Estratégia para a ÜberCarga

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Estou totalmente carregado!
O Medic

Esta página lista estratégias comuns para utilizar a ÜberCarga do Medic de forma eficaz.


Artigo principal: ÜberCarga

A ÜberCarga é uma habilidade do Medic que permite que ele e seu alvo de cura se tornam completamente invulneráveis a dano. A ÜberCarga é carregada principalmente ao curar colegas de equipe com a Arma Médica, sendo capaz de mudar o ritmo da batalha quando usada ofensivamente e de segurar a equipe inimiga quando usada defensivamente. Além da Arma Médica padrão, que fornece invulnerabilidade, há três outras variantes: a Kritzkrieg fornece uma ÜberCarga que permite que o paciente cause acertos críticos garantidos, a Quebra-Galho fornece uma Mega Cura fornece uma taxa de cura triplicada e imunidade a efeitos que afetem negativamente a mobilidade tanto do Medic quanto do seu paciente e a Vacinadora fornece ao Medic e seu paciente 75% de resistência a dano de fogo, explosivo ou de balas.


Utilidades da ÜberCarga

Medics têm duas ferramentas a sua disposição que podem ajudar a carregar a ÜberCarga ou a reduzir a perda de ÜberCarga.


A Überserra é uma arma corpo a corpo desbloqueável para o Medic que pode adicionar 25% ao medidor de ÜberCarga do Medic ao acertar um inimigo com ela, fornecendo 100% de carga ao matar com a provocação de morte Furador de Vértebras com sucesso ou 50% se o alvo estivesse ÜberCarregado. Sendo assim, é uma ferramenta extremamente poderosa que pode mudar a balança de ativação de ÜberCargas em ambas as equipes, dependendo de como for utilizada.

  • Uma das coisas mais importantes de se lembrar sobre a Überserra é que ela ataca inimigos com uma velocidade de ataque 20% menor, com uma taxa de 1 acerto por segundo. Sendo assim, para Medics que queiram ser capazes de se defenderem de atacantes, usar a arma primária é frequentemente uma opção mais segura em batalhas prolongadas.
  • Medics equipados com a Überserra devem manter em mente o progresso de seu medidor de ÜberCarga antes de tentarem atacar inimigos para obterem mais carga. Um Medic com uma pequena quantidade de ÜberCarga pode rapidamente aumentar seu progresso ao atacar inimigos e tem pouco a perder se falhar; por outro lado, um Medic com muita carga arrisca perdê-la se morto ao atacar, podendo preencher o resto do medidor em segurança ao curar aliados.
  • A classe, o estado e a atenção dos inimigos também devem ser mantidos em mente. Enquanto atacar um Spy com a vida baixa ou um Scout encurralado atrás das linhas aliadas é relativamente seguro, assim como Snipers desatentos, atacar Pyros ou Heavies cientes da sua presença muito provavelmente resultará em sua morte.
  • Lembre-se que não é necessário matar um inimigo com a Überserra a fim de obter ÜberCarga adicional. Utilizar táticas de acertar e fugir podem permitir que o Medic rapidamente adicione 25% ao seu medidor ao acertar um inimigo com um golpe e então recuar para junto de seus aliados e geralmente é menos arriscado do que lutas até a morte.


A Vitasserra é uma arma corpo a corpo para o Medic que permite que jogadores mantenham até 60% de seus medidores de ÜberCarga ao morrerem - a quantidade de ÜberCarga retida depende do número de Órgãos coletados ao acertar inimigos, com até 15% de ÜberCarga retida por órgão (até um máximo de 60% com 4 órgãos). Usar a Vitasserra, assim como a Überserra, pode mudar as dinâmicas de ativação de ÜberCarga em ambas as equipes.

