List of references/zh-hans
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新的视野 控制一名正在使用火焰兵的奇幻护目镜的敌人并为你自己赢得一副! 奖励: 火焰兵的奇幻护目镜 |
- “A Fresh Pair of Eyes”是指为解决一个问题而引入的局外人。此处可能是指某个“头脑糊涂”的火焰兵正戴着他那火焰兵的奇幻护目镜,欣赏着别人看不到的一片风景。
永远的好朋友² 在一局游戏中“结识”两名玩家。 |
- Best Friends Forever, often shortened to BFF, is a somewhat outdated term for a close friendship used by younger teenagers.
灰质 作为狙击手,累计完成 25 次爆头杀敌。 |
- Grey matter is a major component of the central nervous system. The highest concentration of grey matter is found in the brain.
群众性歇斯底里 在同一时间内有至少 6 名队友使用着火焰兵视角。 |
- Mass hysteria is the spontaneous manifestation of similar hysterical symptoms by more than one person.
时空裂痕行者 走出传送装置后的 5 秒内杀死一名敌人。 |
- In science fiction, teleportation devices are often stated to use technology which creates a rift in space, allowing a person to travel through it and out the other end while virtually no time passes in between, hence the name 'Riftwalker.'
急速排气 杀死 79 名带着气球独角兽的敌人。 |
- The Great Debate was a debate between two influential astronomers which took place in 1920, and concerned the nature of spiral nebulae and the size of the universe.
逃避危险 杀死一名在最近 3 秒内对携带着澳洲晶矿元素的队友造成了伤害的敌人。 |
- Escape velocity is the speed needed to "break free" from a gravitational field without further propulsion.
顺利升空 在回合结束时将一名玩家推入火箭的排气管道中。 |
- "Liftoff" refers to the moment at which a vehicle such as an aeroplane, helicopter, or more appropriately, a rocket, leaves the ground.
- Someone who is said to have been "offed" has been murdered.
9 号计划 分别用 9 个兵种发射火箭。 |
- Plan Nine from Outer Space is a 1959 sci-fi film notorious for its poor quality.
火箭助推 在敌人已经打开燃料舱盖后,赢得一局。 |
- A rocket booster is a component inside the engine of a rocket which provides additional thrust on takeoff, and is usually jettisoned when no longer required.
硬碰硬 赢得 138 局游戏。 |
- The Right Stuff is a 1979 book about the U.S. manned space program. It was adapted into a film in 1983.
占点大聚会 与至少 5 名队友一起乘坐电梯并赢得游戏。 |
- The apogee is the point where a satellite is the farthest away from Earth. For example, the Moon's apogee is 405,000 km away from Earth.
太空夏令营 在破损箱子区杀死一名企图捡起处于中立状态的澳洲晶矿元素的敌人。 |
- A Space Camp is a summer camp designed to teach young people about various aspects of astronomy and space exploration.
机组人员 与5个或以上的好友一同游戏。 |
- The flight crew are the personnel who operate an aircraft while in flight.
任务控制 在出发点捡起澳洲晶矿元素,并且送到指定地点,中途不掉落。 |
- As they are so complex, all aerospace flights require a mission control center from where support personnel monitor all aspects of the mission.
Foundry achievements
真正的偷点 在敌人试图占领我方的最后一个控制点之后,仍然赢得此局。 |
- Real Steel is a 2011 science-fiction sports film, set in a future where human boxers have been replaced by robots.
同样终结 将一个敌人推入炉火中烧死。 |
- This is a reference to the film Terminator 2: Judgment Day and its final scene.
领土主张 在走出传送装置后的 12 秒内占领一个控制点。 |
- A "claim jumper" is someone who illegally occupies or profits from a property to which another has a legal claim.
严酷考验 累计赢得 137 次胜利。 |
- In any year of the World Snooker Championship, held in the Crucible Theater in Sheffield, England, the winner (or the runner-up) can play a cumulative total of no more than 137 frames over all five rounds.
扫荡屋顶 在一次生命内,杀死中央控制点屋顶上的两个敌人。 |
- Raise the roof means to create an uproar or make a resounding noise. Additionally, the phrase names the gestures similar to that shown in the icon; one instance being a dancing motion whereby the dancer pushes both hands up in the air with their palms open and facing upwards.
