Community Heavy strategy

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I have plan for you: more pain!
The Heavy

The Heavy, as his name suggests, is the full frontal attack troop of TF2. Himself a heavy weapon - big, slow, tough, and powerful - he is used to wade in where others dare not. His usefulness as a shock troop on the front lines, defense breaker, and wide-area defender cannot be underestimated or ignored by either side.


  • Remember that holding your alternate fire will keep your Minigun spun up and ready to shoot at a moment's notice; stationing yourself in strategic defensive positions and staying spun up is often an excellent alternative to attempting an assault as a Heavy.
  • Although the Minigun fires bullets over a long range, the general inaccuracy of the weapon makes it best in close-to-mid range situations; think of it as a Shotgun with no rate of fire or reloading drawbacks. This makes it ideal for ambushes, similar to the Pyro, either in a defensive or offensive role.
  • Knowing when not to fire is key to good Heavy play. Wasting ammo whittling away long-range targets or on ÜberCharged pairs will leave you without bullets when you need them most, and suddenly ceasing fire to gain a speed boost to get out of sight can allow even a lumbering Heavy to out-maneuver the other team, rather than relying on firepower in a dangerous situation.
  • Don't forget that you have a Shotgun and Fists as well. The Shotgun is the weapon to use when you need to maneuver quickly, as it makes you a much harder target than using the Minigun (especially for Snipers). Fists are a good alternative for conserving ammo, especially if you've traded your Shotgun for the Sandvich. It's also good against enemies trying to fight you close range (such as Spies), though you have to be careful not to let them run out of your range and change to a long range weapon.
  • Although the Heavy has a lot of Health, a well-placed Sniper shot can take him down in one hit. One should be wary when standing in wide-open places, Sniper dots are a good warning to watch out for. Heavies should never stand still in open areas, and should seek safer, more closed-off spaces when possible.
  • As a Heavy you're always a prime target for Spies, make sure to turn around often and Spy check. Because of your Minigun's wide spread, firing occasionally out in the open can hit and reveal a Cloaked Spy. If you keep your back covered, it will become much harder for a Spy to backstab you, unless he jumps on top of you.
  • A Heavy standing next to a Dispenser can get a constant supply of ammo, letting him fire his Minigun without stopping.
  • Though you do the most damage up close, you still do damage at range. A good aim is not really an issue, your spread will take care of that.
  • If one is available, take a Teleporter as even with the recharge, if the exit is placed strategically enough, you will always save time.
  • A well-placed Ambush can be devastating to an enemy assault. Try waiting around a corner with gun spinning until the first wave of an attacking push walks in front of you. Then mow down everyone who comes your way and push forward to mop up stragglers. This can wipe out most of an opposing team in some situations.
  • Similarly, getting behind an enemy position (by using alternative routes) can have benefits similar to a Spy ambush. Walk up behind a team crowding forward towards an objective, all looking the wrong way, spin up your Minigun as you approach the rearmost enemy, then wipe out the whole lot of them.
  • You are a tempting target for enemy Snipers, but if you can see one, you can mess up their shot by firing on them, and most will retreat. Otherwise, they will die quite quickly. Take care though, as Huntsman-wielding Snipers will not have their aim affected near as much by your Minigun, and may still be able to headshot you!
  • Pushing "little cart" in Payload games can be quite effective if your team will work with you. Use the cart as cover and aim over the top if the angle permits (bullets won't pass through it). A good Medic will help preserve your life and the cart will also feed the Medic. Last but not least, a Pyro can help protect you by Spy checking. Also remember that the cart works like a moving Dispenser, so your ammo is constantly being replenished. Don't get too comfortable, though, as any weakness on your cart team may be exploited by a wily Spy, so keep on your toes.
  • Remember that in spite of his considerable offensive power, the Heavy is labeled a Defensive type class. While Minigun fire can suppress enemies in open areas and force them to fall back, enclosed spaces, such as a capture point, are ideal places to patrol with the aim of catching foes with little room to maneuver and shredding them with the Minigun.
  • Thanks to his size, strength, firepower, volume, and general obviousness, the Heavy draws a lot of attention in a fight. It is usually ill advised for a Heavy to break away from his team unless he wishes to set up a devastating flanking maneuver or defend a discrete area (such as one of 2Fort's sewer rooms). This cuts both ways, however. A heavy can deliberately draw attention away from a Pyro, Spy, or Scout and allow the flanking player to reach Critical targets such as Medics, Snipers, Engineers, or the Intelligence.
  • The Heavy's presence, especially when firing, tends to encourage predictable behavior from opponents, for example, running for cover and waiting for a chance to take him down, or for someone else to do it for them. Use this to your advantage! If the other team doesn't have an idea of the amount of health you have remaining, providing a bit of Minigun cover fire can chase enemies off long enough for you to find a Medic or a health pickup, or even a quiet corner to take a bite of a Sandvich or a Dalokohs Bar. Even healthy Soldiers and Heavies have been known to duck away from Minigun fire, but not all will do this. Demomen may sometimes take advantage of low walls to attack you indirectly, but ideally you won't be there when they start firing.
  • Take care of your Medic! A Heavy-Medic pair can be a devastating force, but only if you work together. Remember that your Medic usually has other teammates to worry about besides you, so be observant of when he is and isn't with you. Pay attention to the type of ÜberCharge your Medic deploys. If you carry a Sandvich, you can throw it to your Medic to keep him healthy. Listen and watch for enemies attacking your Medic, and focus your attack on them whenever you can do so safely. Medics will often help watch your back for Spies, but do not depend on them to check for you. If you are near full overheal, it is sometimes helpful to try and block incoming rockets or grenades that would otherwise hit your Medic. Finally, try to let your Medic know if you are out of Minigun ammo, so you can use ÜberCharge most effectively. It is better to take a few seconds and find ammo than to run into battle with only your Fists!
  • As it is relatively uncommon for TF2 players to look up, setting up an ambush from above lets you mow down unaware enemies from close range before they can react.
  • Jumping and spinning up at the same time lets Heavy move at almost full speed because of short windup time.

