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This set-up is for a strictly defensive Heavy whose main goal is to mow down enemy offensive pushes and stop them from advancing. The Brass Beast's increased damage allows players to counter Sasha-wielding Heavies, but its increased spin-up time and slow movement speed means that strategic positioning is required, preferably next to a Dispenser. The Family Business can provide vital secondary fire in the event of an ambush where players cannot spin up the Brass Beast in time, and its choice over Shotgun is due to its overall benefit as an escape weapon. Which melee weapon to use will depend on the type of defense needed: The K.G.B. can be used to quickly give players a temporary boost in firepower to deal with offensive pushes decisively. Due to the long spin-up time of the Brass Beast, the Shotgun is incredibly useful for utilising the 5 second Crit boost. Furthermore, the K.G.B can be used to decisively deal with any Heavies on the other team who attempt to use the Fists of Steel's sheer defensive potential to accomplish objectives, due to being able to kill such Heavies quickly with melee attacks without worrying about receiving double melee damage in return. The Fists of Steel can be used to physically prevent enemies from accomplishing an objective by using the high ranged weapon damage reduction, but beware of Scouts or Fists of Steel-equipped Heavies.
Cette configuration est pour un Heavy strictement défensif dont l'objectif principal est d'arrêter les poussées ennemies pour les empêcher de progresser. Les dégâts augmentés de la {{item name|Brass Beast}} vous permet de contrer les Heavies utilisant un autre Minigun, mais son déploiement lent et votre vitesse ralentie vous oblige à vous placer à un endroit stratégique, souvent près d'un Distributeur. L'{{item name|Family Business}} est une arme secondaire vitale dans les embuscades où vous n'aurez pas le temps de déployer la {{item name|Brass Beast}}, et son chargeur plus grand que celui du {{item link|Shotgun}} en fait une parfaite arme d'évasion. La sélection de l'arme de mêlée dépend du style de défense : Les K.G.B. peuvent être utilisés pour vous fournir une puissance de feu supplémentaire pour faire face à une poussée ennemie. En raison du déploiement long de la {{item name|Brass Beast}}, votre arme secondaire est parfaite pour l'utilisation du Crit-Boost de 5 secondes. En outre, les K.G.B. peuvent être utilisés pour traiter de manière décisive tout Heavy ennemi qui tente d'utiliser les {{item name|Fists of Steel}} comme défense potentielle pour ateindre ses objectifs. Les {{item name|Fists of Steel}} peuvent être utilisées pour empêcher physiquement les ennemis d'atteindre leur objectif en utilisant la haute réduction de dégâts de cette arme, mais méfiez-vous des [[Scout/fr|Scouts]] ou des Heavies équipés des {{item name|Fists of Steel}}.

Revision as of 12:53, 13 February 2012

Oserez-vous vous battre contre Heavy Weapons Guy ?
J'ai une surprise pour toi : tu vas souffrir !
Le Heavy

Le Heavy, comme son nom l'indique, est la classe lourde et d'attaque frontale de TF2. Il est lui-même une arme lourde, grand et puissant, mais extrêmement lent. Il est principalement utilisé pour patauger où d'autres n'oseraient pas. Son utilité en tant que tank sur les lignes de front et de défenseur de vaste zone ne peut pas être sous-estimée ou ignorée par les deux parties.


  • Rappelez-vous que l'appui de votre tir secondaire gardera votre Minigun prêt à tirer à tout moment; stationner dans des positions stratégiques en défense est souvent une excellente alternative à l'assaut.
  • Bien que le Minigun tire des balles sur une longue distance, les projectiles restent imprécis, l'arme reste plus destructrice lors d'une courte distance; il est idéal pour les embuscades.
  • Savoir quand ne pas tirer est un élément clé pour bien jouer le Heavy, le gaspillage de munitions sur des cibles éloignées ou ÜberChargées ne vous avantagera point, et vous risquez de perdre vos munitions lorsque vous en aurez le plus besoin. Cesser le feu pour gagner un bonus de vitesse vous permettra de manœuvrer l’équipe adverse.
  • N'oublier pas d'utiliser votre Fusil à pompe et vos Poings quand bon vous semble. Le fusil à pompe est l'arme à utiliser lorsque vous avez besoin de manœuvrer rapidement, car il fait de vous une cible beaucoup plus difficile et rapide qu'avec le Minigun (en particulier contre les Snipers).

Spécifique par arme

Armes principales

Minigun/Minigun Festif/Rideau de Fer

Arme Icône de frag Munitions Dégâts
Transportées A bout portant A moyenne portée A longue portée Critique
Killicon minigun.png 200 50-54 5-30 5-10 27
Festive Minigun
A débloquer
Minigun festif
Killicon minigun.png
Iron Curtain
Rideau de Fer
Killicon iron curtain.png
  • Le Minigun est capable de faire des dégâts importants à des distances proches et moyennes; tout ennemi se trouvant dans son cône de tir meurt, généralement, en quelques secondes. Toutefois, le Minigun doit d'abord être déployé avant de pouvoir tirer.
  • Rappelez-vous que maintenir le tir secondaire tiendra le Minigun déployé et prêt à tirer à n'importe quel moment; vous mettre dans des positions stratégiques et/ou défensives, d'y rester et de déployer votre Minigun est souvent une excellente alternative à une tentative d'assaut en tant que Heavy.
    • N'oubliez pas que vous vous déplacez beaucoup plus lentement lorsque votre Minigun est déployé, et ce dernier fera un bruit distinctif. Les ennemis proches sauront alors que vous êtes près d'eux.
    • Déplacez-vous à une vitesse normale (sans avoir votre Minigun déployé), mais soyez toujours capable de le déployer rapidement.
  • La vitesse de mouvement de la souris ne diminue pas lorsque les canons tournent. Régler la souris à une sensibilité élevée peut permettre aux joueurs de verrouiller rapidement ​​des cibles mobiles.
  • Savoir quand ne pas tirer est la clé de jeu pour tout bon Heavy. Perdre des munitions en tirant à long terme sur des joueurs Überchargés ou éloignés laissera les joueurs, sans balles à un moment crucial.
  • L'une des clés pour utiliser le Minigun efficacement est d'apprendre à sauter et de mettre en route le Minigun en même temps. Utilisez cette technique pour tendre efficacement des embuscades au ennemis dans les angles.


