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{{Map Variant}}
{{Map infobox
{{Map infobox
   | game-type                 = Control Point
   | map-status                = official
   | file-name                 = cp_5gorge
  | map-game-type             = Control Point
   | map-file-name             = cp_5gorge
   | map-image                = 5gorge1.png
   | map-image                = 5gorge1.png
   | release-date             = {{Patch name|1|19|2011}}
   | map-released             = {{Patch name|1|19|2011}}
   | map-environment          = 工业风
   | map-environment          = 工业风
   | map-setting              = 白昼,晴天
   | map-setting              = 白昼,晴天
   | map-pyrovision           =
   | map-has-pyrovision       = yes
   | map-health-pickups-small  = 4
   | map-pickups-health-small  = 4
   | map-health-pickups-medium = 18
   | map-pickups-health-medium = 18
   | map-health-pickups-large  = 1
   | map-pickups-health-large  = 1
   | map-ammo-pickups-medium  = 14
   | map-pickups-ammo-medium  = 14
   | map-ammo-pickups-large    = 9
   | map-pickups-ammo-large    = 9
== 地点 ==
== {{common string|Locations}}==
=== 第三控制点 ===
=== 第三控制点 ===
The middle capture point is located on a raised platform in the center of a square room.
* '''Entrances''': Each team has 3 entrances into the main room: a main door that leads to either end of the platform the control point is located on; a side entrance to the same level; and an access ramp to the raised ring above the point.
* '''入口''':双方队伍有三个进入中央房间的入口:分别位于控制点平台两端的主入口;其旁边的一个侧路入口;以及从斜坡上到控制点之上的一个入口。
* '''Pit''': In the center of the room, there is a sunken area. On either side of the control point, there are stairs to a pit underneath the point itself. In the pit, there is a large health and ammo pack.
* '''''':在房间中央是一片下陷的区域,在控制点两边都有下到坑中楼梯,坑中有一个大弹药箱和大医疗包在中央。
* '''Upper ring''': Each team has access to the upper ring, which runs along all four walls of the main room. In each corner, and at each team's access point, there are small rooms.
* '''高地''':双方队伍都可以进入的环形高地地形,高地是以控制点为中心的环形,遍布整个房间,在四个角落处和双方队伍的入口处都有小型房间。
* '''Cover''': At each team's main entrance, there are large metal sheets on each side of the bridge to the middle. These provide cover from enemies entering through their main entrance.
* '''掩体''':在双方队伍入口处通往控制点平台的桥上都有可作为掩护的金属挡板,在进入房间时可利用掩体抵挡敌方火力。
* '''Lobby''': Outside the main room, there is a lobby area, much like the one before the final point of the original Gorge. This area provides access to all of the entrances to the main room for both teams.
* '''缓冲区''':在房间外,有一片缓冲区域,与进攻/防御版的Gorge进入最终控制点前的区域相似。由该区域可通往进入控制点的三个入口。
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
File:5gorge1.png|Middle capture point.
File:5Gorge point3 a.png|Entrances.
File:5Gorge point3 a.png|入口
File:5Gorge point3 b.png|Upper ring.
File:5Gorge point3 b.png|高地
File:5Gorge point3 c.png|Lobby.
File:5Gorge point3 c.png|缓冲区
=== 第二&四控制点 ===
=== 第二&四控制点 ===
The second capture points are located on a bridge. The layout of this area is the same as the first capture point in Gorge.
* '''Entrances from the middle point''': There are 2 entrances, at either side of the bridge. Both of these lead to the downstairs area of the lobby between the 2 control points.
* '''从中央控制点而来的入口''':由中央控制点进入第二控制点区有两个入口,分别位于大桥的两边。这两个入口都通往位于中央和第二控制点之间的缓冲区下层。
* '''Entrances from the final point''': There are 3 entrances to the bridge area, with the main entrance leading to the end of the bridge. There are also 2 side routes, one which is located slightly off to the side of the bridge and leads into a lower area. The other one leads to the other side of the bridge via a raised area around the final point.