- To "raze" a building is to demolish it.
难分高下 在一局游戏中,两方共占领据点15次而未分胜负。 |
- A "dead heat" in a sporting event describes a situation in which both teams are so evenly matched that neither can achieve a decisive victory.
铸场五人组 与至少 5 名在你好友名单上的玩家进行一次游戏。 |
- Family Force 5 is a Christian crunk rock band from Georgia, USA.
两分钟战争 在两分钟内赢得一次胜利。 |
- In the National Football League, a "two-minute warning" is given when two minutes of game time remain on the game clock during each half of the game.
Halloween achievements
攻击南瓜灯 通过引爆附近的南瓜炸弹杀死 5 名玩家。 |
- A jack-o'-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved in its front and a light source placed inside.
糖果屋 从死亡的玩家身上收集20个万圣节南瓜,以解锁帽子。 奖励: 令人不安的万圣节面具 |
- A coroner is a government official who examines autopsy reports and rules on cause of death.
- Candy corn is a type of candy often given out during Halloween.
服装比赛 杀死一个伪装成你当前兵种的间谍。 |
- A costume contest is a competition in which participants try to determine who has the best Halloween costume.
拆除视觉设备 杀死魔眼! 奖励: 独眼怪胎! |
- Optical Diffusion, the scattering of light, is an important game technology, such as in the Source Phong shader (英语) ,源于 Valve 开发者社区 (英语). However, the purposeful misspelling suggests that by defeating the Optical organ, the player is defusing an explosive situation.
Sackston Hale 制造出萨克斯顿.霍尔面具。 |
- In the TF2 universe, Saxton Hale is the President and CEO of Mann Co.
呆若木鸡 杀死一名被幽灵吓到的玩家。 |
- For someone to be "scared stiff", he/she must be so afraid of something he/she is unable to move. However, the term stiff may also refer to a human corpse; so, killing a scared player results in a Scared Stiff.
万圣节沉睡者 击败脱缰的无头骑士。 奖励: 脱缰的无头骑士南瓜头 |
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a short story by Washington Irving in which a young schoolteacher named Ichabod Crane is pursued by a ghost known as the Headless Horseman on an autumn night.
- "0wnd" is an Internet slang term used to refer to someone who has been defeated in a game, usually by a large margin.
Mann vs. Machievements
Balls-E 在坦克即将完成炸弹部署时将其摧毁。 |
- WALL-E is a 2008 animated sci-fi/romance film about robots.
- A "ballsy" person is one who is tough or courageous.
钢铁兄弟会 与 5 名好友共同完成一次任务。 |
- The Brotherhood of Steel is one of many factions seen in the Fallout series of role-playing games.
布置陷阱是个技术活 和你的队友一起,在一回合内,用陷阱消灭 10 个可怜的家伙。 |
- Chippin' In means throwing in or contributing to a collective or team effort. Chippin' In also means knocking something into a hole. Additionally, the pit on this map is Captain Dan's wood chipper.
超热启动 在步哨毁灭者抵达目标步哨之前将其摧毁。 |
- Control-Alt-Delete is a keyboard command used to bring up the task manager in Windows, or otherwise used to restart a PC computer. This particular combination of keys is chosen due to generally being the least susceptible to ghosting.
杀出重围 在进阶难度下用一条命完成一回合。 |
- A deus ex machina, literally "god out of the machine", is a plot device that suddenly and abruptly solves a story's seemingly unsolvable problem.
机器人会做梦吗? 在一回合内,用侦察兵的睡魔棒球为 15 个机器人打上死亡标记。 |
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a 1968 science-fiction novel about a bounty hunter who is charged with "retiring" escaped androids.
引擎故障 进行高级难度的游戏,并在最后一回合中,阻止炸弹抵达警戒区域。 |
- An engine block is a metal block that contains an internal combustion engine's cylinders.
刽子手 在一回合游戏中连续摧毁 15 个还没升级的炸弹携带者。 |
- .exe is the filename extension Windows and MS-DOS use for a program (an executable file).