Arme Icône de frag Munitions Dégâts
Transportées A bout portant A moyenne portée A longue portée Critique
A débloquer
Killicon natascha.png 200 32-36 5-20 3-10 20.25
  • Natascha est une arme principale à débloquer pour le Heavy. Il inflige des dégâts 25% plus faibles que le Minigun et dispose d'un temps de déploiement 30% plus long, mais causera un effet de ralentissement sur tout ennemi touché, ce qui réduit leur vitesse à un peu près un tiers de leur vitesse normale s'ils sont constamment touchés. Il est plus efficace à bout portant et à moyenne portée.
  • Natascha est particulièrement efficace contre les classes rapides (comme le Scout) car il contrecarre leur avantage de vitesse. Utilisez Natascha pour empêcher les classes rapides d'aller se mettre à couvert, ce qui les rend plus faciles à éliminer.
  • Comme Natascha fait moins de dégâts, il est préférable d'éviter les combats contre d'autres Heavies qui sont armés d'une arme principale différente (en particulier la Bête de Bronze), ou les Mitrailleuses de l'Engineer, sauf si un Medic est là pour fournir un appui ou si des coéquipiers se trouvent à proximité.
  • Lorsque vous travaillez avec des coéquipiers défensifs comme des Demomen, des Soldiers, ou des Heavies utilisant le Minigun, Natascha peut faire des Scouts, des Medics, et desPyros, des cibles plus faciles pour les projectiles lents et laisse aux autres Heavies le temps de déployer leur arme principale.
  • Natascha peut être un meilleur choix que le Minigun pour faire face aux Spies, puisque Natascha réduit les chances d'un Spy ennemi de s'enfuir après un "spy-check" réussi.
  • Le ralentissement de Natascha affecte aussi les mouvements verticaux, ce qui signifie que n'importe quel adversaire essayant de sauter (y compris les Soldier faisant des Rocket-Jump et les Demomen faisant des Sauts Explosifs) n'ira pas très loin ou haut quand il sera en l'air. Ceci peut être utilisé pour défendre des points élevés contre les Soldiers et les Demomen qui tentent de prendre de la hauteur.

Brass Beast

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Brass Beast
Bête de Bronze
Killicon brass beast.png 200 60-65 6-36 5-12 32.4
  • The Brass Beast is a craftable primary weapon for the Heavy. It does 20% more base damage than the Minigun, but it has a 50% slower spin-up time and it also reduces the Heavy's movement speed by 60%.
  • Carrying the Shotgun as a secondary weapon is recommended due to the Brass Beast's long spin-up time. This allows players to quickly have a weapon ready to fire in event of an ambush.
  • Due to the extremely slow walking speed while spun up, this weapon is great in defensive situations that do not require a significant amount of movement.
    • Take advantage of its greater damage potential by guarding bottlenecks and choke points, where the enemy has less room to maneuver and avoid fire.
  • In team defenses, try to pair up with another Heavy that is using Natascha. The Natascha-wielding Heavy can slow nearby targets down, maximizing the amount of damage that the Brass Beast can do.
  • Make good use of Dispensers with this weapon. The slower movement speed when spinning means it's difficult for players to keep the Brass Beast well-stocked with ammo, as others may take the dropped weapons of dead foes first, as well as making the Heavy an easier target for explosive splash damage.
  • With the Brass Beast equipped, enemy Heavies are often less of a threat, you should nearly always win against other Heavies.
  • Hiding around the corner for unaware players is a good way to make a quick ambush.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon tomislav.png 200 50-54 5-30 5-10 27
  • The Tomislav is a craftable primary weapon for the Heavy. It takes 40% less time to spin-up than the default Minigun, and generates no sound while in the spin-up state, at the cost of a 20% slower firing rate.
  • A Tomislav-equipped Heavy is ideal for surprising foes as they turn corners. Ambushing a foe at point-blank range in this manner results in a very quick, nearly unavoidable kill; they cannot retreat fast enough to escape the finishing burst as you follow them, and they usually cannot outlast the Heavy's health if they choose to fight anyway.
  • If you find an area where you can efficiently execute such ambushes, make sure you do not use the same spot each time. Victims of your rampage will quickly warn their teammates, who will bring backup or keep their weapons ready as they close into the kill zone.
  • The Tomislav's rapid spin-up generally compensates for many of the weaknesses of the Shotgun. If your ammo efficiency is good and/or you expect to use mostly defensive tactics, a consumable may be a better use of your secondary slot.
  • An aggressive Heavy can take advantage of the Tomislav's quick spin-up in order to advance more quickly with almost no risk. If you run out of targets, feel free to stop spinning up and reposition rapidly; you can re-enter the fight or respond to surprises quite rapidly.
  • Normally, switching to the Minigun while boosted from the Killing Gloves of Boxing is an inefficient use of the Crit-boost period; the Tomislav is a powerful exception to this rule, as you can switch to, deploy, and fire the weapon less than a second after you connect with the gloves. This is a great way to clear an area while ÜberCharged.
  • When coordinating with a Medi Gun equipped Medic, feel free to close the distance more in the early part of an offensive ÜberCharge, as you will have additional time to fire nonetheless.
  • Listen carefully for enemy Heavies and their Miniguns; should you engage, you will lose in a head to head fight with all but Natascha-wielding Heavies (assuming both of you are spun up and ready to fire and all else being equal). Catch them close and undeployed, and you will win the damage race before they can deal too much damage.
  • The Tomislav's fast spin-up can be rather useful against lighter classes such as Scouts.

Secondary Weapons


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Fusil à pompe
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 86-90 24-67 3-26 120
  • The Shotgun is the maneuvering weapon of the Heavy. Use it in situations where losing mobility is disadvantageous, Such as:
    • Fighting Demomen and Soldiers, where they can use cover to damage you whilst remaining safe from Minigun fire. This also allows you to dodge their shots more easily:
    • Whilst retreating.
    • Whilst attempting to close distance whilst Übercharged.
    • Fighting whilst in view of an enemy Sniper.
    • When getting to Health and Ammo pickups quickly is important.
  • The Shotgun also provides a ranged backup weapon when you have run out of Minigun ammo.
  • If there are multiple friendly Medics on the team, then it may be a better idea to bring this over the Sandvich, since replenishing health is not an issue.
  • Keep in mind that without the Sandvich, players will need to rely more on Health Packs and Medics to stay alive. Try to memorize the map's health pack locations, and keep within easy distance of teammates should the need to retreat arise.
  • You can also try and use the Shotgun to bait more reckless enemies around corners if going around said corner is too dangerous or you're low on health. This strategy is more effective with the Tomislav, as the enemy won't be aware of your plan until it's in full effect.


