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2Fort 進行的戰鬥



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主條目:Source 引擎

絕地要塞2是以 Source 引擎的橘盒版本執行,能運行在 PC、 Xbox 360、 PS3、Linux,以及 Mac 上。橘盒引擎增加了臉部繪製、粒子效果,以及多核心繪製。絕地要塞 2 的一般遊戲人數為 24 人 (Xbox 360 則是 18 人,PS3 16 人),但是在 PC/Mac 上的伺服器可以一次最多容納 32 位玩家。所有玩家的行動以及選項都會經由主控台指令(又稱 ConVars)來處理。


從左至右:Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程師Leaderboard class spy.png 間諜Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙擊手Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵Leaderboard class soldier.png 火箭兵Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵、以及Leaderboard class medic.png 醫護兵


Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵:進攻型職業,擁有 133% 的移動速度和 125 點生命值,是適合打帶跑戰術以及奪取目標物的職業。可以雙重跳躍,而佔領控制點和堆動彈頭車時會已與兩人一樣快的速度來進行。偵察兵的初始裝備是雙管散彈槍手槍,以及球棒
Leaderboard class soldier.png 火箭兵:進攻型職業,擁有 200 點的生命值使他可以適應各種不同的情況。只不過它的移動速度只有 80%,但是可以使用像火箭跳等技巧來到達平時到達不了的地方。火箭兵的初始裝備有火箭發射器散彈槍、以及鐵鍬
Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵:進攻型職業,擁有 100% 的移動速度和 175 點生命值,是屬於近距離作戰跟支援團隊的職業。可以使用火焰噴射器來使敵人著火和使用壓縮氣爆將飛彈和玩家彈開,對著隊友使用壓縮氣爆也能為隊友滅火,並且不會受到餘火的燒傷。火焰兵的初始裝備是火焰噴射器散彈槍,以及消防斧
Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵:防守型職業,擁有 93.33% 的移動速度和 175 點生命值,專長是進行大範圍的高傷害攻擊。可以黏彈跳。爆破兵的初始裝備是榴彈發射器黏性炸彈發射器,以及瓶子
Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵:防守型職業,擁有 76.67% 的移動速度和 300 點生命值,是一個擅長輸出大量傷害以及作為肉盾的角色。重裝兵的初始裝備是格林機槍散彈槍,以及拳頭
Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程師:防守型職業,擁有 100% 的移動速度和 125 點生命值,是善於支援隊友以及造成範圍傷害的角色。可以建造、修理、升級、移動、控制建築物。工程師的初始裝備是散彈槍手槍板手、以及PDA
Leaderboard class medic.png 醫護兵:支援型職業,擁有 107% 的移動速度和 150 點生命值,是專門於讓隊友們能夠在戰場上長久存活的角色。會自動回復生命值,也能幫隊友回復生命值以及使用 ÜberCharge 在隊友以及醫護兵身上。醫護兵的初始裝備是注射槍醫療槍、以及鋸子
Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙擊手:支援型職業,擁有 100% 的移動速度和 125 點生命值,專長於在遠處消滅掉敵方玩家的角色。可以爆頭。狙擊手的初始裝備是狙擊槍衝鋒槍、以及喀爾克大彎刀
Leaderboard class spy.png 間諜:支援型職業,擁有 107% 的移動速度和 125 點生命值,是干擾和暗殺敵方的理想職業。可以偽裝摧毀建築隱形,使用全能大使爆頭,以及背刺。間諜的初始裝備是左輪手槍電子破壞器蝴蝶刀偽裝工具、以及隱形手錶







除非伺服器進行過修改,否則絕大部分的武器都會隨機的造成爆擊攻擊。爆擊不會受隨機傷害修正值或距離傷害修正值影響,一定會造成武器基準傷害的 300% 傷害。帶爆擊的攻擊通常會帶有團隊顏色的視覺效果,並且會發出電擊似的音效(特別是爆破性武器的拋體更為明顯)。通常非近戰類武器有 2% 到 12% 的機會打出爆擊,基於近期所造成的傷害還能提升至 15% 到 25% 左右。然而某些武器,如市場花園園丁,無法獲得隨機爆擊。被爆擊擊中時,受害者會被擊退一大段距離,頭上會冒出「Critical Hit!」的字樣,同時發出特別的音效。打出爆擊的玩家本身不會受到自己爆擊的額外傷害和大幅擊退效果,但玩家仍可看到爆擊特效與爆擊命中音效。爆擊傷害並不會累加至單次攻擊上。

