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#REDIRECT [[Template:Current Events]]
* '''2023年2月9日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新:《[https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=189493 Steam创意工坊的贡献者们,请注意!]》(原标题:“Attention, Steam Workshop Creators!”)<br>Valve预告将在今年夏季前后进行一次更新全面的全面更新!在2023年5月1日前将你的作品提交到创意工坊,争取得选吧。
** '''2023年2月15日'''(编辑):Valve对这篇博客的部分文本做出了改动,“更新全面的全面更新”将转为“全面的节日规模更新”——原文中的“full-on update-sized update”与“who knows what else?!”被分别更改为“full-on holiday-sized update”与“other community-contributed fixes”。
* '''2020年7月10日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新:《[https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=63208 〈军团要塞2官方原声音轨〉免费扩充内容]》(原标题:“TF2 Fight Songs Album is Getting a Free Expansion Pack”)<br>Valve将以下三首音乐更新到了[[Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack/zh-hans#战斗歌曲:军团要塞_2_音乐|军团要塞2官方原声音轨]]中:《[[Yeti Park (Soundtrack)/zh-hans|Yeti Park]]》、《[[Saxton's Dillema (Soundtrack)/zh-hans|Saxton's Dilema]]》与《[[Mercenary Park (Soundtrack)/zh-hans|Mercenary Park]]》。该音乐专辑的[https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/tf2/sheet_music/TF2_Soundtrack_Scores.zip 乐谱与Sibelius文件]也同时公开。
* '''2020年5月4日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新:《[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=61081 血战一场]》(原标题:“A Hell of a Campaign”)<br>Valve向士兵的配音演员[[w:Rick May|Rick May]]{{lang icon|en}}致敬,他于2020年4月8日不幸去世。全新的[[Saluting the Fallen (Soundtrack)/zh-hans|游戏音乐]]与[[Soldier statue/zh-hans|士兵的雕像]]被添加到了游戏中。
* '''2019年12月16日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新:《[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=56988 圣诞快乐,各位!]》(原标题:“Merry Smissmas, Everyone!”)<br>新上线的[[Smissmas 2019/zh-hans|圣诞更新]]将添加18款全新的社区饰品,10款全新的社区战绘,以及17款全新的社区稀有特效!别忘了留意你的{{item link|Stocking Stuffer}},以及享受[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hans|曼恩公司商店]]的五折大减价!
* '''2019年8月2日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新:《[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=53025 关于2019箱子危机的更新]》(原标题:“Update on the Crate Depression of 2019”)<br> 一个导致打开部分箱子时必然获得稀有帽子的漏洞已经修复。Valve发表了该篇博客对情况进行分析与总结,并宣布处理方案。
<div style="float:right;"><small>[[Template:Current Events/zh-hans|查看过去的新闻]]</small></div><noinclude>
== 过去的事件 ==
* '''2018年3月28日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=38644 “竞技模式更新上线!”](原标题:“Competitive Update Shipped!”)<br />Valve对游戏匹配系统以及其他游戏内容做出了改进!当然他们也没有忘记每个玩家最喜欢的东西,一系列新的社区饰品也将要上线!
* '''2018年3月15日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=38224 “第七届萨氏金像奖的获奖者已经产生!”](原标题:“Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards Winners!”)<br />恭喜所有[[Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards|第七届萨氏金像奖]]的获奖者!
* '''2018年3月9日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=38041 “为第七届萨氏金像奖投票吧!”](原标题:“Vote for the Saxxy Awards!”)<br />又到了这一年一度的激动时刻,[[Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards|第七届萨氏金像奖]]已经开放投票!从现在起一直到3月13日,你都可以为入围的参赛作品投票!获奖者将在14日揭晓!
* '''2018年3月1日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2官方博客]]更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=37676 “现在开始接收第七届萨氏金像奖参赛稿件!”](原标题:“Now Accepting Submissions for the Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards!”)<br />[[Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards|第七届萨氏金像奖]]已经开放投稿!在3月8日前提交稿件,证明你作品的力量.祝所有参赛者好运!
* '''2018年2月5日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog|TF2官方博客]]更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=36910 “丛林炼狱版本更新新闻”](原标题:“Jungle Inferno News”)<br />丛林炼狱战役将在下一年的2月11日结束,但不必惊慌!已经购买了战役通行证的玩家的合同进程仍然会被保留,且仍然可以兑换战利品。除此之外,所有的新地图会被归入常规游戏模式菜单栏中。现在回去做你的合同吧!
