Difference between revisions of "Laughter/zh-hans"

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{{Map infobox
{{Map infobox
   | game-type                   = King of the Hill
   | map-status                  = community
   | file-name                   = koth_slaughter_event
  | map-game-type               = King of the Hill
   | map-image                  = Laughter main.jpg
   | map-file-name               = koth_slaughter_event
   | developer                  = {{Steamid|76561197994150794|Aeon 'Void' Bollig}}<br/>{{Steamid|76561198072146551|"Diva Dan"}}<br/>{{Steamid|76561198047350168|Juniper}}<br/>{{Steamid|76561197982676963|Zoey Smith}}
   | map-image                  = Laughter main.png
  | release-date               = {{Patch name|10|10|2019}}<br>({{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}})
   | map-released               = {{Patch name|10|10|2019}}
  | map-released-major          = Scream Fortress 2019
   | map-environment            = 嘉年华/万圣节
   | map-environment            = 嘉年华/万圣节
   | map-setting                = 夜晚
   | map-setting                = 夜晚
   | map-hazards                = [[Environmental death/zh-hans#Crocodiles|鳄鱼]],[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Dynamite Balloons|炸弹气球]]
   | map-hazards                = [[Environmental death/zh-hans#Crocodiles|鳄鱼]],[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Dynamite Balloons|炸弹气球]]
   | map-underworld-hazards     = [[Environmental death/zh-hans#Health_drain|生命流失]],[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Bomb Head|炸弹头]],<br/>[[Pitfall/zh-hans|深渊]]<small>(仅在特定房间内)</small>
   | map-hazards-underworld      = [[Environmental death/zh-hans#Health_drain|生命流失]],[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Bomb Head|炸弹头]],<br/>[[Pitfall/zh-hans|深渊]]<small>(仅在特定房间内)</small>
   | map-stamp-link              = https://steamcommunity.com/stats/TF2/leaderboards/3833395
   | map-stamp-link              = https://steamcommunity.com/stats/TF2/leaderboards/3833395
   | map-health-pickups-small    = 6
   | map-pickups-health-small    = 6
   | map-health-pickups-medium  = 7
   | map-pickups-health-medium  = 7
   | map-ammo-pickups-small      = 6
   | map-pickups-ammo-small      = 6
   | map-ammo-pickups-medium    = 4
   | map-pickups-ammo-medium    = 4
   | map-ammo-pickups-large      = 2
   | map-pickups-ammo-large      = 2
   | map-special-pickups-pumpkin = yes
   | map-pickups-special-pumpkin = yes
   | map-bots                   = 1
   | map-has-bots               = yes
{{Quotation|'''Laughter''' 宣传语|欢乐永不停止... 但是不许退款!<br><br>Laughter是一张快节奏且注重于混乱和场景交互的山丘之王万圣节地图。地图上有正在运作的嘉年华小游戏,炸弹气球和一间异世界妙妙屋。每个人都能在这个码头找到属于自己的东西 - 毕竟,你不能写下屠杀(Slaughter)的同时...还不写快乐(Laughter)!}}
{{Quotation|'''Laughter''' 宣传语|欢乐永不停止... 但是不许退款!<br><br>Laughter是一张快节奏且注重于混乱和场景交互的山丘之王万圣节地图。地图上有正在运作的嘉年华小游戏,炸弹气球和一间异世界妙妙屋。每个人都能在这个码头找到属于自己的东西 - 毕竟,你不能写下屠杀(Slaughter)的同时...还不写快乐(Laughter)!}}
'''Laughter'''是一张[[Steam Workshop/zh-hans|社区制作]]的[[King of the Hill/zh-hans|山丘之王]]地图,于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}被添加到游戏中。该地图取景于笑潮游乐园及其木板路(原名:Laughing Tides Amusement Park and Boardwalk)。该地图是[[Custom maps/zh-hans|自定义地图]][[Slaughter/zh-hans|Slaughter]]的[[Halloween map/zh-hans|万圣节版本]]。
'''Laughter'''是一张[[Steam Workshop/zh-hans|社区制作]]的[[King of the Hill/zh-hans|山丘之王]]地图,于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}被添加到游戏中。该地图取景于笑潮游乐园浮桥上(原名:Laughing Tides Amusement Park and Boardwalk)。该地图是[[Custom maps/zh-hans|自定义地图]][[Slaughter/zh-hans|Slaughter]]的[[Halloween map/zh-hans|万圣节版本]]。
Laughter是被[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1872236402 投稿]到Steam创意工坊的。
Laughter是被[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1872236402 投稿]到Steam创意工坊的。
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* '''Spawn Area''': the teams spawn on opposite ends of the boardwalk. Each Spawn Area has two front doors side by side and one side door to the right, as well as a Shooting Gallery: Badlands Bandito for RED and Pirate's Plunder for BLU. Players who stand on the footprints on the ground and shoot the opposite team-colored targets until all the lights in the back are lit receive a [[Halloween pumpkin]].
