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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Lovituri critice}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout'''|Dere ain't enough Crits in the world ta kill me!|sound=Scout_dominationsol06.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout'''|Dere ain't enough Crits in the world ta kill me!|sound=Scout_dominationsol06.wav}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Lovituri critice}}
[[Image:Critical.png|right|300px|Inginerul fiind lovit de Crit-uri.]]
[[Image:Critical.png|right|300px|Inginerul fiind lovit de Crit-uri.]]
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*[[Bushwacka/ro|Bushwacka]] va lovii critic în loc de Mini-Crit, cum ar fi: împotriva unui inamic Scout sub efectul [[Crit-a-Cola/ro|Crit-a-Cola]], un inamic sub efectul de [[Jarate/ro|Șușu]], sau dacă Sniper-ul este sub efectul [[Buff Banner/ro|Steguleț]] al unui aliat. Poate lovii critic aleatoriu de asemenea.  
*[[Bushwacka/ro|Bushwacka]] va lovii critic în loc de Mini-Crit, cum ar fi: împotriva unui inamic Scout sub efectul [[Crit-a-Cola/ro|Crit-a-Cola]], un inamic sub efectul de [[Jarate/ro|Șușu]], sau dacă Sniper-ul este sub efectul [[Buff Banner/ro|Steguleț]] al unui aliat. Poate lovii critic aleatoriu de asemenea.  
*[[Bleeding/ro|Sângerarea]] nu poate cauza Crit, dar cauzează Mini-Crit dacă jucătorii sunt acoperiți de Șușu.
*[[Bleeding/ro|Sângerarea]] nu poate cauza Crit, dar cauzează Mini-Crit dacă jucătorii sunt acoperiți de Șușu.
== Crit boost ==
Crit boost is a state in which a player's weapons are guarenteed to cause Critical hits. Crit boost is displayed as weapons taking on a team-coloured glow with accompanying sparks of electricity.
*During [[Humiliation]] every shot fired by the winning side is forced to Critical hit, including body shots with the [[Sniper Rifle]] and [[Huntsman]].
*All shots are Critical while [[ÜberCharge]]d with the [[Kritzkrieg]]. This affects the Huntsman and the Sniper Rifle.
*A 5 second Crit boost is received upon getting [[#First Blood|First blood]] in an [[Arena]] map. If you happen to switch weapons during this period, the electricity around your weapon will disappear, but you will still be able to fire Criticals until the end of the Crit boost.
*Capturing the flag in a [[Capture the Flag]] game mode gives the entire capturing team 10 seconds of Crit boost (this value can be tweaked or disabled in the host's console via a command).
*A Crit boost is the only way the [[Knife]] can Critically hit without a [[Backstab]]. When it does so, it deals 120 damage (three times base damage, but less than a normal Crit). The [[Axtinguisher]] plays Crit animations when Crit boosted, but does not deal extra damage unless the target is on fire. The [[Southern Hospitality]], [[Powerjack]], and [[Eyelander]] weapons Crit normally, but do not Crit without a Crit boost.
*In the event version of [[Harvest]] and [[Mann Manor]] during Halloween, killed players randomly drop candy-filled [[Halloween pumpkins]]. When picked up, the player is awarded around 3–4 seconds of Crit boost.
{{anchor|First blood}}
=== First Blood ===
*The First Blood Crit buff is gained when you are the first to kill an opponent in an [[Arena]] match. With the first blood buff active, all your shots will be Critical hits for a total of 5 seconds. Your weapon will crackle with an electrical effect just like the Crit buffs from the [[K.G.B.]] and the [[Kritzkrieg]].
*Damaging a [[Spy]] with his [[Dead Ringer]] activated still gives the attacker the First Blood buff. The First Blood buff also counts as an [[ÜberCharge]] towards the [[Heavy achievements|Heavy achievement]] "''Supreme Soviet''".