高速缓存 在地上的现金快要消失的时候把它捡起来。 |
- In computing, a cache is a temporary place to store information, to make retrieving the same information later faster.
- The term "fast cash" refers to a quick way to make money.
横财 在高级难度下,获得全部的金钱奖励。 |
- To say someone has gone from "rags to riches" means he/she has come from a state of poverty to a state of wealth, usually in a relatively short time.
- In online games, the term "frag" is synonymous with "kill".
德国技术 使用水壶提供的“Ubercharge 加成”摧毁 15 个机器人 |
- "German engineering" is a buzzword used in recent Volkswagen advertisements.
机器幽灵 使用水壶的“返回重生点”功能返回基地,并在其后的 5 秒内摧毁一个炸弹携带者。 |
- Ghost in the Machine is a 1993 film about a serial killer whose mind is transferred to a computer and goes on a murder spree.
全能多面手 分别使用每个兵种进行一次完整的游戏。 |
- A "jack of all trades" is a person who is competent with many skills.
硬启动 用火焰兵在一回合中销毁炸弹 3 次。 |
- A hard reset is a forced shutdown and reboot to a system by hardware means, usually done by pressing a reset button.
越战越勇 用机枪手积攒的怒气效果击退一个将要投放炸弹的机器人。 |
- "Heavy metal" is a term that commonly refers to a metallic element that is toxic and typically has a high density.
爆击恐惧 使用水壶提供的“爆击加成”摧毁一个巨型机器人。 |
- A critical error is an error that is serious enough to make the program or operating system cease to run properly, causing the computer to freeze or restart.
负电荷 在一回合内摧毁 5 个将要部署 Ubercharge 的机器医生。 |
- A particle with a negative charge has an abundance of electrons in its outer atomic shell.
现在可以吃了 在 Mannhattan 的某处:啊...疼...啊...! |
- This achievement is associated with Captain Dan's wood chipper -- the sign above the chipper states that the company’s wood pulp is “Now legal to eat”. Microcrystalline cellulose is a term for refined wood pulp, which is used as a thickener in soup and as an excipient in other food products. With proper labeling, wood pulp is legal to eat.
- Ooohh Ooh Ahh Ahhhh! is a stereotypical vocalization made by banana-littering giant gorillas, such as those that have famously run loose in Mannhattan.
宅急救 在 Rottenburg,于坦克碾过路障前摧毁它。 |
- A palisade is a defensive fence or wall made by setting wooden stakes, posts, or trunks in the ground. This is a classically expedient and less than permanent construction; but building one could aide in the defense of a stone palace, a relatively permanent installation.
抢劫阵列 完成 速成班, 无名氏的训练, 以及 曼恩练习 任务。 |
- RAID is a storage technology that spreads storage across multiple disk drives for performance or security.
偷运出界 在步哨毁灭者将要引爆时带着你的步哨逃走。 |
- Real Steel is a 2011 science-fiction sports film, set in a future where human boxers have been replaced by robots.
芯片杀手 摧毁 100000 个机器人。 |
- Silicon is a chemical element commonly used in the manufacture of electronic devices.
电压异常 作为间谍同时瘫痪 10 个机器人。 |
- "High voltage" refers to voltage in circuits that poses safety issues.
垃圾阻挡 在一个回合中,防守舱门 10 次,以防止机器人放置炸弹。 |
- Spam is a common term for junk mail. Spam blockers are programs that filter spam out of one's inbox.
电火花 作为狙击手,一枪杀死 4 名敌人。 |
- A spark plug is a device that delivers electric current to a car's engine in order to ignite it.
钢铁粉碎机 在一次任务中抵挡所有回合的进攻。 奖励: 增益水壶 |
- Steel Magnolias is a 1989 comedy film about a group of women described as delicate as magnolias, but tough as steel.
- In online games, the term "frag" is synonymous with "kill".
终结者 T-1000000 捡起的现金数量到达 1000000。 |
- The T-1000000 is from the Universal Studios park attraction T2 3-D: Battle Across Time and is a metal spider-like version of the T-1000 from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
强力冲击 用士兵在一回合内同时对 4 名队友释放战旗加成。 |
- A Turbocharger is a device which delivers compressed air to an engine to allow more power to be produced.
