Estrategia de la Comunidad del Engineer

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¡Grr, venga!
¡Vas a tener un día muy chungo!
El Engineer a sus enemigos antes de que concluya el tiempo de preparación.

El Engineer es una clase única por su habilidad para crear construcciones. Puede llevar a sus compañeros más rápido a la batalla mediante Teleportadores, crear una poderosa Arma Centinela para mantener a raya a los enemigos y puede construir Dispensadores para curar y proporcionar munición a sus aliados. La baja salud y velocidad estándar del Engineer hacen que sea importante para él depender de su Arma Centinela, de otras construcciones y de sus compañeros para protegerse. Aunque su estilo de juego pueda parecer algo pasivo y metódico, no se debe subestimar a los Engineers. Un Engineer habilidoso puede hacer mucho más fácil para su equipo el mantener una zona, presionar mientras se ataca o defender objetivos vitales como un punto de control y el Dossier.

Consejos Rápidos

  • Un equipo sin Engineer eficaz está en extrema desventaja, especialmente en Defensa al jugar en mapas de Ataque/Defensa.
  • Permanece siempre cerca de tus construcciones. Las construcciones sin vigilar son especialmente vulnerables a Spies, Demomen, y Soldiers.
  • El Teleportador puede ser tu contribución más importante para el triunfo del equipo. Si se coloca y defiende apropiadamente, puede permitir a tu equipo el presionar al enemigo.
  • Todas las construcciones se construyen más rápido durante su montaje si les golpeas repetidamente con tu arma cuerpo a cuerpo.
  • Puedes crear una construcción en un lugar seguro y hacerle clic derecho para transportarla a la batalla. También se pueden llevar construcciones a través de Teleportadores.
    • Pero si mueres mientras llevas una construcción, esta se destruye.
  • Puedes ayudar a otros Engineers golpeando sus construcciones con tu arma cuerpo a cuerpo para aumentar su velocidad de montaje o reparar y mejorar construcciones existentes.
  • Tu Escopeta y tu Pistola no son inútiles en combate; úsalas como complemento del fuego de tu Arma Centinela para acabar con la salud de tus enemigos.
  • Evita quedarte en frente de tu Arma Centinela. Esto reduce las posibilidades de que te dispare, al igual que disminuye el poder ser disparado por los enemigos fácilmente, pues la Centinela puede interceptar fuego enemigo.


  • Como Engineer, puedes hacer más que mejorar y reparar tus construcciones. Si tienes metal, no dudes en golpear las construcciones aliadas con tu arma cuerpo a cuerpo tanto para repararlas como para mejorarlas. Vigilar las construcciones de tus aliados permite a otros Engineer construir Armas Centinela, Dispensadores y Teleportadores en otras zonas.
  • Puedes rotar el emplazamiento de una construcción cuando tengas el plano azul pulsando el botón de fuego alternativo. Cambiar la dirección de un Arma Centinela te permite colocarlas en esquinas y otros sitios dificiles de alcanzar. Rotar la salida del Teleportador afecta a la dirección por la que sales. Hay una flecha en el plano que indica la dirección. Recuerda que de la dirección hacia la que salgas puede depender tu vida. Rotar un Dispensador no tiene efecto alguno en su función pero te permite colocarlo en un sitio estrecho o ayudar a ocultar su localización.
    • También puedes colocar la construcción mientras gira para dejarla en un ángulo distinto.
  • Darle al botón de fuego alternativo mientras miras hacia una de tus construcciones te permite "transportarlas" a otro sitio. Mientras mueves una construcción, tu velocidad de movimiento se reduce a algo más lento que la del Heavy y no puedes cambiar de armas. Si te matan mientras llevas una construcción, esta se destruye.
    • Una construcción redesplegada se construye más rápido que una normal sin ayuda de ningún Engineer, pese a que puedes acelerar su montaje golpeándola con tu Llave. Una vez construida, si la construcción ya había sido mejorada al nivel 2 o 3, también saldrán las animaciones de desplegamiento de esos niveles.
  • Los jugadores enemigos, incluidos los Spies disfrazados, no pueden atravesar las construcciones de tu equipo. Usa esto para comprobar si hay Spies poniendo construcciones en lugares estrechos como puertas y pasillos.
  • No es buena idea crear construcciones, sobre todo Armas Centinela, en el mismo lugar que otro Engineer de tu equipo. Agrupar demasiadas construcciones de Engineer juntas maximiza su debilidad contra explosivos u otras armas que provoquen daó en área, además de que agruparse hace que los Spies lo tengan más fácil para zapear todas vuestras construcciones. Es más, las construcciones aliadas bloquean la visibilidad y línea de fuego de las Armas Centinela aliadas.
  • Si tus construcciones están siendo atacadas por Soldiers o Demomen, intenta calcular tus reparaciones para hacerlo entre los impactos de los cohetes o granadas enemigos para evitar morir o construye el Arma Centinela cerca de un lugar donde puedas cubrirte. Si tus construcciones están siendo atacadas por varios Soldiers o Demomen, es probable que las destruyan y te lleven por delante a ti también a no ser que cuentes con el apoyo de Medics, Engineers o Pyros que usen el aire comprimido.
    • Tu mejor amigo es casi siempre un Pyro aliado. Los Pyros son excelentes encargándose de una de las mayores debilidades de un Engineer: mantener a raya a los Spies; destruir Zapadores con el Demoledor o el Mutilador; y reflejar cohetes, granadas, Bombas Lapa y enemigos invulnerables. Esto es bueno también para los Pyros, ya que suelen quedarse sin munición y salud al abusar del Lanzallamas, elementos que el Dispensador puede restaurar, y son menos efectivos a media-larga distancia: el punto fuerte del Engineer.
  • Construye donde puedas ayudar al equipo y donde el equipo pueda ayudarte a ti. Las Armas Centinela proporcionan una gran cantidad de potencia de fuego a una distancia decente pero también aguanta el fuego enemigo y es bastante útil para cubrir a tus aliados y denegar el movimiento del enemigo por ciertas zonas. No esperes poder acabar con todo un equipo solo con tu Arma Centinela. Es poco probable que alguien de tu equipo vaya a ayudarte y sin tu Arma Centinela en una zona avanzada, los enemigos pueden adentrarse en tu base creando confusión.
  • Crear un campamento con Teleportador, Dispensador y Arma Centinela cerca de la batalla puede ayudar a tu equipo a mantener la posición. Un equipo enemigo habilidoso puede empujaros de vuelta a vuestra primera base, forzándoos a tener que ganar terreno de nuevo incluso habiendo capturado el primer punto.
  • Para aprovechar al máximo el tiempo de preparación, es importante conocer dónde están los mejores sitios donde construir y la mejor manera de crear rápido tus construcciones.

