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Toate timpurile sunt în secunde. Timpurile sunt aproximative și determinate de testarea comunității.
Toate timpurile sunt în secunde. Timpurile sunt aproximative și determinate de testarea comunității.
== Discovery ==
== Descoperirea ==
The material file containing the kill notification icon also contains an [[Media:Coded Letter.png|encrypted message]] saying,
Fişierul din conţinutul materialelor pentru joc în care apar notificările despre ucideri conține și un [[Media:Coded Letter.png|mesaj encriptat]] ce spune,
{{Blockquote|"lek/NIxV HkQ6U RDB FXV/R s1Hefy yiY6t e76mmuL. So misJJ3k ivV9g Vy6X5 oepq sP7R/?"}}
{{Blockquote|"lek/NIxV HkQ6U RDB FXV/R s1Hefy yiY6t e76mmuL. So misJJ3k ivV9g Vy6X5 oepq sP7R/?"}}
This text can be [http://www.myersdaily.org/joseph/javascript/alphac.html decrypted] with the key "saxtonhale", revealing the message,
Acest text poate fi [http://www.myersdaily.org/joseph/javascript/alphac.html decriptat] cu cheia "saxtonhale", arătând mesajul,
{{Blockquote|"Clearly here is more space than needed. I wonder what else was here?"}}
{{Blockquote|"Clearly here is more space than needed. I wonder what else was here?"}}
Such a message implies that the Golden Wrench was intended to be discovered within the game files. The message is likely referring to the large 512 × 1024 image that only contained the Golden Wrench's kill icon, the message and link to the decrypter.
Acest mesaj arată faptul că Cheia Franceză Aurie era destinată să fie găsită în fișierele jocului. Acest mesaj probabil are legătură cu imaginea 512 x 1024 care conține imaginea de ucidere a Cheii Franceze Aurii, mesajul și linkul la decritor.
On the night of July 4, 2010, sixteen accounted for players received the Golden Wrench after a drop was triggered by Robin.  
În noaptea de Iulie 4, 2010, 16 jucători numiți au primit Cheia Franceză Aurie după ce primul drop a fost dat de Robin.
On July 5, 2010, it was [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/wrenchlog/ revealed] that there is a possible limit of 100 wrenches to be dropped over the next few days. According to the page, it can be inferred that it was only found by random chance when anything is crafted (although it was later revealed by Drunken F00l that the wrenches drop at set times, not randomly). When a player received a Golden Wrench all TF2 clients received a broadcast message, the count on [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/ The Engineer Update] page was updated, and the player's name appeared in the  
On July 5, 2010, it was [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/wrenchlog/ revealed] that there is a possible limit of 100 wrenches to be dropped over the next few days. According to the page, it can be inferred that it was only found by random chance when anything is crafted (although it was later revealed by Drunken F00l that the wrenches drop at set times, not randomly). When a player received a Golden Wrench all TF2 clients received a broadcast message, the count on [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/ The Engineer Update] page was updated, and the player's name appeared in the  

Revision as of 01:06, 4 September 2010

Template:Weapon infobox

That there is a gold-plated kill!
The Engineer

Cheia Franceză Aurită este o înlocuitoare exclusivă pentru Cheia Franceză pentru Inginer. Este diferită față de Cheia Franceză normală prin înfățișare și pictograma de ucidere a inamicului, și inamicii omorâți de ea devin statui nemișcate de aur în locul corpuli normal. În rest, este identică cu Cheia Franceză normală.

Arma obișnuia să fie luată prin procese normale de craftat, cu o șansă ca o Cheie Franceză Aurită să pice de asemenea. Nu mai poate fii găsită sau craftată.

Doar 100 de Chei Franceze sunt disponibile. Jucătorii ce primesc o Cheie Franceză Aurită sunt găsiți în Lista Cheii Franceze Aurite Oficială care poate fi ușor accesată apăsând butonul Wrench Log pe pagina de Update a Inginerului. Toate 100 au fost găsite.


