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[[Image:Dustbowl s3c1.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Dustbowl第三關卡的控制點A]]
[[Image:Dustbowl s3c1.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Dustbowl第三關卡的控制點A]]
[[Image:Dustbowl s3c2.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Dustbowl第三關卡的控制點B]]
[[Image:Dustbowl s3c2.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Dustbowl第三關卡的控制點B]]
The first control point is on a platform straight across from BLU's exit.
RED has a shortcut from one of their spawn rooms to this point. This shortcut is sealed once BLU captures this point.
* '''三出口''':  Left, Middle and Right all behind gates that open at the start of the round defenders can then move towards spawn.
* '''三出口''':一共有左、中、右三個出口,在準備時間的閘門打開後,防禦方也可以進出這些出口。
* '''藍隊重生點''': Upon leaving, players can take an immediate right turn and go up a long corridor to the right-hand locked gate, or take either the left or the right stairs. Both will lead to the double gate exits.
* '''藍隊重生點''':離開後,完家可以選擇從右方的長廊上去到達最右邊的出口,或是選擇上樓梯到達的左邊和中間的雙出口。
* '''停貨區''': A small building containing a large Ammo and small Health pack. The building stands between the gates and the control point and has a wide window which looks toward the double gates.
* '''卸載區''':在控制點A正對面的一個小型建築物,裡面有一個小型醫護包和一個大型彈藥盒。建築物內的窗戶面對著雙出口的方向。
* '''控制點A''': Located at the back of the area on a slightly raised platform.
* '''控制點A''':位於卸載區建築物後方的一個小平台上。
* '''The Ledge''': A ledge at the end of the defenders' shortcut to control point A. Once the first control point has been taken, the doorway from RED’s spawn is locked.
* '''便道''':在控制點A右方建築的二樓,會有一個紅隊的重生區快速便道,紅隊可以利用此便道快速抵達控制點A。當占領控制點A時此便道就會被封閉。

Revision as of 11:34, 9 August 2011

TF2 Dustbowl Map.jpg
Variants: 訓練模式
開發者: 未知
所處地區: 沙漠
環境設定: 白天,晴天
Loading screen photos.
Dustbowl overview.png

Dustbowl(直譯為沙漠堡壘)攻擊/防守控制點地圖之一,它是由絕地要塞經典版 中的同名地圖修改而得。它與 Gravel Pit 同為絕地要塞二剛釋出時的唯二控制點地圖之一。同時也是遊戲剛釋出時的六張地圖之一。沙漠堡壘更是訓練模式中第一張能使用的地圖。

在沙漠堡壘中,攻擊隊藍隊的勝利條件就是成功佔領三個小關。其中每個小關卡都有個兩個被紅隊所鎮守的控制點,A點和B點,在佔領B點之前一定要先佔領A點,時間會在控制點被佔領時增加,而控制點在被占據後將上鎖以避免防守方試圖奪回。 就像其他控制點地圖,藍隊扮演攻擊方而紅隊防守。這個模式也能在像 EgyptGorge 中見到。

Introduction video








  • 攻擊方重生點:有三個出口-左側,中間和右側出口,注意防守方的炮火都可以抵達重生點內。
  • 峽谷:長長的直線通道,從中間出口出發,可以直達A點的後門。
  • 主線戰場:在有大型醫護包和大型彈藥箱的單門房子旁,通道直通A點的正門。
  • 支線戰場:在右側重生點出口,周遭有一個含有中型醫護包和大型彈藥箱的兩門房子。
  • 控制點A:有大型醫護包和大型彈藥箱,旁邊通往小型隧道的樓梯上還有一個大型醫護包,小型的隧道同時也是通往的控制點B的門路之一。有兩個門和一個超大含陽台的的側面窗。
  • 出口:左隧道,右隧道和最右上方的迷你隧道。