* '''October 26, 2017''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=34054 Scream Fortress IX has arrived!] Scream Fortress is back for another year of happy haunting alongside Jungle Inferno! Free Halloween contracts with unique rewards can now be found on your ConTracker until November 8, 2017.
* '''2017年10月20日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=33847 Jungle Inferno is Live!] The Jungle Inferno Update is finally here! The Jungle Inferno Campaign! New Pyro weapons! War Paint! Cases! Taunts! It's all here, and it's all in-game and ready to play!
* '''2017年10月19日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=33776 We're Almost Live!] The Jungle Inferno Update is almost here! Valve has decided to delay the update another twenty-four hours to make sure everything is up to snuff before it launches. In the meantime, the patch notes can be read [http://www.teamfortress.com/jungleinferno/notes.php here]. We're in the endgame!
* '''2017年10月18日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=33731 Hot Stuff!] Valve has finally lifted the curtain on the Pyro's new balance changes! And we haven't forgotten about the best part, new weapons are here as well!
* '''2017年10月17日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=33689 Hit the Campaign Trail!] A major update calls for a new campaign, and that's the case with the Jungle Inferno Update! Introducing the Jungle Inferno Campaign! The campaign system has been given a new layer of paint, returning with new exclusive rewards and new ways to play.
* '''2017年10月16日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=33662 Welcome to... Mercenary Park!] After almost a year since it's announcement, the next major update is finally on the horizon... Introducing the [http://www.teamfortress.com/jungleinferno/ Jungle Inferno Update]! And with it comes an animated short, and a mammoth amount of brand-new maps and taunts!
* '''2016年11月4日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=25447 Now Accepting Submissions for the Sixth Annual Saxxy Awards!] This year's [[Saxxy Awards]] is here, folks! Finish up your works of art in [[SFM]] and send them our way. The deadline is November 11th, but you should submit earlier just to be safe. Happy animating!
* '''2016年10月21日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=25023 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived!] Once again Halloween has come, and it's ''spookier than ever!'' Amongst the menacing maps, cutting-edge contracts, and terrifying taunts, we are proud to present our newest ungodly creation: a taunt [[Unusualifier]], which you can find in [[Creepy Crawly Case|the latest case]]. Scared yet, unusual fans? Because that's not all! Until the event ends, the chances of receiving an unusual cosmetic from a case will be doubled! And all those cosmetics will have an effect from ''this'' event! It's downright ''horrifying!''
* '''2016年10月11日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=24805 What We're Up To] Happy almost-Halloween! This time each year we usually would be finishing up our annual [[Halloween]] event, but that's not the case here. No, we will be focusing on something even better: a big upcoming update and campaign! Does that mean this year's horrifying haunting is cancelled? Not at all! Halloween will still be coming next week with all-new maps, contracts, taunts, and more, so stick around!
*'''2016年8月24日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog|TF2官方博客]]更新。 [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=23740 我们今天20岁了!]今天是军团要塞的20岁生日!登录TF2获得你[[Party Hat/zh-hans|派对尖帽]]和一个免费的[[Noise_Maker/zh-hans#军团要塞生日|噪音制造器]]来表达你的欢乐。虽然今天是我们最喜欢的游戏的生日,它也可能是别人的生日。可能是你的,可能是我的。我们想说的是,这也是演员史蒂夫·古滕伯格的生日。生日快乐,史蒂夫!
*'''2016年8月22日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog|TF2官方博客]]更新。 [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=23671 Insomnia58] [https://insomniagamingfestival.com/ Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival]就要来了,它带来了到目前为止最大规模的TF2比赛之一!查看从26日到28日的[https://insomniagamingfestival.com/i58/tournaments/event/team-fortress-2-2/ Team Fortress 2 Open],来自世界各地的六十四支队伍将为胜利和荣耀出击!
*'''2016年8月16日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog|TF2官方博客]]更新。 [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=23496 竞技模式排名改进(和我们接下来的工作)] Valve 发布了一些即将到来的匹配改动。除了改进竞技模式排名的确定之外,休闲模式也有新内容的添加,例如在同一服务器上重新组队的功能将在未来出现。请继续关注!
*'''2016年8月15日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog|TF2官方博客]]更新。 [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=23536 拜见你的优胜者:火焰兵!]经过五个星期的燃烧和子弹,但更多的是燃烧,火焰兵已宣布成为Meat vs Match的获胜者!因此,在未来的更新,他将是第一个收到一个兵种包更新的佣兵,包括平衡改动,装饰品和新武器。祝贺并感谢所有参与这次活动的玩家!
