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< Capture the Flag
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The bridge area over the crevasse on Double Cross.
Wave goodbye to ya secret crap, dumbass!
The Scout

搶奪情報箱模式 (Capture the Flag),紅隊藍隊都有自己的情報箱。兩隊的目標是千方百計地不斷搶走對方的情報箱,直到獲勝為止(預設搶到 3 次就會獲勝),同時也要防止對方來搶他們的情報箱。如果在回合結束前沒有一隊獲勝,就會進入延長賽(若是其中一個情報箱掉在地上或被背著,則會進入延長時間,直到兩隊情報箱都回到家裡)。


主條目: 地圖列表

搶奪情報箱地圖都是 ctf_ 開頭;社群地圖以"雙引號"表示

地圖名稱 圖片 檔案名稱
2Fort Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png ctf_2fort
Double Cross CTF DoubleCross RedBase.png ctf_doublecross
CTF Sawmill Center.png ctf_sawmill
"Turbine" CTF Turbine Center.png ctf_turbine
Ctfwell04.png ctf_well



The Intelligence, also known as the "intel," "flag," or "briefcase," is the eponymous flag and objective of the Capture the Flag game mode. It appears as a team-colored briefcase, sporting a complicated numbered lock pad on the front and papers protruding out of its joints. Once picked up by an enemy, the case loses its color partially and will trail paper particles and a long tail colored that of the team to which it belongs.


During a Capture the Flag round, each team is given their own Intelligence, located within their section of the map. It must be retrieved from this location by the opposite team and returned to a defined point, usually the opposing team's 'capture zone' where their Intelligence is stored.

The Intelligence can be taken by any enemy player that walks up onto it. It will then appear on their back and the Announcer will notify both teams that the Intelligence has been taken. The Intelligence indicator located on the HUD will then point in the direction of the carrier who must make their way out of the enemy base and back to their own.

While carrying the intelligence, players become more vulnerable. For example, a player cannot use Teleporters. A Medic's ÜberCharge cannot be used on the Intelligence carrier, nor can a player pick up the Intelligence while under its effects. Scouts are also unable to drink Bonk! Atomic Punch while holding the Intelligence, and may not pick it up while under its effects. Spies are unable to pick up the Intelligence while Cloaked, but can pick it up while in disguise, although this is automatically removed. Furthermore, the Spy cannot disguise or Cloak while carrying the Intelligence, and will automatically drop it if they do. Finally, the Intelligence is dropped automatically if the carrier is killed or enters a resupply area.

Once the Intelligence is returned to a capture point, the successful team will gain one point shown in the Intelligence Indicator, and will receive ten seconds of Crit boost.

The Intelligence can be dropped manually if the player carrying it presses the drop-item button. Once dropped, a clock-like timer ring will appear over the Intelligence. When the default 60 seconds have passed without an ally picking it up again, it is automatically returned to its original position in the team's base. If an ally picks up and subsequently drops the intelligence, this timer will reset. Teams are required to defend the dropped Intelligence during this period or face losing it. Should the Intelligence carrier be killed by certain environmental hazards that prevent the dropped Intelligence from being touched, like the bottomless pits on Double Cross, it will be forcibly returned to its original position. This functionality is inherent to the map's code and not the intelligence itself, and thus has to be added to the map manually by its creator. Thus, while Valve official maps all share this for specific bottomless hazards, not all custom maps may utilize this function.


主條目: 社群搶奪情報箱策略




  1. The Neutral Intelligence briefcase is a white-colored version of the standard briefcase that appears in the game files. It remains unused by Valve in official maps, however, was included by them for use by community developers in custom game modes (such as "Single Flag CTF", FortWars, and "Achievement Servers").
  2. As placeholders during early stages, Valve used modified versions of Team Fortress Classic's flags, which can be still be seen in the game files, featuring the faces of TF2's development team. The face that appears on the red flag is that of Robin Walker, the co-creator of the Team Fortress series.


Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵


奪取敵方情報 25 次。

在單場搶奪情報箱模式中奪取敵方情報 3 次。

Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵

火燒 5 名帶著你的情報箱的敵人。

Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵

殺死 10 名帶著己方情報的敵人。

Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程師

殺死攜帶情報的 20 名玩家。

Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙擊手



October 8, 2007 Patch
  • Sudden Death only starts in CTF mode if both flags are at home

November 7, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed exploit that allowed players to teleport with the intelligence

November 20, 2007 Patch

  • Updated server log entries for flag captures to detail the number of captures and the tf_flag_caps_per_round value

March 20, 2008 Patch

  • Updated CTF mode to remember the player who stole the intelligence from the enemy base and reward that player if the flag is captured by someone else

February 24, 2009 Patch (偵查兵更新)

  • Fixed obscure bug where spectators were able to carry the flag.

August 13, 2009 Patch (無差別職業更新)

  • Capturing the flag in a CTF game mode now gives the entire capturing team 10 seconds of critboost.

October 6, 2010 Patch

  • Your Eternal Reward no longer disguises the Spy if they are carrying the flag.

January 19, 2011 Patch

  • Added a glow effect to the team intelligence entities when they’re not being carried.

April 15, 2011 Patch

  • [未記載] Intelligence no longer appears on the backs of players who are carrying it.

May 5, 2011 Patch (重播系統更新)

  • 修正情報箱被撿走後會看不到的問題。


  • When carried on a player's back, the Intelligence will leave a literal 'paper trail'.
  • With the Classless Update, Intelligence visuals when being carried by a player were improved to make detecting the carrier easier.
  • 伺服器用 tf_ctf_bonus_time 可以設定成功搶到情報箱後爆擊加成的時間。
  • Unlike variants of Capture the Flag in other games, a capture can be made even if the enemy is currently carrying your team's Intelligence.
  • 以前從敵方家裡拾起情報箱會讓隊伍得到爆擊加成,後來被改掉了。