  • A desvantagem de equipar a Vitasserra é que o Medic terá uma vida máxima de 140 ao invés de 150. Jogadores usando a Vitasserra devem mantar isto em mente e jogar mais cautelosamente.
  • A maior força da Vitasserra é a redução do tempo de recuperação ao morrer, já que carregar o medidor de ÜberCarga ao renascer requer menos tempo. Isto pode ser usado para surpreender a equipe inimiga ao ter uma ÜberCarga pronta em um momento em que ela acredita estar segura.
  • Assim como a Überserra, a Vitasserra encoraja Medics a entrarem em combate a fim de coletar Órgãos e aumentarem a retenção de ÜberCarga. Diferentemente da Überserra, o benefício da Vitasserra é limitado. Portanto, a Vitasserra encoraja Medics a evitarem entrar em combate após coletarem quatro Órgãos, pois, um vez que quatro Órgãos tenham sido coletados, atacar inimigos não resulta em benefícios adicionais e as chances de morrer em combate são levemente maiores por conta da vida máxima reduzida do Medic.

Usando a ÜberCarga

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  • A ÜberCarga da Arma Médica é melhor utilizada para atravessar as defesas de inimigos entrincheirados. A invulnerabilidade fornecida por ela também permite que colegas sobrevivam em situações em que normalmente morreriam rapidamente. Use isto para destruir quantas construções inimigas e matar quantos inimigos for possível para permitir que aliados prossigam com facilidade.
  • Espere o máximo possível para ativar a ÜberCarga. Tente esperar até que um os ambos os alvos de cura tenham sofrido dano antes de ativar a carga. Ativar a ÜberCarga o mais tarde possível dá ao par mais tempo para destruir construções inimigas ou matar inimigos enquanto invulnerável. O momento ideal de ativar a ÜberCarga é quando você ou seu paciente estiver com a vida extremamente baixa; no entanto, é melhor ativar uma Über um pouco cedo do que arriscar a morte de um de vocês antes de ativá-la.
    • Ative-a, não a perca. Se você estiver com pouca vida e esperando pelo melhor momento para ativar a ÜberCarga, é melhor ativá-la cedo do que morrer com a carga cheia.
  • Quando ÜberCarregado, foque mais em eliminar inimigos e destruir construções do que em alcançar um objetivo, já que jogadores ÜberCarregados são incapazes de capturar Pontos de Controle, empurrar o carrinho ou pegar a Inteligência enquanto a ÜberCarga está ativa.
  • Coices de explosões, rajadas de ar, Sentinelas e da Força da Natureza são os maiores inimigos de uma ÜberCarga, então, sempre que possível, faça com que o Medic vá na frente e atraia o fogo inimigo. Heavies e Pyros são mais eficazes de perto contra Sentinelas.
    • Esteja especialmente ciente de Pyros, pois são capazes de usar com facilidade a rajada de ar para atrasar ou, pior ainda, prender Medics em um canto e inutilizar a ÜberCarga. Lembre-se de matar Pyros primeiro para impedir que isto aconteça.
  • Se outro aliado for o recipiente de uma ÜberCarga certifique-se de seguir ele e seu Medic e de usá-los como escudos ambulantes. Lembre-se que, enquanto eles estiverem invulneráveis, o Medic e seu paciente são limitados quanto ao que podem fazer, então ajude-os ao atacar inimigos.
  • Pares ÜberCarregados atraem muito fogo inimigo mesmo quando carregados e a equipe inimiga procurará se vingar deles assim que as ÜberCargas terminarem. Use esta distração para avançar para Pontos de Controle ou matar inimigos preocupados.
  • Se, em resposta a uma ÜberCarga aliada, um Medic inimigo ativar a sua própria, tente ignorá-lo e ir atrás de outros alvos. Foque em atacar o que puder ser destruído ou morto. Deixe a área rapidamente quando sua ÜberCarga começar a acabar, pois eles ainda estarão invulneráveis uma vez que ela terminar e irão atrás de você.
  • A Arma Médica pode ser usada para fornecer invulnerabilidade a múltiplos jogadores de uma só vez ao trocar rapidamente entre alvos. Entretanto, o medidor de ÜberCarga se esgotará mais rápido ao trocar de alvo de curapara mais de um indivíduo.
  • Um Medic sozinho com um medidor de ÜberCarga cheio pode ativar a ÜberCarga para evitar sofrer dano, mudar rapidamente para a Überserra, atacar inimigos para recarregar o medidor e mudar de volta para a Arma Médica para evitar sofrer mais dano. Isto é conhecido como a Estratégia do Medic Solo. Isto não é tão eficaz quanto ativar a ÜberCarga em um aliado, então apenas a use como último recurso.

