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[[File:Leaderboard class soldier.png|right|士兵]]
以下列出了目前为止[[Soldier/zh-hans|士兵]]所有的语音回应(不包括[[Soldier voice commands/zh-hans|语音命令]])。
{{main|Soldier taunts/zh-hans|l1=士兵嘲讽}}
与玩家发起的嘲讽相关的所有语音回应都列在了[[Soldier taunts/zh-hans|士兵嘲讽]]页面中,并包含其动作的说明。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''用主武器连续杀敌'''
|title      = '''在 20 秒内用[[Primary/zh-hans#soldierprimary|主武器]]杀死超过 1 名敌人'''
|image      = Item icon Rocket Launcher.png
|image      = Item icon Rocket Launcher.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Rocket launcher/zh-hans
|image-link = Rocket launcher/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier specialcompleted03.wav|"Ka-boom!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier taunts01.wav|"Maggots!"]]<br>臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier taunts09.wav|"Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkletoes."]]<br>给我像男人一样承受体罚,“脚步松散”列兵。
*[[Media:Soldier taunts10.wav|"You are all weak. You are all bleeders."]]<br>你们都是老弱。你们都是病残。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''杀死一名[[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]'''
|title      = '''在 20 秒内用[[Primary/zh-hans#soldierprimary|主武器]]杀死超过 3 名敌人'''
|image      = Item icon Bottle.png
|image      = Item icon Direct Hit.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Rocket launcher/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier taunts02.wav|"Time to inform your next of kin!"]]<br>是时候去通知你的家属了。
*[[Media:Soldier taunts17.wav|"This is my world. You are not welcome in my world."]]<br>这里是我的世界。我的世界里不欢迎你。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''杀死一名{{cl|Demoman}}'''
|image      = War demo kills.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Demoman/zh-hans
|image-link = Demoman/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier HatOverHeartTaunt01.wav|"You will not be missed."]]<br>没人会想念你的。
*[[Media:Soldier HatOverHeartTaunt02.wav|"I never liked you."]]<br>我从来都不喜欢你。
*[[Media:Soldier HatOverHeartTaunt03.wav|"You were loud and ugly, and now you're DEAD! Amen."]]<br>你以前又吵又丑,但现在你已经死了!阿门。
*[[Media:Soldier HatOverHeartTaunt04.wav|"You're dead, that's good, amen."]]<br>你死了,太好了,阿门。
*[[Media:Soldier HatOverHeartTaunt05.wav|"Godspeed, you magnificent bastard."]]<br>一路走好,你这了不起的混蛋。
*[[Media:Soldier HatOverHeartTaunt06.wav|"You were good son, real good; maybe even the best."]]<br>你是个好小子,好的不行;说不准还是最好的那个。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''处于治疗时连续杀敌'''
|title      = '''在被治疗时连续杀敌'''
|image      = Item icon Black Box.png
|image      = Item icon Black Box.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Black Box/zh-hans
|image-link = Black Box/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier KaBoomAlts01.wav|"Blammo!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier KaBoomAlts02.wav|"Boom!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier KaBoomAlts03.wav|"Pa-POW!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Buildings#Destruction/zh-hans|摧毁]]一个建筑物'''
|title      = '''[[Buildings/zh-hans#摧毁|摧毁]]一个建筑'''
|image      = Killicon tool chest.png
|image      = Killicon tool chest.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Buildings#Destruction/zh-hans
|image-link = Buildings/zh-hans#摧毁
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry01.wav|"Charge!"]]<br>冲锋!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry02.wav|"Forward!"]]<br>前进!
*[[Media:Soldier specialcompleted04.wav|"Screamin' Eagles!"]]<br>尖啸雄鹰!
*[[Media:Soldier positivevocalization02.wav|"Oh yeah!"]]<br>噢耶!
*[[Media:Soldier positivevocalization01.wav|"Hooah!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''获得辅助杀敌'''
|title      = '''[[Kill assist/zh-hans|辅助杀敌]]'''
|image      = Item icon Medi Gun.png
|image      = Item icon Medi Gun.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Kill Assist/zh-hans
|image-link = Kill assist/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier specialcompleted-assistedkill01.wav|"Thanks, soldier."]]<br>谢了,士兵。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''肉搏击杀'''
|title      = '''[[Melee/zh-hans#soldiermelee|近战]]杀敌'''
|image      = Item icon Shovel.png
|image      = Item icon Shovel.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Melee/zh-hans
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier specialcompleted05.wav|"Yaaaaagh!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier DirectHitTaunt01.wav|"Aaaagh!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier DirectHitTaunt02.wav|"Yaaaaarrrrrgggh!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier DirectHitTaunt03.wav|"Raagh!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier DirectHitTaunt04.wav|"Aaaah!!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''一般[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]台词'''
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''
|image      = Dominating.png
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:soldier laughevil01.wav|(邪恶的笑声 1)]]
*[[Media:soldier laughevil02.wav|(邪恶的笑声 2)]]
*[[Media:soldier laughevil03.wav|(邪恶的笑声 3)]]
*[[Media:soldier laughhappy01.wav|(开心的笑声 1)]]
*[[Media:soldier_laughhappy02.wav| (开心的笑声2)]]
*[[Media:soldier laughhappy02.wav|(开心的笑声 2)]]
*[[Media:soldier laughhappy03.wav|(开心的笑声 3)]]
*[[Media:soldier laughlong01.wav|(长久的笑声)]]
*[[Media:soldier laughlong03.wav|(长久而夹带喘息的笑声)]]
*[[Media:Soldier taunts07.wav|"If God had wanted you to live, He would not have created ''me!''"]]<br>要是上帝想让你活着,那他就不会创造我!
*[[Media:Soldier taunts13.wav|"I joined this team just to kill maggots like you."]]<br>我加入这支队伍就是为了杀掉像你这样的臭虫。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Scout/zh-hans|侦察兵]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Scout}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class scout.png
|image      = Leaderboard class scout.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Scout/zh-hans
|image-link = Scout/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout01.wav|"Dominated, short pants!"]]<br>控制你了,短裤腿!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout02.wav|"How's that domination feel, city boy?"]]<br>被控制的感觉如何,城市男孩?
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout03.wav|"You kids today don't know how to dominate."]]<br>你这小子到今天都还不知道怎么控制别人。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout04.wav|"Less talk, more fight."]]<br>少废话,多干架。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout05.wav|"You cannot run from me, my gun is faster."]]<br>你跑不出我手掌心的,我的枪比你还快。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout06.wav|"You run fast, my bullets run faster."]]<br>你的脚很快,我的子弹更快。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout07.wav|"Never bring a bat to a battlefield, war is not a game."]]<br>永远不要把球棒带到战场上,战争可不是儿戏。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout08.wav|"Your mouth wrote checks, my gun has cashed them."]]<br>你用嘴开的支票,我用枪给兑现了。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout09.wav|"Got anything funny to say about that, funny man?"]]<br>对此还有什么想说的笑话吗,搞笑小丑?
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout10.wav|"Never send a boy to fight a man's war."]]<br>永远不要让一个小屁孩来打真男人的仗。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationScout11.wav|"You were in a big fat hurry to die, son."]]<br>你还真是着急着送死啊,小子。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Soldier/zh-hans|士兵]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Soldier}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class soldier.png
|image      = Leaderboard class soldier.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Soldier/zh-hans
|image-link = Soldier/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSoldier01.wav|"Dominated, hippie, ''get a job!''"]]<br>控制你了,臭嬉皮,去找份活干!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSoldier02.wav|"You better hope there's hacky-sack in Hell, hippie!"]]<br>你最好盼一盼地狱里有沙包给你踢,臭嬉皮!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSoldier03.wav|"You are now a conscientious objector ''to being dead'', hippie!"]]<br>你现在因拒绝服兵役而送命了,臭嬉皮!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSoldier04.wav|"怎么了,嬉皮士? 头发跑到你眼睛里面了吗?"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSoldier04.wav|"What's the matter, hippie? Hair get in your eyes?"]]<br>咋地了,臭嬉皮?头发扎你眼睛了吗?
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSoldier05.wav|"Get a haircut, hippie."]]<br>去剃个头,臭嬉皮。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSoldier06.wav|"You're a disgrace to the uniform."]]<br>你侮辱了你这身军装。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Pyro/zh-hans|火焰兵]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Pyro}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class pyro.png
|image      = Leaderboard class pyro.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Pyro/zh-hans
|image-link = Pyro/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro01.wav|"I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe!"]]<br>我刚刚给你开了个新烟筒,小烤炉!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro02.wav|"You cannot burn me, I'm '''already''' on fire!"]]<br>你烧不着我的,我'''早就'''火力全开了!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro03.wav|"You cannot burn me! I'm already ablaze with passion, '''for war!'''"]]<br>你烧不着我的!我早就被'''战争'''的激情点燃了!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro04.wav|"You cannot burn me! '''I do not have time to combust!'''"]]<br>你烧不着我的!'''我可没空发火!'''
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro05.wav|"Fire is for cookin' ''s'mores'', son. Get a ''real'' gun."]]<br>火更多是用来烧饭的,小子。去找把真正的枪。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro06.wav|"Your fire-retardant ass just got '''dominated.'''"]]<br>你那防火的屁股刚刚被'''控制'''了。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro07.wav|"哈!你战斗起来就像个小妞。"]] (也许是意指火焰兵性别不明这件事情)
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro07.wav|"Ha! Ya fight like a '''girl!'''"]]<br>哈!你打起架来跟个'''小妞'''似的!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro08.wav|"How do you like '''that''', All Quiet on the Western Front?"]]<br>你觉得《西线无战事》咋样?
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro09.wav|"去剪头发,臭嬉皮!(小声说) 只是以防万一。"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationPyro09.wav|"Get a haircut, hippie! [小声地] Just in case."]]<br>去剪个头发,臭嬉皮![小声地] 以防万一。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Demoman}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class demo.png
|image      = Leaderboard class demoman.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Demoman/zh-hans
|image-link = Demoman/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationDemoman01.wav|"Dominated, you one-eyed cross-dresser."]]<br>控制你了,你这穿裙子的独眼龙。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationDemoman02.wav|"Consider yourself '''''dominated''''', you Scotch son of a bitch!"]]<br>想想你为啥被'''控制''',你这苏格兰王八蛋!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationDemoman03.wav|"Dominated, you skirt-twirling drunk."]]<br>控制你了,你这穿裙子的酒鬼。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationDemoman04.wav|"I love your death, cyclops; your death is ''sweet'' to me like ''love'' is sweet."]]<br>我喜欢你死掉,独眼龙;你的死讯对我来说就像爱情一样甜蜜。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationDemoman05.wav|"Scotland is '''not''' a real country; you are an Englishman with a dress."]]<br>苏格兰'''不是'''一个真正的国家;你只是个穿裙子的英格兰人。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationDemoman06.wav|"You're like the Cyclops of Greek myth; except you are Scottish, '''''and I hate you'''''!"]]<br>你就像希腊神话里的独眼怪,只不过你是苏格兰人,'''而且我讨厌你'''!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Heavy/zh-hans|重机枪手]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Heavy}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class heavy.png
|image      = Leaderboard class heavy.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Heavy/zh-hans
|image-link = Heavy/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationHeavy01.wav|"You just got '''dominated''', Sputnik."]]<br>你被'''控制'''了,人造卫星。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationHeavy02.wav|"Stars and Stripes beats Hammer and Sickle. '''Look it up!'''"]]<br>星星和条带打败了锤子和镰刀,'''没说错吧'''!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationHeavy03.wav|"You just got ''dominated'', Comrade."]]<br>你被控制了,同志。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationHeavy04.wav|"Dominated, ya red menace!"]]<br>控制你了,你这个红色威胁。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationHeavy05.wav|"Go play your pinko chess game with the Devil, Commie!"]]<br>去和魔鬼玩国际象棋吧,共产党员!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationHeavy06.wav|"This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia!"]]<br>这只美国靴子刚刚把你的屁股踢回俄罗斯去了!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationHeavy07.wav|"Checkmate, Stalingrad!"]]<br>将军,斯大林格勒!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Engineer/zh-hans|工程师]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Engineer}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class engineer.png
|image      = Leaderboard class engineer.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Engineer/zh-hans
|image-link = Engineer/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationEngineer01.wav|"Dominated, grease monkey."]]<br>控制你了,汽修工。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationEngineer02.wav|"You just got dominated, toymaker."]]<br>你被控制了,造玩具的。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationEngineer03.wav|"Stop hiding behind your little toys and '''''fight like a man'''''!"]]<br>别老躲在你那些小玩具后面,'''像个爷们一样出来战斗'''!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationEngineer04.wav|"I will eat your ribs, I will eat them up!"]]<br>我会吃掉你的肋条,我会把它们全吃光!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationEngineer05.wav|"That's where books get you, professor!"]]<br>这就是你败在书上的地方,教授!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationEngineer06.wav|"Go back to Calgary, ya cow-herdin' Canadian!"]]<br>滚回{{tooltip|卡尔加里|加拿大西南部城市}}去,你这放牛的加拿大佬!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Medic/zh-hans|医生]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Medic}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class medic.png
|image      = Leaderboard class medic.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Medic/zh-hans
|image-link = Medic/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic01.wav|"You just got dominated, Oktoberfest!"]]<br>你被控制了,德国啤酒节!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic02.wav|"You just got dominated, Fritz!"]]<br>你被控制了,德国佬!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic03.wav|"美国再次胜利!" ]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic03.wav|"America wins again!"]]<br>美国又赢了一回!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic04.wav|"Ich bin ''' ''I just kicked your ass!'' '''"]]<br>我叫'''“我踢爆了你屁股!”'''(“Ich bin”为德语,意为“我是”)