*'''2016年8月9日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog|TF2官方博客]]更新。 [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=23444 第六届Saxxy奖!]又过了一年。现在是举办第六届Saxxy奖的时候了!是时候展示起源电影制作者社区最好的才能!提交日期截止为11月11日。
* '''2016年6月29日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=22641 Exclusive Disgaea PC Cosmetics] Have you ever wanted to cosplay as an evil exploding knife-wielding penguin? If not, now's your chance! Buy [http://store.steampowered.com/app/405900/ Disgaea PC] and receive three promotional cosmetics!
* '''2016年2月15日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=20391 Tough Break Campaign Passes 50% Off!] Are you really, really late to the [[Tough Break Campaign]]? Then lucky you, because now all campaign passes are half-off! All late adopters will still have access to all contracts, so if you've been on the fence on buying a pass, there's no time like the present to jump in!
* '''2015年12月22日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19829 Introducing the Festivizer!] Not satisfied with just having a [[Decorated]] weapon? Now you can strap Christmas lights to it! Introducing the Gun Mettle and Tough Break Festivizer, for all your Smissmas needs!
* '''2015年12月17日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19715 The Tough Break Update is Coming...] The next contract campaign is upon us, just in time for Smissmas! The [[Tough Break Update]] includes weapon-specific contracts, a weapon loan program, four whole new weapon collections, new community maps, taunts, and weapon balances!
* '''2015年12月4日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19521 Arkham Knight Contest Winners] Pretending to be Batman (or Robin) just got a lot easier with the addition of new Batman-themed cosmetics <strike>personally approved by Batman himself</strike>! Along with the three winners are seven runner-ups, including a full set, all available in the [[Mann Co. Store]]!
* '''2015年11月18日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19369 The 2015 Saxxy Awards Winners Have Been Revealed!] Congratulations to the winners of the [[Fifth Annual Saxxy Awards]]!
* '''2015年11月11日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19262 Get Voting For the Saxxys!] Voting has commenced for the [[Fifth Annual Saxxy Awards]]! Get yourself to the [http://steamcommunity.com/saxxyawards voting page] and choose your favorites!
* '''2015年10月28日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19046 Scream Fortress VII is Here!] Introducing the seventh annual [[Scream Fortress]] update! Added this year are four new community maps, two new taunts, and loads of cosmetics! The event runs until November 11, so get in on the action while you can!
* '''2015年10月28日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19044 Mannpower Mode is Out of Beta!] After almost a year of beta testing, [[Mannpower]] mode is out of beta! Included in this update is the new [[Hellfire]] map, three new power-ups, and a host of other changes!
* '''2015年10月28日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=19045 The TF Workshop Arkham Knight Contest] Instead of dressing up as Batman for Halloween this year, why not take the opportunity to dress your favorite mercenary up as Batman? The [[Steam Workshop]] is now accepting entries for Batman: Arkham Knight cosmetics, so make sure to submit yours before November 16!
* '''2015年10月6日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=18730 Get Ready For The Invasion] The long-awaited [[Invasion Update]] is here! Introducing three new community maps, new cosmetic items and event-exclusive weapon reskins, this update is entirely crafted by the community, make sure to support them by purchasing an [[Invasion Community Update Pass]]!
* '''2015年9月21日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=18409 What We're Up To] With the [[Gun Mettle Campaign]] winding down, it's time to prepare for the next big update, which should be out by the end of the year. For Halloween this year, it's the community's turn to make the event shine! Get your workshop submissions in before October 18, 2015 to have a shot at seeing your item in-game!
* '''2015年8月31日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=18229 Issue #5 of Team Fortress Comics!] After <strike>two</strike> eleven months, the next installment of Team Fortress Comics, [[Old Wounds]], is out! Only two more to go!
* '''2015年8月27日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=18161 Introducing Trade-Ups!] Got a bunch of Civilian grade weapons sitting around in your backpack and nothing to do with them? You're in luck, because now you can [[Trade-Up|trade them up]] for higher tier weapons! Also introduced in today's patch is the [[Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case]], an exclusive drop for participants in the Gun Mettle Campaign!
* '''2015年8月25日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=18143 Insomnia55] The [http://insomniagamingfestival.com/ Insomnia Gaming Festival] is going down at Coventry this weekend! If you can't attend, be sure to watch on [http://www.twitch.tv/teamfortresstv Twitch]!
