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...minun suunnittelemani, minun rakentamani, ja sinun on paras toivoa....etteivät ne jahtaa sinua.

Rakennukset ovat laitteita, jotka Engineer ainoastaan voi rakentaa käyttämällä rakennustyökaluaan. Viisi mahdollista rakennusta ovat:

  • Vartiotykki
  • Taistelu Mini-Vartiotykki
  • Dispenser
  • Teleportin sisäänkäynti
  • Teleportin ulostulo


Engineerit tarvivat metallia rakennuksien rakentamiseen, päivittämiseen ja korjaukseen

Kuten pelaajilla, myös rakennuksilla on terveys. Ja ne tuhoutuvat kun niiden terveys laskee nollaan (katso Destruction alhaalta). Kriittiset osumat eivät aiheuta lisää vahinkoa rakennuksiin. Aseiden vahingot eivät putoa, vaikka rakennuksia ammutaan kuinka pitkän matkan päästä, joka osuma tekee saman verran vahinkoa (poislukien räjähdykset). Kevyesti vahingoituneet rakennukset kipinöivät ja savuavat. Vakavasti vahingoittuneet rakennukset ovat tulessa. Spy pystyy sammuttamaan ja hitaasti imemään rakennusten energian pois Electro Sappereillään . Tuhoamistyökalulla ei voi tuhota rakennuksia, jotka on sammutettu.

Rakennukset alkavat rakentumaan heti kun ne asetetaan maahan, mutta niiden rakennusnopeuden voi kaksinkertaistaa lyömällä niitä Engineerin jakoavaimella. Jos useampi Engineer hakkaa rakennusta samanaikaisesti sen rakennusnopeus kasvaa entisestään. Omia rakennuksia voi tuhota käyttämällä tuhoamistyökalua. Tämä on hyödyllistä, jos tarvitsee metallia, sillä rakennukset hajaoavat romuksi, jonka voi kerätä, josta saa metallia.

Kaikkien oman Engineerin rakennusten läpi Engineerin tiimikaverit voivat kävellä, mutta, Engineer itse ei voi kävellä niiden läpi, tämä antaa hänelle kyvyn seistä omien rakennustensa päällä. Rakennukset toimivat näin myös vastustajia kohtaan (esim. Spy). Vedessä rakennukset toimivat normaalisti, mutta, Vartiotykkim, joka on kokonaan veden alla ei voi ampua vihollisia jotka ovat kuivalla maalla ja päinvastoin.


Building Type Build Time
(First spawn)
Build Time
(First spawn + Melee attack)
Build Time
Build Time
(Moved + Melee attack)
Cost in Metal Health Points Scrap Metal
when destroyed
Sentry Gun Regular 10 5 5 2.5 130 200 to upgrade 150 180 216 60
Combat Mini 5 2.5 1.5 1 100 100 28
Dispenser 20 10 10 5 100 200 to upgrade 150 180 216 50
Teleporter 20 10 10 5 125 200 to upgrade 150 180 216 60

Huom!: Kaikki rakennusajat ovat sekunneissa. Tasojen 2 ja 3 Vartiotykkien rakennusajat ovat pidempiä, koska päivtysanimaatiota ei voi ohittaa tai nopeuttaa.


The building HUD is located in top-left corner of the screen.
Main article: Head-up display

Rakennusruutu kertoo rakennusten tilan ja onko niissä Electro Sapper vai ei. Eri rakennusten pikkukuvat ovat erilaisia.

Icon Description
Building icon Kills.png A number indicating the number of kills a sentry has followed by the number of assists in brackets (Sentry Guns only).
Building icon Ammo.png An indicator bar representing the percentage left of ammunition or metal reserves.
Building icon Metal.png An indicator bar representing the percentage of the building upgrade progress (Levels 1 and 2 only).
Building icon Rockets.png An indicator bar representing the percentage left of rocket reserves (Level 3 Sentry only).
Building icon Teleports.png A number indicating the number of teleports a Teleporter entrance has provided. Transforms to a recharge progress bar after a teleport.


An Engineer carrying a building.

As of the July 8, 2010 Patch, buildings can be packed up and moved by their owners by pressing the alternate fire button while looking at and standing next to them. The operation is istantaneous, and the Engineer will appear carrying the building's toolbox on his shoulder to all players, while from his first-person perspective he will still carry the toolbox as a normal building construction. Damaged buildings can be packed up, but not those under the Electro Sapper's effect.

It's possible to haul one building at a time, and doing so will sensibly reduce the Engineer speed to 75% (225v), slightly slower than a Heavy, regardless of type and/or level of the building. Additionally, the Engineer won't be able to switch to any weapon or item until the building is redeployed. It's still possible to use his own Teleporters (unless he is hauling the entrance or exit to his own Teleporters) and those of friendly Engineers.

While hauling a building if the Engineer is killed the building is destroyed along with him. A special kill icon representing a toolbox will be shown along the Engineer's one.

Redeploying a building won't differ from a normal construction, except that the building will construct itself at twice the normal rate, and the Engineer can still speed up the process. Higher level buildings will have to cycle through all their upgrade animations before becoming operative, and cannot be packed up again until ready. Damaged buildings retain their health at the moment they were packed, and also cannot be repaired until operative again.

All the three phases -packing, hauling and redeploying- are accompanied by specific responses.

This mechanics allows for redeployment without having to completely reconstruct the hardware, thus saving metal and time, and also preserving any score tallies a building may have.


A building can be by destroyed by his owner using the Demolish Tool or by an enemy using any weapon, including the Electro Sapper. A destruction is worth one point to the destructee and is recorded on the player's scoreboard. A destruction cannot be assisted, unless the building has been sapped previously by a Spy; the Spy will then be awarded the assist point.

Destruction points cannot be awarded to Engineers who destroy their own buildings. Furthermore, destructions will not count for buildings that are still proceeding through the setup phase. However the destruction still occurs in game, and any associated effects, such as Frontier Justice's Revenge Crits, are triggered.

When a building is destroyed, the Engineer responds with one of three responses, alerting his nearby teammates.



  • Taunting in front of your building and immediately picking it up gave you the ability to walk around with what appeared to be an invisible toolbox over your shoulders, which gave you an effect not unlike the "Spycrab", as seen here:
    • You could also attack with whatever Melee slot weapon you had equipped while under the effect of this glitch.
      • This allowed the Engineer to build multiple Sentry Guns, using the console command "build 2 0".
      • This also allowed the Engineer to build Lvl 2 and 3 mini Sentry Guns, by changing his loadout while in this state.
        • These two exploits were later fixed in the 18th October 2010 patch.
  • A redeployed level 2 or level 3 Sentry Gun will attempt to target enemy players at the brief instant between reaching a level and starting the animation to upgrade to the next.


Ico camera.png Related images:

See also