Triad Trinket

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Dere's a dingah for ya!
The Scout on shiny new bling

The Triad Trinket is a community-created promotional cosmetic item for the Scout, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper, and Spy. It gives each class a gold necklace (two for the Heavy and Engineer), and replaces the Scout's dog tag necklace with a golden chain. It also removes the white undershirts of the Heavy and Sniper; the Sniper's default shirt gains three buttons and is tucked out, while the Heavy's collar gets flipped up, with his untucked shirt leaving part of his stomach revealed. The Scout and Spy gain broad collars that expose part of their chests.

This item has two styles, named "Bare" and "Bear". The "Bear" style gives chest hair to every class except the Scout.

This item was awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Sleeping Dogs on Steam before August 14, 2012, and August 17, 2012 in Europe.

The Triad Trinket was later contributed to the Steam Workshop, at Valve's request.


Main article: Styles
RED Triad Trinket Bare Spy.png
RED Triad Trinket Bear Spy.png
Bare Bear

Update history

August 2, 2012 Patch (Triad Pack)
  • The Triad Trinket was added to the game.

August 3, 2012 Patch

  • Fixed item conflicts with The Triad Trinket.

August 15, 2012 Patch (Mann vs. Machine Update)

September 13, 2012 [Item schema update]

July 10, 2013 Patch (Summer Event 2013)

  • [Undocumented] Removed "Scout or Heavy Shirt" equip region.

November 12, 2013 Patch

July 7, 2016 Patch #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

  • [Undocumented] Added Strange quality.


See also