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Arena lumberyard event.png
地图变种: Lumberyard
开发者: 未知
环境: 万圣节
设定: 夜晚
危害: 深渊南瓜炸弹骷髅
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Graveyard overview.png
Item icon Map Stamp - Graveyard.png

Graveyard是一张社区制作竞技场地图于尖叫要塞 2021中被添加到游戏中。该地图为一张万圣节风的竞技场地图,在地图中双方玩家在争夺查内尔教堂内新建的火葬场。


游戏胜利的条件是通过占领控制点或击杀敌方全部玩家获得累计4回合的胜利。每局游戏开始有25%的概率会生成一只骷髅王。在开局50秒后也会生成一个稀有魔咒。开局1分10秒后控制点会开启。如果在此之后双方在一分钟内未分出胜负则会生成一只脱缰的无头骑士。如果在此之后双方不知为何还未分出胜负则会陷入僵局。 Graveyard是被投稿到Steam创意工坊的作品。


  • 出生点:双方出生点都有只有一个出口,在出门后可以选择往前直走到中央建筑去,也可以选择向左进入一栋小型塔状建筑,其内有通往中央建筑上层的楼梯。
  • 中央建筑:火葬场(控制点)位于中央建筑中间,中央建筑的布局为对称型。中央建筑有双层结构且有多个出入口。其主要出入口为控制点开启时一起开启的车库门。在一层还有两个侧路入口分别位于两侧,可由此进入控制点的侧方。在二层双方也各有两个入口,一个从出生点内左转通过一座小桥进入,一个从房顶进入。
  • 高山侧蓝队出生点左侧(红队的右侧)的区域,环绕着中央建筑。
  • 悬崖侧:高山侧对面。位于深渊上方的原木上。悬崖旁有两座小屋。在此处战斗比较危险因为只要掉下悬崖就注定死亡。


主条目: Community Graveyard strategy


2021年10月5日补丁尖叫要塞 2021
  • Graveyard被添加到游戏中。


  • Fixed missing beacon particle to signify rare spell spawn locations.
  • Fixed an issue with custom HUDs interfering with the map's own HUD.
  • Fixed middle doors shutting themselves when blocked by a player.
  • Fixed various props z-fighting inside of walls.
  • Fixed instances of the announcer lines playing over the Merasmus' announcer lines.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to remain in third-person at the beginning of a new round.
  • Fixed spells dropped by the skeleton king persisting between rounds.
  • Fixed pumpkin bombs generated from spells persisting between rounds.
  • Fixed server lag caused by dynamic props.
  • Reworked various VO to use new soundscript entries.
  • Merasmus will now react to player deaths with varying degrees of sarcasm.
  • Pumpkin bombs will now all refresh simultaneously at the start of every round.
  • Added a "No entry" sign to the middle doors.
  • Smoothed surfaces around the map to ease flying around as a ghost.
  • Increased sound of the ghost Dispenser to improve healing feedback.
  • Extended the warmup periods by 5 seconds (now 15 seconds).
  • Nature & Wildlife preservation measures.
  • Removed the Observer.


  • Fixed a missing material in RED spawn
  • Changed the ghost particles in the 3d skybox
  • The team-colored ghosts that appear on round win now last longer and are more plentiful
  • The constant, purple-colored ghosts are now less abundant
  • Added various clipping improvements around the map
  • Added smoke to the chimneys
  • Added a line of sight check to the ghost Dispensers so you can no longer provide benefits through walls
  • Removed the Observer

2023年10月9日补丁 #1尖叫要塞 2023

  • Updated arena_lumberyard_event to fix problems with the materials


  • A number of tombstones in the play area have epitaphs making in-jokes about particular "deaths" within Team Fortress 2.
  • If a player shoots at various hidden skulls around the map during a round, the Horseless Headless Horsemann doing the Thriller taunt, MONOCULUS, and a couple of Skeletons doing the Conga and Kazotsky Kick become observable on the out-of-bounds arch bridge for the rest of the game.[1]
  • Internally, Graveyard is actually a Player Destruction map, with careful usage of map entities to recreate Arena.[2]



  1. Video example.
  2. Steam Workshop page, noted under Technical Notes.