Weapon Ammo Eating
Loaded Carried Health Gained Duration Recharge Time
1 300 4.3 seconds 30 seconds
  • The Sandvich is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Heavy. When eaten, it fully restores the Heavy's HP over four seconds; during this process, the Heavy becomes immobile and emits loud eating noises.
  • Remember to use the Sandvich only when behind cover and in the presence of teammates. As the Heavy is completely immobile while recovering health, enemies can very easily follow up at their leisure.
    • Try to eat while backed up against a wall, as a Spy that happens upon a dining Heavy can spell disaster. In addition, make sure to stand somewhere where a Spy is unable to use a height advantage to climb over and perform a backstab from above.
  • Use alternate fire to throw the Sandvich onto the ground. A dropped Sandvich acts as a medium health pack, replenishing 50% of a player's HP when picked up, and stopping burning/bleeding damage. Use it to help endangered teammates quickly recover health. This is especially advisable for healing Medics, as they cannot heal themselves and doing so helps them to retain their ÜberCharge meter.
    • A thrown Sandvich can be picked up from the ground by yourself for 150 Health. This can be used to quickly replenish health while moving.
    • On this note, if you are wounded and are retreating and/or have strong reason to believe you are being pursued; run around a corner, throw your Sandvich ahead of you and then jump-spin onto your Sandvich, turning 180 degrees in midair in the process. Your partially restored health and readiness to fight will catch your pursuer off-guard and give you a chance to kill him. This technique is especially effective against Pyros, Scouts, and Spies.
  • Enemies can see dropped Sandviches, so it's possible to set traps by dropping a Sandvich and ambushing enemies that try to pick it up.
  • The Sandvich has a 30 second cooldown if it's thrown or eaten when injured. Picking up a Health pack while at full HP restores the Sandvich instantly.
    • This can be used to teammates' benefit when picking up small health packs, as the Sandvich can be dropped for a teammate, and the small health pack picked up to restore the Food meter, effectively turning the small health pack into a medium one.
  • Without a fallback weapon such as the Shotgun or the Family Business, you are forced to rely solely on using the Minigun to do damage.
  • By immediately performing a taunt upon equipping the Sandvich, the one-second weapon-change delay can be bypassed, allowing for faster consumption..
  • Sandviches cannot be eaten in situations where the Heavy is considered airborne or swimming. However, it can still be thrown with secondary fire.

Dalokohs Bar/Fishcake

Weapon Ammo Eating
Loaded Carried Health Gained Duration of Eating Effect Duration
Dalokohs Bar
Barre de Dalokohs
1 60 or if at full health, raises maximum health to 350. 4.3 seconds 30 seconds
Bâtonnet de Poisson
  • The Dalokohs Bar is a craftable secondary weapon for the Heavy. Consuming the Dalokohs Bar restores 60 HP over four seconds when eaten, and increases the Heavy's maximum health to 350 HP for 30 seconds. As with the Sandvich, the Heavy becomes immobile and makes highly audible eating noises.
  • At the end of the 30-second time limit, any health over 300 becomes overheal health, and will fully drain away in around 7 seconds.
  • Unlike the Sandvich or Buffalo Steak Sandvich, the Dalokohs Bar has no cooldown timer, and thus can be consumed consecutively multiple times to restore health. However, be wary that consuming it will still take time, so it's often wiser to simply look for more health pickups if the chance of being ambushed by enemies is high.
  • Like other lunchbox items, the Dalokohs Bar cannot be eaten while in mid-air or swimming. However, unlike the other lunchbox items, the Dalokohs Bar cannot be dropped, meaning that players cannot heal endangered teammates.
  • The extra 50 HP allows the user to withstand a minimum of one more shot from the Scattergun, the Grenade Launcher or the Sniper Rifle (minimally charged headshots or bodyshots). It may also allow a minimum of one more shot from the Stickybomb Launcher and Direct Hit when fighting outside very close range. All of these weapons are used by the Heavy's most common enemies and the extra hit may give the Heavy time to finish off his opponent, however without the 100% healing power of the Sandvich they will be troubled to find healing afterward.
  • The Dalokohs Bar can be particularly useful for Heavies that can obtain a constant source of healing but lack a nearby friendly Medic for overhealing or a Dispenser for healing.
  • The Dalokohs Bar has good synergy with Medics using the Quick-Fix. The improved healthpool provided by the Dalokohs Bar works well with the Quick-Fix's inability to Overheal, thus allowing the Heavy the benefits of both a sort-of-overheal and the improved heal rate of the Quick-Fix, which makes the Heavy fairly difficult to kill, especially for support classes like the Engineer.
  • Even though the Dalokohs Bar increases maximum health to 350, Medics can still only overheal the Heavy to 450 HP, making the bar less effective when there are numerous friendly Medics.
    • Furthermore, due to a bug, Dispensers and Quick-Fix Medics will still only heal Heavies under the effect of the Dalokohs Bar up to 300 HP.

Buffalo Steak Sandvich

Weapon Ammo Eating
Loaded Carried Buff Eating Duration Duration of Effect Recharge Time
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Sandvich au Steak de Bison
1 Increases speed by 35% and turns all damage dealt and taken into Mini-Crits. 4.3 seconds 15 seconds 30 seconds
  • The Buffalo Steak Sandvich is a craftable secondary weapon for the Heavy. When consumed, it increases the Heavy's movement speed by roughly 35%, and makes any damage dealt and taken by the Heavy Mini-Crits for 15 seconds. For the duration of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich's effects, the Heavy is limited to using only melee weapons.
  • Like the Sandvich, the Buffalo Steak Sandvich can be dropped with alternate fire. A dropped Buffalo Steak Sandvich behaves the same as a regular Sandvich, replenishing 50% of the health of whoever picks it up.
  • The speed boost can be handy in more ways than simple offense; it can aid in scouting and can help get players to their destinations quickly. Note, however, that players are more vulnerable to attack after eating a Buffalo Steak Sandvich due to having Mini-Crits inflicted on them.
    • A particularly effective tactic is to use the Buffalo Steak Sandvich at the start of Arena mode's setup time; the now-faster Heavy will be able to reach the front lines faster and the effect will wear off as combat begins, allowing players to make surprising offensive rushes and ambushes against lighter classes.
    • The speed boost can also be used to gain access to places that were previous inaccessible to Heavies. Some jumps that would normally only be accessible to most other classes can be done by a Heavy under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
  • If an enemy is chasing at a distance, turn a corner and use the Buffalo Steak Sandvich. Using the third-person camera, it's possible to spot the enemy whilst eating and, with good timing, pop out again with a surprise melee attack.
  • Make sure not to charge at enemies because they can still use their projectile weapons at range, which can result in swift death when combined with Mini-Crits.
  • The Fists of Steel can be combined with the Buffalo Steak Sandvich for soaking up the Mini-crit damage caused by the Buffalo Steak Sandvich's side-effect.
    • However, be especially wary when using the Fists of Steel in combination with the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, as all melee attacks by the enemy will inflict double damage on top of Mini-Crits.