  • 通道路徑:有三條路可以通往控制點B。
  1. 從控制點A的樓梯走上去到礦坑隧道內,走到底會有中型醫護包和一個單向通行的門,走出門後左轉下樓梯就可看見控制點B。
  2. 從上述礦坑底下的隧道直走也可以看到控制點B。
  3. 右方的隧道也可以通往控制點B,隧道內部寬敞的地方還有中型醫護包跟大型彈藥盒。


  • 控制點B建築物內:有小型醫護包和彈藥盒。
  • 狙擊點:紅隊離開出生點後右轉直走上樓梯,再經過一座橋就能夠到達紅隊基地建築物的正上方,附近也有小型醫護包跟彈藥盒。
  • 防守方重生點:控制點B的右方建築物,也就是上述狙擊點的正下方。


File:Dustbowl stagetwo.png


  • 藍隊重生點:一個在斜坡凹處後方的小建築物。
  • 斜坡凹處:有兩條往上走出去的斜坡,一條在右方(兩個柵門的地方),一個在左方。防禦方可以在準備時間過後進入凹處。
  • 大儲藏室:離開凹處斜坡後在最右方有個小建築物,裡面有兩個大型醫護包。後方的梯子可以通向大儲藏室的正上方。
  • 控制點建築:控制點位於該建築物的二樓。第二層樓梯口的地方有大型醫護包跟彈藥盒。第一層有個面向籃隊基地方向類似陽台的房間裡面有中型醫護包跟彈藥盒。要到達二樓的控制點有兩條路,一個是從建築物內部上到二樓,另一個是從最左方的輪胎那邊慢慢跳上去。
  • 辦公室:控制點右方的建築物有兩個房間,右方的房間內有中型醫護包跟大型彈藥盒。左方的房間窗戶則是直接面對著藍隊基地的斜坡凹處。
  • 路標:在辦公室建築物旁邊有個路標,路標前面有一個大型醫護包跟一個小型彈藥盒。
  • 出口:左右兩邊各有一個隧道,兩個都可通往控制點B。



  • 採礦通道:在辦公室右方有兩個隧道入口。
  • 雙出口:兩個出口的通路是彼此平行對稱的。兩個出口正上方有一個看台,出了出口後可從左方的樓梯上去。
  • 閘門:最右方的隧道走到底有一個單向通行的閘門,還有一個大型醫護包。
  • 前方空地:在通過隧道出來後就是一塊空地。
  • 中央建築:中央建築就是介於控制點B和前方空地的大型建築物。二樓有兩個中型醫護包。底下有一個貫穿建築物的隧道可從控制點B直通前方空地。此建築物的左後方有一個高大的石頭,後面藏有一個大型醫護包。
  • 控制點B:控制點B就位在於紅隊重生點旁邊,兩旁都有階梯。
  • 紅隊重生點:位在於控制點B的正後方建築物。



控制點A是在藍隊二樓重生區的出口外。 在控制點A右方建築的二樓,會有一個紅隊的重生區快速便道。當占領控制點A時此便道就會被封閉。

  • 三出口:一共有左、中、右三個出口,在準備時間的閘門打開後,防禦方也可以進出這些出口。
  • 藍隊重生點:離開後,完家可以選擇從右方的長廊上去到達最右邊的出口,或是選擇上樓梯到達的左邊和中間的雙出口。
  • 卸載區:在控制點A正對面的一個小型建築物,裡面有一個小型醫護包和一個大型彈藥盒。建築物內的窗戶面對著雙出口的方向。
  • 控制點A:位於卸載區建築物後方的一個小平台上。
  • 便道:在控制點A右方建築的二樓,會有一個紅隊的重生區快速便道,紅隊可以利用此便道快速抵達控制點A。當占領控制點A時此便道就會被封閉。


The final control point is the base of a launch pad, under a rocket, in the center of RED's base.