Defense against ÜberCarga

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  • The best defense against an ÜberCarga is another ÜberCarga. At least one defending Medic should build an ÜberCarga and save it for when attackers come in with one of theirs. An ÜberCharged pair should try to body-block the opposing ÜberCharged pair (physically stand in their way and prevent them from moving forward) to waste their ÜberCarga time, then finish them off afterward.
  • After setup time, both teams are bound to have an ÜberCarga ready. One tactic is to let the other team use up their ÜberCarga first, then let your team's Über attack the other team by surprise. Make sure your team's Medic doesn't die during the opposing ÜberCarga.
  • Although they cannot be hurt, ÜberCharged pairs can still be knocked back by Sentry Guns, rockets, either of the Demoman's weapons, or rajada de ars. Target the Medic to launch him away from his teammate, and once he has been blasted far enough away, his link with his patient will be broken, rendering the patient vulnerable to attack. Once the Medic's ÜberCarga runs out, attack him.
  • Demomen are good counters to an ÜberCarga. Lay a line of Sticky bombs on the ground, wait until one of an ÜberCharged pair steps on it, then detonate, sending that player flying into the air.
    • The trap can also be detonated after one of the pair crosses it, but not the other, to send the two flying in opposite directions. This is useful for both eliminating the threat of the ÜberCarga and killing the player who is launched towards your team.
    • Remember to use obstacles and terrain to amplify the effects of a sticky trap. Try to use the explosive knockback to push one or both of the pair into corners, or off ledges.
    • Note that stickybombs on walls and ceilings do not significantly affect an ÜberCharged pair, they must be on the ground and in close proximity of each other, and at least two bombs are required for a noticeable effect. Different classes have different weights — an ÜberCharged Heavy may take 5 or more stickies to successfully blast away, while the lightweight Medic can be launched airborne with two or three bombs.
  • Soldiers can bounce an ÜberCharged pair around by firing rockets at their feet. Try to push them into corners or off the map. If possible, try to bounce the Medic only in order to separate the pair, leaving the patient vulnerable to attack.
  • A very good way to deal with ÜberCharges is to use the Pyro's rajada de ar. Using the rajada de ar's knockback, it is possible to delay an ÜberCarga for a significant amount of time.
    • If possible, try to physically separate the Medic from his patient. Most of the time a Medic's patient will push on ahead and not realize that he is without ÜberCarga until it is too late.
    • Against a Soldier or Demoman, the Pyro can simply deflect the explosives to minimize the amount of damage caused by the assault.
  • The most common target for an ÜberCharged pair is a Sentry Gun. The Engineer has three choices: hide behind his gun and repair it faster than it gets damaged, pick it up and carry it away from enemy fire, or abandon it and rebuild as soon as possible.
    • If the ÜberCharged pair includes a Heavy, and they are not too close or the ÜberCarga is almost done, the Engineer can survive if he hides behind his Sentry and has a Dispenser behind him to keep healing him and supplying him with metal to repair his gun. If they get close, however, it is better to flee.
    • If the ÜberCharged pair includes a Pyro and get close, the Engineer will likely die, and the gun a few seconds later if the Pyro has enough ÜberCarga time left. Consider fleeing if they get close.
    • If the ÜberCharged pair includes a Demoman, the Engineer should stay if the Demoman is firing regular grenades. He may die, but he will probably keep his gun alive long enough to survive the ÜberCarga. However, if the Demoman gets three sticky bombs under the Sentry Gun, the detonation will destroy even a Level 3 non-wrangled Sentry Gun. Pick up the Sentry Gun, destroy the bombs with the Escopeta or Short Circuit, Wrangle it to reduce damage, or abandon it and retreat.
    • Using the Wrangler, it is possible to save a Sentry Gun from some ÜberCharges. When a Sentry Gun is wrangled, it resists 66% of all incoming damage.
    • The Rescue Ranger can also be used to both repair and pick up the sentry from a distance, allowing you to save it from an incoming enemy.
    • It may also be possible to destroy stickies with the Escopeta or Short Circuit, if an enemy Demoman is firing them slowly enough or is very inaccurate. However, after the second bomb lands, the Engineer should flee from the Sentry Gun and either Wrangle or retreat to rebuild. See Engineer Strategy for more information.
  • ÜberCharged pairs can be slowed down by body-blocking them (physically standing in their way and preventing them from progressing). While this will almost certainly result in death, it could cost the pair one or two seconds of precious Über time, especially if they are focused on a different objective. Try to keep strafing to continue to block one or both of the pair as they attempt to maneuver around, and if possible, try to block only the Medic and allow the patient to continue forwards. Scouts armed with the bullet-dodging effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch are especially effective at this, and can potentially waste all 8 seconds of an enemy's ÜberCarga.
  • Although the opportunity rarely presents itself, it is possible to Telefrag those under the effects of an ÜberCarga. Any enemy standing on a Teleporter Exit will be instantly killed if an enemy uses it, reagardless of whether they are invulnerable or not. When this occurs, it is usually due to sheer luck and the ÜberCharged pair not noticing the exit.

