January 7, 2008 Patch

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Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Changed the achievement tracker to only be available in Team Fortress 2
  • Added new teleporter sounds for upgrade levels 2 and 3
  • Fixed overheal particle effect showing up incorrectly on disguised or cloaked Spies
  • Fixed Engineers being able to upgrade the bomb cart's dispenser found in Payload levels
  • Fixed bomb cart's dispenser being solid to players and projectiles

Warning: Display title "December 11, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "December 15, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

On the 119th Update page, the date of this update is incorrectly stated as January 7, 2009.

Team Fortress 2

  • The Engineer's teleporters can now be upgraded to level three. It will recharge faster the higher level it is
  • The Engineer's dispensers can now be upgraded to level three. It will give out metal and heal faster as it is upgraded
  • Spies will be able to recharge their cloaking ability by picking up ammo off of the ground or from health cabinets
  • Some changes to the second part of the first stage of Goldrush to give the attackers more of an advantage
  • Any weapons that fire bullets (shotguns, Sniper's machine gun, Heavy's minigun, etc.) can now break apart the Demoman's stickybombs
  • The icon on the HUD for a person calling for Medic will now give more information to the medic (if the target is low on health, on fire, etc.)
  • Added an achievement tracker that will allow people to choose specific achievements that they are trying to get
  • There is now a custom icon for death messages when the player was killed from a critical hit
  • Added a new particle effect for when a player enters the water
  • Added smoke to the feet of a rocket jumping Soldier
  • Players will now have some particles swirling around them so other players can see when they are overhealed

Warning: Display title "October 22, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "December 11, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Removed consistency check for some particle systems that players like to customize

Warning: Display title "October 21, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "October 22, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added rate limit for several client commands to prevent server spamming
  • Added consistency checking for particle systems
  • Updated r_particle_timescale ConVar so it can only be changed if the server has sv_cheats set to 1
  • Updated loading/disconnect dialogs so they're easier to read
  • Updated Dustbowl, Granary, and Badwater Basin with several exploit fixes
  • Updated Granary to remove the setup time and gates

Warning: Display title "August 26, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "October 21, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the correct Arena stats from being uploaded

Warning: Display title "August 21, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "August 26, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added -noborder command line option to play windowed-mode with no border.
  • Fixed startup crash related to loading the tf2_playerstats.dmx file.
  • Fixed material system crash.

Warning: Display title "August 20, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "August 21, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed an invalid skin crash on TF weapons
  • Fixed a viewmodel related crash when switching classes away from Medic
  • Fixed not getting the Arena team menu after watching the intro movie on Arena maps
  • Fixed some problems with localized text
This article is specific to the patch released. For information on the update, see Heavy Update.

Warning: Display title "August 19, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "August 20, 2008 Patch".

Official update page: A Heavy Update

Patch notes

Heavy Update Title Card.png

Added 3 Heavy unlockables

Added Arena game mode

Added 2 new maps


  • Added server map timeleft to upper right of scoreboard
  • Added new firing sounds to The Backburner
  • Removed the Custom Tab in the serverbrowser, and added the Tags field to the base Internet Tab
  • Increased The Kritzkrieg's uber-charge rate bonus from 10% to 25%
  • 32 player servers can now support an extra slot of SourceTV
  • Made the freezecam item panel description easier to read
  • Players now broadcast whether they chose a team directly or use autoteam
  • Added proper handling of cart blocking recognition to Payload maps

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where switching from flaregun-wielding Pyro to another class meant you didn't get a full ammo loadout on first spawn
  • Fixed Spy watch arm not using team skins
  • Fixed weapon switching preventing you from using secondary attacks for a 0.2s window after the primary became available
  • Fixed players getting stuck in a bad animation state when class switching while spinning the minigun
  • Fixed a loophole that allowed players to pickup weapons of other classes
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in players earning more crit chance bonus in large, single damage events than they are supposed to
  • Fixed an issue with the floating HUD +X health indicators that resulted in them appearing incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug which caused the minigun spinning & firing sounds to occasionally stop while the Heavy was still firing
  • Fixes the Loadout player model panel causing the in-game player facial animation to perform incorrectly
  • Fixed spectators not having the target ID labels display correctly
  • Fixed the cart alarm sound occasionally getting stuck on in Payload maps

Undocumented changes

  • Added a new Fists kill icon.
    • The previous kill icon is assigned to the Killing Gloves of Boxing.
  • High Noon becomes a taunt kill attack.
  • Added a new fist bodygroup to the Heavy model.

