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(Weapons: all other classes had a primary wpn template but them)
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{{main|Pyro weapons (competitive)}}
{{main|Pyro weapons (competitive)}}
The Pyro specialized in fire from its primary weapon, dealing afterburn, and with the ability to push players back as well as reflect projectiles.
The Pyro specialized in fire from its primary weapon, dealing afterburn, and with the ability to push players back as well as reflect projectiles.
=== {{item name|primary}} ===
  | en    = Fire damage is determined by particle range from Flamethrower.
  | cs    = Poškození ohněm je určeno dosahem částic z plamenometu.
  | da    = Ild skade varierer efter partikel vidden fra Flammekasteren.
  | de    = Feuerschaden wird bestimmt durch den Abstand zum Flammenwerfer.
  | es    = El daño del fuego está determinado por el rango de partículas del Lanzallamas.
  | fi    = Tulivahinko määrittyy kohteen etäisyydestä Liekinheittimeen.
  | fr    = Les dégâts par le feu sont déterminés par la portée du lance-flammes.
  | hu    = Tűz általi sebzés az ellenféltől számított távolságtól függ.
  | ja    = 炎の直撃ダメージは、射出口からの距離によって変動します。
  | ko    = 화염 피해량은 화염 방사기의 입자 거리에 따라 결정됩니다.
  | no    = Brann skade bestemmes av partikkel lengde fra Flammekasteren.
  | pl    = Obrażenia od ognia zależą od zasięgu cząsteczek z miotacza płomieni.
  | pt    = O dano causado pelo fogo e determinado pelo alcance das partículas do lança-chamas.
  | pt-br = Dano de fogo é determinado pelo alcance das partículas do Lança-chamas.
  | ro    = Fire damage is determined by particle range from Aruncător de Flăcări.
  | ru    = Урон от огня зависит от расстояния, которое пролетят частицы, выпущенные из огнемета.
  | sv    = Partiklarnas avstånd från eldkastaren avgör hur mycket skada den gör.
  | zh-hans = 火焰造成的伤害取决于火焰喷射器射出的粒子的散布状况。
  | zh-hant = 火焰傷害是取決於火焰噴射器的粒子散佈範圍。密度越高,傷害越大。
{{Class weapons table header}}
! {{Table icon|Flame Thrower|{{common string|stock}}}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Flame Thrower}}
| rowspan="2" align="center" | 200
| rowspan="2" align="center" | {{common string|n/a}}
| rowspan="2" align="center" | {{base crit|{{common string|cwt sec|153.5}}|{{common string|cwt sec|460.5}}|max}}
{{afterburn damage|8|10}}
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
  | en =
{{Info}}On hit: ignites enemy.<br/>
{{Info}}Secondary fire blasts [[compression blast|compressed air]] which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 20 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict [[Critical hits#Mini-Crit|Mini-Crit]] damage.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.<br/>
{{Pro}}[[Fire|Afterburn]] reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.<br/>
  | cs =
{{Info}}Sekundární střelba vypustí [[compression blast/cs|stlačený vzduch]], který odhodí nepřátele, změní směr nepřátelských střel a uhasí plameny na spoluhráčích. Jeden výstřel spotřebuje 20 jednotek munice. Všechny odražené rakety/granáty/šípy udělí [[Critical hits/cs#Mini-krity|MiniKritické]] poškození (Pokud odrazíte kritickou střelu, bude poškození kritické).
  | da =
{{Info}}Sekunder angreb skyder [[compression blast/da|komprimeret luft]] som skubber fjender og projektiler tilbage, samnt slukker holdkammerater som brænder, dette bruger 20 ammunition per gang. Alle reflekterede raketter/grenater/pile vil give [[Critical hits/da#Mini-Crit|Mini-kitisk]] skade.
  | de =
{{Info}}Bei Treffer: Entflammt Gegner.<br/>
{{Info}}Der sekundäre Feuermodus, der [[compression blast/de|Kompressionsdruck]], schubst Gegner zurück, lenkt feindliche Geschosse um und löscht brennende Teamkameraden. Er verbraucht 20 Munition pro Schuss. Alle umgelenkten Raketen/Granaten/Pfeile verursachen [[Mini-Crit/de|mini-kritischen]] Schaden. Das Löschen von Teammitgliedern heilt 20 Gesundheit.
  | es =
{{Info}}Al impactar: quema al enemigo.<br/>
{{Info}}El disparo secundario provoca una explosión de [[compression blast/es|aire comprimido]] que empuja a los enemigos, devuelve los proyectiles y apaga las llamas en un aliado, consumiendo 20 de munición por cada explosión. Todos los proyectiles devueltos causarán impactos [[Mini-Crit/es|minicríticos]].<br/>
{{Pro}}Apagar a los enemigos en llamas otorga +20 PS.<br/>
{{Pro}}La [[Fire/es|quemadura]] reduce la curación y resistencia del escudo un 20 %.<br/>
  | fi =
{{Info}}Osumasta: sytyttää vihollisen.<br/>
{{Info}}Toissijainen ampumisnäppäin tekee [[compression blast/fi|ilmapuhalluksen]], joka työntää vihollisia Pyrosta pois päin, kimmottaa vihollisten projektiileja ja sammuttaa palavat joukkuekaverit. Yksi ilmapuhallus käyttää 20 ammusta. Kaikki kimmotetut projektiilit tekevät [[Critical hits/fi#Mini-Crit|mini-kriittistä]] vahinkoa.<br/>
{{Pro}}Joukkuekavereiden sammuttaminen antaa sinulle +20 terveyspistettä.<br/>
{{Pro}}Suora vahinko vähentää Lääkintäaseen parannusta ja suojakilpien tehoa 25%:lla.<br/>
  | fr =
{{Info}}Enflamme les ennemis touchés. <br/>
{{Info}}Le tir secondaire déclenche un [[compression blast/fr|tir d'air comprimé]] qui projette les ennemis, renvoie des projectiles ennemis et éteint les coéquipiers en feu, utilisant 20 munitions par tir. Tous les projectiles renvoyés infligeront des [[Critical Hits/fr#Mini-rit|Mini-Crits]].
  | hu =
{{Info}}Találat esetén: az ellenfél meggyullad.<br/>
{{Info}}Másodlagos tüzeléssel egy [[compression blast/hu|sűrített levegős]] lökést hajt végre ami hátra löki az ellenfeleket, eltéríti az ellenséges lövedékeket és eloltja az égő csapattársakat, minden egyes ilyen lökésnél 20 lövedéket felhasználva. Minden eltérített rakéta/gránát/nyil [[Critical_hits/hu#Mini-Kritek|Mini-Krit]] sebzést okoz.
  | it =
{{Info}}Il fuoco secondario spara soffi di [[compression blast/it|aria compressa]] che scagliano indietro nemici, respingono proiettili ed estinguono le fiamme sugli alleati consumando 20 munizioni a soffio. Tutti i proiettili respinti infliggono un [[Mini-Crit/it|mini-critico]].
  | ja =
{{Info}}命中時: ターゲットが炎に包まれる<br/>
{{Info}}サブ攻撃キーの[[compression blast/ja|エアーブラスト]]は弾薬を20消費して敵や敵の攻撃を押し返したり、チームメイトの炎を消すことが出来る。反射した発射物は全て[[Critical hits/ja#ミニクリティカル|ミニクリティカル]]になる。
  | ko =
{{Pro}}화상 피해는 메딕의 치료 효율과 보호막 효과를 20% 감소시킵니다.<br/>
{{Info}}적중 시, 적을 불태웁니다.<br/>
{{Info}}보조 발사는 적을 밀어내고, 상대편 투사체를 반사하고, 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주는, 사용 시 탄약이 20 소모되는 [[compression blast/ko|압축 공기]]를 분사합니다. 반사된 모든 투사체는 [[Critical hits/ko#소형 치명타|소형 치명타]]가 적용됩니다. 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주면 체력이 +20 회복됩니다.
  | nl =
{{Info}}Alternatief vuur shot: [[compression blast/nl|luchtstoot]] schiet vijanden naar achter, kaatst projectielen terug, dooft vuur op medespelers en gebruikt 20 munitie per schot. Alle gereflecteerde raketten/granaten/pijlen zullen [[Mini-crit/nl|Mini-Crits]] worden.
  | no =
{{Info}}Sekundær ilds blås [[kompresjons blås]] som dytter tilbake fiender, omdirigerer fiendtlige prosjektiler og fjerner flamme fra lag kammerater, bruker 20 ammo per blå. Alle reflekterte raktetter/granater/piler vil bli gjort om til [[mini-kritisk]]e treff.