* '''出生点''':双方的出生点位于浮桥的两端。出生点有两个出口,一个是由两扇相连的卷帘门组成的正面出口,另一个出口通向正面出口右侧。出生点内有一个射击场:红队的为荒芜之地劫匪(Badlands Bandito)蓝队的为海盗掠夺(Pirate's Plunder)。站在射击场前足迹处的玩家可以射击敌对队伍的靶子来点亮射击场的灯泡,点亮全部灯泡后玩家就会获得一个[[Halloween pumpkin/zh-hans|爆击南瓜]]
* '''Spawn Yard''': the area directly outside the Spawn Area, with four paths to take. On the RED side is the Bottle Buster and the Gift Shop; on the BLU side is the Pumpkin Smash and the Arcade.
* '''出生点庭院''':位于出生点外的区域,分有四条出路。红队方为碎瓶者和纪念品店(Bottle Buster and the Gift Shop);蓝队方为粉碎南瓜和街机(Pumpkin Smash and the Arcade)。
** The far left path takes players to either the Battlements or the exit of the opposite team's Tunnel and Conveyors. On the RED side are a queue area at the entrance and the Hall of Mirrors and Milk Toss in the lower area; on the BLU side are some bumper cars at the entrance and the Can-Can Ka-Blam and Bananarama in the lower area.
** 最左侧的通道会将玩家带到狙击平台,敌方队伍运输机和隧道的出口。在红队方,刚进入左侧通道就是一片排队区域,下方则是镜子大厅和丢牛奶区域(Hall of Mirrors and Milk Toss);在蓝队方,刚进入则是一堆碰碰车,下方则是咔咔爆破和疯狂香蕉(Can-Can Ka-Blam and Bananarama)。
** The middle left path is an S-shaped corridor with an exit protected by a glass window, from where players can safely see the point's surroundings, and the shortest path to the point. On the RED side is the Robotic Sideshow, where players can hit a mechanical [[Merasmus]] head for a misfortune telling; on the BLU side are the Real Live Crocodiles.
** 中间偏左的通道则是一条S型走廊,其出口处有一扇防弹玻璃做掩体,在玻璃后方,玩家可以安全地观察控制点附近的情况,同时这也是通往控制点的最快选择。在红队方这条走廊展示的是机械展览(Robotic Sideshow),玩家可以在此处射击机械[[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]头部来获得来自马拉莫斯的诅咒;在蓝队方则是绝对真实的活体鳄鱼(Real Live Crocodiles)。
** The middle right path is a simple turn that leads directly to the front of the entrance to the Conveyors.
** 中间偏右的通道是一条结构简单的小通道,直达运输机入口前方。
** The far right path is a straight corridor that leads to the team's Tunnel.
** 最右侧通道是一条直达敌方隧道的走廊。
* '''Battlements''': a small perch overseeing the entire control point area.
* '''狙击平台''':一个俯瞰整个控制点区域的小平台。
* '''Covered Exit''': the exit of the far left path is protected by a curved wooden wall, and offers quick and easy access to the other team's Tunnel and Conveyors.
* '''带掩体的出口''':最左侧通道的出口有一堵弯曲的木墙作为掩体,同时旁边还有通往敌方隧道和运输机的小路。
* '''Tunnel''': a long and curved passage around the point that leads to the other team's side of the map. RED's Tunnel is the Log Chute of Love; BLU's Tunnel is the Monster Basher.