Warning: Display title "August 4, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "August 19, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

Warning: Display title "July 29, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "August 4, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed several cases where files were synchronously loaded while the game was running
  • Fixed a shutdown crash in the material system
  • Cached rendering of item model panels to improve performance, in particular while weapon selection was visible
  • Added a gear symbol behind the health bar for Engineer buildings, in both target IDs and freeze panels
  • Players killing themselves will now give a kill credit to the last enemy who damaged them
  • Removed health bonus from the Backburner
  • Fixed team switches on Attack/Defense maps spamming the console
  • Fixed the Kritzkrieg not working on servers with crits turned off
  • Fixed some clipped localized strings in various in-game dialogs
  • Fixed grenades, rockets, and flamethrower being able to fire through grates at round starts
  • Fixed players being killed and creating ragdolls during team switches
  • Fixed various exploits and performance problems in CP_Badlands, CP_Well, and CP_Fastlane

Warning: Display title "July 8, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "July 29, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed rcon crash caused by too many incorrect password attempts
  • Fixed clients experiencing connection problems during round restarts
  • Fixed flares not always being removed on impact
  • Fixed 32 player servers not working correctly with SourceTV enabled
  • Fixed dropped flags sometimes falling through the world
  • Fixed number key menu input sending 2 key events
  • Fixed PING field being clipped in the scoreboard at 800x600 resolution
  • Fixed broken Medi Gun taunt
  • Changed mat_showmiplevels to only be allowed when cheats are on

Warning: Display title "July 3, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "July 8, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed a memory leak affecting both clients and servers
  • Fixed a malicious packet exploit

Warning: Display title "July 1, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "July 3, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added back some damage falloff to the Pyro's flamethrower. Not nearly as extreme as it was before the Pyro class pack
  • Selectable menus can now be operated with number keys even if they are not bound to slot1, slot2, etc.
  • Removed the remaining speed adjustments for carrying intelligence (a couple of game modes still reduced your maxspeed)
  • Fixed Backburner's flame critical hits not being recalculated after collision. This meant that it would check if the target was looking away once and after that the flame could score a critical hit again even if the orientation changed
  • Fixed bug that caused Demoman to take a small amount of extra damage from their own grenades and fly farther using them
  • Fixed Spy getting stuck in players after removing his disguise
  • Fixed Spy stabbing and being able to go invisible instantly
  • Fixed Spy disguised as enemy Medic being able to spam voice commands
  • Fixed buffed health not decaying properly after being healed by a Dispenser
  • Fixed a buildable item placement bug where the object would not rotate after the user tried to place in an invalid location

Warning: Display title "June 23, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "July 1, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Reduced Medic's unlockable requirements to match that of the Pyro's. Medic players now meeting the requirements will receive their unlockables shortly after joining a server
  • Fixed Spy Sapper viewmodel animation popping
  • Fixed another issue with the Hot on your Heels achievement
  • Incorporated the new Russian fonts into the base Team Fortress 2 fonts. Fixes the missing fonts problem when running in Russian with English VO

Warning: Display title "June 20, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "June 23, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

This article is specific to the patch released. For information on the update, see Pyro Update.

Warning: Display title "June 19, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "June 20, 2008 Patch".