* '''从最终控制点而来的入口''':由最终控制点进入第二控制点区由三个入口,主入口通往桥的另一端,其他两个侧路入口分别通往桥旁边的下层区域和桥另一旁的开阔地区。
* '''Valley''': Underneath the bridge, there is a lower valley area. It leads under the bridge, where there is a medium health pack located.
* '''小巷''':位于桥下处的小巷子,内部有一个中医疗包。
* '''Side bridge''': To the far side of this area, there is another raised walkway that leads directly to one of the routes to the middle point. There is a medium health and ammo pack located at the far side from the final point.
* '''侧路桥''':位于该区域的远端有另一座升起的过道通往进入中央控制点的路线之一。最终控制点的远处有一个中医疗箱和中弹药箱。
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
File:5Gorge point2 a.png|Second capture point.
File:5Gorge point2 a.png|第二控制点
File:5Gorge point2 b.png|Valley.
File:5Gorge point2 b.png|小巷
File:5Gorge point2 c.png|Entrances.
File:5Gorge point2 c.png|入口
File:5Gorge point2 d.png|Side bridge.
File:5Gorge point2 d.png|侧路桥
The final capture points are located on a flat area, right outside the defending team's spawn room. This area is similar to the open courtyard outside [[BLU]] spawn on Gorge.
* '''Entrances from the second point''': There are 3 entrances into the final area from the second capture point. One entrance leads into the raised room, which connects to the raised bridge at the far side of the area from the capture point. The next entrance along leads directly from a small room located at the end of the bridge. It has 2 entrances to the final area, each located at the side of a small outcropping room. The last entrance is at the opposite end from the raised room and is an arch through a low wall.
* '''从第二控制点而来的入口''':由第二控制点进入最终控制点区有三个入口。其中一处位于侧路桥处,进入可到达一处高台。另一处直接是直接从桥的尽头进入,在房间的尽头分为两条入口。最后一处位于高台入口的对面,从一处矮墙下进入。
* '''Defending team spawn exits''': There are three spawn exits in this final area, all of which are are located slightly off to the side of the point. Two located on the same side of the point are slightly lower down than the flat area the point is on; there is a ramp connecting the two areas.
* '''防守方出生点出口''':最终控制点区的出生点有三个出口,每个出口都位于控制点稍远处,其中两个位于控制点的同侧,位于控制点平台旁的低地;低地与平台间有一处斜坡连接 。
* '''Building''': Directly next to the point is a small building, which houses [[pickups|health and ammo]]. There is also a ramp leaning against it that gives access to the roof, which overlooks the point itself
* '''小屋''':位于控制点旁的小型建筑,内有[[pickups/zh-hans|医疗包和弹药箱]],旁边还有一架木梯架在房顶之上,可由此上到屋顶俯瞰控制点区。
* '''Crates''': Behind the point, there are a series of stacked crates. These offer a good height advantage over the point itself and the lowest ledge can be accessed by all classes. The higher area, however, requires a higher jump.
* '''箱子堆''':位于控制点后方有一堆木箱,这些木箱可提供高度优势,且全兵种都可以上来。只不过一些更高的区域可能需要一些更强的机动性。
* '''Raised deck''': At the opposite side of the area from the defending spawn is a raised deck, which connects two rooms, as well as stairs that lead to the flat area the point is on.
* '''高地平台''':位于防守方出生点正对面的是一座高台,上有两个房间,尽头是一处楼梯连接着地面和高台。
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
<gallery widths=150px heights=90px>
File:5Gorge point1 a.png|Final capture point.
File:5Gorge point1 a.png|最终控制点
File:5Gorge point1 b.png|Room between the second and final points.
File:5Gorge point1 b.png|位于第二控制点和最终控制点之间的房间
File:5Gorge point1 c.png|View towards the middle point.
File:5Gorge point1 c.png|看向中央控制点
File:5Gorge point1 d.png|Raised deck.
File:5Gorge point1 d.png|高地平台
==辅助俯瞰图 ==
=={{common string|Helpful overview}} ==
