually measured in kills made and damage dealt before dying. Members of this group are usually capable of holding their own in a one-on-one matchup against any other class, and therefore a team entirely consisting of Group 1 classes won't have any critical weaknesses and can often do fairly well over short periods, but to break down tough defenses and hang in a sustained firefight, help from Groups 2 and 3 becomes necessary. One of more vital roles of these five classes is to protect the other Classes, particularly the Support Classes. Medics and Engineers must survive in order to really help the team, and need protection from enemies from Group 1 and 3 who will often target them specifically and constantly. Buildings may be constructed and maintained by Engineers, but they help the entire team and should be considered "public property" and looked after by all. In order to help out the Support Classes even more, it is important to leave Health and Ammo pickups to them as much as possible.


Soldier a Demoman, dělostřelectvo týmu.
  • Třídy: Demoman, Soldier
  • Silné stránky: Both of these Classes have a high amount of damage potential, range, resilience, and mobility, and they possess similar weapons. The Rocket, Sticky, and Grenade launchers fire highly damaging rounds that deal a large amount of "splash" that can damage multiple enemies at once. Not only that, but these weapons, and the Demoman's in particular, are the only consistent form of indirect fire in the game, able to damage and kill without direct line of sight to a target. This combined with the ability to "fire and forget" allow the Soldier and Demoman to make excellent use of cover to enhance their already formidable staying power. They also excel at demolishing the Sentry positions of Engineers. Both also possess the ability to trade some of their health for the ability to perform jumps that can cover huge vertical and horizontal distances quickly and allows them to make sudden and devastating attacks from unexpected angles or to escape tough situations.
  • Slabé stránky: While the Artillery classes don't have very pronounced weaknesses, the weapons of these classes carry some disadvantages as well. The Soldier and Demoman can easily hurt and kill themselves when firing point-blank. Most importantly however, all of the "launcher" weapons have limited clip sizes and lengthy reload times. How to manage reloads is an important skill for playing the artillery classes -- being too trigger-happy can be fatal. The need to reload can often make holding positions against a constant stream of enemies problematic without support. Also it's important to note that because explosive projectiles take time to travel, they can often be dodged especially at mid to long range by agile and skilled foes, regardless of how well they were aimed when fired.
  • Týmové role: Dealing huge amounts of damage at medium ranges, forcing enemies out of cover and entrenched Sentry positions, and punishing enemies that are tightly packed together; these classes are the most commonly accused of being "overpowered". Consistent damage in any situation is their role however, and not doing enough of it can easily allow the enemy team free reign. Other than this, the main strengths of the Soldier and Demoman are their sheer lack of huge exploitable class weaknesses.

Boj Zblízka

  • Třídy: Heavy, Pyro, Scout
  • Charakteristiky: While also belonging to Group 1, the "general combatants", the members of this group are distinguished by a few things. Namely, they have more pronounced strengths, but also more pronounced weaknesses than the Artillery Classes, creating trade-offs, along with a few more specialized roles such as Spy-checking and objective-grabbing. The Heavy has the highest Health of any Class but also the lowest mobility especially while attacking; the Pyro is devastating at close range and when appearing unexpectedly, but conversely has very low damage potential at mid and long range, and is usually not as much of a threat without the element of surprise. The Scout by contrast is the fastest and most agile Class but has the lowest health out of the Group 1 Classes. All three Classes in this group can do tremendous damage over time, however in order to do so they must usually 1) be at close range and 2) have line of sight to their target. This in turn means that they can easily take as much damage as they receive, often requiring class-specific tactics in order to survive. For the Pyro, this means ambushing and taking advantage of distractions, for the Scout it is using his superior agility to avoid damage, and for the Heavy it means relying on Group 2 for Healing and transportation. The reliance on line of sight attacks also makes this group much less effective against Sentry Guns than the Artillery classes. The Pyro is the most effective Spy-checking Class on the team, able to expose both Cloaked and Disguised Spies with ease. The Pyro and the Heavy are unique in that their Primary weapons, the Flamethrower and the Minigun, never need to be reloaded and can fire continuously until depleted. This can enable them to provide invaluable support to the other Classes during prolonged fights where enemies are streaming in constantly. This can also make them amazingly effective Übercharge recipients, able to utilize the entire period of invulnerability to the fullest possible effect.
  • Týmové role: This group of classes is the most easily held at bay by enemy Sentry Gun positions. Teams that are relying too heavily on the classes in this group often have a difficult time defeating a team that is "turtling" or defending; once enemy Sentry Guns have been eliminated however, they can freely enter enemy territory and wreak havoc. This group is also very good at working with and protecting allied Support classes -- Pyros work synergistically with Engineers and both Pyros and Heavies work very well with friendly Medics. This group is also very good at punishing enemy teams that neglect having enough Group 2 classes to heal and restrict their movement with Sentry Guns. Without enough healing, fire can deal a huge amount of damage through afterburn, and the "hitscan" bullet damage of Heavies and Scouts with good aim can't be easily dodged and can quickly erode enemy health. Finally, all three Classes in this group are very effective at contesting objectives of various types. Heavies have the staying power to stay on dropped Intelligence, Capture points and Carts and lay down suppressing fire. Pyros have unique abilities to keep Spies away from objectives and can also physically prevent enemies from contesting objectives by using the Compression Blast to push them back. Finally the Scout can use his natural speed and extra capture force to accomplish objectives faster than any other Class.