Using the Kritzkrieg

Veja também: Kritzkrieg
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  • A Soldier or Demoman is often a good target for a Kritzkrieg ÜberCarga, due to their weapons' significant damage and splash radius. A properly timed attack can wipe out a crowd of enemies before they can react.
    • Use a Kritzkrieg ÜberCarga on a Soldier using the Buff Banner to help him quickly build up rage with the critical hits, allowing him to follow up with Mini-crits once the charge expires.
    • Soldiers using the Cow Mangler 5000, however, are a poor choice, as the weapon's shots will only deal Mini-crits instead of full Critical damage.
  • During setup time, try to help a Demoman deploy Critical sticky bombs near the enemy spawn. The blast radius should be enough to kill most of the opposition. If possible, try to find one carrying the Scottish Resistance, so that the Demoman can separately detonate his bombs.
  • If fighting on a wide-open and outdoors map, a Heavy can make a good target for a Kritzkrieg ÜberCarga. Remember that because the Metralhadora Giratória is a hitscan weapon and that Critical hits do not suffer from damage falloff, a Crit-boosted Heavy, even at long range, is still extremely dangerous.
  • Always be wary of your surroundings as well as the positions of any enemy players. Medics using a Kritzkrieg ÜberCarga will not have the invulnerability that the Arma Médica provides. Spies and Snipers can easily stop the charge abruptly with a backstab or headshot.
  • The ÜberCarga meter of the Kritzkrieg increases 25% faster than the standard Arma Médica, making it easier to build a full ÜberCarga before dying.
  • Due to the Kritzkrieg's faster charge time, it is possible to use it to kill enemy Medics who are using the standard Arma Médica before they can fully build up an ÜberCarga.
  • Remember that critical hits don't affect buildings, which makes the standard Arma Médica a better choice for destroying Sentry Guns.

Defending against Kritzkrieg

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  • In general, always try to kill the Medic as quickly as possible. As the Kritzkrieg does not grant either the Medic or patient invulnerability, they can still be damaged and killed.
  • If a Soldier has the Battalion's Backup, activating it will nullify all Critical hits in an area around him, including an enemy Medic's Kritzkrieg charge.
  • As a Pyro, it is possible to deflect incoming explosive projectiles if the Kritzkrieg target is a Soldier or Demoman. If possible, try to deflect any explosives back at the Medic to end the Kritzkrieg charge as quickly as possible.
  • As a Soldier or Demoman, use explosive jumps to gain a height advantage with which to attack the Medic. Usually the Medic's patient will be too focused on trying to kill teammates on the ground to notice threats from above.