* '''隧道''':一条环绕着控制点区的长走廊,连接着双方的区域。红队方的隧道为爱的滑道(Log Chute of Love);蓝队方为怪兽捣蛋(Monster Basher)。
* '''Conveyors''': each team has a building on one side of the point with an accessible second floor, which consists of two rooms with windows overseeing the point connected by a catwalk over two conveyors that toss any players that get on them onto the point. RED's building is the Sawmill of Love; BLU's building is the Mad Manor.
* '''运输机''':双方队伍都有的建筑,该建筑仅有二层可进入。该建筑内部由两个带着能俯瞰控制点区的窗户的房间构成,两个房间中间有小路连接,在小路下方就是高速运转的运输机,运输机会将踩在上方的玩家送到控制点内。红队方建筑名为爱的木厂(Sawmill of Love);蓝队方为疯狂庄园(Mad Manor)。
* '''Control Point''': the Control Point sits on a broken section of some train tracks, which are a bit higher than the surrounding area. Holes on the tracks drop players onto the [[Environmental death#Crocodiles|crocodile]]-infested waters below the boardwalk, and the doors at the ends open periodically, granting access to the Underworld.
* '''控制点''':控制点坐落于一条破损的火车轨道上,轨道本身要比其他区域稍微高一点。轨道上的破洞下方是遍布[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Crocodiles|鳄鱼]]的水域。轨道尽头的门每隔一段时间就会开启,尽头的门通往地下世界。
* '''Underpass''': a passage beneath the point connecting the two sides of the map.
* '''地下通道''':一条位于控制点下方的通道,连接着双方区域。
File:Koth slaughter event RED spawn.png|The inside of RED's spawn.
File:Koth slaughter event RED spawn.png|红队出生点内
File:Koth slaughter event BLU courtyard.png|The courtyard outside the BLU spawn.
File:Koth slaughter event BLU courtyard.png|蓝队出生点外庭院
File:Koth slaughter event conveyor.png|The Control Point, as seen from the Conveyors.
File:Koth slaughter event conveyor.png|从运输机上看控制点
File:Koth slaughter event underpass.png|Underpass entrance on the RED side.
File:Koth slaughter event underpass.png|红队放的地下通道入口
* {{anchor|Underworld|Funhouse}} '''Underworld''': a [[w:Funhouse|Funhouse]] made up of three rooms, which are randomly selected every time the doors are opened. The possible rooms are:
* {{anchor|Underworld|Funhouse}} '''地下世界''':一座由三个房间组成的[[w:Funhouse|妙妙屋]],房间的组成在每次门开启时会随机选择组合。房间内容可能为:
** A room with slanted platforms and rings of fire in between them;<sup>†</sup>
** 一间充满倾斜平台的房间,平台之间还有火圈;<sup>†</sup>
** A room that gets increasingly small, with the exit being so small players must crouch to fit through;
** 一间被缩小的房间,该房间的出口也被缩小了所以玩家必须蹲着才能出房间;
** A room with bouncing pads that bounce with unusual direction and force;<sup>†</sup>
** 一间有跳板设置的房间,跳板的力度和跳跃角度都设计得让玩家觉得古怪;<sup>†</sup>
** A room with several different doors in a hallway;
** 一间有很多门设置的走廊;
** A twisted room;
** 一间扭曲的房间;
** A room with zig-zagging floors and ceilings;
** 一间有锯齿状天花板和地板设置的房间;
** A room with a conveyor belt moving backward;<sup>†</sup>
** 一间有传送带将玩家向后运输的房间;<sup>†</sup>
** An upside-down room where players must climb on several mantles to exit;
** 一间上下颠倒的房间,玩家必须从几个小平台上爬出去;
** A rotating room.
** 一间不断旋转的房间;
:<sup>†</sup><small>The room contains a [[Environmental death#Pitfalls|bottomless pit]], making it possible to die in it.</small>
:<sup>†</sup><small>带有[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Pitfalls|深渊]]的房间,玩家有可能在这些房间内死亡</small>
:There is a small chance for the [[Bombinomicon (character)|Bombinomicon]] to place a bomb on the heads of players that stay inside it for too long. Exiting in the normal way removes the bomb. Players may not place [[buildings]] in these rooms. Stepping into the last portal instantly teleports the player back into the main map, granting invulnerability, a 200% [[overheal]], a speed boost, and a [[Critical hits|crit boost]] for a limited time.
