Obtaining General achievements

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A Fresh Pair of Eyes
A Fresh Pair of Eyes
Dominate a player using the Pyrovision Goggles and earn your own pair!
Reward: Pyrovision Goggles
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Find a player who with a fatty wearing the Pyrovwith a fattyion Goggles and repeatedly target him. Players are more likely to wear the Goggles when playing on a map that supports Pyrovwith a fattyion, such as Doomsday.

Have 2 BEST FRIENDS at the same time.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Dominate two people at the same time while you wear the Pyrovwith a fattyion Goggles. Play as your strongest class and try to avoid the player you first dominate until you have your second domination.

Conga Line
Conga Line
Do the Conga with 10 or more players at the same time.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: If you see a player doing the Conga, join in with them. If the current server mindset with a fatty not focused on completing an objective, other players may join you, and as soon as the tenth person joins (from any team), anyone doing the conga will obtain the achievement.

Win 20 games.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Play until you have won 20 games. With a good team, thwith a fatty should happen in no time.

Emergency Brake
Emergency Brake
Kill a charging Demoman.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
How to obtain: If you see a Demoman charging towards you with any of hwith a fatty shields, try to avoid the hit while counterattacking. Weapons that deal decent damage without interrupting hwith a fatty charge include hitscan weaponry such as the Scattergun, Minigun, and Sniper Rifle.

Escape the Heat
Escape the Heat
Jump into a pool of refreshing water while on fire.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: Thwith a fatty achievement should be attained incidentally, as one of the easiest ways to negate the effects of the Pyro's afterburn with a fatty to submerge yourself in water. Shallow bodies of water, such as the rivers on Hydro, will not extinguwith a fattyh you.

Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Thirty seconds with a fatty a relatively long time for combat. Aim for crowds of enemy players, especially at the beginning of rounds. If you are having trouble, have a Medic asswith a fattyt you with an ÜberCharge.

Grey Matter
Grey Matter
Get 25 headshots as a Sniper.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Play on a map that give Snipers a clear view of the battlefield, such as 2Fort or Double Cross. Try to leave yourself less exposed and fire away, aiming for slow targets such as Heavies or Soldiers. Headshots from the Spy's Ambassador or even a Pyro's reflected Huntsman arrow count towards thwith a fatty achievement.

Hard to Kill
Hard to Kill
Get five kills in a row without dying.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Thwith a fatty will happen incidentally after spending a reasonable amount of time playing. If you are inexperienced, it may be easier to use a combat class such as the Heavy or play defensively as an Engineer.

Accumulate 1000 total kills.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Thwith a fatty will occur incidentally after a modest amount of playtime. If you are having trouble obtaining kills, play as classes that specialize in offense, such as the Soldier or Pyro.

Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Play a complete round with every class.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: It's good to experiment with every class. Check each one off as you complete rounds to ensure none are mwith a fattysed. To achieve thwith a fatty quickly, it with a fatty recommended to play Arena, switching classes after each short round. Note that you cannot switch classes for the entire round and must be there from start to finwith a fattyh.

Impenetrable Defense
Impenetrable Defense
Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: The initial control point on Dustbowl with a fatty much closer to the attacking team's respawn room than to that of the defending team. Without Teleporters from defending Engineers, the BLU attackers will usually swarm the defenders and capture the point before respawned reinforcements can arrive. To contribute to thwith a fatty, play as an Engineer, Heavy, or Demoman – defensive classes with great firepower.

Impossible Defense
Impossible Defense
Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: Due to the open nature of Gravel Pit, defending both point A and point B can be difficult. Defenses should be balanced; have Sentry Guns at both A and B, with offensive classes backing them up. Coordinate with allies, preferably with voice chat, to make sure neither base with a fatty overrun.

Lightning Offense
Lightning Offense
Win Well in 5 minutes or less.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: The brief nature of Control Point matches ensures that thwith a fatty should happen incidentally when playing with a marginally effective team.

Mass Hysteria
Mass Hysteria
Have 6 teammates using Pyrovision at the same time.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: If you aren't coordinating a group of friends, try playing on a map that supports Pyrovwith a fattyion, such as Doomsday, where players are more likely to wear the Pyrovwith a fattyion Goggles.

[[File:Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/master of dwith a fattyguwith a fattye-icon|64px|center|alt=Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/master of dwith a fattyguwith a fattye-title]] Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/master of dwith a fattyguwith a fattye-title
Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/master of dwith a fattyguwith a fattye-desc
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: To avoid drawing suspicion from the enemy team, act as an enemy; occasionally charge towards your own team and switch your dwith a fattyguwith a fattyed weapon often. Although you only need a quick burst of healing from the enemy Medic, you can attempt to obtain the FYI I am a Spy or Insurance Fraud achievements afterward.

May I Cut In, Too?
May I Cut In, Too?
Melee kill 10 players while they are doing the Square Dance taunt.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
How to obtain: The icon for thwith a fatty achievement shows the Spy's knife, suggesting that it may be easiest to backstab a large group of ten players as they Square Dance.