  • If you attack the Medic while he is giving his Medic buddy the effects of the Kritzkrieg, try to approach the Medic from behind or the side, not head-on; exposing yourself to a volley of Critical hits will likely kill you before you can inflict significant damage.
  • Snipers can take shots at a Kritzkrieg-charged duo from the back lines; a fully-charged bodyshot or an uncharged headshot will almost always kill the Medic.

Using the Quick-Fix

Veja também: Quick-Fix
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  • In general, the Quick-Fix is best used capturing objectives quickly. It has a 40% faster heal rate and a 10% faster ÜberCarga build rate compared to the default Arma Médica. It's great for getting that last push for the objective — despite only having 50% overheal compared to any other Arma Médica.
  • Oddly enough, the Quick-Fix's overheal penalty allows the Medic to build his ÜberCarga fastest when out of combat. Because teammates never reach 150% max health, the Quick-Fix always builds charge at its maximum rate.
  • The Quick-Fix's rapid healing can be used to sustain a large group and is extremely effective in coordinating pushes. When using it, try to follow the bulk of your team's force and keep them above 50% health. Use the ÜberCarga when the team is under heavy fire and heal as many teammates as possible.
  • When the ÜberCarga is deployed, the patient and the Medic will be healed at triple the default healing rate, and both will be immune to movement effects such as Knockback, Stun, and Slowdown.
    • This is a huge benefit if there are Sentry Guns on a point, as it will allow the Medic and his patient to destroy it with ease if they are not killed by the damage.
    • The Quickfix's ÜberCarga is effective against airblasts, as any Knockback is negated.

Defending against Quick-Fix

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  • Make a Medic with the Quick-Fix your primary target when close to an objective or healing a group. Try to take them out before they get a chance to deploy their ÜberCarga.
  • The Quick-Fix, like the Kritzkrieg, does not make the Medic and his target invulnerable. When a Medic deploys an Über with the Quick-Fix, focus all of your team's fire on the Medic to give you a chance of taking him down quickly.
  • A Sniper or Spy can instantly kill a Quick-Fix ÜberCharged Medic with a single backstab or headshot. As Sniper, remember that the Medic is also overhealed; charge your shots before firing.
  • Don't try to use Knockback to stop the ÜberCarga. Try to separate the Medic from his pocket.

Using the Vaccinator

Veja também: Vaccinator
  • Whereas other ÜberCharges are primarily built up over a long time and released at an opportune moment to blow a hole in the enemy lines, the Vaccinator stacks up multiple charges very quickly and is more effective at constant pressure than a single push.
  • It is important to know the enemy team's composition and loadouts. A team with mostly Heavies, Scouts, Snipers, and level 2 Sentry Guns should be easy to push into with a bullet-resisting Über, while padrão Demomen and Escopeta-less Soldiers will be stymied by an explosives-resisting Über. Fire is a much more situational resistance and should be employed in the face of a Pyro ambush more than as an attempt to move up.
  • Patients tend to be more cautious with a Vaccinator Über than other ÜberCharges due to the risk of taking unresisted damage from unexpected sources. Proper communication is necessary to ensure the patient and Medic know what the plan is.
  • It's important to note that you are vulnerable to all melee weapons. Keep alert and watch out for Demoknights or Spies, who can easily kill you in one hit.

Defending against Vaccinator

  • The Vaccinator's main weakness is that its Über can only have one resistance per charge. Switch weapons to something that is not resisted before attacking the Medic; this will force the Medic to use another charge or allow you to ignore the majority of the damage resistance.
  • If you have no weapons that aren't currently being resisted, then do not attempt to attack the Übercharged pair, as it will do minimal damage and simply allow the Medic to build his ÜberCarga faster.
  • The Vaccinator will not protect players against melee attacks. If you have no other option, try charging the Medic with your melee weapon while his patient is distracted.

Chain ÜberCarga (Arma Médica)

Chain ÜberCarga, also known as an Überchain, is a tag team technique that allows two Medic players, both equipped with the Ubersaw and Arma Médica, to maintain a constant state of invulnerability.

