Cinta de trofeos

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La Cinta de trofeos (en inglés, Trophy Belt) es un complemento para la cabeza del Sniper que fue publicado con la actualización Sniper vs Spy Update en calidad de primer sombrero disponible para el Sniper. Aparece como el sombrero curvado habitual con una cinta marrón que sostiene numerosos dientes de cocodrilo.


  • La Cinta de trofeos podía verse antes de que fuera anunciada oficialmente en el vídeo Meet the Spy durante la escena de lucha entre el BLU Sniper y el RED Spy (Image).
  • The Australian CEO Saxton Hale wears a similar crocodile tooth-belt lining around his hat.
  • Despite popular belief, the Trophy Belt actually refers to the band and teeth only. This can be proven with the aid of servers using the equip plugin, in which players can choose to wear a Sniper hat such as the Professional's Panama, whilst using the server plugin to equip the Trophy Belt at the same time. The teeth will wrap around the panama hat instead.
  • This is the first of two Sniper hats that involves crocodile teeth, the other being Ol' Snaggletooth. Given Snaggletooth's name (Meaning a tooth that is broken or not in alignment with the others), and the large amounts of missing teeth and bottom jaw, it seems quite possible that the two hats come from the same animal.
  • The hat description was written by Limeaide.