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這個條目的內容是介紹萬聖節地圖 Brimstone。關於其他同名的 Brimstone,請見Brimstone (disambiguation)
Brimstone (map)
Pl fifthcurve event.png
開發者: {{{map-developer}}}
所處地區: 萬聖節
環境設定: 夜間,陰沉
特定致死因素: 連馬都沒有的無頭騎士
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Brimstone (map) overview.png
Brimstone 的宣傳簡介

Brimstone 是一個在 2016萬聖節更新Steam 工作坊新增到休閒地圖的推車護送模式地圖。這是社群在推車護送地圖中Fifthcurve的萬聖節版本。

With the exception of the two buildings housing the [[藍隊/zh-hant|]] Base and 藍隊's forward spawn, all buildings are marked for [[紅隊/zh-hant|]], with a number of interiors decorated as [[Non-player characters#藍隊tarch and 紅隊mond Mann|紅隊mond Mann/zh-hant|]]'s personal quarters or offices. The battle portrays 藍隊 pushing the risen 紅隊mond in the Payload cart to deliver him back to Hell; 藍隊tarch and Veikko/zh-hant| are already there, [[:File:Brimstone 藍隊tarch's Grave 01.png|waiting/zh-hant|]].

The map features the voice of Merasmus/zh-hant, who casts spells on players for their suffering. The Horseless Headless Horsemann/zh-hant, the Skeleton King/zh-hant| and his minions, and MONOCULUS/zh-hant may appear. Merasmus himself may even appear if too much time is taken in the last area.

Comparing this map with the previous year's Hellstone/zh-hant map, both are single-stage, five-point Payload maps having about the same distance to cover. However, whereas Hellstone is close and tight, Brimstone is more open with long sight lines and a series of defensive upper-story sniping positions. Progressively stronger bosses can spawn ahead of the cart as it is pushed through both maps. Instead of monsters spawning at guaranteed p紅隊ictable events, this map's monsters spawn with some spontaneity. Maybe the Horsemann or MONOCULUS will show up when the cart gets far enough, maybe not. Maybe Merasmus/zh-hant will show up soon after the fourth point is captu紅隊, maybe only as the cart is on the edge of the Pit, or maybe not at all.

In the spaces between the last two capture points lie a number of scatte紅隊 coffins showing a white light within. Sometime after the fourth point is captu紅隊, the lids of these coffins disappear and a hidden haunted calliope/zh-hant| winds up and plays Misfortune Teller/zh-hant|. Players who "go into the light" are transported to a Hell populated with rare Magic Spells, Skeletons, and, usually, other players shooting at them.

Brimstone contributed 貢獻給Steam 工作坊


Note: The map's 5 control points are named after spellbook page/zh-hant|s.

Also note: If you are having trouble with finding the locations listed here, you can scroll down to the Helpful overview/zh-hant| section to see their exact position marked on the map.
  • Lumber Mill: The map opens on a fairly simple, large, open yard of a lumber mill. Even though the tracks run through low ground, some cover is provided by map structures until the cart reaches a long inclined slope.
  • Garage: After the inclined slope, the track turns into the long interior of the Garage; this track has a straight line of sight from the 藍隊 base. However, just before the capture point, the track turns into the capture point between two inclined slopes that are exposed to a range of 紅隊 fire.
  • Tumidum (A): Capture of the first point causes the opening of the shortcut between 藍隊 Base and Gratanter (B). Capture of the first point also causes the arrival of Merasmus (voice only), who shortly after begins casting spells on the players.
  • Wet Paint!: Shortly after the first point, the track has two alternate courses around the tower in the middle of the square. Selection of the path taken is random, complicating 紅隊's defense of this section.
  • 藍隊's advanced spawn: In the corner behind Wet Paint!, the advanced spawn for 藍隊 has two alternate sets of doors; the first set of doors open on the side of Gratanter (B), while the second set of doors open on the side of Audere (C).
  • Gratanter (B): Capture of the second point opens 藍隊's advanced spawn doors on that side. This capture also switches 紅隊 to its second spawn.
  • Satellite Dish/Library/Dump Truck: The two-story Library has a commanding view of Gratanter (B) and the Dump Truck choke point. If he spawns, the Horseless Headless Horsemann spawns between the Library and the concrete blocks (behind the bunch of autumn leaves).
  • First 紅隊 Spawn: The Skeleton King's spawn point is inside the alcove to the right of the 紅隊 spawn.
  • Audere (C): Capture of the third point switches 藍隊's advanced spawn doors to this side, and switches 紅隊 spawning to the final 紅隊 Base.
  • Brick building: A small, two story building made out of brick which sits right in front of second checkpoint.
  • Sniper Nest: The Sniper Nest commands the approach to Congeriae (D). Decently supplied with Ammo, it has good communication with the second 紅隊 spawn in the Warehouse and, given proper support, is difficult to take with a frontal assault.
  • Warehouse: The Warehouse sets up a battle over the long hall with opposing balconies, which are secure to either side.
  • Congeriae (D): Some time after the capture of the fourth point, as the game progresses, several coffins in the final area open white portals to the island in Hell.
  • Veteris (E): Capturing this point returns 紅隊mond to Hell. The blast unleashes the fires and bats out of Hell. The Gibus/zh-hant-wearing Ghost that has been following the action is seen flying away.
  • Hell Island: (Hell Pit) The Underworld of this map has an island surrounded by infernal lava/zh-hant|.
    • Hell Island has two sections, and at the distant end of each section is a glowing white portal exit back to the map. Three Rare Magic Spells pickups are available in each section. Several Skeletons spawn near the exits and chase down any players.
      • One section, Purgatory, is reached by jumping through the purple portals left by teleporting MONOCULUS or jumping into the Bombinomicon that appears if Merasmus is defeated.
      • The other section is reached by entering the coffins while the white portals are open or by jumping into the portal opened when MONOCULUS is killed.
    • On entering the Underworld, players receive a very brief Invulnerability/zh-hant.
    • Players on the island suffer the health drain/zh-hant| that increases in damage over time.
    • When exiting the Underworld through a white portal, players receive Invulnerability, overheal, speed boost, and crit boost/zh-hant|, each for limited times.
    • Teleporters/zh-hant and other buildings/zh-hant cannot be placed in the Underworld.