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic05.wav|"Welcome to the United States of '''YOU JUST GOT DOMINATED!'''"]]<br>欢迎来到美利坚'''“你被控制”'''合众国!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic06.wav|"I'm gonna mail my boot to the Kaiser with your ass around it!"]]<br>我要把我那嵌在你屁股上的靴子寄到德国皇帝那儿去!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationMedic07.wav|"Gotcha, Herr Doktor!"]]<br>逮着你了,德国医生!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Sniper/zh-hans|狙击手]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Sniper}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class sniper.png
|image      = Leaderboard class sniper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Sniper/zh-hans
|image-link = Sniper/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper01.wav|"This is not a camping trip, Sheila; this is ''war'' and '''I love it!'''"]]<br>这不是露营郊游,娘们;这是战争,而'''我最爱战争了!'''(Sheila,女性的名字)
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper02.wav|"You will not turn my battlefield into a campground."]]<br>你可别想把老子的战场变成野营地。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper03.wav|"Now hear this, camper, you are not ''wanted'' on my beloved battlefield!"]]<br>现在听好了,蹲坑汉,我心爱的战场上不需要你!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper04.wav|"I will send my condolences to your kangaroo wife."]]<br>我会向你的袋鼠老婆送去我的慰问的。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper05.wav|"You are a coward, and you ''died'' like one."]]<br>你活像个懦夫,死也像个懦夫。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper06.wav|"The next time you want to kill a man, ''look him in the eyes!''"]]<br>下一次在你想杀谁之前,给我直视他的眼睛!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper07.wav|"你被控制了,Bilbo Baggins!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper07.wav|"You just got dominated, Bilbo Baggins!"]]<br>你被控制了,比尔博·巴金斯!(《魔戒》和《霍比特人》中的人物,以下均是士兵念错的名字)
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper08.wav|"你被控制了,Balbo Biggins!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper08.wav|"You just got dominated, Balbo Biggins!"]]<br>你被控制了,巴尔博·比金斯!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper09.wav|"你被控制了,Bablo Bravins!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper09.wav|"You just got dominated, Bablo Bravins!"]]<br>你被控制了,巴尔博·巴文斯!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper10.wav|"你被控制了,Barble Bapkins!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper10.wav|"You just got dominated, Barble Bapkins!"]]<br>你被控制了,巴尔波·巴根斯!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper11.wav|"你被控制了,Basbo Bibbins!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper11.wav|"You just got dominated, Bazbo Bibbons!"]]<br>你被控制了,巴兹博·比比斯!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper14.wav|"你被控制了,Bulbo Buttons!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper14.wav|"You just got dominated, Bulbo Buttons!"]]<br>你被控制了,博尔博·博能斯!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper12.wav|"Aww, am I too ''violent'' for you, cupcake?"]]<br>我是不是对你太暴力,小妞?
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSniper13.wav|"Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield!"]]<br>你的国家没有准备好让你面对在我战场上遇到的那种程度的暴力!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''控制一名[[Spy/zh-hans|间谍]]'''
|title      = '''控制一名{{cl|Spy}}'''
|image      = Leaderboard class spy.png
|image      = Leaderboard class spy.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Spy/zh-hans
|image-link = Spy/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy01.wav|"Gotcha, crouton."]]<br>逮住你了,油炸面包丁。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy02.wav|"You just got your Frenchie ass dominated."]]<br>你的法国屁股被我控制了。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy03.wav|"喔呵呵呵~你被控制了。 "]]
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy03.wav|"Ohh-honh-honh-honh-You're dominated."]]<br>喔-呵-呵-呵-你被控制了。(士兵模仿法国人的笑声)
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy04.wav|"Dominated, ya rifle-droppin' coward!"]]<br>控制你了,你这弃枪的懦夫!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy05.wav|"Hit the showers, Frenchie."]]<br>滚一边凉快去吧,法国佬。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy06.wav|"Your white flag does not stop American bullets."]]<br>你的白旗停不住美国的子弹。
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy07.wav|"Words cannot express how much I ''hate'' France right now!"]]<br>言语已经无法形容我现在有多恨法国了!
*[[Media:Soldier_DominationSpy08.wav|"Bon voyage, crouton!"]]<br>一路顺风,油炸面包丁!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Revenge Kill/zh-hans|复仇击杀]]'''
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans#Revenge|复仇击杀]]'''
|image      = Nemesis RED.png
|image      = Nemesis RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Revenge/zh-hans
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans#Revenge
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry06.wav|"Hehehyaaa!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier cheers01.wav|"Today is a good day."]]<br>今天是个好日子。
*[[Media:Soldier goodjob02.wav|"Outstanding!"]]<br>棒极了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
Line 278: Line 298:
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry01.wav|"Charge!"]]<br>冲锋!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry02.wav|"Forward!"]]<br>前进!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry03.wav|"Give 'em hell, boys!"]]<br>送他们下地狱,小子们!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry04.wav|"Last one alive, lock the door!"]]<br>最后活着的,把门锁上!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry05.wav|"Attack!"]]<br>进攻!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry06.wav|"Hehehyaaa!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Sudden Death/zh-hans|突然死亡]]'''
|title      = '''[[Sudden Death/zh-hans|骤死战]]'''
|image      = Item icon Eyelander.png
|image      = Item icon Eyelander.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Sudden Death/zh-hans
|image-link = Sudden Death/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier jeers01.wav|"Boooooo..."]]<br>切……
*[[Media:Soldier jeers02.wav|"Each and every one of you has failed."]]<br>你们每一个人都输透了!
*[[Media:Soldier_jeers03.wav|"难道你们每个人都想去第八分队吗?"]]({{w|Section 8|第八分队}}是由美军中因"精神不健全"而退役的人组成的)
*[[Media:Soldier jeers03.wav|"Are you all trying for a Section Eight?"]]<br>难道你们都想被开除军籍吗?
*[[Media:Soldier jeers04.wav|"Which of you numbnuts let us down?"]]<br>是哪个蠢货拖了我们的后腿?
*[[Media:Soldier jeers05.wav|"You have dishonored this entire unit!"]]<br>整个部队都脸都给你丢光了!
*[[Media:Soldier_jeers06.wav|"你是士兵我这辈子见过的最糟糕的家伙! "]]
*[[Media:Soldier jeers06.wav|"You are the sorriest excuses for soldiers I have ever seen!"]]<br>这是我见过的士兵里头最可悲的借口!
*[[Media:Soldier jeers07.wav|"Pain is weakness leaving the body."]]<br>痛就代表软弱正在离开身体。
*[[Media:Soldier jeers08.wav|"Down and give me twenty!"]]<br>趴下去给我做二十个俯卧撑。
*[[Media:Soldier jeers09.wav|"Get with the program!"]]<br>跟上计划!
*[[Media:Soldier jeers10.wav|"If I have to crack some skulls, I will."]]<br>如果要我敲爆某人的脑袋的话,那我眼都不带眨的。
*[[Media:Soldier jeers11.wav|"That was an amazing killing spree... '''''By the other team!'''''"]]<br>这真是一场精彩的连杀……'''被连杀的是我们!'''
*[[Media:Soldier jeers12.wav|"You are all dishonorably discharged."]]<br>你们全都被开除军籍了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''使用[[Teleport/zh-hans|传送装置]]'''
|title      = '''陷入[[Match outcomes/zh-hans#僵局|僵局]]'''
|image      = Telespin.png
|image      = Killicon skull.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier autodejectedtie01.wav|"We failed, men."]]<br>我们输了,兄弟们。
*[[Media:Soldier autodejectedtie02.wav|"I will not tolerate failure on my team."]]<br>我不能容忍我的队伍失败。
*[[Media:Soldier autodejectedtie03.wav|(咕哝)]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier autoonfire01.wav|"Fire, fire, ''fire!''"]]<br>着火了,着火了,着火了!
*[[Media:Soldier autoonfire02.wav|"I ''am'' on ''fire!''"]]<br>我着火了!
*[[Media:Soldier autoonfire03.wav|"The burning, ''the burning!''"]]<br>烧着了,烧着了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''被[[Critical hits/zh-hans|爆击攻击]]或近战武器[[Death/zh-hans|杀死]]'''
|image      = Health dead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Death/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier paincrticialdeath01.wav|【死亡惨叫 1】]]
*[[Media:soldier paincrticialdeath02.wav|【死亡惨叫 2】]]
*[[Media:soldier paincrticialdeath03.wav|【死亡惨叫 3】]]
*[[Media:soldier paincrticialdeath04.wav|【死亡惨叫 4】]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''剧痛'''
|image      = Bleed_drop.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bleeding
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier painsevere01.wav|"Oooooohhhh!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier painsevere02.wav|"Owww!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier painsevere03.wav|"Augghhh!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier painsevere04.wav|"Dah!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier painsevere05.wav|"Yaaah!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier painsevere06.wav|"Daawww!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''刺痛'''
|image      = Bleed_drop.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Teleport/zh-hans
|image-link = Bleeding
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier painsharp01.wav|"Oof!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier painsharp02.wav|"Urg!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier painsharp03.wav|"Unf!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''接受[[Medic/zh-hans|医生的治疗]]'''
|title      = '''被{{Item link|Gas Passer}}、{{Item link|Jarate}}、{{Item link|Mad Milk}}、{{Item link|Mutated Milk}}或{{Item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}}击中'''
|image      = Healthico.png
|image      = Item icon Jarate.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Health/zh-hans
|image-link = Jarate/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier autodejectedtie03.wav|(咕哝)]]
*[[Media:Soldier negativevocalization02.wav|"No!"]]<br>不!
*[[Media:Soldier negativevocalization05.wav|"Dammit!"]]<br>见鬼!
*[[Media:Soldier negativevocalization06.wav|(呻吟)]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|超级冲锋]]的影响下'''
|title      = '''使用{{item link|Teleporters}}'''
|image      = Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
|image      = Telespin.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = ÜberCharge/zh-hans
|image-link = Teleport/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier thanksfortheteleporter01.wav|"Thanks."]]<br>谢谢!
*[[Media:Soldier thanksfortheteleporter02.wav|"Thanks for the Teleporter."]]<br>谢谢你的传送器。
*[[Media:Soldier thanksfortheteleporter03.wav|"Thanks, Engie."]]<br>谢了,工程。
*[[Media:Soldier_taunts06.wav|"你们这些杀千刀的蛆虫败类的死亡执行书刚刚被签署了! "]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Match outcomes#Stalemate/zh-hans|平局]]'''
|title      = '''接受{{cl|Medic}}治疗'''
|image      = Killicon skull.png
|image      = Healthico.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|image-link = Health/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier thanksfortheheal01.wav|"You deserve a medal, Doc."]]<br>真该颁给你一枚勋章,医生。
*[[Media:Soldier thanksfortheheal02.wav|"Thanks for the aid."]]<br>谢谢你的治疗。
*[[Media:Soldier thanksfortheheal03.wav|"Thanks, Doc."]]<br>谢了,医生。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|ÜberCharge]]状态下'''
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image      = Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|image-link = ÜberCharge/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_taunts05.wav|"I am going to enjoy killing each and every one of you sorry sacks of scum!"]]<br>我可要好好享受屠宰你们每一个可怜败类的过程!
*[[Media:Soldier_taunts11.wav|"Each and every one of you will be sent home to your momma' in a box!"]]<br>你们全都要被装在盒子里送回家去见你们的老妈!
*[[Media:Soldier_taunts21.wav|"You are all maggots, you scum sucking fruit baskets!"]]<br>你们都是臭虫,你们这些让水果败坏的渣滓!
*[[Media:Soldier_taunts06.wav|"You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants!"]]<br>你们这些娘娘腔臭虫渣滓的刚刚签下了死刑执行书!
*[[Media:Soldier_taunts15.wav|"Surrender now, maggots, and you will not be harmed!"]]<br>马上投降,臭虫们,不然你可要挨打了!
*[[Media:Soldier_taunts04.wav|"You are scum! You are nothin' but a buncha' cowards!"]]<br>你们这群败类,你们只不过是一群胆小鬼!
*[[Media:Soldier taunts12.wav|"We have you surrounded, at least from this side!"]]<br>你已经被我们包围了,至少在我们这边是这样!
Line 377: Line 451:
|image-link = Achievement/zh-hans
|image-link = Achievement/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedcontrolpoint01.wav|"Now ''that'' is what I wanna see!"]]<br>这才是我现在想看到的!
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedintelligence02.wav|"And ''that'' is how you do it, men!"]]<br>就是这样,兄弟们!
*[[Media:Soldier laughlong01.wav|(长久的笑声)]]
*[[Media:Soldier laughhappy03.wav|(开心的笑声)]]
*[[Media:Soldier specialcompleted04.wav|"Screamin' Eagles!"]]<br>尖啸雄鹰!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Buff Banner/zh-hans|军号]]、[[Battalion's Backup/zh-hans|营队的支援]]、[[Concheror/zh-hans|征服者战旗]]启动时'''
|title      = '''激活{{Item link|Buff Banner}}、{{Item link|Battalion's Backup}}或{{Item link|Concheror}}'''
|image      = Item icon Buff Banner.png
|image      = Item icon Buff Banner.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Buff Banner/zh-hans
|image-link = Buff Banner/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Concheror horn.wav|【海螺号角声】]]
*[[Media:Buff banner horn blue.wav|【蓝队军号声】]]
*[[Media:Buff banner horn red.wav|【红队军号声】]]
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry01.wav|"Charge!"]]<br>冲锋!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry03.wav|"Give 'em hell, boys!"]]<br>送他们下地狱,小子们!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry04.wav|"Last one alive, lock the door!"]]<br>最后活着的,把门锁上!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry02.wav|"Forward!"]]<br>前进!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry05.wav|"''Attack!''"]]<br>进攻!
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry06.wav|"Hehehyaaa!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''成功夺取[[Intelligence/zh-hans|情报]]'''
|title      = '''成功夺取[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence|情报]]'''
|image      = Intel red idle.png
|image      = Intel red idle.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Intelligence/zh-hans
|image-link = Capture the Flag/zh-hans#Intelligence
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedintelligence01.wav|"This is ''my'' Intelligence."]]<br>这是我的情报。
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedintelligence02.wav|"And ''that'' is how you do it, men!"]]<br>就是这样,兄弟们!