許多武器和增幅效果可以造成小爆擊。小爆擊的機制與爆擊雷同,但所造成的傷害只有基準傷害的 135% 而已,造成的擊退效果遜於爆擊,也沒有爆擊的視覺與音效效果。此外,雖然爆擊傷害不受距離影響,小爆擊則會受到距離影響所造成的傷害且享有近距離傷害加成。如果一次攻擊同時帶有小爆擊和攻擊,則只會進行爆擊的傷害判定。如同爆擊,發出小爆擊的玩家不會受到自己小爆擊造成的額外傷害。



主條目: 投射物, 即時命中判定

絕大多數的武器分屬「拋體武器(Projectile weapons)」或「即時命中武器(Hitscan weapons)」。

  • 拋體武器,像是火箭發射器,會射出可移動的物件,其移動路徑、位置與效果取決於伺服器端的運算,這會使得連線品質較低的玩家獲得較差的效果。每位玩家打出的拋體通常都有獨特的物理效果,但玩家開火時的速度不影響拋體的初速。拋體並非由玩家螢幕正中央射出,而是由武器持用手的該側射出(設定為右撇子的火箭兵的火箭會由螢幕右側射出)。拋體對玩家的命中判定並非依循角色模型命中區,而是一巨大立方體形的命中判定區。此判定區能包住玩家角色的模型,也用於判定玩家與地圖的接觸情形,並非職業本身的職業或狀態,除非角色蹲下。舉例來說,站著的重裝兵的拋體命中判定區和跑動中的偵察兵相同,但與蹲下的偵察兵相異。火焰兵的火焰攻擊為粒子效果,也遵循大部分的拋體武器命中判定機制。
  • 即時命中武器,像是格林機槍,攻擊瞬間即判定命中,不像拋體還有可能要等待其移動時間的特性。近戰武器和子彈類/散彈類武器都是使用即時命中判定機制。即時命中武器對命中的判定是基於玩家端的運算(與取決於伺服器端的拋體相反),因此有時會發生匪夷所思的命中情形(「我老早躲到掩體後面了,他怎麼還打得到我?!」)。即時命中武器是由玩家螢幕正中央發射的,儘管視覺效果看起來是從武器持用手側發出的。非近戰類的即時命中武器使用的是根據角色體型描繪的精確命中判定區(站著的重裝兵命中判定區會比站著的偵察兵還大),但近戰武器使用的是和拋體武器相同的巨大命中判定區。
    • 非近戰類的即時命中武器兩次開火時的間隔若超過 1.25 秒以上的話,都會發射至少一顆能完全對準準心中央的子彈或散彈(因此狙擊槍的射速高於這個時間)。在精準射擊後,該項武器便會進入一段時間的些微失準狀態,除非等超過 1.25 秒後再行開火才能恢復準度。這項機制唯一的例外是全能大使脅威使全能大使在開火後只要放大的準心恢復原狀就可以解除失準狀態,而脅威使則在能夠進行第二次攻擊時就已經解除了失準狀態。準心恢復的時間大約是 0.9 秒,較一般非近戰即時命中武器的 1 秒短了一些。


主條目: 武器
參見: 彈藥

每種職業都有能隨意搭配的獨特武器組合,分別佔據武器欄位一、二和三(也常分別稱作主要武器、次要武器、近戰武器)。某些職業擁有額外的欄位可用,像是工程師的 PDA 欄和間諜的偽裝工具。玩家所選擇的武器便成了他們的裝備

多數非近戰武器都需要消耗彈藥。使用彈藥的武器分成備用彈藥型(Reserve-based,通常有著有限的彈匣,並需要從備用彈藥進行裝填彈藥的動作,如手槍)和一次性上彈型(Fully-loaded,能夠直接使用彈倉裡的彈藥且不須裝填,如格林機槍)。備用彈藥型武器又可以分成彈匣上彈型(一次裝填動畫後就可完全填滿彈倉,如左輪手槍)或連續上彈型(一次從備用彈藥中裝填一顆到彈倉中,如散彈槍)。再裝填的動作可藉由按下攻擊鍵或更換武器來打斷,但尚未完成的換彈動作所花的時間就浪費掉了。為連續上彈型武器裝彈時,所裝填的第一顆彈藥與接下來所裝填的彈藥所用的動畫不同(舉例來說,彈匣完全打空的榴彈發射器要花 1.24 秒裝填第一顆彈藥,而接下來的裝填都只花 0.6 秒而已)。

