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< Sunshine
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Sunshine main.png
기본 정보
Variants: Sinshine
제작: 알 수 없음
맵 전경
Sunshine overview.png
이 배치 마음에 들어.
Phi가 맵 배치에 대해서

Sunshine은 Phi가 제작한 커뮤니티 기여 맵입니다. 이것은 경쟁전에 초점을 맞춘 맵으로, 6 대 6 경기를 염두에 두고 디자인되었습니다. 이 맵의 특징은 중간에 하나, 제2 점령 지점이 2개, 마지막 점령 지점이 2개이고 각 중앙 점령 지점을 장악할 때마다 대기실이 앞으로 이동하는 표준 5CP배치로 되어 있다는 것입니다. 이 맵은 현재 ESEA, ETF2L, UGC에서 플레이할 수 있습니다. 세간의 인식과는 다르게, Sunshine은 다른 5CP 맵들과 달리 BadlandsProcess와 비슷하게 제2 점령 지점이 나선형 비슷한 구조로 되어 있고 중앙 점령 지점으로 향하는 작은 통로가 있습니다.

Sunshine은 적수를 만나다 업데이트 때 공식 맵에 추가되었고 맵의 핼러윈 버전은 2015년 스크림 포트리스Sinshine이라는 이름으로 공개되었습니다.


  • 대기실/마지막 점령 지점 - 이 지역은 산악 기지 안에 위치에 있습니다. 각종 기구, 로켓, 레드/블루 팀 주요 본부가 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
  • 제2 점령 지점/등대 -
  • 중앙 점령 지점/종탑 -

지점 점령 시간

지점 점령 인원수
지점 점령 1 및 5 ×1
4 .600
3 .067
2 .509
2 .208
지점 점령 2 및 4 ×1
14 .000
9 .333
7 .636
6 .720
지점 점령 3 ×1
22 .000
14 .667
12 .000
10 .560

변경 내역

이것은 맵이 게임에 추가되기 전의 변경 내역입니다.
변경 내역:


  • Blocked sightline from cafe to second
  • Raised said door 8u
  • Moved cover from cafe to mid in order to make standing on tetris unable to see players pushing through cafe
  • Moved and raised doorways exiting cafe in order to support pushing through more
  • Moved high ground next to lighthouse down by 48u, aligning it with the high exit from lobby
  • Extended out high exit from lobby to make fighting easier
  • Changed cover in flowers/valley in order to prevent players standing on fences, and seeing too much
  • Moved barrel arrangement on shutter door side of last back 32u
  • Raised fence between choke and second by 32u to block sightline
  • Opened up the wall between left and right lobby
  • Fixed visual glitch with one way windows in last spawn
  • Simplified cubbyhole in bottom lobby
  • Pushed upper side choke into last forward a bit, created new space for teams to play in – entrance is now closer to last
  • Extended fence next to upper side choke to ceiling to prevent players from standing on top
  • Major changes to shutter door side of last: if you enter shutter door, you can no longer be spotted from players in last and you have a safer entrance area around pack
  • Moved shutter door over significantly, eliminating line of sight from shutter into last
  • Shifted around geometry in shutter side lobby to better work with sightlines and encourage teams to use shutter side more
  • Filled in useless area that used to connect to what used to be secret
  • Edited displacements on mid to make the sightline under the church unusable
  • Added planks underneath church to make sightline under church from choke to choke unusable
  • Shortened openings on long sides of church to make visibility from shack more limited