Family Business

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Family Business
Entreprise Familiale
Killicon family business.png 8 32 74-76 20-52 3-22 102
  • The Family Business is a craftable secondary weapon for the Heavy. It has a 40% increase in magazine size over the Shotgun, but deals 15% less damage per shot. Because of the extra ammo, it also takes about a second longer to fully reload.
  • The Family Business does best at longer ranges compared to the Shotgun, where its ammo count gives it a notable damage advantage per-mag over the Shotgun. At closer ranges, the difference is much smaller, though the Family Business still does more damage per-magazine than the Shotgun.
  • Though the decreased damage makes it less useful in direct combat and as an ambush weapon, the increased magazine size makes it useful for picking off distant or wounded targets that are unsuitable for being targeted by a Minigun due to distance or the Minigun's slowdown.
    • The Family Business is particularly useful for Snipers and Engineers; against the former, it can push Snipers around and mess up their aim from afar, whilst against the latter, the spray of ammo makes it more likely you can damage an Engineer trying to hide behind its Sentry when attacking the Sentry itself is unfeasible. It can also help throw off the aim of Wrangler-using Engineers.
  • The added ammo of the Family Business makes it possible to destroy a Mini-Sentry or Level 1 Sentry from just outside its maximum targeting range. This is technically also possible with the Shotgun, but is considerably harder to pull off, as all the shots need to hit for it to happen, whereas with the Family Business, it's a lot more likely to due to the extra ammo eclipsing the lowered damage.
  • The added ammo of the Family Business makes it a superior "Run and Gun" weapon for the Heavy - it lacks the spin-up time of a Minigun, and when running forward, accuracy is often secondary in necessity compared to volume of fire. In this situation, the Family Business makes for a great weapon for running between objectives, and a little better than the Shotgun for this purpose. It also is quite handy, in the same vein, for chasing down enemies trying to flee, especially faster classes like Spies and Scouts, since - again - volume of fire helps a lot more than raw punch in such a situation.
  • The lack of the Tomislav's firing noise means that the Family Business is a great backup weapon for it - enemies won't have any clue what you're going to use until you start firing, making the Tomislav and Family Business a good ambush combo. While the Shotgun can be used the same way, the Family Business' larger clip size means less reloads in the face of enemy aggression and more overall damage dealt per-clip.
  • There's a number of situations where the Shotgun's a better choice than the Family Business, so fight accordingly. The higher damage of the Shotgun means that it's much better when it comes to ambushing foes, medium-and-close-range combat (where the Shotgun will typically win a damage race against the Family Business), and for dissuading mobile melee attackers, such as Demomen.
  • The Family Business pairs well with the K.G.B.'s Crit-boost, as the increased ammo clip means you can deal more critical damage than with the Shotgun.

Armes de mêmée

Poings / Saxxy / Objecteur de Consciences / Apoco-Poings

Arme Icône de frag Intervalle d'attaque Dégâts
A bout portant Critique
Killicon fists.png 0.8 secondes 65 195
Killicon saxxy.png
Conscientious Objector
Objecteur de conscience
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Killicon apoco-fists.png
  • Les poings sont une arme de secours, et sont la seule arme de repli du Heavy quand il est équipé du Sandvich. Ils sont également bons contre toute classe qui est coincée ou ne s'attendais pas à ce qu'un Heavy s'engage dans un combat de mêlée.

Holiday Punch

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Holiday Punch
Punch des Vacances
Killicon holiday punch.png 0.8 seconds 65 N/A / 195
Killicon holiday punch laugh.png

While rolled crits force the victim to laugh, a boosted Heavy will inflict a normal critical hit.

  • While remaining a last resort like the other versions of the Fists, the Holiday Punch is notable as it provides the advantage of forcing the enemy to laugh upon a hit to the back or a critical hit; as a result, consider surprising or repeatedly punching enemies in order to gain an easy kill.
  • Since the Minigun needs to spin up, the Shotgun is not too powerful and the Holiday Punch comes with the Showdown taunt, it is recommended you abuse the instant kill ability by taunting upon stunning an enemy.
  • The Holiday Punch can be a great ambush weapon if used correctly, paired with weapons such as the Tomislav, it can be used to immobilize one or more enemies from behind and finish them off with a fast hitting weapon.
Kill Icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Killicon high noon.png Fists, Saxxy, Apoco-Fists, Holiday Punch 500 3 seconds The Heavy mimics a quick-draw Pistol Showdown, resulting in instant death for any enemy in the way.
  • Keep in mind the attack speed for this taunt. If it can be timed right, it's a perfect revenge tool during humiliation. It also can be used against either distracted Heavies or scoped Snipers, saving ammo for other classes.
  • Unlike other taunts, the Showdown taunt must be manually aimed. This allows players to hit targets from above or below, as long as the target is within the player's line of fire when the "lethal" portion of the taunt is executed.
  • The Showdown acts as a short ranged but very wide hitting Pistol, making it the only kill taunt with range. In melee-only Sudden Death, this can provide a considerable advantage.
  • In Attack/Defend and Payload maps, it's possible to achieve a kill with this. Stand in front of the gates, and taunt when there is a second left on the Setup clock.
  • The taunt attacks in a straight line, so it's possible to aim it through tight spaces and surprise unaware targets. It's possible to do a "Pinshot" by aiming the taunt through a thin crack that leads to another part of the map. For example, a crack under a bridge can be exploited to hit someone under or above the bridge.

Killing Gloves of Boxing

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Effect
Point Blank Critical Critical Boost
Killing Gloves of Boxing
Kamarades Gants de Boxe
Killicon killing gloves of boxing.png 0.97 seconds 65 195 5 seconds
  • The Killing Gloves of Boxing (shortened to K.G.B.) are unlockable melee weapons for the Heavy. Upon killing an enemy, players are guaranteed Critical hits for the next 5 seconds, and can kill additional enemies using the K.G.B to continually reset the boost time. However, the K.G.B. has a 20% slower swinging speed.
  • The guaranteed Critical hits can be transferred to other weapons as well. Therefore, it's possible to kill an enemy, then quickly switch to another weapon to kill enemies beyond melee range. However, switching weapons wastes precious time, and spinning up the Minigun wastes even more; in addition, the Shotgun's Criticals are less powerful than those of the K.G.B. If possible, get multiple kills (2 or more) with the K.G.B. before switching to another weapon.
  • The slow swing speed coupled with the Heavy's slow movement speed makes using the K.G.B. a risky prospect. It's best to use them when facing a cornered enemy, or have a Medic to provide constant healing.
    • However, if the Crit-boost can be achieved in tight corridors, keep using the K.G.B. while there are still enemies around; a Critical hit with the K.G.B. will kill all non-overhealed classes with a single hit except Soldiers, Demomen (with the Eyelander and with 4 or more heads) and Heavies, who will fall if a second hit is landed.
  • Using the Buffalo Steak Sandvich can assist in getting the first melee kill, as players will be able to move faster and deal Mini-Crits. However, beware that all damage taken will be Mini-Crits for the duration of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich's buff, so try to time an attack so that the Buffalo Steak Sandvich's effects run out as soon as a melee kill is achieved.
    • This strategy is even more effective in Medieval Mode, as most other enemy classes will not be carrying long-range weapons.