  | pl =
{{Info}}Przy trafieniu we wroga: podpala go.<br/>
{{Info}}Atak alternatywny wyrzuca [[Compression blast/pl|strumień sprężonego powietrza]], który odpycha wrogów, odbija wrogie pociski i gasi płonących sojuszników kosztem 20 sztuk amunicji na podmuch. Wszystkie odbite pociski będą zadawać obrażenia [[Critical hits/pl#Minikrytyki|minikrytyczne]].<br/>
{{Pro}}Ugaszenie sojusznika przywróci 20 pkt. zdrowia.<br/>
{{Pro}}[[Fire/pl|Podpalenie]] redukuje leczenie mediguna i efekty odporności tarczy o 20%.<br/>
  | pt =
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Info}}Explosão de fogo secundaria [[Compression Blast/pt|descarga ar comprimido]] que empurra os inimigos, reflecte projeteis inimigos, e apaga o fogo dos colegas de equipa, usando 20 de munição por descarga de ar. Todos os projeteis refletidos irão causar danos [[Critical-hits/pt#Mini-Críticos|Mini-Críticos]] apagar o fogo dos colegas de equipa faz com que o Pyro ganhe +20 de HP.
  | pt-br =
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Info}}Disparo-alt lança uma [[compression blast/pt-br|rajada de ar comprimido]] que empurra inimigos, reflete projéteis inimigos e extingue o fogo de colegas de equipe, usando 20 de munição por rajada. Todos os projéteis refletidos causam [[Critical hits/pt-br#minicrits|minicrits]].<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguir o fogo de aliados recupera 20 de vida.<br/>
{{Pro}}[[Afterburn/pt-br|Queimação]] reduz cura e escudos de resistência de Armas Médicas em 20%.<br/>
  | ro =
{{Info}}Atacul secundar este suflul cu [[Compression blast/ro|aer comprimat]] ce aruncă înapoi inamicii, redirecționează proiectilele inamice, și stinge coechipierii în flăcări, folosind 20 muniție pe suflu. Toate rachetele/grenadele/săgețile reflectate vor cauza daune [[Critical hits/ro#Mini-Crit-uri|Mini-Crit]]
  | ru =
{{Info}}При попадании: поджигает противника. <br/>
{{Info}}Дополнительная атака позволяет совершить [[compression blast/ru|выстрел сжатым воздухом]], который отталкивает противников, отражает вражеские снаряды и тушит союзников, расходуя на это 20 единиц боеприпасов за раз. Все отраженные снаряды нанесут [[Critical hits/ru#Mini-Crit|мини-критический]] урон. При тушении союзника здоровье игрока восстанавливается на 20 единиц.
  | sv =
{{Info}} Alternativattacken  skjuter ut en [[compression blast/sv|komprimerad luftstöt]] som knuffar tillbaka fiender, reflekterar projektiler och släcker brinnande lagkamrater och använder 20 amunition per stöt. Alla reflekterade projektiler gör [[Mini-Crit/sv|Mini-Kritisk]] skada.
  | zh-hans =
{{Info}}按下鼠标右键喷出[[compression blast/zh-hans|压缩空气]],能击退敌人、反弹炮弹、为队友灭火,每发压缩空气消耗20发弹药。所有被反弹开的飞行物都会带有[[Critical hits/zh-hans|迷你爆击]]伤害。<br/>
{{Pro}}后续燃烧能降低医疗枪提供的治疗和伤害抗性效果 20%。<br/>
  | zh-hant =
{{Info}}按下滑鼠右鍵使出[[compression blast/zh-hant|壓縮氣爆]]吹飛敵人、反彈敵方投射物和幫隊友滅火,每次氣爆消耗 20 單位彈藥。所有反彈的投射物都會有小爆擊傷害。幫隊友滅掉身上的火可回復 20 點生命值。
! {{Table icon|Nostromo Napalmer|{{common string|promotional}}}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Nostromo Napalmer}}
! {{Table icon|Backburner|{{common string|unlock}}}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Backburner}}
| align="center" | 200
| align="center" | {{common string|n/a}}
| align="center" | {{base crit|{{common string|cwt sec|153.5}}|{{common string|cwt sec|460.5}}|max}}
{{afterburn damage|8|10}}
| {{lang
  | en =
{{Info}}On hit: ignites enemy.<br/>
{{Info}}Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 50 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.<br/>
{{Pro}}Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}Guarantees [[Critical hits|Critical]] hits when attacking from behind.<br/>
{{Con}}Airblasts cost 150% more ammo to fire (50 instead of 20).<br/>
{{Con}}No random critical hits.<br/>
  | cs =
{{Pro}}Garantuje [[Critical hits/cs|kritické poškození]] při útoku zezadu.<br/>
{{Con}}Tlaková vlna stojí o 150% více munice.<br/>
{{Con}}Žádné náhodné kritické zásahy.<br/>
{{Info}}Sekundární střelba vypustí stlačený vzduch, který odhodí nepřátele, změní směr nepřátelských střel a uhasí plameny na spoluhráčích. Jeden výstřel spotřebuje 20 jednotek munice. Všechny odražené rakety/granáty/šípy udělí MiniKritické poškození (Pokud odrazíte kritickou střelu, bude poškození kritické).
  | da =
{{Pro}}100% chance for [[Critical/da|kritisk]] bagfra.<br/>
{{Pro}}10% forårsaget skade.<br/>
{{Con}}150% airblastomkostninger (50 i stedet for 20).<br/>
{{Info}}Sekunder angreb skyder komprimeret luft som skubber fjender og projektiler tilbage, samnt slukker holdkammerater som brænder, dette bruger 50 ammunition per gang. Alle reflekterede raketter/grenater/pile vil give Mini-kitisk skade.
  | de =
{{Pro}}Garantierte [[Critical/de|kritische]] Treffer, wenn Gegner von hinten getroffen werden.<br/>
{{Con}}Kompressionsdruck verbraucht 150% mehr Munition (50 anstatt 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Keine zufälligen [[Critical hits/de|kritischen]] Treffer. <br/>
{{Info}}Bei Treffer: Entflammt Gegner.<br/>
{{Info}}Der sekundäre Feuermodus, der Kompressionsdruck, schubst Gegner zurück, lenkt feindliche Geschosse um und löscht brennende Teamkameraden. Er verbraucht 20 Munition pro Schuss. Alle umgelenkten Raketen/Granaten/Pfeile verursachen mini-kritischen Schaden. Das Löschen von Teammitgliedern heilt 20 Gesundheit.
  | es =
{{Info}}Al impactar: quema al enemigo. <br/>
{{Info}}El disparo secundario provoca una explosión de [[compression blast/es|aire comprimido]] que empuja a los enemigos, devuelve los proyectiles y apaga las llamas en un aliado, consumiendo 50 de munición por cada explosión. Todos los proyectiles devueltos causarán impactos [[Mini-Crit/es|minicríticos]].<br/>
{{Pro}}Al apagar aliados en llamas se recuperan 20 PS.<br/>
{{Pro}}La quemadura reduce la curación de la Pistola Médica y la resistencia del escudo un 20 %.<br/>
{{Pro}}Probabilidad de [[Critical hits/es|crítico]] del 100 % al atacar por la espalda.<br/>
{{Con}}El aire comprimido cuesta un 150 % más (50 en lugar de 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Sin críticos aleatorios.<br/>
  | fi =
{{Info}}Osumasta: sytyttää vihollisen.<br/>
{{Info}}Toissijainen ampumisnäppäin tekee ilmapuhalluksen, joka työntää vihollisia Pyrosta pois päin, kimmottaa vihollisten projektiileja ja sammuttaa palavat joukkuekaverit. Yksi ilmapuhallus käyttää 50 ammusta. Kaikki kimmotetut projektiilit tekevät mini-kriittistä vahinkoa.<br/>
{{Pro}}Joukkuekavereiden sammuttaminen antaa sinulle +20 terveyspistettä.<br/>
{{Pro}}Suora vahinko vähentää Lääkintäaseen parannusta ja suojakilpien tehoa 25%:lla.<br/>
{{Pro}}100% mahdollisuus [[Critical hits/fi|kriittisiin]] osumiin takaapäin hyökätessä.<br/>
{{Con}}Ilmapuhallukset käyttävät 150% enemmän ammuksia, käyttäen 50 normaalin Liekinheittimen 20:n sijaan.<br/>
{{Con}}Ei satunnaisia kriittisiä osumia.<br/>
  | fr =