未删除 在你原先的步哨枪被摧毁后的 3 秒内,使用水壶的“建筑瞬间升级加成”来建造一挺新步哨。 |
- To undelete a computer file is to undo a delete of the file.
勇气的分享 作为医生,在一回合内分享水壶效果 5 次。 |
- File sharing is a method of transferring data over the Internet. It is often misused for illegal purposes.
战时加薪 在一回合结束时获得现金奖励。 |
- Rage Against the Machine is a rock band from Los Angeles, California, USA.
Snakewater achievements
干扰记录 在中央控制点上方的椽子上消灭 15 个敌人。 |
- In the Coen Brothers film The Big Lebowski, Logjammin' is the title of a pornographic movie in which the character Bunny Lebowski starred.
有良心的示威者标志牌 我们曾经给了和平一个机会。但是那没有起到任何作用。 个性化贴纸可以应用于此物品。 |
- A conscientious objector is someone who refuses military service for ideological reasons.
- The description of the weapon references Give Peace a Chance, a song by John Lennon.
平底煎锅 |
- The Frying Pan is a melee weapon used by the survivors in Left 4 Dead 2.
座头市之刀 Soldiers and Demos Can duel with katanas For a one-hit kill |
- The Half-Zatoichi is a reference to a long running Japanese fictional character, Zatoichi, that is a blind swordsman. The name comes from the Demoman's missing eye, making him half blind, and the Soldier having his helmet over his eyes as opposed to being completely blind, and therefore "half" Zatoichi.
萨氏金像奖小金人 Winner: [Category] [Year] Imbued with an ancient power. |
- The Annual Saxxy Award is a reference to the annual Academy Award, having similar prize statuettes and opening songs.
Cosmetic items
异形寄生体 This cute little guy was once the scourge of humanity in another time and place. Now he's content to ride on your head and keep the sun off. |
- This is a stylized version of an enemy parasite from Alien Swarm.
光圈科技实验室安全帽 Produce-powered personal illumination and cranial safety apparatus. NOT FOR USE OUTSIDE OFFICIAL APERTURE FACILITIES. |
- This cosmetic is a reference to the "Potato Clock" or "Potato Battery", a popular science fair project where a potato is used to power a clock or other electronic appliance and a running joke in Portal 2.
运动爱好者的太阳帽 [Insert Favorite Regional Team Here] |
- The Athletic Supporter sports the Monday Night Combat logo on the front.
- "Athletic supporter" is an alternate name for a jockstrap.
圣诞老人帽子 Be the Big Man of Christmas with this fur-fringed pom-pom hat! |
- The "Big Man of Christmas" is Santa Claus; the abbreviation is a play on the term "Big Man on Campus", a highly respected individual on a college campus.
比尔的帽子 Left 4 You. |
- This is the beret worn by Vietnam war veteran Bill in Left 4 Dead.
炸弹魔书 "If ye gaze upon one tome-themed badge this year, MAKE IT NOT THIS ONE!" - Merasmus the Magician |
- The name "Bombinomicon", a portmanteau of Bomb and Necronomicon, is a reference to the fictional grimoire from the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Its appearance is based on the Necronomicon seen in the Evil Dead series of films, which had a face, was bound in flesh, and inked in blood.
面包头蟹 |
萨里夫工业公司员工帽 |
- The logo of Sarif Industries from the Deus Ex series is printed on the front of the cap.
绅士的蝴蝶结 |
- The item is a reference to the Eleventh Doctor from the television series Doctor Who, who wears a similar bow tie.
吝啬鬼的礼帽 If you are visited by one piece of spectral headwear this night, make it the Ghost of Christmas Hats, donated in true Smissmas spirit by Steam User Jacen. |
- The Ebenezer's name, as well as its description, is a reference to Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol. The description references the three spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future that visit Ebenezer Scrooge, the main character, during the course of the story.
Ellis 的鸭舌帽 |
- Ellis wears this cap in Left 4 Dead 2.