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedintelligence03.wav|"I have rescued ''my'' Intelligence."]]<br>我夺回了我的情报。
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''占领了一个[[Control Point (game mode)/zh-hans|控制点]]'''
|title      = '''成功占领[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]'''
|image      = CP Captured RED.png
|image      = CP Captured RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Control Point (game mode)/zh-hans
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedcontrolpoint01.wav|"Now ''that'' is what I wanna see!"]]<br>这才是我现在想看到的!
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedcontrolpoint02.wav|"This point is mine! Do you understand that?"]]<br>这个点是我的了!听明白了吗?
*[[Media:Soldier autocappedcontrolpoint03.wav|"We have commandeered ''my'' point!"]]<br>我们征服了我的控制点!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''站在己方[[Control Point (game mode)/zh-hans|控制点]]上开火'''
|title      = '''站在己方[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]上开火'''
|image      = CP Locked RED.png
|image      = CP Locked RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Control Point (objective)|Point/zh-hans
|image-link = Control point (objective)/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier standonthepoint01.wav|"Stand... on... the... point, numbnuts!"]]<br>站…到…点…上,蠢货!
*[[Media:Soldier standonthepoint02.wav|"Stand... on... the... point, maggot!"]]<br>站…到…点…上,臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier standonthepoint03.wav|"Stand... on... the... point, maggots!"]]<br>站…到…点…上,臭虫们!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Defense/zh-hans|防守时]]'''
|title      = '''[[Defense/zh-hans|防守]]目标'''
|title      = '''[[Defense]]'''
|image      = Cross_RED.png
|image      = Killicon chargin targe.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Defense/zh-hans
|image-link = Defense/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier_cheers05.wav|"咘呀! "]]
*[[Media:Soldier cheers05.wav|"Boo-yah!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier cheers04.wav|"The worm has turned, gentlemen."]]<br>蛆虫总算蜕变了,先生们。
*[[Media:Soldier cheers06.wav|"Hoo-ah!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:战车前进'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense01.wav|"Move, move, move!"]]<br>前进,前进,前进!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense02.wav|"Push!"]]<br>推啊!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense03.wav|"I do not see enough pushing!"]]<br>我看着推得还不够力!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense04.wav|"Push, that is an order!"]]<br>推起来,这是命令!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense05.wav|"Push that cart!"]]<br>推动战车!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense06.wav|"Push that cart forward!"]]<br>把战车往前推!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense07.wav|"'''Push''', cream-puffs!"]]<br>'''推起来''',奶油泡芙!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense08.wav|"Push, you apple-blossoms!"]]<br>给我推,你这苹果花!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense09.wav|"Push, you butter muffins!"]]<br>给我推,你这奶油松饼!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense10.wav|"Ladies, let's get this cart moving!"]]<br>女士们,把战车推起来!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense11.wav|"You '''will''' push this cart or '''I''' will push you into a grave!"]]<br>要么你来'''推'''这辆战车,要么我来把你推进坟墓!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense12.wav|"We will push until there is nothing left to push!"]]<br>我们要推到没有东西可以推为止!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense13.wav|"'''Push'''!"]]<br>'''推啊'''!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense14.wav|"Keep pushing!"]]<br>继续推!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwardoffense15.wav|"Push like you mean it!"]]<br>给我认真推!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:战车后退'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingbackoffense01.wav|"Do not let that cart roll back!"]]<br>别让那战车倒退!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingbackoffense02.wav|"The cart needs to go '''forward'''!"]]<br>战车得往'''前面'''走!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''防守方:战车前进'''
|image      = RED Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwarddefense01.wav|"Do not let that cart go forward!"]]<br>别让那战车前进!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwarddefense02.wav|"Hold the line, men! Stop that cart!"]]<br>保持队形,兄弟们!挡下那战车!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingforwarddefense03.wav|"Stop that cart!"]]<br>把战车挡下来!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''防守方:战车后退'''
|image      = RED Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingbackdefense01.wav|"The cart's falling back!"]]<br>战车正在往后退!
*[[Media:Soldier cartgoingbackdefense02.wav|"That's it, men. move that cart back!"]]<br>就是这样,兄弟们。让那战车往后走!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:靠近战车'''
|image      = Hoodoo Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier cartstaycloseoffense01.wav|"Get to the cart!"]]<br>过来战车这边!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstaycloseoffense02.wav|"Get to the '''cart''', ladies!"]]<br>过来'''战车'''这边,女士们!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstaycloseoffense03.wav|"Everyone get to the cart!"]]<br>所有人过来战车这边!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstaycloseoffense04.wav|"Get to the cart, maggots!"]]<br>过来战车这边,臭虫们!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstaycloseoffense05.wav|"Stick to that cart like ''glue'', that is an order!"]]<br>像胶水一样粘住战车,这是命令!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstaycloseoffense06.wav|"Get to the cart! Hup, hup, hup!"]]<br>过来战车这边!一,二,一!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''进攻方:战车停止前进'''
|image      = Hoodoo Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier cartstoppedoffense01.wav|"Why is that cart stopped, maggots?!"]]<br>战车为什么停了,臭虫们?!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstoppedoffense02.wav|"I do not see a cart moving, ladies!"]]<br>我没看到战车在动,女士们!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstoppedoffense03.wav|"Why is that cart not moving?!"]]<br>为什么战车不动了?!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''防守方:阻止炸弹车前进'''
|image      = Lil-chewchew.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Payload/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier cartstopitdefense01.wav|"Stand next to the cart, damn you!"]]<br>可恶,给我站在战车旁边!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstopitdefense02.wav|"Get to the cart!"]]<br>去战车那边!
*[[Media:Soldier cartstopitdefense03.wav|"You will stand next to that cart or I will '''stand''' you next to that cart!"]]<br>要么你站到那战车旁边,要么我把你'''放到'''那战车旁边!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''完成合同'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_easy_01.mp3|"Drop and give me victory!"]]<br>趴下去给我摆个胜利的姿势!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_easy_02.mp3|"Mission complete!"]]<br>任务完成!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_easy_03.mp3|"I ''crap'' harder missions than this!"]]<br>我还搞定过比这更难的任务呢!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_easy_04.mp3|"I got three words for you: U! S! A!"]]<br>我只说三个字:美!利!坚!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_easy_05.mp3|"This mission never even saw us coming!"]]<br>这任务根本没料还有我们会搞定!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_easy_07.mp3|"Too easy!"]]<br>太简单了!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_hard_02.mp3|"Ha, we did it!"]]<br>哈,我们做到了!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_hard_04.mp3|"That took some doing."]]<br>这费老劲儿了。
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_hard_05.mp3|"That was a hell of a campaign, son!"]]<br>这可真是地狱级任务,孩子!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_hard_06.mp3|"All gave some, some gave all! But nobody got a prize but us!"]]<br>人人都付出了一些,有些人付出了一切!但只有我们拿到了报酬!
*[[Media:Soldier_quest_complete_hard_07.mp3|"We almost ''died'' on that hill! But dammit, we ''took it'' didn't we?"]]<br>我们差点就战死在任务上了!但见鬼的是,我们还是拿下它了,不是吗?
== [[Competitive Mode/zh-hans|竞技]]-相关回应 ==
=== 准备阶段 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''第一回合'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_01.mp3|"Fall in, men!"]]<br>集合,兄弟们!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_02.mp3|"Boots on the ground, boys!"]]<br>实地行动,小子们!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_03.mp3|"Let's show these muffin-tops what the wrong end of a {{botignore|rocket launcher}} looks like!"]]<br>给这些松饼脑袋展示一下误解火箭发射器会有什么后果!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_04.mp3|"Men, you are about to become someone's new worst nightmare!"]]<br>兄弟们,你们马上要变成某些人新噩梦了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_05.mp3|"Any man comes at me airborne, I am turning into a meat cloud!"]]<br>任何想从空中靠近我的人,我都会把他们变成一团肉云!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_07.mp3|"Let's make some pain, boys!"]]<br>让我们来制造点痛苦,小子们!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_08.mp3|"Someone jumps at me, they're hitting the ground in pieces!"]]<br>向我扑过来家伙,后面都摔碎了一地!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_09.mp3|"Ready for active duty!"]]<br>随时待命!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_10.mp3|"War is hell! My kind of hell!"]]<br>战争就是地狱!我想要的地狱!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_11.mp3|"Present and accounted for!"]]<br>到齐并报告!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_12.mp3|"Locked and loaded!"]]<br>准备就绪!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_13.mp3|"Come and get it, maggots!"]]<br>放马过来吧,臭虫们!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_rare_01.mp3|"We have the eye of a tiger, the heart of a lion, the wings of an eagle, the big muscular arms of a panther-man, and the silent majesty of a kraken!"]]<br>我们有老虎的眼,狮子的心,雄鹰的翼,猎豹的腿,还有挪威海怪那沉默的威严!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_rare_02.mp3|"Everyone, please stand! [歌唱] God bless America, land of... America... And so forth and so on...Move out!"]]<br>所有人稍息![歌唱] 愿上帝保佑美国,我无比……的美国……这样这样那样那样……好了快走!(唱的是《[[w:God Bless America|愿上帝保佑美国]]》的曲调)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_rare_03.mp3|"War is like a game of chess: with guts on top of it! And instead of chess pieces, there's just brave blood-hungry sons-of-bitches who love war!"]]<br>战争就像一盘棋:棋盘上面的是勇气!它们不是棋子,而是一群热爱战争的,勇敢的,嗜血的疯子!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_rare_04.mp3|"Drop your socks and grab your socks, boys! Now put down those socks and let's get to work!"]]<br>放下你们的袜子,再拿起你们的袜子,小子们!现在把袜子放下来,我们要开始干活了!(参考了电影《[[w:Full Metal Jacket|全金属外壳]]》中的哈特曼上校所说的台词)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_rare_05.mp3|"You are all daisies and I will plant your sorry asses in my war garden!"]]<br>你们都是一群雏菊,我要把你们这些可怜虫种在我的战争花园里!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_rare_06.mp3|"War: what is it good for? Everything!"]]<br>战争!战争有什么好处?什么都有!(参考了歌手Edwin Starr的歌曲《[[w:War (Edwin Starr song)|War]]》中的歌词)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_comp_02.mp3|"Drop your bibs and make some gibs, maggots!"]]<br>拿开你的围兜,来干点正事,臭虫!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_comp_03.mp3|"Which one of us is Pocket?"]]<br>我们这里谁来当口袋?
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_comp_04.mp3|"Which one of us is Roamer?"]]<br>我们这里谁来当游走?
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_comp_05.mp3|"Who's playing Pocket?"]]<br>谁在当口袋?
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_comp_06.mp3|"Mess with the Pocket, get a rocket!"]]<br>不好好当口袋就吃我一火箭!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamefirst_comp_07.mp3|"Dibs on their Medic!"]]<br>拿下他们的医生!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''上一回合获胜'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_01.mp3|"We won the battle, now let's win the war!"]]<br>我们打赢了这场架,现在该打赢这场仗了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_02.mp3|"I don't want to jinx this, men, but we are guaranteed to win!"]]<br>我不想乌鸦嘴,兄弟们,但我们肯定还会赢的!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_03.mp3|"Do! Not! Get! Cocky!"]]<br>别!太!得!意!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_06.mp3|"Do not get cocky, men, even though we have every reason to be! We are the best!"]]<br>别太骄傲了,兄弟们,即使我们有充分的理由可以骄傲!我们是最强的!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_07.mp3|"Permission to get cocky, men! It is impossible for us to lose!"]]<br>请准许我骄傲一下,兄弟们!我们是不可能会输的!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_rare_01.mp3|"Just because you won does not make you a winner! Winners ''keep'' winning! I will never stop winning until I have won!"]]<br>你只赢了一场你也还不算是赢家!赢家是会一直赢下去的!我会不停地赢下去直到我赢完了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_rare_02.mp3|"Men, George Washington never lost! Jesus never lost! Patton never lost! If winning's good enough for ''those'' war heroes, it's damn well good enough for us!"]]<br>兄弟们,乔治·华盛顿从来没有输过!耶稣也从来没有输过!巴顿将军也从来没有输过!如果胜利对那些战争英雄来说已经足够好了,那么对我们来说也好到不行了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_rare_03.mp3|"[歌唱] I love to win, by the dawn's early light!"]]<br>晨曦初现,我爱胜利!(唱的是美国国歌《[[w:The Star-Spangled Banner|星条旗永不落]]》的曲调)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamewonlast_rare_04.mp3|"[歌唱] I love to win, so I guess we should win!"]]<br>我爱胜利,我想我们应该会赢!(唱的是美国国歌《星条旗永不落》的曲调)