Gloves of Running Urgently

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Effect
Point Blank Self-Damage Critical Speed Boost
Gloves of Running Urgently
Gants de Retraite Urgente
Killicon gloves of running urgently.png 0.8 seconds 33 6 per second 98 299 Hammer units/sec
  • The Gloves of Running Urgently (shortened to G.R.U.) are craftable melee weapons for the Heavy. While equipped, the Heavy's movement speed is increased by 30%, but players lose 6 HP/sec. Furthermore, all melee damage dealt is reduced by 50%.
  • Use the G.R.U. to reach the front lines faster and keep up with teammates, but make sure to know the location of health kits on the map, have a Medic to negate the health loss, or have a lunchbox item equipped, so as not to begin a fight with insufficient HP.
    • The G.R.U. can also be used to escape losing combat situations. This can allow players to survive and rendezvous with teammates to continue the fight, rather than be killed and forced to respawn.
    • Dodging enemy fire is also more effective when using the G.R.U., since players can use the increased maneuvrability to actively dodge projectiles as well as make it more difficult to aim Hitscan weapons.
  • With a Medic tagging along, the -6 HP/sec penalty can be nullified, which can also help to build the Medic's ÜberCharge meter as well. A Sandvich can also be used to sustain health where necessary. The Dalakohs Bar works as well, but the lower health regained and the need to stop and eat, rather than a quick throw, makes it less effective compared to the Sandvich. The Buffalo Steak Sandvich, like the normal Sandvich, can be dropped as well.
    • Remember that the Buffalo Steak Sandvich's speed boost does not stack with that of the G.R.U. A Heavy under the effects of both will still only move at a maximum speed of 311 HU/sec.
  • As with the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, players can use trick jumps that the faster classes can do, like jumping onto the bridge awning on 2Fort.
    • The damage penalty also adds a very slight amount of knockback while airborne. It's possible to time the damage intervals so that one in the middle of a jump will propel the Heavy slightly further, thus allowing players to reach even more previously inaccessible places (such as point E in Steel).
  • The G.R.U. do much less damage than standard melee weapons which makes them all but ineffective at melee combat, particularly with the health loss.
  • When under the effects of an ÜberCharge, use the G.R.U. to push in closer to a Sentry Gun until close enough to nullify its knockback. The extra acceleration allows players go straight up to a Sentry Gun and use the Minigun's full damage potential, rather than at longer ranges where the spread makes a Heavy ineffective.
  • Beware of running out of ammo on all other weapons. Remember that when a weapon runs out of ammo, the Heavy will automatically switch to an alternate weapon, and then the melee weapons as the final resort; situations may arise where players will be forced to equip the GRU, and take damage.

Warrior's Spirit

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Warrior's Spirit
Esprit du Guerrier
Killicon warrior's spirit.png 0.8 seconds 85 254
  • The Warrior's Spirit is a craftable melee weapon for the Heavy. The Warrior's Spirit does 30% more base damage, but reduces the Heavy's maximum HP to 280.
  • The Warrior's Spirit can be used to give players an edge in melee fights. As the Heavy already has a significant amount of HP, being able to deal more damage allows players to kill their enemies before they take too much damage.
  • Due to the health penalty, the maximum amount of health that a Medic can overheal the Heavy to is 420, rather than 450.
    • The Dalokohs Bar can be used to partially negate the health penalty. However, the Dalokohs Bar's buff does not increase the maximum overheal health.
  • One thing that should be noted about The Warrior's Spirit is that it blocks alot of the screen, making it difficult to keep track of your surroundings; something of high priority when using a melee weapon. Use it wisely!

Fists of Steel

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Fists of Steel
Poings d'Acier
Killicon fists of steel.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Fists of Steel are craftable melee weapons for the Heavy. While equipped, the Heavy takes 40% less damage from ranged weapons. However, players will take double damage from melee attacks.
  • The Fists of Steel can significantly reduce the Heavy's vulnerability if ambushed or when attacked while traversing areas. As the Heavy has effectively 500 HP, it's possible to survive fully-charged headshots under certain conditions.
  • When retreating, equipping the Fists of Steel can increase the chances of a successful escape. Enemy players trying to finish such a fleeing Heavy will not be able to deal enough damage to get a kill before the Heavy can retreat behind cover or find some health.
  • The damage resistance makes the continuous healing given by Medics, Dispensers and the Payload more effective by proportion.
  • A Heavy with the Fists of Steel equipped can effectively shield a Sentry Gun from a barrage of rockets with ease, and soak up quite a bit of Minigun damage, which makes it ideal for protecting friendly Sentry Gun nests against an enemy ÜberCharge.
  • The Fists of Steel are extremely valuable for accomplishing objectives such as capturing points, pushing the Payload cart or capturing the Intelligence. As most players will often try to protect objectives from a distance, using the Fists of Steel can give the Heavy a much greater chance of success at accomplishing such objectives.
  • Make sure not to get into a melee battle, due to the double damage enemies can deal with their melee weapons.
    • Because of this, it's generally a bad idea to equip the Fists of Steel in Medieval Mode, unless there's a large amount of Snipers using the Huntsman or Medics using the Crusader's Crossbow on the opposing team.
  • A Heavy using the Fists of Steel can be an enticing target for classes that would otherwise use ranged weapons. Baiting an enemy into chasing you with a melee weapon, then switching to your Minigun, can be a very effective technique.
  • The Tomislav is a good weapon to pair with the Fists of Steel, as you can quickly spin the Tomislav up to take out faster enemies wielding melee weapons trying to take advantage of the double damage melee weapons will inflict on you.
  • The slowed weapon switching speed impedes switching between your Shotgun and Minigun, making such tactics much less effective.

Eviction Notice

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Eviction Notice
Avis d'Expulsion
Killicon eviction notice.png 0.4 seconds 26 78
  • The Eviction Notice is a craftable melee weapon for the Heavy. The Eviction Notice has a 50% faster attack speed at the cost of reducing damage by 60%.
  • The Eviction Notice's improved attack rate makes the Heavy's melee attack faster than even most of the Scout's melee weapons, while dealing roughly equivalent damage.
  • While this is only about 80% of the damage the Heavy normally deals, Damage-per-second-wise, meaning other melee weapons are overall more effective, however the chance of Critical hits paired with the high attack rate means this is considerably more effective for beating down a weakened opponent, especially with the Buffalo Steak Sandvich's Mini-Crits and speed buffs.
  • The Eviction Notice is used to great effect when used to corner, panic, or ambush enemies. Because the Eviction Notice will get off 4 punches in the time it takes the K.G.B. to attack twice, it is extremely effective at taking enemies down quickly, provided you get the element of surprise.
  • The higher melee speed paired with the Heavy's natural punch means this weapon can also be effective in "Bull Rushing" players off of cliffs and off ledges, for much the same reason the Scout can - the first instinct of many players when melee attacked is to clear some distance, and the Eviction Notice's rapid punch rate means players will be in that much more of a panic when they try to escape.