{{Pro}}Garantit des [[Critical hits/fr|coups critiques]] quand l'ennemi est attaqué par derrière.<br/>
{{Con}}Les tirs d'air comprimé coûtent 150% de munitions supplémentaires (50 au lieu de 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Ne peut causer des coups critiques aléatoires.<br/>
{{Info}}Enflamme les ennemis touchés.<br/>
{{Info}}Le tir secondaire déclenche un tir d'air comprimé qui projette les ennemis, renvoie des projectiles ennemis et éteint les coéquipiers en feu, utilisant 50 munitions par tir. Tous les projectiles renvoyés infligeront des Mini-Crits.
  | hu =
{{Pro}}Garantált [[Critical hits/hu|kritikus]] találatok mialatt az ellenfél hátulról van támadva.<br/>
{{Con}}A légöket 150%-kal több muníciót használ el (20 helyett 50).<br/>
{{Con}}Nincs véletlenszerű kritikus lövés.<br/>
{{Info}}Találat esetén: az ellenfél meggyullad.<br/>
{{Info}}Másodlagos tüzeléssel egy sűrített levegős lökést hajt végre ami hátra löki az ellenfeleket, eltéríti az ellenséges lövedékeket és eloltja az égő csapattársakat, minden egyes ilyen lökésnél 50 lövedéket felhasználva. Minden eltérített rakéta/gránát/nyil Mini-Krit sebzést okoz.
  | it =
{{Pro}}Garantisce danno critico contro bersagli colpiti alle spalle.<br/>
{{Pro}}Infligge il 10% in più di danni.<br/>
{{Con}}Aumenta del 150% il costo del compressore.<br/>
{{Info}}Il fuoco secondario spara soffi di aria compressa che scagliano indietro nemici, respingono proiettili ed estinguono le fiamme sugli alleati consumando 50 munizioni a soffio. Tutti i proiettili respinti infliggono un mini-critico.
  | ja  =
{{Pro}}背後からの攻撃で 100% [[Critical hits/ja|クリティカル]]ヒット<br/>
{{Con}}エアーブラストのコスト +150%(弾薬50消費)<br/>
{{Info}}命中時: ターゲットが炎に包まれる<br/>
  | ko =
{{Pro}}화상 피해는 메딕의 치료 효율과 보호막 효과를 20% 감소시킵니다.<br/>
{{Pro}}적을 뒤에서 공격하면 [[Critical hits/ko|치명타]]가 적용됩니다.<br/>
{{Con}}압축 공기 분사 사용 비용이 150% 더 소모됩니다(20 대신 50).<br/>
{{Con}}무작위 [[치명타]]가 발생하지 않습니다. <br/>
{{Info}}적중 시, 적을 불태웁니다.<br/>
{{Info}}보조 발사는 적을 밀어내고, 상대편 투사체를 반사하고, 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주는, 사용 시 탄약이 50 소모되는 압축 공기를 분사합니다. 반사된 모든 투사체는 소형 치명타가 적용됩니다. 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주면 체력이 +20 회복됩니다.
  | nl =
{{Pro}}Garandeert [[critical/nl|voltreffer]]schade wanneer je een vijand van achter aanvalt.<br/>
{{Pro}}Doet 15% meer schade.<br/>
{{Con}}Compressiestoot Kost 150% meer ammunitie<br />
  | no =
{{Pro}}Gjør 15% mere skade.
{{Pro}}Garanterer [[kritiske]] treff hvis du angreper bakfra.
{{Con}}Har ikke kompresjons blås.
  | pl =
{{Info}}Przy trafieniu we wroga: podpala go.<br/>
{{Info}}Atak alternatywny wyrzuca strumień sprężonego powietrza, który odpycha wrogów, odbija wrogie pociski i gasi płonących sojuszników kosztem 50 sztuk amunicji na podmuch. Wszystkie odbite pociski będą zadawać obrażenia minikrytyczne.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ugaszenie sojusznika przywróci 20 pkt. zdrowia.<br/>
{{Pro}}Podpalenie redukuje leczenie mediguna i efekty odporności tarczy o 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}Gwarantowane [[Critical hits/pl|trafienia krytyczne]] przy ataku od tyłu.<br/>
{{Con}}Strumień sprężonego powietrza zużywa 150% więcej amunicji (50 zamiast 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Brak losowych trafień krytycznych.<br/>
  | pt =
{{Pro}}Garante [[Critical hits/pt|Danos Críticos]] quando ataca pelas costas.<br/>
{{Con}}Descarga de ar custa mais 150% de munição. (50 em vez de 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Não inflige Danos Críticos aleatórios.<br/>
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Info}}Explosão de fogo secundaria empurra os inimigos, redireciona projéteis inimigos, e apaga o fogo de colegas de equipa, usando 50 de munição por descarga. Todos os projéteis refletidos irão causar Mini-Críticos.
  | pt-br =
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Info}}Disparo-alt lança uma rajada de ar comprimido que empurra inimigos, reflete projéteis inimigos e extingue o fogo de colegas de equipe, usando 50 de munição por rajada. Todos os projéteis refletidos causam minicrits.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguir o fogo de aliados recupera 20 de vida.<br/>
{{Pro}}Queimação reduz cura e escudos de resistência de Armas Médicas em 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}[[Critical hits/pt-br|Críticos]] garantidos ao atacar pelas costas.<br/>
{{Con}}Rajadas de ar custam 150% mais munição (50 ao invés de 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Sem críticos aleatórios.<br/>
  | ro =
{{Pro}}Garantează lovituri [[Critical Hits/ro|critice]] atunci când se atacă din spate.<br/>
{{Pro}}Cauzează cu 15% mai multe daune.<br/>
{{Con}}Atacul cu aer comprimat costă cu 150% mai multă muniție
  | ru =
{{Pro}}Наносит [[Critical hits/ru|криты]] при атаке со спины.<br/>
{{Con}}Для сжатого воздуха требуется на 150% больше боеприпасов (50 вместо 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Без случайных критов.<br/>
{{Info}}При попадании: поджигает противника. <br/>
{{Info}}Дополнительная атака позволяет совершить выстрел сжатым воздухом, который отталкивает противников, отражает вражеские снаряды и тушит союзников, расходуя на это 50 единиц боеприпасов за раз. Все отраженные снаряды нанесут мини-критический урон. При тушении союзника здоровье игрока восстанавливается на 20 единиц.
  | sv =
{{Pro}}Garanterar [[Critical/sv|Kritiska träffar]] vid attack bakifrån.<br/>
{{Con}}Luftstötar kostar 150% mer ammunition (50 istället för 20).<br/>
{{Info}}Alternativattacken skjuter ut en komprimerad luftstöt som knuffar tillbaka fiender, reflekterar projektiler och släcker brinnande lagkamrater och använder 50 amunition per stöt. Alla reflekterade projektiler gör Mini-Kritisk skada.<br/>
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}后续燃烧能降低医疗枪提供的治疗和伤害抗性效果 20%。<br/>
{{Pro}}从背后攻击时会产生[[Critical hits/zh-hans|爆击]]。<br/>
  | zh-hant =
{{Pro}}背後攻擊 100% [[Crit/zh-hant|爆擊]]。<br/>
{{Pro}}幫助隊友滅火可回復 20 單位生命值。<br/>
{{Con}}壓縮氣爆花費 +150%(需花費 50 單位彈藥)。<br/>
{{Info}}按下滑鼠右鍵使出壓縮氣爆吹飛敵人、反彈敵方投射物和幫隊友滅火,每次氣爆消耗 50 單位彈藥。所有反彈的投射物都會有小爆擊傷害。幫隊友滅掉身上的火可回復 20 點生命值。
! {{Table icon|Degreaser|{{common string|craft}}}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Degreaser}}
| align="center" | 200
| align="center" | {{common string|n/a}}
| align="center" | {{base crit|{{common string|cwt sec|153.5}}|{{common string|cwt sec|460.5}}|max}}
{{afterburn damage|1|10}}
| {{lang
  | en =
{{Info}}On hit: ignites enemy.<br/>
{{Info}}Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 25 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.<br/>
{{Pro}}Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}+60% faster switch-to speed.<br/>
{{Pro}}+30% faster switch-from speed.<br/>
{{Con}}Airblasts cost 25% more ammo to fire (25 instead of 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Deals 66% less afterburn damage.<br/>
  | cs =
{{Pro}}O 65% rychlejší změna zbraní.<br/>
{{Con}}O 10% menší poškození.<br/>
{{Con}}Způsobuje o 25% méně poškození [[Fire/cs|hořením]].<br/>