Específicos de Armas

Armas Primarias


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Por defecto
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 86-90 24-67 3-26 120

De todas las armas primarias del Engineer, la Escopeta es la más versátil debido a al mayor tamaño del cargador y la falta de necesidad de depender de un Dispensador, Arma Centinela o que el enemigo esté en un lugar concreto.

  • Si pretendes quedarte cerca de tu Arma Centinela, asegúrate de construirla en un lugar donde puedas mantener a los enemigos en grupos. Podrás luchar mejor si, después de que la Centinela haya debilitado a los enemigos, les disparas con la Escopeta.
  • Sus disparos en en área son muy útiles para vigilar si hay Spies. Dispara a esquinas, 'aliados' o por donde suelen ir los Spies y atento a cualquier indicio de su presencia.
  • Es genial para destruir Bombas Lapa debido a la extensión de sus disparos.
  • Puede usarse para provocar daño extra contra enemigos fuera del rango del Arma Centinela o a aquellos que estén débiles y retrocediendo cuando tu Arma Centinela no esté en peligro.
  • La Escopeta es una arma poderosa, especialmente a corta distancia. No tengas miedo de usarla en situaciones de combate; puede marcar la diferencia entre vivir o morir.


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Frontier Justice
Killicon frontier justice.png 3 32 86-90 24-67 3-26 120

Los usos de la Justiciera son similares a los mencionados anteriormente para la Escopeta pero añadiendo los críticos por venganza, que modifican su estilo de juego.

  • Deberías construir las Armas Centinela en lugares más agresivos donde puedas conseguir asesinatos y asistencias más fácilmente.
  • Los críticos por venganza deberían usarse con moderación, pues el reducido tamaño de los cargadores es una desventaja si no cuentas con la ayuda de Armas Centinela.
  • Los críticos por venganza pueden ayudar al realizar embites ofensivos. Colocar la Miniarma Centinela del Forajido o una Centinela mejorada en territorio enemigo y combatir con críticos por venganza mientras se monta le da tiempo a tu Centinela para desplegarse y unirse a la batalla.
    • Pese a esto, incluso teniendo muchos críticos por venganza acumulada, suelen no ser suficientes para acabar con grupos de enemigos y tampoco suele ser buena idea.
  • Los críticos por venganza solo se obtienen cuando el Arma Centinela se destruye: se deben destruir las Armas Centinelas que hayan ganado asesinatos y asistencias para conseguir críticos inmediatos. Esta maniobra es arriesgada y solo debería usarse en las peores situaciones, al moverse de lugar si juegas ofensivamente o al combinarse con otras Miniarmas Centinela desechables.
    • Sin embargo, conseguir críticos durante un periodo tranquilo en un área segura puede ser útil, ya que puedes reconstruir y remejorar tu Centinela en paz y conseguir algunos críticos por venganza útiles en situaciones peliagudas. Pero ten cuidado con esto porque, si mueres tras conseguir los críticos, habrás perdido el tiempo y destruido una Centinela que podría haberte dado críticos más tarde.
  • No es recomendable usar críticos por venganza para comprobar si hay Spies por si llevan el [[Dead Ringer/es|Duplicante], pues podrían hacerte malgastar un crítico fingiendo su muerte. Observa los relojes que usa el equipo contrario.
  • Haz decisiones conscientes sobre si desenfundar o no la Justiciera cuando no esté lista para disparar. El brillo por crítico de la Justiciera podría hacerte o bien un objetivo para el enemigo contrario, como por ejemplo para el Sniper, o alguien que asuste y ahuyente a tus oponentes.


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Killicon widowmaker.png 1 por 30 de Metal N/A 86-90 24-67 3-26 120
  • La Enviudadora usa metal de construcción como munición. Usa la Enviudadora solo si confías en tu puntería. Si no, es mejor que uses la Escopeta por defecto.
  • No intentes disparar a un enemigo desde lejos con la Enviudadora; en su lugar, encárgate de ellos con tu Pistola o tu Arreo.
  • La Enviudadora se utiliza mejor junto a un Dispensador. Incluso si fallas algunos disparos, puedes recargarla con tu Dispensador.
  • Cuando uses la Enviudadora, asegúrate de que tienes municion suficiente para luchar con un enemigo. Sin poder disparar tu arma primaria eres realmente vulnerable y fácil de matar a corta distancia.
  • Si se acerca un aliado que parece sospechoso, la Enviudadora puede usarse para comprobar si es un Spy. Si le das con un disparo de la Enviudadora y se recarga tu munición, ese jugador es un Spy - si no recuperas munición con el disparo, ese jugador no es un Spy.
  • Con práctica, la Enviudadora puede ser una gran arma ofensiva. El uso contínuo a corta distancia te permite retener munición estando lejos de tu Dispensador, y la habilidad para seguir disparando sin recargar te da una ventaja contra las clases más lentas.

Pomson 6000

Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Pomson 6000
Obtención Aleatoria/Fabricación
Pomson 6000
Killicon pomson 6000.png 4 N/A 17-63 11-42 11-42 36-60

La Pomson 6000 funciona igual que el Bisonte Justiciero del Soldier en términos de proyectiles y munición ilimitada pero proporciona capacidades anti-Spy y anti-Medic.