Official update page: The Pyro Update

Patch notes

Update Pyro Titlecard.png

Team Fortress 2

  • Added 2 community maps: cp_fastlane and ctf_turbine
  • Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
  • cp_well
    • Added a route from the forward central foyer up to the battlements
    • Redistributed health and ammunition throughout the bases
  • ctf_well
    • Added a route from the forward central foyer up to the battlements
    • Removed central building, reduced overall map length
    • Redistributed health and ammunition throughout the bases
  • Removed Soldier's 40% damage reduction from his own rockets. Does not affect rocket jumps
  • In-game avatar images will now have a badge around them if the player is your friend
  • Added custom death icons for unlockable weapons
  • The player join team message now specifies whether the player used the auto team option
  • Payload maps now support four control points per stage
  • Achievement dialog will stay open when you're moving in & out of the game and the main menu
  • Added full Russian localization, with both fonts & speech
  • Returned the "Report a Bug" option to the main menu
  • Fixed bug that allowed players to move around in a reference pose

Undocumented changes

Warning: Display title "June 11, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "June 19, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Allow Mods to set which ConVars control the sv_tags settings
  • Support custom Russian TF2 fonts
  • Particle rendering/simulation performance increase (missed from the previous update)

Warning: Display title "June 9, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "June 11, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Particle rendering/simulation performance increase
  • Changed video options initialization to fix some HUD resolution problems in mods
  • Fixed crash issuing the last disguise command when not connected to a server
  • Fixed rare crash on exit
  • Fixed a couple of issues with gamestats reporting incorrect values
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed clients to crash servers

Warning: Display title "May 21, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "June 9, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed mat_queue_mode crash during level transitions
  • Fixed rapid weapon switching allowing Medics to prevent deployed UberCharges from draining
  • Improved prediction of Spy's speed changes when disguising
  • Fixed Stopwatch panel not updating if level designer ends round by hand instead of letting the gamerules end it
  • Optimized particle traces on multi-core machines
  • Fixed tracers sometimes firing with the wrong team color
  • Fixed rapid-fire weaponry critical hit checks getting out of synch between the server and client
  • Fixed map exploits in Gold Rush

Warning: Display title "May 9, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "May 21, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed several issues with the Family Practice achievement. Players with 10/10 progress that have not been awarded the achievement will get the achievement the next time they ÜberCharge any Steam friend
  • Fixed toggle-fire option for the Medigun preventing players from earning the Second Opinion achievement
  • Fixed The Kritzkrieg not charging faster than the Medigun
  • Fixed issue that was preventing players from using their new Medic items on some servers
  • Fixed melee weapons not being affected by The Kritzkrieg's critboost
  • Fixed Server Browser sometimes refreshing in the background on startup when it wasn't visible

Warning: Display title "May 7, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "May 9, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed clients getting the "Reliable snapshot overflow" error
  • Fixed another unlimited UberCharge exploit
  • Fixed elevators not working in user maps
  • Networking optimizations

Warning: Display title "May 5, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "May 7, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

Warning: Display title "May 2, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "May 5, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed Kritzkrieg client crash in particle system
  • Fixed Milestone 2 and Milestone 3 achievements being given at the incorrect times
  • Fixed exploit where players could drop weapons onto the ground for other players to pickup

Warning: Display title "April 30, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "May 2, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Removed TF2 achievement console commands
  • Server changes
    • Fixed clients being able to trigger sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo on the server
    • Fixed potential "nuke" exploit in rcon subsystem
This article is specific to the patch released. For information on the update, see Gold Rush Update.

Warning: Display title "April 29, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "April 30, 2008 Patch".

Official update page: Gold Rush Update

Patch notes

Goldrush banner.png

Source Engine

  • Improved particle performance on multi-core machines
  • Added FOV slider to Options | Video | Advanced for all games (moved there from TF2’s multiplayer options)
  • Fixed surround sound initialization problems with new speaker modes defined in Vista