:如果玩家在地下世界待太久会被[[Bombinomicon (character)/zh-hans|炸弹魔书]]套上炸弹头。正常离开地下世界即可解除炸弹头。玩家不可以在地下世界建造[[buildings/zh-hans|建筑]]。在玩家穿过最后一道传送门时会立刻将玩家传送回主地图,并暂时获得无敌,200%[[overheal/zh-hans|超量治疗]],速度加成和[[Critical hits/zh-hans|爆击效果]]加成。
File:Laughter under1.jpg|The rings of fire.
File:Laughter under1.jpg|火圈
File:Laughter under2.jpg|The shrinking room.
File:Laughter under2.jpg|缩小的房间
File:Laughter under3.jpg|The bounce pads room.
File:Laughter under3.jpg|跳板房间
File:Laughter under4.jpg|The room full of doors.
File:Laughter under4.jpg|全是门的房间
File:Laughter under5.jpg|The twisted room.
File:Laughter under5.jpg|扭曲的房间
File:Laughter under6.jpg|The zig-zagged room.
File:Laughter under6.jpg|锯齿房间
File:Laughter under7.jpg|The conveyor belt room.
File:Laughter under7.jpg|传送带房间
File:Laughter under8.jpg|The upside-down room.
File:Laughter under8.jpg|颠倒房间
File:Laughter under9.gif|The rotating room.<br><small><i>(Click on the image to view the animation.)</i></small>
File:Laughter under9.gif|旋转的房间<br><small><i>(点击图片来观看整个动画)</i></small>
== {{common string|Helpful overview}} ==
== {{common string|Helpful overview}} ==
[[File:Laughter overview with lines.png|left|200px|Laughter的位置]]
[[File:Laughter overview with lines.png|left|200px|Laughter的位置]]
  <big>1.Badlands Bandito/Pirate's Blunder
  2.Bottle Buster/Pumpkin Smash
  3.Spawn Yard
  4.Gift Shop/Arcade
  5.Robotic Sideshow/Real Live Crocodiles
  7.Mike Toss/Hall of Mirrors
  9.Sawmill of Love/Mad Mansion
  Red diagonal lines: Red spawn
  Blue diagonal lines: Blu spawn
  Red circle: The Hill/Control point</big>
== {{common string|Strategy}} ==
== {{common string|Strategy}} ==
Line 102: Line 103:
== {{common string|Update history}}==
== {{common string|Update history}}==
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2019}}''' ([[Scream Fortress 2019]])
'''{{Patch name|10|10|2019}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}})
* Added Laughter to the game.
* Laughter被添加到游戏中。
'''{{Patch name|10|11|2019}}'''  
'''{{Patch name|10|11|2019}}'''  
* Fixed players being able to survive and build in the crocodile pit.
* 修复了玩家可以在鳄鱼水池中存活并建造建筑的漏洞。
* Fixed an issue with the conveyor in the Funhouse.
* 修复了妙妙屋中传送带房间的一个问题。
'''{{Patch name|10|16|2019}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|16|2019}}'''
* Fixed a spot where players could spam the Underworld exit effect.
* 修复了一个能让玩家重复获得地下世界逃脱加成的位置。
* Fixed a sightline into the [[Respawn#Respawn|spawn room]]s.
* 修复了一条可以直接对[[Respawn/zh-hans#Respawn|出生点]]内玩家造成伤害的漏洞。
* Fixed players being able to perch on flood lights.
* 修复了玩家可以一直待在路灯上的问题。
* Implemented additional prop fades to increase performance.
* 修改了实体消失的条件以提高游戏性能。
'''{{Patch name|10|18|2019}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|18|2019}}'''
* Fixed a server crash exploit with the Shooting Galleries.
* 修复了一个与射击场相关的炸服漏洞。
== {{common string|Trivia}} ==
== {{common string|Trivia}} ==
* The old time spiral slide is a [[w:Helter skelter (ride)|Helter Skelter]] ride.
* 在地下世界的出口处能看到一只戴着侦察兵帽子的{{item link|Sledder's Sidekick}}正在盯着一堆监控录像屏。
* A [[Sledder's Sidekick]] wearing a Scout's headset can be found looking at a group of monitors within one the ending sections of the Underworld. This is a reference to the secret [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUDcSeUvkOw "Dog Ending"] of the game [[w:Silent Hill 2|''Silent Hill 2'']]. The monitor screens show various locations from Slaughter, the original non-event version of Laughter.