Item sets

The Hibernating Bear

Article principal : Ensembles d'objets
Ours en Hibernation
Backpack The Hibernating Bear Bundle.png

Aucun effet

  • With critical damage resistance players can counter Crit-boosted enemies. Combined, it's excellent for defense purposes, with a moderate to good performance in direct, well planned assault.
  • The reduced Critical damage extends to Mini-Crits as well. This makes the Heavy more effective in the face of Jarate and the Buff Banner.
  • While it may seem the tradeoff of health (-20 HP) for Crit protection make the item set bonus moot, note that Crits are highly damaging. If facing an enemy that deals Critical hits and Mini-Crits on a consistent basis, the overall damage resistance can negate the health tradeoff.
  • Note that a Heavy using this item set cannot survive a fully charged headshot even when fully overhealed, as a headshot will still do 428 damage, while the Heavy's maximum HP when overhealed is 420.
  • Another strategy is to eat the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, and sneak behind an unaware opponent, taking him out in approximately two hits. The full set will give you a higher survival chance if the opponent notices you, as it weakens the Buffalo Steak Sandvich's self Mini-Crit effect.
  • The combination of the Warrior's Spirit with the Buffalo Steak Sandvich is one of the best loadouts for Medieval Mode. Since almost all damage will come in form of melee, the health penalty of the Warrior's Spirit is somewhat negligible. The damage bonus, combined with the Mini-Crits offered by the Buffalo Steak Sandvich allows you to defeat most classes in melee combat.

Affaires du Marché Noir

Article principal : Ensembles d'objets
Affaires du Marché Noir
Item icon Mobster Monday Bundle.png

Aucun effet

  • Contrairement à l'ensemble de l'Ours en Hibernation, qui se concentre sur la puissance de feu, l'ensemble des Affaires du Marché Noir se concentre sur la mobilité et la flexibilité. Ses composants fonctionnent très bien à la fois ensemble et séparément, ce qui signifie que les joueurs ont une plus grande liberté d'expérience.
  • La plupart des armes de l'ensemble des Affaires du Marché Noir infligent moins de dégâts, en échange de la vitesse, de la facilité d'utilisation, et de la finesse. Le Tomislav, par exemple, se déploie plus rapidement et dispose d'une mise en rotation silencieuse, l'Entreprise Familiale a une plus grande capacité de munitions, et l'Avis d'Expulsion a une vitesse d'attaque plus rapide. Tous ces avantages sont acquis au prix de dégâts réduits, cependant, de sorte que le Heavy aura du mal à gagner le combat face à d'autres Heavies ennemis qui utilisent des utilisent des armes qui font plus de dégâts que celles de cet ensemble.

Combinaisons d'armes

Class combat strategies

Voir aussi : Heavy match-ups

With the greatest firepower and endurance of all the classes in TF2, the Heavy is capable of taking on every other class in the game head-on and emerging victorious.