[[File:5Gorge overview with lines.png|left|5Gorge的地点|400px]]
[[File:5Gorge overview with lines.png|left|5Gorge的位置|400px]]
  2.Upper Ring
  4.Main Hallway
  6.Main Building
  7.Second floor
  8.Small shed
  Red/blue diagonal lines: Red/Blu first spawn
  Red/Blue double diagonal lines: Red/Blu second spawn
  Red/blue double diagonal lines w/ a circle: Red/Blu third spawn
  White circle: Middle/third point
  Pink circles: Second/fourth points
  Yellow circles: First/fifth points</big>
== 策略 ==
== {{common string|Strategy}}==
{{main|Community 5Gorge strategy|l1=社区 5Gorge 策略}}
{{map strategy link|5Gorge|main=yes|stub=yes}}
{{community strategy stub link}}
{{Control Point Timing/Official Map}}
{{Control Point Timing/Official Map}}
== 更新历史 ==
== {{common string|Update history}}==
{{Update history|
{{Update history|
'''{{Patch name|12|3|2010|beta}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|3|2010|beta}}'''
* Added {{code|cp_5gorge}} to {{code|mapcycle.txt}}
* {{code|cp_5gorge}} 被添加到{{code|mapcycle.txt}}中。
* Fixed broken environment maps.
* 修复了背景有问题的地图。
'''{{Patch name|12|8|2010|beta}}'''
'''{{Patch name|12|8|2010|beta}}'''
* Changes to the mid arena:
** Raised cap and connected it to the surrounding space via two bridges.
** 控制点现在设在一处高台之上并且可由两座桥进入。
** Added cover on the each side of the main door entrance.
** 在双方主入口处增设了掩体。
** Fully connected the upper catwalk ring.
** 将上层的走廊连接起来。
** Fixed missing clips on BLU's upper observation room.
** 补上了蓝队上层观察室中缺失的碰撞箱。
** Reduced the amount of health and ammo in the pit.
** 减少了坑中的弹药和医疗箱数量。
** Clipped the ceiling so the dome edge doesn't snag players.
** 重新设计了屋顶的碰撞箱来让玩家玩的更舒服。
* Reduced defender spawn when on a final cap.
* 当只剩最终控制点时减少复活时间
'''{{Patch name|1|19|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|19|2011}}'''
* Added 5Gorge to the game.
* 将5Gorge添加到了游戏中。
'''{{Patch name|1|24|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|1|24|2011}}'''
* Added missing chalkboard/serverbrowser materials for 5Gorge.
* 添加了5Gorge之前缺少的任务简介材质。
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}'''
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}'''
* Added team-specific {{code|func_nobuild}} brushes in elevated forward spawn areas.
* 在第二出生点高台处添加了针对敌方队伍的{{code|func_nobuild}}指令。
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2018}} #1'''
'''{{Patch name|3|28|2018}} #1'''
* Added {{code|cp_5gorge}} to [[Casual Mode]].
* {{code|cp_5gorge}}添加到[[Casual Mode/zh-hans|休闲模式]]中。
== 细枝末节 ==
== {{common string|Trivia}} ==
* The map was formerly part of the [[Team Fortress 2|''Team Fortress 2'' Beta]] before being put into the main game.
* 该地图原本是[[Team Fortress 2 Beta/zh-hans|《军团要塞2》测试版]]的内容。
* A Valve employee has stated that the idea for 5Gorge existed months before Gorge was released.<ref name="Email">[https://web.archive.org/web/20161215113822/https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1490725/5gorge.jpg Email from Valve employee], archived December 15, 2016.</ref><!-- This doesn't seem entirely legitimate, but I'll leave it for now. - User:Doktor -->
* 一名Valve工作人员声明在Gorge发布好几个月前就有了5Gorge的设计概念。<ref name="Email">[https://web.archive.org/web/20161215113822/https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1490725/5gorge.jpg 来自Vavle工作人员的邮件],与2016年12月15日被保存。</ref><!-- This doesn't seem entirely legitimate, but I'll leave it for now. - User:Doktor -->
== 参考内容 ==
== {{common string|References}} ==
{{Maps Nav}}
{{Maps Nav}}
[[Category:Quickplay maps]]
[[Category:Quickplay maps/zh-hans]]

