List of references (Soldier)
Due to the comedic style of Team Fortress 2 and Valve's humor, the game includes references, usually in a humorous fashion. There are many different types, from games to movies. Even jokes that have developed within the game and its community have been included. Below are references specific to the Soldier class.
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Books and Comics
The Art of War
“ | If fighting is sure to result in victory then you must fight! Sun Tzu said that.
— The Soldier
” |
Sun Tzu really did say that: Sun Tzu being the honorific title bestowed upon Sūn Wǔ (c. 544 BC – 496 BC), and the author of The Art of War, an immensely influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy.
The effect the Equalizer has on a Soldier is similar to Part 82 in The Art Of War.
"You should throw your soldiers into a position from which there is no retreat, and where they will not flee even when facing death. Now that the soldiers are not afraid of death, there will be nothing for them to fear. Both officers and soldiers will do their uttermost to fight. Soldiers deep in a dangerous territory will become fearless, there is no road for them to retreat, they will stand firm. Stuck in the enemy's land, they are bound together. As there is no choice, they cannot but fight a desperate battle."
The music that plays during Meet the Soldier and also appears as a menu theme is titled 'The Art of War'.
The Bible
“ | Then, he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth, and then he herded them onto a boat...
— The Soldier
” |
Noah's Ark, according to the text of the Book of Genesis (chapters 6-9), was a large vessel built at God's command to save Noah, his family, and stock of all the world's animals from the Deluge. This has nothing to do with Sun Tzu, suggesting that the Soldier's historical knowledge (and mind) may be more than a little confused.
Crime and Punishment
Achievement: War Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment is a novel by Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Achievement: For Whom The Shell Trolls
For Whom The Bell Tolls is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway that takes place during the Spanish Civil War. The novel is about an American in the International Brigades who is assigned to destroy a bridge during an attack on Segovia.
All Quiet on the Western Front
“ | How do you like that, All-Quiet-On-The-Western-Front?
Click to listen
— The Soldier, dominating a Pyro
” |
All Quiet on the Western Front is a book about a German Soldier on the Western front during WWI .
This could also be an example of surprising wit from the Soldier, cleverly referencing brain structure and the Pyro's inability to speak. Both Wernicke's Area and Broca's Area are located in the left hemisphere of the brain and together they are associated with the ability to understand and produce written and spoken language. Additionally, the left hemispheres is associated with vocabulary, grammar, and the ability to work with numbers.(Wikipedia) Being that West is the left when looking at maps, "All Quiet on the Western Front" could very easily be a clever, military-themed pun aimed as an insult to the Pyro's presumed lack of intelligence and coherence.
Achievement: Guns of the Navar0wned
The Guns of Navarone is a book about World War II Alistair MacLean. (Wikipedia)
The Hobbit
“ | You just got dominated, Bilbo Baggins!
Click to listen
— The Soldier, dominating a Sniper
” |
The Hobbit follows the quest of home-loving hobbit Bilbo Baggins to win a share of the treasure guarded by the dragon, Smaug. (Wikipedia)
Achievement: Out, Damned Scot!
This is a reference to the quote "Out, damned spot!" spoken by Lady Macbeth in Act 5, Scene 1. This is also a nod to the other Macbeth references in several of the Demoman achievements.
Day Of Defeat
Achievement: Spray of Defeat
Day of Defeat and Day of Defeat: Source are multiplayer games that are also made by Valve, which take place in the European Theater of World War II.
Brothers In Arms
Achievement: Brothers in Harms
A nod to the WWII video games series Brothers in Arms, also obviously portraying partnership between soldiers.
Left 4 Dead 2
“ | Aww, am I too violent for you cupcake!?
Click to listen
— The Soldier, dominating a Sniper
” |
“ | Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield!
Click to listen
— The Soldier. dominating a Sniper
” |
This is a reference to the release of Left 4 Dead 2, when the Australian government forced Valve to censor the gore.
Ironically enough, Australia is depicted in the TF2 universe as a leading producer of creative weaponry and other murderous gadgets.
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
“ | They can bury you in the 'Tomb of the Unskilled Soldier'!
Click to listen
— The Spy
” |
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Wikipedia) is a memorial which represents the war grave of fallen soldiers who have not been identified. They usually contain a Soldier unidentified or thought impossible to identify, who serves as a symbol for all the unknown soldiers wherever they fell.
