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< Power Up Canteen
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Here at Mann Co., we take care of our mercs. After you’ve completed your first mission, you will get, free of charge, one Mann Co.-brand canteen. It's equippable in your action slot and filled to the damn brim with life-giving air. If air’s not your thing, these canteens can also be filled with a variety of power-ups at an Upgrade Station.

增益水壶(Power Up Canteen)是一项在曼恩 vs. 机器模式中使用的默认动作物品。其外形为一个米棕色的空水壶,上面绑有两根皮带和一块铁片,在填充了增益后还会获得额外的装饰物。玩家可以通过完成第一场曼恩 vs. 机器任务或通过合成系统来获得此物品。

当玩家在升级站装备和填充水壶时,它最多填装三次。在使用增益水壶时,游戏会通过提示音效和聊天框中的信息来提醒整个团队有玩家使用了水壶。如果玩家当前没有装备水壶,游戏则会显示一个通知,可以让玩家通过按下 J 键来装备它,或者按下 K 键来拒绝装备。只要玩家还在曼恩 vs. 机器地图上,这一通知就会一直显示,直到玩家装备上水壶。


医生的医疗枪升级选项中,拥有一项“水壶专家”升级选项,选择之后可以将医生所使用的任意水壶效果同步应用到其治疗目标身上。效果即时触发,并且只应用于单独一名的被治疗的队友,无法像常规的 ÜberCharges 一样分享给多名队友。水壶专家的升级也将医生每次填充的花费降低了 10 点(最低花费为 5 点),并且每填充一次,增益效果持续时间增加 1 秒。


目前存在 5 种类型的增益。水壶最多只能填充单独一种增益,每个增益最多可填充 3 次。进行填充后,水壶的外观会发生些许变化,并且都带有亮光

图片 类型 作用 花费
UberCharge Canteen.png Become Übercharged Supplies 5 seconds of ÜberCharge to user and a Wrangler shield that blocks 90% of damage to their Sentry Gun. 75 钞票
Critical Hit Boost Canteen.png Become Crit Boosted Full critical hits for 5 seconds. Triples firing rate of user's Sentry Gun for 5 seconds. 100 钞票
Ammo Clip Refill Canteen.png Refill Clips and Ammo Instant ammo and clip refill. Also refills Metal and Sapper; does not refill Sentry Gun ammo or Cloak. 25 钞票
Return to Base Canteen.png Teleport to Spawn Immediately returns user to the respawn room and supplies a temporary speed boost. Cannot be shared by Medics. 10 钞票
Buildings Upgrade Canteen.png Building Upgrade Upgrades user's buildings to Level 3 and fully repairs all existing buildings almost instantly. Only available to Engineers. 50 钞票



另见: 合成系统


残留金属 增益水壶
Item icon Scrap Metal.pngx4 = Item icon Power Up Canteen.png


Mvm navicon.png 曼恩 vs. 机器成就

使用水壶提供的“Ubercharge 加成”摧毁 15 个机器人

使用水壶的“返回重生点”功能返回基地,并在其后的 5 秒内摧毁一个炸弹携带者。

在你原先的步哨枪被摧毁后的 3 秒内,使用水壶的“建筑瞬间升级加成”来建造一挺新步哨。

作为医生,在一回合内分享水壶效果 5 次。



2012年8月15日补丁曼恩 vs. 机器更新

  • [未记载] Added Power Up Canteen to the game.


  • Fixed a bug in Mann Vs. Machine related to carrying buildings and using the "Building Upgrade" canteen.


  • [未记载] Fixed the bug that made the Battery Canteens and Power Up Canteen unusable.


  • [未记载] Added a normal quality Power Up Canteen as a default action item.


  • Backpack icons for each buff type exists in the game files. These backpack icons shows a different texture comparing to the final ones:
    • The Übercharge buff canteen has a cross icon instead of an ÜberCharge icon.
    • The Critical Hit Boost buff canteen has a lightning bolt icon instead of a Kritz icon.
    • The Ammo and Clip Refill buff canteen is darker.
    • The Teleport to Spawn buff canteen has two arrows as an icon instead of a house icon.
    • The Building Upgrade buff canteen has a different color.
  • On one of the update pages there is a torn photo next to the canteens, indicating that there may have been a sixth upgrade.
  • Two unused canteen types exist in source game files. Their internal names are RADIUS_STEALTH and SEE_CASH_THROUGH_WALL, and the actual effect of them is unknown.
  • An alternative canteen price formula with Canteen Specialist upgrade purchased exists in source game files. The price would be decreased on 10 percents from original value per every upgrade tick, and the minimum price would be 1 credit.[1]


  • Using a Building Upgrade Canteen while hauling a building results in the building retaining its current health and max health, but it still upgrades the building to level 3 if possible.
    • If the building is a Sentry Gun, it retains its current ammo counts, but still receives a full supply of rockets if going from level 1 or 2 to level 3.
    • If the building is a Dispenser, it retains its current metal amount.
    • If the building is a Teleporter and the other end of the Teleporter is already placed, then the Teleporter being carried has its max health be based on the placed Teleporter, but still retains the health it had when it was picked up. If the other end is not placed, it acts like the other buildings and keeps its current max health, however placing the other end does not update the max health to the correct amount and both ends are stuck with the max health the Teleporter had before being picked up.
    • Abnormal maximum health (such as a level 3 building with 150 max health) can only be removed by destroying the building or purchasing a building health upgrade.
  • The Ammo Refill Canteen suffers from several bugs.
  • Activating 'MMMPH' with the Phlogistinator as soon the ÜberCharge Canteen is about to run out causes the invulnerability effects of the 'MMMPH' to end mid-taunt.
  • If a Sentry Gun has the Wrangler shield active when the owner uses an ÜberCharge canteen, the Sentry Gun does not gain the 90% damage resistance shield and instead keeps the normal Wrangler shield.
  • Crit canteens state they double the firing speed of the player's Sentry in-game, however because of rounding, the canteen actually triples a Sentry Gun's base firing speed.[2] If the user has purchased a firing speed upgrade, or is using the Wrangler, then the firing speed is doubled as claimed.
  • Sometimes, in Community servers, the Power up canteen does not appear.



