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圖示: Leaderboard class engineer.png
類型: 防守職業
生命值: 125
(被醫護兵擴充血量時為 185)
(裝備置槍者之手被醫護兵擴充血量時為 225 )
移動速度: 100%
(抬起建造物時為 75%)





主條目: Engineer tips, Engineer strategy
  • 使用建造工具擺放步哨防禦槍、補給器和傳送器。
  • 你需要金屬來建造、修理和升級你的建築。收集掉在地上的武器、彈藥箱或者是用重生室的補給櫃獲取更多金屬。
  • 在建築物建造時用扳手敲打以加快建造速度。
  • 在有金屬時敲打建築來升級建築,每次升高等級會有更多的生命值和額外功能。
  • 建造步哨防衛槍來幫助你的隊友防守,好的放置點通常是在地圖的險要處附近。
  • 建造補給器提供你的隊友生命值和彈藥,補給器同時也可提供你金屬使用。
  • 建立傳送器幫助您的團隊更快地到達前線。在離開重新點時建立一個入口...隊友會感謝你的。
  • 小心敵人的間諜利用電子工兵癱瘓你的建築物。利用扳手移除電子工兵
  • 右鍵可以使你的建築物順時針旋轉。
  • 你可以移動你所有完成的建築物。在安全的地方擺放及升級你的建築再把它搬到前線。
  • 當你在空曠區域放置步哨時,仔細觀察四周你將會看到一層網格,表示步哨將會自動攻擊此範圍中的敵人。利用這項功能找出最適合放步哨的地點。
  • 當你在空曠區域被敵方間諜放置電子工兵時,優先解決間諜,否則他很有可能在你移除電子工兵時背刺你。
  • 如果你遭到放置電子工兵時就在步哨旁,你可以先以版手敲步哨一下後解決間諜,等不需要擔心間諜時再回來敲第二下以移電子工兵
  • 如果你的附近缺少彈藥包,請先建一個補給器;如果附近有彈藥包就先建起步哨防禦槍。
  • 在進行猝死戰(sudden death)時,重生點補給櫃是鎖著的而且不會有任何醫藥包可撿(但有彈藥包可撿),在這情況下補給器的建造會是第一優先的。
  • 熟練馭槍者的使用可幫助工程師利用三級步哨的火箭做出步哨火箭跳




武器 彈藥上膛數量 彈藥攜帶數量 傷害值 特殊能力
Item icon Shotgun.png
散彈槍 6 32 基本/最大:60/90
爆擊:180 [裝填速度慢]
Backpack Frontier Justice.png
邊境正義 3 32 基本/最大:60/90
爆擊:180 [裝填速度慢]
步哨的每一殺敵數可使邊境正義獲得2 次復仇爆擊,每一步哨助攻數可獲得 1 次復仇爆擊。

只有在步哨摧毀後才能使用復仇爆擊。 沒有隨機爆擊。


武器 彈藥上膛數量 彈藥攜帶數量 傷害值 特殊能力
Item icon Pistol.png
手槍 12 200 基本:15
爆擊:45[6 發/秒][裝填速度快]
Item icon Lugermorph.png
Sam & Max 替換物品
改造型魯格手槍 12 36 基本:15
爆擊:45 [6 發/秒]
Backpack Wrangler.png
馭槍者 N/A N/A N/A 讓你可以直接操控你的機槍瞄準和射擊。

手動時有雷射線輔助瞄準。 步哨會有全罩式護盾保護。


武器 彈藥上膛數量 彈藥攜帶數量 傷害值 特殊能力
Item icon Wrench.png
扳手 N/A N/A 基本/最大:43/87
爆擊:195 [大約一秒揮擊一次多一點]
Item icon Golden Wrench.png
金扳手 N/A N/A 基本/最大:43/87
爆擊:195 [大約一秒揮擊一次多一點]
Backpack Gunslinger.png
置槍者之手 N/A N/A 基本/最大:43/87
爆擊:195 [大約一秒揮擊一次多一點]
使用者增加 25 點生命值。原步哨改為建造迷你戰鬥步哨。

每三次的連續揮擊,第三次必為爆擊。 無隨機爆擊。

Southern Hospitality
南方的款待 N/A N/A 基本/最大:59/72
可使被擊中的敵方流血 5 秒鐘。

使用者增加 20%的火焰傷害。 無隨機爆擊。


武器 特殊能力
File:Item icon Builder.png 建造用工具 讓工程師建造建築
File:Item icon Destroy.png 摧毀用工具 讓工程師摧毀建築


攻擊 武器 時間花費 傷害值
狂野吉他 邊境正義 4秒 500(一擊必殺)
器官粉碎機 置槍者之手 4秒 連續的旋轉擊造成敵方暈眩,最後的攪碎造成 500 傷害(一擊必殺)。


主條目: Buildings
Toolboxengineer cropped.png
建築 等級 金屬花費 生命值 傷害/補充/使用間隔
步哨防禦槍 1 等 130 150 平均子彈傷害值:64
2 等 330 180 平均子彈傷害值:128
3 等 530 216 平均子彈傷害值:128
Red Mini Sentry.png
迷你戰鬥步哨 N/A 100 100-125 平均子彈傷害值:32
補給器 1 等 100 150 生命值回復:10/秒
金屬提供量:40/5 秒
2 等 300 180 生命值回復:15/秒
金屬提供量:50/5 秒
3 等 500 216 生命值回復:20/秒
金屬提供量:60/5 秒
RED Teleporter.png
傳送器 入口
傳送器 出口
1 等 125 150 使用間隔:10 秒
2 等 325 180 使用間隔:5 秒
3 等 525 216 使用間隔:3 秒


主條目: Hats


官方職業頭像 紅隊無敵狀態」 藍隊無敵狀態」
Engineerava.jpg Buffed red engineer.jpg Buffed blu engineer.jpg
在 Steam 取得 TF2 官方職業頭像: 原版系列


主條目: Engineer achievements

工程師成就包:35 個成就, 3 個里程碑

1 General achievement

Sentry Gunner Sentry Gunner

Accumulate 10 Sentry Gun kills with a single turret.