許多不須使用彈藥的武器則是以充能進行裝填(如瓶手道)。充能通常可藉由等待一段固定的時間、使用補給櫃、或重生後填滿。某些沒有彈藥的武器則需要用較特別的方式手動為之填充,例如醫療槍(藉由醫療隊友填充 ÜberCharge 量表)和增幅旗幟


參見: 武器

角色狀態包含了許多牽涉到武器的玩家狀態,如著火流血。所有的角色狀態都會在玩家死亡或更換職業時移除,而無敵 ÜberCharge 也可以解除並無效化絕大部分的負面狀態。 角色狀態演示



  • 著火:著火的玩家會隨著時間經過持續受到傷害(即餘火)。火焰兵對著火狀態免疫。大多數能造成著火的傷害來源每半秒都會造成 3 點生命值的損傷,持續十秒,共可造成 60 點的傷害(除油者每秒僅造成 2 點傷害,總傷害為 40 點)。火焰噴射器背後火焰噴射器除油者燃素噴射氣彩虹放射器、點燃的箭矢信號槍爆破信號槍要人命死光槍灼熱信號槍熔岩巨斧龍火重機槍要牛命 5000 的蓄力攻擊都可以造成著火狀態。
  • 流血:流血的玩家會隨時間經過受到傷害。流血持續的時間取決於造成流血效果的來源(五秒或六秒),每半秒可造成 3 到 5 點的傷害。南方盛情部落戰刀波士頓狼牙棒盧恩古刃斷頭血刃包裝紙殺手所丟出的彩球都能造成流血效果。
  • 緩速:某些武器可以在命中敵人時同時減緩其移動速度,程度不定。只有娜塔莎睡魔,或者是在使用Bonk! 原子能量飲料後可以造成緩速效果。
  • 瓶手道:所有對被瓶手道擊中的玩家的攻擊都會變成小爆擊。受瓶手道擊中的玩家身上會變成泛黃色調,且會有黃色水滴的粒子效果,同時也會令隱形的間諜現形。瓶手道雪梨沉睡者都可造成此效果。
  • 牛奶:對被牛奶潑到的玩家攻擊所造成的傷害的 60% 會回復到攻擊者的生命值上(無法超量治療)。被牛奶潑到的玩家身上會有白色水滴粒子效果,同時也會令隱形的間諜無所遁形。只有瘋狂牛奶可造成此效果。
  • 繳械狀態:處於繳械狀態的玩家移動速度會降低 10%,蹲下時無法移動,且無法開火或更換武器(不過還是可以進行嘲諷)。受到繳械的玩家可以清楚地從攝影機視角變成第三人稱與角色動作的不同(各職業不盡相同,但外表看起來都像是害怕或失望)。被睡魔的棒球擊中、於屠殺時間中處於敗方、撞到鬼魂、以及被連馬都沒有的無頭騎士嘲諷命中時都會進入繳械狀態。
  • 暈眩:處於暈眩狀態下的玩家被定在原地無法進行任何動作。此時會進入第三人稱視角,可以看到角色站在原地輕微晃動,且頭上會出現旋轉的星星。被飛越極長距離的睡魔棒球擊中,或是被器官粉碎機弓箭串刺脊椎穿刺等嘲諷的第一擊命中時都會造成暈眩效果。後者(三種嘲諷)的暈眩效果還能夠影響任何處於 ÜberCharge 狀態的敵人或處於迴避狀態下的敵方偵察兵身上,無視他們的無敵狀態。
  • 死亡標記:對受到死亡標記的玩家的攻擊都會變成小爆擊。處於死亡標記狀態的玩家頭上會有個白色骷髏頭和交叉骨頭的圖案。偵察兵的鐵軍扇命中敵人時會將之烙上持續十五秒的死亡標記,但一次只能標記一個人。裝備遊騎兵援隊的工程師在搬運建築時會持續受到死亡標記(無論距離建築多遠時搬起),在建築放下後死亡標記還會持續數秒才解除。
  • 汽油:身上蓋有汽油的玩家在受到任何類型的傷害後都會被點燃和承受10秒的餘火傷害,包括敵人火焰兵。當玩家蓋有汽油時,玩家模組會滴出綠色的液體。不過,蓋著汽油的玩家並不會計算為濕透。唯一能造成汽油效果的也只有瓦斯罐而已。


