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— 正在试着解谜的侦察兵

侵入式虚拟现实互动游戏 (ARG) 是一种需要参与者在现实中与其互动的解谜游戏。





在第二天, TF2更新了2012年6月20日补丁。在本次更新之后,所有装备了智勇神探套装的玩家将可以在看到19日更新中加入的物品的隐藏简介。隐藏简介随机的一部分内容将会被句号替换,这使得所有玩家看到的简介都将有所不同。

物品 隐藏简介
Pocket Lint
Cheese Wheel
Banana Peel
Barn Door Plank
Secret Diary
Damaged Capacitor
' 在这种地方...'


— 出自福尔摩斯办案记-“红桦庄探案”


更新了智勇神探的物品框架属性,共8段MD5字符串哈希(hash strings):

记录(Record) 数值(Value)
md5_388_1 9e86c9d1ba461d7c3b84ea4bac11b921
md5_388_2 f2629207217ce651f1a76ce33346d4c8
md5_388_3 5d1a66650820b260b043443137c23dc5
md5_388_4 0361ca75733f3c21f4ba4ae216e92155
md5_388_5 a0370078eaafd706e75e6a2a45b5678f
md5_388_6 0a009353adac7c721d8b4a188a9f8517
md5_388_7 6f1d22a53f398fd4404b7fc9d7b1f356
md5_388_8 eae894257e8b1502807a3a94fd2fcc1c

2012年6月21日补丁更新后,合成2到3块香蕉皮。将会出现标题为香蕉错误 #(1-8)("Banana Error # (1-8)")的错误信息;而正文信息先为西班牙语,后为芬兰语,翻译过来为“香蕉溢出:详细报告(Banana Overflow Error; Detailed Report:)”。随后便是一段包含十六进制的代码序列。该序列也会因玩家的不同而发生改变(就算香蕉错误的代码一样的情况下)。关闭按钮被替换成了用威尔士语显示的“equivalent”。尝试制造这些物品并不会导致消耗,包括接下来继续尝试制造,也是如此。

玩家社区开始尝试收集所有的错误代码,将其拼凑在一起。玩家共找到了8种错误代码以及数据串与十六进制相对应的的8张不同的PNG图片。MD5字符串哈希用于作为检查码(checksums)校准图片是否正确对应。得出的图像为可以转到TF2官方网站(图片)页面的二维码(QR codes);但实际上,不同的图片只有7张,第7张与第8张完全相同(导向同一网站)。玩家将网站中得到的图像拼在一起后,将得出萨克斯顿·霍尔参加美国参议院对于波比·乔的死以及因霍尔而消失的澳元素事故会议的摘录。

二维码(QR codes)

错误代码 二维码图像 将导向
1 ARG QR Code 1.png 链接
2 ARG QR Code 2.png 链接
3 ARG QR Code 3.png 链接
4 ARG QR Code 4.png 链接
5 ARG QR Code 5.png 链接
6 ARG QR Code 6.png 链接
7 ARG QR Code 7.png 链接
8 ARG QR Code 8.png 链接

Day 4

On 22 June 2012, 15:00 PDT, a mysterious blog post[1] was written by the Pyro. This corresponds to the text on the Damaged Capacitor which reads '6.22V1500', giving a time and date of 6/22/12 15:00 PDT (the time zone in which Valve resides). The post reads:

"Mmmmph mmmmph, mmmmm mmmmmp mmmmmph. Mmmmmph mpm! 
 Mmmmmph mph mm! Hm mmmmmph, hmmmmph mm mmmmmph mmmmmph!"

Replacing the long words with dashes and the short words with dots reveals a message in Morse code.

 –– –––  –• –•• •– –•––
 M   O   N   D   A   Y

The following Monday, the Pyromania Update was announced.

Note: The 2012年6月27日补丁 incinerated the Mysterious Treasures into piles of Ash with the exception of the renamed Barely-Melted Capacitor and the Fireproof Secret Diary which retained their appearance. The 2012年7月11日补丁 removed the Ash, again skipping over the Diary and the Capacitor.

曼恩 vs. 机器

Day 1

The TF2 website as it appeared with the blood spot

On August 10, 2012, a bloodstain appeared on the site logo on the TF2 blog, which led to a hidden page containing the birth certificate of the previously unknown third Mann brother, Gray Mann. It is stated that he absconded with the unknown entity 'EAGLE'.

