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Tämä artikkeli kertoo Engineerin rakennus- ja purkutyökaluista. Jos etsit tietoa asetyypistä, katso Aseet-sivulta.
Rakensin tuon.

PDA:t ovat oletusaseita Engineerille, jotka käsittävät Rakennustyökalun ja Purkutyökalun. Niitä käytetään vastaavasti Engineerin rakennusten käsittelyyn. Rakennustyökalu on laskinta muistuttava laite, kun taas Purkutyökalu näyttää kannettavalta räjäyttimeltä, jossa on mininäyttö ja iso punainen nappi.

Nämä laitteet eivät ole tavallisia aseita, koska niitä ei voi käyttää hyökkäykseen; ne ovat lähinnä visuaalisia esineitä Engineerille ja hänet näkeville pelaajille. Näin ollen PDA:iden pois pistäminen ja takaisin ottaminen ei aiheuta normaalia aseiden vaihtoon liittyvää viivettä. Kun pelaaja käyttää PDA:ta, ainutlaatuinen valikko ilmestyy ja pelaaja voi rakentaa tai tuhota rakennuksia.

Upon selecting one of the PDAs, a superimposed HUD appears in the middle of your view. Though it lists all four available buildings, only the highlighted choices will be selectable. Selection of the buildings is done through the preset numbered keys. Pressing the last weapon used key or primary fire key will cancel the PDA and return to the previous weapon. The Pip-Boy changes the look of the Construction and Destruction PDAs.

The selection keys will only function on the appropriate PDA under the right conditions. Should the player have insufficient Metal, they will be denied access to certain buildings on the Construction PDA, yet gathering Metal will re-enable the choices with the cost met. Conversely, the Destruction PDA will only destroy builds that have already been constructed. The Destruction PDA cannot be used to destroy buildings currently being sapped by the Sapper.

If a player chooses to construct an available building from the Construction PDA, the player model will then hold a Toolbox and the player will see a template on the ground in front of them showing the orientation of the chosen building. While the template is visible, secondary fire adjusts the building's orientation by 90 degrees counter-clockwise, whilst primary fire starts the build. The last weapon used button cancels the build.


EmbedVideo received the bad id "[[:Template:Dictionary/demonstrations/build tool]]" for the service "youtube".

Console Information

Note: The console versions do not have a separate Destruction PDA. Instead, both are handled by the Construction PDA, serving as a single PDA. After choosing the proper weapon slot to activate the PDA, the player uses the right trigger or 'R2' to construct the selected building if enough Metal is available, and the left trigger or 'L2' to demolish the selected building if it has already been built.

Strange variant

Update history

26. syyskuuta 2007 -päivitys

  • Fixed some truncated strings in the destroy menu.

28. helmikuuta 2008 -päivitys

  • Changed PDA menus to accept keys bound to "slot1", "slot2", etc., and "slot10" cancels.
  • Fixed Engineer being able to detonate buildings that are being sapped.

19. tammikuuta 2011 -päivitys

  • Fixed the Engineer PDA view models (build/destroy) having RED skins while on the BLU team.

22. maaliskuuta 2012 -päivitys

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Added Construction PDA slot to the Engineer's loadout screen.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Made the Construction PDA nameable.
  • [Dokumentoimaton] Construction PDA and Demolish PDA now appear in backpack when viewing stock items.

4. syyskuuta 2012 -päivitys

  • [Dokumentoimaton] Fixed PDAs using the wrong animations.

12. maaliskuuta 2013 -päivitys

  • Added Strange quality for the Construction PDA.

Unused content

  • The item schema contains a list of ranks related to 'Health Dispensed', intended to be used by the PDA's strange variant. However, it instead simply ranks up based on Sentry kills and uses generic names and values.


  • There is a PDA1 Token in items_game.txt, but it is unused. Internally, the Engineer's Construction PDA and the Spy's Disguise Kit fall under this slot.
    • The PDA2 token is used for crafting the Spy's unlockable watches, which fall into the PDA2 slot, and can be made by crafting together 3 Spy watches. This is the only use for the token.
    • Crafting 3 Unique Construction PDAs together or Rebuilding a slot token with one will not create a PDA1 token.
  • The tf_build_menu_controller_mode console variable can make the PDA act as both a build and demolish tool, like on consoles.
  • The Construction PDA is based off the Texas Instrument's Datamath Calculator that first appeared in 1971.


See also