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''上一回合失败'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_02.mp3|"Stop lagging and start tagging, men!"]]<br>兄弟们,别再懒散了,手脚给我动起来!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_03.mp3|"We will ''not'' lose again!"]]<br>我们不会再输了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_04.mp3|"I will not stand for losing!"]]<br>我可容忍不了失败!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_05.mp3|"We cannot let these maggots beat us again!"]]<br>我们不能再让这些臭虫打赢我们了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_06.mp3|"Remember, boys, it is always darkest before we win!"]]<br>记住,小子们,阳光总在风雨后!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_07.mp3|"This losing streak ends here, ladies!"]]<br>女士们,这场连败到此为止!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_08.mp3|"I'm going to tell you ladies a secret: I hate losing!"]]<br>我要告诉你们这些娘炮一个秘密:我讨厌失败!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_09.mp3|"My shoulders are broad, men, but I can't fit all of you on them!"]]<br>兄弟们,我的肩膀很宽,但我没法扛下你们所有人!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_rare_01.mp3|"Remember, men, there is no 'I' in 'team'! And I am going to ''win'', with or without you!"]]<br>兄弟们记住,‘队伍’里是没有‘我’的!不管有没有你,我都要赢!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_rare_02.mp3|"Everyone, please stand! [歌唱] Oh, say, can you see, that we lost the first game! [正常说话] You do ''see'' that, right?"]]<br>所有人稍息![歌唱] 噢!你可看见,我们输了第一局![正常说话] 你是见着了,没错吧?(唱的是美国国歌《星条旗永不落》的曲调)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_rare_03.mp3|"Remember, men, 'the flag was still there'! And if a piece of fabric can do it, ''you'' daisies can do it! Hang in there!"]]<br>兄弟们记住,‘国旗依然飘扬着’!一块布料能做到的事,你们这些雏菊也能做到!给我挺住!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_rare_04.mp3|"Everyone, take a knee! Dear God, we are sorry we angered you, please stop helping the other team! Over and out!"]]<br>所有人跪下!亲爱的上帝,很抱歉我们激怒了您,请您不要再保佑对面那队了!通话完毕!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregamelostlast_rare_05.mp3|"A winner knows when to fight and when ''not'' to fight! Answer: Never! Stop! Fighting!"]]<br>赢家都知道什么时候该战斗,什么时候不该战斗!那就是:永远!不会!停止!战斗!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''上一回合平局'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregametie_01.mp3|"Let's break this tie!"]]<br>让我们打破这场平局!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregametie_02.mp3|"I'm gonna break this tie over my knee!"]]<br>我要用我的膝盖打破这场平局!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregametie_03.mp3|"Tie-breaking time!"]]<br>破局时间到!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregametie_04.mp3|"I'm gonna break my foot off in this tie's ass!"]]<br>这场平局真的要气死我了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregametie_05.mp3|"If there is one thing I hate more than losing, it is tying! That just means everybody loses!"]]<br>如果有一件能比失败更让我讨厌的事,那就肯是打平局!这就说明所有人都是输家!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_pregametie_06.mp3|"Men, we are tied, and that is just another word for losing!"]]<br>兄弟们,我们打平局了,这只是失败的另一个说法!
=== 比赛结果 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''比赛胜利'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_01.mp3|"That is how you win!"]]<br>我们就是这么赢的!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_03.mp3|"We won!"]]<br>我们胜利了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_04.mp3|"We win! We win!"]]<br>我们赢了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_05.mp3|"We win!"]]<br>我们赢了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_06.mp3|"U! S! A!"]]<br>美!利!坚!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_07.mp3|"Drop and give me victory!"]]<br>趴下去给我摆个胜利的姿势!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_08.mp3|"Mwah ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>呣哈哈哈哈!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_matchwon_09.mp3|"Good enough for this Marine!"]]<br>对这个部队来说已经很不错了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''游戏胜利'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_01.mp3|"All gave some! They gave a lot! We didn't give an inch!"]]<br>人人都付出了一些!他们付出了很多,但我们丝毫没有让步!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_03.mp3|"Sun Tzu's got nothing on us!"]]<br>孙子根本不懂我们!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_04.mp3|"Sun Tzu might have invented the ''War'', but we invented winning them!"]]<br>孙子也许发明了战争,但我们发明了赢得战争!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_05.mp3|"I am a courage-filled machine of war!"]]<br>我是一台勇气爆棚的战争机器!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_06.mp3|"Hah, we did it!"]]<br>哈,我们成功了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_08.mp3|"I've got three words for you: U! S! A!"]]<br>我只说三个字:美!利!坚!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_01.mp3|"Of course we won! We are Americans! If you didn't win, I would need to see your birth certificate!"]]<br>我们当然会赢了!因为我们是美国人!如果你没赢,那给我看看你的出生证明!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_02.mp3|"If you do not like losing to an enlisted man, do not pick a fight with one!"]]<br>如果你不想输给一个应征入伍的军人,那就不要和他干架。
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_03.mp3|"Dear other team: please reach into your ass and give me my foot back! You can have it back next game!"]]<br>亲爱的对手:请把你的手伸到屁股里,把我的脚拔出来还我!那只脚你们可以在下一场比赛中再塞回去!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_04.mp3|"They said we couldn't do it! They said we shouldn't do it! They begged us ''not'' to do it! And we did it anyway!"]]<br>他们说我们做不到!他们说我们不该这么做!他们求我们不要这么做!但我们还是做到了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_05.mp3|"All gave some! Some gave more! But only one gave nothing, the winner!"]]<br>人人都付出了一些!有些人付出了更多!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_06.mp3|"Pick up their asses gently, men. Put them in a tub with scented candles. Tuck them into bed and kiss their asses on the forehead. Because we have kicked them all over this map and they are devastated!"]]<br>轻拿轻放,兄弟们。把他们放在有香薰蜡烛的浴缸里。给他们盖好被子上床睡觉,在他们的额头上吻个吻。因为我们把他们揍得满地图飞,他们都崩溃了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_07.mp3|"Sun Tzu said 'Winning a hundred wars is not the best thing. The best thing is to win without fighting at all.' Men, Sun Tzu is an idiot! And if I ever see him, I will punch him in his mouth!"]]<br>孙子曰:“百战百胜,非善之善者也。不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。”兄弟们,孙子是个白痴!如果给我看见他,我给他一个大嘴巴子!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_08.mp3|"This is my rifle, this is my gun! You maggots stink and that's why we won!"]]<br>这是我们武器,这是我的枪!你们都是臭虫,所以我们能赢!(参考了[[w:Rifleman's Creed|《步枪兵信条》]]中的一段)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_gamewon_rare_09.mp3|"We almost died on that hill! But dammit, we took it, didn't we?"]]<br>我们差点就没命战死在那山丘上了!但见鬼的是,我们还是拿下它了,不是吗?
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''排名上升'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_01.mp3|"Rank up!"]]<br>升级!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_02.mp3|"Rank up, maggot!"]]<br>升级了,臭虫!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_03.mp3|"We have ranked up!"]]<br>我们升级了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_04.mp3|"Sound off like you've got a rank!"]]<br>升级了就报个数!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_05.mp3|"You got the stripe, son! You can't see it, but I'm saluting you right now!"]]<br>你拿到条纹章了,小子!你现在看不到它,但现在我正向你敬礼!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_06.mp3|"You ranked up, son! You can't see it, but I'm dropping and giving you twenty! [小声地] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine..."]]<br>你升级了,小子!你现在看不到它,但我要趴下来做二十个俯卧撑![小声地] 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九……
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_07.mp3|"I love the smell of a rank up in the morning!"]]<br>我喜欢一大早的升级的味道!(参考了电影[[w:Apocalypse Now|《现代启示录》]]中的比尔·吉尔戈中校所说的台词)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_08.mp3|"This is my rank up, there are many like it, but this one is mine!"]]<br>这是我们排名,无数人与其相像,但唯独这个属于我!(参考了《步枪兵信条》中的一段)
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_09.mp3|"Well done, sir!"]]<br>干得好,长官!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_10.mp3|"That took some doing!"]]<br>这可不容易啊!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_11.mp3|"Looks like we ranked up!"]]<br>看样子升级了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_12.mp3|"We have been promoted, maggot!"]]<br>我们升军衔了,臭虫!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_13.mp3|"Looks like we moved up in rank!"]]<br>看样子我们的排名上升了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_rankup_highest_01.mp3|"We've hit the top of the mountain, son! Now let's ''defend'' this pile of rocks!"]]<br>我们已经到达山顶了,小子!现在,该我们捍卫住这座山了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''比赛总结'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_01.mp3|"Son, I am proud of you!"]]<br>小子,我为你感到骄傲!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_04.mp3|"I am proud of you, you sack of garbage! Now eat the floor and give me twenty!"]]<br>我为你感到骄傲,你这垃圾!现在给我趴地上做二十个俯卧撑!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_05.mp3|"You have grit, you have valor, and now you have proof!"]]<br>你有毅力,你有勇气,现在你又有了证明这些的证据!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_07.mp3|"Son, whatever third-world stink pile you actually live in, today you are an American!"]]<br>小子,不管你实际上住在在第三世界的臭垃圾堆里还是其他什么地方,在今天你就是一个美国人!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_08.mp3|"All gave some, some gave all, but nobody got a prize but us!"]]<br>人人都付出了一些,有些人付出了一切!但只有我们拿到了报酬!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_09.mp3|"Well done, maggot!"]]<br>干得好,臭虫!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_10.mp3|"We did it, son!"]]<br>我们做到了,小子!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_rare_01.mp3|"One time I killed a man in Germany! After the war! He was asking for directions! I am more proud of ''this''!"]]<br>有一次我在德国杀了一个人!那是在战后!而且他是在问路!这才是更让我自豪的事情了!
*[[Media:Cm_soldier_summary_callout_rare_02.mp3|"I have been awarded the Purple Heart, the Orange Star, the Green Clover, the Blue Diamond, and the Big Golden Army Ball of Bravery! And I am most proud of ''this''!"]]<br>我曾被授予紫心勋章、橙星勋章、绿三叶草勋章、蓝钻勋章和勇气黄金军团之球!不过这才是最让我自豪的事情!
== [[Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans|曼恩 vs. 机器]]-相关回应 ==
=== 准备阶段/回合间隙 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''准备就绪'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm say ready01.wav|"Ready."]]<br>准备完毕。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm say ready02.wav|"I am ready."]]<br>我准备好了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm ask ready01.wav|"Fall in, men."]]<br>集合,兄弟们。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm ask ready02.wav|"Sound off if you're ready."]]<br>准备好了就报个数。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm ask ready03.wav|"Man up, ladies."]]<br>拿出男人的架势来,一群娘炮。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合结束,站在[[Upgrade Station/zh-hans|升级站]]旁'''
|image      = Uncharged Canteen.PNG
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Upgrade Station/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm encourage upgrade01.wav|"Men, get to the Upgrade Stations."]]<br>兄弟们,过来升级站这边。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''使用[[Upgrade Station/zh-hans|升级站]]后'''
|image      = MvM_Class_upgraded.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Upgrade Station/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm get upgrade01.wav|"Ahhh...Much better."]]<br>啊……好多了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm get upgrade02.wav|"Well, back to the front."]]<br>好了,回前线去。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm get upgrade03.wav|"Bwahah!"]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''收集[[Credits/zh-hans|钞票]]'''
|image      = Smallcredits.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Credits/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm collect credits01.wav|"Grab that cash, boys, we earned it."]]<br>拿好那些钱,小子们,那是我们赢来的。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm collect credits02.wav|"Mwaha! The spoils of war."]]<br>呣哈哈!烧杀抢掠。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''队友[[Sapper/zh-hans|瘫痪]]了[[Robots/zh-hans|机器人]]'''
|image      = Killicon electro sapper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  Sapper/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm robot sapped01.wav|"Sapping a robot."]]<br>机器人瘫痪中。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm robot sapped02.wav|"That is a sapped robot."]]<br>那个机器人被瘫痪了。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Sniper Robot/zh-hans|敌方狙击手]]来袭'''
|image      = Leaderboard class sniper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Sniper Robot/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm sniper01.wav|"Sniper!"]]<br>当心狙击手!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Sentry Buster/zh-hans|步哨毁灭者]]来袭'''
|image      = Leaderboard class sentry buster.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Sentry Buster/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm sentry buster01.wav|"Sentry Buster!"]]<br>步哨毁灭者!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm sentry buster02.wav|"Sentry Buster eliminated."]]<br>步哨毁灭者已被消灭。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''炸弹掉落'''
|image      = Bomb dropped.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb destroyed01.wav|"Bomb bot has been eliminated."]]<br>炸弹机器人已经被消灭。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb destroyed02.wav|"Ten-hut! Bomb is clear."]]<br>立正!炸弹已经被清除。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm close call01.wav|"Now that was close."]]<br>现在那是接近的。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''炸弹被捡起'''
|image      = Bomb carried.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb see01.wav|"Bomb!"]]<br>炸弹!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb see02.wav|"They got a bomb!"]]<br>它们拿到了炸弹!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb see03.wav|"Another bomb."]]<br>又一个炸弹。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''炸弹携带者升级'''
|image      = Bomb carrier defense.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb upgrade01.wav|"That bomb bot's getting angry."]]<br>炸弹机器人开始狂暴了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb upgrade02.wav|"That bomb bot's getting angrier."]]<br>炸弹机器人越来越狂暴了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm bomb upgrade03.wav|"That bomb bot's on a rampage."]]<br>炸弹机器人已经完全狂暴了。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Robots/zh-hans#Giant Robots|巨型机器人]]来袭'''
|image      = Hud mvm bomb upgrade boss.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Robots#Giant Robots/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm giant robot03.wav|"That big one's got the bomb!"]]<br>那个大块头的拿到了炸弹!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm giant robot04.wav|"Big robot's got the bomb, boys!"]]<br>大机器人拿到了炸弹,小子们!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm giant robot01.wav|"Big robot!"]]<br>大机器人!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm giant robot02.wav|"Let's give this soup can hell!"]]<br>和我一起送这些汤罐头回老家!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Tank Robot/zh-hans|坦克]]来袭'''
|image      = Leaderboard class tank.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  Tank Robot/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank alert01.wav|"Tank!"]]<br>坦克!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank alert02.wav|"Taaaaaaaank!"]]<br>坦——克!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank deploy01.wav|"That Tank is dropping a bomb!"]]<br>那坦克正在投放炸弹!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank shooting01.wav|"Shoot that Tank!"]]<br>打那辆坦克!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank shooting02.wav|"We need to kill the Tank!"]]<br>我们得干掉那坦克!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank shooting03.wav|"Let's kick this robot's ass back to the Bronze Age!"]]<br>和我一起把这些机器人屁股踹回青铜时代!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank dead01.wav|"Tank is down, men!"]]<br>坦克倒下了,兄弟们!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm tank dead02.wav|"Tank has been neutralized!"]]<br>坦克威胁已经被消除!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''队友死亡'''