  • Pese a que proteger una Centinela bajo ataque suele ser la prioridad, la Pomson 6000 da la capacidad de reducir la SuperCarga de un Medic atacante más rápido, pudiendo hacer que la SuperCarga resulte inútil o - asumiendo que puedas dar a un Medic en tan breve periodo de tiempo - hacer que se lance al peligro sin la SuperCarga al completo.
  • Si el disparo acierta, la Pomson absorbe la Invisibilidad del Spy, forzándole a retroceder si está usando relojes convencionales.
    • Si el Spy está usando el Duplicante, tendrá un 10% menos de tiempo si se vuelve invisible con un disparo de la Pomson, reduciendo la ya de por sí breve cantidad de tiempo que tiene.
  • Por la naturaleza de la Pomson, su punto fuerte es el daño a larga distancia y acabar con enemigos pero suele ser mala en combates a corta distancia. Por tanto, la Pomson suele ser mejor para usarse como apoyo a larga distancia para tus aliados. Lanzar muchos disparos hará que los enemigos no esquiven demasiado, haciendo más fácil que tus aliados les den.
  • Disparar al Cazador de un Sniper aliado hará que su flecha se incendie. Las flechas en llamas son más podersas que las normales por su capacidad para provocar quemaduras junto al impacto inicial.
    • Recuerda - disparar a tus compañeros también es una medida para comprobar si son Spies, pues un impacto en un Spy hace un sonido diferente. La munición ilimitada de la Pomson te viene de perlas, pues así puedes hacer comprobaciones a menudo.
  • La Pomson es una buena manera de atacar a un Medic y a su amigo. Los disparos de la Pomson pueden penetrar entre los jugadores, por lo que es fácil pillar al Medic con la guardia baja y golpearle con unos cuantos disparos, vaciando su medidor de SuperCarga.
  • Un Spy solo puede usar un Duplicante si tiene la Invisibilidad al completo. Si un Spy enemigo con el Duplicante intenta huir para recargar la Invisibilidad, puedes darle caza con la Pomson. Solo tienes que seguir disparando al Spy, pues no podrá usar su Duplicante y le harás algo de daño.
  • A pesar de que sus proyectiles son lentos y fáciles de esquivar, la Pomson es un arma muy precisa. Es incluso más precisa que tu Pistola. Aunque pierdes el daño a corta distancia de la Escopeta y la recarga rápida de la Pistola, consigues un arma muy precisa.
  • La Pomson se empareja bien con el Arreo. La Pomson mantiene la habilidad de hacer disparos precisos que no podrías realizar con la Pistola y, al igual que esta, la munición no es un problema. Tener la Pomson y el Arreo equipado te da un gran margen de precisión.

Armas Secundarias

Pistola / Lugermorfa

Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Por defecto
Killicon pistol.png 12 200 22 10-15 8-9 45
Killicon lugermorph.png

La Pistola tiene cuatro ventajas principales sobre la Escopeta: su mayor daño y precisión a larga distancia, su mayor reserva de munición y su velocidad de recarga. Esto da a la Pistola varias funciones clave:

  • Se puede usar para repeler Snipers haciendo que retrocedan y provocándoles un daño notable.
  • Se puede usar para acabar con jugadores huyendo, pues suelen hacerlo al tener poca salud.
  • También es una buena arma junto a la Miniarma Centinela del Forajido, ya que son más efectivas a una distancia similar, permitiendo acabar con enemigos rápidamente desde lejos de una manera razonablemente segura.
  • Cuando se te acabe la munición de la Escopeta, puedes cambiar a la Pistola o la Lugermorfa para asegurarte de que provocas más daño por segundo a tu oponente durante un combate directo.
  • La alta reserva de munición y gran velocidad de recarga te permite realizar fuego de cobertura y apoyar los ataques de tus compañeros. El rango y precisión de la Pistola, más altos que los de la Escopeta, hacen también que puedas quedarte atrás mientras disparas para no exponerte demasiado al daño.
  • Recuerda que la Pistola hace siempre un disparo con precisión perfecta antes de descargar todas sus balas. Sin embargo, todos los disparos tras el primero serán menos precisos. Este desvío en los disparos se reinicia tras al menos 1,25 segundos desde que realizaste el último disparo. Por tanto, es importante tener en mente que abusar de la Pistola puede traducirse en una gran pérdida de precisión. Intenta calcular tus disparos para que puedan impactar con precisión.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon wrangler.png N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
About the Wrangler
  • The Wrangler is a secondary weapon for the Engineer. It replaces the default Pistol when equipped.
  • When the Wrangler is held, your Sentry Gun aims to where you point. It shoots when you click. If your Sentry Gun is level 3, you can even control when it shoots rockets.
  • When being used, it forms a shield around the Sentry Gun, which absorbs 2/3rds of the damage taken by the Sentry Gun.
  • The firing rate of the Sentry Gun is doubled when fired manually.
  • A Sentry Gun being controlled by a Wrangler has infinite range.
  • You can't use the Wrangler at the same time as your Shotgun. If you need to defend yourself, use either your primary weapon or melee weapon, as it's generally easier than aiming with the Wrangler.
  • It's easier to stand close to or behind your Sentry Gun when using the Wrangler.
    • When using the Wrangler, the Sentry Gun can only shoot if both you and the Sentry Gun can "see" the point you're shooting at. Standing near your Sentry Gun minimizes situations where the Sentry Gun cannot shoot a certain target because you cannot see it.
    • The protective shield around the Sentry Gun formed when the Wrangler is equipped will also help to shield the player.
  • Pay attention. The Sentry Gun cannot automatically fire when the Wrangler is in use, so unless you manually shoot them, enemies will get by the Sentry Gun without trouble.
  • It is advantageous to have a friendly Engineer repair and supply ammo to your Sentry Gun while you are using the Wrangler, since you cannot do these things yourself at the same time.
Wrangler Jumping
  • Wrangler Jumping is a technique done by standing on your Sentry Gun, aiming it upwards, and firing while jumping. This shoots you up into the air, allowing you to reach high places.
  • You will take a good amount of damage, so it's good to have a Dispenser next to the Sentry Gun.
  • Crouch while Wrangler Jumping. It will allow you to achieve better heights.
  • Aim the laser straight up and directly in front of you. Do not move the mouse or you may fall out of the laser's path.
  • Wrangler Jumping will take a good amount of practice, but once mastered it allows you to jump to great heights.
  • Once you've made it to the desired location, build a Teleporter exit. This means you can jump back down, grab some ammo, build a Teleporter entrance on the ground, and get back to said location without having to Wrangler Jump again.