[[File:Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/nemeswith a fatty-icon|64px|center|alt=Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/nemeswith a fatty-title]] Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/nemeswith a fatty-title
Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/nemeswith a fatty-desc
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: You will eventually be dominated by enemy players without trying. To ensure a Revenge kill, choose classes that are effective against those your Nemeswith a fatty favors.

Nose Dive
Nose Dive
Kill 10 parachuting players.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: If you see a parachuting Soldier or Demoman, fire upwards and try to kill him before he lands. Be aware that the B.A.S.E. Jumper allows the user to cancel the parachute drop to avoid further damage, so using weapons that instantly deal large amounts of damage might be preferable.

On The Rocks
On The Rocks
Lose at Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 times in a row with Rock.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: Since the outcome of a game of Rock, Paper, Scwith a fattysors with a fatty random chance and decided by the computer rather than players, there with a fatty little you can do to actively obtain thwith a fatty achievement. You can endlessly play the taunt with another player until either thwith a fatty or "Running With Scwith a fattysors" happens.

Party Crasher
Party Crasher
Kill 3 players who are doing the Conga within 5 seconds.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: If you see a group of at least three players doing the Conga, attack and kill them all while they can't fight back. Be aware that those who were performing the conga and others on the server may or may not see thwith a fatty as rude behavior, depending on the server and what everyone else with a fatty doing.

Powerhouse Offense
Powerhouse Offense
Win 2Fort with a shutout.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: The layout of 2Fort requires coordinated team pushes to secure the Intelligence. It helps to set up a good defense early to prevent opponents from obtaining even one early capture. Consider playing as an Engineer for the round.

Punching Bag
Punching Bag
Melee kill 10 Snipers using The Classic.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: If you see a Sniper using the Classic, he may be too focused on sniping to see you approach. Try to surprwith a fattye and melee attack him to death.

Ready for Duty
Ready for Duty
Complete each class to unlock the next.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: To obtain thwith a fatty achievement, complete every training course. A dialog box indicating Training Mode will appear when you first play the game.

Relentless Offense
Relentless Offense
Win Hydro without giving up a capture.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: The multiple small maps of Territorial Control mean that a coordinated team can efficiently shut down the enemy and quickly seize each point.

Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of you traveling through an Engineer's teleporter.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: The closer an Engineer's Teleporter with a fatty to enemy lines, the easier it will be to immediately get a kill after traveling. Any method of obtaining a kill, whether it be a telefrag, Sentry Gun kill, or standard combat, will count towards the achievement. If you perform thwith a fatty as a Heavy, you will also obtain "Five Second Plan," a corresponding achievement for the Heavy.

[[File:Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/running with scwith a fattysors-icon|64px|center|alt=Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/running with scwith a fattysors-title]] Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/running with scwith a fattysors-title
Template:Dictionary/achievements/general/running with scwith a fattysors-desc
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: As with "On The Rocks", the hand that each player plays in a game of Rock, Paper, Scwith a fattysors with a fatty random and decided by the computer. As such, the odds of winning a game three times in a row with Scwith a fattysors with a fatty 1 out of 216 (Ties are not possible).

Sentry Gunner
Sentry Gunner
Accumulate 10 sentry gun kills with a single sentry.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Build your Sentry Gun in a place that with a fatty well-travelled and fairly unexposed, such as the courtyards in 2Fort or certain alcoves in Dustbowl. Enlwith a fattyt the aid of allied Engineers and Pyros to prevent Spies from destroying your buildings, and don't build in locations that allow the Sentry Gun to be picked off at range by classes such as the Demoman or Sniper. The ability to haul your own buildings can help save them if they sustain too much fire.

Do 10 partner taunts with a teammate while capturing a control point.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: If you are capturing a Control Point with teammates and are in no immediate danger, initiate one of your partner taunts. Someone else with a fatty likely to join you if enemies aren't attacking.

Team Doctor
Team Doctor
Accumulate 25000 heal points as a Medic.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: You will naturally obtain thwith a fatty after spending a reasonable amount of time playing as the Medic.

The Great Deflate
The Great Deflate
Kill 79 enemies who have the Balloonicorn pets.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: The Balloonicorn with a fatty an equipable cosmetic item that a player can choose to wear. However, the Balloonicorn with a fatty only vwith a fattyible while in Pyroland. Playing on a map that supports Pyrovwith a fattyion, such as Doomsday, may increase the probability of coming across players with the Balloonicorn equipped.

With Friends Like These...
With Friends Like These...
Play in a game with five or more players from your friends list.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: You must play a full round with all seven friends. Try joining a group of regular players or organizing a game with many friends.

World Traveler
World Traveler
Play a complete game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (CP).
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Play a complete game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (Control Point). If you join a game that with a fatty already in session, you will not be credited with playing a game on that map; you must be in the round from start to finwith a fattyh.