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The Demoman is a tough, mobile, high-damage class using explosive weapons almost exclusively. He has some of the highest damage output in the game, but he is vulnerable to foes up close. His grenades are difficult to aim and his Stickybombs have significant arming times. That said, with skill he can even outclass a [[Heavy]]'s damage, and he destroys [[Sentry Gun]] nests with ease.
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==Weapon Specific==
A list of useful tidbits about the Demoman's tools.
===[[Grenade Launcher (Classic)|Grenade Launcher]]===
[[Image:Gl tfc.png|125x125px|link=Grenade Launcher (Classic)]][[Image:Classic glbomb model.png|50x50px|link=Grenade Launcher (Classic)]]
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===[[Pipebomb Launcher (Classic)|Pipebomb Launcher]]===
[[Image:Pipe tfc.png|125x125px|link=Pipebomb Launcher (Classic)]][[Image:Classic pipebomb model.png|50x50px|link=Pipebomb Launcher (Classic)]]
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===[[Single-Barrel Shotgun (Classic)|Single-Barrel Shotgun]]===
[[Image:Sg tfc.png|125x125px|link=Single-Barrel Shotgun (Classic)]]
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===[[Crowbar (Classic)|Crowbar]]===
[[Image:TFC Crowbar.PNG|100x100px|link=Crowbar(Classic)]]
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===[[Detpack (Classic)|Detpack]]===
[[Image:Detpack TFC.png|100x100px|link=Detpack (Classic)]][[Image:Detpack sign TFC.png|50x50px|link=Detpack (Classic)]]
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== See also==
*[[Team strategy]]
*[[Demoman match-ups (Classic)]]
{{User:K-Mac/Template:Class strategy (Classic)}}
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Revision as of 18:34, 6 February 2011

Demoman Strategy

Class Strategy
Scoutnew tfc.png
When facing a Scout, a Demoman must remember that the Scout is much faster than he is. The Scout is able to dodge many of the Demoman's attacks. If you notice the Scout soon enough, try to set a trap so he has no where to run. Only careful timing will kill a trained Scout as it is still possible for the Scout to evade/avoid the trap through careful maneuvers. Keep in mind that the Scout's main goal is to capture the flag/command point.

Generally, he will likely not try to combat you. Therefor, you will likely survive the encounter with little to no damage. You should not have to use any grenades to kill the Scout, but if he is attempting to grab a dropped flag, be sure to prime a grenade early to make sure it has enough time to detonate near the Scout.

If you are attempting to use your Detpack, be sure to guard it against Scouts as a single touch will disable it. Your detpack will be more vulnerable if you have it set on an extended time delay. If utilizing a longer time detpack on a map with several Scouts, setting up a perimeter with pipe-bombs to protect it should help to prevent a Scout from removing it. However, be sure to keep note how much time is left before detonation as the Detpack will kill you or any enemy with in range instantly.

Snipernew tfc.png
Typically, encounters against a Sniper will only happen in two scenarios. First, more often then not, a sniper will attack you at range due to his massive advantage in combat at long distances. To counter this threat, utilize pipebomb jumping to avoid being sniped, if at all possible. If you are restricted to an area that cannot utilize pipebomb jumping, switch to your shotgun and fire at the Sniper. If you land a hit, the snipers aim will be disrupted.

As a Demoman, one would want to avoid areas that are heavily prone to Sniper fire. A Demoman should consider using his Detpack to open up alternate routes on the maps that allow the use of this tactic. If necessary, the entire battlement-sniper area can be avoided using this tactic and the demoman, and his teammates, can covertly traverse the map.

In the second scenario, the Demoman would likely surprise the Sniper. This can be as a Sniper is traveling down a corridor, or whilst the Sniper is perched in a high sniper tower. If you find yourself in the traveling down the corridor scenario, pummel the Sniper with your grenade launcher but avoid his auto-rifle. If your aiming at a Sniper in a tower, use a combination of a frag grenade and your pipebomb launcher to take him out.

