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Achievement page
Achievement page
Other stuff maybe
Other stuff maybe
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" width="40%"
Hullo, here is my page. I'll probably post stuff about me later when I'm not lazy!
| style="background:#F3A957; width:10%;" rowspan="2" | '''{{Class link|Scout|br=yes}}'''
To come:
*Achievement page
*Other stuff maybe
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed grid" align="center" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" colspan="9" | Item Loadouts
! class="header" | Class
! class="header" | Loadout Name
! class="header" | [[Primary]]/[[PDA]]
! class="header" | [[Secondary]]
! class="header" | [[Melee]]
! class="header" | [[Hat]]
! class="header" | [[Misc]] 1
! class="header" | [[Misc]] 2
! class="header" | [[Action]]
| Class = Scout
| Name 1 = Risk Scout
| Description 1 = Risk scout is more for risk/reward style gameplay. The driving device is the Crit-a-Cola, which allows the dishing out of mini-crits (though in return any hits taken will also be mini-crits). The Boston Basher functions in the same way, as each hit must connect with something or else the Scout will take the damage for himself. The set works best when being able to take enemies by surprise; the Force-a-Nature alone is great for two-shotting unaware enemies.
| Primary 1 = Force-A-Nature
| Secondary 1 = Crit-A-Cola
| Melee 1 = Boston Basher
| Headwear = Ye Olde Baker Boy
| m1 = (Missing)
| Misc. 1 = Fast Learner
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Ball-Kicking Boots
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Variable Scout
| Description 2 = Variable scout is, more or less, best tuned for direct combat, as all three weapons have some sort of range capability. The pistol is the weapon of choice for taking on dangers from afar (especially sentry guns, which a scout is next to powerless against otherwise). The Scattergun is more for mid-range combat and dealing a lot of damage. The set is rounded off with the sandman, which is good for short-range combat. While the health reduction is a problem, this is off-set by the ability to stun.
| Primary 2 = Scattergun
| Secondary 2 = Pistol
| Melee 2 = Sandman
| Name 3 = Bypass Scout
| Description 3 = Bypass scout is for those situations where an area must be crossed but there is no way to cross safely (read Sentry Guns). With Bonk! Atomic Punch and the triple jump provided by the Atomizer, he can safely reach more places in less time, allowing the scout to slip past enemy lines. As the scout will do a lot of running during this time, the hype meter for the Soda Popper will inevitably fill, allowing the scout to take advantage of the mini-crits, in case he needs to defend himself.
| Primary 3 = Soda Popper
| Secondary 3 = Bonk! Atomic Punch
| Melee 3 = Atomizer
| Name 4 = Longevity Scout
| Description 4 = Longevity scout is designed more with longevity in mind. As any kills will result in a health pack, a scout will be able to flee after a battle easier than normally. To better help with combat in general, the mad milk will restore health as damage is done (if there are multiple teammates firing upon a milk'd enemy, they will also receive health), allowing for survivability. It is in this manner that the scout is able to also provide support for his teammates. The set is completed with the Shortstop, which can deal high amounts of damage fairly quickly.
| Primary 4 = Shortstop
| Secondary 4 = Mad Milk
| Melee 4 = Candy Cane
| Class = Soldier
| Name 1 = Crowd Soldier
| Description 1 = Crowd soldier is good for a large number of enemies. The Cowmangler, with both its expanded and unlimited ammo makes for a great launcher, in addition to the charge shot that can ignite enemies. For enemies that are in a straight line (such as in hallways), the Righteous Bison can take care of them via its penetrating ability. If the enemies are especially clustered and the soldier is feeling up to it, he can attempt a rocket jump and head for crits using the market-gardener, which will result in one hit kills for most classes.
| Primary 1 = Cow Mangler 5000
| Secondary 1 = Righteous Bison
| Melee 1 = Market Gardener
| Headwear = Armored Authority
| m1 = (Missing)
| Misc. 1 = Fancy Dress Uniform
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Flair!