To successfully perform this technique, at least one player must have built up an ÜberCarga beforehand. The first player must then deploy his charge on the second, who in turn must use his Ubersaw to attack enemy players and subsequently build up his own ÜberCarga meter. Once it is ready, the second player must then quickly deploy his ÜberCarga on the first Medic (usually before the first ÜberCarga is used up), who in turn switches to his Ubersaw and attacks enemies to build up his ÜberCarga meter. If this chain can be repeated successfully, both Medics can remain invulnerable for extended periods of time whilst killing a multitude of enemies.

The technique requires good communication between the two Medics. Both should be aware of the status of both ÜberCharges in order to continue the chain uninterrupted, as well as knowing when to break off the chain should something go wrong.

Chain ÜberCharges can be an effective strategy for clearing a certain area of enemies, pushing through a strong defense, or heading off an incoming attack. It is less effective, however, against buildings or for completing certain objectives such as capturing a point. The chain can be easily broken by Pyros utilizing the Compression Blast ability to separate the Medics, or with Scouts luring the chain into chasing them and wasting time. The attacking Medic, though, is not limited to using his Arma de Seringas or Blutsauger to fend such classes off. Slower classes are a priority for the chain, as the Medics can easily reach and attack them.

Should the chain be broken, both Medics should escape the area and regroup later with another ÜberCarga ready.

When using the Invulnerability Überchain, different tactics should be used based on the classes you are facing:


  • Don't bother chasing after a Scout. It is unlikely you will be able to hit them unless they run into your melee range.


  • Soldiers are a good class to target. However, try not to put too much distance between you, your helper, and your target Soldier, as they may use their Lança-foguetes to push you away from the other Medic.


  • Pyros are better off left alone, considering they can easily rajada de ar your chain apart. However, a Pyro using the Phlogistinator is an ideal target since they lack their rajada de ar ability.


  • Demomen are slow and therefore good targets. However, watch out, as they may use their explosives to blast you away from your other Medic.


  • Heavies are the easiest targets. They lack speed and cannot knock you back while evading you. Their high health also lets you gain a full ÜberCarga from a single Heavy.


  • Engineers are a good class to target, unless they are being guarded by a Sentry Gun. Sentry Guns will easily push you back and away from your other Medic.


  • Other Medics are not much of a problem to you. However, they move just as quickly as you do and are usually not worth your time to chase.


  • Snipers are a good target. They may have their back turned depending on where you encounter them, so it will be easy to hit them with your Ubersaw.


  • Spies are a good target. They are just as fast as you but are powerless to push you back. They are unable to backstab you since you are invulnerable. However, they will probably cloak away from you.


Medics using the Chain Über tactic on Badwater Basin.

Chain ÜberCarga (Kritzkrieg)

This method requires a Medic with a Kritzkrieg and an Ubersaw working with a Heavy with a Holiday Punch.

Firstly, the Medic builds up the ÜberCarga to 100% and uses it on a Heavy with the Holiday Punch. When an enemy is immobilized and starts laughing, the Medic switches to his Ubersaw and performs the Spinal Tap kill taunt on the victim, killing him and restoring the Medic's ÜberCarga. The cycle is now ready to be repeated again.

This method is far more viable than the double-Medic Chain ÜberCarga because when things do not go as planned, the Medic and Heavy can easily fend for themselves, while the Medic pair does not have the same defensive capability. However, since this method does not use the Invulnerability ÜberCarga, the Heavy and Medic are still vulnerable to enemies while chaining. Even though this method requires the Heavy to land only a single hit on an enemy with the Holiday Punch while the double-Medics require 4 strikes of the Ubersaw, a Heavy is much slower than a Medic, forcing the Heavy to rely on ambushing an enemy (and also because he is not Invulnerable).

Tactics for the Kritzkrieg variant are similar to the Arma Médica variant, with the exception that you need to ambush enemies rather than approach head-on because you're slower and more vulnerable. Because you are not Invulnerable, in the event where you approach multiple enemies, the Heavy needs to kill off all enemies with his other weapons. A last enemy can be spared so that he can be used for the Chain ÜberCarga.