* The map contains multiple Easter eggs referencing popular online streamers:
** An attraction just outside of the RED spawn is called J. Elbertson's Robotic Sideshow. This is a reference to the streamer [[w:Jerma985|Jerma985]].
**第二颗骷髅头是绿色的还戴着蓝队版本的{{item link|Pyromancer's Hood}}。该骷髅头位于疯狂庄园后方的屋顶上。
** One of the two shops behind the RED spawn is named Vinny's Water Ice. This is a reference to Vinny, streamer and founder of Vinesauce.
**第三颗骷髅头有着红色的眼睛且还有一只手正在扶他的{{item link|Ebenezer}}。该骷髅头位于纪念品点上方的排队区。
** Behind the window on the upper floor of the RED tunnel, a skull with glowing red eyes can be seen, wearing a blue [[Toadstool Topper]] with [[Grenadier Helm]]'s horns. This is a reference to Vargskelethor Joel, another Vinesauce streamer.
**第四颗骷髅头戴着一顶{{item link|Ye Olde Baker Boy}}。位于通往摩天轮的平台上。
* Four other skulls are hidden through the map:
**第五颗骷髅头有着一双发红光的眼睛并且戴着一顶蓝色的{{item link|Toadstool Topper}}和{{item link|Grenadier Helm}}。该骷髅头位于红队隧道上方的一扇窗户后方。
** One skull has a glowing blue eye and a [[Paka Parka]]'s collar, and can be found on the inaccessible pizza shop on the terrace behind the BLU spawn. This is a reference to [[wikia:w:c:undertale:Sans|Sans]], a character from the game [[w:Undertale|''Undertale'']].
* 在粉碎南瓜景点处可以看见一个[[Horseless Headless Horsemann/zh-hans|脱缰的无头骑士]]玩具正在与一个[[Necro Smasher/zh-hans|大力碎尸锤]]抗衡。用武器攻击它会使其播放[[Halloween Boss voice responses/zh-hans#Previously unused responses|语音回应]]
** Another skull is green and wears a BLU [[Pyromancer's Hood]], and can be found behind the Madd Manor building on the roof. This skull bears a resemblance to [[wikia:w:c:he-man:Skeletor|Skeletor]], the main antagonist of the [[w:Masters of the Universe|''Masters of the Universe'']] franchise.
** 红队出生点下方下水道处能找到另一只坏掉无头骑士玩具。向它开火会播放多种[[Demoman Robot/zh-hans|机械爆破手]]的语音回应。
** A third skull has red eyes and is tipping an [[Ebenezer]], and can be found in the queue area above the gift shop. This is a reference to the titular character of the [[w:Internet meme|internet meme]] [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mr-bones-wild-ride "Mr. Bones' Wild Ride"].
* 在怪兽捣蛋区域能看到一只戴着蓝队版本{{item link|Foul Cowl}}的骷髅正在一口棺材里偷瞄外面。
** The last skull wears a [[Ye Olde Baker Boy]], and can be found on the platform to the Ferris wheel.
* 在红队出生点旁的爱的隧道区域外部能看到两只[[Archimedes/zh-hans|阿基米德]]在屋顶附近,其上方飘着魔心连环[[Unusual/zh-hans|特效]]
* A [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] animatronic can be found propped up against a [[Necro Smasher]] at the Pumpkin Smash attraction. Hitting it causes it to play various [[Halloween Boss voice responses#Previously unused responses|voice responses]].
* 在控制点下方的[[Environmental death/zh-hans|鳄鱼]]各戴着一顶团队色的{{item link|Sydney Straw Boat}}。
** Another Horsemann animatronic can be found broken in a sewer tunnel below the RED spawn. Shooting it causes it to play various [[Demoman Robot]] voice responses.
* 当触碰补给柜时,有低概率会出现一只黄色的骷髅并发出“Boo!”的音效,不过并不会真的使玩家被恐吓。
* In the gift shop, license plates reading "BORT" can be found. This is a reference to a joke in the [[wikia:w:c:simpsons:Itchy & Scratchy Land|"Itchy & Scratchy Land"]] episode of [[w:The Simpsons|''The Simpsons'']].