Short Circuit

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Critical
Short Circuit
Killicon short circuit.png 1 per 35 Metal N/A 5 18

The Short Circuit is a promotional and craftable secondary weapon for the Engineer. At the cost of 35 metal for each shot, the Short Circuit creates a small electrical charge that destroys all projectiles and does minor damage to enemies. Like the Widowmaker, it never requires reloading at the cost of no random Critical hits.

  • While it only uses a small amount of metal per shot, it is wise to equip a Shotgun other than the Widowmaker unless you're stationed in an Engineer nest, as you may find yourself defenseless very quickly with two weapons eating into the same ammo pool.
  • Note that this weapon's primary use is defensive; should you and your sentry be cornered by a Demoman or Soldier, you can prevent them from using blast damage to destroy your sentry by vaporizing their explosives, thus forcing them to change tactics.
  • This weapon also has offensive capabilities on Payload maps; should your allies be under attack by several projectile-using enemies, you can provide reasonable protection from harm without risk of running out of Metal due to the Dispenser on the cart.
  • This weapon is extremely weak up front, dealing only 5 damage per shot. It is recommended to use the Shotgun whenever in combat, and using the other weapon for defense, support, or self-defense (such as against a Kritzkrieged Soldier). Only use the Short Circuit to attack as a last-ditch effort, when death seems certain otherwise. You may just find the enemy was low enough on health for you to kill them and make an escape.
  • This weapon is recommended if you are having problems with Demomen: it negates both their primary and secondary weapons, provided you have ammo.
  • This weapon can be used to defuse traps made by multiple Demomen since it can destroy a nearly unlimited amount of projectiles provided they are at range.
    • It is also possible to destroy stickybombs if you are close around a corner, this can be used to disarm a trap without worries of getting blown up by the Demoman.
  • The Short Circuit really shines in supporting other Engineers and defending nests, where there's a steadier supply of metal from Dispensers and more buildings to defend at once. You might be better off taking another secondary if you're largely working alone or your buildings are spread-out and projectiles aren't much of a problem.

Melee weapons

Wrench / Golden Wrench / Saxxy / Festive Wrench

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Llave Inglesa
Killicon wrench.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Golden Wrench
Llave Inglesa Dorada
Killicon golden wrench.png
Killicon saxxy.png
Festive Wrench
Llave Inglesa Festiva
Killicon wrench.png
  • When a Spy is repeatedly sapping your Sentry Gun in an attempt to destroy it, your Wrench serves two purposes. First, you can use it to swing at the opposing Spy, 2-3 hits being enough to kill a Spy, ignoring Critical hits. After that you can quickly turn around and repair your Sentry Gun. Two strikes from the Wrench will disable an Sapper and halt the progressive damage it causes; you can then fully repair the Sentry Gun after the Spy is killed. A good strategy would be to hit the Sentry Gun a single time, and then change targets towards the Spy, kill him and then take off the Sapper with another swing.
  • While it may be tempting to use the Wrench's high critical hit rate to club enemies to death, melee combat is usually not where the low-health Engineer shines. Use the Shotgun instead at close range in order to quickly finish off the enemy.
  • Team Fortress 2 prioritizes repairing buildings over melee combat when using the Wrench. This means that if there is an enemy, say a Spy, next to a friendly structure and you are using the Wrench to attempt to kill the enemy, you will find that you instead hear the Wrench hitting the building near or even behind the enemy you are trying to strike. Switch to the Shotgun or Pistol to deal with enemies that are very close to one of your buildings to avoid this.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon gunslinger.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Killicon gunslinger triple punch.png N/A

About the Forajido

  • The Forajido replaces the normal Sentry Gun with a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun. The Combat Mini-Sentry Gun is a smaller, quick-building version of the Sentry Gun.
  • It provides an extra 25 health, for a total of 150. This allows for more a more aggressive fighting style, as opposed to the Engineer's usual defensive fighting style.
  • If an enemy is hit three times in a row with the Forajido, the third hit will be a critical hit.


  • A Mini-Sentry is good for being deployed quickly and picking enemies off.
  • Do not expect the Mini-Sentry to last very long. Its low health means that it is very vulnerable.
  • When paired with the Wrangler, the Mini-Sentry can be deadly. The Wrangler gives it more health and a much longer range.
  • Unless you're only covering a short distance, it's usually not worth hauling a Mini-Sentry, as carrying it causes you to walk a lot slower. If you want to change its location, destroy the previous one and place the new one.
  • If a Mini-Sentry gets destroyed, replace it as soon as possible.
  • With the Forajido equipped, it may not even be worth building a Dispenser near it. A Mini-Sentry is, in most cases, not powerful enough to defend a Dispenser on its own. Don't let that stop you from building Dispensers at all, though. Even if you're not setting up camp, leaving a Dispenser at a good fallback location can do wonders for you and your team.


  • Place your Mini-Sentry in an area where enemies pass through frequently. Using a Mini-Sentry as long term defense is not recommended.
  • It's a good idea to place your Mini-Sentry near a health pack, since health packs attract low-health enemies- easy kills for a Mini-Sentry.
  • Try putting your Mini-Sentry around a corner, or on top of a high building. If enemies can't figure out where a Mini-Sentry is before it kills them, it'll be less likely for them to destroy it.
  • Since the Mini-Sentry has a relatively short range, smaller spaces are preferable to wide-open spaces, where Snipers, Soldiers, or other classes can pick it off without the Mini-Sentry being able to defend itself.
  • A Mini-Sentry hidden away underwater can temporarily confuse enemies as to how they're being shot.