ÜberCarga combination strategies

Deploying multiple ÜberCharges on one patient can be very helpful. However, it can also be wasteful, depending on how it's done and what types of charges are used.

ÜberCarga + Kritzkrieg

This is the best type of combination ÜberCarga. A player who is completely invincible and can deal critical hits can be a dynamo of pain against the other team. However, the Medic deploying the Kritzkrieg should be cautious, as he is still vulnerable, and the entire assembly remains vulnerable to knockback. This combination is best used versus a large force of high-health players, as it can quickly take down even fully-overhealed Heavy-Medic pairs without trouble.

Kritzkrieg + Megaheal (Quick-Fix)

This combination is the second-best one. While it doesn't provide the invulnerability of the ÜberCarga, the patient is receiving an increased healing rate and the standard healing and overheal of the Kritzkrieg. The Kritzkrieg Medic should still hang back, as he is vulnerable. However, the Quick-Fix and Kritzkrieg build ÜberCarga 10% and 25% faster respectively than the padrão Arma Médica, allowing for more frequent use and easier coordination. This combination is best used versus a large force of Soldiers, Demomen, and Pyros, as it deals significant damage while preventing knockback which could separate the Medic and patient.

Kritzkrieg + Vaccinator

Similar to the previous combination, with the patient taking less damage from particular sources instead of being healed of damage quickly. The Vaccinator Medic is not as vulnerable as a Quick-Fix Medic would be, and the stream of critical hits erupting from the patient should deter the usage of unresisted melee attacks. The Vaccinator also builds ÜberCarga 67% faster, allowing this combination to be used often.

ÜberCarga + Megaheal

This combination is less effective than the previous ones, as the Megaheal's bonus healing is wasted on an invincible player. However, it will still provide knockback immunity, making this combination ideal for assaulting a large sentry nest or sticky trap, where the patient would be otherwise rendered useless by knockback. Although the Quick-Fix Medic has an increased heal rate, he should be cautious, as he is the most vulnerable.

Megaheal + Vaccinator

Strictly speaking, resisting damage of one type and quickly healing damage from other types is not much of an improvement over a single invulnerability ÜberCarga. That said, this combination has the Quick-Fix's immunity to knockback and can be built much quicker than a regular Über.

ÜberCarga + ÜberCarga / Kritzkrieg + Kritzkrieg

Deploying two charges one after another in order to double the length of the effect can be effective in heavily-fortified areas that a single Über cannot break through. However, unless the recipient is a Heavy or a Pyro, they will be forced to spend most of the second charge either reloading their main weapon or firing a secondary one, which lowers the effectiveness of this strategy. Often, a team may best effect such a push with two separately affected teammates.

Megaheal + Megaheal

The increased heal rate makes the target practically invulnerable to any damage which isn't instantly lethal. This pairing builds 25% faster than a standard ÜberCarga, but provides similar invulnerability.

Vaccinator + Vaccinator

If the two Vaccinator charges are on different resistances (bullet and explosive being the best choice for such a combo due to fire being comparatively rare), the patient becomes heavily resistant to the majority of weapons and so can wade through enemy fire without taking much damage. However, the overall effect is similar to a Megaheal without the knockback immunity. Only one Medic with two Vaccination charges is required to use this combo effectively, making it viable for single Medic setups.

ÜberCarga + Vaccinator

As the Vaccinator's sole purpose is to reduce incoming damage, combining it with an ÜberCarga is pointless. The only reason to use this would be an urgent heal for the Vaccinator Medic if a health kit is not nearby. Due to the fast ÜberCarga build rate of the Vaccinator, this is not too much of a waste.

More than two charge types

A skilled player with a triple Über can be very devastating indeed to the enemy team, being immune to everything thrown at them while blasting critical hits. However, putting all the Medics' eggs in one basket is more often than not a poor idea - a single player immune to everything can be avoided, but three players each under the effect of a different charge is much harder to deal with, and so would be a better strategy.

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