Szkocki Opór

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< Scottish Resistance
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Ubież spodnie mądrości, ponieważ Szkocki Opór jest myślącą wyrzutnią bomb samoprzylepnych Demomana.
WAR! Update blurb

Szkocki Opór (skrótem z ang. SR lub ScoRes) jest odblokowywaną drugorzędną bronią dla Demomana. Z wyglądu niemal identyczna do Wyrzutni bomb samoprzylepnych, ma ostrzegawcze kolory na magazynku oraz czujnik przyklejony do lufy za pomocą taśmy. Na czujniku widnieje logo firmy Mann. Co, aczkolwiek częściowo zakryte taśmą. Dodatkowo, wystrzeliwane bomby samoprzylepne są z wyglądu cięższe i posiadają większe, zaokrąglone kolce.

W przeciwieństwie do podstawowej wyrzutni, Szkocki Opór pozwala na wybiórczą aktywację kładzionych bomb. Tylko te w określonym kącie celownika gracza explodują za pomocą odpowiedniego klawisza. Zatem gracz może odpalać kładzione ładunki z bezpiecznej odległości i zza ścian lub trwałych przedmiotów mapy. Bomby, których można użyć, są koloru drużyny gracza, lub białe w przypadku tych dostrzegalnych zza ścian. The number of explodable bombs within sight can be expanded if the player moves backwards, effectively encompassing the Stickybombs in the crosshair radius. This unique function allows several sticky traps to be laid in various locations, but will require the Demoman to keep watch of these areas to know when to spring the trap.

Additionally, the weapon is able to fire bombs at a faster rate, and can deploy six additional bombs for a total of 14 out at any time. The bombs, however, will take longer to prime, preventing players from firing and detonating stickies in the air at enemies effectively. The stickies also have the unique ability to destroy those bombs laid by enemy Demomen. The speed at which bombs are fired is identical to that of the Stickybomb Launcher.

The Scottish Resistance is automatically given to any player who obtains 17 Demoman achievements.


Zobacz też: Damage

Identical to the Stickybomb Launcher

  • Base: 120
  • Max Ramp Up: 115% (138 damage)
  • Max Fall Off: 50% (60 damage)
  • Splash Damage Reduction: 1% per 3.18 Hammer units away from epicenter to a minimum of 50% at 10 feet (159 Hammer units)
  • Splash Radius: 10 feet (159 Hammer units)
  • Mini-Crit: 162
  • 6 ft from explosion: 47-90
  • 3 ft from explosion: 60-124
    • Critical hit: 261
  • Directly Underneath: 103-138
    • Critical hit: 353
  • Self damage: 45-114 (depending on how far you are from the explosion)
    • Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular sticky (45-114)


  1. Explosive damage varies depending on how it hits a player; the larger the classes hit box and the closer you are to the explosion the more damage you will take, the further away from the explosion the less damage you can take. Explosions do the most damage when they happen at the mid point of a player model; the explosion will cover more of the hit box and thus do the most damage. Base damage is the damage done at 512 units before damage variance or bullet spread. Ramp up maxes out at 0 units. Fall off maxes out at 1024 units. Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.
  2. Stickybombs suffer from damage falloff like that of most weapons for the first five seconds of its life. Similarly to the Rocket Launcher, the multiplier at point blank is reduced from 150% to 115%. After those 5 seconds, the Stickybomb's distance multiplier becomes 1.0.

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.45
  • Reload Base: 1.09
  • Additional Reload: 0.67
  • Stickybomb Initialization: 1.72


  1. Reload base is the time it takes to reload the first ammo. Additional reload is the time it takes to reload each ammo after the first. Stickybomb initialization is the time from when the Stickybomb leaves your weapon to when you're allowed to detonate it. All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.
  2. Stickybombs that are close to your feet can be detonated before their initialization period. Because of this, it's possible to detonate a sticky as soon as it leaves your weapon, damaging yourself.


As a Crafting Ingredient

Zobacz też: Crafting
Metal z odzysku Szkocki opór Loch-n-Load
Item icon Reclaimed Metal.pngx2 + Item icon Scottish Resistance.png = Item icon Loch-n-Load.png

Related Achievements

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Zniszcz ze strzelby 10 bomb samoprzylepnych w jednym życiu.