Brimstone Steam 03.png

Several of the spells that Merasmus casts have effects similar to those experienced on Ghost Fort/zh-hant or Moonshine Event/zh-hant; however, many spells he casts have no effect other than a sound cue. Spells that have notable effects on players include:

  • Tiny Melee Curse: All players are shrunk and restricted to melee weapons. The "Day of Defeat" anthem adapted for DeGroot Keep/zh-hant plays through to the end of the curse. Players that are on uneven ground or are too close to a wall or some other object at the end of the curse suffer a crushing/zh-hant| death.
  • The Crit Boostening: All players are granted 100% critical hits.
  • Super Speed: All players run faster.


The Halloween enemies have randomized chances of spawning at various times or capture points.

  • Two ghost/zh-hants spawn at random times and places, taking randomly selected fixed courses. These Ghosts continue to haunt the action around the cart as it moves through the map.
    • The Gibus/zh-hant-wearing Ghost spawns from the beginning of the round and takes course generally supportive of 藍隊 (entering openings from 藍隊's direction).
    • When the Tumidum (A) point is captu紅隊, a second hatless ghost spawns in the rear area of the 紅隊 team. This Ghost's paths tend to follow the tracks, occasionally interfering with 藍隊's push.
  • At any time between the captures of Tumidum (A) and Congeriae (D), the Skeleton King and several skeletons may be summoned by one of Merasmus' random spells.
  • At any capture of either Gratanter (B) or Audere (C), there is a one-in-eight[1] chance of the Horseless Headless Horsemann/zh-hant appearing.
    • The Horsemann (B) should center on Audere and does not chase players much further than either Wet Paint! or Congeriae.
    • The Horsemann (C) should work its way towards Veteris and, once near there, does not chase players much further back than Congeriae.
  • At any capture of Congeriae (D), there is a one-in-eight chance of MONOCULUS/zh-hant appearing, spawning over the open lava pit/zh-hant| in direct view of the capture point.[1]
  • If play continues for more than 6.666666666666667 minutes (400 seconds) after capture of Congeriae (D), Merasmus/zh-hant appears some time in the next 20 seconds, should the game continue that long.[2]


主條目: Community Brimstone strategy


2016年10月21日更新 (2016萬聖節更新)
  • 新增地圖: Brimstone 到休閒模式選單中。


  • 修正紅隊玩家可進入藍隊第二重生室的問題
  • 修正無法碰觸到地獄中骷髏的牙齒的問題
  • 修正地獄的棺材旋律和小魔咒曲有時候會從前一回合持續撥放到下一回合的問題
  • 修正罕見情況下玩家會掉進熔岩的問題
  • 修正無法碰觸到紅隊第二基地的大南瓜的問題。


  • 修正玩家能鑽進接近藍隊起始區域附近的地面之下的漏洞
  • 修正玩家能在接近墓地附近的地方走到地圖之外的漏洞
  • 修正藍隊玩家可進入紅隊基地的問題
  • 修正某些地獄中的骷髏在沒有敵人的時候會自動跳進熔岩的問題
  • 修正中世紀縮身術&其他魔拉斯莫斯魔咒效果會在某些客戶端中持續太久的問題
  • 修正地圖時間結束時鬼魂會被卡住的問題* 修正玩家以縮身術進入某處後會卡住的問題
  • 修正另一處無法碰觸到的南瓜
  • 調整紅隊在最終區域的重生時間。


  • 現在玩家離開地獄可獲得爆擊加成以及短暫的無敵效果。
  • 紅隊只剩下最後一個點時,重生時間略微增加。
  • 修復了 Monoculus 有時會把玩家卡住的問題。
  • 修復了會讓玩家困在地獄中的問題。
  • 調整了摩拉斯莫斯的路線以防止他直接進到紅隊的最終重生點。


  • 修復了玩家可以刷屏“逃出了冥界”的問題。




  • 地獄高塔 ,紅德蒙得被帶到地獄。
  • Gorge Event,紅德蒙得.曼恩帶著棺材從地獄逃了出來;藍隊襲擊了他的豪宅,把他送回地獄去。



  1. 地獄高塔
  2. Brimstone
  3. Gravestone