Weapon Specific

Minigun / Iron Curtain

Item icon Minigun.png Item icon Iron Curtain.png

  • The Minigun, or Sasha, is an ambush weapon; think of it as a Shotgun with no rate of fire or reloading drawbacks. Use it when catching enemies off guard from behind or wait around a corner.
  • You can rev your Minigun at the start of a jump. This gives you a moment of extra speed, and can be useful when you expect an enemy to be waiting right around the corner. Crouching while jumping even further increases your distance and makes you a smaller target from hitscan weapons (such as Sniper rifles or scatterguns) as well as effectively grounding you making you near impossible to move.
  • By the same token, few people expect a Heavy to fall from the sky with Minigun spun up and ready. Stages with vertical peaks such as Gravel Pit and Granary make great places to use this ambush strategy.
  • 200 bullets seems like a lot, but when you start firing it will disappear rather quickly! Pay attention to fallen weapons of enemies/team-mates, weapon crates or Dispensers.
  • Your aiming speed does not decrease when your Minigun is spinning.
  • If the enemy team has lots of higher health but slow classes, it is a better idea to take this over the Natascha.
  • At mid-range or closer, the Minigun has a higher damage output than any other weapon in the game, save for Critical hits and Backstabs. Keep this in mind and stand your ground when facing opponents one-on-one.


Item icon Natascha.png

  • Enemies taking damage from her will find themselves moving slower for an instant, forcing them to face the Heavy instead of running away.
  • Despite the theoretical 25% less damage than the normal Minigun, due to the decrease of speed to a uniform speed of 113 Hammer units, the overall damage will be increased with a higher chance of landing shots making it more preferable to Minigun if engaging non-heavy players, especially with a Medic behind the heavy. Because of damage falloff, it is best to fire at close range.
    • Due to less damage, it is best to avoid fighting Heavies that wield a Sasha, or an Engineer's Sentry Gun, unless you have a Medic buddy or are part of a team assault.
  • Natascha is particularly effective against faster classes (such as the Scout) since it negates their speed advantage.
  • When working with a teammate on defense such as a Demoman, Soldier, or Sasha-wielding Heavy, Natascha can make Scouts, Medics, and Pyros easier targets for slow moving projectiles and allows other Heavies time to spin up their guns. In this manner, you can whittle down a target's health while preparing them for a finishing blow from your team.
  • Natascha can be a better choice than Sasha for dealing with Spies as Natascha reduces the chance of an enemy Spy successfully fleeing from you after a successful Spy-check.
  • Natascha can interrupt taunts, including taunt attacks and can also interrupt the consumption of "lunchbox" items such as the Sandvich and Bonk! Atomic Punch.
  • The slowdown of Natascha also affects vertical momentum, meaning that any opponent trying to jump (including rocketjumps and stickyjumps) will fall like a stone if hit.
  • Natascha, like Jarate, can be considered a more team based weapon as it makes it more difficult for you to kill enemies but easier for your team to do so.
  • Natascha can stop a charging Demoman in his tracks with a single round, so this ability can be used to protect teammates from some distance.
  • Eating the Dalokohs Bar with Natascha will boost your health by 50 hp and gives you a better chance against Sasha-wielding Heavies.
  • The Natascha is a good weapon of choice when going for the Kollectivization achievement.
  • Most competitions banned the use of Natascha due to its slow-down effect.


Item icon Shotgun.png

  • The Shotgun is the maneuvering weapon of the Heavy. Use when moving from point to point, retreating, approaching a Sniper, or avoiding Rockets, Stickies and Grenades. It is also handy if you run out of Minigun ammo.
  • If you believe the speed decrease and spin-up time of the Minigun will be a hindrance to a successful attack, switch to your Shotgun instead.
  • If your team has lots of able-bodied Medics, then it is a better idea to bring this over the Sandvich, since healing yourself is not an issue. However, you can drop the Sandvich to heal and potentially save your Medics life and precious ÜberCharge.
  • The Shotgun is great if you have low ammo and don't want to waste it on Spies or Pyros.
  • The Shotgun is also a far better weapon for surprise attacks because the Minigun not only has spinup time, but is also fairly noisy, alerting enemies to your presence.
  • Keep in mind that without the Sandvich, you will need to rely more on Health Packs and Medics to stay alive. Try to keep tabs which health packs are where in a map in case a situation gets hairy.


Item icon Sandvich.png

  • The Sandvich is an unlockable replacement for the Heavy's Shotgun. When eaten, it fully restores your HP over four seconds; during this process, he is immobile and makes loud noises.
  • If the enemies are coming in waves or your team has few Medics, bring this because you will need all the health you can get.
  • Without your Shotgun, Snipers are much deadlier, and without a fallback weapon it makes the limited ammo supply of the Minigun all the more scarce.
  • The healing powers of the Sandvich work great with the Gloves of Running Urgently.
  • You can use alternate fire to throw your Sandvich for a teammate, healing 50% of their max health and stopping burn damage/bleeding. But beware that anybody can pick the Sandvich up, including enemies.
  • You can pick up your own thrown Sandvich from the ground for 150 instant healing. This is often safer than stopping to eat. Try throwing it out before a fight and picking it up after taking damage.
  • The Sandvich has a 25.7 second cooldown if you throw it or eat it when injured. Picking up a health item while at full HP restores the Sandvich instantly.
  • Try to eat with your back to a wall. A Spy that happens upon a dining heavy can spell disaster. In addition, make sure to stand somewhere where a Spy is unable to jump on top of you.
  • When a friendly Medic is hurt or on fire, it is advisable to throw your Sandvich to heal him.
  • A friendly fully healed Spy can waste the Sandvich dropped if his Disguise is hurt, so throw the consumable with caution!
  • You can taunt with The Sandvich on in order to eliminate the 1 second delay after weapon change, effectively giving you an extra second.
  • Enemies can see dropped Sandviches, you can set traps by dropping a Sandvich and ambushing enemies that try to pick it up.
  • You cannot eat the Sandvich whilst your feet are off the ground. However, you can still throw it.
  • When coming across a small health pack, eating/throwing your Sandvich back to full health before taking it restores your Sandvich, increasing the health output.
  • You can use your Sandvich to roughly double the effectiveness of small health packs. Simply pick up small health packs at full health and drop a Sandvich for your teamates.
  • Take advantage of the Sandvich being a projectile to throw it over ledges to teammates in need.

