Die Regime-Panzerung
Die Regime-Panzerung is a promotional cosmetic item for the Heavy. It is based on the armor worn by enemies in Wolfenstein: The New Order; a chest plate and neck guard, with a handle attached, and a shoulder plate attached to the right arm by four bolts.
This item was awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order on Steam before May 20, 2014.
Update history
- Die Regime-Panzerung was added to the game.
- [Undocumented] Updated the RED texture for Die Regime-Panzerung.
- [Undocumented] Removed the promotion restrictions from Die Regime-Panzerung.
- The item's name means "The Regime Armor" in German.
- The description is a reference to a famous quote from George Santayana, with the original words being: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".
- The chest of the armor shows the rank of a Lance-Corporal (German: Gefreiter) in the Wehrmacht (German Army) during WW2.
See also