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“无魔咒” HUD 图标

魔咒是于万圣节地图中出现的一种可拾取物品,它们最初在地图 Helltower 中出现,并陆续加入到其它万圣节地图中。




在地图 Helltower 中,普通魔咒会在玩家推动车辆或死亡时掉落,也会在灵异时刻随机生成在地图各处。而稀有魔咒只能通过于灵异时刻穿过魔法桥抵达时钟塔,杀死骷髅王或在地狱中战斗而获取。

在地图 Hellstone 中,许多普通魔咒会在地图的各处固定点生成。然而,在任何回合都只有总计 4 个稀有魔咒有机会被玩家拾取。其中三个稀有魔咒位于地图的封锁区域,需要通过推车进度与游戏时间才能进行解锁:第一个位于无头骑士之房(Horsemanns House)的一楼,它会在第二个检查点被蓝队抵达时开启;第二个位于通向最终检查点的门控侧洞中;第三个位于红队最终出生点的倾斜屋顶上。而第四个稀有魔咒则会在骷髅王被击杀时掉落。

在地图 Carnival of Carnage 中,普通魔咒依然会在地图的各处固定点生成,而唯一的稀有魔咒生成点分布在门票刷新点附近,它会以较慢的速度定期生成一个稀有魔咒。


主条目 万圣节地图社区展示:魔咒(英文)



  • 火球(Fireball):两次充能。施法后向目标方向发射一团可在大半径范围内点燃敌人的火球。这一投射物不受重力影响,类似发射出的火箭弹,但它们无法被压缩空气反弹。雇佣兵们会在施法时咏唱“caputus crepitus”。
  • 暗影之跃(Teleport):两次充能。施法后为玩家恢复 30 点生命值,并向目标方向投出一团烟雾状的魔法球,该魔法球在接触到一个表面后会将施法者传送到其接触区域,但玩家不能够利用该魔咒进入敌方的重生室。这一投射物受重力影响,且如果直接击中敌方玩家则会造成少量伤害。雇佣兵们会在施法时咏唱“ipsum instantarium”。这一魔咒仅在地图 Helltower 中出现。
  • 超级高跳(Blast Jump):两次充能。施法后为玩家恢复 25 点生命值,并让玩家从垂直方向跃起一大段距离,其高度足以让玩家受到一次坠落伤害,但也会在着陆后对周围小范围内的敌人造成伤害。该魔咒可以在空中释放,因此也可以两次连用。雇佣兵们会在施法时咏唱“amplus tripudio”。
  • 超级治疗(Uber Heal): Single charge. ÜberCharges the spell-caster and all allies within 275 HU and quickly refills their health up to an overhealed amount of up to twice their maximum health. The uber lasts for 1 second and healing lasts for 3 seconds. The Heavy will not reach 600 health in a single spell cast due to the spell timing out beforehand, but a subsequent cast can. Also pushes back enemies from the user. The mercenary will say "barpo kabalto" while performing the spell.
  • 蝙蝠之潮(Ball O' Bats): Two charges. Shoots a glowing ball that quickly falls in a steep arch, exploding in a small radius upon impact. Enemies hit will be assaulted by bats, causing them to fly into the air and bleed. The mercenary will say "deus invictus" while performing the spell. This spell does not appear on Carnival of Carnage.
  • 南瓜地雷阵(Pumpkin MIRV): Single charge. Throws a bomb that produces a ring of small team-colored pumpkin bombs once it hits something. The pumpkin bombs produced will only explode and deal damage when shot by the spell-caster's team; if they are shot by the other team, they simply disappear. Note that these pumpkins cause damage to all players, regardless of team color. The mercenary will say "pactum diabolus" while performing the spell.
  • 潜行(Stealth): Single charge. Temporarily cloaks the spell-caster for 8 seconds. The spell-caster is fully able to attack but is unable to push the cart while under the effects of the spell. Also heals the user for 40 health on use. Skeletons are not affected and will still attack the spell-caster even if invisible. The mercenary will say "barpo invisium" while performing the spell.