Southern Hospitality

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Southern Hospitality
Hospitalidad Sureña
Killicon southern hospitality.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Bleeding Killicon bleed.png 40 damage over 5 seconds N/A N/A
  • The Southern Hospitality is nearly as versatile as the normal Wrench, with only a few situational weaknesses. As such, it is an upgrade to the default Wrench unless the enemy team has more than one actively attacking Pyro. The lost damage is compensated for by the Bleed status and the retained ability to wear opponents down further with other weapons.
  • The Southern Hospitality favors a defensive playstyle. Camping Engineers rarely encounter Pyros without having a Sentry Gun in between to win the skirmish whereas when pushing into enemy territory, should the Engineer encounter a Pyro, then the Engineer is at extreme disadvantage due to extra 20% fire vulnerability.
  • The presence of bleeding on this weapon makes it an excellent anti-Spy tool, allowing you and your teammates to monitor their movements should they try to escape. However, the inability to randomly crit makes killing Spies more difficult in a short span of time. Instead, hit them repeatedly with the Southern Hospitality, thus doing more average Wrench damage and resetting the Bleed timer each hit, or hit them with the Southern Hospitality, then switch to your Shotgun or Frontier Justice to finish them off.
  • ÜberCharged Pyros are a major threat with the 20% increase to fire vulnerability. If one approaches, the most valuable building should be moved to a safe(r) location to be ready when the ÜberCharge wears off. If the Pyro is too close for you to haul a building to safety, flee, and be prepared to rebuild.
  • The Southern Hospitality is very viable within Medieval Mode as the 40 damage added by Bleeding is a strong buff, and sources of fire damage are reduced significantly.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon jag.png 0.8 seconds 49 146
  • Due to a bug in how construction rate is calculated, the Jag only adds a 15.79% faster build rate to under-construction buildings being hit with it. Consider this when determining your loadout.
  • Try to avoid melee combat due to the damage penalty. If your team is good at Spy checking, however, the loss of damage won't matter much.
  • Get in the habit of hitting your buildings all the way to completion as soon as you plant them. Where the Jag really shines is in the construction of Dispensers. Taking 84.21% of the time to build a Dispenser speeds up supply of Metal which in turn speeds other upgrades and buildings.
  • The Jag is also useful in situations such as rebuilding a destroyed Teleporter Entrance or Exit while the other half is still up; being able to speedily rebuild the destroyed half means you can teleport back to your other buildings a few seconds faster.
  • The Jag is a great weapon for "helper" Engineers who are only being Engineer temporarily to help other Engineers upgrade or repair their buildings.

Eureka Effect

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Eureka Effect
Efecto Eureka
Killicon eureka effect.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Eureka Effect functions the same as the default Wrench, but it comes with the secondary ability to teleport back to spawn in exchange for being unable to move buildings.
  • Triggering a teleport forces the player to wait 3 seconds while the Engineer performs a brief taunt; since taunting leaves the Engineer completely defenseless, retreating with low health or when the enemy is advancing can result in death if care is not taken.
  • The Eureka Effect can be extremely useful in game modes lacking source of healing (such as a health pickup, Medi Gun, or a Dispenser). You can engage an enemy, go to safety when you're at low health, teleport back to base, come back with full health (and metal), and repeat.
  • The Eureka Effect can be useful in setting up and upgrading a Sentry nest quickly; having it equipped means an Engineer is able to run back and forth between spawn and their nest very quickly by using the Eureka Effect's taunt and an active teleporter, allowing an instant metal refill with each trip.
  • The Eureka Effect gives the defending team an advantage on attack/defense maps; if the penultimate point is being captured, a tactful teleport can allow an Engineer to fall back and prepare for an incoming attack.
  • The teleport action also allows a teleporter exit to be placed at the front lines during setup on Payload maps; a quick teleport back to spawn and the teleporter is ready to go quickly.
  • This Wrench is best avoided when on the attacking team, as teleporting back to spawn requires you to abandon potentially vulnerable buildings, and you can't move buildings up when your team advances.
    • Although, you can sneak past enemy lines on maps where the spawns change (Such as Frontier), and set up a teleporter exit near the last point. Then, you can teleport back to spawn, restock, and take the teleporter to the point. Getting some of your teammates to take the teleporter can effectively "sandwitch" the enemy, making for an easier fight.
    • On the other hand, if a Spy has destroyed your teleporter entrance or is currently spam-sapping it, the Eureka Effect allows you to surprise any Spies and/or rebuild an entrance.
  • Crafty Engineers can possibly carefully sneak past enemy lines and plant a teleporter exit in a place where the other side won't suspect it will be, such as the Control Point building in Dustbowl after it's captured, and then teleport back to the spawn safely where they can upgrade and repair it as needed. This allows for other classes like Spies to quickly go to that area without raising much suspicion.


Sentry Gun

Level Kill Icon Health Cost Weaponry Damage Ammo

RED Level 1 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry1.png 150 (effectively 450 with the Wrangler shielding) 130 Metal Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel Damage: 16
Shots per second: 4 (8 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 64 (128 with Wrangler)
100 rounds

RED Level 2 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry2.png 180 (effectively 540 with the Wrangler shielding) 330 Metal Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels Damage: 16
Shots per second: 8 (16 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 128 (256 with Wrangler)
120 rounds

RED Level 3 Sentry Gun.png

Killicon sentry3.png 216 (effectively 648 with the Wrangler shielding) 530 Metal

Dual Rotational Minigun Barrels

Target Guided Rocket Launch Support System

Damage: 16
Shots per second: 8 (16 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 128 (256 with Wrangler)

  • Rockets fire every 3 seconds (slightly faster with the Wrangler) dealing 53 to 150 damage on direct hit (falloff is calculated from the distance of the Engineer to the target, not from the Sentry to the target). The rockets can be deflected with the Pyro's compression blast.