{{Info}}Sekundární střelba vypustí stlačený vzduch, který odhodí nepřátele, změní směr nepřátelských střel a uhasí plameny na spoluhráčích. Jeden výstřel spotřebuje 25 jednotek munice. Všechny odražené rakety/granáty/šípy udělí MiniKritické poškození (Pokud odrazíte kritickou střelu, bude poškození kritické).
  | da =
{{Pro}}Give 65% hurtigere våbenskifte.<br/>
{{Con}}-25% [[Fire/da|brandsakde]].<br/>
{{Info}}Sekunder angreb skyder komprimeret luft som skubber fjender og projektiler tilbage, samnt slukker holdkammerater som brænder, dette bruger 25 ammunition per gang. Alle reflekterede raketter/grenater/pile vil give Mini-kitisk skade.
  | de =
{{Pro}}60% schnellerer Waffenwechsel zu dieser Waffe.<br/>
{{Pro}}30% schnellerer Waffenwechsel zu einer anderen Waffe.<br/>
{{Con}}Kompressionsdruck verbraucht 25% mehr Munition (25 statt 20).<br/>
{{Con}}66% geringerer [[Fire/de#Nachbrennen|Nachbrenn]]schaden.<br/>
{{Info}}Bei Treffer: Entflammt Gegner.<br/>
{{Info}}Der sekundäre Feuermodus, der Kompressionsdruck, schubst Gegner zurück, lenkt feindliche Geschosse um und löscht brennende Teamkameraden. Er verbraucht 20 Munition pro Schuss. Alle umgelenkten Raketen/Granaten/Pfeile verursachen mini-kritischen Schaden. Das Löschen von Teammitgliedern heilt 20 Gesundheit.
  | es =
{{Info}}Al impactar: quema al enemigo.<br/>
{{Info}}El disparo secundario provoca una explosión de [[compression blast/es|aire comprimido]] que empuja a los enemigos, devuelve los proyectiles y apaga las llamas en un aliado, consumiendo 25 de munición por cada explosión. Todos los proyectiles devueltos causarán impactos [[Mini-Crit/es|minicríticos]].<br/>
{{Pro}}Apagar a compañeros en llamas otorga +20 PS.<br/>
{{Pro}}La quemadura reduce la curación de la Pistola Médica y la resistencia del escudo un 20 %.<br/>
{{Pro}}Velocidad para guardar el arma: +60 %.<br/>
{{Pro}}Velocidad para desplegar el arma: +30 %.<br/>
{{Con}}El aire comprimido cuesta un 25 % más (25 en vez de 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Daño por quemaduras: -66 %.<br/>
  | fi =
{{Info}}Osumasta: sytyttää vihollisen.<br/>
{{Info}}Toissijainen ampumisnäppäin tekee ilmapuhalluksen, joka työntää vihollisia Pyrosta pois päin, kimmottaa vihollisten projektiileja ja sammuttaa palavat joukkuekaverit. Yksi ilmapuhallus käyttää 25 ammusta. Kaikki kimmotetut projektiilit tekevät mini-kriittistä vahinkoa.<br/>
{{Pro}}Joukkuekavereiden sammuttaminen antaa sinulle +20 terveyspistettä.<br/>
{{Pro}}Suora vahinko vähentää Lääkintäaseen parannusta ja suojakilpien tehoa 25%:lla.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ase vedetään esiin 60% nopeammin.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ase laitetaan pois 30% nopeammin.<br/>
{{Con}}-66% [[Fire/fi|jälkipolttovahinkovähennys]].<br/>
{{Con}}Ilmapuhallus käyttää 25% enemmän ammuksia (käyttää 25 ammusta per ilmapuhallus normaalin 20:n sijaan).<br/>
  | fr =
{{Pro}}Changement d'arme 65% plus rapide.<br/>
{{Con}}Inflige 10% de dégâts de moins.<br/>
{{Con}}Inflige 25% de dégâts de [[Fire/fr|postcombustion]] de moins.<br/>
{{Info}}Enflamme les ennemis touchés.<br/>
{{Info}}Le tir secondaire déclenche un tir d'air comprimé qui projette les ennemis, renvoie des projectiles ennemis et éteint les coéquipiers en feu, utilisant 25 munitions par tir. Tous les projectiles renvoyés infligeront des Mini-Crits.
  | hu =
{{Pro}}65%-kal gyorsabb fegyver váltás.<br/>
{{Con}}10%-kal kevesebb sebzés.<br/>
{{Con}}25%-kal kevesebb [[Fire/hu|égési]] sebzés.<br/>
{{Info}}Találat esetén: az ellenfél meggyullad.<br/>
{{Info}}Másodlagos tüzeléssel egy sűrített levegős lökést hajt végre ami hátra löki az ellenfeleket, eltéríti az ellenséges lövedékeket és eloltja az égő csapattársakat, minden egyes ilyen lökésnél 25 lövedéket felhasználva. Minden eltérített rakéta/gránát/nyil Mini-Krit sebzést okoz.
  | it =
{{Pro}}Aumenta del 65% la velocità di cambio d'arma.<br/>
{{Con}}Infligge il 25% in meno di danni da [[fire/it|bruciatura]].<br/>
{{Info}}Il fuoco secondario spara soffi di aria compressa che scagliano indietro nemici, respingono proiettili ed estinguono le fiamme sugli alleati consumando 25 munizioni a soffio. Tutti i proiettili respinti infliggono un mini-critico.
  | ja =
{{Pro}}武器切り替えを 65% 高速化<br/>
{{Con}}与ダメージペナルティ -10%<br/>
{{Con}}[[Fire/ja|炎(延焼)]]ダメージペナルティ -25%<br/>
{{Info}}命中時: ターゲットが炎に包まれる<br/>
  | ko =
{{Pro}}화상 피해는 메딕의 치료 효율과 보호막 효과를 20% 감소시킵니다.<br/>
{{Pro}}무기를 {{item name|Degreaser}}로 전환할 때 무기를 꺼내는 속도가 +60% 빠릅니다.<br/>
{{Pro}}무기를 {{item name|Degreaser}}에서 다른 무기로 전환할 때 무기를 꺼내는 속도가 +30% 빠릅니다.<br/>
{{Con}}압축 공기 분사 사용 비용이 25% 더 소모됩니다(20 대신 25).<br/>
{{Con}}[[Fire|afterburn/ko|화상]] 피해량이 66% 감소합니다.<br/>
{{Info}}적중 시, 적을 불태웁니다.<br/>
{{Info}}보조 발사는 적을 밀어내고, 상대편 투사체를 반사하고, 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주는, 사용 시 탄약이 25 소모되는 압축 공기를 분사합니다. 반사된 모든 투사체는 소형 치명타가 적용됩니다. 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주면 체력이 +20 회복됩니다.
  | nl =
{{Pro}}Geeft 65% fsnellere wapenwissel.<br/>
{{Con}}Deelt 25% minder [[Fire/nl|afterburn]] schade uit.<br/>
{{Info}}Secundaire vuur schiet compressiestoten af die ivjanden terugblaast,  projectielen deflecteerd, en vlammen uitblusd bij teamleden, en gebruikt 25 munitie per compressiestoot. Alle gedeflecteerde raketten/granaten/pijlen zullen Mini-voltrefferschade doen.<br />
  | no =
{{Pro}}Gir 65% raskere våpen bytte.<br />
{{Con}}Gjør 25% mindre [[Brann|etterbrenning]]s skade.<br />
  | pl =
{{Info}}Przy trafieniu we wroga: podpala go.<br/>
{{Info}}Atak alternatywny wyrzuca strumień sprężonego powietrza, który odpycha wrogów, odbija wrogie pociski i gasi płonących sojuszników kosztem 25 sztuk amunicji na podmuch. Wszystkie odbite pociski będą zadawać obrażenia minikrytyczne.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ugaszenie sojusznika przywróci 20 pkt. zdrowia.<br/>
{{Pro}}Podpalenie redukuje leczenie mediguna i efekty odporności tarczy o 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ta broń jest wyciągana o 60% szybciej.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ta broń jest chowana o 30% szybciej.<br/>
{{Con}}+25% kosztu strumienia sprężonego powietrza (25 zamiast 20).<br/>
{{Con}}Zadaje 66% mniej obrażeń po podpaleniu.<br/>
  | pt-br =
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Info}}Disparo-alt lança uma rajada de ar comprimido que empurra inimigos, reflete projéteis inimigos e extingue o fogo de colegas de equipe, usando 25 de munição por rajada. Todos os projéteis refletidos causam minicrits.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguir o fogo de aliados recupera 20 de vida.<br/>
{{Pro}}Queimação reduz cura e escudos de resistência de Armas Médicas em 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}É equipada 60% mais rápido.<br/>
{{Pro}}Desequipada 30% mais rápido.<br/>
{{Con}}Rajadas de ar custam 25% mais munição (25 ao invés de 20).<br/>
{{Con}}-66% de dano de queimação.<br/>
  | ro =
{{Pro}}Dă utilizatorului viteză de schimbare a armelor cu 65% mai mare.<br/>