Soldiernew tfc.png
A Demoman and a Soldier are fairly evenly matched in terms of firepower and each class has its own advantage. The Soldier is slightly more offensively oriented where as the Demoman is slightly more defensively oriented. When fighting a Soldier, use your slight speed advantage to make yourself more difficult to hit with his Rocket Launcher. Meanwhile, laying down an array of grenades or pipebombs with the respective launcher. Since the Soldier has a lower than normal running speed, he is more vulnerable to a pipebomb trap or your MIRV Grenade. In this sense, the Demoman has the advantage.

However, the Soldier has the advantage at medium to long-range distances, in particular. The Soldier's Rocket Launcher and set of Shotguns are able to more effectively engage the Demoman when the Soldier is out of range of the Grenade/Pipebomb Launcher. If you find yourself out of range to use your Grenade/Pipebomb Launcher against a Soldier, first assess the situation. If the Soldier is charging toward you, it is a wise idea to start to setup a pipebomb trap whilst avoiding the Soldier's fire. This will either force the soldier to stay at range, or give you a high likelihood of killing the Soldier if he continues toward you. If the Soldier stays in the long-range area, you should use your shotgun and move toward the Soldier, or retreat away from the Soldier.

In any situation, to not forget about using your grenades. Both the MIRV Grenade and Frag Grenade are extremely useful against a heavily armored class such as the Soldier.

Demomannew tfc.png
When facing a fellow Demoman, you should always be prepared to counter the Demoman's attacks. Obviously you are equally equipped, but generally speaking stick to using your grenade/pipebomb launcher, depending on situation, at close to medium ranges and using your shotgun at longer ranges. Be sure to keep moving to stay away from any grenades/pipebombs while trying to lay down some fire at the same time. It is wise to prime either grenade when encountering an enemy Demoman.

A large function of a Demoman is to open up pathways for teammates and yourself to capture the flag. Your job is also to close pathways that are opened. You will often find yourself constantly trying to counter a Demoman's detpacks, either on offense or defense. Be prepared to use your detpack each life to open or close pathways due to an opposing Demoman if it is most beneficial to your team goals. If it is not necessary to go back and forth with the enemy Demoman unless it directly helps your team attack or defend a command point/flag.

Medicnew tfc.png
Medic]] is one of the more dynamic enemies to counter. The Medic has a versatile arsenal, high rate of speed, and full armor. Generally speaking, Medics will either trying to make quick captures of flags or points. If your goal is to be defensive, setting traps against the fast paced medic can be difficult, but effective. Utilize similar tactics as you would against a Scout keeping in mind the Medic is slightly slower bug much more heavily armed and armored.

A trained Medic will keep to medium ranges because of his selection of weapons and dodging ability. The Medic has a shotgun, super shotgun, and super nailgun. The Medic will not typically avoid a fight unless it is not necessary for the goal of the map. He will use his powerful super shotgun until he runs out of ammo, then switch to the normal shotgun. If he still runs out of ammo, he will then go to the super shotgun. If the Medic is at long range, he will use the super nailgun or normal shotgun until he gets closer due to their potentially devastating effects and accuracy. Beware if the Medic gets to closer range. Some Medics will rush an opponent to infect them with their medkit and then back-off to continue to inflict damage with their other weapons. Try to keep the Medic away from you with your grenade launcher. If you get infected, call for a friendly Medic immediately. Be sure to take out the enemy medic so he cannot infect others. Do NOT return to spawn! You do not want to infect your teammates. If you have a Medic on your team, communicate with him while avoiding your teammates. If you do not have a Medic on your team, it may be wise to kamakazi the enemy with your MIRV grenades and your pipebombs/grenades since you might die by the infection anyway. This may kill several enemies or even pivital sentry guns.

