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[[File:Heavy face.PNG|550px|right|thumb|A scene from ''Meet the Heavy''.]]
[[File:Heavy face.PNG|550px|right|thumb|A scene from ''Meet the Heavy''.]]
{{Quotation|'''Direktøren'''På film|Mal mig billedet.}}
{{Quotation|'''The Director''' on movies|Paint me the picture.}}
Flere korte animerede ''film''' er blevet lavet af [[Valve]] for at fremme ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''. Den mest fremtrædende af de korte film er i ''Meet the Team''serien, som byder på hver af de [[classes]] i deres egen fortælling. Andre film er fokuseret på [[Patches#Major updates|major game updates]] eller forskellige spiludviklings processer, såsom oprettelsen af [[list of maps|maps]].Typisk, varer hver film 3-4 minutter.
Several short-animated '''movies''' have been created by [[Valve]] to promote ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''. The most prominent of the shorts are contained in the ''Meet the Team'' series, which feature each of the [[classes]] in their own narrative. Other movies have centered around [[Patches#Major updates|major game updates]] or depicted various game development processes, such as the creation of [[list of maps|maps]]. Typically, each video lasts from three to four minutes.
== Film ==
== Movies ==
=== Meet the Team film ===
=== Meet the Team movies ===
{{Quotation|Former '''''Meet the Team''''' overview|Ni lejesoldater er gået sammen om et job. Det er den midterste del af et århundrede et parti som denne vi lige har haft. En enklere tid. Der er tre tv-stationer, en telefon selskab, og to holdingselskaber, der hemmeligt holder øje med enhver regering på planeten. Hvert selskab administrerer sin halve del af verden med en multi-disciplineret hær af papir pushere. For ethvert problem, mangler en oplagt bureaukratisk løsning, er lejesoldater som disse ansat til at håndtere situationen gennem en massiv anvendelse af magt. Nu har du mulighed for at møde holdet.}}  
{{Quotation|Former '''''Meet the Team''''' overview|Nine mercenaries have come together for a job. It's the middle-ish part of a century a lot like the one we just had. A simpler time. There are three TV stations, one phone company, and two holding corporations that secretly control every government on the planet. Each corporation administers its half of the world with a multi-disciplined army of paper pushers. For any problem lacking an obvious bureaucratic solution, mercenaries like these are contracted to address the situation through a massive application of force. Now's your chance to Meet the Team.}}  
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=== Salgsfremmende film ===
=== Promotional movies ===
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== Meet the Team ==
== Meet the Team ==
{{Quotation|'''''Meet the Team''''' overview|TF2 startede med ni lejesoldater, hver med sin egen særlige personlighed. Fordi de bor inde i en hektisk multiplayer shooter, dog er den eneste facetter af disse personligheder folk fik at se, var den skrigende, skydning, og være-on-fire dele. Kom med i ''Meet the Team'' små, fremvisning af lejesoldater i deres off-timers-skændes med deres forældre, gøende ordrer på deres hoved samlinger, eller bare klimpren en guitar ved lejrbålet. Vi også lavet en film om en sandwich.}}
{{Quotation|'''''Meet the Team''''' overview|TF2 started with nine mercenaries, each with his own distinct personality. Because they live inside a frantic multiplayer shooter, though, the only facets of those personalities people got to see were the screaming, shooting, and being-on-fire parts. Enter the ''Meet the Team'' shorts, showcasing the mercs in their off-hours—arguing with their parents, barking orders at their head collections, or just strumming a guitar by the campfire. Also we made a movie about a sandwich.}}
Meat the Team videoerne er en serie af computer-animerede kort-film med de forskellige [[classes]] af ''Team Fortress 2''.  
The Meet the Team videos are a series of computer-animated shorts starring the various [[classes]] of ''Team Fortress 2''.  