* Posters for "Yeti Cakes" and "Moffitt Tops" can also be found within the gift shop. These are a reference to similar posters featured in the game [[w:Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee|''Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee'']].
* A skeleton wearing a BLU [[Foul Cowl]] can be found peeking out of a coffin in the Monster Basher.
* Outside the Tunnel of Love near RED spawn, two [[Archimedes]] doves can be found on the rails close to the rooftops, with the Cloud 9 [[Unusual]] effect over them.
* The [[Environmental death|crocodiles]] that swim underneath the control point each wear a team-colored [[Sydney Straw Boat]].
* When touching the resupply locker, sometimes a yellow skeleton appears and utters a Boo!, though it does not put the player into a scared state.
== {{common string|Gallery}} ==
== {{common string|Gallery}} ==
; Attractions and shops
; 景点和店铺
File:Laughter badlands.jpg|Badlands Bandito.
File:Laughter badlands.jpg|Badlands Bandito
File:Laughter pirate.jpg|Pirate's Plunder.
File:Laughter pirate.jpg|Pirate's Plunder
File:Laughter bottle.jpg|Bottle Buster.
File:Laughter bottle.jpg|Bottle Buster
File:Laughter pumpkin.jpg|Pumpkin Smash.
File:Laughter pumpkin.jpg|Pumpkin Smash
File:Laughter arcade.jpg|Arcade.
File:Laughter arcade.jpg|Arcade
File:Laughter ride.jpg|Log Chute of Love.
File:Laughter ride.jpg|Log Chute of Love
File:Laughter monster.jpg|Monster Basher.
File:Laughter monster.jpg|Monster Basher
File:Koth slaughter event jelbertson.png|J. Elbertson's Robotic Sideshow.
File:Koth slaughter event jelbertson.png|J. Elbertson's Robotic Sideshow
File:Laughter gift.jpg|Gift Shop.
File:Laughter gift.jpg|Gift Shop
File:Koth slaughter event vinny.png|Vinny's Water Ice.
File:Koth slaughter event vinny.png|Vinny's Water Ice
; Hidden skulls
; 隐藏的骷髅头
File:Koth slaughter event joel.png|Skull on the log chute loading area.
File:Koth slaughter event joel.png|位于隧道上方的骷髅头
File:Koth slaughter event skull.png|Skull behind BLU spawn.
File:Koth slaughter event skull.png|位于蓝队出生点后方的骷髅头
File:Laughter skele1.jpg|Skull in the queue<!-- queue is a line --> above the Gift Shop.
File:Laughter skele1.jpg|位于纪念品店上方排队区的骷髅
File:Laughter skele2.jpg|Skull on the roof of Mad Manor.
File:Laughter skele2.jpg|位于疯狂庄园屋顶上的骷髅
File:Laughter skele3.jpg|Skull at the base of the Ferris wheel.
File:Laughter skele3.jpg|位于摩天轮旁的骷髅头
; Other
; 其他
File:Laughter overview.jpg|Overview of the map.
File:Laughter overview.jpg|俯瞰地图
File:Pumpkinbomb laughter.png|[[Environmental death#Dynamite Balloon|Dynamite Balloons]].
File:Pumpkinbomb laughter.png|[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Dynamite Balloon|炸弹气球]]
File:Koth slaughter event croc.png|[[Environmental death#Crocodiles|Crocodile]].
File:Koth slaughter event croc.png|[[Environmental death/zh-hans#Crocodiles|鳄鱼]]
File:Laughter outside.jpg|Beach under the pier and city skyline.
File:Laughter outside.jpg|码头下方的沙滩及城市天际线
File:Koth slaughter event hhh.png|Broken [[Horseless Headless Horsemann|HHH]] animatronic under the RED spawn.
File:Koth slaughter event hhh.png|红队出生点下方的损坏[[Horseless Headless Horsemann/zh-hans|无头骑士]]玩具
File:Koth slaughter event yeti cakes.jpg|thumb|Yeti Cakes poster in the Gift Shop.
File:Koth slaughter event yeti cakes.jpg|thumb|纪念品店内的雪人蛋糕海报
File:Koth slaughter event merasmus.png|The [[Carnival of Carnage|misfortune teller]] ([[Merasmus]]) inside the Robotic Sideshow.
