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{{Quotation|'''Merasmus'''|'''ENOUGH!''' Crezi că poți să intimideze marasmus ca el e un'' 'Magicianul salon ieftin'''?}}
{{Quotation|'''Merasmus'''|'''ENOUGH!''' Do you think you can bully Merasmus like he's some '''cheap parlor magician'''?}}
'''Doom-Mates''' este un [[comic]] lansat pe October 24th, 2012, ca parte in[[Spectral Halloween Special|Fourth Annual Halloween Special]]. Acesta dispune de încă un alt confruntare între [[Merasmus]] și [[Soldat]], care împinge în cele din urmă expertul trecutul său punctul de rupere.
'''Doom-Mates''' is a [[comic]] released on October 24th, 2012, as part of the [[Spectral Halloween Special|Fourth Annual Halloween Special]]. It features yet another confrontation between [[Merasmus]] and the [[Soldier]], who finally pushes the wizard past his breaking point.
== == Sinopsis
Benzi desenate se deschide cu Merasmus se întorc de la WizardCon MCLVI (1156), fiind condus înapoi la castelul lui, încercând, și lipsa, pentru a folosi magia pentru a forța șoferul de taxi să scadă prețul. Merasmus întoarce la castelul lui de a găsi o complet distrus de [[RED]] [[Soldat]], cu ratonii și frigider sa îngropat în curtea din față. Merasmus confruntă Soldatul și este în curând informat de un oficial oraș care găzduiește castelul lui acum fiecare raton unică în zona Badlands și că se anexează într-un sanctuar raton ca un rezultat. Merasmus se spune să "-l ia cu paznicul parcului", Soldat. După Soldatul îl ironizeaza, Merasmus fixează, forma lui fantomatic promițând să-l omoare Soldat.Soldatul susține că el va reveni mai puternic, citând o ocazie în care a luat vrăjitorului "Kill Me Come Back pastile mai puternice". Merasmus schimb decide sa-l omoare pe toți Soldatul îi pasă.
The comic opens with Merasmus returning from WizardCon MCLVI (1156), being driven back to his castle, attempting, and failing, to use magic to force the cab driver to lower the price. Merasmus returns to his castle to find it completely wrecked by the [[RED]] [[Soldier]], with raccoons and his refrigerator buried in the front yard. Merasmus confronts the Soldier and is soon informed by a city official that his castle now houses every single raccoon in the Badlands area and that it is being annexed into a raccoon sanctuary as a result. Merasmus is told to "take it up with the park ranger", the Soldier. After the Soldier taunts him, Merasmus snaps, his ghostly form vowing to kill the Soldier. The Soldier claims that he will come back stronger, citing an occasion in which he took the wizard's "Kill Me Come Back Stronger Pills". Merasmus instead decides to kill everyone the Soldier cares about.
Reducerile de benzi desenate la Soldatul repovestire ocazional povestea a RED [[Scout]] și [[Spy]], explicând de ce membrii echipei RED sunt uciși.
The comic cuts to the Soldier casually retelling the story to the RED [[Scout]] and [[Spy]], explaining why the members of the RED team are being killed.
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* Atunci când încercarea de a transforma pagina din dreapta de la începutul și la sfârșitul dreptul de benzi desenate, unul dintre efectele sonore din joc pentru a merge pe partea de sus a capului unui jucător este jucat.
* When attempting to turn the page right at the beginning and right end of the comic, one of the in-game sound effects for walking on top of a player's head is played.
* Este de remarcat faptul că colegul lui Merasmus (Soldatul) a diferit de la benzi desenate la benzi desenate. În [[Bombinomicon (benzi desenate)]], statele RED soldat care Merasmus este colegul lui de cameră. În [[o poveste de Smissmas]], statele BLU Spy că un magician, care este, de asemenea, colega de camera Soldatului BLU inchis cumva Soldatul BLU într-un avocat, și magul Spionul BLU a fost referindu-se la a fost probabil Merasmus. În paginile ascunse ale Soldier nevoie de o casă, colega de camera Merasmus, el a fost dat afară Soldatul BLU. În acest benzi desenate, cu toate acestea, Merasmus pare să fi lovit Soldat RED din casa lui.
* It is worth noting that Merasmus's roommate (the Soldier) has differed from comic to comic. In the [[Bombinomicon (Comic)]], the RED Soldier states that Merasmus is his roommate. In [[A Smissmas Story]], the BLU Spy states that a magician that is also the BLU Soldier's roommate somehow turned the BLU Soldier into a lawyer, and the magician the BLU Spy was referring to was probably Merasmus. In the hidden pages of Soldier Needs A Home, Merasmus's roommate he kicked out was the BLU Soldier. In this comic, however, Merasmus appears to have kicked the RED Soldier out of his home.
== Vezi Si ==
== See also ==
* [[Comics]]
* [[Comics]]

Revision as of 16:20, 31 October 2012

Comic Strip Info
Released: October 24th, 2012
Number of pages: 19
ENOUGH! Do you think you can bully Merasmus like he's some cheap parlor magician?

Doom-Mates is a comic released on October 24th, 2012, as part of the Fourth Annual Halloween Special. It features yet another confrontation between Merasmus and the Soldier, who finally pushes the wizard past his breaking point.


The comic opens with Merasmus returning from WizardCon MCLVI (1156), being driven back to his castle, attempting, and failing, to use magic to force the cab driver to lower the price. Merasmus returns to his castle to find it completely wrecked by the RED Soldier, with raccoons and his refrigerator buried in the front yard. Merasmus confronts the Soldier and is soon informed by a city official that his castle now houses every single raccoon in the Badlands area and that it is being annexed into a raccoon sanctuary as a result. Merasmus is told to "take it up with the park ranger", the Soldier. After the Soldier taunts him, Merasmus snaps, his ghostly form vowing to kill the Soldier. The Soldier claims that he will come back stronger, citing an occasion in which he took the wizard's "Kill Me Come Back Stronger Pills". Merasmus instead decides to kill everyone the Soldier cares about.

The comic cuts to the Soldier casually retelling the story to the RED Scout and Spy, explaining why the members of the RED team are being killed.



  • When attempting to turn the page right at the beginning and right end of the comic, one of the in-game sound effects for walking on top of a player's head is played.
  • It is worth noting that Merasmus's roommate (the Soldier) has differed from comic to comic. In the Bombinomicon (Comic), the RED Soldier states that Merasmus is his roommate. In A Smissmas Story, the BLU Spy states that a magician that is also the BLU Soldier's roommate somehow turned the BLU Soldier into a lawyer, and the magician the BLU Spy was referring to was probably Merasmus. In the hidden pages of Soldier Needs A Home, Merasmus's roommate he kicked out was the BLU Soldier. In this comic, however, Merasmus appears to have kicked the RED Soldier out of his home.

See also

External links