Dalokohs Bar

Item icon Dalokohs Bar.png

  • The Dalokohs Bar is an unlockable replacement for the Heavy's Shotgun. Consuming the Dalokohs Bar restores 20% (60 HP) of his health over four seconds when eaten and has the ability to overheal the Heavy to 350 HP for 30 seconds. During this process however, he is immobile and creates loud noises.
  • The Dalokohs Bar heals much less HP than the Sandvich and can not be shared.
  • The extra 50 HP allows the user to withstand a minimum of one more shot from the Scattergun, the Grenade Launcher or the Sniper Rifle (minimally charged headshots or bodyshots). It may also allow a minimum of one more shot from the Stickybomb Launcher and Direct Hit when fighting outside very close range. All of these weapons are used by the Heavys most common enemies and the extra hit may give the Heavy time to finish off his opponent, however without the 100% healing power of the Sandvich they will be troubled to find healing afterwards.
  • The Dalokohs Bar can be particularly useful for Heavies that can obtain a constant source of healing but lack a nearby friendly Medic for overhealing or a friendly Dispenser for healing.
  • Without your Shotgun, Snipers are much deadlier, and without a fallback weapon it makes the limited ammo supply of the Minigun all the more scarce.
  • Use the Dalokohs Bar before meeting enemy waves to make use of its overheal effect.
  • The Dalokohs Bar has a 30 second cooldown if eaten when injured. Picking up a health item while at full HP restores Dalokohs Bar instantly.
  • Even though the Dalokohs Bar allows your maximum health to rise up to 350, Medics can still overheal you to the 450, making the bar less effective when there are numerous Medics on your team. Also, do not use Dalokohs if you have a Pocket Medic, as you can not feed him because Dalokohs can not be dropped on the ground.
  • You cannot eat the Dalokohs Bar whilst your feet are off the ground.
  • Try to eat with your back to a wall. A Spy that happens upon a dining heavy can spell disaster. In addition, make sure to stand somewhere where a Spy is unable to jump on top of you.
  • You can taunt with the Dalokohs Bar, in order to eliminate a one second delay after weapon change, effectively giving you an extra second.
  • The Dalokohs Bar is good to use when starting an attack. Hide and eat before the enemy sees you and then start attacking.
  • The Dalokohs Bar is useful in King of the Hill game mode due to the extra 50 hp overheal for 30 seconds that allow the heavy to withstand more damage in battle for a bit longer while holding down a control point for the timer to run out to declare the victor or reinforcement to respawn.


Item icon Fists.png

  • Fists are a fallback weapon, and are your only fallback weapon if you traded your Shotgun for the Sandvich. It is also good against any class that is cornered or not expecting you to engage in melee combat.
  • Holding down the fire button will make you continuously hit. Clicking either button will make you swing with the fist on the same side. However, this is purely cosmetic.
File:Headshot heavy.jpg
Snipers can take out a Heavy with one fully charged Headshot, so keep out of their sights!



  • Keep in mind the attack speed for this taunt. If you can time it right, it is a perfect revenge tool during humiliation.
  • It also can be used against either distracted Heavies or scoped Snipers, saving ammo for other classes.
  • The Showdown acts as a short ranged but very wide hitting Pistol, so you have some range and height doesn't matter as much when using this to keep in mind. Therefore in melee-only games, it gives the Heavy the longest range of any class, which can be very useful.
  • In Attack/Defend and Payload maps, it is possible to achieve a kill with this. Stand in front of the gates, and taunt when there is a second left on the setup clock.
  • The taunt attacks in a straight line, so it is possible to aim it through tight spaces and surprise unaware targets.
  • This taunt is silent until its attack. It can be used effectively on unaware targets without alerting enemies to your position.
  • It is possible to do a "Pinshot" by aiming the taunt through a thin crack that leads to another part of the map. For example, a crack under a bridge can be exploited to hit someone under or above the bridge.
  • As with all taunt kills, use this taunt as a last resort counter attack. If you are in a situation where you are at a disadvantage (eg. caught by a Pyro right after you have spun down the Minigun) feel free to retreat past a corner and taunt. With some luck, you can net a kill.

Killing Gloves of Boxing

Item icon Killing Gloves of Boxing.png

  • When the Heavy kills an enemy with the K.G.B., he is guaranteed Critical hits for the next 5 seconds, and can kill additional enemies to further lengthen the boost time. This power-up is still active if he changes weapons. However, the K.G.B. has a 20% slower swinging speed.
  • The slow swing speed coupled with the Heavy's slow movement speed makes using them a risky prospect. It is best to use them when you have an enemy cornered.
  • However, if you do manage a kill and you are in tight corridors, keep using them while there are still enemies around; a Critical hit with the K.G.B. will kill all classes with a single hit except Soldiers, Demomen (with the Eyelander and with more than 4 heads) and Heavies, who will fall if a second hit is landed.
  • You can switch to your Minigun of choice or the Shotgun immediately after making a K.G.B. kill to use the guaranteed Critical hits with those weapons instead. This can provide other target options if enemies aren't in melee range or have begun to retreat. However, switching weapons wastes some of those precious five seconds, and spinning up the Minigun wastes even more. In addition, the Shotgun's Criticals are less powerful than those of the K.G.B. If possible, get multiple kills (2 or more) with the K.G.B. before switching to the Minigun.
  • Keep in mind however that spinning up the Minigun eats up a lot of your Crits time as stated in the in-game hints. The Shotgun is a much nicer pairing since it allows for instantaneous shooting, not to mention that most classes (unless overhealed) will succumb to a single critical Shotgun blast (at close range of course).
  • Keep in mind that due to a bug K.G.B. Crit effect will vanish when you are healed by a Medic, cart or Dispenser.