*Before the [[October 18, 2010 Patch]], hitting an opponent with the [[Holy Mackerel]] would give the Scout the First Blood buff, even if he did not kill his target.
== Mini-Crits ==
[[Image:Minicrits.png|right|350px|A Demoman being pelted by minicrits]]
'''Mini-Crits''' add an extra 35% damage to a weapon's base-damage (more accurately, they ensure that a weapon does at least 135% its base damage). Like normal Critical hits, they ignore damage variance and fall off, but unlike Critical hits, they are still given ramp-up. Full Crits override Mini-Crits. Like Full Crits, Mini-Crits will have a glowing red outline in their kill icons.
Currently there are eight ways to achieve a Mini-Crit:
*[[Jarate]] coated enemies take Mini-Crits.
*Melee hits midway through a [[Chargin' Targe]] charge.
*Hitting a [[fire|burning]] enemy with a [[flare]] at mid-range or closer.
*Attacking an enemy while under the effects of a friendly Soldier's [[Buff Banner]].
*Hitting an enemy propelled by an explosion with the [[Direct Hit]].
*Attacking an enemy as a Scout under the effects of [[Crit-a-Cola]].
*Additionally, non-[[Sticky Bomb]] projectiles reflected by the Pyro's [[Flamethrower]] always do Mini-Crit damage.
Former ways to achieve a Mini-Crit:
*Formerly you could deal Mini-Crits by headshotting enemies with the [[Ambassador]]. It currently deals full Crits.
*The Pyro's Flamethrower was formerly able to turn enemy sticky bombs into Mini-Crits by reflecting them. It now gives no Mini-Crit boost.
*The Direct Hit formerly dealt Mini-Crits to any airborne target. This has been changed to Mini-Crit airborne targets who have been launched into the air by any explosion. 
=== Mini-Crit boost ===
A Mini-Crit boost is the state of having all damage being dealt modified in to Mini-Crit damage. Currently this is achievable while under the effects of [[Crit-a-Cola]] or an active [[Buff Banner]]. While being Mini-Crit boosted, the player's active weapon glows a faint yellow (if they are on [[RED]] team) or a faint blue-green (if they are on [[BLU]] team) and has the same color effect of particles swirling around their feet.
All damage sources (including [[Afterburn]] and Sentry Guns) only deal Mini-Crit damage when the player dealing the damage is being boosted. i.e. If the player leaves the boost (for whatever reason) after firing a projectile and while the projectile is in mid-flight, it will lose it's status as Mini-Critical. Conversely, after a Pyro sets fire to several players, returning to a Mini-Crit boost will immediately transform any Afterburn damage to Mini-Crit status. Sentry Guns will only Mini-Crit while the Engineer is being Mini-Crit boosted.
== Related Achievements ==
{{Achievement table
| 1 =
{{Show achievement|Scout|First Blood}}
| 2 =
{{Show achievement|Scout|First Blood, Part 2}}
{{Achievement table
| 1 =
{{Show achievement|Soldier|Crockets Are Such B.S.}}
| 2 =
{{Show achievement|Soldier|Tri-Splatteral Damage}}
{{Show achievement|Pyro|Hotshot|width=50%}}
{{Show achievement|Demoman|Beat Me Up, Scotty|width=50%}}
{{Achievement table
| 1 =
{{Show achievement|Heavy|Communist Mani-Fisto}}
| 2 =
{{Show achievement|Heavy|Crock Block}}
{{Achievement table
| 1 =
{{Show achievement|Engineer|Revengineering}}
| 2 =
{{Show achievement|Engineer|Unforgiven }}
{{Show achievement|Medic|Triage|width=50%}}
== Trivia ==
*Mini-Crits do not stack to make a Crit. For example, a Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola covered in Jarate who is hit mid-air with a Direct Hit by a Soldier being [[Critical hits#Mini-crit boost|Mini-Crit boosted]] by the Buff Banner will only receive an additional 35% damage.
== References ==