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Range Soldier
| Description 2 = Range soldier can work at multiple ranges comfortably. The soldier can inflict large amounts of damage at long range by using the rocket launcher. At medium range he can employ the use of the shotgun (which is useful for scouts). Finally, the Equalizer allows him to fight at short range (specifically when he is low on health, at which point he becomes a deadly weapon).
| Primary 2 = Rocket Launcher
| Secondary 2 = Shotgun
| Melee 2 = Equalizer
| Name 3 = Team Soldier
| Description 3 = Team soldier is more for working in tandem with others to complete the objective. In those periods that large distances must be crossed, the Disciplinary Action provides both the soldier and their ally a speed boost, allowing them to reach the frontlines faster. The Direct Hit is good for taking out targets quickly at long range (provided they can be accurate). When enough damage is dealt, the soldier can then activate the Buff Banner to initiate an offensive push, allowing allies to deal great amounts of damage.
| Primary 3 = Direct Hit
| Secondary 3 = Buff Banner
| Melee 3 = Disciplinary Action
| Name 4 = Healing Soldier
| Description 4 = Healing soldier is about granting survivability to not only himself but to other teammates as well. The soldier is granted general staying power through the use of the Black Box, gaining health on each hit. Once able to activate the Concheror, he can pass on healing to his teammates, providing them with staying power as well. In those times that the soldier goes head-to-head with another, he can use the Half-Zatoichi to kill and regenerate health (though should he fail he will admittedly be in trouble).
| Primary 4 = Black Box
| Secondary 4 = Concheror
| Melee 4 = Half-Zatoichi
| Class = Pyro
| Name 1 = Combo Pyro
| Description 1 = Combo pyro is for stringing together combination attack in a one-on-one setting. Helmed by the Degreaser and its shorter weapon switch, the pyro has the option to A. airblast enemies into the air and then hit them with the Reserve Shooter (resulting in mini-crits), or B. set them ablaze and deal crits with the Postal Pummeler (which is chosen over the Axtinguisher for added humiliation value), or C. a combination of the two, especially for the heavier classes.
| Primary 1 = Degreaser
| Secondary 1 = Reserve Shooter
| Melee 1 = Postal Pummeler
| Headwear = Flamboyant Flamenco
| m1 =
| Misc. 1 = Pyrovision Goggles
| m2 =
| Misc. 2 = Jingle Belt
| m3 =
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Defensive Pyro
| Description 2 = Defensive pyro is more about holding the fort (especially against spies). The Degreaser allows for spy-checking and the quick extinguishing of burning allies, and due to faster weapon switch can change on the fly. The Shotgun allows the pyro to comfortably help against enemies that are out of his range (or sometimes fleeing spies). The Homewrecker is what makes the set, however, allowing the pyro to instantaneously remove sappers from friendly buildings.
| Primary 2 = Degreaser
| Secondary 2 = Shotgun
| Melee 2 = Homewrecker
| Name 3 = Ambush Pyro
| Description 3 = Ambush pyro is all about dealing damage at unexpected moments, making use of the Backburner and its ability to crit from behind for excellent ambush runs. Of course, for those moments when an enemy is beyond range, the shotgun is a reliable choice for having multiple opportunities to inflict damage. Finally, if the Pyro is nearing the end of a run and sees the chance, they can use the Powerjack to not only inflict the final blow but also rejuvenate some health, making them ready for another ambush.
| Primary 3 = Backburner
| Secondary 3 = Shotgun
| Melee 3 = Powerjack
| Name 4 = Fire Pyro
| Description 4 = Fire pyro is for all-around fire manipulation. The Rainblower is the best choice for this set (as not only does it have airblast for extinguishing teammates, but it has no downsides in terms of attack). The Detonator allows the pyro to ignite enemies at long range (as well as Detonator jump, which is good for mobility). The Sharpened Volcano Fragment, on the other hand, not only can substitute for the primary in terms of ignition (plus it makes no sound, allowing for a small tinge of stealth), but a kill can also serve as small humiliation.
| Primary 4 = Rainblower
| Secondary 4 = Detonator
| Melee 4 = Sharpened Volcano Fragment
| Class = Demoman
| Name 1 = Attack Demoman
| Description 1 = Attack demoman specializes in making pushes and capturing objectives. The demoman has both the standard grenade launcher for places he has yet to go, and stickys for places he is at, allowing him multiple options in terms of dealing explosive damage. As the demoman is still inaccurate due to use of projectiles, the set uses its definer, the Pain Train (with its double capture rate), the player can take on others at close range as well without fear of self-inflicted injury that the other weapons will cause.
