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发布日期: December 14, 2011
页数: 14
艺术家: makani

《炸弹魔书》(Bombinomicon)是于2011年12月14日在澳大利亚圣诞节 2011期间发布的一部漫画


漫画的镜头从一位体态丰满,头戴圆顶礼帽的商人阿奇博德开始,他欣喜地走向他运营的“给穷困者的招牌”非盈利慈善组织,同时大呼他的伙伴朱利乌斯的名字,告诉他有些“乐善好施的大善人”在他们这留下了一个炸弹以作捐赠品, 而朱利乌斯也肯定双城那些“用不起炸弹的双城贫困人民”将为之欣喜。在两人提到没有任何在那炸弹上留下姓名后,一个严厉的声音打断了这则天方夜谭。画面跳转,一名威仪孔时的法官目视蓝队侦察兵,严肃地质疑侦察兵证词的真实性(即上述的捐赠故事)。而侦察兵提出他要同自己的法律顾问(正好是蓝队的士兵间谍两人)进行确认,只见间谍无奈地趴在了桌子上,而士兵则微笑着竖起了大拇指以示肯定。侦察兵死不罢休,坚持声称他故事是确信无误的,但法官马上给出了证据,即炸弹摧毁的是“一座商场的圣诞老人培训设施”(Mall Santa training facility),而非什么慈善组织。法官随即指出侦察兵没有指认任何同伙(这意味着他是唯一的罪犯),而侦察兵立马指出士兵才是这一切的罪魁祸首,士兵听到后大喊“叛徒”并开始攻击侦察兵。法官最后不耐烦地判决三名蓝队成员去一座商场做社区服务,主持一场“拜见圣诞老人!”活动。

一对母子靠近了一脸不爽的侦察兵(正打扮成精灵),并询问他要等多久才能见到圣诞老人。侦察兵见状立马开始骚扰这名女士,但当知晓她有丈夫后立马让他们回到队伍排队。侦察兵继续警戒他身旁的两支排队队伍,其中一边专为“单身母亲”开放,而另一边对其余所有人开放。A boy named Jack with a bowl cut begins listing what he wants to the Soldier dressed up as Santa, complete with hat, beard, and festive ornaments. The Soldier rejects all of his requests and gives him a military haircut instead. When the boy's father intervenes, the Soldier prepares to beat him up. As they fight, the Spy is on a phone pleading with Miss Pauling to help release them. Miss Pauling wants to hear how the Soldier became a public defender, and the Spy dismisses it with a reminder that a magician is the Soldier's roommate. When Miss Pauling orders the Spy to ensure things don't escalate, the Spy assures her as he watches the Soldier punch the father out of a banner.

Suddenly, Old Nick arrives with a sleigh pulled by a pack of aggressive reindeer and a kangaroo. He proclaims his intent to kidnap the children, and Miss Pauling angrily orders the Spy to take care of matters. When Jack fearfully walks up to the Spy, the Spy bestows the child with an icicle snapped off an edge of a pay phone. He instructs the boy to obey his plan to the word. Meanwhile, Old Nick is occupied fighting the Scout and Soldier. The Scout hits him with a bauble launched with a roll of wrapping paper, and the Soldier bludgeons him using a Saxton Hale action figure. Jack appears before Old Nick, who quickly recovers and grabs the boy as a hostage. The Scout warns Old Nick that the boy is more than he seems, as Jack quickly takes out the icicle and stabs Old Nick in the neck.

Old Nick crumples to the floor, and the Scout congratulates the Spy, assuming he had disguised as the boy. However, the Spy is actually with the media, who proclaim the mercenaries are heroes who saved the children of Teufort. The Scout boasts about how he's used to being a hero, while the Soldier is joyous about discovering the "War on Smissmas". The comic ends with Jack reminiscing with the Spy about his experience with stabbing Old Nick, and decides that he isn't afraid of killing any more. The Spy congratulates the boy and wishes him a merry Smissmas. A front page of a newspaper has an image which shows the Scout flirting with Jack's mother, the Soldier grinning as he assists the battered father to stand, and the Spy giving Jack a piggyback ride. The headline declares that the mercenaries have been issued a pardon for defeating a supposedly-mythical holiday mascot.



  • The first page of the comic is based upon the front cover of The Saturday Evening Post.
  • The tiny "text" of the newspaper at the end of the comic is the Lorem Ipsum filler text.
  • The quote "The power of Smissmas compels you!" is a reference to the popular quote "The Power of Christ compels you!" from the movie The Exorcist.
  • Though the Bombinomicon comic claims Merasmus the Magician is the RED Soldier's roommate, the BLU Spy tells Miss Pauling over the phone in this comic that the BLU Soldier's roommate is a magician as well.
  • The Balloonicorn appears on the tree, on page 1, 6 months before it appeared in Meet the Pyro.
  • In the comic Grave Matters, on the bottom of the newspaper on page 13, we learn that Soldier has been given "Legal Powers" by Merasmus. This is why he is a Lawyer in this comic.