* '''2015年8月21日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=18072 The Fifth Annual Saxxy Awards!] It's that time of the year again, another chance to earn yourself [[Saxxy|an Australium-plated Saxton Hale-shaped bludgeon]]! Can you outdo the entries from the [http://blog.dota2.com/2015/05/dota-2-short-film-contest/ Dota 2 Short Film Contest]? Head over to [http://www.sourcefilmmaker.com/saxxyawards2015/guidelines/ the contest page] and show them what you're made of!
* '''2015年8月18日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=17833 Introducing PASS Time, a New Beta Game Mode!] Developed in collaboration with Bad Robot and Escalation Studios, PASS Time is a new gamemode mixing traditional sport and the fine pastime of virtually murdering your friends. Try and score the Jack in the enemy's goal to gain points while avoiding becoming a bloody mess!
* '''2015年7月2日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/gunmettle/ The Gun Mettle update has arrived!] Complete contracts, collect unique weapon finishes, and re-learn all your favourite weapons on four brand new maps in this huge update to Team Fortress 2.
* '''2014年10月22日''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=14723 All Five Scream Fortress Updates Now Playable!] To prepare yourself for the upcoming TF2-fying Halloween update, Valve is giving you the chance to play all five previous [[Scream Fortress]] events. Bring a change of underwear and get practicing your screams.
* '''2014年9月8日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=14337 社区商品在 WeLoveFine 现已发售!]您现在能从 [http://www.welovefine.com/387-team-fortress-2 WeLoveFine 网络商店]购买 TF2 商品,并为[http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=440&section=merchandise 下一批将会售卖的物品]进行投票!
* '''2014年8月14日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=14150 现已能接受 TF2 商品的提交] 曾经觉得现时的时尚潮流缺少的一点东西?好像不够印有醉酒随笔的T恤?好的不过不是醉酒的''爆破手''随笔。然后来到这个通道提交您的设计在军团要塞 2 工作坊里的全新[http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=440&section=merchandise 商品部分],然后购买它们。保证让您看起来 295% 更酷。<sup>*</sup> <small>(*无保证)</small>
* '''2014年6月16日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=13661 时钟嘀嗒着…][http://www.teamfortress.com/countdown/suspense.htm 嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀嗒]。
* '''2014年6月5日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=13542 曼恩公司的工厂车间] 事实证明,为某个游戏制作新武器并不是精确的科学。有时您失败,并有时您真的很失败。窥视一下 TF2 团队的思想,因为他们分享究竟错的(并有时是对的)东西可以成为武器设计。
* '''2014年5月2日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=13230 赶上 TF 漫画!]有很多的知识可以叠起超过七年。从您的[[Poopy Joe/zh-hans|普皮·乔]]不知道您的[[Administrator/zh-hans|管理员]]?或者只是迷茫、困惑,并患有当明亮的阳光击中您眼睛的时候更恶化的眩目头痛所以您凑合着一种躺在您床底下的灰尘兔子之中,为了更新只是走出来查看官方 TF2 日志的生活?那么您很幸运。“服用”[[Catch Up/zh-hans|这个漫画]]和两片阿斯匹林,一切就会变得很清晰。
* '''2014年4月2日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=12828 新漫画和我们正努力于什么!]很有规律的数学扭曲了,还有二也转换成四了。《[[A Cold Day in Hell/zh-hans|极度寒冷]]》,''军团要塞漫画''的第三部发布了!我们也让您从即将来的更新先睹为快,公布了一个月球基地还有创意工坊支持嘲讽了。
* '''2014年3月28日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=12776 准备好迎接您的庄家,蛆!]注意!|KritzKast 编译了一系列几位 TF2 社区贡献者的访谈。在[http://www.kritzkast.com/meet-your-makers 此]阅读有关它的一切。
* '''2013年12月20日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=12146 它开始看起来好像某种东西] 什么“东西”?为何,当然是[[Smissmas 2013/zh-hans|2013年圣诞节]]了!扣上了一连串的新装饰品,还有为您这已经是个好雇佣兵提供了能找到免费战利品的[[Gift-Stuffed Stocking/zh-hans|圣诞礼物袜]]。
* '''2013年12月4日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11995 军团要塞漫画第二部!]您想知道“bi-monthly”是什么意思吗?它显然意味着“每隔两月一次”,但一定没有人知道!不管怎样,这里有军团要塞漫画系列的第二部[[Comic/zh-hans|漫画]]——《[[Unhappy Returns/zh-hans|不快乐的回报]]》!希望您能喜欢!