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • As Scouts cannot take Heavies on in direct confrontations, most Scout players will rely on flanking and ambushing their targets and retreating before they can counterattack. As such, make sure to be careful of being ambushed whenever pushing forward, and always be aware of possible side paths that Scouts may use to try to perform flanks.
    • While the Minigun is capable of killing Scouts almost immediately upon targeting them, good Scout players will only attack moving Heavies and retreat before they can spin up. Using the Shotgun can provide some measure of self-defense against Scouts when on the move.
    • Scouts using the Force-A-Nature are particularly deadly, as they can land two shots inside of one second and retreat before the Heavy can react, on top of the knockback preventing players from pursuing. Always be ready for the Scout to follow up with another attack from a different direction.
  • Be especially careful when using a lunchbox item. Unlike other classes, Scouts can easily pursue Heavies and attack from unexpected directions. It's usually better to simply drop a lunchbox item while moving rather than stopping to eat if the enemy team has Scouts.
  • Because a spun-up Heavy is an easy target, Scouts using the Sandman can easily stun Heavies over long distances, leaving them vulnerable to subsequent attacks. Try to minimize this by fighting at close ranges, where a Sandman stun will only last for a short duration.
  • A Scout using the Fan O'War can mark inattentive Heavies for death, allowing their teammates to deal Mini-Crit damage. If marked for death, it's usually wise to retreat away from enemy fire until the effects disappear.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • The Soldier's Rocket Launcher is extremely damaging, but so is your Minigun. Because you have more health, a Heavy will usually win the resulting damage race at close range.
  • The Soldier is one of the classes that is often best fought with a Shotgun. Using a Shotgun will allow you to move around and avoid his rockets, while still keeping up the damage.
  • When shooting your Minigun at the Soldier, remember that you're extremely slow, so the Soldier's Rocket Launcher will almost always hit you. If you are part of a Medic-Heavy pair, however, they cannot deal damage to you faster then the Medic can heal you, because of the time it takes to reload the launcher; use this to your advantage.
  • With a Shotgun, if the Soldier is attacking and not retreating, fire at the Soldier, duck behind cover to reload, and then pop out again to fire again. It's difficult to time rockets to hit you in the short frame of time, forcing them to move foward more or retreat. Conversely, a Soldier may use the same technique on you, usually with a Rocket Launcher.
  • In the event of a Shotgun battle, you will generally win, as you have far more health.
  • Of all the Soldier's rocket launchers, the Direct Hit is the most dangerous. The Direct Hit deals souped up damage, but only if it hits directly; you are a large target to the extremely fast-moving rockets, which makes them hitting you almost inevitable. When dealing with a Direct Hit user, you need to either close the distance or get behind cover; it's not a good idea to try and kill them with your Minigun.
  • A Soldier wielding the Equalizer at low health moves at about the speed of a Scout, and can kill you in two or three hits, making him incredibly dangerous if he hits you. If you see one, make him your first priority. As they rely on closing the distance to kill you, it's often effective to switch to you’re primary, as they will jump erratically to try to avoid all attacks, 1 second of Minigun fire can kill them.
  • One of the most effective ways to fight a Soldier is to use his own rockets against him. Jump towards him as he shoots for your feet, and you will do a rocket jump of your own towards him. Spin up in mid air and you will land at his feet with your Minigun blazing, invariably resulting in a kill.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • Regard Pyros with the same kind of caution you would Scouts. Pyros will adopt similar tactics like ambushing, but can do it with the added effects of Afterburn and more health. Unless you have seen the Pyro outside of close range and can spin up your Minigun before closing in, keep your Shotgun handy. This is imperative for Brass Beast users, whose primary of choice takes especially long to spin up.
  • The Compression Blast of a Pyro's primary weapon can be an especially great nuisance to a Heavy, particularly a Heavy under the effects of an ÜberCharge. Even if the Pyro is killed while repelling a Heavy on the move in this manner, the Heavy's slow foot speed and reliance on prior positioning make it time-consuming to return to the fore, especially when on the front lines and in the middle of combat. If opposing Pyros are using these tactics, consider countering by advancing with teammates who can engage the Pyros quickly, allowing you to cover ground lost to a Pyro playing keep-away using Compression Blasts.
  • If you engage a Pyro one-on-one, keep your opponent at arm's length. You have the advantage of at least one extremely powerful midrange weapon in the form of your primary, and have a 125 Health advantage to outlast damage from Shotguns or ignition from a Flare Gun. Keep the Pyro in sight at all times: Pyros run faster than Heavies, and if the Pyro gets out of your sight that may be all that is needed to get within Flamethrower range.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Demomen rely on their grenade launchers for indirect attacks and laying "traps" for enemies. While your greater health will provide some protection against their attacks, a competent Demoman can down a Heavy in many situations.
  • When facing an enemy Demoman, try to force them into the open. At close range your Minigun can shred even the most accurate grenade-shooting Demoman, but only if your view of them is unobstructed. In the open and up close you have a distinct advantage over Demomen.
  • At medium ranges, the Grenade Launcher is extremely damaging. The Demoman will often shoot shells at you, retreat to cover to reload, and then come back out and empty more shells on you, limiting the time he spends in your firing line without limiting the amount of damage he can do. In these situations it's best, if possible, to close the distance quickly so you can engage him head-on, where you have the advantage.
  • Demomen love corners and obstructions. They will often run away, round a corner, and set a Stickybomb trap for you. When persuing an enemy Demoman, be extremely careful of any doorframes, corners, or other objects that could potentially harbor Stickybombs.
  • If you are being hit by grenades that are being angled off of corners you need to retreat. Although Demomen can hit you around corners, they cannot see where their grenades are going, so you can move away and find another way to attack them.
  • At long ranges your Minigun can hit enemy Demomen but they will be hard-pressed to do the same. This allows you to pick off damaged enemies, but the Minigun's damage dropoff is too high to kill a healthy Demoman.
  • When dealing with enemy Demoknights (Demomen carrying swords and shields), treat them like you would Pyros. Demoknights are very similar in many respects - like Pyros they deal damage primarily at extremely close range, and also like Pyros they can be shredded with the Minigun if you are healthy and aware of them.
    • Natascha's slowdown can stop a Demoknight charge in its tracks and prevent him from running away, making the gun highly lethal against Demoknights.
    • The Tomislav's faster spin-up allows you to set to killing Demoknights more quickly.
    • Of all the Miniguns, the Brass Beast is most hampered when fighting Demoknights, as by the time it takes to lower the weapon the enemy Demoknight can whittle down as much as two thirds of your health.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • Heavy vs Heavy fights usually boils down to a handful of simple factors.
    • Who attacks first.
    • Whose weapon has a higher damage output. (Brass Beast > Minigun > Tomislav > Natascha)
    • Who has more health.
    • Who has a Medic healing them.
    • Whether one begins dealing critical hits.
  • If you believe you have the disadvantage, do not engage the enemy Heavy first; whenever possible let your teammates distract or soften him up before you attack.
  • However an exception to this general rule is when you have an obstacle between him and you. You can use small obstacles and props to cover up some of your body, thus taking far less damage from the enemy Heavy, while still being able to project all of your damage towards him. Corners are a fairly common place to employ this tactic, though general props such as boxes/crates, discarded wheelbarrows, stalagmites and such will perform the same role admirably. This tactic can afford you semi invulnerability against other Heavies when used properly, depending on the obstacle.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • While a lone Engineer is a small threat to a Heavy, even a low-level Sentry Gun can pose a serious threat to an unprepared Heavy. Heavies lack the speed and maneuverability needed to dodge low-level Sentry Guns, and the Heavies substantial health is rarely enough to withstand the rapid fire and missile capabilities of a level three Sentry Gun. It's best to attack these threats with a partner, where the Heavy can serve to provide suppressing fire or absorb damage while a second party takes out the Sentry nest.
    • With a Medic in tow, a skilled duo can make up for the concentrated fire of a powerful Sentry Gun, and the Heavy's wide spread from his gatling gun can simultaneously damage both the Engineer and his Sentry Gun.
    • Using good communication, a Spy can set an Electro Sapper on an Engineer's buildings moments before a Heavy comes upon the nest. While the Buildings are disabled by the Electro Sapper is a great time to help take them down, and a Heavy's fire is a great opportunity for a Spy to survive should they be discovered in the attempt.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • Although a lone Medic is no problem at all to take out as a Heavy, Medics are usually accompanied by a formidable combat class that could kill you under the healing support of a Medic.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • With his large size, slow speed, and lack of reliable long range weaponry, there is little a Heavy can do against a skilled Sniper in long-range combat. The Heavy would do best to avoid open spaces where Snipers can get clear shots, and to stay in motion at all times. However, a Heavy is a very tempting target and a perfect distraction to keep a Sniper occupied while other classes neutralize the threat or complete objectives.
  • When encountered one-on-one at close-mid range, however, a Sniper is easily dispatched, though beware, a good Sniper can still get a headshot in if you're not careful, even at close range.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • Spies prey on vulnerable classes, and Heavy is more vulnerable to Spies than any other class. Being a slow and large class, Spies will be fast and will be gone faster. Watch your back, and Spycheck with your Minigun. The Minigun has the strength to almost instantly kill a disguised or cloaked Spy. However, spinning the Minigun will make you even slower, so unless you're Spychecking, the Shotgun or Fists will work just as good.
  • In a Heavy-Medic pair, the Medic will most likely be taken out first, as he is the source of mainly, Ubercharging and protecting the Heavy. Protect your Medic, make sure they never leave your sight. If you are backstabbed, leaving a defenseless Medic could mean a lot for your team, although in teamwork, he can switch to pocket another class, in enemy territory, a Medic cannot stop Spies as efficiently as Heavies. Use communication, albeit voice or text, to secure your Medic if you're dead. Considering Spies disguise fast after killing, you should be able to see who they disguise as in your freezecam. Tell your teammates this, and make sure they are aware of the Spies presence.
  • Although it gives you health, eating a Sandvich or Dalokohs Bar leaves you extremely vulnerable to being backstabbed. Find a wall or corner to push your back up against while eating. The health you gain during eating will usually heal damage done with stabs or shots from the front.