{{Con}}Cauzează cu 25% mai puține daune de [[Fire/ro|ardere]].
  | ru =
{{Pro}}Достается на 60% быстрее.<br />
{{Pro}}Убирается на 30% быстрее.<br />
{{Con}}Для сжатого воздуха требуется на 25% больше боеприпасов (25 вместо 20).<br />
{{Con}}Наносит на 66% меньше урона от [[Fire/ru|догорания]].<br />
{{Info}}При попадании: поджигает противника. <br/>
{{Info}}Дополнительная атака позволяет совершить выстрел сжатым воздухом, который отталкивает противников, отражает вражеские снаряды и тушит союзников, расходуя на это 25 единиц боеприпасов за раз. Все отраженные снаряды нанесут мини-критический урон. При тушении союзника здоровье игрока восстанавливается на 20 единиц.
  | sv =
{{Pro}}Har 65% snabbare vapenbyte.<br/>
{{Con}}Gör 25% mindre [[Fire/sv|efterglöd]] skada.<br/>
{{Info}}Alternativattacken  skjuter ut en komprimerad luftstöt som knuffar tillbaka fiender, reflekterar projektiler och släcker brinnande lagkamrater och använder 25 amunition per stöt. Alla reflekterade projektiler gör Mini-Kritisk skada.<br/>
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}后续燃烧能降低医疗枪提供的治疗和伤害抗性效果 20%。<br/>
  | zh-hant =
{{Pro}}切換到其他武器的速度加快 30%。<br/>
{{Pro}}切換至此武器的速度增快 60%。<br/>
{{Pro}}幫助隊友滅火可回復 20 單位生命值。<br/>
{{Con}}[[Fire/zh-hant|餘火]]傷害減弱 -66%。<br/>
{{Con}}壓縮氣爆花費 +25%(花費 25 單位彈藥)。<br/>
! {{Table icon|Phlogistinator|{{common string|craft}}}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Phlogistinator}}
| align="center" | 200
| align="center" | {{common string|n/a}}
| align="center" | {{base crit|{{common string|cwt sec|153.5}}|{{common string|cwt sec|460.5}}|max}}
{{afterburn damage|8|10}}
| {{lang
  | en =
{{Info}}On hit: ignites enemy.<br/>
{{Pro}}Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}Upon dealing 300 fire damage, secondary fire initiates 'Mmmph', which gives guaranteed Critical hits over a short period of time. No damage and knockback is taken during the taunt.<br/>
{{Con}}Cannot fire blasts of compressed air.<br/>
{{Con}}No random critical hits.<br/>
  | cs =
{{Pro}}Všechno ohnivé poškození nabíjí "Mmmmph" metr, ten po spuštění obnoví zdraví a na několik sekund spustí kritické zásahy.<br/>
{{Con}}Neumí odfukovat.<br/>
{{Con}}Žádné náhodné [[Critical hits/cs|kritické zásahy]].<br/>
  | de =
{{Pro}}Nachdem genug Feuerschaden ausgeteilt wurde, wird mit der sekundären Feuertastepon der 'Mmmph'-Modus aktiviert. Dieser Modus garantiert für einen kurzen Zeitraum kritischen Schaden. Während der Verspottung ist der Spieler immun gegen Schaden und Rückstoß.<br/>
{{Con}}Hat keinen Kompressionsdruck.<br/>
{{Con}}Keine zufälligen [[Critical hits/de|kritischen]] Treffer. <br/>
{{Info}}Bei Treffer: Entflammt Gegner.
  | es =
{{Info}}Al impactar: quema al enemigo.<br/>
{{Pro}}La quemadura reduce la curación de la Pistola Médica y la resistencia del escudo un 20 %.<br/>
{{Pro}}Al acumular 300 puntos de daño por fuego, se llenará la barra «Mmmf». Esta se lanza con el disparo secundario y otorga críticos durante un breve periodo de tiempo. Durante la burla el daño recibido y el retroceso se anulan.<br/>
{{Con}}No tiene explosión de aire comprimido.<br/>
{{Con}}Sin [[Critical hits/es|críticos]] aleatorios.<br/>
  | fi =
{{Info}}Osumasta: sytyttää vihollisen.<br/>
{{Pro}}Suora vahinko vähentää Lääkintäaseen parannusta ja suojakilpien tehoa 25%:lla.<br/>
{{Pro}}Kun olet tehnyt 300 tulivahinkoa, vaihtoehtoinen tulitus aktivoi 'Mmmph:in', joka antaa taatut kriittiset osumat lyhyeksi ajaksi. Pilkan aikana olet immuuni vahingolle ja työntövoimalle.<br/>
{{Con}}Ei voi tehdä ilmapuhalluksia.<br/>
{{Con}}Ei satunnaisia [[Critical hits/fi|kriittisiä]] osumia.<br/>
  | fr =
{{Pro}}Après avoir infligé suffisamment de dégâts de feu, le tir secondaire permet d'activer le 'Mmmph', qui soigne totalement et donne des coups critiques garantis avec cette arme durant un courte période de temps. Les dégâts subis sont grandement réduis lors de la raillerie.<br/>
{{Con}}Ne peut réaliser de tir d'air comprimé.<br/>
{{Con}}Ne peut infliger de coups critiques aléatoires.<br/>
{{Info}}Enflamme les ennemis touchés.
  | hu =
{{Pro}}Elegendő tűz sebzés okozásakor a másodlagos tüzelési gombbal bekapcsolhatjuk a 'Mmmph'-t, amely visszatölti az összes életet és garantált kritikus sebzést okoz rövid ideig. Beszólás közben a sebzésnek csupán töredékét szenvedi el.<br/>
{{Con}}Nincs léglöket.<br/>
{{Con}}Nincs véletlenszerű kritikus lövés. <br/>
{{Info}}Találat esetén: az ellenfél meggyullad.
  | it =
{{Pro}}Tutto il danno da fuoco incrementa la barra 'Mmmph', da attivare per ricaricare la salute e infliggere colpi critici per alcuni secondi.<br/>
{{Con}}Nessun [[Critical/it|colpo critico]] casuale.<br/>
{{Con}}Impossibile usare il Compressore.
  | ja =
{{Con}}ランダム[[Critical hits/ja|クリティカルヒット]]なし<br/>
{{Info}}命中時: ターゲットが炎に包まれる<br/>
  | ko =
{{Info}}적중 시, 적을 불태웁니다.
{{Pro}}화상 피해는 메딕의 치료 효율과 보호막 효과를 20% 감소시킵니다.<br/>
{{Pro}}300의 화염 피해를 입히고 보조 발사 단추를 누르면 짧은 시간 동안 치명타를 가할 수 있는 '무앙'을 발동합니다. 도발 도중에는 피해를 입거나 밀려나지 않습니다.<br/>
{{Con}}압축 공기 분사를 사용할 수 없습니다.<br/>
{{Con}}무작위 [[Critical hits/ko|치명타]]가 발생하지 않습니다. <br/>
  | nl =
{{Pro}}Na het doen van genoeg vuurschade, activeerd de secundaire vuurknop de 'Mmmph', welke volledig leven hersteld gegarandeerde voltreffers geeft gedurende een korte periode. Verkregen schade is gereduceerd tot een fractie gedurende de bespotting.<br/>
{{Con}}Kan geen compressiestoot uitvoeren.<br/>
{{Con}}Doet geen willekeurige [[Critical/nl|voltreffers]].<br />
  | pl =
{{Info}}Przy trafieniu we wroga: podpala go.<br/>
{{Pro}}Podpalenie redukuje leczenie mediguna i efekty odporności tarczy o 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}Po zadaniu 300 pkt. obrażeń od ognia, atak alternatywny aktywuje ładunek „Mmmph”, który przyznaje gwarantowane trafienia krytyczne na krótki okres czasu. Podczas drwiny nie otrzymuje się obrażeń, ani nie można zostać odrzuconym przez podmuch powietrza lub wybuchy.<br/>
{{Con}}Brak strumienia sprężonego powietrza.<br/>
{{Con}}Brak losowych trafień krytycznych.<br/>
  | pt-br =
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Pro}}Queimação reduz cura e escudos de resistência de Armas Médicas em 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}Após causar 300 de dano de fogo, o disparo-alt inicia "Mmmph", que garante críticos por um curto período de tempo. Imunidade a dano e coices durante a ativação do "Mmmph".<br/>
{{Con}}Sem rajadas de ar comprimido.<br/>
{{Con}}Sem críticos aleatórios.<br/>
  | ru =
{{Pro}}Нанеся 300 урона огнём, альтернативная атака (насмешка) активирует заряд «МММФХ», который даст гарантированные криты на несколько секунд. Во время действия насмешки игрок устойчив к урону и отталкиванию.<br/>
{{Con}}Нельзя использовать выстрел сжатым воздухом.<br/>
{{Con}}Без случайных [[Critical hits/ru|критов]].<br/>
{{Info}}При попадании: поджигает противника.
  | sv =
{{Pro}}När tillräckligt eldskada är gjord kan 'Mmmph' aktiveras med alternativattacken, vilket fyller din hälsa till max och garanterar Kritiska träffar i en kort period. Under hånet får du en 90% skadoresistans.<br/>