Team Fortress 2

  • Added Goldrush
  • Added Character Info and Loadout to the main menu
  • Added 39 Medic achievements
  • Added unique Medic items:
  • Added new attack animations to most melee weapons
  • Added new speech for the Heavy and Demoman
  • Added Stopwatch mode to Tournament mode
  • Teleporter effect no longer shows up on invisible or disguised Spies
  • Spies disguised as their own team can now capture control points
  • Increased force taken by pipebombs by bullets and explosions
  • Target ID hud is now colored red or blue to match the spectator target
  • Tournament mode no longer ends matches early if the time limit is nearly up when a new round starts
  • Fixed exploit where clients could start benchmark mode on servers
  • Fixed drowning exploit that allowed players to regenerate health
  • Fixed reload exploit that allowed plays to fire instantly after switching weapons
  • Fixed flamethrower bug where a player flush against a wall couldn't be lit on fire from the front
  • Fixed invulnerability overlay not drawing if the invuln player was previously on fire
  • Fixed "times used" entry in teleporters maxing out at 32
  • Fixed rare client crash on level change during control point capturing
  • Minor fix to stat gathering to prevent players using sv_cheats to easily garner achievements
  • For mapmakers:
    • Mapmakers can now directly place the tf_gamerules entity into their map. Fixes Hammer thinking the inputs to it are broken
    • Mapmakers can now place Engineer buildings directly into a map, with an option for them to be invulnerable
    • Added "AddRedTeamScore" and "AddBlueTeamScore" inputs to tf_gamerules
    • Added "SetRequiredObserverTarget" input to tf_gamerules. Force spectators to use the specified viewpoint
  • Granary
    • Added setup time logic, and gates to the middle
    • Fixed an overlay alignment bug on one of blue's gate signs
    • Minor lighting fixes in red/blue spawns
  • 2Fort
    • Added medium ammo and health to basement hallways
    • Added small ammo and health to top of spiral
    • Fixed a clip brush exploit outside blue sniper deck
    • Fixed number "2" overlay on front of red base not being assigned to the brush face

Undocumented Changes

Warning: Display title "April 2, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "April 29, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

Warning: Display title "April 1, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "April 2, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added Custom Tab explanation dialog to be shown the first time the Server Browser is opened
  • Changed Medi Gun ÜberCharge meter to drain faster for each target that still has ÜberCharge beyond your current target. This means there is a penalty for having multiple people being Übercharged at one time
  • Added the string "(extra slot was added for SourceTV)" when maxplayers is increased for SourceTV
  • Fixed crouch-jump exploit that allowed players to get outside of the world
  • Fixed bad characters in the chat string when achievements are announced in languages other than English
  • Fixed a few instances of truncated text in the menus and dialogs for languages other than English
  • Fixed problem that was preventing some dedicated servers from uploading gamestats
  • Fixed scoring bug during Sudden Death when the map timelimit is triggered

Warning: Display title "March 20, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "April 1, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Updated versions of CP_Dustbowl, CP_Badlands, and CTF_Well with several exploit fixes
  • Fixed Linux build not handling FCVAR_REPLICATED and FCVAR_NOTIFY cvars correctly
  • Plugged an exploit where the server could send executable code to the client
  • Fix client crash on exit while processing game stats
  • Updated the Stats Summary screen to remember your previous selections each time you open the menu and while changing levels
  • Added mp_stalemate_at_timelimit ConVar for server admin to allow SuddenDeath(sic) when mp_timelimit hits on non-Valve maps
  • Updated CTF mode to remember the player who stole the intelligence from the enemy base and reward that player if the flag is captured by someone else
  • Replace underscores in map names with spaces so custom maps with names like cp_gravel_pit will show as "GRAVEL PIT"
  • Hitting F4 while the tournament mode "Ready" countdown is active won't automatically set a team to "Not Ready"
  • Fixed auto-screenshots not being taken at the end of the map during tournament mode
  • Fixed gates being closed during the pre-round time during tournament mode
  • Fixed GetDynamicBaseline crash
  • Fixed rare animation triggered sound crash

Warning: Display title "March 13, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "March 20, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed Linux dedicated server map load problems on certain Athlon processors

Warning: Display title "March 6, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "March 13, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Removed sv_alltalk from the list of convars that affect custom server tags
  • Updated the URL used for the "Click for more info on custom servers" link on the Custom tab
  • Added mp_tournament_restart command to be used with Tournament Mode (mp_tournament). This can be used at any time to return to the "Waiting for Teams" state
  • When a tournament match ends it now returns to the "Waiting for Teams" state
  • Fixed Demoman grenades not hurting the shooter if fired at point blank range against a target
  • Fixed critical modifier for explosive weapons (rockets, pipe bombs) increasing critical chance more than intended
  • Fixed Sudden Death "seconds have passed" string not including the amount of seconds that have passed
  • Fixed Internet and Custom tabs in the Server Browser not correctly displaying the server information for servers when going back and forth between the two tabs
  • Fixed a crash for a sound channel getting created without wavedata
  • Fixed Setup timer not showing the correct percentage in the circular progress bar
  • Fixed being able to enter a "spectate" command in the client console to join team Spectator when mp_allowspectators is set to 0.
  • Fixed SourceTV servers not being displayed in the Spectate tab for servers with custom server tags
  • Fixed servers with maxplayers <= 24 that are running SourceTV having the "increased_maxplayers" tag added for their server