|image      = Health dead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead01.wav|"Scout down."]]<br>侦察兵倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead04.wav|"Soldier down."]]<br>士兵倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead07.wav|"Pyro down."]]<br>火焰兵倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead06.wav|"Demo down."]]<br>爆破手倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead03.wav|"Heavy down."]]<br>机枪手倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead09.wav|"Engineer down."]]<br>工程师倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead05.wav|"Medic down."]]<br>医生倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead08.wav|"Sniper down."]]<br>狙击手倒下了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm class is dead02.wav|"Spy down."]]<br>间谍倒下了。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''除自己以外的其他所有队友全部死亡'''
|image      = Health dead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm stand alone01.wav|"Just me and you, lady-bots!"]]<br>就剩你们和我了,娘炮机器人们!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm stand alone02.wav|"I am not trapped in a facility full of robots. ''You'' are all trapped in here with ''me''!"]]<br>不是我被迫关在一个全是你们这些机器人的地方,而是你们被迫和我关在了一起!(参考了[[w:Watchmen|《守望者》]]中罗夏所说的台词)
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''发起一场[[Duel/zh-hans|决斗]]'''
|title      = '''被[[Reanimator/zh-hans|复活装置]]复活'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  Reanimator/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm resurrect01.wav|"TEN HUT!"]]<br>立正!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm resurrect02.wav|"AT-TEEENNN-TION!"]]<br>注——意!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm resurrect03.wav|"Back from Hell!"]]<br>从地狱归来!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm resurrect04.wav|"Hello again!"]]<br>又见面了!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm resurrect05.wav|"Back from the dead and reporting for duty!"]]<br>起死回生再报个告!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm resurrect06.wav|"''I'' did not have permission to die!"]]<br>我还没被下令去送死呢!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''其他'''
|image      = Mvm navicon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm taunt01.wav|"You worthless lady-bots get back here and fight!"]]<br>你们这群娘炮机器人给我滚回这里干架!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm taunt02.wav|"Reboot in robot hell, you tin savages!"]]<br>给我从机器人阴间里重启,你们这群铁皮野人!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm taunt03.wav|"This is not a robot tea party, sparkbags, this is robot war!"]]<br>这不是机器人茶会,铁脑袋,这是机器人战争!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm taunt04.wav|"Get a haircut, trashcans."]]<br>去剃个头,一群垃圾桶。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm taunt05.wav|"The best part of you ran down your motherboard."]]<br>你身上最好的零件从你的主板上掉出来了。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm taunt06.wav|"You're not a real robot, ''are'' you, comrade?"]]<br>你不是一个真正的机器人,对吗,同志?
====地图 [[Mannhattan/zh-hans|Mannhattan]] 特有====
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 大门警报
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mannhattan/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm mannhattan gate atk01.wav|"The robots are attacking the gate!]]<br>机器人正在进攻大门!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm mannhattan gate take01.wav|"The robots took the gate!]]<br>机器人抢下了大门!
=== 回合结束后 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''胜利'''
|image      = Achieved.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end01.wav|"U! S! A!"]]<br>美!利!坚!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end02.wav|"No guts, no glory, robots!"]]<br>没胆子,没面子,就属机器人!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end03.wav|"I will open up your chassis and use you all as a latrine!"]]<br>我要撬开你们的机壳,再把你当马桶用!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end04.wav|"Human grit always beats robot magic."]]<br>人类的勇气总能战胜机器人的魔力。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end05.wav|"I have uploaded a boot up your metal asses!"]]<br>我把一只靴子上传到你们的铁屁股上了!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end06.wav|"Never forget; always remember. Pepper fie."]]<br>绝不遗忘,始终牢记。胡椒粉。<!-- ? -->
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end07.wav|"All men gave some. Some men gave more than some."]]<br>人人都付出了一些,有些人付出了更多的一些。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''失败'''
|image      = Killicon skull.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end08.wav|"You call that a loss? I've ''crapped'' bigger losses than that."]]<br>你管那叫失败?我整过比这更糟的。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end09.wav|"Let's see them try that twice!"]]<br>再让他们试一试给我们看看!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm wave end10.wav|"Well that went pear-shaped fast!"]]<br>好吧,那好像有点快过头了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''获得{{item link|Killstreak Kit}}'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot common01.wav|"Mine!"]]<br>我的了!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot common02.wav|"This is mine now!"]]<br>现在是我的了!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot common03.wav|"There are many like it, but this one is mine!"]]<br>有无数个这一样的,但唯独这个是属于我的。(参考了《步枪兵信条》中的一段)
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot rare01.wav|"Holy Mary, mother of Joseph!"]]<br>圣母了个约瑟夫娘亲啊!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot rare02.wav|"I will kill any man who tries to take this from me."]]<br>我会杀掉了所有想从我这里抢走这玩意的家伙。
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot rare03.wav|"Sweet Land of Liberty!"]]<br>甜蜜的自由之地!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot rare04.wav|"You can have this when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. And even then, good luck! Because I will have glued it to my cold, dead hands!"]]<br>你可以直接从我死透凉透的手里拔出这玩意再占为己有。不过还是得祝你能够得逞,因为就算死透了,我的手还是会粘在那玩意上面的!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot godlike01.wav|[低声地] "This is what the President must feel like all the time!"]]<br>这一定就是所谓的身为总统的感觉吧!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot godlike02.wav|[低声地] "It's perfect!"]]<br>这太完美了!
*[[Media:Soldier mvm loot godlike03.wav|[低声地] "This is what God would use to shoot somebody."]]<br>这就是上帝御用的杀人利器。
== [[Versus Saxton Hale/zh-hans|{{common string|Versus Saxton Hale}}]]-相关回应 ==
<var>注:该模式的语音回应均由 James McGuinn 提供。</var>
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''准备阶段'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier setup 01.mp3|"They say I should not dig my own grave! Fine! Then I will dig your own grave!"]]<br>他们说我不应该给自己挖坟!那好!那我就给你自己挖个坟!
*[[Media:Soldier setup special 01.mp3|"Saxton, I don't need a ''gun'' to take you down!"]]<br>萨克斯顿,我不用枪也能干趴你!
*[[Media:Soldier setup special 02.mp3|"Saxton! I don't need a '''gun''' to take ''you'' down!"]]<br>萨克斯顿,我不用枪也能干趴你!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''发现萨克斯顿·霍尔'''
|image      = VSH Saxton Hale Model.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Saxton Hale/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier above 01.mp3|[抑扬顿挫地] "'''ABOOOOVE-YOU!'''"]]<br>'''在你头顶上!'''
*[[Media:Soldier above 02.mp3|"Above you, maggot!"]]<br>在你头顶上,臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier above 03.mp3|[抑扬顿挫地] '''"LOOOOK-UP!'''"]]<br>'''看上面!'''
*[[Media:Soldier above 04.mp3|"Look to the skies, maggots!"]]<br>往天上看,臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier above 05.mp3|[抑扬顿挫地] "'''AIRBORNE-ENEMY-DETECTED!'''"]]<br>'''探测到空袭!'''
*[[Media:Soldier above 06.mp3|"Airborne enemy detected!"]]<br>探测到空袭!
*[[Media:Soldier behind 01.mp3|[抑扬顿挫地] "'''BEHIIIIND-YOU!'''"]]<br>'''在你后面!'''
*[[Media:Soldier behind 02.mp3|"Behind you!"]]<br>在你后面!
*[[Media:Soldier behind 03.mp3|"Behind you, maggot!"]]<br>在你后面,臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier contact 01.mp3|"Contact!"]]<br>接敌!
*[[Media:Soldier contact 02.mp3|"'''CON-TACT!'''"]]<br>'''接!敌!'''
*[[Media:Soldier contact 03.mp3|"Contact, directly in front of me!"]]<br>接敌,就在我正前方!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''成功使用{{item link|Market Gardener}}的爆击击中'''
|image      = Backpack Market Gardener.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Market Gardener/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier gardened 01.mp3|"'''YOU! HAVE! BEEN! GARDENED!'''"]]<br>'''你!被!铲!了!'''
*[[Media:Soldier gardened 02.mp3|"YOU! HAVE! BEEN! GARDENED!"]]<br>你!被!铲!了!
*[[Media:Soldier gardened 03.mp3|"You have been Gardened, maggot!"]]<br>你被铲了,臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier gardened 04.mp3|"Gardened!"]]<br>铲到了!
*[[Media:Soldier gardened 05.mp3|"'''GOTTIM!'''"]]<br>'''到手!'''
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''医生当前状态'''
|image      = Leaderboard class medic.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Medic/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 01.mp3|"'''MEDIC!''' Dammit, we have none, ladies!"]]<br>'''医生!'''见鬼,医生没了,女士们!
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 02.mp3|"I do not see any ''doctors'' amongst you, maggots!"]]<br>我在你们当中连一个医生都没见着,臭虫们!
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 03.mp3|"I do not see any doctors amongst you, maggots!"]]<br>我在你们当中连一个医生都没见着,臭虫们!
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 04.mp3|"'''WE HAVE NO MEDIC, LADIES!'''"]]<br>'''我们的医生没了,女士们!'''
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 05.mp3|"Be careful ladies, ''we don't have any Medics!'' Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Yeah, right."]]<br>注意了女士们,我们连一个医生都没有了!是的,没错。
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 06.mp3|"Looks like our Medic got cold feet!"]]<br>看来我们的医生临阵脱逃了!
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 07.mp3|"Looks like our battlefield nurse decided to stay at the campground!"]]<br>看来我们的战场护士决定留在营地了!
*[[Media:Soldier nomedic 08.mp3|"We have no Medic, ladies!"]]<br>我们的医生没了,女士们!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''爬墙'''
|image      =
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier wall climb 01.mp3|"Wall climbing is like rocket jumping, but you keep the rocket!"]]<br>爬墙就像火箭跳,但你可以省几发火箭!
*[[Media:Soldier wall climb 02.mp3|"Wall climb now! That is an order!"]]<br>现在给我爬墙!这是命令!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''比赛胜利'''
|image      = Achieved.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier win 01.mp3|"Put on some clothes, ya hippie!"]]<br>穿点衣服吧,你这臭嬉皮!
== [[Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans|决斗]]-相关回应 ==
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''发起一场[[Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans|决斗]]'''
|image      = Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png
|image      = Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Duel/zh-hans
|image-link = Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier go03.wav|"Let's go!"]]<br>来吧!
*[[Media:Soldier taunts02.wav|"Time to inform your next of kin!"]]<br>是时候去通知你的家属了。
*[[Media:Soldier taunts07.wav|"If God had wanted you to live, He would not have created ''me!''"]]<br>要是上帝想让你活着,那他就不会创造我!
*[[Media:Soldier taunts08.wav|"I am going to claw my way down your throat and tear out your very soul!"]]<br>我要撕开你的喉咙钻进去,再把你的灵魂给扯出来!
*[[Media:Soldier taunts13.wav|"I joined this team just to kill maggots like you."]]<br>我加入这支队伍就是为了杀掉像你这样的臭虫。
*[[Media:Soldier taunts20.wav|"I am going to strangle you with your own frilly training bra!"]]<br>我要拿你的花边训练胸罩把你给勒死!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''同意决斗'''
|title      = '''决斗被接受'''
|image      = Duel RED.png
|image      = Duel RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Duel/zh-hans
|image-link = Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier cheers05.wav|"Booyah!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier positivevocalization02.wav|"Oh yeah."]]<br>噢耶!
*[[Media:Soldier positivevocalization03.wav|"Okay!"]]<br>好的!
*[[Media:Soldier positivevocalization04.wav|"Roger that!"]]<br>收到!
*[[Media:Soldier taunts03.wav|"If you know what's good for ya, you will run!"]]<br>如果你不想找麻烦的话,就赶紧滚!
*[[Media:Soldier yes03.wav|"Affirmative!"]]<br>我赞成!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''拒绝决斗'''
|title      = '''决斗被拒绝'''
|image      = Duel BLU.png
|image      = Duel BLU.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Duel/zh-hans
|image-link = Dueling Mini-Game/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier HatOverHeartTaunt02.wav|"I never liked you."]]<br>我从来都不喜欢你。
*[[Media:Soldier jeers01.wav|"Boooooo..."]]<br>切……
*[[Media:Soldier taunts18.wav|"You are a spineless worm! You are a mistake of nature! You are walking ''vomit''!"]]<br>你这没骨气的虫子!自然选择的错误!会走路的呕吐物!
== 未使用的台词 ==
==万圣节/[[Full Moon/zh-hans|满月]]-相关回应==
=== 揭晓[[Wheel of Fate/zh-hans|命运之轮]] ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Critical hit/zh-hans|暴击]][[Rocket launcher/zh-hans|火箭]]杀敌'''
|title      = 命运之轮转动
|image      = Font_example_Agathodaimon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 spinning01.wav|"Here we go."]]<br>开始吧。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 spinning02.wav|"Spinning. Spinning!"]]<br>转啊。转啊!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 spinning03.wav|"I got a good feeling about this!"]]<br>我预感这玩意会很不错!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 spinning04.wav|"Come on! Seven!"]]<br>拜托!转个七!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 命运·舞会
|image      = Fate_card_dance.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic12.wav|"Must... Stop... Dancing."]]<br>必须…停下来…别跳了。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic13.wav|"Must... Think... About... Sensible haircuts!"]]<br>必须…想一想…那些…正常的发型!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 命运·失重
|image      = Fate_card_lowgravity.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic10.wav|"Don't you die on me, gravity."]]<br>别死在我面前,重力。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic11.wav|"Gravity! Noooo!"]]<br>重力!不要!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 命运·大头
|image      = Fate_card_bighead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic02.wav|"Oh, my big head!"]]<br>噢,我的大脑袋!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic04.wav|"Ahhrrr!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic07.wav|"Nooo!"]]<br>不——!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 命运·小头