Gloves of Running Urgently

Item icon Gloves of Running Urgently.png

  • Use the GRU to escape certain situations where you know you can't win without support (like against a Heavy/Medic Combo, or an ÜberCharge).
  • With the added speed, you can use trick jumps that the faster classes can do, like jumping onto the bridge on 2Fort.
    • The damage penalty also adds a very slight amount of knockback when you are in the air. Time it so that in the middle of your jump it ticks, and you will be sent ever so slightly further, thus allowing you to reach even more previously inaccessible places (such as point E in Steel). If possible try to use the momentum from the gloves to your advantage by quickly switching back to Minigun and revving it up for added jump distance.
  • With a Medic healing you, you can negate the -6 damage penalty, and help their ÜberCharge build as well. A Sandvich can also be used to sustain health where necessary. The Dalakohs Bar works as well, but the lower health regained and the need to stop and eat, rather than a quick throw, makes it less effective compared to the Sandvich.
  • Remember that the GRU does much less damage than standard melee weapons, so it may not be wise to get into a melee fight unless you have a preexisting advantage (such as a health kit near to you, a nearby Medic, or if your target is already damaged).
  • Using the GRU to reach the front lines faster and keep up with a group of teammates is also a good idea, but make sure you know the location of a nearby health kit or Medic, or have the Sandvich equipped, so that when reaching the front line you don't have a health loss in battle.
  • When übered, use the gloves to push in closer to a sentry (do not jump or the knockback will take further effect) until you reach the range that overwhelms the gun. Your extra acceleration allows you go straight up to a sentry and use your full DPS rather than sitting back, where the spread makes a heavy ineffective.
  • Fast switching the GRU and jumping can give you a speed boost while in mid-air, while taking less damage.
  • Beware of running out of ammo on all other weapons. You will change to the GRU and start taking damage.
  • The GRU's speed will also make you a slightly harder target to enemy Snipers, especially beginners, or those using the Huntsman.
  • When using the GRU in CP maps such as Granary, keep in mind that health kits are usually taken by Soldiers or Demomen, so be prepared to fight with a little less health.

Map Specific


  • Useful on defense but the wide open space in the middle makes the Heavy an ideal target for Snipers.
  • The Sewer entrance is a more suitable approach, but this can be easily defended by a Sentry Gun.
  • This map has loads of long corridors so if you have enemies at your end / in the middle of a corridor, wind up and shoot. The sewers and small corridor below the left spawn area are ideal for this strategy.
  • If you have a burning desire to kill the Snipers on battlements, take a Medic with you and proceed through sewers. Build up an Über to assault the courtyard, then move past spawn and onto the battlements. The Snipers won't even know you're there.
  • Capturing Intelligence should not be your first priority. As a Heavy, you're usually providing covering fire for the carrier to escape safely. Use your negative influence against the enemy team so they're forced to deal with you first.


  • A great map for the Heavy. Useful to lay fire into doorways while team-mates take the control point behind him.
  • The Heavy excels in attacking or defending points 2 and 4. With an extremely focused area indoors, a spun-up Heavy can be an unpleasant surprise to anyone moving on the point. Similarly, the close confines removes the range advantage of Snipers.
  • Conversely to the above, Spies are a common threat on Granary. Watch your back, since you will draw a lot of attention very fast on those points.
  • Attack points 2 and 4 from the left. It is a longer walk to the point, but if you go up the stairs on that side, you can usually catch defenders off guard.
  • Alternately, just come out from the left side of the point on the ground floor. This also has the advantage of largely avoiding the Sentry Guns usually placed on the ledge overlooking the point by the defending team, but not Sentry Guns on the ground level of the point.
  • The last point can be difficult for Heavies. Snipers usually take potshots from the window overlooking the point from point 2/4, so exit through the farther, left-side door if a Sniper is known to cover the area and fire under the pipe at attackers.
  • The map's natural choke points in the various inter-point areas are excellent areas for the Heavy to lay in suppressing fire, but his slow speed in turn makes it easier for him to be suppressed. Work with your team and take the initiative. If you're attacking while the enemy is still moving to engage you, you have a leg up on damage.


  • This map can be both a boon and a negative to the Heavy as there are portions of land where the open spaces leave you open to more mobile characters and Sniper fire.
  • Be sure to move indoors as quickly as possible so that your Minigun can make good use of its large amounts of firepower, rather than squandering it outside where it is less accurate and you risk getting killed from long range.
  • Control Points 2 and 4 are great for the Heavy as they are both indoors, and they offer good cover while still giving little room to move for the Heavy's opponents.
  • The water routes between Point 3 and the courtyards outside the enemy base are the safest approaches for the heavy to get to Points 2 and 4 while avoiding most of the risk of Snipers usually covering the approach.
  • One tactic that most people don't expect is a Heavy defending above the last point; when enemies come into the point for the cap, jump, spin up, and drop down, aiming to land in the capture zone and either killing the cappers or holding them off long enough for your team to reinforce you.
  • Don't underestimate the attic approach. It's a small space with very few exits, a considerable number of ammo and health pickups, and considerable cover from most of the areas of attack while providing a few good firing lines in return, and thus it allows a Heavy to hold it nearly single-handedly. Consider camping this spot if your team is being pressed from above. Spies love this area, however, so a little paranoia may not hurt.


  • Probably the best map for a Heavy as the congested areas and his ability to lay down large volumes of fire into the choke points and other congested areas can help progress.


  • Build up an ÜberCharge as soon as you can in the beginning of your push to make the defensive team crumble as soon as possible.
  • Like the situation on defense, Spies absolutely love this level because the action is so intense that many players do not notice a single player behind them before it is too late.
  • Focus your fire on Sentry Guns, entrenched Engineers, and Pyros first, as these are the biggest threats to you and your team. The Sentry Guns can lay waste to anyone attempting to get past, and Pyros can make your team retreat, giving the defenders a chance to push back.