主條目: 擊退
參見: 跳躍

大部分的武器都能製造某種程度的擊退效果,但有部分的擊退效果小到難以察覺。擊退的攻擊修正值包括傷害、爆擊或小爆擊狀態、以及依武器而異的效果。擊退效果可以用來令玩家快速移動到特定位置或方向,特別是用以半空制敵,和利用爆炸力進行火箭跳黏彈跳。部分武器和能力,像是自然之力游擊手壓縮氣爆,有著較為獨特的擊退機制。ÜberCharge 中的玩家所受到的擊退效果與一般狀態的玩家比起來會減弱;偽裝成敵方的間諜可對壓縮氣爆外的擊退效果免疫,而受到超速治療(Megaheal)的玩家則可對所有形式的擊退免疫。


依據地圖伺服器設定的不同,TF2 遊戲的目標與規則可能會大異其趣。藉由了解遊戲過程的可能變數(以及如何在伺服器瀏覽器中解析它們),玩家就能夠找到適合自己的遊戲環境,並能對自己隊上做出最大程度的貢獻。


防守方隊伍正在防守著Gravel Pit裏的一個佔領點
Main article: 遊戲模式列表

地圖是基於各種遊戲模式製作的,用於確定兩個團隊的目標。兩隊可能會在同一目標上競爭 (例如是控制點模式山丘之王模式 地圖) 或者是進攻對抗防守的游戲方式 (例如是 攻擊/防守模式推車護送模式 地圖).

眾多遊戲模式使用 control points. 當沒有擁有該點的球隊的球員站在該點上時,開始捕獲控制點。該 佔領時間 因地圖而異,當更多玩家站在它上面時它的速度會增加(儘管每個玩家都超過了第一個提供的收益遞減)。當一名對方隊員在防守端站立時,捕獲停止,當沒有捕獲隊友站在這一點時,捕獲進度逐漸消失。 “鎖定”時無法捕獲控制點,並且在捕獲前面的點之後通常解鎖鎖定點. 彈頭車 被捕獲和停止的方式與捕獲控制點的方式相同,但推送團隊試圖將其帶到檢查點而不是捕獲有推車. Übercharged 玩家無法佔領積分或推車,儘管他們可以為他們辯護。

在所有官方地圖中進攻防守模式, 藍隊 在進攻的同時 紅隊 擔任防守方。在這樣的地圖中,藍隊的 重生 時間會較短, 但紅隊在一開始則獲得 準備時間 去做好隊伍的防禦準備工作。