| Primary 1 = Grenade Launcher
| Secondary 1 = Stickybomb Launcher
| Melee 1 = Pain Train
| Headwear = Reggaelator‎
| m1 =
| Misc. 1 = A Whiff of the Old Brimstone
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Liquor Locker
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Defensive Demoman
| Description 2 = Defensive demoman is more for defending places and disallowing access, especially crucial on control points. While the Grenade Launcher allows him to assault places he cannot see, the Scottish Resistance makes the set, allowing his presence to be in many places at once, as he can place multiple stickybomb traps to cover all routes. Because the demo likely has not far to go, the movement reduction of the Scotsman’s Skullcutter is negligible, and the damage increase is helpful for those few encounters where he must defend himself.
| Primary 2 = Grenade Launcher
| Secondary 2 = Scottish Resistance
| Melee 2 = Scotsman's Skullcutter
| Name 3 = Demoknight
| Description 3 = Demoknight is for a melee approach, making the most use of the notion. The Splendid Screen is the driver of the set, with the heightened shield bash damage and fairer resistance to explosives and fire. The Ali Baba’s Wee Booties help with charges, not only providing additional health but also giving steering capability for the charge. The Persian Persuader completes the set, not only halving recharge time, but also converts ammo into health (which is good in the case since the demoknight does not use ammo).
| Primary 3 = Ali Baba's Wee Booties
| Secondary 3 = Splendid Screen
| Melee 3 = Persian Persuader
| Name 4 = Suprise Demoman
| Description 4 = Surprise demoman is more for appearing in unexpected places and taking enemies by surprise. The set makes use of the Sticky Jumper, allowing the demoman to cross great distances with no difficulty, allowing him to arrive at any location he pleases. When there, he can then use the Ullapool Caber to mutilate an enemy, or he can use the Loch-N-Load to deal great deals of damage over the normal Grenade Launcher. Interestingly, because the Loch-N-Load and Ullapool Caber are the entirety of The Experts’ Ordinance set, the surprise demo also enjoys a resistance to fire as well.
| Primary 4 = Loch-N-Load
| Secondary 4 = Sticky Jumper
| Melee 4 = Ullapool Caber
  | title = Risk Scout
| Class = Heavy
  | item1 = Force-A-Nature
| Name 1 = Speed Heavy
  | item2 = Crit-a-Cola
| Description 1 = Speed heavy is designed with movement manipulation in mind. The Natascha, when fired at enemies, will slow them down to which the heavy (or any other team member, for that matter) can then pick them off. The Gloves of Running Urgently, on the other hand, allow the heavy to reach the battlefield quickly. Consuming the Buffalo Steak Sandvich will make the G.R.U. deadlier by adding mini-crits to each punch, in case the heavy should be cornered and wanting escape.
  | item3 = Boston Basher
| Primary 1 = Natascha
  | description = Risk scout is more for risk/reward style gameplay. The driving device is the Crit-a-Cola, which allows the dishing out of mini-crits (though in return any hits taken will also be mini-crits). The Boston Basher functions in the same way, as each hit must connect with something or else the Scout will take the damage for himself. The set works best when being able to take enemies by surprise; the Force-a-Nature alone is great for two-shotting unaware enemies.}}
| Secondary 1 = Buffalo Steak Sandvich
| Melee 1 = Gloves of Running Urgently
| Headwear = Heavy Duty Rag
| m1 = (Missing)
| Misc. 1 = All-Father
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Apparatchik's Apparel
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Point Heavy
| Description 2 = Point heavy is built for defending points or small areas. As the heavy does not move far when defending, the slowed movement speed of the Brass Beast is negligable. The added power that comes with the gun allows the heavy to really mow down oncoming attackers. In the times of lull, the heavy can eat the Dalokohs Bar to either replenish lost health or receive a health buff. If the heavy finds that they are out of ammo, they can then defer to the Fists of Steel to get him to the nearest ammo supply, or at the very least have a jump on spy-checking without having to waste ammo.
| Primary 2 = Brass Beast
| Secondary 2 = Dalokohs Bar
| Melee 2 = Fists of Steel
| Name 3 = Stealth Heavy
| Description 3 = Stealth heavy is more for sneaking around and taking enemies by surprise. The Tomislav, with its silent windup can be useful for taking enemies from behind, as well as ambushing in general. When encountering lone enemies, the heavy can switch to the Family Business and take two or three shots to down them from behind without losing any speed. For the truly unaware, the heavy has the ability to perform the showdown taunt using the Fists (for true humiliation).