Klippene har deres oprindelse i audition scripts til [[voice actors]] som spillede  [[Heavy]], [[Sniper]], og resten af figurerne i spillet. Den første video i serien udgivet i Maj 2007, ''Meet the Heavy'', er næsten ord for ord, hvad Valve bruges til at kaste skuespiller Gary Schwartz. Videoen blev foretaget på hælene af en ''Portal'' video som bruges til at fremme den personlighed for det spil. Efter de første kort blev udgivet, seerne roste både kvaliteten af animationen og humor af scriptet, linkede det til produktioner af professionelle Animation Studios, såsom{{w|Pixar}}. På grund af denne meget positive modtagelse, annoncerede Valve planer om at frigive en Meet the Team video for hver enkelt klasse i spillet, med mulighed for side-funktioner til poster og [[non-player characters]] såsom ''Meet the Sandvich''. Kun ''Meet the Pyro'' er ikke udgivet endnu. Udvikler Robin Walker har oplyst, at kort-film "hænger sammen med den strategi, vi har med TF2 for løbende at opdatere tjenesten ... Det giver meget mere mening. Hvad videoerne gøre er at give muligheder for folk, der ikke engang har Team Fortress 2 endnu at få nogle underholdning fra spillet. Og det kan gøre dem til TF2 spillere og kunder."<ref name="kotaku-interview">"[http://kotaku.com/5273555/valve-dreams-of-team-fortress-2-movie-divulges-meet-the-team-origins Valve Dreams Of Team Fortress 2 Movie, Divulges ‘Meet The Team’ Origins]" af Stephen Totilo, Kotaku, Maj 31, 2009. Adgang July 16, 2011.</ref>
The clips have their origins in audition scripts for the [[voice actors]] who played the likes of the [[Heavy]], the [[Sniper]], and the rest of the characters in the game. The first video in the series released in May 2007, ''Meet the Heavy'', is almost word-for-word what Valve used to cast actor Gary Schwartz. The video was made on the heels of a ''Portal'' video used to promote the personality of that game. After the first short was released, viewers praised both the quality of the animation and the humour of the script, likening it to productions by professional animation studios such as {{w|Pixar}}. Due to this highly positive reception, Valve announced plans to release a Meet the Team video for each individual class in the game, with possible side-features for items and [[non-player characters]] such as ''Meet the Sandvich''. Only ''Meet the Pyro'' has yet to be released. Developer Robin Walker has stated that the shorts "tie in to the strategy we have with TF2 of continually updating the service... it makes a lot more sense. What the videos do is give ways for people who don't even have Team Fortress 2 yet to get some entertainment from the game. And that may turn them into TF2 players and customers."<ref name="kotaku-interview">"[http://kotaku.com/5273555/valve-dreams-of-team-fortress-2-movie-divulges-meet-the-team-origins Valve Dreams Of Team Fortress 2 Movie, Divulges ‘Meet The Team’ Origins]" by Stephen Totilo, Kotaku, May 31, 2009. Accessed July 16, 2011.</ref>
Serien formåede at påvirke spillet sig ud over blot at være kampagner for fans. Spillet skriver Eric Wolpaw sagde at skabe serien "hjalp alle på holdet får en lille smule mere i harmoni med, hvem den pågældende karakter var, så vi bare holdt banke dem ud, og de ​​holdt på at blive populær". Et eksempel på serien 'indflydelse på udformningen af spillet var Sandvich. Ifølge Walker, "punktet kom næsten direkte ud af filmen ... Vi følte, at filmen var berettiget, og skabt en måde for os at have en 'Sandvich' i spillet og har at indsatsen [af at spise det] foretage nogen form af mening i vores spil verden ". Et andet element, der skal indføres efter sin optræden i serien var [[Jarate]], der blev tilføjet efter sin debut i Meet the Sniper.
The series managed to influence the game itself in addition to simply being promotions for fans. Game write Eric Wolpaw said creating the series "helped everyone on the team get a little bit more in tune with who that particular character was, so we just kept knocking them out and they kept on being popular". An example of the series' influence on the design of the game was the Sandvich. According to Walker, the item "came almost directly out of the movie... We felt the movie had justified and created a way for us to have a 'Sandvich' in the game and have that action [of eating it] make any kind of sense in our game world". Another item to be introduced after its appearance in the series was [[Jarate]] which was added after its debut in Meet the Sniper.  
Serien bistod også i udviklingen af ​​spillet teknologi. Valve bruges''Meet the Heavy'' til at teste ansigtsanimations systemet studiet var at udvikle til ''Team Fortress 2''. Ifølge Walker, det nye system har "lov til vores tegn til at have en langt større vifte af udtryk, end vi var i stand til at gøre i Half-Life ... Vi ønskede en prøvesag.". Den resulterende teknologi produceret i oprettelsen af ​​Meet the Team serien vises nu i spillet, når der spilles på højeste grafiske indstillinger. Walker mindede om, at holdets glæde ved "udtrykket om den tunge til sidst, når han skyder og skriger" var ikke falske, og var ikke bare "denne ting, at det fedeste i [filmen] var noget, der ville ske i spillet."<ref name="kotaku-interview" />