Latest revision as of 17:16, 22 February 2024

种类: 控制点
文件名: cp_5gorge
发布时间: 2011年1月19日补丁
地图变种: Gorge, Gorge(夺旗)Gorge Event
开发者: Valve
环境: 工业风
设定: 白昼,晴天
Healthico.png 医疗包: Smallhealth.png ×4  •  Mediumhealth.png ×18  •  
Largehealth.png ×1
Ammoico.png 弹药盒: Mediumammo.png ×14   •  
Largeammo.png ×9
Loading screen photos.
5Gorge overview.png





  • 入口:双方队伍有三个进入中央房间的入口:分别位于控制点平台两端的主入口;其旁边的一个侧路入口;以及从斜坡上到控制点之上的一个入口。
  • :在房间中央是一片下陷的区域,在控制点两边都有下到坑中楼梯,坑中有一个大弹药箱和大医疗包在中央。
  • 高地:双方队伍都可以进入的环形高地地形,高地是以控制点为中心的环形,遍布整个房间,在四个角落处和双方队伍的入口处都有小型房间。
  • 掩体:在双方队伍入口处通往控制点平台的桥上都有可作为掩护的金属挡板,在进入房间时可利用掩体抵挡敌方火力。
  • 缓冲区:在房间外,有一片缓冲区域,与进攻/防御版的Gorge进入最终控制点前的区域相似。由该区域可通往进入控制点的三个入口。



  • 从中央控制点而来的入口:由中央控制点进入第二控制点区有两个入口,分别位于大桥的两边。这两个入口都通往位于中央和第二控制点之间的缓冲区下层。
  • 从最终控制点而来的入口:由最终控制点进入第二控制点区由三个入口,主入口通往桥的另一端,其他两个侧路入口分别通往桥旁边的下层区域和桥另一旁的开阔地区。
  • 小巷:位于桥下处的小巷子,内部有一个中医疗包。
  • 侧路桥:位于该区域的远端有另一座升起的过道通往进入中央控制点的路线之一。最终控制点的远处有一个中医疗箱和中弹药箱。



  • 从第二控制点而来的入口:由第二控制点进入最终控制点区有三个入口。其中一处位于侧路桥处,进入可到达一处高台。另一处直接是直接从桥的尽头进入,在房间的尽头分为两条入口。最后一处位于高台入口的对面,从一处矮墙下进入。
  • 防守方出生点出口:最终控制点区的出生点有三个出口,每个出口都位于控制点稍远处,其中两个位于控制点的同侧,位于控制点平台旁的低地;低地与平台间有一处斜坡连接 。
  • 小屋:位于控制点旁的小型建筑,内有医疗包和弹药箱,旁边还有一架木梯架在房顶之上,可由此上到屋顶俯瞰控制点区。
  • 箱子堆:位于控制点后方有一堆木箱,这些木箱可提供高度优势,且全兵种都可以上来。只不过一些更高的区域可能需要一些更强的机动性。
  • 高地平台:位于防守方出生点正对面的是一座高台,上有两个房间,尽头是一处楼梯连接着地面和高台。





主条目: 社区 5Gorge 战术


控制点 玩家人数
控制点 1 和 5 ×1
4 .000
2 .667
2 .182
1 .920
控制点 2 和 4 ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760
控制点 3 ×1
24 .000
16 .000
13 .091
11 .520


  • cp_5gorge 被添加到mapcycle.txt中。
  • 修复了背景有问题的地图。


  • 更改了中央区域:
    • 控制点现在设在一处高台之上并且可由两座桥进入。
    • 在双方主入口处增设了掩体。
    • 将上层的走廊连接起来。
    • 补上了蓝队上层观察室中缺失的碰撞箱。
    • 减少了坑中的弹药和医疗箱数量。
    • 重新设计了屋顶的碰撞箱来让玩家玩的更舒服。
  • 当只剩最终控制点时减少复活时间


  • 将5Gorge添加到了游戏中。


  • 添加了5Gorge之前缺少的任务简介材质。


  • 在第二出生点高台处添加了针对敌方队伍的func_nobuild指令。

2018年3月28日补丁 #1



  1. 来自Vavle工作人员的邮件,与2016年12月15日被保存。