| Primary 3 = Tomislav
| Secondary 3 = Family Business
| Melee 3 = Fists
| Name 4 = Support Heavy
| Description 4 = Support heavy deals more with supporting teammates, either through healing or suppressing fire. With the sandvich, the Heavy either the option of; popping out for a moment and killing an enemy or two, then heading back for recovery; or lending an impromptu medkit for injured allies. For the former, the minigun presents excellent capability with little drawback. Should the heavy be able to get a kill with the Killing Gloves of Boxing, he will be able to provide further support with the crits that ensue.
| Primary 4 = Minigun
| Secondary 4 = Sandvich
| Melee 4 = Killing Gloves of Boxing
| Class = Engineer
| Name 1 = Offensive Engineer
| Description 1 = Offensive engineer specializes in attacking on the frontlines via various methods of building and destroying. Defined with the use of the gunslinger, the engineer can place a mini-sentry in many locations, racking up both kills and assists. Upon destruction, the engineer can make use of the revenge crits to further destroy the enemy. The engineer also has a pistol to help out with fighting, either in tandem with the mini-sentry or picking off enemies at long range.
| Primary 1 = Frontier Justice
| Secondary 1 = Pistol
| Melee 1 = Gunslinger
| Headwear = Big Country‎
| m1 =
| Misc. 1 = Builder's Blueprints
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Pip-Boy
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Turtle Engineer
| Description 2 = Turtle engineer is all about keeping a nest together. Through a tandem use of the teleporters and the Eureka Effect, the engineer can travel quickly back and forth between the nest and a supply locker. This allows for the quick building and maintaining of nests. In the case that projectiles (such as rockets, sticky bombs, and grenades) come to destroy the nest, the engineer can rid them with the Short Circuit. In the case of incoming ubercharge as well as spy-checking, the engineer can use the Pomson to deplete both an ubercharge meter and a cloak meter.
| Primary 2 = Pomson 6000
| Secondary 2 = Short Circuit
| Melee 2 = Eureka Effect
| Name 3 = Ninjaneer
| Description 3 = Ninjaneer specializes in getting to peculiar locations and setting up quickly. As the ninjaneer's purpose is go undetected and away from enemies, the shotgun is taken as to maximize retreating power (that is, not having to deal with the downsides of other weapons). Once behind enemy lines, the engineer can set up his buildings, using the Jag to further speed up the process. Using the Wrangler, the engineer can also sentry jump to reach unusual locations where he can set up things like teleporters.
| Primary 3 = Shotgun
| Secondary 3 = Wrangler
| Melee 3 = Jag
| Name 4 = Range Engineer
| Description 4 = Range engineer is more for the hardhat that wants to leave his buildings and/or maximize the range of his sentry on the field of battle. As the Widowmaker has no ammo (as long as aim is true), the engineer does not have to worry about reloading mid-skirmish. He can also use the Wrangler to hit enemies that are outside the range of his sentry gun for maximum damage. Because he is away from his buildings, he must have a good spy-checker tool, and the Southern Hospitality shines in this area due to its bleed effect, allowing him to track down enemies.
| Primary 4 = Widowmaker
| Secondary 4 = Wrangler
| Melee 4 = Southern Hospitality
  | title = Variable Scout
| Class = Medic
  | item1 = Scattergun
| Name 1 = Critical Medic
  | item2 = Pistol
| Description 1 = Critical medic is about supporting direct attacks. As survival is important for the medic to fully develop the charge, the Blutsauger allows for survivability based on health regeneration. With the Solemn Vow, the medic can see the health and identity of enemy players, allowing him to pick and choose targets. The driving force of the set, however, is the Kritzkrieg, which when activated causes the patient to perform critical hits making either for excellent pushes or for excellent defenses (mostly the former though).