2. Skupina - Podpora

  • Třídy: Engineer, Medic
  • Společné charakteristiky: By far the most team-oriented Classes, the Engineer and the Medic are the only Classes that can provide reliable healing to their allies, often several at once, greatly reducing team losses due to simple attrition. For this reason alone, almost any team of any size greater than one on any map will benefit from having at least one Support Class, however the usefulness of the Support classes increases as team size increases. They largely lack powerful combat abilities of their own, having low hitpoints (125-150) average mobility and weak ranged weaponry, and therefore must contribute to their team's success through their support skills. These skills are very powerful however, and have a huge impact on the game -- Medics and Engineers are much more than simply glorified Health and Ammunition pickups for the other Classes. The Engineer's support skills take the form of his Buildings, while the Medic's take the form of the ability to provide overhealing buffs to multiple teammates, and the game-changing ÜberCharge. For both Classes, bringing these assets to bear in a game takes time -- both Übercharges and fully upgraded Buildings can take quite some time to reach their full potential, often a minute or more of game time. In a game as fast-paced as Team Fortress 2, that's a small eternity. Many game-types have a Setup time to accommodate the Support Classes and allow them to contribute at full power right from the beginning of the mission. Good Engineers and Medics will do everything they can to speed up the process of building their Übers and Buildings. The long "build" times of the Medic and Engineer define the success of their gameplay in terms of their own survival and not in getting kills. Both Classes must play very cautiously to avoid death, to survive long enough to provide Übercharges and maintain Buildings. A Support class who dies at a critical moment can cost their team victory.
  • Týmové role: Providing healing and resupply to allies in the field, reducing team losses due to attrition, and allowing teammates to hold positions while under constant enemy pressure, or apply constant pressure of their own. Sentry Guns and overhealed/invulnerable teammates are very good at absorbing and shrugging off damage. Support is given to any and all teammates, but is most effective when given to the general combat Classes of Group 1 who will usually take the brunt of enemy attacks, and often die and need to return to the battle quickly upon respawning. Medics and Engineers can support each other quite effectively as well and should do so whenever the opportunity arises. For example, Medics can provide Übercharges to allied Kritzkrieg Medics or Engineers under heavy fire, while Engineers can repair, build, and upgrade the Buildings of other friendly Engineers. The Support Classes need to watch out for the attacks of enemy Group 3 Classes, the Sniper and Spy, since they are often the priority targets of these enemies. Help from Group 1 and 3 is often necessary to stay alive. Finally, the Support Classes can break the back of the enemy team on the attack or ensure a successful defense of an objective through a well executed Übercharge or well-placed Sentry Gun. In terms of team composition, an reliance on a large number of Support Classes is almost never a good idea. While they can provide very powerful Support abilities, Medics and Engineers themselves don't actually fight all that well, and every player who plays a Support Class is not playing a Class that can fight off the enemy, and increases the burden proportionately on the smaller number of teammates who are playing a Class from Groups 1 or 3. Engineer or Medic heavy teams can also be a dream come true for enemy Snipers and Spies, whose skills are quite capable of countering the Support Classes. The power of the Support Classes is their ability to help out a large number of their teammates easily, and to take fullest advantage of this it is wise not to have too many team spots devoted to Support.