{{Con}}Har ingen komprimerad luftstöt.<br/>
{{Con}}Inga slumpmässiga [[Critical hits/sv|Kritiska]] träffar.<br/>
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}后续燃烧能降低医疗枪提供的治疗和伤害抗性效果 20%。<br/>
  | zh-hant =
! {{Table icon|Rainblower|{{common string|craft}}}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Rainblower}}
| align="center" | 200
| align="center" | {{common string|n/a}}
| align="center" | {{base crit|{{common string|cwt sec|153.5}}|{{common string|cwt sec|460.5}}|max}}
{{afterburn damage|8|10}}
| {{lang
  | en =
{{Info}}On hit: ignites enemy.<br/>
{{Info}}Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 20 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.<br/>
{{Pro}}Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}On Equip: Visit Pyroland.<br/>
{{Con}}Only visible in Pyroland.<br/>
  | cs =
{{Pro}}Po nasazení:Navštiv Pyroland.<br/>
{{Con}}Viditelné pouze v Pyrolandu.<br/>
{{Info}}Sekundární střelba vypustí stlačený vzduch, který odhodí nepřátele, změní směr nepřátelských střel a uhasí plameny na spoluhráčích. Jeden výstřel spotřebuje 20 jednotek munice. Všechny odražené rakety/granáty/šípy udělí MiniKritické poškození (Pokud odrazíte kritickou střelu, bude poškození kritické).
  | de =
{{Pro}}Bei Ausrüstung: Besuch in Pyroland<br/>
{{Con}}Nur sichtbar in Pyroland<br/>
{{Info}}Bei Treffer: Entflammt Gegner.<br/>
{{Info}}Der sekundäre Feuermodus, der Kompressionsdruck, schubst Gegner zurück, lenkt feindliche Geschosse um und löscht brennende Teamkameraden. Er verbraucht 20 Munition pro Schuss. Alle umgelenkten Raketen/Granaten/Pfeile verursachen mini-kritischen Schaden. Das Löschen von Teammitgliedern heilt 20 Gesundheit.
  | es =
{{Info}}Al impactar: quema al enemigo. <br/>
{{Info}}El disparo secundario provoca una explosión de [[compression blast/es|aire comprimido]] que empuja a los enemigos, devuelve los proyectiles y apaga las llamas en un aliado, consumiendo 20 de munición por cada explosión. Todos los proyectiles devueltos causarán impactos [[Mini-Crit/es|minicríticos]].<br/>
{{Pro}}Apagar enemigos en llamas otorga +20 PS.<br/>
{{Pro}}La quemadura reduce la curación de la Pistola Médica y la resistencia del escudo un 20 %.<br/>
{{Pro}}Al equiparlo: Se visita Pyrolandia. <br/>
{{Con}}Solo visible en Pyrolandia. <br/>
  | fi =
{{Info}}Osumasta: sytyttää vihollisen.<br/>
{{Info}}Toissijainen ampumisnäppäin tekee ilmapuhalluksen, joka työntää vihollisia Pyrosta pois päin, kimmottaa vihollisten projektiileja ja sammuttaa palavat joukkuekaverit. Yksi ilmapuhallus käyttää 20 ammusta. Kaikki kimmotetut projektiilit tekevät mini-kriittistä vahinkoa.<br/>
{{Pro}}Joukkuekavereiden sammuttaminen antaa sinulle +20 terveyspistettä.<br/>
{{Pro}}Suora vahinko vähentää Lääkintäaseen parannusta ja suojakilpien tehoa 25%:lla.<br/>
{{Pro}}Käytettäessä: Vieraile Pyromaassa.<br/>
{{Con}}Näkyvissä vain Pyromaassa.<br/>
  | fr =
{{Info}}Enflamme les ennemis touchés. <br/>
{{Info}}Le tir secondaire déclenche un tir d'air comprimé qui projette les ennemis, renvoie des projectiles ennemis et éteint les coéquipiers en feu, utilisant 20 munitions par tir. Tous les projectiles renvoyés infligeront des Mini-Crits.<br/>
{{Pro}}S'équiper de cette arme permet de visiter [[Pyroland/fr|Pyroland]]. <br/>
{{Con}}Uniquement visible à Pyroland. <br/>
  | hu =
{{Pro}}Viseléskor: Piróföldére látogat.<br/>
{{Con}}Csak Piróföldén látható.<br/>
{{Info}}Találat esetén: az ellenfél meggyullad.<br/>
{{Info}}Másodlagos tüzeléssel egy sűrített levegős lökést hajt végre ami hátra löki az ellenfeleket, eltéríti az ellenséges lövedékeket és eloltja az égő csapattársakat, minden egyes ilyen lökésnél 50 lövedéket felhasználva. Minden eltérített rakéta/gránát/nyil Mini-Krit sebzést okoz.
  | it =
{{Pro}} Attiva la Pirovisione.<br/>
{{Con}} Visibile solo a [[Pyroland/it|Pirolandia]].<br/>
{{Info}}Il fuoco secondario spara soffi di aria compressa che scagliano indietro nemici, respingono proiettili ed estinguono le fiamme sugli alleati consumando 20 munizioni a soffio. Tutti i proiettili respinti infliggono un mini-critico.
  | ja =
{{Pro}}装備中: パイロランドへご招待<br/>
{{Info}}命中時: ターゲットが炎に包まれる<br/>
  | ko =
{{Pro}}화상 피해는 메딕의 치료 효율과 보호막 효과를 20% 감소시킵니다.<br/>
{{Pro}}착용 시, 파이로 동산으로 이동합니다.<br/>
{{Con}}파이로 동산에서만 보입니다.<br/>
{{Info}}적중 시, 적을 불태웁니다.<br/>
{{Info}}보조 발사는 적을 밀어내고, 상대편 투사체를 반사하고, 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주는, 사용 시 탄약이 20 소모되는 압축 공기를 분사합니다. 반사된 모든 투사체는 소형 치명타가 적용됩니다. 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주면 체력이 +20 회복됩니다.
  | pl =
{{Info}}Przy trafieniu we wroga: podpala go.<br/>
{{Info}}Atak alternatywny wyrzuca strumień sprężonego powietrza, który odpycha wrogów, odbija wrogie pociski i gasi płonących sojuszników kosztem 20 sztuk amunicji na podmuch. Wszystkie odbite pociski będą zadawać obrażenia minikrytyczne.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ugaszenie sojusznika przywróci 20 pkt. zdrowia.<br/>
{{Pro}}Podpalenie redukuje leczenie mediguna i efekty odporności tarczy o 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}W ekwipunku: przenosi do Pyrolandu.<br/>
{{Con}}Widoczne tylko w Pyrolandzie.<br/>
  | pt-br =
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Info}}Disparo-alt lança uma rajada de ar comprimido que empurra inimigos, reflete projéteis inimigos e extingue o fogo de colegas de equipe, usando 20 de munição por rajada. Todos os projéteis refletidos causam minicrits.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguir o fogo de aliados recupera 20 de vida.<br/>
{{Pro}}Queimação reduz cura e escudos de resistência de Armas Médicas em 20%.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ao Equipar: Visite a Pyrolândia.<br/>
{{Con}}Visível apenas na Pyrolândia.<br/>
  | ru =
{{Pro}}При ношении: открывает Пироландию. <br/>
{{Con}}Оружие видно только в Пироландии. <br/>
{{Info}}При попадании: поджигает противника. <br/>
{{Info}}Дополнительная атака позволяет совершить выстрел сжатым воздухом, который отталкивает противников, отражает вражеские снаряды и тушит союзников, расходуя на это 20 единиц боеприпасов за раз. Все отраженные снаряды нанесут мини-критический урон. При тушении союзника здоровье игрока восстанавливается на 20 единиц.
  | sv =
{{Pro}}Om Utrustat: Besök Pyroland<br />
{{Con}}Syns bara i Pyroland<br />
{{Info}} Alternativattacken  skjuter ut en komprimerad luftstöt som knuffar tillbaka fiender, reflekterar projektiler och släcker brinnande lagkamrater och använder 20 amunition per stöt. Alla reflekterade projektiler gör Mini-Kritisk skada.<br />
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}后续燃烧能降低医疗枪提供的治疗和伤害抗性效果 20%。<br/>
  | zh-hant =
{{Pro}}幫助隊友滅火可回復 20 單位生命值。<br/>
! {{Table icon|Dragon's Fury|{{common string|contract}}}}
| align="center" | {{Icon killicon|weapon=Dragon's Fury}}
| align="center" | 40
| align="center" | {{common string|n/a}}
| align="center" |
  | en = Against unignited enemies