  • Distanță Redusă: 65 (de la 59 la 72 pagube)
  • Mini-Crit: 88
  • Lovitură Criticală: 195
  • Pagube Reparate pe Lovitură: 105
  • Îmbunătățiri pe Lovitură: 25 (Aceeași pierdere in metal)
  • Costul Metalului pe Lovitură Reparatoare: 1 + Pagube / 5
  • Costul Metalului pe Reîncărcare : 1 pe Gloanțe, 2 pe Rachete

Pagubele sunt aproximative și determinate din testarea comunității.

Timpi de funcționare

  • Intervalul Atacurilor: 0.8

Toate timpurile sunt în secunde. Timpurile sunt aproximative și determinate de testarea comunității.


Fişierul din conţinutul materialelor pentru joc în care apar notificările despre ucideri conține și un mesaj encriptat ce spune,

"lek/NIxV HkQ6U RDB FXV/R s1Hefy yiY6t e76mmuL. So misJJ3k ivV9g Vy6X5 oepq sP7R/?"

Acest text poate fi decriptat cu cheia "saxtonhale", arătând mesajul,

"Clearly here is more space than needed. I wonder what else was here?"

Acest mesaj arată faptul că Cheia Franceză Aurie era destinată să fie găsită în fișierele jocului. Acest mesaj probabil are legătură cu imaginea 512 x 1024 care conține imaginea de ucidere a Cheii Franceze Aurii, mesajul și linkul la decritor.

În noaptea de Iulie 4, 2010, 16 jucători numiți au primit Cheia Franceză Aurie după ce primul drop a fost dat de Robin.

On July 5, 2010, it was revealed that there is a possible limit of 100 wrenches to be dropped over the next few days. According to the page, it can be inferred that it was only found by random chance when anything is crafted (although it was later revealed by Drunken F00l that the wrenches drop at set times, not randomly). When a player received a Golden Wrench all TF2 clients received a broadcast message, the count on The Engineer Update page was updated, and the player's name appeared in the Official Wrench Log.

When another Golden Wrench was found by a member of the Community, a message appeared to all clients stating the player's name and which number Wrench it was, accompianied by a statement of "Success!" by the Announcer. When a Golden Wrench is destroyed, a similiar message appears alerting all clients to the fact that it has been destroyed, and the Announcer's "Failure!" statement is played.


  • The Golden Wrench uses a kill icon that isn't one of the two normal kill icon colors.
  • Even though enemies killed with the Golden Wrench turn into golden statues, they can still move their facial muscles and cry upon dying. (This is true for normal rag-dolls as well). The sound they make when they hit the ground still sounds like flesh, despite being made of metal.
  • The Golden Wrench is a possible reference to King Midas, who gained the ability, or curse, to transform whatever he touched into solid gold. The Engineer can even state that he's got the Midas Touch when he kills someone with the Golden Wrench.
  • The Golden Wrench might be plated with Australium, a "transformative" metal mentioned in the comic "Loose Canon" [1]
    • A possible clue to this is that prolonged exposure to Australium leads to a love of physical violence. (as shown by the progressive hidden pictures of Radigan Conagher in the Engineer update).
    • In the comic Loose Canon, the mysterious woman mentioned to Radigan Conagher that she had managed to collect 100 pounds of Australium. This value may correspond to the 100 available Golden Wrenches.
  • The Golden Wrench does not turn enemy Hats and Misc. items into gold.
  • The Golden Wrench freezes jiggle bones.
  • The "turn to gold" attribute is hard coded to the Golden Wrench - meaning if it is added to another weapon using a server plugin, it will not cause killed enemies to turn to gold.
  • It was once possible to craft the Golden Wrench using the 'Fabricate Class Weapons' blueprint. However it was impossible to create an Engineer token so nobody was able to do so. Valve then fixed the Wrench so that it could not be crafted altogether.
  • Valve disabled the ability to smelt metal back into scrap during this time. This was likely to stop metal craft spamming.
  • The Sniper's gold statue has a higher chance of remaining upright compared to the other classes, due to their disproportionate models.
  • If a Spy is killed by the Golden Wrench while he is holding the Dead Ringer, he will see his own death message even though he normally would not.




See also

Template:AllWeapons Nav