* '''2013年11月21日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11927 双城之战的故事:第二天] 昨天的日志公告的末尾,那就是第二天的[[Two Cities Update/zh-hans|双城之战更新]]。第二个新增[[Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans|曼恩 vs. 机器]]地图——[[Rottenburg/zh-hans|Rottenburg]] 已公布,伴随着会让您的队友不必等就直接重生的新升级,以及额外的士兵升级!
* '''2013年11月20日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11910 双城之战的故事] 对一样的旧[[Mann vs. Machine/zh-hans|曼恩 vs. 机器]]地图感到乏味?放长双眼来看,来临的[[Two Cities Update/zh-hans|双城之战更新]]不止有一张地图,而且还有新奖励!此外,受欢迎的[[Competitive play/zh-hans|竞争]]地图 [[Snakewater/zh-hans|Snakewater]] 将会成为一张官方地图!期盼下一部的更新吧!
* '''2013年11月18日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11881 让投票成为历史!][[Third Annual Saxxy Awards/zh-hans|第三届萨氏金像奖]]已开始公开投票!在今天直到11月24日期间,投选已呈交至比赛的作品。优胜者会在26日揭晓!
* '''2013年10月29日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11726 2013万圣节已开打!]又是本年度的这个时候![[Scream Fortress 2013/zh-hans|2013年尖叫要塞]]现已开打!伴随着之前的全部[[Scream Fortress/zh-hans|尖叫要塞]]活动!查看我们最新的 [[Helltower/zh-hans|Helltower]] 地图,并试用我们最新的[[Spellbook Magazine/zh-hans|魔术书杂志]]!
* '''2013年10月28日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11727 严重事项] 您们全部是否对万圣节感到兴奋?这里有[[Grave Matters/zh-hans|一部漫画]]让您在等待的同时打发时间!
* '''2013年10月2日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新。[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11558 第三届萨氏金像奖!]从11月4日至11月18日,第三届萨氏金像奖的作品将被接受!启动您的 [[Source Filmmaker/zh-hans|Source 影片制作人]]副本并得到破解,并查看 [http://sourcefilmmaker.com/post.php?id=11559&p=1 Source 影片制作人官方网站]了解更多详情!
* '''September 18, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11479 Only a Thousand Hours Left Until the Witching Hour!] It's never a bad thing to start preparing for Halloween early! Submission entries for the Halloween 2013 event are now open, if you've got the talent you may just see your workshop items in the game come October 31!
* '''August 27, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11332 Team Fortress Comics #1!] Who says that you need a major update to enjoy reading comics about [[Saxton Hale]]? [[Team Fortress Comics #1]] has been released, with bi-monthly updates to come, so keep an eye on the official blog for more updates!
* '''August <strike>27</strike> 24, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11335 Happy Not-At-All-Late 17th Birthday!] On this definitely-not-three-days-late day seventeen years ago, a motley crew composed of Robin Walker, John Cook and Ian Caughley created a mod for [[w:Quake (video game)|Quake]] that took the world by firestorm. In celebration of this anniversary, enjoy [[Birthday mode]] with your [[Party Hat]] and [[Noise_Maker#Team_Fortress_Birthday|Birthday Noise Maker]]. Also enjoy the addition of [[Chemistry Set]]s, and try your hand at creating your own [[Strangifier]]s!
* '''August 20, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11304 RomeBots: History Comes Alive!] Ever wanted to re-live history and massacre hordes of Roman robots? Now you can, thanks to [[Romevision]]! Just put on a [[Hardy Laurel]], or play with somebody with one, and enjoy the show!
* '''July 17, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11105 An Active Solution to an Idle Threat]. Science has proven that [[Idling|standing around doing nothing]] is now more likely to get you shot than it is to get you [[Item drop system|free things]]. Valve has again modified the way that the game grants items!
* '''July 10, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11070 Move That Update Up!] After a week of teasing, it's finally here! Redeem your [[Summer Claim Check]]s for Summer Coolers that contain the newest batch of community-contributed items, enjoy the new and improved maps, and play with the newly improved weapons that you never thought to use before!
* '''July 9, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11063 Move Those Votes Up!] Ever wonder how Valve decides which items submitted to the workshop are shipped into the game? They give us their breakdown with a handy list of criteria and, yes, your votes do count. Also included is a sneak peak at one of the '''sixty-four''' items being shipped with the upcoming update.