|image      = Fate card shrunkenhead.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic03.wav|"Oh, my tiny head!'']]<br>噢,我的小脑袋!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic05.wav|"Oh, my head!"]]<br>噢,我的头!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic08.wav|"So tiny!"]]<br>真够小的!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 命运·诅咒(血流不止)
|image      = Fate_card_skull.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic14.wav|"My blood! No!"]]<br>我的血!不!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic15.wav|"Merasmus! I need that blood!"]]<br>马拉莫斯!那些血我还要的!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 正面命运
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 goodmagic01.wav|"Yaaay!"]]
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 goodmagic02.wav|(开心的笑声)]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 负面命运
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic01.wav|"You are the worst roommate!"]]<br>你简直是最糟糕的室友!
=== 与[[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]交战 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 马拉莫斯拿出[[Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans|炸弹魔书]]
|image      = RED_Bombinomicon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 bombinomicon01.wav|"Look out! It's the bas-bo bibby bomb!"]]<br>注意!那是乍单魔书!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 bombinomicon02.wav|"Look out! It's the bas-bo bombbibomb!"]]<br>注意!那是炸胆膜书!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 bombinomicon03.wav|"Look out! It's the bomb-bo basmatron!"]]<br>注意!那是炸弹麻薯!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 bombinomicon04.wav|"Everyone down! He's got a book!"]]<br>所有人都趴下!他拿着那本书!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 bombinomicon05.wav|"It's a book! He's going to read!"]]<br>是那本书!他要开始读了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 头变成[[Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans|炸弹]]
|image      = RED_Bombinomicon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic06.wav|"Oh, my big bomb head!"]]<br>噢,我的大炸弹头!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 badmagic09.wav|"Bomb head! I got a good feeling about this."]]<br>炸弹头!我预感这玩意会很不错。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 成功击晕马拉莫斯
|image      = RED_Bombinomicon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Bombinomicon/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 goodmagic03.wav|"Hah! You screwed up now, Merasmus!"]]<br>哈!现在你搞砸了,马拉莫斯!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 goodmagic04.wav|"Hah! I'm coming for you, wizard!"]]<br>哈!我来收拾你了,巫师!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = [[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]躲藏
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 reseeking01.wav|"You can't hide from me forever, Merasmus!"]]<br>你躲不了我一辈子的,马拉莫斯!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 reseeking02.wav|"You better hide, Merasmus!"]]<br>你最好躲起来,马拉莫斯!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 reseeking03.wav|"Come on out, Merasmus. I've got your rent."]]<br>出来吧,马拉莫斯。你的房租我来交。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 reseeking04.wav|"Come on out, Merasmus! I've got your body! It's not burned! Looks pretty good! I might crawl in there myself!"]]<br>出来吧,马拉莫斯!你的尸体还在我这!它没被烧掉!瞅着还挺好的!我都想钻进去住了!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 reseeking05.wav|"Everybody's dead now, Merasmus! From being scared! You win! Come out!"]]<br>现在大家都死了,马拉莫斯!都被你吓死了!你赢了!出来吧!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 寻找[[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking01.wav|"Merasmus!"]]<br>马拉莫斯!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking02.wav|"Get out here so I can kick you right in your frilly wizard dress!"]]<br>快出来,这样我就可以踹你那花边巫师袍了!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking03.wav|"Come get me, wizard coward!"]]<br>来抓我啊,胆小鬼巫师!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking04.wav|"Wizard! You shall not hide!"]]<br>巫师!不准你躲起来!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking05.wav|"I'm tired of looking."]]<br>我都找腻了。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking06.wav|"Merasmus, get your spectral ass out here!"]]<br>马拉莫斯,带着你的幽灵屁股滚出来!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking07.wav|"Come on out here, enchantress!"]]<br>给我出来,巫婆!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking08.wav|[自问自答] "Oh, hello, Merlin, the famous magician! Nooo, I have not seen Merasmus. What's that? Nooo, I can't think of anyone who'd want an autograph."]]<br>喔,你好啊,梅林,著名的魔术师!没,我没见过马拉莫斯。这是啥?不,我不知道还有谁想要签名。(引用了《亚瑟王的传说》中的人物,巫师[[W:Merlin|梅林]])
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking09.wav|[自问自答] "Oh hello Gundorf! Where's Blasbo Babbins? Oh there he is! Everyone's here! Labalos, Gimpy, Dumpy, Snoopy...umm... Man, I wish Merasmus was around to see this magical turn of events!"]]<br>喔,你好啊,甘朵夫!不拉丝博·巴笨斯去哪了?哦,他在那儿呢!大家都到齐了!莱菠萝斯,金屁,蛋屁,史努比…呃…老天,我真希望马拉莫斯也能来见证这魔法盛会!<br>(引用了[[w:The Lord of the Rings|《指环王》]]中的人物甘道夫、比尔博·巴金斯、莱戈拉斯和金雳,士兵将全部名字都读错了)
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking10.wav|[自问自答] "Oh look it's Houdini. What's that, Hougenie? You looking for a new best friend? Too bad there's no wizards around... get out here Merasmus!"]]<br>喔,看呐,是胡迪尼。胡根尼又是谁?你想找一个新的好朋友?真可惜这附近没有巫师…给我出来,马拉莫斯!(引用了逃脱艺术家[[W:Harry Houdini|哈里·胡迪尼]])
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking11.wav|[自问自答] "What's that, Merasmus's favorite actor, Burt Lancaster? You think people who hide are cowards? '''Wise''' words, Burt Lancaster. You've convinced all of us... Damn it, Merasmus, get out here!"]]<br>那是谁?马拉莫斯最喜欢的演员?伯特·兰卡斯特?你也觉得躲起来的人都是胆小鬼吗?真是'''醒世箴言'''啊,伯特·兰卡斯特。你说服了我们所有人…去你的马拉莫斯,给我滚出来!(引用了演员[[W:Burt Lancaster|伯特·兰卡斯特]])
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking12.wav|[歌唱] "Merasmus!"]]<br>马拉莫斯!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 seeking13.wav|"We give up, Merasmus! You're too scary for us! Now come on out so we can '''kick your ass'''!"]]<br>我们投降了,马拉莫斯!你真的吓到我们了!现在出来吧,这样我们就可以'''踹你屁股'''了!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts01.wav|"Oh no, I hope this scary wizard doesn't guess my card.]]<br>哦不,我希望这个可怕的巫师不会猜到我的牌。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts02.wav|"Merasmus! Stop taking jobs from American ghosts!"]]<br>马拉莫斯!别再从美国鬼魂那里抢饭碗了!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts03.wav|"Merasmus! I am going to pull a rabbit out of your ass!"]]<br>马拉莫斯!我要从你屁眼里拽出一只兔子!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts04.wav|"Merasmus! I will slap the magic out of your mouth!"]]<br>马拉莫斯!我要把你嘴里的魔法全都扇出来!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts05.wav|"Merasmus! Take your voodoo back to Canada! Where it belongs!"]]<br>马拉莫斯!拿上你的巫毒魔法滚回加拿大去!那才是它该待的地方!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts06.wav|"You wizard-ghost maggot!"]]<br>你这个巫师幽灵臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts07.wav|"I will rip off your ghost head and '''crap''' in your stupid hat!"]]<br>我会拽下你那鬼脑袋,然后在你那白痴帽子里'''拉屎'''!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts08.wav|"I am going to kill you, Merasmus! Again!"]]<br>我要杀了你,马拉莫斯!再杀一次!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts09.wav|"You are going down, you spell-casting maggot!"]]<br>你完蛋了,你这施咒语的臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts10.wav|"Your magic is weak, wizard!"]]<br>你的魔法弱爆了,巫师!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts11.wav|"Do not make me kill you again, Merasmus!"]]<br>别逼我又杀你一次,马拉莫斯!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts12.wav|"I am going to haunt your ass with my foot!"]]<br>我要把我的脚踹进你的屁眼里!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts13.wav|"Tonight, your ass will be visited by three ghosts: my foot, my other foot, and a ghost!"]]<br>今晚,你的屁股将被三个鬼魂拜访:我的脚,我的另一只脚,还有一个鬼魂!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts14.wav|"Let me give you some advice, son: Do not be a ghost!"]]<br>给你一些忠告,小子:别当鬼!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts15.wav|"You are ten pounds of ghost crap in a five-pound dress!"]]<br>你就是一个穿着五磅重的裙子的十磅重幽灵垃圾!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts16.wav|"Son, you are a disgrace to the afterlife. You do not '''deserve''' to wear that magic dress."]]<br>小子,你让来生这种事蒙羞。你根本'''不配'''穿那件魔法袍子。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 taunts17.wav|"I am not afraid of no ghosts! I '''refuse''' to be afraid of no ghosts!"]]<br>我不怕鬼!我'''拒绝'''害怕任何鬼魂!(引用了[[w:Ghostbusters (song)|《捉鬼敢死队》的主题曲]])
=== 地图 {{map name|Helltower}} 特有 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合开始'''
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier sf13 round start01.wav|"This corpse has got to ''move'', ladies!"]]<br>这具尸体得搬走,女士们!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 round start02.wav|"Let's move some roadkill!"]]<br>让我们搬走这些死玩意!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 round start03.wav|"This bag of bones has a date with ''the devil'', men! Our job is to ''arrange the meeting!''"]]<br>这堆骨头得跟恶魔见个面,兄弟们!我们的任务是安排见面会!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''推动战车'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier sf13 cart forward01.wav|"Keep this dead man moving, maggots!"]]<br>继续推走这具死尸,臭虫们!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 cart forward02.wav|"This old man will not push ''himself'' to Hell, ladies!"]]<br>这个老骨头不会把他自己推下地狱的,女士们!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''灵异时刻:魔法桥出现'''
|image      = BLU Bombcart.png
|image-size = 25px
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier sf13 midnight01.wav|"It's the Witching Hour!"]]<br>灵异时刻到了!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 midnight02.wav|"Get to the island!"]]<br>到那座岛上去!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 midnight03.wav|"Let's get to the island!"]]<br>和我一起到那座岛上去!
=== 其他 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''收集普通魔咒'''
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''收集稀有魔咒'''
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier sf13 influx big01.wav|"Reporting for duty!"]]<br>报告就绪!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 influx big02.wav|"''I am having a heart attack!''"]]<br>我心脏病要犯了!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 influx big03.wav|"''God Bless '''America!'''''"]]<br>天佑'''美利坚'''!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''遭遇稀有魔咒'''
|image      = Backpack_Fancy_Spellbook.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier sf13 magic reac01.wav|"We are in a ''world of magic!''"(尖叫)]]<br>我们在魔法世界里!
*[[Media:soldier sf13 magic reac03.wav|"Son of a ''cussing cuss word!''"]]<br>狗娘养的脏词脏话!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''施放魔咒'''
|image      = Backpack_Spellbook_Magazine.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Magic spells/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell bombhead01.wav|"Caputus crepitus!"]]<br>【火球】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell devil bargain01.wav|"Pactum diabolus!"]]<br>【南瓜地雷阵】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell earthquake01.wav|"Seismela tremoro!"]]<br>【流星坠落】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell generic04.wav|"Barpo kabalto!"]]<br>【超量治疗】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell invisibility01.wav|"Barpo invisium!"]]<br>【潜行】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell lightning bolt01.wav|"Imputum fulmenus!"]]<br>【雷电之球】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell summon monoculous01.wav|"Invokum Monoculus!"]]<br>【召唤魔眼】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell super jump01.wav|"Amplus tripudio!"]]<br>【超级高跳】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell super speed01.wav|"Paidum celeris!"]]<br>【浑身来劲】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell teleport self01.wav|"Ipsum instantarium!"]]<br>【暗影之跃】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell uber01.wav|"Deus invictus!"]]<br>【蝙蝠之潮】
*[[Media:soldier sf13 spell zombie horde01.wav|"Mortis animataris!"]]<br>【骷髅大军】
=== 其他 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 落入无底洞
|image      = Backpack_Skull_Island_Topper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 falling01.wav|(长久的尖叫)]]
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 falling02.wav|"Damn you, Merasmuuuuus! You are the worst roommaaaaaaaaate!" [淡出]]]<br>去你的,马拉莫斯!你是最差劲的室友——!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 受到惊吓
|image      = Ghost_Yikes!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 scared01.wav|"I am scared, you maggots!"]]<br>我要被吓死了,你个臭虫!
=== {{anchor|Freedom Feathers}} {{Item icon|Freedom Feathers|25px}} 装备{{Item link|Freedom Feathers}} ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合开始'''
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead round start01.wav|"''Screaming eagle!''"(长久的尖啸)]]<br>尖啸雄鹰!
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead round start02.wav|"The eagle has landed! ''On my head!''"]]<br>鹰号已经降落……在我的脑袋上!(前半句出自[[w:Neil Armstrong|
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead round start03.wav|"''I am the perfect avian killing machine!"]]<br>我是完美的禽类杀戮机器!
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead round start04.wav|"''Eagle head'' '''''charge!'''''"]]<br>鹰头'''冲锋!'''
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead round start05.wav|"Merasmus, ''I hate you!''"]]<br>马拉莫斯,我恨你!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead domination01.wav|"Dominated, candy pants! This is Soldier, by the way. I have an eagle head right now."]]<br>控制你了,花裤头!这里是士兵,顺带一提,现在还多了个老鹰脑袋。
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead domination02.wav|"Dominated! By the official bird of Libby, Montana! ''Eagle fact'', maggot!"]]<br>控制你了!复仇者是蒙大拿州的州鸟,鹰面人,臭虫!
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead domination03.wav|"Dominated! By the great seal of the United States of ''My Head!''"]]<br>控制你了!复仇者是美国的标志,也就是我的脑袋!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead on fire01.wav|(尖叫)"''My head smells delicious!''"]]<br>我的脑袋闻起来香喷喷的!
*[[Media:soldier item birdhead on fire02.wav|"''Ow, ow!'' '''''Brawk!''''' ''Fire!''"]]<br>嗷,嗷!'''布嘎!'''着火了!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|ÜberCharge]]状态下'''
|image      = Item_icon_Kritzkrieg.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item birdhead uber01.wav|"Brark! Brark, brark, brark, ''braaaaarrrrk!''"]]<br>布嘎!布嘎,布嘎,布嘎,布——嘎!
*[[Media:Soldier item birdhead uber02.wav|"The Great Eagle Scourge ''returns, hippies!"]]<br>伟大的灾难之鹰回来了,臭嬉皮!
=== {{anchor|Larval Lid}} {{Item icon|Larval Lid|25px}} 装备{{Item link|Larval Lid}} ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 闲置