  • 召唤魔眼(Summon MONOCULUS): Fires a skull at the area. Upon impact, summons a ghostly team-colored MONOCULUS (smaller than the normal MONOCULUS) that begins to attack enemies. Should both teams summon a MONOCULUS, they will attack each other when there are no players of the opposite team to attack. The mercenary will say "invokum MONOCULUS" while performing the spell.
  • 骷髅大军(Summon Skeletons): Fires a skull at the area. Upon impact, explodes into several team-colored Skeletons which begin to attack enemies. If not destroyed, skeletons suicide after 30 seconds have passed. The mercenary will say "mortis animataris" while performing the spell. This spell does not appear on Carnival of Carnage.
  • 雷电之球(Ball O' Lightning): Fires a wave of electricity that continuously damages enemies it touches and sucks them in. It will vanish after a certain amount of time or if it directly hits a large obstacle. The mercenary will say "imputum fulumenus" while performing the spell.
  • 流星坠落(Meteor Storm): Fires a fire ball. Upon impact, summons several meteors above the targeted area, which do massive damage to enemies in a range about 1.5 times the size of a capture point. The mercenary will say "seismela tremoro" while performing the spell.
  • 浑身来劲(Power Up): Causes the spell-caster to shrink and gain a big head. Results in the spell-caster becoming more difficult to hit, gaining a significant boost to their movement, attack, and reload speed, taking greatly increased knockback, having unlimited jumping capacity, and switching over to third-person camera. Also heals the user for 100 health on use. Spell-casters under the effect of Minify can also enter tiny mouse holes that teleport them to opposite ends of the map. The mercenary will say "paidum celeris" while performing the spell.


While competing in the bumper-kart minigames of Carnival of Carnage, a different set of spells are available.

  • 炸弹上头(Bombinomicon Head): Applies a bomb to the player's head, which does 50% damage upon exploding to the user and nearby enemies. It explodes either when its timer runs out or the user makes a head-on collision with an enemy.
  • 拳击火箭(Boxing Rocket): Fires a giant boxing glove forwards, similar to a rocket. Has a range of about four car lengths. The mercenary will say "deus invictus" while performing the spell.
  • 极限降落(B.A.S.E. Jump): A variant of the Blast Jump spell where a B.A.S.E. Jumper parachute is used, allowing the player to fall slowly until they reach the floor. Pressing the jump button will stow the parachute and end the spell early; the parachute cannot be reactivated in the same way. Activating the spell near an enemy will launch them a small distance as well. The mercenary will say "amplus tripudio" while performing the spell.
  • 超级治疗(Uber Heal): Operates differently than the normal variant. It heals 50% damage instantly and leaves the player invulnerable for significantly longer. It also does not affect teammates. The mercenary will say "barpo kabalto" while performing the spell.


另见: Obtaining Halloween achievements

Pumpkin.png 2013 年万圣节成就(Bereavements)

使用魔咒杀死 25 名玩家


2013年10月29日补丁 (尖叫要塞 2013)
  • Added a Halloween Map: Helltower.
    • Equip a spell book and cast spells against your enemies.
    • Spells can be found by pushing the cart, killing enemies, and during the Witching hour.
    • The Clocktower contains powerful magic during the Witching hour.
    • Win the race to start mega healed in the final battle for your prize.


  • Fixed cloaked Spies losing their spells if they attempted to cast them while cloaked.
  • Fixed the stealth spell only lasting for 2 seconds instead of 8 seconds.
  • Fixed players keeping their spells if they were rolling for them while leaving hell.
  • Updated spells so they cannot be deflected.


  • Increased speed and damage of the lightning ball spell.
  • Fixed some items and spell attributes showing incorrect expiration times.
  • Fixed being able to get into the enemy spawn with the teleport spell in Helltower.