  • The Alleys: These are the narrow alleyways that lead from control point A to control point B. They consist of two levels, with the main road having no Health or Ammo packs, and the side rooms on the upper level having some Health and Ammo packs.
  • Downstairs: Side doorway leading down underneath the base and into the valley under control point B area.
  • The Balcony House: Has a bridge over the alley and a small Health and Ammo pack. It faces control point B.
  • The Sniper House: Opposite the Balcony House. Has a medium Health and large Ammo pack on the second level. On the first level, there is a bunker with windows facing down the long alley. There are two doors, one in the alley, the other at the back. These can be accessed from outside by defenders via a tiny ledge.
  • Control point B: This is the final control point for this map and is situated between RED's two spawn exits, underneath a large rocket.
  • RED Spawn: Has exits leading to either side of control point B.
  • Equipment Room: In front of the control point, a long room with an Ammo pack at the front and a medium Health pack in the back. Accessible by stairs.
  • The Valley: Located underneath the final bridge, the Valley has one entrance, and a flight of stairs leading up to the bridge.


See Community Dustbowl strategy


Achieved.png General

成功防守 Dustbowl,未失去任何控制點。

完整玩過以下遊戲一輪:2FortDustbowlGranaryGravel PitHydroWell (CP)


October 2, 2007 Patch
  • Fixed players being able to use spectator points in Dustbowl that were not in play.

October 25, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed issues on Dustbowl that could occur when a server emptied in the middle of a round.

December 20, 2007 Patch

  • Now waits until either team wins fully before changing to another map on server timelimit expiring.
  • Teams now score a point per captured control point, rather than per sub round.
  • Prevented Demomen being able to launch grenades into the stage three alleys while standing at the final cap point.
  • Fixed gaps in stage gates that allowed Snipers to kill defenders during setup.
  • Fixed several model and brush perch exploits in stage three.
  • Added stair access to the upper area in stage three after the first cap.
  • Limited line-of-sight at the first control point in stage 3 to remove a griefable Sniper spot.
  • [未記載] Fixed model exploit in stage one allowing Sentry Gun/Teleporter to be placed behind chain link fence.

December 21, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed the problem with mp_maxrounds not correctly counting the number of rounds for Dustbowl after the scoring change.

February 14, 2008 Patch

  • Added a new access point to the stage 2 attacker gates (drop-down left from spawn), allowing attackers a way to reach the left route without being subjected to the spam and Sentry Gun fire.
  • Fixed a gap in stage 3, cap 1 that allowed a player with to wiggle above the "ceiling" clip.
  • Fixed a gap behind stage 1, cap 1 house.
  • Fixed a high perch on stage 1, cap 1 house roof.
  • Fixed a perch offering view of nodraw textures and the skybox (stage1 cap2 rock barrier).
  • Fixed a few places where rockets/Demoman pipes could pass through non-solid models.
  • Sealed up a gap over stage 1 lower startgate.
  • Clipped off tall windows in stage 3 to prevent Sentry Guns from behind built behind them.

March 20, 2008 Patch

  • Updated Dustbowl with several exploit fixes.


  • 在控制台版本中,狙擊手和其他職業可以射穿障礙物把人幹掉。(參見版本間的不同).
  • 黏彈的爆破可以穿透第三階段的藍隊雙扇鐵門中間的牆壁,所以外面的爆破兵可以隔牆把人炸死。
  • 在紅隊最終重生室裡的拋體聲音會有異常。


  • Dustbowl is one of the maps designed after existing Team Fortress Classic maps, the others being 2Fort, Well, and Badlands. The gameplay of the Original version was similar to one-sided Capture the Flag, in which one player on the BLU team must take a flag to the RED team's control points, with only one control point per stage.
  • Dustbowl was the map featured in the closing scene of Meet the Heavy, with the same scene featured in Meet the Sandvich. The area featured was the area just outside BLU's spawn on first stage.
  • The Cornwell company logos scattered around the map are a likely reference to Dean Cornwell, an artist who greatly inspired the visual design of Team Fortress 2.[1]
  • The last cap of Dustbowl is featured as a background map in the Xbox 360 version of TF2.



控制點模式 玩家人數
全部控制點 ×1
6 .000
4 .000
3 .273
2 .880


Notes and References

  1. Jason Mitchell, Moby Francke, Dhabih Eng, Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2 (2007), retrieved 2010-10-23.