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle01.wav|"Pay no attention to the top of this man's head!"]]<br>别理这个人的头顶!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle02.wav|"Do not look at this man's head! Go about your business!"]]<br>别盯着这个人的脑袋看!做你的事情去!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle03.wav|"There is nothing unusual about this man's head!"]]<br>这个人的脑袋没有什么稀奇的!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle04.wav|"You are all maggots!" [悄悄地] "Oop, sorry, brain maggot. I forgot you were there."]]<br>你们都是臭蛆![悄悄地] 哦,抱歉,脑蛆。忘了你还在那儿。
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle05.wav|"We're a good team, maggot! ''Yes we are, Soldier!''"]]<br>我们真是一对好搭档,蛆虫!我们确实是,士兵!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle06.wav|"I love you brain maggot, never leave!"]]<br>我爱你,脑蛆,我们永不分离!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle07.wav|"Surrender now maggots and you will not be harmed!" [悄悄地] "It's just a metaphor, brain maggot."]]<br>马上投降,蛆虫们,不然你可要挨打了![悄悄地] 这只是个比喻,脑蛆。
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle08.wav|"You are a true American, brain maggot!"]]<br>你是个真正的美国人,脑蛆!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle09.wav|"Mwahaha! You said it, brain maggot!"]]<br>呣哈哈哈!你讲过这个了,脑蛆!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot idle10.wav|"What's that, brain maggot? You're starving? Yeah, I'm hungry too."]]<br>怎么了,脑蛆?你饿扁了?是啊,我也饿了。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''接受[[Medic/zh-hans|医生]]治疗'''
|image      = Healthico.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Health/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot healed01.wav|"Ahh, my brain maggot's good as new!"]]<br>啊,我的脑蛆就跟新的一样!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot healed02.wav|"That was close. Don't you die on me, brain maggot!"]]<br>真的好险。别给我死了,脑蛆!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot domination01.wav|"If God had wanted you to live, He would not have made me a mindless puppet of this brain maggot!"]]<br>要是上帝想让你活着,那他就不会让我变成这个脑蛆的傀儡!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot domination02.wav|"I joined this team just to kill maggots like you. Uh, not you, brain maggot."]]<br>我加入这支队伍就是为了杀掉像你这样的蛆虫。呃,没说你,脑蛆。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[fire/zh-hans|着火]]'''
|image      = Killicon fire.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Fire/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot on fire01.wav|"Save yourself, brain maggot!"]]<br>保护好你自己,脑蛆!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot on fire02.wav|"Abandon head, brain maggot!"]]<br>丢脑袋了,脑蛆!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合开始'''
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot round start01.wav|"Let's give 'em hell, brain maggot!"]]<br>我们一起送他们下地狱,脑蛆
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot round start02.wav|"Tennnnnn-hut! You too, brain maggot!"]]<br>立——正!你也要,脑蛆!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot round start03.wav|"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH THERE'S A MAGGOT EATING MY BRAIN!"]]<br>啊啊啊啊,有个蛆在啃我的大脑!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot round start04.wav|"Can one of you look at the top of my head? It feels- ''Do not look at this man's head. Go about your business!''"]]<br>你们谁能看看我的头顶?我感觉——这个人的头没啥好看的。做你的事情去!
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot round start05.wav|"''Must find damp pile of leaves for brain maggot!''"]]<br>一定要找一堆湿乎乎的树叶给脑蛆吃!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''处于[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|ÜberCharge]]状态下'''
|image      = Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = ÜberCharge/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot uber01.wav|"You're all maggots, you scum sucking fruit baskets!" [悄悄地] "No offense, brain maggot."]]<br>你们都是蛆虫,你们这些让水果败坏的渣滓![悄悄地] 无意冒犯,脑蛆。
*[[Media:Soldier item maggot uber02.wav|"You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants!" [悄悄地] No offense, brain maggot."]]<br>你们这些娘娘腔蛆虫渣滓的刚刚签下了死刑执行书![悄悄地] 无意冒犯,脑蛆。
=== {{anchor|Magical Mercenary}} {{Item icon|Magical Mercenary|25px}} 装备{{Item link|Magical Mercenary}} ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合开始'''
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start01.wav|"In this man's unicorn army, you ''clomp your hooves'' when a superior officer addresses you!"]]<br>在这支爷们的独角兽部队里,当上级军官跟你说话时,你要踏响你的蹄子!
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start02.wav|"I am a pretty unicorn! I'm going to trot into the forest and pick ''each and every one'' of you maggots an arrangement of flowers! '''''They will be lovely!''''' ''Am I making myself clear?!''"]]<br>我是一只漂亮的独角兽!我要小跑到森林里,给你们每一个臭虫摘一束花!'''这些花可好看了!'''我说得够清楚了吗?!”
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start03.wav|"Men, these are the facts as I understand them: ''One!'' I am the prettiest unicorn! ''Two!'' My mane is lustrous and fragrant, and it catches the wind ''perfectly! Dismissed!''"]]<br>兄弟们,以下是一些我所理解的事实:第一!我是最漂亮的独角兽!第二!我的鬃毛既顺滑又芳香,而且迎着风的时候会更加地完美!解散!
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start04.wav|"Let's get one thing straight: you are all pretty unicorns, but ''I'' am the ''prettiest unicorn!'' '''''Did I stutter?!'''''"]]<br>我就直说了:你们都是漂亮的独角兽,但我是最漂亮的独角兽!'''我说的有问题吗?!'''
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start05.wav|"I am a unicorn! There are many unicorns like me, but ''I'' am the prettiest! ''Sound off like you've'' '''''got''''' ''a horn!''"]]<br>我是独角兽!像我这样的独角兽有很多,但唯独我是最漂亮的!像你'''拥有'''犄角一样大声说出来!
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start06.wav|"I am the prettiest unicorn! My mane smells like lavender, and my horn grants wishes! Is that ''understood'', maggots?!"]]<br>我是最漂亮的独角兽!我的鬃毛闻起来像薰衣草,我的犄角实现了我的愿望!我说的够明白了吗,臭虫们?!
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start07.wav|[Singing] "I don't know, but I been told: I'm a pretty unicorn!"]]<br>
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start08.wav|"I am the prettiest unicorn!"]]<br>我是最漂亮的独角兽!
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start09.wav|"I am a unicorn, ''maggots!''"]]<br>我是一只独角兽,臭虫们!
*[[Media:Soldier item unicorn round start10.wav|"''Sound off like you've'' '''''got''''' ''a horn!''"]]<br>像你'''拥有'''犄角一样大声说出来!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:soldier item unicorn domination01.wav|"Friendship is ''magic'', creampuff."]]<br>友谊就是魔法,你个奶油泡芙。
*[[Media:soldier item unicorn domination02.wav|"''This'' pretty pony just kicked a shiny, pink hoof up your ass!"]]<br>这只漂亮的小马刚刚把一只闪亮的粉色马蹄踹进了你的屁股里!
*[[Media:soldier item unicorn domination03.wav|"Salute the horn, not the man, son."]]<br>向犄角致敬,不是向人,小子。
=== {{anchor|Spellbinder's Bonnet}} {{Item icon|Spellbinder's Bonnet|25px}} 装备{{Item link|Spellbinder's Bonnet}} ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier item wizard domination01.wav|"Abra Kadabra! I just made all my bullets disappear into your chest cavity."]]<br>阿伯拉·卡达伯拉!我刚让我所有的子弹都消失在你的胸腔里了。
*[[Media:Soldier item wizard domination02.wav|"Wanna see a magic trick? Presto, you're dead!"]]<br>想看魔术表演吗?魔术师,你死定了!
=== {{anchor|Tin Soldier}} {{Item icon|Tin Soldier|25px}} 装备{{Item link|Tin Soldier}}套装 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''开火'''
|image      = Item icon Rocket Launcher.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot01.wav|"Beep beep!"]]<br>哔哔!
*[[Media:Soldier robot02.wav|"Beep boop!"]]<br>哔卟!
*[[Media:Soldier robot03.wav|"Bleep bloop!"]]<br>哔哩哔噜!
*[[Media:Soldier robot04.wav|"Beep-bop-boop!"]]<br>哔啵卟!
*[[Media:Soldier robot05.wav|"Blarp-a-barp!"]]<br>卟啦叭卟啦!
*[[Media:Soldier robot06.wav|"Beep beep boop!"]]<br>哔哔卟!
*[[Media:Soldier robot07.wav|"Robot noises!"]]<br>机器人噪音!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''杀死一名敌人'''
|image      = Item icon Rocket Launcher.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot10.wav|"Bleep, bloop. Maggot!"]]<br>哔哩,哔噜。臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier robot11.wav|"Beep-bop-boop. Maggot!"]]<br>哔啵卟。臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier robot12.wav|"Beep beep boop. Maggot!"]]<br>哔哔卟。臭虫!
*[[Media:Soldier robot13.wav|"I am a robot! I run on American jobs!"]]<br>我是个机器人!我干着美国人的工作!
*[[Media:Soldier robot14.wav|"The natural enemy of the robot is hippies!"]]<br>机器人的天敌是嬉皮士!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''在 20 秒内用[[Weapons/zh-hans#soldierprimary|主武器]]杀死超过 1 名敌人'''
|image      = Item icon Rocket Launcher.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Rocket Launcher/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot15.wav|"I am programmed to be scary."]]<br>我被编程来吓唬人的。
*[[Media:Soldier robot16.wav|"Hasta la vista! Feliz Navidad! Hasta gazpacho!"]]<br>再见!圣诞节快乐!直到[[w:Gazpacho|西班牙凉菜]]!(西班牙语)
*[[Media:Soldier robot17.wav|"I run on blood! I take jobs from American vampires!"]]<br>我是用血液来驱动的!我抢了美国吸血鬼的工作!
*[[Media:Soldier robot18.wav|"I am a robot! Bloop! What is love?"]]<br>我是个机器人!哔噜!什么是爱?
*[[Media:Soldier robot19.wav|"Crush! Kill! Bleep!"]]<br>碾碎!杀戮!哔哔!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''激活{{item link|Battalion's Backup}}、{{item link|Buff Banner}}或{{item link|Concheror}}'''
|image      = Item icon Buff Banner.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Buff Banner/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot08.wav|"I am a robot! I am here to take American jobs!"]]<br>我是个机器人,我是来抢美国人的工作的!
*[[Media:Soldier robot09.wav|"I am a robot from the future!"]]<br>我是个机器人,来自未来!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合开始'''
|image      = Gette it Onne!.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = List of game modes/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot08.wav|"I am a robot! I am here to take American jobs!"]]<br>我是个机器人,我是来抢美国人的工作的!
*[[Media:Soldier robot09.wav|"I am a robot from the future!"]]<br>我是个机器人,来自未来!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]敌人'''
|image      = Dominating.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot21.wav|"I am a robot! I was built to scare you!"]]<br>我是个机器人!我就是造来吓唬你的!
*[[Media:Soldier robot22.wav|"I am a robot! I am programmed to give you a sensible haircut!"]]<br>我是个机器人!我的程序就是给你剃个正常的发型!
*[[Media:Soldier robot23.wav|"My foot will transform into a foot - with your ass wrapped around it!"]]<br>我的脚会变形成一只粘着你们屁股的脚!
*[[Media:Soldier robot24.wav|"Scientists in the future have studied your ass for centuries - and sent me back in time to kick it!"]]<br>未来的科学家已经对你的屁股研究了几个世纪——然后让我穿越回过去把它踢爆!
*[[Media:Soldier robot25.wav|"Come with me if you want to live. With me. In my apartment. I need a roommate."]]<br>如果你想活下去,就跟我来。和我一起。在我的公寓里。我需要一个室友。(引用了[[w:Terminator (franchise)|《终结者》系列]]中反复出现的台词)
*[[Media:Soldier robot26.wav|"I will find you. That's what I do. That's all I do. There you are! Shutting down."]]<br>我会找到你的。这就是我的任务。这就是我所做的一切。原来你在这里!程序正在关闭。
*[[Media:Soldier robot27.wav|"I cannot be bargained with! I cannot be reasoned with! I do not know where I am! I am a robot, I don't understand anything!"]]<br>我不能和别人谈判!我不能和别人辩论!我不知道我在哪里!我是个机器人,我什么都不不了解!
*[[Media:Soldier robot28.wav|"I will never feel pity, or remorse, or fear, or comfortable - in this costume."]]<br>在这套服装里面,我永远感受不到同情,或悔恨,或恐惧,或愉悦。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans#Revenge|复仇击杀]]'''
|image      = Nemesis RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Domination/zh-hans#Revenge
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot20.wav|"Beep boop, son. Beep boop."]]<br>哔卟,小子。哔卟。
*[[Media:Soldier cheers01.wav|"Today is a good day."]]<br>今天是个好日子。
*[[Media:Soldier battlecry06.wav|"Hehehyaaa!"]]
=== {{anchor|Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul}} {{Item icon|Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul|25px}} 装备{{item link|Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul}} ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = 闲置
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 zombie01.wav|"I have returned from the grave to give the living haircuts."]]<br>我从坟墓爬回来给活人剃头。
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 zombie02.wav|"BRAAAINS!"]]<br>脑子——!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 zombie03.wav|"Brains. Haircuts. Hippies. BRAAAAAINS!"]]<br>脑子。剃头。嬉皮。脑子——!
*[[Media:Soldier sf12 zombie04.wav|"Brains!"]]<br>脑子!
== 未使用的回应 ==
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''[[Critical hits/zh-hans|爆击]][[Rocket Launcher/zh-hans|火箭]]杀敌'''
|image      = Rocket.png
|image      = Rocket.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Critical hit/zh-hans
|image-link = Critical hit/zh-hans
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Soldier specialcompleted02.wav|"Crocket!"]]<br>爆击火箭!
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''{{Item link|Tin Soldier}}相关回应'''
|image      = Rocket.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Tin Soldier/zh-hans
|content    =
*[[Media:Soldier robot29.wav|"It is a full moon! I have turned into a robot again! Awoo-ooh!"]]<br>满月到了!我又要变成机器人了!嗷呜——!
*[[Media:Soldier robot see ghost01.wav|"Beep beep. I am scared."]]<br>哔哔。我被吓着了。
*[[Media:Soldier robot see ghost02.wav|"Beep boop. I am terrified."]]<br>哔卟。我好害怕。
*[[Media:Soldier robot see ghost03.wav|"Oh no! That robot is a ghost!"]]<br>哦不!那个机器人是一个鬼!
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''不明类型的台词'''
|title      = '''[[Domination/zh-hans|控制]]一名[[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]'''
|image      = Unknownweapon.png
|image      = War demo kills.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =
|content    =  
|content    =  
<var>注:这些语音可能暗示了{{update link|War! Update}}中[[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]和[[Soldier/zh-hans|士兵]]的友谊。</var>
*[[Media:Soldier dominationdemonmanupdate01.mp3|"DOMINATED!" [悄悄地] "Call me later, we can talk about our day."]]<br>控制你了![悄悄地] 晚点打给我,我们可以谈谈我们那些日子。
*[[Media:Soldier dominationdemonmanupdate02.mp3|"DOMINATED!" [悄悄地] "Boy, I have something I want to tell you about the Engineer. Call me later, pal."]]<br>控制你了![悄悄地] 小子,我有一些和工程师有关的东西要跟你讲。晚点再打给我,兄弟。
*[[Media:Soldier dominationdemonmanupdate03.mp3|"DOMINATED!" [悄悄地] "I cherish these moments we spend together."]]<br>控制你了![悄悄地] 我很珍惜我们在一起度过的这些时光。
*[[Media:Soldier dominationdemonmanupdate04.mp3|"DOMINATED!" [悄悄地] "I'm still your friend."]]<br>控制你了![悄悄地] 我还是你的好朋友。
*[[Media:Soldier dominationdemonmanupdate05.mp3|"DOMINATED! I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!" [悄悄地] "Bye. See you soon."]]<br>控制你了!我们地狱再见![悄悄地] "拜,待会见。
{{Audio nav}}
{{Soldier Nav}}
[[Category:Lists of responses/zh-hans]]
[[Category:Lists of responses/zh-hans]]
{{Audio nav}}
{{Soldier Nav}}