  | item3 = Sandman
| Primary 1 = Blutsauger
  | description = Variable scout is, more or less, best tuned for direct combat, as all three weapons have some sort of range capability. The pistol is the weapon of choice for taking on dangers from afar (especially sentry guns, which a scout is next to powerless against otherwise). The Scattergun is more for mid-range combat and dealing a lot of damage. The set is rounded off with the sandman, which is good for short-range combat. While the health reduction is a problem, this is off-set by the ability to stun.}}
| Secondary 1 = Kritzkrieg
| Melee 1 = Solemn Vow
| Headwear = Berliner's Bucket Helm
| m1 =
| Misc. 1 = Physician's Procedure Mask
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Surgeon's Stethoscope
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Versatile Medic
| Description 2 = Versatile medic can handle many different healing situations. The Crusader's Crossbow allows the medic to do healing at long ranges (as well as do some damage too). The quick-fix allows him to heal a singular target at medium range quickly as well. For cases where there are multiple targets in need of healing the Amputator allows the medic to help multiple teammates at once.
| Primary 2 = Crusader's Crossbow
| Secondary 2 = Quick-Fix
| Melee 2 = Amputator
| Name 3 = Invuln Medic
| Description 3 = Invuln medic is all about building up an invincibility charge, as is often attributed with the Medi-gun, which can give a nice steady rate of healing for teammates that might need it. Should the medic be in a situation where he must fight for himself (which hopefully should not be the case), the Blutsauger and Ubersaw come into play; the former allows for regeneration with each hit, allowing for survival, while each hit with the Ubersaw will go further towards the charge.
| Primary 3 = Blutsauger
| Secondary 3 = Medigun
| Melee 3 = Ubersaw
| Name 4 = Quick Medic
| Description 4 = Quick medic is more about getting around quickly and healing as much as possible in as short of time as possible. Using the Quick-fix allows not only for a quick healing, but because of the quickly filling meter and the mega-heal, this allows him to especially keep his teammates alive when they are close to dying. In those cases where the medic is alone, ubercharge can be turned into speed by equipping the Overdose, the combat abilities of which can also help him get back to allied lines. To make sure that he can keep the charge, the Vita-Saw is used for meter staying, especially allowing for slightly faster speed should a respawn be needed.
| Primary 4 = Overdose
| Secondary 4 = Quick-Fix
| Melee 4 = Vita-Saw
  | title = Bypass Scout
| Class = Sniper
  | item1 = Soda Popper
| Name 1 = Target Sniper
  | item2 = Bonk! Atomic Punch
| Description 1 = Target sniper is for the player who knows exactly who they are aiming for. Because of the Machina and its ability to penetrate, the sniper can choose his targets accordingly and not have to wait for other enemies to clear the path before he is able to take his well-aimed shot. As it cannot fire un-scoped, however, the SMG and Shahanshah are required for self-defense should an enemy become close, with the SMG proving a firearm and the Shahanshah with a melee.
  | item3 = Atomizer
| Primary 1 = Machina
  | description = Bypass scout is for those situations where an area must be crossed but there is no way to cross safely (read Sentry Guns). With Bonk! Atomic Punch and the triple jump provided by the Atomizer, he can safely reach more places in less time, allowing the scout to slip past enemy lines. As the scout will do a lot of running during this time, the hype meter for the Soda Popper will inevitably fill, allowing the scout to take advantage of the mini-crits, in case he needs to defend himself.}}
| Secondary 1 = SMG
| Melee 1 = Shahanshah
| Headwear = Anger
| m1 = (Missing)
| Misc. 1 = Crocodile Smile
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Outback Intellectual
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Accuracy
| Description 2 = Accuracy sniper is in those cases where a sniper is in a position where he can line up multiple shots in quick succession. The increased charge time that the Bazaar bargain offers can greatly decrease the time between shots, allowing the sniper to be well-ready. Because of the necessity to be accurate, the Cozy Camper is equipped to prevent shaking from enemy fire. The sniper is vulnerable to spies, thus making the Tribalman's Shiv an excellent tool for spy-checking.
| Primary 2 = Bazaar Bargain
| Secondary 2 = Cozy Camper
| Melee 2 = Tribalman's Shiv
| Name 3 = Battle Sniper
| Description 3 = Battle sniper is designed to be on the frontlines. With the Huntsmen, the sniper can be much more maneuverable when taking shots, allowing him to take his enemies at close range. As a double-team of any kind will surely result in death, the Razorback is instead substituted to counter against spies who might try to chain-stab (this will be helpful to allies). The Shahanshah is for those times when the sniper is ammoless, the increased damage while in the danger zone providing a slight advantage.