3. Skupina - Asasinace

Úkladní vrazi: Spy a Sniper.
  • Třídy: Sniper, Spy
  • Charakteristiky: While both possessing similarly low Health (60-150) and average movement speed, the most obvious similarity of these two classes is their shared ability to instantly kill any opponent with a single attack, largely regardless of target health. They both rely on good positioning, skillful aim, and patience to get their kills. While the success of the Group 3 Classes is also to some extent measured by how many enemies they kill before they themselves die, unlike Group 1, who they kill is usually more important than how many. A Spy that reveals his position and sacrifices his life to stab an enemy Soldier is of questionable value -- but taking out an enemy Medic with full Über can be game-changing and is well worth dying for. Both the Sniper and Spy avoid the front lines due to their low health, and instead operate behind the lines -- the Sniper behind his allies' lines, and the Spy behind his enemies'. Both classes are also better than any other class at picking off opponents who are trying to hide behind their allies, such as Medics.
  • Týmové role: Precision elimination of key enemy targets. These can be very talented enemy players that your team is having trouble with, or they can be resilient targets such as Heavies, or they can be high value targets such as Medics and Engineers. The Assassin Classes are at their most valuable at countering the influence of the Group 2 Support Classes. Headshots and Backstabs can cut right through the healing and overhealing of Medics and eliminate Engineers hiding behind their Sentry Guns. The Spy in particular is designed with the ability to disable and destroy Engineers and their Buildings. The Support Classes also try to stay alive at all costs so that they can build up their power and provide constant benefit to their team. Death is a much bigger setback to Engineers and Medics than it is for any other Class, and the Assassins from Group 3 are sometimes the only Classes capable of killing them even when they are surrounded by formidable defenses. The Sniper and Spy also tend to end up locking horns with their counterparts from Group 3 due to where and how they fight. The ability to pick off key enemies can break stalemates, and the psychological effect of Snipers and Spies can split the concentration of enemies and make them reluctant to push forward. The ability of Spies in particular to attack enemies in areas where they expect to be secure can have a huge overall impact on enemy defenses. A team with very effective Snipers and Spies, if left unchecked, can easily run away with a game. However there are several reasons why having too many of Group 3 Classes on a team is a very bad idea. Snipers and Spies operate "behind the lines" or at arms length and rely on not being the immediate target of the enemy to kill distracted players who are not expecting them. However, not having enough general combat Classes means the enemy team will be less occupied and much more able focus on eliminating Snipers and Spies. Not only that, but having a lot of Spies quickly becomes counterproductive as the enemy team becomes aware of it. One Spy that still has the element of surprise is much more effective than several that are constantly getting discovered and killed. If you are playing Spy or Sniper and not having a very good day, it may not be your fault. It may be the fault of your team's composition.

Specifické Strategie Tříd

Viz níže.

Týmové Taktiky

Toto jsou strategie v Team Fortress 2, které by se většina hráčů měla naučit a pochopit, aby pomohla týmu zvítězit. Použitím těchto taktik v boji, umožňuje výhodu vašemu týmu v boji.

Najděte alternativní cesty a použijte je k dostání se za nepřítele, ale mějte na paměti, kolik extra času toto zabere. Nepoužívejte stejné obcházecí cesty příliš často, k předejití předvídatelnosti, protože nepřítel se rychlé učí z vlastních chyb a předvídá vaší strategii.
Počkejte za rohem a překvapte svého nepřítele. Váš tým může čekat za rohem a přepadat nepřátele, kteří chodí v rámci obranné nebo útočné taktiky.
Komunikace s vaším Medicovým kamarádem. Znažte se nevyplýtvat váš ÜberCharge, ale pamatujte že, je lepší jej zapnout a přežít než umřít s nabitým ÜberChargem. Mějte plán pro situace kdy budete pod vlivem ÜberCharge.


  • Přehled: Postupující tlak, který zahrnuje značné použití výbušnin dělostřelců k vyčištění cesty pro zbytek týmu.
  • Detaily: Demomani a Soldieři budou nepřetržitě posílat výbušniny do oblasti, aby vytvořili zemi nikoho, aby soupeřův tým ztrácel území. Za normálních okolností budou bojovníci na blízko následovat palbu posunutím do čistého území a udrží jej. Demomani a Soldieři budou i nadále posílat výbušniny přes určitou oblast, aby se ujistili že je opravdu vyčištěna.