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Rzut Młotem
Rzut Młotem
Podrzuć przeciwnika w powietrze i zabij go, nim wyląduje.

Podwójna Szkocka
Podwójna Szkocka
Zabij 2 przeciwników podczas jednego bombowego skoku.

To Nie Ja
To Nie Ja
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Trzy W Cenie Jednego
Trzy W Cenie Jednego
Zabij co najmniej trzech graczy jedną detonacją bomb samoprzylepnych.

Zniszcz 100 bomb samoprzylepnych wroga Szkockim Oporem.

Szkocka Straż
Szkocka Straż
3 razy zabij pojedynczą detonacją 3 przeciwników zdobywających punkt przejęcia lub pchających wagon.
Drugie Oko
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Zabij 30 przeciwników eksplozjami powietrznymi bomb samoprzylepnych.

Jak Muchy Na Lep
Jak Muchy Na Lep
Korzystając ze Szkockiego oporu, zabij 3 wrogów osobnymi eksplozjami bez podkładania nowych bomb samoprzylepnych.

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Szkocka Sztuka
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W posiadaniu środków produkcji
W posiadaniu środków produkcji
Pozbądź się 20 bomb samoprzylepnych, zabijając Demomanów, którzy je umieścili.

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Jak zabito szkodniki
Zniszcz 50 wrogich bomb samoprzylepnych leżących w pobliżu przyjacielskich konstrukcji.

Update history

May 5, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed deflected Stickybombs becoming Mini-Crits when detonated.
  • Fixed deflected Stickybombs becoming Crits if the Pyro was Crit-boosted.

July 8, 2010 Patch

  • Scottish Resistance now shows location of stickies placed with glow effect. (Only on dxlevel 9 or higher)

September 30, 2010 Patch

  • Scottish Resistance now fires 25% faster and has a 0.2 second longer bomb arm time. (Total bomb arm time is now 0.8 seconds, was 0.6 seconds before.)

December 17, 2010 Patch

  • Added the laser attachment to the world view of the Scottish Resistance.
  • Altered the Scottish Resistance first person viewmodel.

January 19, 2011 Patch

  • The Scottish Resistance now drops the appropriate weapon on death.

February 3, 2011 Patch

  • Updated the Scottish Resistance stickybombs to always glow if they will be detonated by a right-click, including the stickybombs under the Demoman's feet.


  • SR Stickybombs that automatically detonate after a fifteenth bomb is launched will not destroy enemy Stickybombs.
  • If the player automatically reconnects to a server after they timeout, the stickies they have placed will lose their auras, but can still be detonated.
  • When the Demoman is holding the Scottish Resistance while Crit-boosted, only the laser sight will glow, but not the launcher itself.
  • If a person disables Payload cart glow in advanced multiplayer options, the Scottish Resistance's Stickybombs will also stop glowing. (On Dx-Level 9 only)
  • The first person view model for the Scottish Resistance is severely decreased in detail compared to before the Australian Christmas update.
  • Like the Stickybomb Launcher, the SR is only held with one hand in first person view, however the world model is held differently.
  • If the player dies while holding the weapon, and before they respawn it is changed in the loadout to the Chargin' Targe, the Demoman will appear to be holding an invisible bottle on respawn. This invisible bottle cannot attack. To fix this, switch to a new weapon.


  • The weapon's name refers to the long-term insurrection by the Scottish against English rule after being invaded in 1296.
  • The Scottish Resistance was originally supposed to be able to fire 16 stickies, but it was reduced to 14 due to unknown reasons.
  • When taunting with this weapon, the crosshair will remain aimed at the location beforehand, allowing the player to detonate Stickybombs whilst taunting. Moving the view camera during the taunt will negate this privilege.
  • The ability to destroy enemy Stickybombs is a mechanic present in the fangame Gang Garrison 2. In addition, the appearance of the Scottish Resistance Stickybombs are very similar to the ones from Gang Garrison 2. However, this was only a coincidence according to Robin Walker. [1]


See also

External links