Latest revision as of 13:40, 16 August 2023


语音回应是在玩家完成某些行为(如用主武器或近战武器杀死一定数量的敌人),或者玩家遇到了某些事情(如被点燃)后触发播放的语音台词。 以下列出了目前为止士兵所有的语音回应(不包括语音命令)。

Pictogram comment.png 语音翻译仅供参考。


主条目: 士兵嘲讽



Item icon Rocket Launcher.png  在 20 秒内用主武器杀死超过 1 名敌人
Item icon Direct Hit.png  在 20 秒内用主武器杀死超过 3 名敌人
War demo kills.png  杀死一名爆破手
Item icon Black Box.png  在被治疗时连续杀敌
Killicon tool chest.png  摧毁一个建筑
Item icon Medi Gun.png  辅助杀敌
Item icon Shovel.png  近战杀敌


Dominating.png  控制敌人
Leaderboard class scout.png  控制一名侦察兵
Leaderboard class soldier.png  控制一名士兵
Leaderboard class pyro.png  控制一名火焰兵
Leaderboard class demoman.png  控制一名爆破手
Leaderboard class heavy.png  控制一名机枪手
Leaderboard class engineer.png  控制一名工程师
Leaderboard class medic.png  控制一名医生
Leaderboard class sniper.png  控制一名狙击手
Leaderboard class spy.png  控制一名间谍
Nemesis RED.png  复仇击杀


Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Item icon Eyelander.png  骤死战
Killicon skull.png  陷入僵局
Killicon fire.png  着火
Health dead.png  爆击攻击或近战武器杀死
Bleed drop.png  剧痛
Bleed drop.png  刺痛
Item icon Jarate.png  纵火者的油桶瓶手道疯狂的牛奶突变牛奶迷人的生命体击中
Telespin.png  使用传送装置
Healthico.png  接受医生治疗
Item icon Kritzkrieg.png  处于ÜberCharge状态下
Achieved.png  解锁成就


Item icon Buff Banner.png  激活战旗军队的支援征服者战旗


Intel red idle.png  成功夺取情报
CP Captured RED.png  成功占领控制点
CP Locked RED.png  站在己方控制点上开火
Cross RED.png  防守目标


BLU Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车前进
BLU Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车后退
RED Bombcart.png  防守方:战车前进
RED Bombcart.png  防守方:战车后退
Hoodoo Bombcart.png  进攻方:靠近战车
Hoodoo Bombcart.png  进攻方:战车停止前进
Lil-chewchew.png  防守方:阻止炸弹车前进






Setup.png  第一回合



Setup.png  上一回合获胜


Setup.png  上一回合失败


Setup.png  上一回合平局









曼恩 vs. 机器-相关回应


Setup.png  准备就绪


Uncharged Canteen.PNG  回合结束,站在升级站
MvM Class upgraded.png  使用升级站


Smallcredits.png  收集钞票
Killicon electro sapper.png  队友瘫痪机器人
Leaderboard class sniper.png  敌方狙击手来袭
Leaderboard class sentry buster.png  步哨毁灭者来袭



Bomb dropped.png  炸弹掉落


Bomb carried.png  炸弹被捡起
Bomb carrier defense.png  炸弹携带者升级
Hud mvm bomb upgrade boss.png  巨型机器人来袭



Leaderboard class tank.png  坦克来袭





Health dead.png  队友死亡
Health dead.png  除自己以外的其他所有队友全部死亡
Mvm navicon.png  其他

地图 Mannhattan 特有





Achieved.png  胜利
Killicon skull.png  失败





注:该模式的语音回应均由 James McGuinn 提供。

Setup.png  准备阶段


VSH Saxton Hale Model.png  发现萨克斯顿·霍尔




Backpack Market Gardener.png  成功使用市场花园铁锹的爆击击中
Leaderboard class medic.png  医生当前状态
Achieved.png  比赛胜利


Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png  发起一场决斗
Duel RED.png  决斗被接受
Duel BLU.png  决斗被拒绝



Font example Agathodaimon.png  命运之轮转动
Fate card dance.png  命运·舞会
Fate card lowgravity.png  命运·失重


Fate card bighead.png  命运·大头
Fate card shrunkenhead.png  命运·小头
Fate card skull.png  命运·诅咒(血流不止)
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  正面命运
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  负面命运


RED Bombinomicon.png  马拉莫斯拿出炸弹魔书
RED Bombinomicon.png  头变成炸弹
RED Bombinomicon.png  成功击晕马拉莫斯
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  马拉莫斯躲藏
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  寻找马拉莫斯

地图 Helltower 特有

Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
BLU Bombcart.png  推动战车
BLU Bombcart.png  灵异时刻:魔法桥出现


Backpack Fancy Spellbook.png  收集普通魔咒
Backpack Fancy Spellbook.png  收集稀有魔咒
Backpack Fancy Spellbook.png  遭遇稀有魔咒
Backpack Spellbook Magazine.png  施放魔咒


Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  落入无底洞
Ghost Yikes!.png  受到惊吓


Freedom Feathers 装备自由之羽

Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Dominating.png  控制敌人
Killicon fire.png  着火
Item icon Kritzkrieg.png  处于ÜberCharge状态下

Larval Lid 装备威蛆先生

Healthico.png  接受医生治疗
Dominating.png  控制敌人
Killicon fire.png  着火
Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Item icon Kritzkrieg.png  处于ÜberCharge状态下

Magical Mercenary 装备魔法佣兵

Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Dominating.png  控制敌人

Spellbinder's Bonnet 装备巫师的软帽

Dominating.png  控制敌人

Tin Soldier 装备硬纸盒士兵套装

Item icon Rocket Launcher.png  开火
Item icon Rocket Launcher.png  杀死一名敌人
Item icon Rocket Launcher.png  在 20 秒内用主武器杀死超过 1 名敌人
Item icon Buff Banner.png  激活军队的支援战旗征服者战旗
Gette it Onne!.png  回合开始
Dominating.png  控制敌人
Nemesis RED.png  复仇击杀

Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul 装备巫毒诅咒的士兵灵魂



Rocket.png  爆击火箭杀敌
Rocket.png  硬纸盒士兵相关回应


War demo kills.png  控制一名爆破手