漂亮的小徽章 Show enthusiasm! For your favorite things! |
- The item's name and description are a reference to the film Office Space, in which employees of the restaurant Chotchkie's were required to wear at least "fifteen pieces of flair" (wacky buttons and decals) on their uniforms to demonstrate their enthusiasm.
蒸汽大礼帽 You never took a break from cp_foundry, and now you can prove it with the actual steam whistle used to call the breaks you never took! |
- A "Full Head of Steam" refers to a steam boiler (especially a locomotive's) that is "all fired up", "raring to go", and operating at full pressure (also called full head). Wearing a hat with a steam whistle suggests a "Head Full of Steam".
- The idiom "full steam ahead" describes a task done with as much enthusiasm as possible, or to go as straight forward as humanly possible.
无可否认的财富之帽 Earned by completing 28 objectives in 'The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.' Beware the Cephalopod padlock. |
- The hat is level 28, the same number of objectives required to be completed in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt to earn it.
人肉炮弹 Ask any daredevil what they strap onto their heads before getting shot out of a cannon and the answer will be the same: a glassy, unfocused stare from years of head trauma. Head trauma that could have been prevented with this sharp-looking crash helmet. |
- The human cannonball is a popular circus stunt in which a person is launched from a cannon.
低保真长波无线电头盔 Can't stop the signal. |
- This hardhat sports the KritzKast logo on the front.
- The description is a tagline for pirate radio.
猛男曼恩 Sometimes it really does take a village, people |
- The name and description of this item refer to Macho Man, a song and album by the band Village People.
地图制作者勋章 |
- The hammer symbol on this medal is a reference to Valve's map editor, Hammer.
- The item is referred to as a "Func_Medal", a reference to the various func-prefixed entities available for use with the Hammer editor.
马列主义者 Everyone knows laughter is the best medicine. But did you know that laughter is also the best disguise? No? Well, good thing you're not a cop infiltrating the Chinese mafia, then. Oh wait you are. AND NOW YOU'RE DEAD. Look, rookie, these glasses are actually hilarious. |
- The item is designed to resemble the popular novelty item Groucho glasses, which are based on the comedian Groucho Marx.
- The name is a play on the term "marksman", referring to a person who can shoot well.
麦克斯的半个脑袋 Expertly crafted headwear from cruelty-free farms in the Philippines. Hollowed-out skull casing wicks moisture away when in the heat of battle. |
- This item is modeled after the head of Max from Sam & Max. The description is a reference to the first Sam & Max comic, Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple, which took place in the Philippines.
集邮者 Congratulations on doing more yesterday to support the TF2 map-making community through map stamps than anyone else! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow! |
- Philately is the collection and study of postage and imprinted stamps.
速成法师帽 The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can’t) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run. |
- Amadeus, a wizard in Trine 2, wears a hat similar to this. The description references the fact that Amadeus is incapable of conjuring a fireball, a recurring joke in the Trine series.
购买凭证 From another era. |
- The description references this hat's origins; it is visible on the Human Commando player model from the early "Invasion" version of Team Fortress 2, as well as the files that were leaked in 2003 with Half-Life 2's source code.
复活同伴胸针 |
- This item features Portal's companion cube.
- The item is level 13, the same number of games required to be played in the Potato Sack pack to earn it.
毛骨悚然的骷髅头 Express your undying hatred for the living. |
- This hat is level 31, referring to Halloween on the 31st of October.
骑士轻盔 Little known fact: knights in chess travel over other pieces by rocket jumping. |
- The Spiral Sallet is named after the eponymous hat[1] from Spiral Knights, though it bears more resemblance to the Mighty Cobalt Helm[2]
善心监测仪 The more gifts you give away, the bigger your heart will get! Get what gift-givers call "the Smissmas spirit," and what cardiologists call hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. |
- The item is a reference to the Dr. Seuss story How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, whose title character is born with a heart two sizes too small, but, when he gives Christmas presents to the Whos of Whoville, his heart grows three sizes.
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the medical term for thickening and growth of the heart.