  • Player condition #66 (used by the invisibility spell) has been altered:
    • Weapons now fire slower
    • Spies can attack while cloaked with only a short time of semi transparency as the cost


  • Halloween spells can now be enabled and controlled on servers via ConVars tf_spells_enabled and tf_player_spell_drop_on_death_rate
  • Halloween spells can now be enabled by map authors via HolidayEntity by setting the flag HalloweenSetUsingSpells


  • Reduced the number of Fireball spells granted to 2. (This was already the case; the Fireball spell has always had 2 charges ever since its introduction to the game.)
  • Updated the tf_spells_enabled ConVar
    • Removed the Teleport spell from the general spell list when spells are enabled outside of Helltower.
    • Added rare spells to the general spell list, except Skeletons and Monoculus.


  • Fixed the Teleport spell not appearing in Helltower.
  • Fixed rare spells appearing in regular Helltower spellbook pick-ups.


  • Fixed an exploit that involved players killing teammates with the meteor spell by switching to Spectator.

2015年10月28日补丁 (尖叫要塞 2015)

  • Lowered damage of the "bats" spell from 60 to 40.


  • Updated the "tiny" spellbook spell.
    • Fixed a case where players could get outside the world.
    • Fixed not switching Heavies to their melee weapon.


  • Magic spells cannot be used if weapon switching is disabled, such as when under the restrictive effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich or Half-Zatoichi.
  • The Ball O' Bats can hit ghosts of the enemy team, triggering the knockback and bleed visuals with no further effect.
  • When decloaking from the Stealth spell as a Spy, the sound of the decloak is the same as his currently equipped watch.
  • Spectators can be caught in the Ball O' Lightning. They will be pushed around as if they were a player.
  • Multiple MONOCULUSes spawned by the same team will attack each other should there be no viable targets, or if they are spawned close enough to each other.
  • As a Spy, if disguised as a player who does not have a Spellbook equipped, you cannot pick up Spells until undisguised or disguised as someone who does have a Spellbook.
  • The eye effect from the Eyelander will not cloak while under the effects of the Stealth spell.
  • While using the Minify spell, kills with the Eyelander or its variants will not add to the player's head count.
  • If the Minify spell wears off while the player's resized character model is within any solid entity (most often a ceiling), the player will forcibly suicide.
    • This is to prevent players from being stuck in the environment and getting out of the map.
  • The spell animation for the playermodel does not play at all and will instead put the player in a melee pose.


  • 暗影之跃(Teleport)的作用机制类似于《虚幻竞技场》(Unreal Tournament)中的传送器(Translocator),以及《我的世界》中的末影珍珠(Ender Pearl)。
  • 南瓜地雷阵(Pumpkin MIRV)名称中的字母“MIRV”是“multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle”(分导式多弹头再入飞行器)的缩写。
  • The Bombinomicon Head spell reuses the voice lines from the Merasmus boss fight on Ghost Fort, resulting in some voice lines erroneously telling the player to "run at that wizard." despite him not showing up in any of the bumper car sections.
  • Only kills with the Ball O' Lightning, direct kills with the Fireball and kills while under the effects of the Minify spell will count towards a Strange Haunted cosmetic in Carnival of Carnage.
  • The voice lines used for each spell are a mix of pseudo-Latin and pseudo-English words with minor connotations to the attached spell:
    • Fireball: caputus crepitus, "crepitus" means "loud noise" or "explosion"
    • Teleport: ipsum instantarium, contains the English "instant". "Ipsum" refers to the placeholder text Lorem Ipsum.
    • Superjump: amplus tripudio, "large hop"
    • Ball O' Bats: deus invictus, "invincible god", probably intended for the Healing Aura spell
    • Healing Aura: barpo kabalto, no connotations, although the line seems to be mixed up with the Ball O' Bats spell
    • Pumpkin MIRV: pactum diabolus, "deal with the devil"
    • Invisiblity: barpo invisium, contains the English "invisible"
    • Summon MONOCULUS: invokum monoculus, "invoke MONOCULUS"
    • Summon Skeletons: mortis animataris, "mortis" means "dead", so it becomes "animate the dead"
    • Tesla Bolt: imputum fulumenus, "fulumenus" means "lighting" or "thunderbolt"
    • Meteor Shower: seismela tremoro, mix of the English "seismic" and the Latin "tremors"
    • Minify: paidum celeris, "celeris" means "fast"