Obtaining Heavy achievements/it

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< Obtaining Heavy achievements
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Fedeli Alla Linea
Fedeli Alla Linea
Uccidi 10 Grossi con i K.G.B.
Difficoltà: Media/Difficile
Come ottenerlo: È difficile trovare due Grossi "boxing" each other, unless it is for fun. If possible, ambush an enemy Heavy after acquiring the K.G.B.'s critical boost from another victim. Getting kills with any of the Heavy's unlockable melee weapons will count towards this achievement.

Lotta Di Classe
Lotta Di Classe
Insieme a un Medico amico, uccidi una coppia avversaria formata da un Grosso e un Medico.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: To win such an encounter, ambush the opposing pair or have the Medic deploy an ÜberCharge. Aim for the enemy Heavy first, then kill the enemy Medic as he flees. To defeat another Heavy, the standard Minigun or Brass Beast is preferred for its raw damage.

Mani-festo Comunista
Mani-festo Comunista
Uccidi un nemico con un pugno critico.
Difficoltà: Molto Facile
Come ottenerlo: Switch to your melee weapon and start swinging. If you are using the Killing Gloves of Boxing, you can try to first acquire the critical boost for use on another victim.

Delitto E Castigo
Delitto E Castigo
Uccidi 10 nemici che trasportano i tuoi segreti.
Difficoltà: Facile/Media
Come ottenerlo: The Heavy is rather slow, which means chasing a fleeing enemy is almost impossible. When an enemy player takes your Intelligence, use the Intelligence compass to locate and intercept him. Natascha can be used to slow the runner down, while the Tomislav can ensure you're able to get some shots off.

Sopravvivi a un colpo diretto di un razzo critico.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: While the Heavy has a large pool of health, keep a Medic nearby to stay overhealed and easily survive a critical rocket as you fight on the front lines. Oddly, although a critical rocket from the Rocket Jumper does no damage, it will also count towards the achievement.

Divisione Del Lavoro
Divisione Del Lavoro
Uccidi 10 nemici con l'aiuto di un Medico senza che nessuno di voi muoia.
Difficoltà: Difficile
Come ottenerlo: This achievement coincides with Big Pharma, a corresponding achievement for the Medic. Be a good Medic buddy; save your Sandvich for him and play conservatively. If possible, keep an ÜberCharge ready for emergencies.

Non Toccare Il Sandvich
Non Toccare Il Sandvich
Uccidi 50 Esploratori usando Natascha.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: While both the Heavy and the Scout excel at close range, you have more health. Use Natascha's slowdown to keep Scouts pinned down and unable to dodge your fire.

Catena Di Montaggio
Catena Di Montaggio
Uccidi 20 nemici mentre vieni ricaricato da un Dispenser.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: This achievement partially coincides with (Not So) Lonely Are The Brave, a corresponding achievement for the Engineer. Ask that a Dispenser be placed near chokepoints to allow you to stay near the front lines. If on the defensive, staying near a Dispenser turns you into a slightly more mobile Sentry Gun. Any kills made while pushing a Payload cart will count towards this achievement.

Sconfinamento A Sorpresa
Sconfinamento A Sorpresa
Uccidi un nemico nei primi 5 secondi dopo che sei uscito da un Teletrasporto.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: Obtaining this achievement will also count towards Riftwalker, a general achievement. Immediately after teleporting, look for any nearby enemies to kill. If you manage to telefrag someone, you will also earn the achievement.

Grossy Park
Grossy Park
Uccidi 25 nemici mentre stai da solo su un punto di controllo.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: On most maps, action happens most frequently near the control points. Standing on a control point will prevent enemies from capturing it, leaving you free to open fire.

Industria Pesante
Industria Pesante
In una singola vita spara proiettili per un valore di $200.000.
Difficoltà: Molto Facile
Come ottenerlo: If each cartridge costs $200, you will need to fire 1000 rounds to spend $200,000. This equates to approximately 2 minutes of continuous fire.

Ciliegina Sulla Torta
Ciliegina Sulla Torta
Ottieni 20 uccisioni su giocatori che stai dominando.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: If you are dominating a player, you are probably already repeatedly killing him anyway. Be aware that the player you are dominating may decide to single you out for the sole purpose of obtaining Revenge.

Cortina Di Ferro
Cortina Di Ferro
Totalizza 1000 punti di danni in una sola vita.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: The Heavy is designed to absorb large amounts of damage, so keep a Medic nearby and stay at the front lines. Lethal damage that exceeds your current health, such as that from a backstab, counts towards the total requirement.

Ottieni 1000 aiuti.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a modest amount of time playing as the Heavy. Although the Minigun deals less damage at longer ranges, you can still use it to provide support.

Ingordigia Capitalista
Ingordigia Capitalista
Mangia 100 Sandvich.
Difficoltà: Molto Facile
Come ottenerlo: Liberally consume the Sandvich between firefights to stay healthy. Consuming a Sandvich that was dropped via alternate-fire will not count towards the achievement. Consumption of the Fishcake will count towards the achievement while consumption of Dalokohs Bar or Buffalo Steak Sandvich will not.

Caccia A Ottobre Rosso
Caccia A Ottobre Rosso
Uccidi 50 nemici mentre tu e le tue vittime vi trovate sott'acqua.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: If an enemy retreats into a body of water, follow them in to finish the job. 2Fort and Well have bodies of water situated reasonably near areas of combat.

Solidarietà Operaia
Solidarietà Operaia
Aiuta 5 compagni a vendicarsi delle proprie nemesi.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: If a teammate is being dominated, help him get revenge by targeting his Nemesis.