* '''July 8, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11024 Move Those Weapons Up!] Next up under the microscope are weapons. From the underutilized [[Battalion's Backup]] to the omnipresent [[Dead Ringer]], dozens of weapons are getting their stats tweaked. Also getting an overhaul is the item sets system, with set bonuses being moved to individual set items.
* '''July 5, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11023 Move Those Maps Up!] All good exploits must come to an end. An upcoming update will fix exploits in the majority of all official maps, including [[Badwater]], and two more community maps, [[Process]] and [[Standin]], are going to become official! Look forward to more news to come!
* '''June 27, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10942 Help Us Pay it Forward] No item is made solely by one contributor without a little bit of help. As thanks, Valve is now allowing workshop contributors to share some of the profit from their item sales with some of the [http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/about/?appid=440 service providers who provided that help]. Even better is Valve has decided to take this money from their own cut of the sales, so now there's no reason not to share some of your profits with those mentors that helped you along the way.
* '''June 13, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10864 We just shipped some Gold Star items!] Much to Valve's own surprise, workshop creators actually listened and resubmitted their items for gold star certification. So Valve decided to turn around and, [[vdc:Valve_Time|Valve Time]] be damned, shipped 10 of those gold star items [[Second Workshop Content Pack|in an update just two days later]]. Also, keep your eyes peeled for a super secret update coming soon.
* '''June 11, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10843 There's never been a better time to submit] Over ten million dollars have been paid out to over 400 community content creators and nearly $250,000 is slated to be paid out to the contributors behind the [[Robotic Boogaloo|Robotic Boogaloo update]]. If you want to try and earn yourself some of that sweet hat money, now's the best time to submit your work to the [http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=440 Steam Workshop]. The item submission tools have been greatly improved, and any item submitted with the tool will be given a [http://www.teamfortress.com/workshop/#star gold star] to show that it is compatible with TF2.
* '''June 3, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10765 Adult Swim Extravaganza] Do you like Adult Swim? Do you like The Venture Brothers? Did we copy these questions? Probably. But you should most definitely check out the new Adult Swim hats; The [[Bacteria Blocker]], the [[Weather Master]], and the [[Breather Bag]]. Those are definitely copied from [http://video.adultswim.com/the-venture-bros/the-venture-bros-team-fortress-2-premiere-hats.html somewhere].
* '''May 17, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10628 The First Entirely Community-Created Update is LIVE!] You read right; this time, community contributors could not content themselves creating wee weapons, minute maps and insignificant cosmetic items, so they made an entire major update instead, complete with a trailer and a [http://www.teamfortress.com/roboticboogaloo/comic.php comic]. Introducing the [[Robotic Boogaloo]]! This very special community-driven event revealed what's is the [[RoboCrate]] and added over fifty new items to the game; find out which [http://www.teamfortress.com/roboticboogaloo/ here].
* '''May 1, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10519 SteamPipe: Just a Heads-Up] SteamPipe, a new system that improves the way content is downloaded, updated and stored, is now officially live! The conversion process takes a few minutes, but faster uninterrupted downloads, quicker boot times and map loads, and easier distribution, installation and management of mods are well worth it. Read the [https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7388-QPFN-2491 FAQ] for more informations.
* '''April 2, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10317 Don't Drink the Jarate] "We don't normally post TF2 cosplay on the blog, for two reasons: 1) We'd quickly turn into a TF2 cosplay site; and 2) Our hearts are shriveled little prunes of hate." However, a group of amazing Team Fortress 2 cosplayers is featured on the blog, and you can find more pictures [https://plus.google.com/photos/109186032784269086625/albums/5861286525598145489 here].
* '''April 1, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10307 Business Time] The TF2 Team tricked Reddit into thinking they bought Team Fortress 2 so that they could secretly buy Reddit instead. To celebrate this sneaky purchase, Reddit-themed items will be added to the game. Don't be too excited, though, this might be an April Fool joke like [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2391 last time].
* '''March 19, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] update. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=10148 Future Shock] Now you can wear a hat in real life while wearing a hat in Team Fortress 2! Virtual reality support has been added to the game, be sure to [[Virtual Reality|check it out]]!
* '''February 14, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9955 Team Fortress 2 is now on Linux] Your favorite war-themed hat simulator now works with the well-known free OS, and an [[Tux|exclusive promotional item]] is given to all players who launch Team Fortress 2 on Linux before the end of the month, so be sure to try it!
* '''January 28, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9825 TF2 Action Figures Are Out Now!] NECA released two new action figures based on the best, most popular team members: the [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF202 Pyro] and the [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF204 Demoman]. They are now available in the Valve Store, in Toys 'R' Us, FYE, Hastings, and on Amazon, so go get one before they are gone!