Brothers In Arms
Achievement: Brothers in Harms
A reference to the blues song by Mark Knopfler. The lyrics are mostly referencing an unnamed war, still it appears clear that the narrator is, or at least was, a Soldier, with a deep sense of unity.
Ride of the Valkyries
Achievement: Ride of the Valkartie
Ride of the Valkyries is a popular piece of music composed by Richard Wagner. It is very well-known and has been used in other media on many occasions, usually when the events of the occasion are about to reach or are at their climax.
It is also the song listened to by Robert Duvall in the film "Apocalypse Now" while he delivers his iconic line "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Achievement: For Whom the Shell Trolls
"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is a song by Metallica from their second album, Ride the Lightning. It is about soldiers going to die in battle, no less.
The Beastie Boys
Achievement: The Boostie Boys
A play on the band's name.
United States Armed Forces
“ | Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Click to listen
— The Soldier
” |
- An inspirational slogan used commonly by the USMC.
“ | Are you all trying for a section eight?
— The Soldier
” |
- The term Section 8 refers to a former discharge from the United States military for reason of being mentally unfit for service.(Wikipedia)
“ | Hooah!
Click to listen
— The Soldier
” |
- Hooah (hü-ä or who-ah) is a U.S. Army battle cry. It is used by US Army soldiers "Referring to or meaning anything and everything except no".
- The Soldiers job title 'Shock and Awe' is an actual military doctrine which is based on "the use of overwhelming power, dominant battlefield awareness, dominant maneuvers, and spectacular displays of force to paralyze an adversary's perception of the battlefield and destroy its will to fight."(Wikipedia)
- One of the Soldier's lines during his Buff Banner taunt refers to the "The 101st Airborne Division or the “Screaming Eagles”— a U.S. Army paratrooper division trained for air assault operations. During World War II, it was renowned for action during the Normandy Landings and in the Battle of the Bulge, the most remarkable of which was their defense of the small town of Bastogne, where they earned another nickname: "The Battered Bastards of Bastogne".
- The Soldier also wears an ace of spades in his helmet band with the Soldier's Stash equipped, the use of which was popularized by the division.
Sayings and Phrases
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
Achievement: Worth a Thousand Words
"A Picture is worth a thousand words" is a proverb stating that a single still image can explain more than any amount of words could explain.
"Semper Fi"
Achievement: Semper Fry
"Semper Fi" (Short for "Semper Fidelis, which is Latin for "Always Faithful") is well known as the motto of the United States Marine Corps, but is a commonly used slogan throughout history.
TV and Film
Band Of Brothers
Achievement: Banner Of Brothers
Band of Brothers was an HBO miniseries focusing on a company of soldiers in the United States 101st Airborne Division (The "Screaming Eagles") and the events they took part in throughout World War II.
Full Metal Jacket
The Soldier's voice and general demeanor are a reference to veteran actor R. Lee Ermey in particular his role as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket. His performance popularized the 'hard-as-nails Drill Sergeant' archetype which has carried over to aspects of the Soldier such as his insistence on calling people 'maggots' and his ability to spontaneously spout colorful insults on the fly. Also related to the Soldier's Shovel taunt (2:40 to 2:57), teaching others about their "war face". The Soldier's hat released in the second wave of Community Content, The Drill Sergeant's Cap, emphasizes this link even more so.
Achievement: S*M*A*S*H
M*A*S*H is a Film, Novel and TV series based on a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (M.A.S.H.) positioned in Korea during the Korean War.
“ | You cannot hurt me, I do not have time to bleed! *Cracking noise* My schedule has just opened up! Aaaohhww, my God!
— The Soldier
” |
Achievement: Ain't Got Time to Bleed
The line was recorded for Meet the Sandvich and was improvised from the movie Predator. It was not eventually used in the final script. The achievement also uses the same line.
Road House
“ | You do not frighten me! Pain does not hurt! *Cracking noise* I stand corrected! Arrrrggghhgh!
— The Soldier
” |
The line was recorded for Meet the Sandvich and was improvised from the movie Road House. It was not eventually used in the final script.
There Will Be Blood
“ | I will eat your ribs, I will eat them up!
Click to listen
— The Soldier, on the culinary arts
” |
This line is a remake of the I drink your milkshake scene in the film "There Will be Blood".
Smokey Joe
“ | I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe!
Click to listen
— The Soldier, dominating a Pyro
” |
Smokey Joe was a steam locomotive toy that was popular with children in the 1960s created by Hornby Railways.
See Also
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