144 rounds
20 rocket salvos

Combat Mini-Sentry Gun

Level Kill Icon Health Cost Weaponry Damage Ammo

Red Mini Sentry.png

Killicon minisentry.png 100 (effectively 300 with the Wrangler shielding) 100 Metal Semi-Automatic Firing Barrel Damage: 8
Shots per second: 6 (12 with Wrangler)
Average DPS: 48 (96 with Wrangler)
100 rounds
  • The difference between excellent Sentry Gun placement and average Sentry Gun placement can sometimes be very little; a matter of inches, or an angle that is off by a few degrees can determine whether a Sentry Gun can effectively cover a certain approach, whether it will give away its location to enemies too easily, whether it will take too long to rotate into firing positions, and so on. This does not mean that you should take a long time to adjust their Sentry Gun blueprint before placing it – doing so is a hallmark of inexperienced Engineer play. However, observe how certain placements perform and if the Sentry Gun demonstrates any weaknesses in that position, try to place the Sentry Gun so it will be more effective in the future.
    • A good rule of thumb for Sentry Gun placement is a location that maximizes the Sentry Gun's range while minimizing its corner weakness. In other words, any location where approaching enemies will likely receive fire from the Sentry Gun at close to its maximum range but will be unable to fire back from outside that range. This is because Sentry Guns do not suffer from damage falloff at range. While this does not always limit the damage your Sentry Gun will take in return (damage falloff due to range does not apply to damage done against buildings), it does reduce the damage you will take while you maintain the Sentry Gun, and it also reduces damage from short-range and/or high spread weapons such as the Scattergun, Flamethrower, and Minigun. Making good use of the Sentry Gun's range also gives the Sentry Gun a bigger field of fire and it gives you more warning of approaching enemies (and incoming projectiles), while denying the largest area to your enemies, one of the Engineer's primary roles.
  • Sentry Guns are usually best built on high ground. However, you should avoid choosing an elevated spot that allows your Sentry Gun to be seen by enemies from beyond its ability to fire back. The best Sentry Gun placements allow a Sentry Gun to shoot at enemies at the same time or even a little before enemies are able to see and shoot back at the Sentry Gun and high ground can help achieve this as the diagram below-right demonstrates.
    • High ground is also great because it makes the Sentry Gun harder to hit with splash damage. As long as it is not built with its back to a wall, most projectiles will arc either too high or too low to hit hard, and the precision aiming required forces enemies to take the Sentry Gun's full weight of fire to try to take their shot. Conversely low ground creates the opposite effect, effectively "funneling" even stray projectiles such as Grenades right into the Sentry Gun. Avoid low ground positions such as pits and valleys.
    • High ground is also very useful by making it more difficult for Spies to get into sapping range. High ground placements reduce the number of routes Spies can use to get close, making it easier for you and your team to discover and remove potential Spy threats before they get a chance to disable your Sentry Gun.
  • Build in areas that are open, but not too open, and give you some room to work. This allows you to dodge and gives yourself good angles for using the Wrangler while keeping a safe distance from your Sentry Gun if it is under fire. If possible, have a wall or other cover near to the Sentry Gun that you can use as cover while you repair, but try not to have an obscured view of what is attacking your Sentry Gun.
  • Avoid "gimmicky" Sentry positions such as looking down holes in ceilings, in the middle of narrow hallways, or around sharp corners. Sentry Guns can certainly get kills in such positions, but while these positions can surprise the enemy temporarily, they aren't terribly effective since they won't seriously interfere with your opponents' movement. High level Sentry Guns take a lot of time and resources to make, so building them in areas where they will be useful only rarely is a waste.
  • Great Sentry positions will allow the Sentry Gun to put suppressing fire on a number of key areas and also allow it to act as a first line of defense for your team. A Sentry being repaired or Wrangled (or both) is excellent at absorbing damage that would otherwise be directed at your fellow teammates.
    • Sentry Guns should not therefore be viewed as a "last line of defense". Building with this mentality is flawed, because while an Engineer and his Sentry can fend off most lone opponents fairly effectively, as little as two enemies can overwhelm an unsupported Engineer position, even if the base is well constructed and the Engineer is skilled.
  • Don't build yourself into a corner if you want to be hanging around your Sentry Gun repairing; you deny yourself a line of retreat and ensure that you get damaged as much as your Sentry Gun. Sentry Guns right around corners can catch enemies off guard, but if you build such an "ambush" Sentry Gun, don't sit right on it. Leave it on its own and maybe support it offensively with your own weapons, and then move it or rebuild it once it becomes ineffective.
  • In addition to building on high ground and in a moderately open area, you should build the Sentry Gun such that it covers narrow areas in the map called "Chokepoints". This maximizes the area your team has to work with and minimizes the maneuvering room for attackers. This forces the enemy team to bunch up in narrow hallways and doorways, making them easy prey for your Sentry Gun's rockets or the splash damage from your team. Sentry Guns are at their best when they force enemies to fight from a disadvantageous position.
  • Take note of where other Engineers have set up their Sentry Guns and set up yours to create overlapping fields of fire that can catch opponents in crossfire. Being within sight of another Engineer on your team makes it easy for you to help one other repair during times when either of you is dead or occupied. It also concentrates your team's defense and prevents your team from spreading too thinly. Two Sentry Guns that are spread out yet still covering the same choke point combined with adequate Spy checking can be an absolute nightmare for the enemy team to deal with and forces them to either come with everything they have or not come at all.
    • Conversely, try not to build two Sentry Guns next to each other; this doesn't help cover a wider area and makes the Spy's job of sapping Sentry Guns easier.
  • After building a Sentry Gun, stand behind it and build a Dispenser behind your position; if a few enemies or an ÜberCharged enemy comes, you can crouch behind the Sentry for protection and continually repair the damage done to it while having your Metal replenished by the Dispenser behind you. This strategy works well wherever enemies are forced through a bottleneck while approaching the Gun or have no line of sight to the Dispenser, but does not work well in open areas where the Dispenser can be targeted from the side or from above.
Figure 1. Dustbowl, Stage 2, Point B example of excellent Sentry placement. Both Sentries A and B are on high ground in open areas covering chokepoints, with double coverage of two major chokes. Both Sentries are nearby and face each other making it easy for each Engineer to watch the other.
Figure 2. Illustrates the advantages of elevated placement. Sentry is in the open covering a chokepoint, is able to lock on and begin firing an instant before approaching enemies preventing abuse of cover and maximizing Sentry damage. Attacking Demomen in particular will have poor attack angles.