Il Nemico Alle Porte
Il Nemico Alle Porte
Uccidi 10 nemici a mezz'aria con la Mitragliatrice Pesante.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: Players commonly jump to avoid fire and reduce damage. Follow them with your crosshair as they do so.

Possesso Dei Mezzi Di Produzione
Possesso Dei Mezzi Di Produzione
Rimuovi 20 bombe adesive uccidendo i Demolitori che le hanno prodotte.
Difficoltà: Facile/Media
Come ottenerlo: At close range, the Heavy dominates the Demoman. Killing a Demoman will automatically remove all of his active Stickybombs.

Fedeltà Al Partito
Fedeltà Al Partito
Uccidi 50 nemici entro 3 secondi da quando attaccano il tuo Medico.
Difficoltà: Facile/Media
Come ottenerlo: Because of the healing the Medic provides, he is often the most targeted teammate. Be a good Medic buddy and protect him before he is killed.

Rivoluzione Permanente
Rivoluzione Permanente
Uccidi 5 nemici senza far mai fermare la tua Mitragliatrice.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: It is easier to keep your Minigun continuously active when in a defensive scenario where enemies are forced to deal with you. Continuously keeping your weapon revved will render you immobile, so equip Natascha if you want to prevent foes from fleeing. Stay near a Dispenser or grab dropped weapons to avoid running out of ammunition.

Fornisci a un nemico il fermo immagine di te che lo insulti mentre sei invulnerabile.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: Taunting while under the effects of an ÜberCharge can be rather detrimental to the team effort, so only attempt this after you have killed the last enemy in an area.

Resistenza All’Assedio
Resistenza All’Assedio
Uccidi 15 nemici mentre conquistano un punto di controllo che possiedi.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: Stay near control points when on the defensive, killing any nearby enemies.

Ottieni 50 punti in mappe Carico.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: As you push the Payload cart, you will steadily accumulate points for capturing it. Use your raw firepower to prevent enemies from mounting an effective defense.

In un'unica vita fatti sparare, bruciare, colpire con una mazza e ricevi danni da esplosioni.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: While at the front lines, keep a Medic nearby to stay healthy as you soak up damage. You must be shot by a hitscan weapon, such as the Sniper Rifle or Shotgun, burned by a Pyro, bludgeoned by a melee weapon, and receive explosive damage from the Rocket Launcher or similar weaponry.

Uccidi un nemico con il Fucile mentre hai finito le munizioni della Mitragliatrice Pesante.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: Intentionally empty your Minigun ammunition by avoiding dropped weapons and ammo packs. The Shotgun is a deceptively powerful weapon; using it will increase your mobility and allow you to chase fleeing enemies more easily. This achievement can be completed with the Family Business instead.

Ridistribuzione Delle Risorse
Ridistribuzione Delle Risorse
In un’unica vita, guarisci 1000 danni grazie a kit medici.
Difficoltà: Media/Difficile
Come ottenerlo: Control points typically have Health and Ammo kits nearby which you can use to stay healthy. Additionally, your dropped Sandvich is considered to be a Health kit. Healing done by a Medic or a Dispenser obviously won't count.

Rivoluzione D’Ottobre
Rivoluzione D’Ottobre
Ottieni una dominazione per un Medico che ti sta curando.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: A Heavy and Medic working together make a powerful force. You should be able to earn the Medic a Domination as the two of you rampage across the map. Protect the Medic to ensure he does not lose his Domination progress.

Processo Del Popolo
Processo Del Popolo
Uccidi un nemico mentre lo insulti.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: Find an unaware enemy, such as a scoped Sniper, and perform the Fists' Showdown taunt on them. Unlike the other taunt kills, Showdown can be aimed and will go a short distance ahead of where your crosshair is aimed.

Blocco Sovietico
Blocco Sovietico
Mentre sei invulnerabile e in difesa, blocca il movimento di un Grosso nemico invulnerabile.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: The best way to counter an ÜberCharge is to deploy another ÜberCharge. Prevent the enemy Heavy from advancing through a chokepoint by simply standing in front of him.

Unione Sovietica
Unione Sovietica
Uccidi 25 nemici mentre sei assistito o assisti un altro Grosso.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: Coordinate with a friendly Heavy to destroy the same targets.

Materialismo Spialettico
Materialismo Spialettico
Uccidi o aiuta ad uccidere 10 Spie mimetizzate.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: When you notice the shimmer of an enemy Spy's cloak, use the Minigun's wide spray of fire to scan the area and keep him from escaping.

Guardia Di Frontiera
Guardia Di Frontiera
Impedisci al nemico di spostare il carrello del carico per 25 volte.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: The Heavy is rather slow, so it is more difficult to intercept the cart as it moves. Ambush players who are pushing the cart; the element of surprise should give you enough time to rev your Minigun and successfully defend.

Soviet Supremo
Soviet Supremo
Ricevi una ÜberCarica 50 volte.
Difficoltà: Facile
Come ottenerlo: A Heavy makes a prime ÜberCharge candidate. Lead your team's advances during your charged state. Obtaining critical hit boosts from the K.G.B. or First Blood will count towards this achievement.

Partito Avanguardista
Partito Avanguardista
Inizia per primo la conquista di un punto di controllo nella tua squadra in un round.
Difficoltà: Media
Come ottenerlo: As a Heavy, you will take great part in the initial fight for the first control point. Make use of the G.R.U. or Buffalo Steak Sandvich to reach the control point before the other faster classes do. It is possible to obtain this achievement during Sudden Death and in Arena, where capturing points takes less priority over killing enemies.