  • Be sure to use ÜberCharges in response to an overwhelming rush or the attacking team's ÜberCharge as well.
  • While on the ready for the opposing team, continue to check your surroundings; a Heavy whose attention is on the spawn door is a tempting target for the Spy's Backstab.
  • If defending Stage 2 Cap 2, have an Engineer build a Dispenser in the corner with the small medkit and ammo box. This allows the user to have a great defense spot on the control point, this also helps out the friendly Engineer as the user can easily take out Spies, and won't be prone to a backstab.
  • At Stage 3, cap one, The Ledge is an extremely effective bunker to create a stronghold in. If you can team up with an Engineer, get him to build a Dispenser and Teleporter out of sight in the hallway. You are to act as his Sentry Gun. Once there, you will be able to hold this spot and greatly impede the attacking team even if the first point is capped. Your main priority if trapped in the Ledge after cap is to protect the Engineer and his buildings and disrupt attackers long enough for your team to reform a line behind you.
  • On Stage 3, Cap two, there is a tunnel which from the bottom of the ravine under the cap to a spot just around the corner from Cap 1. This is usually used by attacking Spies to sneak behind enemy lines. However, if a Heavy can sneak through, he will come out directly behind most of the attacking team, and can do an enormous amount of damage to them before they realize what's happening. If the Heavy can get a fully-charged Medic to go with him, they can sometimes wipe out the entire attacking team in one fell swoop.


  • Against strong defenses, an Übered Heavy can clear a way for the rest of the team to take the Control Points. Just watch out for Snipers at the more open Control Points, as they can end a Medic-Heavy rush quite easily.
  • Attacking either of the last points through the vents can be a useful tactic for surprise and will work especially with other distractions going on, but be sure to use an ÜberCharge and not a Kritzkrieg when pushing, as there will likely be at least one Sentry Gun to destroy and once you drop out of the vents, you will not be able to escape without going through the main areas.

Gravel Pit

  • An ideal map for the Heavy as his high health can get your team a foothold in heavily defended areas.
  • Be sure to use the small areas on the Capture Points to your advantage, but make sure to have someone cover your flank as there are alternate entrances from both sides to take both points.
  • Gravel Pit favors Snipers with its long sight lines and relatively limited amounts of cover at places. Counter this by taking an alternate route to hit the enemy. There is always more than one way to approach the other team.
  • Point C is a double edged sword for Heavies. While the cramped space on the tower leading up to C and the point itself means their firepower can tear up opponents, the multiple angles of attack in C's direction makes it hard to defend on the point.
  • Use the Minigun's knockback to push Soldiers, Übered or otherwise, out of their trajectory and away from Point C (this works especially well with Natascha also, as if they do happen to land they will be adequately pinned down).
  • While difficult to pull off, a hilarious option for RED Heavies is to scale the rock 'pillar' on the right side of the left-hand exit from BLU spawn to A (the exit nearest the mining tunnel). Two tricky crouch-strafe jumps will allow him access to tunnel to spawn, where BLU can be warmly greeted by a large Russian man and his gun. Most teams don't see it coming, and throwing in a Kritzkrieg assuming the Medic can get up there makes this even more successful when pulled off correctly.

Badwater Basin

  • Due to the long sightlines going from the BLU spawn to the other side of the first area, it is best as a Heavy to back up friendly charges or wait until the coast is clear as enemy Snipers are likely to pick you off from down the hill or the tunnel. That said, if you have a Medic with an ÜberCharge ready you can use it to push round corners being guarded by Sentry Guns, being careful to avoid any Spies or airblasting Pyros trying to stop you and also staying out of sight for as long as possible.
  • On defense, a Heavy can guard the tunnel and other enclosed areas like the main point fairly well, being able to drop down from the cliffs to surprise enemies pushing the cart and if needed push them back with a Kritzkrieg to clear out the tunnel and cliffs.
  • It is important to know where the BLU Snipers are when on defense and hide accordingly, as some areas that are good for ambushing or jumping down from may be easy to snipe from the BLU spawn.
  • The second point area's main corridor with the cart tracks is a no-go zone for attacking Heavies until it is clear of Sentry Guns, Snipers and Spies (unless you have an ÜberCharge ready to push with).
  • Snipers are likely to congregate around the corner and zoom in over the concrete fence, and most Sentry Guns will be positioned on the roof to the left, making it difficult to concentrate on both potentially deadly threats.
  • If you go up the stairs in the left building, you can easily access the roof and destroy the enemy Sentry Guns (even without an Über, as the corner can be used for edging). Once this is done and you have control of the roof, rain bullets down on RED players as they try to seize it again and provide a good distraction while the cart is pushed.
  • On RED you can push back the enemy team through the main corridor with the help of your team mates and temporarily scare away any BLU Snipers trying to take out your team's Snipers (assuming you can get close enough). Be aware if you do this that often a Sentry Gun will be placed around the corner to the first point, as a means of holding their front line. In this situation, you will need an ÜberCharge or a fellow Soldier or Demoman to deal with it.
  • When trying to retake the roof, be very careful while going up both sets of stairs as there may be a Spy lying in wait to foil your plans. If there are enemies on the roof, be sure to kill any airblasting Pyros, Spies or Sandman using Scouts first, as all of these can stop you in your tracks and put an end to your actions fast.
  • In a worst case scenario on defense, you can jump down from the roof onto the cart to stop it reaching the second point. This is a fantastic means of blocking the capture due to the Heavy's good staying power and ambush potential, but be warned that without backup you will likely die soon after.
  • On offense you will need an ÜberCharge to do any significant damage at the third point area, as many of the Sentry Guns will be positioned behind corners and the open space makes you an easy target for rockets, grenades and stickies. As such, you will be less likely to lead team charges in place of a Demoman or Pyro for Sentry Gun destruction.
  • While waiting for a charge, try to hold the ground you've covered and keep it a safe area for any Medics or Engineers, such as the courtyard in the dip with the Maximum Health and Ammo kits. When doing this, watch out for Spies and other enemies dropping down from the balcony, along with any projectiles being fired diagonally at the Health and Ammo from around the corner.
  • The third point is great for defending Heavies as there are many places you can effectively drop down on hiding BLU players and ambush them. This is especially useful when trying to prevent Übers from being built, though the courtyard may have a Sentry Gun and Teleporter waiting if an Engineer is left there for too long.
  • The corridors provide good alternate routes to push back the BLU team also, and if you can use them to sneak behind the BLU team with an ÜberCharge or Kritzkrieg, you can wipe out anybody attempting to push forward and even as a result push the entire BLU front lines back to the second point. In the event of this, try not to push too far forward or you may be separated from your team mates and easily disposed of.
  • The last point is a very difficult place for Heavies to attack on their own or without a Medic as there are so many open spaces that you will likely be sniped/stabbed/exploded before you can do a good amount of damage. To combat this, only run in when you are sure there are other people doing the same, and watch your back when doing so as the ramp chokepoint is a very good place for Spies to stab people and retreat.
  • Try not to stand at the top of the ramp when pushing as you are an easy target for Spies and Snipers and the distance between you and where your enemies will be (the bottom of the ramp) is far enough to render your primary weapon ineffective. that said, if you have a Kritzkrieg to charge with you can deal with any enemies out in the open from the ramp, overhang or windows and still have a good chance of surviving if you are cautious.
  • The RED team's Sentry Guns will almost always be found underneath the overhangs that are usually out of sight from the BLU team. To deal with these, drop down from the left overhang or windows on the right to instantly start firing on the Sentry Gun and hopefully take the Engineer by surprise. In the likely chance of there being multiple Sentry Guns, try to get closer to each Sentry Gun to kill it quickly then move onto the next one, or the Minigun's falloff will be ineffective when firing from the middle of the area.
  • Don't go around the top left courtyard on your own as it is a very common spot for Spies to lie in wait and may creep up behind you when you try accessing the main point area from the small flight of stairs. If there is an Engineer on your team building, stay there with him for a moment to protect his buildings from Soldiers, Demomen or Spies coming from either of the doors.
  • When trying to defend the last point as a Heavy, push up the ramp with ÜberCharges to destroy any defenses the BLU team may have built to prevent you pushing them back. If you have a Kritzkrieg, this tactic will also work well but you will need to move quickly as when the enemy team sees you they will run and hide around the corner at the third point.
  • When the BLU team pushes the final point, try hiding in one of the many corners or shadows so that you can surprise any cart pushers or people looking the other way. Alternatively, ask for a Medic to hold an Über until they push so you can counter Über at the appropriate time.
  • If you are standing next to an Engineer's Dispenser or are just watching the area, stay spun up for enemies trying to drop down to the ground floor from the windows or overhang, and also to instantly Spy-check anybody running out in the open.