File:Koth slaughter event merasmus.png|机械展览中的[[Carnival of Carnage/zh-hans|厄运传播者]][[Merasmus/zh-hans|马拉莫斯]]
File:Koth slaughter event birds.jpg|Two birds seen with a Cloud 9 unusual effect.
File:Koth slaughter event birds.jpg|上方飘着魔心连环特效的两只小鸟
File:Koth slaughter event bort.jpg|thumb|"BORT" license plates in the Gift Shop.
File:Koth slaughter event bort.jpg|thumb|纪念品店上方的“BORT”票据
File:Laughter RE.jpg|"Dog ending" easter egg in the Funhouse.
File:Laughter RE.jpg|妙妙屋出口处的狗狗
File:Laughter Workshop image.jpg|Steam Workshop thumbnail for Laughter.
File:Laughter Workshop image.jpg|Laughter的Steam创意工坊宣传图

Latest revision as of 04:28, 19 January 2024

Laughter main.png
种类: 山丘之王
文件名: koth_slaughter_event
发布时间: 2019年10月10日补丁
尖叫要塞 2019
开发者: Aeon "Void" Bollig
Liam "Diva Dan" Moffitt
Zoey Smith
环境: 嘉年华/万圣节
设定: 夜晚
危害: 鳄鱼炸弹气球
危害(地下世界): 生命流失炸弹头
Healthico.png 医疗包: Healthbar.png ×6  •  Healthpie.png ×7
Ammoico.png 弹药盒: Smallammo.png ×6   •   Mediumammo.png ×4   •  
Largeammo.png ×2
TF2 crosshair.png 特殊: Pumpkin.png
Loading screen photos.
Laughter overview.png
Item icon Map Stamp - Laughter.png
欢乐永不停止... 但是不许退款!

Laughter是一张快节奏且注重于混乱和场景交互的山丘之王万圣节地图。地图上有正在运作的嘉年华小游戏,炸弹气球和一间异世界妙妙屋。每个人都能在这个码头找到属于自己的东西 - 毕竟,你不能写下屠杀(Slaughter)的同时...还不写快乐(Laughter)!
Laughter 宣传语

Laughter是一张社区制作山丘之王地图,于尖叫要塞 2019被添加到游戏中。该地图取景于笑潮游乐园浮桥上(原名:Laughing Tides Amusement Park and Boardwalk)。该地图是自定义地图Slaughter万圣节版本




  • 出生点:双方的出生点位于浮桥的两端。出生点有两个出口,一个是由两扇相连的卷帘门组成的正面出口,另一个出口通向正面出口右侧。出生点内有一个射击场:红队的为荒芜之地劫匪(Badlands Bandito)蓝队的为海盗掠夺(Pirate's Plunder)。站在射击场前足迹处的玩家可以射击敌对队伍的靶子来点亮射击场的灯泡,点亮全部灯泡后玩家就会获得一个爆击南瓜
  • 出生点庭院:位于出生点外的区域,分有四条出路。红队方为碎瓶者和纪念品店(Bottle Buster and the Gift Shop);蓝队方为粉碎南瓜和街机(Pumpkin Smash and the Arcade)。
    • 最左侧的通道会将玩家带到狙击平台,敌方队伍运输机和隧道的出口。在红队方,刚进入左侧通道就是一片排队区域,下方则是镜子大厅和丢牛奶区域(Hall of Mirrors and Milk Toss);在蓝队方,刚进入则是一堆碰碰车,下方则是咔咔爆破和疯狂香蕉(Can-Can Ka-Blam and Bananarama)。
