User:Henry Spencer

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Hi, I'm Henry.

Henry Spencer
Henry Spencer
Basic information
Icon: User Henry Dispenser.png
Type: Printer/Dispenser

{felt/8} bidoof: what do you dispense :O
[S]: Henry Spencer: babies.
{felt/8} bidoof: :O
{felt/8} bidoof: owch
[S]: Henry Spencer: nah, they sorta just tumble out the front
[S]: Henry Spencer: ain't no thang
Henry Spencer, on the subject of babies.

Hi, I'm Henry. I'm 20 years old, live in Michigan, and own and operate 2 servers, Sepulchritude and the Warhammer of Zillyhoo. I also help run a network for fans of MSPA who are gamers; it's called the Sepulchritude Network (or SepNet). Other than that, I'm the top map stamp donator for CTF_Turbine (235 stamps), and I own a couple of the rarest hats in TF2. Anything else you need to know, just ask.

Item Checklist

[hide]Item checklist