  • The initial yard and point bridge of Gorge are fairly open and have long sight lines, making Heavies on either team difficult to play and mostly ineffective. That said, with the right ambush tactics and knowledge of the map's numerous hiding spots, you can support your team well and allow them to make the necessary pushes.
  • The area between the first and last points is fantastic for Heavies on either team, as the tight corridors make their miniguns incredibly useful (stopping enemies from trying to escape death by strafing) and the upper walkways allow you to jump down and surprise any enemy pushes or bases that have been set up. Be cautious though, as on BLU you may become separated from your teammates and lose any backup you might need, and on RED straying too far from the point may leave it open for backcapping.


  • The first yard will be a very difficult place for a Heavy to charge in solo, as all of the spawn doors act as chokepoints your team must go through while being fired into by any projectile using classes such as the Soldier or Demoman. Because of this, do not go out unless you either have a Medic with a normal ÜberCharge ready (in which case, ask the Medic to use it sooner than later to avoid the risk of losing it), or when you are confident that your team have distracted the enemies guarding the spawn doors and feel you can back them up effectively.
  • Watch out for Snipers hiding on the top walkways or Spies tucked in the gaps between the crates next to your spawn doors. These two classes are a Heavy's strongest counter, and will make quick work of you if you aren't careful.
  • Attacking the first point area is another job for an Ubercharged Heavy, as it is a good place for defending Spies and Snipers to headshot/backstab you as you come over the hill or onto the bridge and there will likely be a Sentry Gun or two stationed on the other side of the point. Once again, use an ÜberCharge, or risk backing your team up without a charge/with a Kritzkrieg (which is not very effective on this point anyway, as the RED team have a large amount of cover to hide behind).
  • If you are feeling adventurous, move along the far left walkway to ambush the RED team from the left garage. This can work surprisingly well with a Kritzkrieg, as you will be able to clean out any enemies behind the typical pieces of cover and maybe even destroy a Sentry Gun if it is initially facing toward the point. However, be careful when doing this, as you are very vulnerable to Snipers and you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of RED players hiding in the left side,
  • Make good use of the walkways overlooking the corridors to the last point; should the enemy team attempt to push you back to the first point, you can pin them down with your Minigun (preferably Natascha) and cut their faster classes off from any reinforcements.
  • Do not try to attack the last point from the uppermost walkway. This is because your Minigun's effective range is insufficient for damaging enemies around or on the point, and you become a big target for Soldiers, Demomen or Snipers aiming up there. Instead, try standing in the small corner room with the health kit. Here you can prevent any high flying classes from accessing the upper corridors, holding your team's front line down well.
  • You can move along the left corridor and across to the far left room if you are subtle enough, and from here you can access the main RED Sniper deck as well as their secondary spawn door. Don't stay here too long though, as you can be easily killed should the RED team know you are hiding there.
  • When attacking the very last point, once again only rush in at the front if you have an ÜberCharge, and be sure to look in every corner on both the top and bottom levels in case a sneaky Sentry Gun has been placed to wear down your team's push. Once the main defenses are Destroyed, stay on the point aiming up between the middle and right doorways in case of RED players trying to stop the cap.
  • When charging in, also make sure there are no Spies lying in wait around the corner or behind the crates in the hall adjacent to the point. Now would be the worst time for your Medic to lose his target, so be vigilant.


