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Hudauda, huuudha!!!
The Pyro performing Hadouken

Upon taunting with any secondary weapon equipped (other than the Scorch Shot or Thermal Thruster) or the Hot Hand, the Pyro winds their hands back, concentrates, then releases their inner fire energy as the Hadouken (literally "wave motion fist" or "fist of surge"). This taunt inflicts fatal fire damage to any building or enemy slow, unaware, or simply unfortunate enough to be within range. The range at which the taunt kills is 48 Hammer units, past which it has no effect. Its wide range of fire is capable of hitting multiple targets at once. As a fire attack, any enemy that survives the Hadouken is ignited.

A Hadouken kill completely fills the Pyro's "Mmmph" bar if equipped with the Phlogistinator.

As with most kill taunts, the Hadouken can be used to kill enemy players during Humiliation and Stalemates.

Counter effects

  • Compression blasting the taunting Pyro can move the kill effect out of range, but usually completely cancels the taunt.
  • Because the Hadouken is a fire-based non-melee attack:

Damage and function times

See also: Damage
Damage and function times
Shot type Particle
Damage type Fire
Point blank 500
Medium range N/A
Long range N/A
Mini-crit 675
Function times
Taunt duration 3.8 s [1]
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.

Related achievements

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Freezer Burn
Freezer Burn
Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts.
Kill an enemy with a taunt.

Update history

June 19, 2008 Patch (Pyro Update)

  • Hadouken taunt now kills people it hits.

August 31, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed Pyro's Hadouken killing Scouts that have used Bonk! and are phasing.


  • If the target dies from the afterburn of the Hadouken, it will show the Flame Thrower's kill icon rather than the Hadouken's kill icon.
  • If the player is in Pyroland, the Pyro's grunt as they charge the Hadouken will be replaced with laughter; this is because the voice clip used normally plays when the Pyro is taking damage.
  • Kills with this taunt while using the Hot Hand will announce "SLAP KILL!" in the second killfeed.


  • The Hadouken is named and modeled after the signature move of Ryu, the flagship character of Capcom's Street Fighter series of fighting games.


See also