  | es = Contra enemigos que no estén ardiendo
  | ko = 불타지 않는 적 대상
  | pl = Przeciw niepodpalonym wrogom
  | pt-br = Contra inimigos que não estejam em chamas
  | ru = Против неподоженных врагов
  | zh-hans = 对未点燃敌人
  | zh-hant = 沒有在餘火效果下的敵人
{{base crit|25|75}}
  | en = Against ignited enemies
  | es = Contra enemigos que estén ardiendo
  | ko = 불타는 적 대상
  | pl = Przeciw podpalonym wrogom
  | pt-br = Contra inimigos em chamas
  | ru = Против подоженных врагов
  | zh-hans = 对已点燃敌人
  | zh-hant = 正在餘火效果下的敵人
{{base crit|75|225}}
{{afterburn damage|8|2}}
| {{lang
  | en =
{{Info}}On hit: ignites enemy.<br/>
{{Info}}Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 5 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.<br/>
{{Info}}A single-shot flamethrower that launches a fast moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies.<br/>
{{Info}}Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.<br/>
{{Pro}}Deals 300% damage to burning players.<br/>
{{Info}}Bonus damage against a burning target requires the fireball's center to make contact with the target's hitbox.<br/>
{{Pro}}+50% repressurization rate on hit.<br/>
{{Con}}-50% repressurization rate on Alt-Fire.<br/>
{{Con}}No random critical hits.<br/>
  | es =
{{Info}}Al impactar: quema al enemigo.<br/>
{{Info}}El disparo secundario provoca una explosión de [[compression blast/es|aire comprimido]] que empuja a los enemigos, devuelve los proyectiles y apaga las llamas en un aliado, consumiendo 5 de munición por cada explosión. Todos los proyectiles devueltos causarán impactos [[Mini-Crit/es|minicríticos]].<br/>
{{Info}}Un lanzallamas de un solo disparo que lanza un proyectil que prende a los enemigos.<br/>
{{Info}}Usa un tanque de presión compartido para el disparo principal y secundario.<br/>
{{Pro}}Apagar a los aliados en llamas te otorgará +20 PS.<br/>
{{Pro}}Causa el 300 % de daño a los jugadores en llamas.<br/>
{{Info}}Daño adicional contra enemigos en llamas si la bola de fuego entra en contacto con el cuerpo del enemigo.<br/>
{{Pro}}Tasa de represurización al impactar: +50 %.<br/>
{{Con}}Tasa de represurización cada disparo secundario: -50 %.<br/>
{{Con}}Sin críticos aleatorios.<br/>
  | fi =
{{Info}}Osumasta: sytyttää vihollisen.<br/>
{{Info}}Toissijainen ampumisnäppäin tekee ilmapuhalluksen, joka työntää vihollisia Pyrosta pois päin, kimmottaa vihollisten projektiileja ja sammuttaa palavat joukkuekaverit. Yksi ilmapuhallus käyttää 5 ammusta. Kaikki kimmotetut projektiilit tekevät mini-kriittistä vahinkoa.<br/>
{{Info}}Ykköstulitus: Laukaisee nopean tulipallon, joka sytyttää viholliset hetkeksi<br/>
{{Info}}Käyttää samaa painesäiliötä ykkös- ja kakkostulitukseen.<br/>
{{Pro}}Joukkuekavereiden sammuttaminen antaa sinulle +20 terveyspistettä.<br/>
{{Pro}}Suora vahinko vähentää Lääkintäaseen parannusta ja suojakilpien tehoa 25%:lla.<br/>
{{Pro}}Tekee +300 % vahinkoa palaviin pelaajiin.<br/>
{{Info}}Palaviin pelaajiin kohdistuvan vahinkolisän edellytyksenä on, että tulipallon keskiosa osuu kohteeseen.<br/>
{{Pro}}+50% nopeampi paineenkeräys osumasta.<br/>
{{Con}}-50 % hitaampi paineenkeräys ilmapuhalluksesta.<br/>
  | ko =
{{Info}}적중 시, 적을 불태웁니다.<br/>
{{Info}}보조 발사는 적을 밀어내고, 상대편 투사체를 반사하고, 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주는, 사용 시 탄약이 5 소모되는 압축 공기를 분사합니다. 반사된 모든 투사체는 소형 치명타가 적용됩니다. 아군에게 붙은 불을 꺼 주면 체력이 +20 회복됩니다.<br/>
{{Info}}빠르게 움직이며 적을 불태우는 투사체를 발사하는 단발형 화염발사기입니다.<br/>
{{Info}}주 공격과 보조 공격은 서로 공유합니다.<br/>
{{Pro}}불타는 적을 상대로 300% 추가 피해를 줍니다.<br/>
{{Info}}추가 피해는 투사체의 정중앙이 타겟의 히트박스에 닿아야만 적용됩니다.<br/>
{{Pro}}적중 시 연사 속도 50% 증가.<br/>
{{Con}}압축 공기 분사 연사 속도 50% 감소.<br/>
{{Con}}무작위 [[Critical hits/ko|치명타]]가 발생하지 않습니다.<br/>
  | pl =
{{Info}}Przy trafieniu we wroga: podpala go.<br/>
{{Info}}Atak alternatywny wyrzuca strumień sprężonego powietrza, który odpycha wrogów, odbija wrogie pociski i gasi płonących sojuszników kosztem 5 sztuk amunicji na podmuch. Wszystkie odbite pociski będą zadawać obrażenia minikrytyczne.<br/>
{{Info}}Wystrzeliwuje szybko poruszający się pocisk, który na krótko podpala wrogów.<br/>
{{Info}}Używa wspólnego zbiornika ciśnieniowego dla podstawowego i alternatywnego ataku.<br/>
{{Pro}}Ugaszenie sojusznika przywróci 20 pkt. zdrowia.<br/>
{{Pro}}Zadaje 300% obrażeń płonącym wrogom.<br/>
{{Info}}Dodatkowe obrażenia przeciw płonącym wrogom wymagają, aby środek kuli ognia miał kontakt z hitboxem celu.<br/>
{{Pro}}Przy trafieniu we wroga: +50% szybkości spadku ciśnienia.<br/>
{{Con}}-50% szybkości spadku ciśnienia podczas używania alternatywnego ataku.<br/>
{{Con}}Brak losowych trafień krytycznych.<br/>
  | pt-br =
{{Info}}Ao acertar: incendeia o inimigo.<br/>
{{Info}}Disparo-alt lança uma rajada de ar comprimido que empurra inimigos, reflete projéteis inimigos e extingue o fogo de colegas de equipe, usando 20 de munição por rajada. Todos os projéteis refletidos causam minicrits.<br/>
{{Info}}Um lança-chamas de disparo único que lança um projétil rápido que incendeia inimigos brevemente.<br/>
{{Info}}Usa um tanque pressurizado para disparo primário e alt.<br/>
{{Pro}}Extinguir o fogo de aliados recupera 20 de vida.<br/>
{{Pro}}+300% de dano a jogadores em chamas.<br/>
{{Info}}Dano bônus contra um alvo em chamas requer que o centro da bola de fogo faça contato com a detecção de acerto do alvo.<br/>
{{Pro}}+50% de velocidade de repressurização ao acertar.<br/>
{{Con}}-50% de velocidade de repressurização ao usar disparo-alt.<br/>
{{Con}}Sem críticos aleatórios.<br/>
  | ru =
{{Info}}При попадании: поджигает противника.<br/>
{{Info}}Дополнительная атака позволяет совершить выстрел сжатым воздухом, который отталкивает противников, отражает вражеские снаряды и тушит союзников, давая за это 20 единиц здоровья, расходуя на это 5 единиц боеприпасов за раз. Все отраженные снаряды нанесут мини-критический урон.<br/>
{{Info}}Это однозарядный огнемет, выпускающий быстро двигающийся снаряд, сразу поджигающий врагов.<br/>
{{Info}}Использует общий бак для основного и альтернативного огня.<br/>
{{Pro}}При тушении союзника здоровье игрока восстанавливается на 20 единиц.<br/>
{{Pro}}Наносит +300% урона по горящим игрокам.<br/>
{{Info}}Бонусный урон по горящей цели требует контакта центра огненного шара с хитбоксом цели.<br/>
{{Pro}}+50% к скорости выравнивания давления при попадании.<br/>
{{Con}}-50% к скорости выравнивания давления при использовании альтернативного огня.<br/>
{{Con}}Не имеет случайных критов.<br/>
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}对着火的敌人伤害 300%。<br/>
{{Pro}}击中后冷却速率 +50%。<br/>
{{Con}}辅助开火能力速率 -50%。<br/>
  | zh-hant =
This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the [[Pyro]] article, replacing current weapon table.
Make sure that section [[Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapons_tables]] is also translated to your language.
[[Category:Formatting templates]]
{{translation switching|en, cs, de, es, fi, fr, hu, ja, ko, pl, pt-br, ru, sv, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
[[Category:Class Weapons Tables|P]]
== Usage ==
== Usage ==