双城碎齿者 These steel-toed dogs were scientifically engineered (in a wind tunnel) by America's foremost authorities on mouth-kicking to perfectly fit the inside of an idiot's mouth. |
- The Capture the Flag map 2Fort is often referred to as "Teufort" in TF2's supplementary material.
诺奇最高 Welcome to a secret society so exclusive it makes the Illuminati look like a Costco. How exclusive? You are the only member. This is the only item of its kind in all of existence. So don't craft it, Miney. |
- The hat adopts the likeness of Markus "Notch" Persson's personal avatar, a drawing of himself in the artistic style of Minecraft, on which he was the lead developer until the game's official release.
- Something which is described as being "top notch" is first rate, or excellent.
高耸的塔柱帽 A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS. |
- This hat and its description are references to the hidden Gentle Manne of Leisure page[3] on the Classless Update.
巫毒护符 Only the finest leather hats come with tattoos and piercings. |
- The Voodoo Juju is level 31, referring to Halloween on the 31st of October.
世界旅行者之帽 Given to generous souls who have donated to community map makers. The effect will only be visible while on a map that has been donated towards! |
- Should a player contribute enough to obtain 200 stamps for their World Traveler's Hat, its rank changes to "Unobtainium", a reference to a recurring alloy in science fiction and speculative science.
Some bots which have names that reference other games include:
- Aperture Science Prototype XR7 – Aperture Science Laboratories is the main setting for Portal.
- Black Mesa – The main setting of Half-Life.
- Boomer Bile – A substance produced by Boomers in the Left 4 Dead series.
- CEDA –- The Civil Emergency and Defense Agency in the Left 4 Dead series is responsible for control of the Infection.
- Chell – The name of the protagonist of Portal.
- Companion Cube – An object in Portal used to solve Test Chamber 17.
- Crowbar – Gordon Freeman's melee weapon of choice in the Half-Life series.
- Delicious Cake – The "reward" of subsequent testing in Portal.
- Dog – The name of Alyx Vance's pet robot from Half-Life 2.
- GLaDOS – The main antagonist of Portal.
- Hostage – A hapless citizen held up by the Terrorist team in Counter-Strike.
- IvanTheSpaceBiker – A nickname given to the original model of Gordon Freeman in Half-Life.
- One-Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse – A reference to a quote from Coach in Left 4 Dead 2.
- Still Alive – The name of the song played during the end credits in Portal.
- TAAAAANK! – A warning shouted by the Survivors in the Left 4 Dead series when a Tank is spotted.
- The Combine – The primary antagonists of Half-Life 2 and its episodic sequels.
- The Freeman – The nickname Gordon Freeman is given by the Vortigaunts of Half-Life 2.
- The G-Man – A mysterious recurring character in the Half-Life series.
- WITCH – One of the Special Infected types in the Left 4 Dead series.
- ZAWMBEEZ – Pronunciation for "zombies", the primary enemies in the Left 4 Dead series.
Responses and sounds
The Soldier and Demoman often reference Greek myth in their taunts of each other, especially concerning the Cyclops.
One of the stock death responses used in Trailer 2 is the infamous Wilhelm Scream, a well known movie sound effect. This was also the death scream used for the Civilian class, when it was originally accessible via console commands.
Haunted Fortress 2, the soundtrack to the Scream Fortress Update, contains screaming sounds used by the Witch Infected from Left 4 Dead.
"Flawless Victory, now do it again!"
- This line from the Administrator is a reference to the Mortal Kombat announcer's famous "Flawless Victory!" line.
- This line from Merasmus is a reference to Dr. Dre's 1999 single "Forgot About Dre", specifically referencing the lines "Now you wanna run around talkin' 'bout guns like I ain't got none / What, you think I sold 'em all?"
Companies, posters, and signs
Many signs and posters decorating the maps, many depicting businesses in the Team Fortress world, make a wide assortment of references; see List of companies and List of posters.
- The Ferguson system is a real brand of tractors established in 1934.
- Badwater Basin is a real place located in Death Valley National Park, California.
- Team Fortress 2 carries a heavy retro 1960's style, drawing heavy thematic and musical inspiration from famous spy films and series such as James Bond, Get Smart and The Avengers.