The series also assisted in the development of game technology. Valve used ''Meet the Heavy'' to test the facial animation system the studio was developing for ''Team Fortress 2''. According to Walker, the new system "allowed our characters to have a much greater range of expressions than we were able to do in Half-Life... We wanted a test case for that". The resulting technology produced in the creation of the Meet the Team series now appears in the game when played on the highest graphical settings. Walker recalled that team's pleasure about "the expression on the Heavy at the end when he's shooting and screaming" was not fake, and was not just "this thing that the coolest bit in [the movie] was something that would happen in the game."<ref name="kotaku-interview" />
Ledsagere af Spike TV 2010 VGA Awards rapporteret at se en privat screening af en nedskæring af ''Meet the Medic'' under arrangementet. Den korte film viste sig også at en bruger fra [[Steam Users 'Forum]] på hans besøg i [[Valve]]' s hovedkontor i Bellevue, Washington.<ref name="backfromvalve">"[http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1803644 Back from Valve]" on [[Steam Users' Forums]], [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=588243 Political Gamer], postet 22 marts, 2011. Besøgt 18 Juni, 2011.</ref> Kort efter, Mød en meddelelse om frigivelse af ''Meet the Medic'' blev lagt ud på [[TF2 officielle hjemmeside]], og kort-filmen blev senere blev officielt frigivet på YouTube den 23. juni 2011.
Attendants of the Spike TV 2010 VGA Awards reported seeing a private screening of a cut of ''Meet the Medic'' during the event. The short was also shown to a user from the [[Steam Users' Forum]] upon his visit to [[Valve]]'s head offices in Bellevue, Washington.<ref name="backfromvalve">"[http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1803644 Back from Valve]" on [[Steam Users' Forums]], [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=588243 Political Gamer], posted March 22, 2011. Accessed June 18, 2011.</ref> Soon after, an announcement for the release of ''Meet the Medic'' was posted on the [[TF2 Official Website]], and the short was was later officially released on YouTube on June 23, 2011.
== Source Filmmaker ==
== Source Filmmaker ==
{{main|Source Filmmaker}}
{{main|Source Filmmaker}}
[[Source Filmskaber]] er et video skabelse værktøj, der manipulerer [[Source Engine]] til at animere og optage forskellige scener i spillets miljøer. Værktøjet er blevet brugt af Valve til at oprette Meet the Team serien i ''Team Fortress 2'' og de indledende videoer for både''{{w | Left 4 Dead}}''og''{{w | Left 4 Dead 2 }}''. Kilde Filmskaber er i stand til at producere en bred vifte af filmiske effekter og teknikker, så som motion blur og dybdeskarphed, og muliggør brugen af ​​betydeligt stigende kvalitet teksturer til in-game-modeller som skildret i Meet the Team serien.
[[Source Filmmaker]] is a video creation tool that manipulates the [[Source Engine]] to animate and record various scenes in game environments. The tool has been used by Valve to create the Meet the Team series in ''Team Fortress 2'' and the introductory videos for both ''{{w|Left 4 Dead}}'' and ''{{w|Left 4 Dead 2}}''. Source Filmmaker is capable of producing a wide range of cinematographic effects and techniques, such as motion blur and depth of field, and enables the use of significantly-higher quality textures for in-game models as depicted in the Meet the Team series.
The Director
The tool was left in the game code and is accessible through ''[[Team Fortress 2 Beta]]'', however, Valve has stated its intention to release a stable version of the tool publicly in a later release. Valve founder and managing director {{w|Gabe Newell}} said in an interview that Source Filmmaker is "in the pipeline for a public release".<ref name="backfromvalve" />
Værktøjet blev efterladt i spillets kode og kan hentes via''[[Team Fortress 2 Beta ]]'', dog har Valve udtryk for sin hensigt om at frigive en stabil version af værktøjet offentligt i en senere udgivelse. Valve grundlægger og administrerende direktør {{w | Gabe Newell}} sagde i et interview, at Source Filmskaber er "på vej til en offentlig udgivelse".<ref name="backfromvalve" />
== Se også ==
== See also ==
* [[Comics]]
* [[Comics]]
* [[Replay]]
* [[Replay]]
== Referencer ==
== References ==
== Externe links ==
== External links ==
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/movies.php Movies] section on the [[TF2 Official Website]]
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/movies.php Movies] section on the [[TF2 Official Website]]
* [http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=source+filmmaker Videos on YouTube] created with Source Filmmaker
* [http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=source+filmmaker Videos on YouTube] created with Source Filmmaker