Warning: Display title "February 29, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "March 6, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed Internet and Custom tabs in the server browser not correctly displaying the server info when going back and forth between the two tabs

Warning: Display title "February 28, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "February 29, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added "Custom" tab to the server browser
    • Servers can now specify metatags describing the custom rules they've adopted
    • Players can use tag filtering to find servers running the custom rules they want to play
    • Added options for servers who want to become custom games: Disable Critical hits (tf_weapon_criticals), eliminate respawn times (mp_disable_respawn_times), and raise maxplayers above 24
  • Initial release of Tournament mode (mp_tournament)
    • UI for handling team naming, ready mode, and win results
    • Disables team player limits, autobalancing, and intermission
  • Class balancing

Undocumented changes

  • Added protection against voice command spamming. Dramatic reduction in Teleporters needed
  • Added "Toggle Disguise Team" binding in Options->Keyboard to toggle the disguise team for the Spy's PDA
  • Changed PDA menus to accept keys bound to "slot1", "slot2", etc., and "slot10" cancels
  • Changed team autobalance code to not balance the teams when the active round timer shows less than 60 seconds
  • Changed Engineer buildings to detonate when a player disconnects instead of blinking out
  • Made several improvements to server-side stat reporting (not related to individual player stats)
  • Fixed mp_timelimit ending the map during the middle of a round on maps like Dustbowl and Gravel Pit
  • Fixed "lastdisguise" command not remembering if you were disguised as your own team
  • Fixed Spectator targetID not using team colors
  • Fixed "-maxplayers" on the command line not correctly setting the maxplayers value for the server
  • Fixed Badlands never having Sudden death triggered
  • Fixed Engineer being able to detonate buildings that are being sapped
  • Fixed potential client crash for players being healed by a Medic or Dispenser


  1. Jump up to: a b The Stickybomb Launcher and the Grenade Launcher's reserve ammo values are switched in the original text.

Warning: Display title "February 19, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "February 28, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Dropped weapons now replenish half of your max ammo when picked up
  • Reverted mp_forcecamera changes from previous release and set TF2 default back to 1
  • Fixed Badlands exploits and missing textures
  • Fixed tv_enable resetting maxplayers value
  • Fixed a case where a spy stabbing from the front of a player would score a backstab
  • Fixed stats being reported incorrectly for some players
  • Added exec'ing a cfg\.cfg file on the client when you select a class to play (for real this time!)

Warning: Display title "February 15, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "February 19, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Game server will now try 32 sequential ports to start up on if they are all originating on the same machine. Previously it would stop at 10
  • Fixed server crash with mp_forcecamera set to 1 (reverted to pre-release behavior)
  • Fixed stat records sometimes being attributed to the wrong class
  • Fixed the SourceTV changes not working unless servers launched with +tv_enable 1 in the command line

Warning: Display title "February 14, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "February 15, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Source Engine

  • Refactored how lightmaps are downloaded to the graphics card at level load. On some hardware configurations this can lower level load times significantly
  • Optimized some particle systems to improve performance on some hardware configurations
  • Player stats are now sent up as they change, rather than when the player dies