  • 競技場模式: 玩家只會在每回合開始時重生,死後並不能重生,直至第二回合的開始。 經過一段時間後,一個中立的佔領點將會解鎖,成功佔領的隊伍將會獲勝。如果隊伍中所有隊友都已經死亡的話,該隊則會在該回合中敗北。 這模式默認會有 第一滴血 和隊伍自動平衡設定。官方的競技場模式地圖並不會有 補給櫃
  • 搶奪情報箱模式 (CTF): 兩隊需要互相鬥快搶奪對方的 情報箱。任何玩家都可以搶奪敵人的情報箱,如果玩家將敵人的情報箱搶奪並放入隊伍情報箱的位置的話,該隊則會獲得一分。 情報箱會在使用指令或是在攜帶情報箱的玩家死亡時掉落在地上, 且過了某段時間後會主動放回敵人原本放情報箱的位置。
  • 佔領點模式 (CP): 每隊一開始都會擁有兩個已被上鎖的佔領點,並且需要爭奪中間中立的佔領點。在佔領以後,敵人後面的佔領點也會被解鎖。兩隊需要佔領所有5個點才能獲勝。
  • 攻擊/防守模式 (CP): 如果進攻方在限時内佔領所有佔領點的話就獲勝(而防守方如果能夠防止這發生的話則算是防守方獲勝)。 在大部分的地圖裏,只會同一時間解鎖一至兩個佔領點 (唯一一個例外是 Steel)。
  • 山丘之王模式 (KOTH): 每一隊都有一個倒數的計時器,而當一隊的計時器到達零時則算是該隊獲勝。計時器會在該隊佔領了佔領點以後開始倒數,當那隊不再擁有那個佔領點的話計時器則會停止倒數。值得注意的是。當有敵人嘗試佔領佔領點時,擁有佔領點的隊伍的計時器仍會繼續倒數。
  • 曼恩對決機器模式 (MVM): 一隊由6名玩家組成的隊伍需要對抗由電腦控制的機械人,防止這些機械人把炸彈放入隊伍的據點。玩家可以從被摧毀的機械人獲取金錢,並且可以在每回合之間購買升級。機械人若果成功投放炸彈的話,人類便會敗北。而人類唯一的獲勝方法就是打敗每一回合的機械人。
  • 推車護送模式 (PL): 進攻方推車的方式與佔領佔領點的方式大致相同。唯一不同的是,彈頭車只需到達檢查點則可以了。彈頭車也會為進攻方提供血量回復和彈藥補給,就像是等級一的補給器一樣。進攻方可以透過把彈頭車推到最後一個檢查點獲勝,而防守方可以透過防止彈頭車佔領最後一個檢查點而獲勝。
  • 推車護送比賽模式 (PLR): 大致和推車護送模式,但為每一隊都加入了進攻和防守的元素,每隊都要互相鬥快把彈頭車護送到敵方的基地,較快的一方才會獲勝。
  • 限時專送模式 (SD): 地圖裏會有一個裝滿 澳元素的情報箱,而玩家需要和敵方隊伍鬥快把該情報箱送到噗皮.喬的火箭裏。
  • 地區控制模式 (TC): 每一隊都會隨機獲分配一些領地,而每一回合就是要求玩家去佔領敵人的領地(敵人的目標也是一樣)。大部分的地圖都在回合裏被上鎖,只剩下兩隊各一個佔領點。當一隊失去所有領地時,他們則只需要防守他們基地的最後一個佔領點,防止進攻方佔領。
  • 訓練模式 (TR): 訓練地圖專爲想提升技巧的玩家而設,玩家需要根據指示解決某些障礙或者是需要殺掉某些電腦玩家。訓練地圖裏面通常沒有任何敵對人類玩家。

Map elements

Left to right: 100% health kit, Sandvich/zh-hant, 50% ammo pack.
參見: Respawn, Pickups

Players start the round in their team's respawn room, where they can change class and loadout instantly. Most respawn rooms contain resupply cabinets, which fully restore health, restock weapon ammo, refill most item meters, and remove most negative status effects, though a similar effect can be achieved by class switching. Upon dying, a player waits to respawn in a respawn wave, which typically come at ten- or five-second intervals, but do vary by map, team color and size, objective status, and server settings. After this wait they appear at their team's furthest forward respawn room. Respawn rooms can be earned by capturing points or pushing Payload carts to checkpoints, and can be lost if the opposing team makes such progress themselves.

Many maps make use of doors. Although their visuals suggest otherwise, doors are handled by the server as being either completely open or completely shut, alternating between the two instantly. Most doors are opened whenever a player stands near them. However, some doors will only open to players coming from a certain side or players on a certain team, most notably respawn room doors. Some doors remain locked until certain conditions are met, such as control points being captured or Payload cart checkpoints being reached.

The boundaries and surfaces of maps are not determined by visual elements, but invisible surfaces that determine where players and projectiles can go. All maps--even outdoor ones--have player ceilings and walls, though they may be invisible, and projectiles may even appear to go through them. Additionally, many surfaces and objects in the game that appear to take physical space are completely ignored for collision detection, with players and projectiles passing through them as if nonexistent; these surfaces can be used for hiding Stickybombs or spamming targets from cover.

Maps usually have pickups placed in various locations. Map-specific health and ammo pickups will remain in place until grabbed, respawning after a ten-second delay. The map health pickups restore 20.5%, 50%, or 100% health based on size (pill bottle, first aid tin, and ice cooler, respectively); similarly, the map ammo pickups restore 20.5%, 50%, or 100% ammo and 41, 100, or 200 metal based on size (small grey metal box, medium beige metal box, and large wood crate, respectively). When players die, they usually drop weapons that can be picked up for 50% ammo and 100 metal (unless the dropped item was an Engineer toolbox, which drops 100% ammo and 200 metal); destroyed buildings also leave behind metal debris, which can be picked up for ammo and metal. A Heavy who dies with a Sandvich/zh-hant, Dalokohs Bar/zh-hant, Fishcake/zh-hant, or Buffalo Steak Sandvich/zh-hant active will instead drop that, which can be picked up for 50 health points (75 for Scouts).