*'''January 10, 2013''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9714 Kiss These Items Goodbye!] All good things must come to an end. Hats are good things. The [[Sniper vs. Spy Update|first nine hats]] are retiring, so get them while you still can!
*'''December 27, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9661 Smissmas (Permanent) Cheer for Community Map Makers] Support your friendly neighbor map maker! [[Map Stamp|Map Stamps]] have been improved and the new [[Strange Filter|Strange Filters]] have been added to the [[Mann Co. Store]]. Buy them [http://store.tf2.com/?hidecarousel=1&appid=440#cat=1194199205&p=2 here].
*'''December 20, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9658 The Mecha Update is Live!] The [[Mecha Update]] has hit! Enjoy the new [[Mann vs. Machine]] missions, the new weapons, and the new cosmetics!
*'''December 19, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9632 Merry Smissmas!] 'Tis the season to be killing robots! The [[Mecha Update]] is upon us, with all the holiday cheer to back it up! Check out the update page [http://www.teamfortress.com/mechaupdate/ here].
*'''December 19, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9630 New Adult Swim Gear] Are you a fan of The Venture Bros. or Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Ever want to show everyone in the game just how big of a fan you are? Now you can, with some new gear arriving from the folks at Adult Swim! Check it out [http://video.adultswim.com/presents/valve/ here].
*'''December 11, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9574 Well, Now I'm a Statue] "I wish I'd read the fine print, since Mann Co. now owns my likeness rights until the year 7039." Gaming Heads has turned Sniper into a statue, and you can find more info from [http://www.gamingheads.com/newsletters/0540569cf39d0ee1ada21d70ca198e780b.html here].
*'''November 28, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9458 The Second Annual Saxxy Awards are HERE! (Almost)] In 48 hours the Second Annual Saxxy Awards presentation will begin, live online. Make sure you're dressed up for the occasion (and shower you hippy) with the dapper [[Tuxxy]].
*'''November 21, 2012''' - For those hoarders and item collectors among you the [[Backpack]] size limit has increased from 1000 to 2000! And this [[Australian Christmas]] give the gift of a [[Account types|premium account]] to someone, with the new [[Upgrade to Premium Gift]] tool.
*'''November 15, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9383 Vote! Vote! Vote!] Submissions for the [[Second Annual Saxxy Awards|Saxxy Awards]] are now closed; you can now visit the [http://www.steamcommunity.com/saxxyawards/ voting page] and choose your favorite videos! Remember to report videos that violate the [http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards2012/ contest rules], grab a popcorn and start voting now!
*'''November 9, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9310 Five Days Left to Submit to the Saxxy Awards] A reminder that there are only a few days left to submit your entries for this year's [[Second Annual Saxxy Awards|Saxxy Awards]]. You have until November 15, 12:00 AM GMT to submit your replay or [[Source Filmmaker]] video for consideration. Get cracking!
*'''October 31, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9253 Now Accepting Submissions for the Saxxy Awards!] Have you ever wanted to win an Oscar? Well, too bad, since there aren't any in Team Fortress 2! You can try to win a [[Saxxy]] in the [[Second Annual Saxxy Awards]], though. For more information on how to submit your video, click [http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards2012/#faq here].
*'''October 26, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9220 THE HAUNTING IS HERE!] The [http://www.teamfortress.com/blizzbobarrabas/ Spectral Halloween Special] is now here! Get ready to be scared to death by [[Merasmus|wizards]], [[Coaltown Event|zombies]] and [[Ghost Fort#Wheel of Fate|giant heads]]. Enjoy!
*'''October 25, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9211 The Fourth Annual Scream Fortress Event Begins Tomorrow!] That's right, folks! The latest Halloween event, the [[Spectral Halloween Special]], will be live tomorrow! You can already check the details [http://www.teamfortress.com/blizzbobarrabas/ here].
*'''October 24, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9183 World War BOO!] The [[Soldier]]'s misadventures with his roommate, [[Non-player characters#Merasmus the Magician|Merasmus]], finally reach a conclusion in the lastest comic, [[Doom-Mates]]!
*'''October 19, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9144 The Second Annual Manniversary Sale is on NOW!] What more is there to say? Dig out your parent's or guardian's wallet and get going!
*'''October 17, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8943 Attention, Cowards!] [[Saxton Hale]] has taken time out of his busy day to address you - that's right, ''you'' - and your cowardice. If you are not a coward then this is not addressed to you, but otherwise you are in for a world of theoretical hurt.