- A Communities vs. Pros 3: Cold War tournament poster features the tagline "The Nuclear Winter Approaches" which is a reference to Duke: Nuclear Winter.
References in other games
Due to its high popularity, references of Team Fortress 2 can be found in other games as well.
- 20XX has a weapon called Vera, which looks identical to Heavy's stock Minigun.
- A Hat in Time contains two dyes available in the Nyakuza Metro + Online Party DLC, where one of the cats is selling blue dye called "Battlements" and a red dye called "Fortress", both referencing BLU and RED teams.
- Aperture Desk Job has a cutscene where a praying mantis society emerges, featuring a building with the sign "Manntis Co" that has the same typeface as Mann Co.'s logo.
- Battlefield 3 has a multiplayer assignment called "A Good Demo Man".
- Battle Nations' 4.1 Patch introduced five new units (Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demo, and Heavy) to commemorate its launch on Steam.
- It also introduced 12 new missions, in which the player assists the BLU team in fighting both the game's various antagonists as well as the RED team.
- Bloons Tower Defense 5 has several references to Team Fortress 2, such as using one of the Soldier's taunts as an icon and a Monkey Engineer which creates Sentry Guns.
- Champions Online has an arcade game called "Team Buttress 2" which advertises that now comes with "TWO FORTS!", a reference to 2Fort.
- Duke Nukem Forever's DLC, called Hail to the Icons Parody Pack, allows players to wear hats and contains a multiplayer map called 2Forts1Bridge, a reference to 2Fort.
- Dungeon Defenders has four Steam Exclusive playable "familiars": the Heavy, the Engineer, the Medic, and the Pyro.
- Dungeon of the Endless's DLC, called Australium Update, adds the RED Pyro, RED Heavy, BLU Engineer, and BLU Medic as playable characters, as well as Archimedes, the Construction PDA, Pyro's gas mask, the Sandvich, and the Towering Pillar of Hats as items.
- Evil Genius 2: World Domination has a free DLC featuring the Pyro as a hireable henchman, and a Briefcase of Australium, Briefcase of Intelligence, and the Payload cart as unlockable items.
- Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout contains a two-piece costume purchasable from the in-game store that allows the player to dress their character as the Scout.
- Fallout: New Vegas has many hackable computers containing information, one specifically referring to a RED Spy infiltrating the BLU's base.
- Henry Stickmin has multiple TF2 references, including the Soldier's default Rocket Launcher and an achievement called "Kredit 2 Team", a voice line said by the Heavy.
- Joe Danger has two TF2 characters available in their game, the Scout and the Heavy.
- Killing Floor features the Pyro as a playable character for players who own Team Fortress 2.
- Left 4 Dead has a cereal box in the first level of No Mercy that offers Team Fortress 2 toys, which can be seen in the first building the survivors venture through. Oddly enough, the box reads "10 to collect" despite there being only 9 classes, possibly referencing the tenth class.
- In the Sacrifice comic, Louis has a Heavy figurine standing on his desk.
- Left 4 Dead 2 has a voice clip of Ellis in which he remarks "This is just like Team Fortress 2".
- Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond contains a level which references Team Fortress 2. The player starts in a supply room and has to fight through a western area full of enemies based on various TF2 classes. The level also includes the Meet the Spy announcement room.
- Minecraft took a jab at the Mann Co. Store for April Fools Day 2011 with in-game "Steve Co. Supply Crates" which can only be unlocked with "Steve Co. Supply Crate Keys" bought from a (fake) micro-transaction service which is presented with the Team Fortress 2 font.
- There is also a splash that reads "The creeper is a Spy!," referencing the voice clip of the same likeness spoken by all classes.
- Mini Motor Racing EVO has a Team Fortress 2-themed track, car, and three cups. The track, named "Fortress" and styled after a desert Control Point map, uses Administrator voice lines and the TF2 main theme; the car, named "TF2 Truck," is based on the trucks seen on Harvest and Harvest Event and carries a Payload bomb; and the cups, named "Team Fortress Cup," include the Fortress track and opponents named after Scout, Pyro, Demoman, and Heavy driving the TF2 Truck.