Server settings

主條目: Servers, Server Browser
參見: SourceTV, Mods

Server settings can have a strong impact on gameplay in terms of performance and game balance. Players can select what kind of server on which they want to play using the Server Browser, filtering based on tags (which include game modes and changes to respawn times), player count, map, latency, and the like. Generally, servers closer to the player's location will have reduced latency, resulting in faster connection and more accurate hit detection. Game smoothness is also affected by the server's hardware and networking settings, especially at higher player counts or when running some mods.

Servers can run scripts and configs just as a player can, with commands from clients issued by rcon. For more unique functionality, there are numerous server plugins to modify gameplay or provide administrative or stat assistance, the most common being SourceMod and HLStatsX. Instead of running plugins, servers can use logs to interact with third-party match-making programs, such as TF2 Lobbies, which let them see stats out-of-game.

There are a variety of server settings that can change gameplay without running plugins or external programs. These include:

  • Respawn times: Respawn times can be changed to either be shorter or effectively removed entirely. These can cause fluctuations in map and class balance, though combat is more steadily provided.
  • Damage settings: Servers can disable random Critical hits, random damage spread, and random pellet spread with ConVars. This is most commonly done on competitive servers and those that frequently play arena maps.
  • Max players: While TF2 was originally designed for 24 players or fewer, servers can raise the limit to 32 at the cost of performance. This can cause in increase of spam that slows objective progress, but ensures a greater amount of combat in the map.
  • Objective specifics: Map objectives can be specified from the server. For example, the CTF game mode can be played to a certain capture count, to a certain time limit, or both. Related options include disabling Crit boosts from First blood or Intelligence capture, changing the map time limit, and using a win difference mercy rule.
  • Pure: The sv_pure ConVar dictates what kinds of custom files are allowed on the server. When set to 0, clients can use any custom content they wish. When set to 1, clients are allowed to use any files on the server's whitelist. When set to 2, clients may not use any custom content besides those specifically allowed by Valve.
  • SourceTV: Servers can enable SourceTV to allow a large number of spectators to watch the game without risking interference. SourceTV acts like an observer player, taking up a server slot while not playing on either team. Unlike players, SourceTV broadcasts its spectator view from the server's IP address (using a different port).
  • Special modes: There are server modes that can be applied to any map regardless of game mode, including highlander and tournament modes. These are more commonly reserved for private events and competitions.

Other common rule areas that vary by server include team size/balance rules, alltalk (cross-team) voice chat, and ping limits.


There are a variety of ways to configure the Team Fortress 2 client. The choices players make in setting up TF2 can have impacts on game interaction, performance, and presentation. Most of these methods of customization are not available on console versions of the game, save main menu options.

Program setup

Example of launch options.
主條目: Steam, Launch Options

Some aspects of a player's machine, operating system, and Steam settings can affect TF2, and after a long history of updates, Team Fortress 2 has required an increasing amount of system resources to play at optimum frame rates. Additionally, some program features enabled by default may be undesirable for certain players, either due to performance issues or personal preference.

Steam, by default, enables both Steam Cloud synchronization and the Steam Community In-Game Overlay, which can be changed under Steam Settings. Within Steam's interface, players can also change launch options. As the name suggests, launch options are TF2 settings that are applied when the game is launched. Launch options can be accessed by opening the Properties of Team Fortress 2 in the Steam Library and clicking "Set Launch Options...". Launch options are separated by spaces and start with either a dash (if the command is not accessible through console commands) or a plus sign (if the command is a console command). Launch options can be used to achieve a variety of effects, including...

  • Smooth Alt+Tabbing: Players who wish to view other windows and programs while running TF2 can run it in windowed mode with no border. This can be reversed with the full-screen launch option (-full). Example (for 1440x900 resolution): -window -noborder -w 1440 -h 900
  • DirectX Level: Due to performance or personal preference, running TF2 in a low DirectX level may be ideal. Example (for DirectX 8.1): -dxlevel 81
  • Disabling Extraneous Features: Memory usage and performance drops can be minimized by disabling unused features. Example: -novid -nojoy -noipx -nocrashdialog

In addition to the Steam options, launch options can be specified for individual shortcuts to Team Fortress 2 by adding them to the file "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 440 as a shortcut target. For example, this shortcut target would run TF2 full-screen with no intro video:

 "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 440 -full -novid

Video card and sound card configuration tools can be used to override game settings. For example, some video card utilities can change mat_picmip to values outside the normally-allowed bounds in Team Fortress 2, though this can be considered cheating.