Team Fortress 2

  • Badlands released
  • Changes to Dustbowl
    • Added a new access point to the stage 2 attacker gates (drop-down left from spawn), allowing attackers a way to reach the left route without being subjected to the spam and Sentry Gun fire
    • Fixed a gap in stage 3, cap 1 that allowed a player with to wiggle above the "ceiling" clip
    • Fixed a gap behind stage 1, cap 1 house
    • Fixed a high perch on stage 1, cap 1 house roof
    • Fixed a perch offering view of nodraw textures and the skybox (stage1 cap2 rock barrier)
    • Fixed a few places where rockets/Demoman pipes could pass through non-solid models
    • Sealed up a gap over stage 1 lower startgate
    • Clipped off tall windows in stage 3 to prevent sentry guns from behind built behind them
  • Changes to Capture the Flag Well
    • Fixed trains not starting on map spawn
    • Removed cap association from red spawns that were spamming console
  • Changes to Granary (Control Point)
    • Removed spawn timing advantage from the middle (from -3 to 0)
    • Fixed several model perch exploits (red, blue cp1 gate and blue cp2 gate pipe)
    • Fixed a few places where players could get stuck between containers and silos
    • Adjusted playerclips on red container that made it appear like players were floating
  • Added a small delay (200 ms) before a zoomed Sniper shot can get a Critical hit
  • Added server side convar mp_fadetoblack. Same functionality as Counter-Strike, used mainly during in-person tournaments and LAN events
  • Added Flamethrower "sizzle" sound when the Pyro is hitting a target
  • Updated explosion debris to be a bit darker
  • Fixed idle players not being kicked from the server if mp_allowspectators was set to 0
  • Added ctf_well to the default mapcycle.txt file
  • Added ctf_well to the default motd.txt file
  • Fixed floor tile material type
  • Fixed some weapon damage info missing from TF2 game stats
  • Made some small changes to the Demoman viewmodel that were causing performance problems
  • Added a new timer to the HUD to show the value of mp_timelimit. This is useful if you're playing a timed match on 2Fort, where you only set a timelimit on the server and no other win conditions.
  • Added server log entry for buildings destroyed by their owner
  • Fixed Sentry Gun shadows being clipped
  • Updated glass material

Warning: Display title "January 25, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "February 14, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added new capture the flag map CTF_Well
  • Added Spanish map descriptions
  • Added new option to auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog
  • Added more particle optimizations for mid range and low end hardware
  • Changed the scoring method in CP_GravelPit to score per capture rather than per round
  • Updated "nextlevel" CVAR to trigger a changelevel at the end of the current round (not mini-round)
  • Removed the "Reset Stats" button from the Player Stats screen
  • Updated CP_GravelPit to fix all known exploits
  • Fixed SourceTV demo recording problem
  • Fixed mp_stalemate_enable not preventing Sudden Death mode on some maps
  • Fixed a couple cases where player stats were not being recorded correctly
  • Fixed some log entries being truncated
  • Fixed crash caused by trying to import a custom player spray

Warning: Display title "January 15, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "January 25, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed Medi Gun effect not being removed if the Medic changed class while healing.
  • Fixed being able to zoom too quickly after firing a zoomed shot.

Warning: Display title "January 14, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "January 15, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added new option for Medi Gun beam to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog. If on, the medigun beam will stay attached to the current target without the need to hold down the fire button
  • Added new option for the Sniper Rifle to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog. If disabled, the sniper rifle won't re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot
  • Added "nextlevel" server cvar. If set to a valid map name, server will change to that map during the next changelevel
  • Gave machinima creators access to "tf_testvcd" and "tf_testrr" commands for playing scenes on characters
  • SDK Launcher now has a drop list of engine versions in addition to a drop list of games/mods. This eliminates the need to specify engine version as a launch option
  • Reduced Granary spawn advantage for capping the middle point
  • Fixed PerfUI being used as a type of wall-hack on servers without sv_cheats set to 1
  • Fixed players turning into Scout model after lagouts (and a variety of related issues, such as disappearing doors)
  • Fixed obscure crash related to resolution changing

Warning: Display title "January 7, 2008 Patch" overrides earlier display title "January 14, 2008 Patch".

Patch notes

Team Fortress 2

  • Added an option in the Options -> Multiplayer dialog to filter custom game files being downloaded from servers
  • Fixed cases where ragdolls were falling through the world
  • Graphics optimizations for mid and low end hardware
  • Fixed players blocking doors in Well
  • Fixed Engineer building in exploit areas on final caps in Well
  • Increased starting round timer to 10 minutes in Well