  • reduced file size drastically (repacking!)
  • increased performance, optimization, and FPS across the map
  • can't stand on wooden palette on last to see over boxes into lobby anymore
  • clipping on structure behind last point refined
  • aligned texture on metal beams above last
  • changed all models/props_spytech/computer_wall03.mdl to *_wall04
  • added one wooden palette to block slim sightline from last spawn
  • moved medium ammo on low ground on last back to old spot
  • refined displacements on mid
  • removed two lights at flower in valley
  • removed shadows on wood doors
  • removed benches right outside of spawn
  • clipped off a hiding spot in lobby
  • extended high platform in valley towards mid slightly
  • added box near high platform in valley to allow scouts to jump
  • widened wooden ramp up to mid platform slightly
  • expanded high ground next to lighthouse slightly
  • filled in gap underneath wooden stairs next to mid forward spawn
  • fixed a case where you could see the nodraw side of a brush
  • extended the high ground near the staircase near choke on last by about 48 u
  • fixed spectator cam on BLU last being linked to the RED last point instead of BLU
  • added spectator cameras on second
  • removed props in scaffolding under roof in lower lobby (above the healthkit used in rollout)
  • removed tiled “brick” props on blu side near flowers and mid
  • removed unnecessary brushwork on ceiling through cafe
  • removed garbage props in cafe
  • removed smaller arch doorway detail bits nearby pack on second and in flowers
  • detailed the mid building some more – everything is blockbulleted and clipped, don't worry
  • optimization pass, lots of hinting
  • massive prop fade pass
  • lighting changeups, less blinding whites now

rc8 (from rc7)

  • removed double door
  • instead, made it a single thin door
  • pushed entrance point back a little bit
  • eliminated sightlines to shutter
  • lifted box up to protect against sightline that went over it
  • added barrel on side of prop pile in order to prevent the corner sightline
  • moved boxes in tile room over a slight bit to prevent sightline from spawn
  • Tyler’s door, aka the small door situated at 45° off of tile room, has been moved slightly
  • spawn changes
  • moved resupply cabinets forward slightly
  • angled doors perpendicular to the large wall on last rather than parallel
  • lowered right door, staircase is now outside spawn instead of inside
  • one-way windows à la snakewater
  • eliminated secret
  • subtly changed capzone on last
  • removed computers you could stand on behind last
  • fixed teleporter bugs
  • extensive clipping pass and prop clippings
  • extensive fps improvements, will not be perfect but it will run better than rc7
  • occluders optimized
  • hint brushes worked on extensively
  • more prop fades
  • prop optimization - removing certain poly-heavy props and various little clutter
  • streamlined various roof edges
  • fixed many texture bugs and lighting errors
  • no more spinning lighthouse
  • polish
  • deer


  • fixed cubemaps
  • various little things


  • Added new route to last, removed a route
  • Hopefully made the announcer work
  • Slight HDR
  • 3d skybox
  • Made valley less complex
  • No more rocks
  • Simplified bloating custom textures a little
  • Optimization
  • General fixes here and there and here and there
  • More secret deer


  • reworked lots of little tiny areas
  • expanded lobby
  • smoothed various portions of the map
  • better clipping
  • more optimization


  • Detailed the entire map
  • Rearranged various health pickups
  • Added gully-like 'secret' area to last
  • Expanded platform on side of last
  • Changed geometry of lots of areas in general
  • Tons of custom content (and deer)!


  • detailing
  • tons of other little things


  • Reworked a LOT of the 2nd point overall
  • Changed the flank route to a more open, available route
  • Shortened main choke
  • Simplified other routes from 2nd to mid
  • Smaller capzone on mid
  • Better and more smooth clipping and routes around and under point
  • Pit at second moved closer to the point
  • Underground route straightened out a bit
  • Platform at last extended out a bit
  • Spawntimes changed slightly
  • More deer
  • Various other little things
  • General optimization


  • changed mid entirely
  • more OoB architecture
  • changed lobby a bit
  • added paths and ramps to previously inaccessible places
  • tons of little other things


  • detail sprites and alpha painting
  • a little tighter choke between mid and 2nd
  • a little brighter indoor areas
  • marked capzones
  • various little things
  • signs


  • made the map. wheeeee

업데이트 내역

2016년 7월 7일 패치 #1 (적수를 만나다 업데이트)

  • Sunshine이 게임에 추가되었습니다.

2016년 8월 16일 패치

  • cp_sunshine을 업데이트해서 몇몇 끼이는 문제를 수정했습니다.