Revision as of 11:41, 12 November 2010

Dere ain't enough Crits in the world ta kill me!
The Scout
Inginerul fiind lovit de Crit-uri.

Loviturile critice sau Crit-uri sunt atacuri ce fac extra daune și au sunete specifice atât când tragi si când lovești inamicul. Când lovești un jucator cu una, cuvintele "Critical hit!!!" apar deasupra capului inamicului cu litere verzi (vezi imaginea) însoțite de un sunet puternic "ding". Deobicei Loviturile critice cu arme melee au animații unice (de exemplu Sticla are o lovitură de deasupra). Proiectilele explozive (ca rachetele sau bombele lipicoase) au o culoare strălucitoare specifică echipei.

Loviturile critice deobicei fac 300% din daunele de bază al armei, și ignoră modificările distanței și modificările daunelor întâmplătoare. Criturile armelor explozibile tot suferă de modificările daunelor împroșcării în funcție de distanță.

Când un jucător este omorât de de o Lovitură critică, clasa respectivă va scoate un țipăt ce diferă de uciderile normale (exceptând dacă acea clasă a fost omorât de o lovitură critică explozivă) și pictograma uciderii va fii înconjurată de o strălucire roșie.

Șanse de lovituri critice

Vezi și: Daune
Șansele loviturii critice bazate pe daune.

Armele standard au 2% șanse de bază pentru o lovitură critică, în timp ce armele melee au șanse de 15%. Un bonus procentual adițional este adăugat, bazându-se pe daunele totale ale jucătorului in ultimele 20 de secunde, pe o scară de 0% la 0 daune, 10% la 800 daune. De exemplu: făcând 200 daune în ultimele 20 de secunde, bonusul procentual adițional este de 2.5%.

Printre aceste arme care declanșează aleatoriu, șansele Loviturilor critice sunt diferite bazate pe tipul armelor. Armele cu un foc, de exemplu Puștile, Revolverul și Lansatorul de rachete, fiecare foc are șanse diferite pentru a primii Lovituri critice. Astfel, fiecare foc al Puștii va avea 2% șanse de a lansa o rafală de alice critice, presupunând că nu s-au făcut daune anterioare. Armele cu foc rapid, ca Minigun, Arma cu seringi și Aruncătorul de flăcări li se verifică șansele de Lovituri critice o data pe secundă. Cu arme ca acestea, loviturile lor critice rezultă în 2 secunde devin lovituri critice.

Cazuri speciale

Un Inginer ținând în mână Justițiarul Frontierei cu Crit-uri de revanșă.
  • Justițiarul Frontierei nu va primii lovituri critice aleatorii. În schimb va primii Crit-uri de revanșă pentru fiecare jucător omorât sau asistența Santinelei Inginerului până ce aceasta este distrusă. Pentru fiecare jucător omorât Justițiarul Frontierei primeste 2 lovituri critice garantate, și 1 lovitură critică garantată pentru fiecare asistență.
  • Pistolarul va primii lovitură critică lovind un inamic sau aliat de trei ori la rând, a treia fiind lovitură critică, dar nu va primii lovituri critice aleatorii.
  • Folosind un Atac prin batjocură primind bonusul Stegulețului sau Crit-a-Cola sau când inamicul este sub efectul Șușu va rezulta într-un Omor prin Batjocură Mini-Crit. [1]
  • Nici Powerjack-ul sau Ospitalitate din Sud nu va primii lovituri critice aleatorii.
  • Bushwacka va lovii critic în loc de Mini-Crit, cum ar fi: împotriva unui inamic Scout sub efectul Crit-a-Cola, un inamic sub efectul de Șușu, sau dacă Sniper-ul este sub efectul Steguleț al unui aliat. Poate lovii critic aleatoriu de asemenea.
  • Sângerarea nu poate cauza Crit, dar cauzează Mini-Crit dacă jucătorii sunt acoperiți de Șușu.

Crit boost

Crit boost is a state in which a player's weapons are guarenteed to cause Critical hits. Crit boost is displayed as weapons taking on a team-coloured glow with accompanying sparks of electricity.

  • All shots are Critical while ÜberCharged with the Kritzkrieg. This affects the Huntsman and the Sniper Rifle.
  • A 5 second Crit boost is received upon getting First blood in an Arena map. If you happen to switch weapons during this period, the electricity around your weapon will disappear, but you will still be able to fire Criticals until the end of the Crit boost.
  • Capturing the flag in a Capture the Flag game mode gives the entire capturing team 10 seconds of Crit boost (this value can be tweaked or disabled in the host's console via a command).
  • A Crit boost is the only way the Knife can Critically hit without a Backstab. When it does so, it deals 120 damage (three times base damage, but less than a normal Crit). The Axtinguisher plays Crit animations when Crit boosted, but does not deal extra damage unless the target is on fire. The Southern Hospitality, Powerjack, and Eyelander weapons Crit normally, but do not Crit without a Crit boost.
  • In the event version of Harvest and Mann Manor during Halloween, killed players randomly drop candy-filled Halloween pumpkins. When picked up, the player is awarded around 3–4 seconds of Crit boost.

