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< Australium
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Tämä artikkeli on fiktiivisestä alkuaineesta. Katso harvinaisten aseiden laadusta Australium Aseet.
Ylläpitäjän esi-isä esittämässä Australium karkkoa.[1]
Kaikki ihmiskunnan innovaatiot ovat nyt peräisin australialaisen lager-marinoiduista aivoista tämän takia.
Ylläpitäjän esi-isä

Australium on salaperäinen metallinen alkuaine joka pystyy sopeutumaan ja muuttamaan itseään erinlaisiin aineen tiloihin ja muotoihin. Australiumilla on myös virkistäviä terveysvaikutuksia, joka tekee siitä erittäin arvokaan ja halutun. Australium esitettiin ensimmäisen kerran Team Fortress 2 Loose Canon sarjakuvassa.


Australium löydettiin Australiassa josta se sai myös nimensä.[2]

Pitkäaikainen altistuminen Australiumille lisää sekä älykkyyttä että miehisyyttä. Ulkoisia altistumisen merkkejä ovat lihasmassan lisääntyminen, suuri tappelun halu, runsas juominen sekä lisääntynyt kasvojen karvoitus jopa naisilla.[3][4][5][6][7]

Australiumin löytäminen on ollut syy Australian nopeaan teknologiseen kehitykseen. Mainittuihin kehityksiin sisältyy peittämislaitteet, teleportaatiolaitteet, ja "Viiksitieteiden spektri".[3]

Australiumia myydään ja vaihdetaan kiinteinä harkkoina, samalla tavalla kuin kultaa usein varataan ja varastoidaan. Huolimatta että Australiumilla on samanlaiset ulkonäköominaisuudet kuin kullalla, kuten samanlainen väri ja heijastavuuden taso, Australium harkkoja pystyy tunnistamaan ainutlaatuisella tunnuskuviolla joka kuvaa yksinäistä hahmoa nyrkkeilemässä kengurun kanssa, joka on tunnetusti yksi Australian ikonisimmista eläimistä. Tämän kengurun ja hahmon välisen nyrkkeilyn oletetaan olevan tapa, jolla Australia valitsee seuraavan kuninkaansa.[3]

Australians are known to be very secretive about Australium, therefore allowing them to continue to outpace the rest of the world in the technological race.

Australium was used in terms of payment to Dell Conagher's grandfather Radigan, in exchange for him building Blutarch Mann and Redmond Mann "Life Extender Machines" to further their own attempts to try and outlive each other to inherit all of the land given to them by their father. Radigan Conagher is believed to have found many more caches of Australium, and Dell later discovers hidden files detailing these caches amongst the blueprints Blutarch has lent to him to repair his own "Life Extender Machine".

The United States once had a supply of Australium. It was all invested in the attempt to launch American monkeynaut Poopy Joe into space before the U.S.S.R. could launch their own monkeynaut into space, Vladimir Bananas. Following the tragic failure of this attempt, all the Australium went missing. As a result of the incident, Saxton Hale, whose facilities were used for the launch attempt, and the Administrator were brought before a U.S. Senate hearing investigating the disaster. As far as is known, the United States Australium supply remains missing.

The U.S. reserves were indeed stolen, horded in a two hundred thousand pound store of Australium in a vault beneath Mann Co. Monkeynautics. After seizing control of Mann Co., Gray Mann uncovered the vault, only to find it empty. He deduced that the Administrator was behind the absence of the Australium after finding a cigarette within the safe.

Special Delivery

The neutral Australium briefcase.

Australium features in the game mode Special Delivery, as an Australium briefcase.

It is a neutral colored briefcase with a plaid pattern that turns team-colored once picked up. It appears to be overflowing with items of clothing, with a necktie sticking out, has a radio transmitter attached to it, and has a transparent vessel attached to the side, containing a shining bar of Australium. When moving with the briefcase, a particle effect is emitted that shows several pieces of random clothing trailing behind the player, along with a golden sparkling effect.

Weapon quality

Pääartikkeli: Australium weapons/fi

Australium was originally used in the creation of two rare weapon variations (the Golden Wrench and the Saxxy). When a player is killed by one of these weapons, their body model turns into a golden statue that remains for others to see. As of the Two Cities Update, Australium weapons have been expanded to a range of weapons, some of which do not share the ragdoll-altering qualities of the original two weapons added that are made from Australium.

Käyttämätöntä sisältöä

  • An Australium bar model exists in the game files under models\props_mining\ingot001.mdl.


  • Australium is featured in the Zachtronics Industries game SpaceChem on specific Bonus Levels.
  • Australium has the same electron configuration—barring the kangaroos in the nucleus—as gold.
  • In the Team Fortress 2 pre-release design concept called Invasion, there used to be a concept of resource called Jojierium. This fictional metal element is named after John "Jojie" Cook, the lead designer of TF2 who comes from Australia.

