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< Borneo
Revision as of 20:09, 29 June 2015 by Scher2o (talk | contribs)
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Pl Borneo.jpg
Informations de base
Développeur(s) : Inconnu
Informations sur la carte
Environnement : Jungle
Cadre : Journée, sombre
Vue aérienne
Borneo overview.png

Borneo est une carte d'un seul stage, de type Charge Utile, sur le thème de la Jungle, créée par Heyo et Vhalin.

Historique des mises à jour

-RC4 Changelog-

-Removed side entrance in the forward defensive holding building at 1st. -Removed 3rd story entrance into the 3rd point house. -Cut off part of the 3rd story level in the 3rd point house. (It does not overlook the left entry anymore.) -Added covered walkway up to the defensive highground on the right side of the final point.

-RC3 Changelog-

-Expanded the space in the yard after the 1st. -Removed the large pillar in the interior flank route after 1st. -Added more doorways lining the tunnel after 2nd opening up the space more. -Completely reconstructed the building housing the 3rd point, added in a third floor, expanded the space, etc. -Removed roof flank route that went over 3rd building. -Reconstructed the left entryway into final building, the entrance is now further to the side of the building. -Widened the right doorway into final building. -Removed the window that allowed defense to see the right entry into final. -Expanded the space of the right entryway into final. -Reconstructed some of the geometry next to the final point. -Removed the pillars in final.

-RC2 Changelog-

-Changed the shack building in 1st into a watch tower, players can no longer go on top of the building. -Added more stairs to the side route in in 2nd, so blue has more options. -Moved red's forward spawn to a different location further back from 2nd point. -Opened up the space around the cart tracks in yard before 3rd. -Moved blue's final forward spawn further up. -Opened up the space in the yard right before the final building interior. -Modified the placement of health and ammo packs in general.

-RC1 Changelog-

For this update we redid a lot of the map. Basically, we opened up a lot of the areas because it was too restrictive before. We also made many areas more interesting, by adding highground, more routes, etc. It's pretty much a different map than it was before.

Here's a general description of the changes:

-Moved blue spawn at 1st back, so there's now a lot more open space in the area. -Added a route behind the left building in 1st -Made more space on the cliff highground in 1st -Added a route behind the 1st capture point building and knocked out some of the walls -Added a drop down route in 2nd that avoids Snipers -Moved the terrain wall back in the flank route in 2nd so there's more space -Widened the tunnel -Redid the bunker area inbetween 2nd and 3rd entirely, there's now a second floor and a lot more space -Added a highground area in the middle of the yard before 3rd -Added a route to the highground area from the bunker in 3rd -Added a roof flanking route around 3rd building -Redid 3rd building so there's a lot more space and more highground -Redid the yard before final so there's more space. -Raised the ceiling in final

-Made final a lot bigger with more routes

Liens Externes