Level Health Cost Resource Output Rate
Health Ammo Metal


150 100 Metal 10/sec 20%/sec 40/5 sec


180 300 Metal 15/sec 30%/sec 50/5 sec


216 500 Metal 20/sec 40%/sec 60/5 sec
  • Build your Dispenser in a convenient location for your teammates to reach.
  • Do not place your Dispenser in areas with lots of enemies nearby. Dispensers are fragile and without anything to guard them they will be destroyed quickly.
  • It's a good idea to place your Dispenser next to your Sentry Gun, and stand in a position where you can reach both with your Wrench at the same time. This allows you to receive ammo and upgrade/repair your Sentry Gun instantly, instead of having to carry the ammo across long distances.
  • Make sure your Dispenser isn't blocking your Sentry Gun. Enemies can take advantage of blind spots behind Dispensers to destroy your buildings.
  • It's a good idea to build your Dispenser before you build anything else, when making a nest.
  • A savvy Engineer can use his Dispenser to 'Dispenser jump'. An Engineer can jump on top of his Dispenser, and as of such, can use it to breach obstacles he couldn't otherwise. This is a very safe and useful technique that can prove very advantageous.


Level Health Cost Recharge time
Level 1 150 125 Metal 10 seconds
Level 2 180 325 Metal 5 seconds
Level 3 216 525 Metal 3 seconds
  • Place your Teleporter Entrance close to your team's respawn point in plain sight.
  • Place your Teleporter Exit either -
    • Somewhere hidden and not obvious to passer-byes(e.g. on the rooftop of a shed).
    • Right next to your other buildings.
  • Avoid standing right on top of your Teleporter Exit, as to avoid being telefragged.
  • Make sure which direction to head is obvious to your teammates. When the Teleporter is being carried, pressing Alt-Fire rotates it 90 degrees. Use this to face your Teleporter away from walls, corners, etc.
  • During setup time, or at the start of a round, it's a good idea to build a Teleporter entrance. This is a good preparation strategy. It gives you the peace of mind and ability to deploy a functional exit on demand, and is a good use of setup time.
  • Avoid building Teleporters during Arena mode. The quick nature of Arena maps and the scarcity of ammo during such games means that you're better off using your metal to build Dispensers or Sentry Guns.