Revision as of 06:55, 17 November 2011

A scene from Meet the Heavy.
Paint me the picture.
The Director on movies

Several short-animated movies have been created by Valve to promote Team Fortress 2. The most prominent of the shorts are contained in the Meet the Team series, which feature each of the classes in their own narrative. Other movies have centered around major game updates or depicted various game development processes, such as the creation of maps. Typically, each video lasts from three to four minutes.


Meet the Team movies

Nine mercenaries have come together for a job. It's the middle-ish part of a century a lot like the one we just had. A simpler time. There are three TV stations, one phone company, and two holding corporations that secretly control every government on the planet. Each corporation administers its half of the world with a multi-disciplined army of paper pushers. For any problem lacking an obvious bureaucratic solution, mercenaries like these are contracted to address the situation through a massive application of force. Now's your chance to Meet the Team.
— Former Meet the Team overview
MTTCard Scout.png MTTCard Soldier.png MTTCard Pyro.png
Meet the Scout
Released April 19, 2008
Meet the Soldier
Released August 22, 2007
Meet the Pyro
MTTCard Demoman.png MTTCard Heavy.png MTTCard Engineer.png
Meet the Demoman
Released October 9, 2007
Meet the Heavy
Released May 14, 2007
Meet the Engineer
Released September 11, 2007
MTTCard Medic.png MTTCard Sniper.png MTTCard Spy.png
Meet the Medic
Released June 23, 2011
Meet the Sniper
Released June 7, 2008
Meet the Spy
Released May 19, 2009
MTTCard Sandvich.png
Meet the Sandvich
Released August 19, 2008

Promotional movies

MTTCard Teaser1.png MTTCard Teaser2.png MTTCard EngineerUpdTeaser.png
Trailer 1
Released on July 19, 2006
Trailer 2
Released on August 21, 2006
Engineer Update Teaser
Released on May 5, 2010
MTTCard Apple.png MTTCard Saxxy.png MTTCard FreeToPlayTrailer.png
Mac Update Trailer
Released on June 10, 2010
Replay Update Teaser
Released on May 7, 2011
Team Fortress 2 is Free to Play
Released on June 23, 2011

Developmental movies

MTTCard Render.png MTTCard Viaduct.png MTTCard MedicOuttakes.png
Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2
Released on September 3, 2007
Creating Viaduct
Released on August 21, 2009
Meet the Medic outtakes
Released on July 11, 2011

Meet the Team

TF2 started with nine mercenaries, each with his own distinct personality. Because they live inside a frantic multiplayer shooter, though, the only facets of those personalities people got to see were the screaming, shooting, and being-on-fire parts. Enter the Meet the Team shorts, showcasing the mercs in their off-hours—arguing with their parents, barking orders at their head collections, or just strumming a guitar by the campfire. Also we made a movie about a sandwich.
Meet the Team overview

The Meet the Team videos are a series of computer-animated shorts starring the various classes of Team Fortress 2.