First Blood

  • The First Blood Crit buff is gained when you are the first to kill an opponent in an Arena match. With the first blood buff active, all your shots will be Critical hits for a total of 5 seconds. Your weapon will crackle with an electrical effect just like the Crit buffs from the K.G.B. and the Kritzkrieg.


A Demoman being pelted by minicrits

Mini-Crits add an extra 35% damage to a weapon's base-damage (more accurately, they ensure that a weapon does at least 135% its base damage). Like normal Critical hits, they ignore damage variance and fall off, but unlike Critical hits, they are still given ramp-up. Full Crits override Mini-Crits. Like Full Crits, Mini-Crits will have a glowing red outline in their kill icons.

Currently there are eight ways to achieve a Mini-Crit:

  • Jarate coated enemies take Mini-Crits.
  • Melee hits midway through a Chargin' Targe charge.
  • Hitting a burning enemy with a flare at mid-range or closer.
  • Attacking an enemy while under the effects of a friendly Soldier's Buff Banner.
  • Hitting an enemy propelled by an explosion with the Direct Hit.
  • Attacking an enemy as a Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola.
  • Additionally, non-Sticky Bomb projectiles reflected by the Pyro's Flamethrower always do Mini-Crit damage.

Former ways to achieve a Mini-Crit:

  • Formerly you could deal Mini-Crits by headshotting enemies with the Ambassador. It currently deals full Crits.
  • The Pyro's Flamethrower was formerly able to turn enemy sticky bombs into Mini-Crits by reflecting them. It now gives no Mini-Crit boost.
  • The Direct Hit formerly dealt Mini-Crits to any airborne target. This has been changed to Mini-Crit airborne targets who have been launched into the air by any explosion.

Mini-Crit boost

A Mini-Crit boost is the state of having all damage being dealt modified in to Mini-Crit damage. Currently this is achievable while under the effects of Crit-a-Cola or an active Buff Banner. While being Mini-Crit boosted, the player's active weapon glows a faint yellow (if they are on RED team) or a faint blue-green (if they are on BLU team) and has the same color effect of particles swirling around their feet.

All damage sources (including Afterburn and Sentry Guns) only deal Mini-Crit damage when the player dealing the damage is being boosted. i.e. If the player leaves the boost (for whatever reason) after firing a projectile and while the projectile is in mid-flight, it will lose it's status as Mini-Critical. Conversely, after a Pyro sets fire to several players, returning to a Mini-Crit boost will immediately transform any Afterburn damage to Mini-Crit status. Sentry Guns will only Mini-Crit while the Engineer is being Mini-Crit boosted.

Related Achievements


Prima Ucidere
Prima Ucidere
Fii primul care omoară într-un meci de tip Arena sau Competitiv.
Prima Ucidere, Part 2
Prima Ucidere, Part 2
Omoară 5 inamici cu buff-ul de Prima Ucidere.


Crachetele sunt aşa de O.P.
Crachetele sunt aşa de O.P.
Trage două rachete criticale consecutive fără a folosi Kritzkrieg-ul.
Daune Triple
Daune Triple
Omoară 3 inamici cu o singură rachetă criticală.


Omoară un Soldier cu o rachetă criticală reflectată.


Bate-mă, Scotty
Bate-mă, Scotty
Folosește o lovitură critică încărcată complet cu Ochiolander-ul să omori 5 jucători inamici.


Communist Mani-Fisto
Communist Mani-Fisto
Omoară un adversar cu un pumn critical.
Blocul Crachetei
Blocul Crachetei
Supraviețuiește unei lovituri directe cu o rachetă criticală.


Omoară jucătorul inamic care ți-a distrus santinela, cu ajutorul unui critical de revanșă.
De Neiertat
De Neiertat
Ucide 3 inamici cu criticale de revanșă, fără a muri.


Acordarea Primului Ajutor
Acordarea Primului Ajutor
Activează un ÜberCharge în cel mult o secundă de când acesta a suferit o lovitură explozivă criticală.


  • Mini-Crits do not stack to make a Crit. For example, a Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola covered in Jarate who is hit mid-air with a Direct Hit by a Soldier being Mini-Crit boosted by the Buff Banner will only receive an additional 35% damage.