Weapon combinations

Class Combat Strategies

Véase también: Engineer match-ups

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • Scouts are a fragile class and usually don't bother Engineers. Just staying near your Sentry Gun should be off-putting enough for most Scouts.
  • A Scout's greatest asset is his speed and evasiveness. The auto-targeting of your Sentry Gun can render this moot, however don't be too careless. Scouts can still manage to dish out a few quick bursts of heavy damage before they are killed or escape, so stay on your toes.
  • Should you find yourself face to face with a Scout, your Shotgun is the best option.
  • Be aware that a Scout under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch won't take damage from your Sentry Gun.
  • Due to the Übercharge-like effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch, the Scout may allow an opening for enemy team mates to attack or retrieve Intelligence while your Sentry Gun fires and does no damage.
  • While under the effect of Bonk! Atomic Punch, the Scout may be able position themself so that you can get shot by your Sentry Gun. However, this can only be done in certain sentry locations.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • Directly, a Soldier is a very powerful adversary. A single shot from his Rocket Launcher could be the end of you. Only fight head on if necessary, otherwise, try and lead him into your Sentry Gun.
  • Because of his range, a smart Soldier will try to attack your Sentry Gun from out of range with his Rocket Launcher. If this happens, remain in cover while repairing your buildings.
    • If necessary, use the Wrangler in an attempt to fire back and increase the life span of your Sentry Gun.
    • The Short Circuit can stop the incoming rockets.
  • The Cow Mangler 5000's charged shot can disable any building. You can repair the damage while the building is disabled, but any building won't perform its function until the 4 seconds are over. 4 seconds without buildings such as the Sentry Gun or the Dispenser could lead to your position being overrun. It may be in your best interest to fall back and live to build again if the Soldier is not alone.
  • When the Frontier Justice is equipped, attacking Soldiers who have activated their Battalion's Backup with Revenge crits is unwise; switch to another weapon or use your Sentry to attack the Soldier instead if waiting for it to wear off is not ideal.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • As with most other classes, it is not recommended to face a Pyro head on. What the Flamethrower lacks in range, it makes up for in damage. Stay out of its range and pick away at the Pyro's health with your Shotgun and Pistol.
    • Due to the short range, they may switch to the Shotgun or Flare Gun in an attempt to harm you or your buildings from a distance. Due to the Flare Gun's guaranteed Critical Hit on a burning target, if you are hit once or already on fire, take cover to prevent a possibly fatal shot.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • Because of his Stickybombs and Grenades, the Demoman is a worthy adversary in one-on-one fights and while you are protecting your nest. His weapons cause a lot of damage and are deadly at close range.
  • If placed in the open, your buildings could easily be destroyed by a Demoman's Stickybombs. If he keeps firing, it's better to haul the building or run away than try to constantly repair your buildings and be killed. Think about this when building near a corner or in an open area.
  • A smart Demoman will arc his grenades over your Sentry Gun in order to harm you, so don't rely on it to provide a shield.
  • The Short Circuit can render a Demoman virtually ineffective against you. Even though equipping it means you have to rely on your primary weapon, the trade-off is often worth it especially when in a nest with other Engineers who can provide mutual support.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • With the amount of firepower the Heavy possesses, it is unlikely that you will survive a one-on-one encounter unless you ambush him.
  • Remain close to your buildings if a Heavy is lurking around. Without proper surveillance, a Heavy can single-handedly destroy any Engineer outpost.
  • If you're facing a Heavy and Medic pair and the Medic deploys an ÜberCharge, you may be able to fend them off until it wears off, if your Dispenser and Sentry are level 3. Crouch behind your Sentry with your Dispenser nearby. They will likely shoot your Sentry Gun, so crouch behind it and keep repairing it. However, if the two are accompanied by teammates or are in close quarters, it's better to flee to safety than die alongside your buildings.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • Because of the defensive nature of the Engineer, it is unlikely that a head on conflict will occur. From a distance, deter him with your Pistol and if they move in close, use your Shotgun.
    • It might also be a good idea to draw them into your nest if possible.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • A Medic's ÜberCharge is very problematic for an Engineer.
  • Once ÜberCharged, especially with the default Medi Gun, the first priority of any experienced ÜberCharged enemy is to destroy your buildings.
  • In most situations, you are helpless against ÜberCharges. The best option is usually to grab a building (preferably the most upgraded one) and get out before being killed.
  • Kritzkrieg ÜberCharges, however, are somewhat neutral. On a positive note, all buildings are unaffected by Criticals, giving some surivability. On the other hand, the crits can dispatch of you easily. Be prepared if a Medic decides to go in with this charge.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • Because Snipers fight at long range, it is unlikely that either of you will come in contact. If you do, odds are that it will be away from your Sentry Gun. Use your Pistol for long range and your Shotgun for close range combat.
  • Due to the long range of Snipers, they can easily pick off any building that is placed in the open. Try to keep from placing your buildings in areas with large lines of sight.
    • Snipers using a charged Machina are capable of destroying your buildings in one shot. Keep this in mind when building a nest for yourself.
  • Beware Snipers with Jarate equipped. If you are covered, you are more vulnerable to damage. This can be especially bothersome when your nest is under fire.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • The Spy is typically the mortal enemy of the Engineer. Due to the Spy's ability to sap your buildings, it makes him more than a match for you in a strategic sense. Sappers shut down your buildings immediately, leaving them effectively "destroyed" until you remove them. A building that gets Sapped while under fire is typically impossible for a lone Engineer to save.
    • The Spy's ability to disguise himself as any class on either team is also quite bothersome. While wearing a friendly disguise, the Spy has access to your buildings, allowing him to restore health and Cloak from your Dispenser and travel through your Teleporters. Note that this also prevents your Sentry Gun from shooting at him.
  • Watch for Spies using the Your Eternal Reward. This knife, upon a backstab, allows the Spy to take the form of his victim without dropping his disguise. Spies using it will not hesitate to backstab you or your allies within range of an active Sentry Gun if they get the chance.
  • Spies have the potential to hide anywhere and appear as anyone. As such, you cannot rely solely on your Sentry Gun to protect you. Remain alert at all times and refrain from being stationary even while protecting your position to prevent Ambassador headshots and backstabs. If someone seems suspicious, don't be afraid to Spy-check them.
  • A good Spy will often appear without warning, quickly sap your Sentry Gun, and start attacking you immediately with his Revolver or Knife, especially if you are alone. If you come under attack in this way, worry about the Spy first. A Spy can place Sappers faster than you can remove them and repair your buildings. It is much more important to eliminate the Spy before he causes any more damage. Use your Shotgun or melee weapon to dispatch the trespasser before repairing your buildings.
  • Most of the time, you should save your Dispenser first, as it will break from a Sapper faster than an upgraded Sentry Gun, and regenerating its Metal supply takes a lot of time. If you are staying in the same spot, saving your Dispenser first will always allow you to rebuild much faster because you'll have more Metal available. However, if the Spy has removed his disguise nearby, or there's urgent need for offense, you should save your Sentry Gun first. On some maps, your Teleporter can actually be your most important building as it allows your team to keep a constant stream of reinforcements going. Losing your Teleporter is especially annoying due to the fact that you will lose both ends of it, requiring you to travel all the way to your Spawn to replant your Entrance. If you have sentry-jumped to your location, you may wish to save your teleporter so you can get back. Teleporters take the longest to get destroyed from Sappers, but you should still try to save them. Deciding which Building to save first always depends on the circumstances. Practice is the best guide.
  • While being in a crowd of your own teammates usually helps you defend against Spies more easily, it can sometimes be difficult to pick out which one of your "teammates" is actually a Spy placing Sappers. Even though placing Sappers will not break a disguise, the disguised Spy will actually move his hand in a "placing" motion at your Building when it does so. This is subtle, but you may be able to use it pick out the Spy in a crowd. If you are letting your team deal with the Spy while you remove Sappers, keep your back to something.
  • A creative Spy will often disguise as an Engineer to try to fool you and your allies into thinking he is an Engineer trying to remove Sappers when he is in fact the one sapping. They may even use the voice command warning about Spies to add to the deception. Watch for teammates who aren't swinging or firing their weapons, as a disguised Spy cannot attack. Even better, Spy-check anyone nearby.
  • If you have revenge crits, try to save some of them for the inevitable Spy attack. Having a glowing Frontier Justice out can be enough on its own to deter a Spy. While it's true that you might waste a shot on a Dead Ringer Spy, don't be afraid to do it. A Spy who feigns death likely won't be attacking you for at least a short duration, giving you time to call for help.
  • Simply standing with your back facing the wall or continuously moving hugely minimises the Spy's danger to you as it makes it impossible for them to instantly kill you. The Spy is therefore forced to attack one of your buildings, which destroys their disguise. In this case, make it your priority to kill the Spy before attending to your buildings.

See also