  • Defending this point as a Heavy will also be somewhat troublesome, as the wideness of the map makes any non-Critical Minigun spray useless when firing across, you are almost always visible from at least one of the BLU spawn doors (unless hiding right behind cover) and it is a popular point for BLU Spies to come from behind on. To stop the BLU team for long enough, stand right near one of their doors with a Kritzkrieg or ÜberCharge ready to stifle any potential pushes, and defend the Medics on your team (as they will be saving their Ubers or Kritzkriegs for countering the BLU team's).
  • Despite the long distance from one side of the map to the other, standing in the top right windows with a Kritzkrieg Medic can ambush the BLU team well enough to cripple any charges they themselves attempt to build up. The lack of damage falloff and high damage a Critical Minigun has will mow down anybody too close to the windows, and discourage long range targets (even Snipers, who can only take a two or three Critical bullets at long range before dying).
  • Because of the open space and the chokepoint at the BLU side of the bridge, do not try running in to the interior area without a Medic as you will die very fast and can be headshot from the first yard (through the doorways) should an approaching Sniper spot you. Instead, try sneaking around the sides and unleashing a Kritzkrieg on the unsuspecting BLU team for an easy ambush (though watch out for any Sentry Guns put up the stop the RED team pushing in).
  • Though difficult, try accessing the upper walkways from the BLU team's side (via the numerous stairwells). This denies them a potential area to set up a base and also keeps their front line pushed back, wasting their time and so hindering their progress toward capturing the point.
  • Use the various props and pieces of cover in the hallways to your advantage; hiding behind the crates while spun up and around the edges of corners will let the BLU team pass by unaware of your presence, giving you an easier time of ambushing and ruining their plans.
  • If the BLU team makes a successful push onto the last point, do NOT stand above the point in the middle. This area is the main focus of any BLU Snipers standing in the opposite hall. Instead, attack from the sides and if possible, under the overhang where Sentry Guns are put to stop the enemy seeing you until they jump onto the point themselves.
  • It is not worth trying to get behind the BLU team, as they have too many alternate routes to the point. This also decreases the number of RED players around the point, making it much harder to defend for those remaining.



  • The multitude of pathways renders flanking a very effective tactic, both for you to use, and to be used against you. Always watch your back for Scouts and Spies that may be using these paths to get behind you.
  • There is Health close to almost every point, find out where they are and stay near them to keep yourself healthy.


Point A
  • There is a long, straight sight line to your main spawn exit door. Snipers will almost always be watching it closely for you. Only move forward if you have your team to cover you or if you are certain the area is clear.
  • If you take the main spawn door, remember that you are fighting uphill, so Soldiers and Demomen will have an advantage. They also have several walls that they can hide behind to wear down your health.
  • The secondary pathway over the cliff may be your best bet in many circumstances, as it brings your Minigun into close range where it excels. Keep an eye out for any Sentry Guns that may be below you as you pass over, as they may launch you into the sky.
Point B
  • Take note of the medium health pack and ammo in the small alcove on the right as you approach the point. This is a good spot to retreat to if under enemy fire.
  • Consider moving over top of the buildings on the left as you approach the point, as this path isn't often taken and can allow you to surprise enemy Heavies who may be defending.
  • The sideroute that takes you to the an elevated platform across from the point is not necessarily a good place for a Heavy, as you are open to Snipers and the enemy is often too far away for your guns to do much damage.
Point C
  • There are two paths to take to get to C from B, the cliff path and the inside path. The cliff path puts you above the enemy, but you are open to enemy Snipers, Soldiers and Demomen. The inside path gets you a bit closer before the enemy can see you, allowing for easier ÜberCharges and attacks.
  • Taking the exposed stairway up onto the point could be a bad idea, as you are easy to see and wide open to enemy attacks. Consider using the enclosed stairway instead to get the jump on your enemies.
Point D
  • This point is a long way away for the slow Heavy. Ask your friendly Engineers to set up a Teleporter between A and D or at C so that you can get to the frontline faster.
  • Again, there are two paths to take, from C or from A. The path from A is shorter, but you are attacking the enemy head-on. The path from C is longer, but you can get behind the enemy team. Be aware that this path takes you past the RED spawn, so be careful for enemy players leaving through that door.
Point E
  • With your large amount of health, enemies will be tempted to try and blast you into the pit with explosives or Compression blasts instead of simply killing you. Stay near the center of the point and focus on enemy Pyros that may be rushing towards you.
  • Crouch while revved to avoid being knocked off the point by an explosion.
  • If D is captured, the enemy cannot spawn and go directly to E, they have to pass through D or C first. This is where they will attack from, so watch your sides.


  • Overall, Egypt is not a Heavy friendly map. The very open environment and bright scenery make the Heavy even more of an easy target then before, and the long distances between points make traversing the map without a Teleporter somewhat dangerous, as well as slow.
  • As such, try to keep to the darker corridors and less obvious routes to the next area. Otherwise, you may be in the prime spot for being sniped, thus forcing you to walk all the way to the front lines again upon respawn.


  • The first point of the first stage is very difficult for a Heavy to move around in without a Medic, as either of the spawn doors will be inundated with projectile spam, Sniper sights or be well within the range of any RED Sentry Guns. Therefore, an ÜberCharge will be needed to clear out the area effectively.
  • When exiting either of the spawn doors, be careful of any enemies or Spies hiding around the pillars next to each door. These shadowed areas are good hiding spots, and should not be ignored.
  • A Heavy can push around the right ramp to destroy any Sentry Guns effectively (especially with a charge) and block any RED reinforcements. When doing so, make sure to pick up the maximum health and ammo kits that readily spawn in a nearby alcove.
  • On the point itself, make sure you crouch in a corner or behind a pillar while capturing so you aren't picked off by enemy Snipers from the far left or right (remember, you are likely to be their first target if spotted).
  • The last area's main door is a poor place for a Heavy to charge in through even with an ÜberCharge, as the raised nature of it mean you can be airblasted or knocked back down your side of the stairs and your charge will not last long enough to dispose of any Sentry Guns around the corner.
  • The left tunnels, though, are a very logical place for Heavies to strike from, as the darkness keeps them hidden for long enough before they can jump out in ambush, and when spun up the only revealing factor as to your presence will be the noise.
  • Accompanying a push onto the point and standing in the RED team's blind spot as they come out of their spawn will let you surprise them as your team continues capturing. In the worst case scenario that the point is cleared by Critical explosives or a Spy, you will then be able to finish off the capture by jumping onto the point.
  • The first point of the second stage is very Sniper friendly, making the two right doors (which enemies can fire and aim into easily) a no-go zone for Heavies. Your best option would be to go through the far left door and then around the left building to come up onto the point via the ramp, but watch out for Spies or Sentry Guns near the point.
  • As soon as the first point is captured, you can rush to the last with your team and if the RED team has no defenses set up yet, you might be able to capture the point. If you stand on the side toward the enemy spawn and impede their progress with your Minigun (this works especially well with Natascha due to the slowdown quality it has), you can also buy time for your team while they capture.
  • Otherwise, only move into the last point area when your team is pushing or you have a Medic with a charge ready healing you. If it is a normal ÜberCharge, go through the top right one way gate to attack any Sentry Guns the BLU team have and then proceed to their spawn as necessary, and when it is a Kritzkrieg come through the far left entrance, firing from long range (as the distance's subsequent damage falloff is ignored by the Crits).
  • The first area of the last point is less harsh on attacking Heavies with Medics, but it can still hold some problems. Namely, both spawn doors are at the lowest point of the map and require you to ascend rapidly to reach the point. This means that if you go out into the open to climb up, you are subject to being Sniped or Backstabbed very easily. That said, there is an alternative route up that works well with Heavies, the dark and steep stairwell that comes out not far from the point.
  • When using the stairway to advance to the point, be sure to spin up as you are coming out into the open and gun down anybody in the immediate area. If you want to stay hidden from enemies on the point, jump down and hide around either the right or left corners, but be careful as they may hear your gun spinning.
  • If you are charged with a Kritzkrieg at the top of the stairs, stay on top of the ledge and keep the enemies at bay with long range Crits. This will clear the point of any RED players, and whittle down Sentry Guns from afar (though the Crits will not affect the Sentry Gun so much, they may scare the Engineer away).
  • When pushing the final point, only run out of the right and middle entrances if you are either Ubercharged or backing up players who have already run in. This reduces the chance of you being targeted by enemy Snipers or Spies, and should give you enough time to hide behind the central monument (yet allowing you to fire around the corner at the enemy spawn area).
  • Alternatively, hide in the top left one way gate and jump down to surprise any enemies in the near courtyard. This route is also good for charging into to deploy Ubercharges from, but is vulnerable to sniping and airblasting backwards down the stairs.
  • While your team is capturing the point, try to hide up towards where the RED Snipers usually stand, in the shadowed window area. Should your team fail to capture the point, you can either keep enemy Snipers at bay, or rush down to finish off the capture and win the game.