Team Fortress 2 can be subject to operating system influences on mouse control. While this can be mitigated through launch options and registry edits, the easiest method to override this is by enabling Raw input (m_rawinput 1).


Default fov (top) and max fov (bottom) from same vantage point.
主條目: Options, Scripting, Heads-up display

The most straightforward way for a player to customize their TF2 experience is the in-game options panels. In essence, the options panels are user-friendly ways to set ConVars, which can otherwise by set manually using the developer console. These panels are...

  • Keyboard: Allows for simple key binding (can be done in command console with bind "KEY" "COMMAND"). The advanced options allow for fast weapon switching (change slots without confirming with the attack key) and enabling developer console (an important option for anyone using console commands).
  • Mouse: Contains options for mouse and gamepad control. The "Raw input" option gives users more reliable mouse aiming by bypassing operating system mouse settings.
  • Audio: Has a variety of sound-related options. Closed captions do not work without custom files.
  • Video: Allows for some control of display settings, though some settings found in launch options and FPS configs are missing or disabled. The advanced video options panel has the field of view (fov) slider, which can be increased to grant the player wider vision in-game.
  • Voice: Has simple controls for in-game voice chat.
  • Multiplayer options: Contains a great variety of gameplay-related options (mostly in advanced options) and content download control.

These settings are stored as ConVars in config.cfg, found in the cfg folder (which is usually found in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\STEAMLOGIN\team fortress 2\tf\). By default, config.cfg is saved to the Steam Cloud.

In addition to the menu panels, ConVars can be changed with more specificity using scripting. Scripting allows for more advanced and uniquely tailored controls, dynamic player settings, and more optimized performance (performance scripts are usually just called "configs"). Script files are located in the cfg folder (usually found in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\STEAMLOGIN\team fortress 2\). The file autoexec.cfg runs on game startup, and the class-named files (such as scout.cfg) each run when first spawning as the appropriate class. Most scripts are made using bind, alias, game commands, and/or ConVars; the wait command may be used to produce automated, chronologically sequenced functions, though a number of servers disable this with sv_allow_wait_command 0.

Many aspects of the TF2 interface can be customized by editing the Heads-up display, or "HUD". Most custom HUDs always work regardless of server settings, unless the HUD uses customized material files, which constitute custom content and are disabled by sv_pure servers (most HUDs only contain /resource/ and /scripts/ files, which are allowed in all pure settings).


主條目: Help:Recording demos, Steam Workshop

There are a variety of first-party (some in-game and some not) and third-party tools to assist in playing, editing, and analyzing Team Fortress 2. These include:

  • Demo Recording and Playback: Players can record demos of gameplay (record FILENAME in console) to watch or share later without using the resources necessary for live video capturing. Demos can be played with the console command playdemo FILENAME and captured to video using the startmovie command. PREC is a common, Valve-approved add-on to TF2 that automates demo recording.
  • TF2 Tool Mode: TF2 can be run under a "tool mode" with the launch option -tools. The tool mode allows access to the Commentary editor, Material editor, and perhaps most notably, the Particle editor.
  • Source SDK: The Source Engine Software Development Kit, or SDK, is a set of programs that come with all Source engine games and run through Steam, including the Model Viewer (commonly used for posing wiki images) and Hammer editor (used for making maps). The SDK can be accessed in the Tools subsection of the Steam Library, and has its own wiki.
  • GCFScape: One can examine and extract the contents of TF2 using GCFScape, a third-party application used by most custom content editors. GCFScape can also be used to validate or defragment game files. In order to view and edit VTF files extracted using GCFScape, VTFEdit is commonly used.

These tools, in addition to modeling and sound editing software, can be used to edit a variety of TF2 gameplay elements, though their actual presence in-game is based on server settings (most notably with the sv_pure command and file whitelists).

User-made content can be submitted to Valve/zh-hant through the Steam Workshop/zh-hant. Content deemed worthy of inclusion becomes official game content, with the author credited and rewarded for their contribution.

See also

External links