Revision as of 16:39, 25 April 2023

This article is for competitive play, based on the standard community competitive format. For the generic article on this topic, see: Pyro.
The community competitive scene changes frequently. Some or all info may be outdated.

The Pyro is a situational utility and roaming class sometimes used in the standard competitive lineup, valued for his ambush, point-holding capabilities against enemy Übers and his ability to reflect projectiles which can protect the Medic from projectile spam. The Pyro also excels against enemy Spies due to the ability to hit and reveal them, normally resulting in the Spy's death.



Class Health Overheal Quick-Fix Overheal
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro 175 260 220


Condition Normal Backward Crouched Swimming
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
100 %
90 %
33 %
80 %
Wielding the Powerjack
115 %
104 %
38 %
92 %


Main article: Pyro weapons (competitive)

The Pyro specialized in fire from its primary weapon, dealing afterburn, and with the ability to push players back as well as reflect projectiles.


Fire damage is determined by particle range from Flamethrower.

Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Flame Thrower
Flame Thrower
Killicon flame thrower.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 20 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.

Nostromo Napalmer
Nostromo Napalmer
Killicon nostromo napalmer.png
Killicon backburner.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 50 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Critical hits when attacking from behind.
Pictogram minus.png Airblasts cost 150% more ammo to fire (50 instead of 20).
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

Killicon degreaser.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

1 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 25 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster switch-to speed.
Pictogram plus.png +30% faster switch-from speed.
Pictogram minus.png Airblasts cost 25% more ammo to fire (25 instead of 20).
Pictogram minus.png Deals 66% less afterburn damage.

Killicon phlogistinator.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png Upon dealing 300 fire damage, secondary fire initiates 'Mmmph', which gives guaranteed Critical hits over a short period of time. No damage and knockback is taken during the taunt.
Pictogram minus.png Cannot fire blasts of compressed air.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

Killicon rainblower.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 20 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png On Equip: Visit Pyroland.
Pictogram minus.png Only visible in Pyroland.

Dragon's Fury
Dragon's Fury
Killicon dragon's fury.png 40 N/A

Against unignited enemies:
Base: 25
Crit: 75

Against ignited enemies:
Base: 75
Crit: 225

8 / sec. × 2 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 5 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram info.png A single-shot flamethrower that launches a fast moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies.
Pictogram info.png Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Deals 300% damage to burning players.
Pictogram info.png Bonus damage against a burning target requires the fireball's center to make contact with the target's hitbox.
Pictogram plus.png +50% repressurization rate on hit.
Pictogram minus.png -50% repressurization rate on Alt-Fire.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Pyro article, replacing current weapon table.

Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapons_tables is also translated to your language.


The Pyro generally does not see much use in competitive play due to his short range, lack of versatility, and lack of mobility. His role is generally confined to flanking, defending enclosed spaces, and protecting allies (Mainly the Medic and the Engineer) and Sentry Guns from projectiles. Fortunately, the Pyro is quite good at these roles, and in certain situations teams may substitute a Scout or a Soldier for a Pyro.

Common Tactics

The Pyro's primary role in competitive play is defending the team's Medic (Especially in highlander) and enclosed Control Points. The Pyro's ability to reflect allows him to 'protect' the Medic from spam and the ability to excel against Spies makes Pyro a very efficient Medic buddy (Not to be confused with a Pocket). The Pyro's close-quarter-combat abilities allow him to clear the confined spaces of some control points efficiently, making him useful for defending areas such as the final point of Badlands. This role is particularly evident on Gravel Pit, point C, where a popular strategy for defenders is to put a Pyro on the point to ward off Soldiers and Demomen jumping on the point. The Compression Blast ability of the Pyro is especially useful for this, enabling the Pyro to push enemies off of the point and reflect enemy grenades and rockets. Pyro is also useful for defending against an Über with airblasts to either juggle the Übered player into the air or push the Über back, and although the player will often die in doing so it may buy just enough time for the team to get their own Über or repel the attack on its own. Finally, a Pyro may also be utilized when a team is under heavy projectile spam, such as when a combo is attempting to pass through a choke point or an Engineer nest is set up, as he can reflect the projectiles.

Pyro flanking

An example of where a flanking Pyro might be utilised is at the initial fight for the middle point on Badlands. A team using a Pyro in this mid fight may distract the enemy soldiers and Scouts as the Pyro runs under the bridge at the center point and attacks the enemy team from behind. The Pyro can also go through the shall house, this is slightly more risky because a Scout normally watches it and a Soldier can easily juggle and kill you. However, if done correctly, the Pyro may be able to kill or severely injure the enemy team's Medic, giving his own team a significant advantage.

5-CP Push Strategies

There are generally two times when a team will use a Pyro instead of a Scout. The first is at the beginning of a 5-CP map, where a flank at the mid point can prove devastating to the other team, and the second is at the final point, where defenders may use the Pyro's close-range combat abilities in a last-ditch effort to save the point from capture. In either case, a Utility player should communicate with his team before deciding to switch to Pyro. During the mid fight, a Pyro should generally try to not be spotted by enemies at all while flanking, taking some extra time if necessary to ensure that he has the element of surprise. Because of his short range, a Pyro whose whereabouts are known to the enemy is usually a dead Pyro, so the Pyro's team should help distract the enemy while the Pyro performs his flanking maneuver. Pyros will usually not survive their flanking maneuvers unless the enemy team becomes extremely disorganized, but in the case that a Pyro does survive the mid fight, he should try to switch back to another class as soon as possible, as the enemy team will expect him and eliminate him without difficulty. In addition, the Pyro is severely hampered in yard fights, due to his short range, limiting his usefulness beyond the mid point.

A Pyro is also a good choice when defending your last point with ÜberCharge disadvantage, the Compression Blast can knock the ÜberCharged couple up into the air and waste their ÜberCharge. This can take the pressure of the rest of your team and ensure that you don't lose as many people as you would if the ÜberCharged combo pushed straight in. Another advantage of a using a Pyro in this circumstance is that your combo doesn't have to fall into the respawn room to avoid getting killed. The knock-on effect of this is that the last point is better defended. Finally, a Pyro can prevent enemy players from remaining on the point.

Attack-Defend Strategies

Pyros lack the versatility, health, and direct combat abilities of the Soldiers, especially when the Soldiers are buffed, so a defending Pyro should generally attack enemies standing on a point when they are distracted by something else. For a Pyro, attempting to defend a point against enemy Soldiers without any support from his team is almost invariably suicide, so players using a Pyro on Defense should wait for a distraction before attempting to flame attackers, or try to airblast them off the point, if the point sits on an elevated area. The classic example of this is Point C on Gravel Pit, where Soldiers and Demomen jumping towards the point can be airblasted away, denying a capture and separating the player from the rest of his team. Similarly, attacking Pyros should always try to flank the enemy, as the enemy Soldiers and even the Scouts will kill a Pyro and escape unharmed in a direct battle. Pyros should wait for their team to attack from one side before flanking from the other to throw the enemy team into disarray without getting killed.

Capture-the-Flag Strategies

Due to the short range of the Flamethrower, the Pyro is generally not used in competitive Capture-the-Flag games. His inability to successfully chase down an enemy carrying his team's intelligence makes him a poor choice for defending, and the fact that many teams use Engineers in a Capture-the-Flag game limits the Pyro's usefulness on offense. In a team that does field a Pyro, he should try to take side paths into the enemy Intelligence room (most notably the vents on Turbine, which offer access directly into the Intelligence room). Coordinating with his team, a Pyro can catch defenders in the room off guard and help his team escape with the intelligence. If the team's Pyro does attempt this, however, he should be wary of the enemy team's Engineer and Sentry Gun. It may be best for the Pyro to wait for the Sentry Gun's destruction before surprising the enemy team in their Intelligence room. A Pyro should not carry the intelligence if there is someone else on his team that is able to pick it up. If a Pyro does accidentally pick up the intelligence or needs to drop it, the default key to drop the intelligence is "l".


A pyro’s after burn can be nullified by water, Mad Milk, an enemy Pyro’s airblast, a Heavy’s Sandvich, or Jarate.

Anti-Pyro Classes

The Heavy

The Heavy has a bulking 300 (Excluding over-heal) health and fire-power and he is an extremely dangerous close-range class. Capable of out-damaging a Demoman in any close-quarter situation. This leaves the Pyro extremely vulnerable, although Pyro excels at close ranges the Heavy is capable of dealing much more damage than a Pyro can. This usually results in the Pyro being killed instantly in head-on situations. The Heavy's health can also make killing a Heavy extremely hard and allows him to take a lot of after burn damage. If the Heavy has the Sandvich equipped he can easily counter act after burn damage and is also able to give it to team-mates to extinguish them and also heal them.

The Engineer

The Engineer can easily be dealt with as a Pyro, however, his Sentry Gun can become a barrier to a Pyro (similarly to a Scout) where the Pyro has no choice but to either harass the Engineer at long ranges leaving the Pyro vulnerable to an ambush. It is also worth noting that the Pyro is in-effective at long ranges making it hard to deal damage to the Sentry with out being close to it. A Pyro can reflect the Sentry Gun's rockets to deal damage, however this is rarely seen as the rockets don't do enough damage, it is too risky and the Pyro will normally be killed by the bullets before the rockets are even launched.

However, the Pyro can be extremely effective against a Sentry Gun and the Engineer if they are being Übered as the flames can pass through the Sentry and damage anything behind it as well.

The Sniper

The Sniper excels at long ranges, with the protection of his team it can be hard for a Pyro to get close to the Sniper. The Pyro isn't that fast either and is usually an easy target for a Sniper in the competitive scene. However, if the Pyro has the Flaregun equipped or items similar, they can become much more effective at Snipers due to the flinching of the after burn and the critical hit if the Sniper is already on fire, additionally, the Flaregun's projectile is rather slow and easy to evade if the Sniper is aware.

See also