Heavynew tfc.png
The Heavy Weapons Guy is very challenging for a Demoman if you cannot avoid his devastating autocannon. The Heavy Weapons Guy will have the advantage in many situations but not all. He is more heavily armored than the Demoman, but he is also significantly slower. A Demoman must use this advantage. A often employed tactic utilizes staying at the maximum range of your pipebomb launcher. Launch the pipebombs as far as they can go towards the Heavy Weapons Guy while dodging behind some cover. Keep track of where the Heavy moves and detonating the pipebombs as necessary. If he gets too close, prime a frag grenade or your MIRV grenade.

If you are at a closer range, prime a grenade immediately while trying to land several grenade/pipebomb launcher shots. At a closer range, you are much more vulnerable. If you cannot run away, try to use your pipebomb launcher to pipebomb jump yourself away from danger.

The Heavy Weapons Guy is a two way class. Typically, they will spend a great amount of time on defense, but they will also venture to offense if the need arises. Therefore, you may encounter him at any point on a map. If as a Demoman you are playing offense, the Heavy Weapons Guy will position himself in a bottleneck or right on a command point or a flag. A Demoman should anticipate this tactic and prepare accordingly. It is wise to prime a grenade and set a trap prior to entering a room known to have a Heavy Weapons Guy inside. The grenade will take a decent amount of health away from the Heavy. The pipebomb trap will provide a great avenue of escape if you cannot make it past. If the Heavy, or any other enemy, pursues you as you try to escape, blow the trap.

Pyronew tfc.png
The Pyro is another difficult class to counter. The Pyro has several weapons that can be used across the variety of ranges. The incendiary cannon and the flamethrower cover the entire range of combat that will disorient any victim. The Demoman will need to keep to a very specific range. Just out of range of the flamethrower but not so far as to be out of range with your grenade/pipebomb launcher. The Pyro will have the advantage if you get out of range of your grenade launcher. The incendiary cannon is a rocket launcher that deals lower damage and will ignite the target or anyone in the splash damage area. It also does not need to be reloaded so the Pyro can rain down a barrage of rockets at distance.

The Demoman should consider priming a grenade upon countering a Pyro. The Pyro has superior speed and armor. The optimal way to eliminate a Pyro is through the use of the grenade and your pipebomb/grenade launcher while staying out of range of the flamethrower. A Pyro will may also use his napalm grenade to corner you, do not allow this to happen. Continue to shoot while dodging any fire from the Pyro.

Spynew tfc.png
A single Spy can make you paranoid of all of your teammates, and justifiably so. Always be suspicious of teammates if there is a known spy on the other team. A spy will almost never run around without a disguise except when the spy is shooting, just killed an individual, or when carrying the flag. Be on the lookout for teammates acting out of the ordinary by doing such things as running back into your base, throwing grenades at other teammates/friendly sentry guns, or running at a speed not consistent with their given class (too fast as a Soldier or Heavy; or too slow as a Scout or Medic). Also, be wary of any fallen corpses, in particular ones that change classes. The Spy's Feign Death ability allows Spies to avoid detection. If you see a Spy suddenly fall to the ground without a death message, that spy feigned his death and should still be engaged.


Engineernew tfc.png
The Engineer
Civilian tfc.png

The Demoman is a tough, mobile, high-damage class using explosive weapons almost exclusively. He has some of the highest damage output in the game, but he is vulnerable to foes up close. His grenades are difficult to aim and his Stickybombs have significant arming times. That said, with skill he can even outclass a Heavy's damage, and he destroys Sentry Gun nests with ease.


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Weapon Specific

A list of useful tidbits about the Demoman's tools.

Grenade Launcher

Gl tfc.pngClassic glbomb model.png

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Pipebomb Launcher

Pipe tfc.pngClassic pipebomb model.png

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Single-Barrel Shotgun

Sg tfc.png

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TFC Crowbar.PNG

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Detpack TFC.pngDetpack sign TFC.png

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See also