Lanzabombas Lapas

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< Stickybomb Launcher
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Ye appear to 'ave trodden on a mine!
The Demoman

The Stickybomb Launcher (labeled confusingly in files as the Pipe bomb launcher), is the default secondary weapon for the Demoman. It is essentially a Grenade Launcher with a large magazine and wide barrel.

This weapon launches small spiked bombs that adhere to almost any surface, but they will bounce off of enemy players, buildings, or gates due to their projectile status. Stickybombs do not detonate until the player detonates them manually with the correct bound key. The bombs however will disappear harmlessly in a white flash if the owner dies, if they are shot by any bullet-based weapon, or if they are blown up by sticky bombs laid by an enemy using the Scottish Resistance. Up to eight stickybombs can be placed at one time; the oldest stickybomb detonates when the player tries to deploy a ninth bomb. The total number of bombs in place on the map is shown in the HUD. When detonated or otherwise destroyed, stickybombs leave a few broken pieces scattered about, each of which to be picked up for a single unit of metal or ammo. Should a bomb be hit by an explosion from enemy stickies, grenades, rockets and Sentry Gun rockets, or an airblast, it will simply be pushed away. The stickybombs are otherwise unharmed by the force of the blast. Stickybombs do splash damage: there is blast radius falloff, the greater distance from the center of the blast the less damage will be done (even for Critical hits). Note that stickies can do more damage if the enemy is propelled into the air by the force of the blast, subsequently receiving fall damage upon landing. If the enemy is killed by fall damage, the Demoman will "finish off" the enemy rather than kill him.

The Demoman can also use stickybombs to propel himself, similar to the Soldier‎'s ability to rocket jump, which can also be used to juggle enemy players. Unlike the Soldier however, the self-damage incurred by such a tactic is much higher; sometimes as much as half of a Demoman's total health points.

Stickybombs are fired from the launcher at 805 Hammer units per second (around 34 miles per hour). By holding down the fire button, rather than simply clicking it, the launcher can be charged up to launch a stickybomb over greater distances. A meter below the ammo count will show how much force is behind the stickybomb, and the launcher will begin to tremble when it reaches its maximum strength. If the charge bar fills completely, the sticky will fire automatically. A fully charged sticky travels at an approximate 130% speed increase (speed multiplied by 2.3).

Critical hit stickybombs can be identified by a glowing aura surrounding them.


Véase también: Damage
  • Base: 120
  • Max Ramp Up: 115% (138 damage)
  • Max Fall Off: 50% (60 damage)
  • Mini-Crit: 162
  • Splash Damage Reduction: 1% per 3.18 Hammer units away from epicenter to a minimum of 50% at 10 feet (159 Hammer units)
  • Splash Radius: 10 feet (159 Hammer units)
  • 6 ft from explosion: 47-90
  • 3 ft from explosion: 60-124
    • Critical hit: 261
  • Directly Underneath: 103-171
    • Critical hit: 353
  • Self damage: 45-114 (depending on how far you are from the explosion)
    • Critical hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular sticky (45-114)

Note: Explosive damage varies depending on how it hits a player, the larger the classes hit box and the closer you are to the explosion the more damage you will take, the further away from the explosion the less damage you can take. Explosions do the most damage when they happen at the mid point of a player model, the explosion will cover more of the hit box and thus do the most damage. Base damage is the damage done at 512 units before damage variance or bullet spread. Ramp up maxes out at 0 units. Fall off maxes out at 1024 units. Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.

Another Note: Stickybombs suffer from damage falloff like that of most weapons for the first five seconds of its life. Similarly to the Rocket Launcher, the multiplier at point blank is reduced from 150% to 115%. After those 5 seconds, the stickybomb's distance multiplier becomes 1.0. This is so damage falloff only affects stickybombs used immediately in combat, not bombs set as traps.

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.6
  • Reload Base: 1.09
  • Additional Reload: 0.67
  • Stickybomb Initialization: 0.92
  • Time to Fully Charge: 4.00

Reload base is the time it takes to reload the first ammo. Additional reload is the time it takes to reload each ammo after the first. Stickybomb initialization is the time from when the stickybomb leaves your weapon to when you're allowed to detonate it. All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.


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Cambios Anteriores

February 28, 2008 Patch

  • Reduced Demoman's maximum stickybomb reserve ammo from 30 to 16

February 16, 2009 Patch

  • Stickybombs now get a reduced close range damage ramp up (like Rocket Launcher & Syringe Gun)
    • Ultimately reduces damage done by stickybombs to enemies <512 units from the Demoman
  • Demoman's secondary weapon has been renamed to Stickybomb Launcher


  • Increasing the viewmodel field of view shows that, in first person, the weapon is held in one hand, whereas in the world model he holds it in two hands, utilizing the forward grip.
  • Before reloading, the Demoman's unused hand (left if viewmodels are right and vice versa) remains hidden. After reloading and bringing his opposite hand to pull the bolt on his weapon back, the hand will remain in the screen until he switches weapons.
  • The weapon's view and world view differ. In the first person view, the drum is wider to the left side, while in third person the wide side is to the right side.
  • Holding a Stickybomb Launcher and committing suicide will result in the ragdoll dropping a Scottish Resistance; this would only occur if the player had the Scottish Resistance in their backpack and were on the BLU team. RED team members would drop a Stickybomb Launcher.
  • The Stickybomb Launcher's reload animation is inconsistent between the view model and the world view. In the first person perspective, the Demoman grabs the bolt over the top with his palm facing down. In the world view, he grabs it from below, with his palm facing upward.
  • Players are able to deploy stickybombs beyond the starting gates at the start of a match.


Unused Pipebomb model.
  • Based on its name displayed on the stats page, the Stickybomb Launcher was originally supposed to be the Pipe bomb Launcher, a weapon from the first Team Fortress game. It is thought it would have been similar to the Grenade Launcher, but the grenades would only detonate when the player pressed the alt fire key as seen in Trailer 2. The Pipe bomb launcher's grenade is still in the game files. Additionally, the Stickybomb Launcher bears resemblance to a weapon cut from Half-Life 2, simply named the 'Sticky Launcher'. Had it been included, it would have functioned in an almost identical manner, except that it would stick to enemies as well as map surfaces.
  • RED and BLU stuffed stickybombs are featured in the Valve store. [1] [2]


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External links

Template:Allweapons Nav/es
Template:Demoman Nav/es