The clips have their origins in audition scripts for the voice actors who played the likes of the Heavy, the Sniper, and the rest of the characters in the game. The first video in the series released in May 2007, Meet the Heavy, is almost word-for-word what Valve used to cast actor Gary Schwartz. The video was made on the heels of a Portal video used to promote the personality of that game. After the first short was released, viewers praised both the quality of the animation and the humour of the script, likening it to productions by professional animation studios such as Template:W. Due to this highly positive reception, Valve announced plans to release a Meet the Team video for each individual class in the game, with possible side-features for items and non-player characters such as Meet the Sandvich. Only Meet the Pyro has yet to be released. Developer Robin Walker has stated that the shorts "tie in to the strategy we have with TF2 of continually updating the service... it makes a lot more sense. What the videos do is give ways for people who don't even have Team Fortress 2 yet to get some entertainment from the game. And that may turn them into TF2 players and customers."[1]

The series managed to influence the game itself in addition to simply being promotions for fans. Game write Eric Wolpaw said creating the series "helped everyone on the team get a little bit more in tune with who that particular character was, so we just kept knocking them out and they kept on being popular". An example of the series' influence on the design of the game was the Sandvich. According to Walker, the item "came almost directly out of the movie... We felt the movie had justified and created a way for us to have a 'Sandvich' in the game and have that action [of eating it] make any kind of sense in our game world". Another item to be introduced after its appearance in the series was Jarate which was added after its debut in Meet the Sniper.

The series also assisted in the development of game technology. Valve used Meet the Heavy to test the facial animation system the studio was developing for Team Fortress 2. According to Walker, the new system "allowed our characters to have a much greater range of expressions than we were able to do in Half-Life... We wanted a test case for that". The resulting technology produced in the creation of the Meet the Team series now appears in the game when played on the highest graphical settings. Walker recalled that team's pleasure about "the expression on the Heavy at the end when he's shooting and screaming" was not fake, and was not just "this thing that the coolest bit in [the movie] was something that would happen in the game."[1]

Attendants of the Spike TV 2010 VGA Awards reported seeing a private screening of a cut of Meet the Medic during the event. The short was also shown to a user from the Steam Users' Forum upon his visit to Valve's head offices in Bellevue, Washington.[2] Soon after, an announcement for the release of Meet the Medic was posted on the TF2 Official Website, and the short was was later officially released on YouTube on June 23, 2011.

Source Filmmaker

Main article: Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker is a video creation tool that manipulates the Source Engine to animate and record various scenes in game environments. The tool has been used by Valve to create the Meet the Team series in Team Fortress 2 and the introductory videos for both Template:W and Template:W. Source Filmmaker is capable of producing a wide range of cinematographic effects and techniques, such as motion blur and depth of field, and enables the use of significantly-higher quality textures for in-game models as depicted in the Meet the Team series.

The tool was left in the game code and is accessible through Team Fortress 2 Beta, however, Valve has stated its intention to release a stable version of the tool publicly in a later release. Valve founder and managing director Template:W said in an interview that Source Filmmaker is "in the pipeline for a public release".[2]

See also


  1. a b "Valve Dreams Of Team Fortress 2 Movie, Divulges ‘Meet The Team’ Origins" by Stephen Totilo, Kotaku, May 31, 2009. Accessed July 16, 2011.
  2. a b "Back from Valve" on Steam Users' Forums, Political Gamer, posted March 22, 2011. Accessed June 18, 2011.

External links