Über Nátlak

  • Přehled: Série ÜberChargů použitých k pročištění prostoru.
  • Detaily: Dva nebo více Mediců vybudují oddělené ÜberCharge. První Medic aktivuje jeho nabití a vstoupí na území ; po devíti sekundách následuje druhý Medic. Jestliže se situace zhorší, druhý Medic nastoupí okamžitě a využije tak výhody rozptýlení z prvního ÜberCharge páru. Druhý Medic bude pokračovat a pohybovat se hlouběji do nepřátelského území před aktivací druhého nabití. Komunikace kdo pustí ÜberCharge první, je klíčová.

Minové Pole

  • Přehled: Série stickybomb položených na otevřeném prostranství od Demomanů.
  • Detaily: Několik Demomanů v pořadí položí koberec ze stickybomb přes otevřené prostranství. Když se útočníci tlačí vpřed, Demomani postupně detonují každou sadu stickybomb v klíčových místech, aby zabili několik vln útočníků. Je důležité aby další Demomani počkali po odpálení jedné sady, než odpálí další sadu. Používání Scottish Resistance tvoří tuto strategii účinnější, snazší a poněkud snižuje potřebu více Demomanů, jelikož jeden Demoman může mít až 14 stickybomb a selektivně je odpálit.

Koordinovaný Sap

  • Přehled: Sapnutí Spyem nepřátelské Sentry Guny umožní útok spoluhráčů.
  • Detaily: Tým Spyů pohybujících se společně bude sapovat Sentry Guny před ofenzivním tlakem spoluhráčů, který umožňuje bezpečný útok spoluhráčů na Sentry Guny a Engineery neschopných činnosti. Poté co Spyové sapnou Sentry Guny, vyrozumí tým, aby okamžitě zahájil útok. Spyové budou i nadále sapovat, aby umožnili spoluhráčům postarat se o Engineery. Alternativně se Spyové můžou o Engineery postarat během rozptýlení útokem.

Medic Lákání

  • Přehled: Když je Spy, převlečený za Medicova kamaráda, naláká Medicy do záložních bodů.
  • Detaily: Místo pokoušení o zabití Medica, Spy bude převlečen za nepřátelskou, útočnou třídu, pokusí se lákat nevědomé Medicy do zálohy. Tis budou myslet, že je členem jejich týmu, Medic vás bude následovat vaší základny kde jej lze přepadnou Sentry Gunou nebo skupinou spojenců. Pamatujte, že Spy vypadá méně nápadně pokud se snaží vypadat, že pomáhá týmu.


Původní článek: Rush
  • Přehled: Všichni hráči si vyberou stejnou třídu k pře sílení nepřítele.
  • Detaily: Všichni hráči si zvolí jednu třídu nebo většinovou třídu. Třída obvykle záleží na situaci. Například, Scoutský spěch dovoluje vašemu týmu dobýt první bod velice rychle, doufejte, že dřív než dorazí nepřátelský tým.

Taktický Směr

  • Přehled: V některých mapa se váš tým musí rozhodnout kterou cestu zvolit.
  • Detaily: Tyto rozhodnutí většinou přicházejí na 3-CP mapách jako je Gravel Pit.


  • Přehled: Velký počet Heavyů bude čistit a porážet nepřítele, vzhledem k jejich obrovskému množství palebné síly a zdraví.
  • Detaily: "Heavy" vlak je užitečný v mnoha herních módech, zvláště pak v Capture Point, jelikož to jim umožňuje jednoduše ovládnout body a poskytnout mohutnou palbu za účelem ochrany svých ovládnutých bodů.

Francouzská Spojka

  • Přehled: Dva Spyové chodící společně pro minimalizaci podezření nepřátelského týmu.
  • Detaily: Toto je velice použitelné pro čištění skupin nepřátel tlačících vozík v Payload mapách, nebo pro odstranění postupujících nepřátelských skupin za předpokladu, že přicházíte ze stejného směru jako nepřátelé nebo pro vyčištění Sentry hnízd.

Protože jste dva (zdánliví) spoluhráči chodící spolu a nenarážíte do sebe (primární způsob jak zjistit zda jste skrytý Spy) je zde menší šance, že nepřítel bude spřílet pro provedení spychecku.

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