  • This map is better for defending Heavies as they will have the height advantage on vertically advancing maps, and ready access to any number of the hiding spots available for ambushes and the like.
  • The first point of the first stage is good if you have a Kritzkrieg as you can fire directly into the enemy spawn from long range and deal massive damage to anybody trying to come out. Otherwise though, the risk of being sniped it quite high, so stay behind the left corner, the point, or on the point itself and wait for enemies to come into your field of view.
  • The last point's dark surrounding tunnels provide a good spot to ambush and push back BLU players, but be careful of any Sentry Guns set up around there.
  • When the BLU team makes a push for the last point, hide in a corner with a Medic if possible, and wait until any Übers they used have worn off. Then, run in and block the point to stop the cap while also killing many enemies.
  • The first area of the second point is Sniper friendly as mentioned before, so try to keep to the far right area to cut the BLU team off or around the bridge/pillar area to attack them from above. Waiting here at the start of the round may not be a good idea though, as the BLU team are likely to push out with an ÜberCharge (though if a Medic healing you has one ready, stay and ask him to use it when they charge in).
  • The high stairs leading up to the point are ideal places to pick off any ascending enemies, as they are wide open and offer little escape aside from dropping back down into the open yard. When peering over the edge to find these enemies, however, be careful of Snipers aiming up at you from inside the BLU spawn doors.
  • Use the high ground to your advantage, dropping down on unsuspecting enemies to kill them quickly. This strategy works especially well if you have the K.G.B. and can spot a weakened enemy to hit, as you can earn some Crits to slaughter anybody too close with.
  • The point itself is difficult to defend without actually standing on it as it is so enclosed. It is for this reason that if the point is rushed and any defensive Sentry Guns are destroyed, you should retreat to the last point area.
  • You can flank the BLU team as they try to set up a base at the first point by going through the right passage, being rarely used due to how dangerous it can be for BLU players. If you can, organize an ÜberCharge to do this with, as it is very likely they will have a Sentry Gun with Teleporters set up.
  • Defending the last stage's first point is tricky as the enemies come from very low spawn doors in comparison with how high the poing is. As such, only go down to kill enemies when you have support or a Medic, as it will not be worth the risky trek back up the hill if you only kill one or two people.
  • This point favours attacking Snipers somewhat as they can get into relatively safe positions and aim directly at the point. Therefore, try to stay behind cover when you know of an enemy Sniper's presence, and flank them quietly if possible.]
  • The raised area connecting the bridges is a good place to stand as a defensive Heavy as you can crouch below the edge of the brick wall (making you somewhat safe from Snipers) and fire slightly up at the point to surprise any enemies trying to make a stealthy capture.
  • The last point is very Heavy friendly in comparison with anywhere else on this map, as there are few doors for the BLU team to snipe out of, and there is a lot of cover to hide behind in case of an enemy push. Some good examples are the central monument's pillars, behind the wall above the point and to the far right behind the cliff.
  • When clearing out the areas between the first and last points, don't forget that there is a one way gate on the upper right with health and ammo kits. If you can get behind the BLU team and take this area, it is a vital asset for limiting the BLU team's movements.



  • The cart is your friend. Stay behind it and shoot over top of it for cover as well as health and ammo.
  • Keep an eye out for Snipers, they have an easy shot on you while you are pushing the cart. Crouch behind the cart to stay out of sight.
  • A well-timed Kritzkrieg on the enemy cart can easily wipe out anyone defending it.

Section 1

  • Snipers by the enemy spawn are your main threat, take the side routes to surprise them.
  • ÜberCharge with a Medic to remove Sentry Guns placed by the cart or to hold the enemy team at their spawn while your team moves the cart

Section 2

  • The main hallway is free of obstacles, making it harder for enemies to surprise you, but easier for them to headshot you or attack you from a distance
  • Watch out for enemy Spies dropping down from behind you by your base, the side routes make it easy for them to flank you.
  • Utilize these side routes to get behind the enemy, surprising them by their spawn, relieving some pressure on your team.

Section 3

  • The wide-open area favors Snipers and Soldiers, stay near cover so you aren't overwhelmed.
  • Hide behind the cart while it is moving up the hills and watch both in front and behind you, those are the only directions anyone can get close to you from.

See also