- Monday Night Combat contains a variety of items that relate to Team Fortress 2, like the Demoman's hat and eyepatch and the Heavy's bandolier.
- Noita has a seasonal variant of an enemy, the Hiisi Sniper, which has a chance to appear on August 24th and throws a bottle resembling Jarate, referencing Team Fortress 2's Sniper.
- Overwatch has a voice line for Pharah where she says "Rocket Jump? That sounds dangerous.", referring to one of the basic strategies of the Soldier.
- Paladins features an Engineer skin for Barik, one of the playable characters on the game.
- Payday 2 features a level 1 RED Sentry Gun in the Transport: Train heist and the Henry's Rock heist.
- Phantasy Star Online 2's Steam version features the Pyro's Gas Mask as a Hairstyle along with the Heavy's Minigun as a Weapon Camo.
- Poker Night at the Inventory features the Heavy as an opponent, along with many references to Team Fortress 2 made in conversations with other characters.
- Other Team Fortress 2 references include: themed card decks with classes and other characters, table covers with familiar TF2 logos, and re-stylized theme songs (Team Fortress 2 and More Gun).
- Portal 2 features hats from Team Fortress 2 that can be used in the Co-op campaign if owned in TF2.
- These include the Mann Co. Cap, Prince Tavish's Crown, Pyro's Beanie, Fancy Fedora, Master's Yellow Belt, Tyrant's Helm, and Aperture Labs Hard Hat.
- Roblox features a "gear" that bears a striking resemblance to the Demoman's Stickybomb Launcher.
- The description also refers to the Demoman's "Oh, they're goin' ta have to glue you back together...IN HELL!" response.
- Saints Row IV and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell feature a skin for the RPG that looks like the stock Rocket Launcher, and a Rocket Launcher that looks like the Black Box.
- Sam & Max Season 3 Episode 4 Beyond the Alley of the Dolls has a cameo appearance of a level 1 BLU Dispenser, referred as a "curious dispenser".
- Section 8's add-on content 'Prejudice' has an achievement named 'Use More Gun', which is a quote of the Engineer Meet the Engineer.
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has the Pyro, Heavy, and Spy as a playable character on the PC version.
- StarCraft II contains two achievements that reference Team Fortress 2, called "Meet the Spy" and "Professionals Have Standards", which are named after the official Meet the Spy video and one of the Sniper's lines in Meet the Sniper, respectively.
- Star Trek Online has an item that, when equipped on a starship, grants the player with an ability called "Team Fortress".
- Super Monday Night Combat had Team Fortress 2 items, just like its predecessor. Specifically, reaching level 10 unlocked an Engineer uniform for Combat Girl, and reaching level 15 unlocked a Soldier uniform and Rocket Launcher skin for MegaBeth.
- Surgeon Simulator 2013 has an achievement named "Don't Be Such A Baby, Ribs Grow Back!" which is earned after completely smashing the patient's rib cage. This is a reference to Meet the Medic where the Medic speaks the same line. The icon for this achievement is also a picture of the Medic.
- There is also a level where you play as the Medic and must perform an "Uber Heart Transplant" on the Heavy, very similar to Meet the Medic.
- Terraria has a vanity item, called the "Engineering Helmet", that is a reference to the Engineer's default helmet and goggles.
- Valorant contains a reference to Sniper in the form of a pelican case for a sniper rifle and a jar of urine.
- World of Warcraft: Cataclysm features a quest involving a large goblin pushing a cart down a track and at some point will say "We must push little cart!", a reference to the Heavy's voice clip.
- Worms Reloaded contains customizable headgear which can make Worms look like Team Fortress 2 classes, with forts that contain key features from many TF2 maps.
References in other media
- Erfworld has a character who bears striking similarity to the Engineer, while also referencing the nope.avi community fad.
- Team Fortress 2 is referenced in the Robot Chicken episode "Choked on Multi-Colored Scarves", which features a sketch in which Robot Chicken's Nerd is depicted as a class.
- The game is depicted in the Venture Bros. episode "It Happening One Night", in which characters Rusty Venture and Sergeant Hatred are shown playing on Gold Rush.