Cooperative class strategies

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Heavies are masters of covering fire when on the advance, and this perfectly supplements a Scout's speed. With a Heavy's firepower dealing damage, Scouts can more safely push carts, capture control points, steal intelligence or ambush enemies.
  • A Heavy with a Sandvich can be invaluable to the fragile Scout. If you're both in a secure place and you do not need to use a Sandvich, handing one out to the more easily-wounded Scout can make all the difference when away from a Medic, Dispenser, or supply cabinet.
  • Consider pairing up Natascha with supporting a Scout. Natascha's slowdown effect can more effectively delay or halt enemy pursuit of a Scout on the move.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • Together, a Heavy and Soldier duo make a tough pair, second in combined health only to two Heavies working together.
  • The Soldier's Rocket Launcher gives a Heavy-Soldier pair something the Heavy lacks alone: range. Rockets can travel over a long distance, and a Heavy's Minigun tracers can effectively point at enemy positions a Soldier can quickly light up.
  • On the offense, being under the effect of a Buff Banner can make a Heavy-Soldier combo devastating. On the defense, a Concheror or Battalion's Backup Soldier can effectively make a Soldier-Heavy pair a very formidable wall of HP and projectiles.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • Pyros are one of a few excellent distractions for incoming Heavies. The chaos that a Pyro can cause by setting whole chunks of the enemy team on fire can draw attention away from a spun-up Heavy.
  • In direct combat, Pyros can frustrate the efforts of Soldiers and Demomen with well-timed Compression Blasts, leaving them open to a Heavy's sustained fire.
  • Pyros have one main weakness when supporting Heavies, and that is the lack of any real long-range attack capability. Rockets or Grenades that a Pyro cannot spot, long-range Revolver or Ambassador attacks, Sentry Guns, other Heavies and, of course, Snipers all pose major threats to both Pyro and Heavy. This makes Pyro support a strictly close-to-midrange affair.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Heavies can be just as good as Demomen at area denial for specific locations. Pinning down enemies with the speed of Minigun fire while a Demoman throws out a Grenade Launcher barrage can easily make up for the latter's relatively slow rate of fire and lengthy reload time.
  • Never underestimate the power of cooperation. A Heavy and a Demoman working together can herd enemies into a Stickybomb trap by laying down suppressive fire.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • Covering fellow Heavies is imperative for a pair or group of Heavies on the move. Unless you are certain where your enemies will be coming from, check each others' blind spots often and scan for threats. If a single Heavy is a conspicuous presence, a group of them is near impossible to ignore.
  • On the attack, deliberate maneuvering and timing are key. Heavies are slow, and if an attack is mistimed or its angle chosen badly, the defense can pick apart a multi-Heavy assault. Cover areas other Heavies are not attacking and come together as one single blow: if a group of Heavies gets flanked, it's hard to stem off being entirely surrounded due to their sloth.
  • Consider remembering what Heavies on your team have Sandviches or similar food items and which don't. When away from Medics or nearby Health Kits, passing out food to other Heavies is vital to extended autonomy.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • You are like a moving Sentry Gun if you stand beside an Engineer's Dispenser. Tell the Engineer to put a Dispenser in a key point, and begin firing your Minigun for access denial by the other team.
  • If needed, stand beside a Sentry Gun if it's under fire, your presence will force the enemy to choose between shooting you or the Sentry Gun and your combined firepower will stop everything short of an ÜberCharge.
  • If the Engineer is trying to deploy an Offensive Level 3 Sentry Gun, hang just in front of him and try to absorb a bit of fire that is directed at that Sentry Gun and also help him Spycheck. Most of the time, this will mean the difference between a Lvl 3 Sentry wiping the other team or you and the Engineer ending up dead.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • The Heavy is an ideal Medic buddy in almost any circumstance; he has a huge amount of health (especially when overhealed), a large hitbox to hide behind, and is usually very effective when Übercharged. When coupled with a Medic, take advantage of these characteristics to keep him alive to help you wade through your foes.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • Supporting a Sniper as a Heavy can be as easy as using your large amount of HP and presence to draw enemies out into the open. By giving the enemy something very conspicuous to fight against, the Sniper can go unnoticed until the kills start to stack up.
  • Snipers at midrange can benefit greatly from the suppressive fire of a Heavy. Anything too far away to be greatly damaged by the Minigun can be dealt with by accurate Sniper fire from a position behind, even if it's not an ideal shooting spot for the Sniper.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • As with supporting Pyros, Heavies make a fantastic distraction to draw enemy attention away from a Spy sneaking behind enemy lines. A Heavy who is good at drawing fire and prolonging combat can help keep the pressure off a fragile Spy until it's too late for the enemy.
  • Avoid sticking too close to a Spy. Heavies are prime targets for Pyro ambushes, Soldier rocket attacks and Demoman grenade strikes, and having a Spy damaged as collateral can very rapidly blow their cover.
  • As tempting as it may be, try not to throw a Sandvich out if a friendly Spy is in the area. Tossing food items around to someone who should be invisible to the other team is a surefire way to blow a friendly Spy's cover.
  • Learn to do cleanup. A Heavy's Minigun barrage can easily rectify a botched backstab on a fleeing enemy.

Spécifique par carte



  • La charge utile est votre ami, elle vous protège des Snipers et des tirs ennemis et vous fournit en munitions et points de vie.
  • Gardez un œil sur les Snipers, bien que le chariot vous protège ils auront votre tête à bas prix si ils vous voient pousser la charge utile. Restez accroupis derrière la charge utile pour assurer votre sécurité.
  • Un Kritzkrieg bien chargé peut facilement débarrasser l'entourage de l’équipe adverse.

Section 1

  • Les Snipers de l’équipe adverse sont vos principales menaces, vous devrez prendre les routes secondaires pour les surprendre.
  • Utiliser l'ÜberCharge d'un Medic pour éliminer les Mitrailleuses nuisibles placées à l’extrémité du panier ou pour ralentir la progression de l'équipe adverse en attaquant leur base pendant que votre équipe déplace le chariot.

Section 2

  • Le couloir principal est libre de tout obstacle, ce qui vous laisse une chance pour surprendre vos ennemis, par contre, cela ne vous sauvera pas des Snipers et des attaques à distance.
  • Faites attention aux Spies ennemis, ne les laissez pas descendre à l’arrière de votre base, les routes secondaires avantageront leur intrusion.
  • Utilisez ces routes secondaires pour arriver derrière l'ennemi, essayez de les surprendre par leur spawnpoint, pour soulager la pression sur votre équipe.

Section 3

  • Les régions largement ouvertes favorisent les Snipers et les Soldiers, ne vous faites pas dépasser.
  • Cachez-vous derrière le chariot alors qu'il se déplace sur les collines et regardez à la fois devant et derrière vous, ce sont les seuls endroits où les adversaires peuvent s'approcher de vous.

Voir aussi

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