The 2012年8月10日补丁 added Carrier tanks to 2Fort, Badwater Basin, Doublecross, and Granary. They can be seen in the distance standing motionless.

Day 2

The appearance of the second blood spot

On August 11, 2012, a second bloodstain appeared on the site logo, this time leading to a hidden page containing the now fully revealed last will of Zepheniah Mann. The missing lines disclose that he was being blackmailed by his son Gray and, in response, Zepheniah left Elizabeth his hidden cache of 'miracle' gravel.

In the 2012年8月11日补丁, the Barely-Melted Capacitor was updated to be equippable and several class-specific hashes were added to the Item schema.

Record Value
scout_md5_314 40119059ad74854a84f78a102fb6048d
soldier_md5_516 5f99cc6e57a84e6c52f6df772196a7ef
pyro_md5_323 a8a7188d6911026801eb1a6279d7f0b9
demo_md5_372 1c2594a0d12aba24d304487742205f04
heavy_md5_308 2eb157506d8ca40c919541741b04d432
medic_md5_328 6c5d3d7ea48af4c8ceb8eb801c65de84
engineer_md5_500 928b4eba739114893aff40614aa74b17
sniper_md5_276 6aa6787bc62adcd3d646164c9b68f026
spy_md5_65 5696492788ca11dd2f1eaa9f5294e3d2

When high-fiving a player who has equipped the Barely-Melted Capacitor, text will be printed to the chat box. Each player can see three unique messages, depending on the class of the other person.

The text takes the form of this sample output (Text in italics varies from person to person):

 Medic says: Did you hear the story from 1252 where Destruction PDA, Buzz Killer, Something Special for Someone Special, Ubersaw,
 Cowardly Mound, Crate, Buzz Killer, Frying Pan, and the Administrator walked into a bar?

The class listed in the text represents a sequence of data that corresponds with one of the MD5 checksums, and the items and characters listed in the text represent a subsequence of that sequence. The number corresponds to the position of the subsequence. An in-game example.

After several communities collected the outputs from high-fiving with a capacitor, the item names were mapped to hex codes. It was found that each class's outputs formed various file formats; The Scout, Pyro, Heavy, and Medic corresponded to a png file, the Soldier to a bmp file, the Demoman to a zip file, the Engineer to a text file containing C++ code, the Sniper to a MIDI file, and the Spy to a link that led to a zip file containing a KeePass key file. The image files were QR codes, the zip file contained ASCII art, the MIDI contained morse code, and the C++ code outputted text. It was found that these words corresponded to hex using the PGP word list.

Class Outputs

Class Output
Scout scout.png
Soldier soldier.bmp
Pyro pyro.png
Heavy heavy.png
Engineer C++ code
Medic medic.png
Sniper Sniper.mid
Spy Spy.kdbx

PGP word list mapping

Class Format PGP Word Even/Odd Hex
Scout PNG Adult Even 05
Soldier BMP Councilman Odd 3B
Pyro PNG Baboon Even 14
Demoman ZIP Apollo Odd 0A
Heavy PNG Goldfish Even 05
Engineer C++ Code Resistor Odd C5
Medic PNG Goggles Even 6D
Sniper MIDI Unicorn Odd EC
Spy Keypass Database N/A N/A N/A

The password to the Spy's keypass database was the previous class's numeric byte values strung together in order, 053B140A6EC56DEC. The file contained an image of a QR code, which when XOR-ed with the other QR code images led to this link.

The link contained an image describing a recipe of 8 items, which, when crafted together, caused a system-wide alert in-game, notifying players that a new comic, Blood Brothers, was available.

In the aforementioned recipe list image, the letters T, O, B, O and R are visibly stained by blood; this forms the word "TOBOR". There is also a Tour of Duty Ticket stuck to the back with a paper clip.

Day 3

On August 12, a blog post entitled Blood Brothers went live, announcing that the ARG had been completed. The post said that Valve expected the comic with the same name to be discovered in a couple of weeks, and not twelve hours, as it turned out. A link to the comic was also included in the post.

Day 4

On August 13, the Mann vs. Machine update was officially announced.[1]