The Engineer holding the Frontier Justice
  • 工程師是唯一一個主要武器沒有職業特色的職業....。
  • 工程師由格蘭特.古德夫配音.
  • The Engineer's favorite equation is in fact part of the equation that governs character lighting in-game.
  • 工程師是全遊戲最矮的。
  • 拜見工程師中工程師彈奏的音樂就叫做More gun(Soundtrack).
  • 工程師是全遊戲中唯一有音樂天賦的職業(如果士兵吹的號角,重裝兵的歌唱,醫護兵的空氣小提琴,火焰兵的空氣吉他不算的話).
  • 工程師在1965年根據合約設計及建造了步哨
  • 工程師會喝藍色條紋品牌的酒,參見拜見工程師.
  • Pyro帽子中,邋遢的橡膠手套似乎就是工程師缺少的左手手套.
  • The Engineer appeared on the cover of The Teufort Times[1] for his part in the creation of crafting.
  • 士兵壓制工程師時,會說出懦弱的加拿大人,這令人懷疑工程師的德州遺產是從哪裡來的.
    • The Soldier may also be accusing the Engineer of being a 'Draft-dodger': Americans who did not want to enlist moved to Canada to avoid being drafted.
    • In addition, the Engineer may in turn call a dominated Soldier a "damn Yankee". This may either add further suspicion to his true American roots, or instead may simply be animosity of a resident of a former Confederate state towards one of a Union state. If this is the case, we may have a clue as to where the Soldier precisely comes from.
  • In the trailer for the Mac update, the Engineer is seen holding the Frontier Justice. It is also notable that this glimpse of the primary weapon unlockable came long before the release of it.
  • The Engineer and Spy are the only 2 classes to use the PDA slots.
  • The Engineer was previously the only class besides the Medic without some form of physical or mental liability. The Heavy is overweight, the Scout has possible radiation poisoning (from Bonk), the Soldier's Rocket jumping (i.e. leg fracturing) and extremely poor mental health, the Pyro's asbestos-lined suit (and similar poor mental health), the Demoman's alcoholism, smoking, and lack of depth perception, the Sniper's impending kidney failure, and the Spy's casual smoking and now the Engineer has sawed off his right hand to replace it with the Gunslinger, rendering him cripple.
  • The Engineer can reload his Shotgun faster than the Pyro and the Soldier, at the same rate as the Heavy.
  • A new comic featuring the Engineer was released on July 2nd, 2010 with the new blog post.[2]
  • The BLU Engineer's name, Dell Conagher, was revealed in the "Loose Canon" comic, along with his grandfather's name, Radigan Conagher.
  • Radigan Conagher's uniform bears a striking resemblance to the Engineer's, complete with goggles, hardhat and dungarees suitably styled to fit in with the time of his appearance (1890).
  • The Engineer's equivalent in the original team of mercenaries BLU hired was supposedly Nikola Tesla, armed with a bag of blueprints instead of a PDA.
  • The Engineer rarely removes his goggles. The first time his naked eyes were seen was in the comic "Loose Canon".
  • The Engineer's grandfather built three life-extending machines: one for Blutarch Mann (CEO of BLU), one for Redmond Mann (CEO of RED), and one for a currently unidentified person (their name on the list of patrons is obscured). [3]
    • The Scout often advises the Engineer to build a "Not-Dyin' Machine", much like the ones his grandfather built.
  • The Engineer, Demoman, and Pyro are the only classes with animated or jiggleboned headgear.
  • A photograph on the Engineer update page displays a young boy (presumably the Engineer) trying on his first pair of goggles, as the Engineer from Team Fortress Classic looks on proudly and pats him on the shoulder. If the child is indeed the Engineer, it can be implied that the Engineer from Team Fortress Classic is in fact his father.
    • If the photo is confirmed as canon, this would mean that the events of Team Fortress Classic might be set between the beginning of the century and the World Wars. This is unlikely however, as most of TFC's design is much more futuristic than TF2's.
  • The Engineer is the only class to ever get weapon unlocks before his initial update. The weapons were the Lugermorph and the Golden Wrench.
  • The Engineer is the only class to possess two fatal taunts: his guitar, and the Organ Grinder setting on his Gunslinger mechanical fist.
  • As of after his update, the Engineer can transport buildings he has already built and deploy them elsewhere, at the cost of slower running speed while deploying them. Buildings also need a few seconds to re-deploy, and are extremely vulnerable when they are.
  • The Engineer is now the class with most unlockable items, leading with 25 unlockable items. He is preceded by the Soldier and Scout, who both have 24.


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