| Primary 3 = Huntsman
| Secondary 3 = Razorback
| Melee 3 = Shahanshah
| Name 4 = Support Sniper
| Description 4 = Support sniper allows the sniper to take a more indirect role in the killing of enemies, preferring to set up kills rather than execute them. The Sydney Sleeper allows the sniper to hit enemies with jarate at long ranges, allowing his allies to employ mini-crits and finish a target off. The Jarate itself, on the other hand, can not only do this at short-range, but can readily put out team-mates, as well as spy-check. The set is completed with the Bushwacka, which allows the sniper to swiftly finish off Jarate-covered foes that might threaten him at close-range.
| Primary 4 = Sydney Sleeper
| Secondary 4 = Jarate
| Melee 4 = Bushwacka
  | title = Longevity Scout
| Class = Spy
  | item1 = Shortstop
| Name 1 = Aggressive Spy
  | item2 = Mad Milk
| Description 1 = Aggressive spy is for playing swiftly and ruthlessly. With the Dead Ringer, the spy can easily slip away once deeds are done, or if they are spotted, allowing for a lot of time to be spent on the lines. The Spy-cicle provides an extra option against pyros, who are an often enemy of the spy, with the silent kill allowing for multiple chainstabs. The Enforcer completes the set, providing increased damage for those times when the spy is without a knife.
  | item3 = Candy Cane
| Primary 1 = Dead Ringer
  | description = Longevity scout is designed more with longevity in mind. As any kills will result in a health pack, a scout will be able to flee after a battle easier than normally. To better help with combat in general, the mad milk will restore health as damage is done (if there are multiple teammates firing upon a milk'd enemy, they will also receive health), allowing for survivability. It is in this manner that the scout is able to also provide support for his teammates. The set is completed with the Shortstop, which can deal high amounts of damage fairly quickly.}}
| Secondary 1 = Enforcer
| Melee 1 = Spy-cicle
| Headwear = Fancy Fedora
| m1 = (Missing)
| Misc. 1 = Made Man
| m2 = (Missing)
| Misc. 2 = Dr. Whoa
| m3 = (Missing)
| Action = High Five!
| m4 =
| Name 2 = Invisible Spy
| Description 2 = Invisible spy is more focused on the ability to cloak. As the manipulation of cloak is important, the use of the invis watch gives an extra route of cloak regeneration (though ammo boxes and dispensers). In those times when not, a spy and use either the L’Etranger or the Big Earner to gain cloak, allowing for easier getaways.
| Primary 2 = Invis Watch
| Secondary 2 = L'Etranger
| Melee 2 = Big Earner
| Name 3 = Silent Spy
| Description 3 = Silent spy is defined through the use of Your Eternal Reward. As the spy is stripped of the regular disguise kit, this can make dealing with sentry nests difficult under normal circumstances, making the cloak-and-dagger the best choice of watch. Once the spy is able to catch a disguise, he can then wreck undetected havoc upon the enemy team. For the times however when he cannot backstab (for example, a sniper equipped with the razorback, or when facing an engineer without a disguise), the Ambassador and its ability to headshot will then come into play (it can be considered a long range backstab).
| Primary 3 = Cloak and Dagger
| Secondary 3 = Ambassador
| Melee 3 = Your Eternal Reward
| Name 4 = Regenerative Spy
| Description 4 = Regenerative spy is for the spy that likes to be in good health, with each successful backstab driving the playing into overheal (ala the Conniver's Kunai). This makes for staying power for players that find they don't have enough cloak to get away regardless of circumstances. This also allows more room for stab-and-sap as the increased health can defray sentries for a moment while the spy pulls out a sapper. The revolver resolves the set, being an all around use for those long-range shots.
| Primary 4 = Cloak and Dagger
| Secondary 4 = Revolver
| Melee 4 = Conniver's Kunai

Latest revision as of 08:44, 15 August 2012

Hullo, here is my page. I'll probably post stuff about me later when I'm not lazy!

To come: Item set page Achievement page Other stuff maybe Hullo, here is my page. I'll probably post stuff about me later when I'm not lazy!

To come:

  • Achievement page
  • Other stuff maybe