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开发者: {{{map-developer}}}
环境: 德国小镇
设定: 白昼,晴天
危害: 深渊
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Rottenburg overview.png
双城中的第二城,雇佣兵需要防守医生模糊的欧洲老家罗滕堡— 一个庞大的村庄,以其数百年的传统而闻名:1)每当疯狂医生造出太多超强的狒狒心脏时,他们就会用火把和干草叉将疯狂医生备选名单的下一位赶出城外,2)从未被机器人大军袭击。 传统会消失,就像罗縢堡它自己一样如果没有雇佣兵来保护它免受它来自蜿蜒的鹅卵石街道的折磨和格雷曼的机器人猛攻。





  • 尸体剧院:右侧的雇佣兵出生点,内有一个升级站
  • 医生工坊:左侧的雇佣兵出生点,与左侧小路贴着, 内有一个升级站
  • 坦克路径:在医生工坊的左后方有一条只有坦克会使用的小路。坦克在来到这里前需要进入一条只有坦克能进入的隧道。部分墙壁会在过程中损坏,使得玩家可以跳入河中自杀。
  • 上层平台:在右侧沿着主路的地方有一个楼梯通往位于机器人推进路线的上方平台。此处可为狙击手步哨枪提供高度上的优势。



  • 走廊:沿着机器人行进路线的一条过道,可以用来躲避来自机器人的攻击。
  • 隧道入口:其右侧的楼梯连通了下层和投弹点外区域,同时也能作为防守方前往机器人出生点时的捷径。在城市下层路线的尽头是坦克专用的隧道入口。在某些特定回合中,坦克会走这条路线,一但坦克进入了隧道红队就无法继续追击,只能在隧道另一头等待坦克出来。



  • 高塔:城镇的中心高塔。可以由桥旁的木制过道进入。里面有一个大弹药箱和一个中医疗包,同时这里也是藏传送装置的好地方。
  • 走廊:沿着泥土路分布的一系列走廊。
  • 历史遗物处理井:在泥土路旁的一处深坑。有技术的火焰兵可以利用压缩空气把机器人吹下去来秒杀机器人。


The main gates of Rottenburg lead to the exterior field where the Carrier Tank is located. From here is where the robots will spawn.

  • Pitchfork Checkpoint: To the left of the main entrance is a smaller entrance that robots do not enter. This entrance also contains an upgrade station inside.
  • The Field: The field has three different paths. Access to the left side is exclusive to mercs and the center is barricaded off. However, during Tank rounds, the Tank always takes the center path, destroying the barricade along the way. Once this happens, robots start taking that path as well.
  • Blocked Off Tunnel: During Tank rounds, the wooden barricade is destroyed and Tanks spawn from the hole.
  • Left Side Cliff: The robots' primary spawning location. In front of the cliff is a giant rock that can serve a tactical advantage as robots are forced to split up around the rock.
  • Right Side Cliff: The robots' secondary spawning location. Mercs can get up close to it from an uphill path along the side of the cliff.


主条目: Community Rottenburg strategy


Related achievements

另见: Obtaining Mann vs. Machievements

Rottenburg has 3 map-specific achievements.

在 Rottenburg,把 100 名敌人推进陷阱。

在 Rottenburg 上进行一场进阶回合,没有让炸弹炸毁城镇。
在 Rottenburg,于坦克碾过路障前摧毁它。


  • It is possible to get stuck on the wooden spike barricade in front of the town by responding to a partner taunt, such as High Five! or Square Dance.
    • A Soldier who gets stuck this way and shoots himself with any rocket launcher is considered by the game as being airborne, which makes the Air Strike have its increased firing speed and make the Market Gardener always deal critical hits.
  • When restarting the map during gameplay, a glitch may occur which makes the front (near the robot spawn) upgrade station unusable.
  • It is possible to block the robots from entering by standing on the small ledge.
  • If a player dies over the barrier, the reanimator falls for a second and then disappears. This is caused by the trigger_hurt that prevents money from getting stuck inside the barrier.
  • If a player hugs the tank spawn on the right side while a tank is coming through, they may be forced partially into the spawn and become stuck.
    • It is also possible to use a partner taunt or take a teleporter to get stuck this way. However, these two methods only works after the spawn boards are broken.
  • Standing at the entrance of the cave where Tanks come from or on either of the robot spawn ledges and switching weapons in the loadout causes the player to respawn at spawn with their new loadout (provided tf_respawn_on_loadoutchanges is set to 1).
  • Robots can open the player spawn doors, spawncamping the defense by shooting them when they spawn.

Update history

2013年11月21日补丁 (Two Cities Update)

  • Added Rottenburg to the game.


  • Fixed a bug where the bomb could get stuck out of reach in the corner near the cap.
  • Fixed a bug where bots could be instantly killed by being pushed into the tank tunnel once opened.
  • Fixed a bug where money could get stuck in the tank barricade when it was rebuilt, preventing collection.


  • Improved collision near barricade to reduce players getting stuck.
  • Fixed credits not always being collected when they fall into the barricade.


  • Rottenburg is given to be the Medic's hometown, while his official profile also states that he was raised in Stuttgart, Germany. There are several similarly named places in Germany; a few are within or near Stuttgart.
  • The "Humboldt's pharmacy" sign references the 19th century German natural scientist Alexander von Humboldt.
  • "Baboon Hearts" in the list of pharmacy products and services references the Medic's xenotransplantation surgeries, particularly the Mega Baboon heart implanted in the Heavy in Meet the Medic.
  • Mann vs. Machine: The Sound of Medicine takes place in a modified version of Rottenburg.
  • Behind the front tower, at the Humboldt Sauermilch Molkerei (sour milk dairy), a dark area under a roof contains a crate, with Mad Milk bottles, syringes, and a Syringe Gun lying on it, hinting at the Mad Milk Syringes upgrade for the Medic.

See also