    • 中间偏左的通道则是一条S型走廊,其出口处有一扇防弹玻璃做掩体,在玻璃后方,玩家可以安全地观察控制点附近的情况,同时这也是通往控制点的最快选择。在红队方这条走廊展示的是机械展览(Robotic Sideshow),玩家可以在此处射击机械马拉莫斯头部来获得来自马拉莫斯的诅咒;在蓝队方则是绝对真实的活体鳄鱼(Real Live Crocodiles)。
    • 中间偏右的通道是一条结构简单的小通道,直达运输机入口前方。
    • 最右侧通道是一条直达敌方隧道的走廊。
  • 狙击平台:一个俯瞰整个控制点区域的小平台。
  • 带掩体的出口:最左侧通道的出口有一堵弯曲的木墙作为掩体,同时旁边还有通往敌方隧道和运输机的小路。
  • 隧道:一条环绕着控制点区的长走廊,连接着双方的区域。红队方的隧道为爱的滑道(Log Chute of Love);蓝队方为怪兽捣蛋(Monster Basher)。
  • 运输机:双方队伍都有的建筑,该建筑仅有二层可进入。该建筑内部由两个带着能俯瞰控制点区的窗户的房间构成,两个房间中间有小路连接,在小路下方就是高速运转的运输机,运输机会将踩在上方的玩家送到控制点内。红队方建筑名为爱的木厂(Sawmill of Love);蓝队方为疯狂庄园(Mad Manor)。
  • 控制点:控制点坐落于一条破损的火车轨道上,轨道本身要比其他区域稍微高一点。轨道上的破洞下方是遍布鳄鱼的水域。轨道尽头的门每隔一段时间就会开启,尽头的门通往地下世界。
  • 地下通道:一条位于控制点下方的通道,连接着双方区域。
  • 地下世界:一座由三个房间组成的妙妙屋,房间的组成在每次门开启时会随机选择组合。房间内容可能为:
    • 一间充满倾斜平台的房间,平台之间还有火圈;
    • 一间被缩小的房间,该房间的出口也被缩小了所以玩家必须蹲着才能出房间;
    • 一间有跳板设置的房间,跳板的力度和跳跃角度都设计得让玩家觉得古怪;
    • 一间有很多门设置的走廊;
    • 一间扭曲的房间;
    • 一间有锯齿状天花板和地板设置的房间;
    • 一间有传送带将玩家向后运输的房间;
    • 一间上下颠倒的房间,玩家必须从几个小平台上爬出去;
    • 一间不断旋转的房间;




主条目: 社区 Laughter 战术


2019年10月10日补丁尖叫要塞 2019

  • Laughter被添加到游戏中。


  • 修复了玩家可以在鳄鱼水池中存活并建造建筑的漏洞。
  • 修复了妙妙屋中传送带房间的一个问题。


  • 修复了一个能让玩家重复获得地下世界逃脱加成的位置。
  • 修复了一条可以直接对出生点内玩家造成伤害的漏洞。
  • 修复了玩家可以一直待在路灯上的问题。
  • 修改了实体消失的条件以提高游戏性能。


  • 修复了一个与射击场相关的炸服漏洞。


  • 在地下世界的出口处能看到一只戴着侦察兵帽子的雪橇小伙伴正在盯着一堆监控录像屏。
  • 地图上藏着五颗骷髅头:
    • 第一颗骷髅头有着发蓝光的眼睛还有一个帕卡派克大衣衣领。该骷髅头位于蓝队出生点后方的不可游玩区域的披萨店上方。
    • 第二颗骷髅头是绿色的还戴着蓝队版本的火焰术士的兜帽。该骷髅头位于疯狂庄园后方的屋顶上。
    • 第三颗骷髅头有着红色的眼睛且还有一只手正在扶他的吝啬鬼的礼帽。该骷髅头位于纪念品点上方的排队区。
    • 第四颗骷髅头戴着一顶老式报童帽。位于通往摩天轮的平台上。
    • 第五颗骷髅头有着一双发红光的眼睛并且戴着一顶蓝色的小佣兵采蘑菇掷弹兵头盔。该骷髅头位于红队隧道上方的一扇窗户后方。
  • 在粉碎南瓜景点处可以看见一个脱缰的无头骑士玩具正在与一个大力碎尸锤抗衡。用武器攻击它会使其播放语音回应
    • 红队出生点下方下水道处能找到另一只坏掉无头骑士玩具。向它开火会播放多种机械爆破手的语音回应。
  • 在怪兽捣蛋区域能看到一只戴着蓝队版本污秽的斗篷的骷髅正在一口棺材里偷瞄外面。
  • 在红队出生点旁的爱的隧道区域外部能看到两只阿基米德在屋顶附近,其上方飘着魔心连环特效
  • 在控制点下方的鳄鱼各戴着一顶团队色的悉尼人的船形草帽
  • 当触碰补给柜时,有低概率会出现一只黄色的骷髅并发出“Boo!”的音效,不过并不会真的使玩家被恐吓。