*'''October 9, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8985 Big MvM Update!] Have you ever wanted more blood on your [[Botkiller weapons|Heavy-botheads]]? Have you ever wanted an easier [[Mann Up]] challenge? Have you ever wanted ''more'' [[Something Special For Someone Special|diamonds]]? This update is for you!!
* '''October 5, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=9026 Saxxy Contest Rules Update]. The [[Second Annual Saxxy Awards]] will begin in less than a month, and the rules have been updated. There's a new category for Best [[Replay]], which means you can now win a [[Saxxy]] without using [[Source Filmmaker]]. Also, people can now use video editing softwares on their movies for post-production. Lights, camera, action, and good luck!
* '''September 11, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8830 Halloween is Only Fifty Days Away!] Yes, only 50 days until all of the [[Halloween mode|Halloween]] [[Ghost|ghosts]], [[MONOCULUS|floating eyeballs]], and [[Horseless Headless Horsemann|undead millionaires]] return! However, being scary takes work, that's why the [[Steam Workshop]] is accepting the most horrifying cosmetic items the community has to offer. Not a modeller? No problem. Stay busy by voting on your favorites!
* '''August 24, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8722 Sweet Sixteen!] Whose birthday is it? If your first guess was [[W:Steve Guttenberg|Steve Guttenberg]], then you're right. But what matters is that ''[[Team Fortress]]'' completes its sixteenth birthday today! To celebrate this, [[Birthday mode]] is now active in-game. Enjoy!
* '''August 21, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8699 Bring Home the Gold, Boys!] For the first time, with [http://www.extelevision.com/ eXtv]'s fundraiser and the community's help, an American team is going to be sent to the [http://iseries.multiplay.co.uk/ Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival] in the United Kingdom for a chance against the European teams. Good job showing them your support!
* '''August 17, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8672 The Second Annual Saxxys!] That's right: every mercenary's favorite movie award is back for its second annual edition! This time, [[Saxxy|Saxxies]] will be handed out for the best [[Source Filmmaker]] videos submitted for five different categories: Best Action, Best Drama, Best Comedy, Best Original Universe and Best Overall. Don't miss this opportunity!
* '''August 16, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8660 Introducing the TF2 Game Hub]. Ever wanted to have TF2 screenshots, videos, discussions, news, blog posts and [[Steam Workshop]] submissions all mashed up in one place? No? Well, that's too bad, because Team Fortress 2 just got a [http://steamcommunity.com/app/440 game hub], which is part of the [[Steam Community]] update. While the entire update is only available in a closed beta, anyone can check out the new TF2 hub and get a taste of what's coming to Steam soon.
* '''August 15, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8654 Mann vs. Machine is LIVE, Maggots!] The robots have arrived! While the [[Soldier]] gets his [[Tin Soldier|robot disguise kit]] ready for the next [[Full Moon]], it is up to us to save [[Mann Co.]] from this automaton army. Conveniently, the Soldier has prepared and handbuilt a [[Decoy|flawless replica of the Mann Co. factory]]. If your're feeling extra tough, [[Mann Up]] with a [[Tour of Duty Ticket]]. You may even get a [[Botkiller Weapons|souvenir]] or two. Now MOVE OUT!
* '''August 14, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8642 MvM Day Two: Upgrades & Tactics]. So, [[Non-player characters#Gray Mann|Gray]] has an unstoppable army of robots hell-bent on destroying [[Mann Co]]. Time to lay out your [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)#Abilities_and_Upgrades|battle plans]]. You will be defending the historic [[Coal Town]]. You will have a variety of [[Mann_vs._Machine_Upgrades|upgrades]] and [[Power Up Canteen|power-ups]] to help enhance your fighting abilities... For a price of course.
* '''August 13, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8622 MvM Day One: They Are Legion]. Stopping shooting at other mercs, because your next target will be... [http://www.teamfortress.com/mvm/ robots]! The long-predicted [[Mann vs Machine]] co-op mode arrives to Team Fortress 2, where [[RED]] and [[BLU]] [[Mann vs Machine#Trailer|join forces]] to defeat [[Non-player characters#Gray Mann|Gray]]'s army of robots and stop them from blowing up [[Mannworks]]!
* '''August 12, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8621 Blood Brothers]. In just 12 hours, the community has unveiled TF2's most complex [[ARG]] so far, which revealed [[Blood Brothers|a new comic]] a few weeks less than Valve had planned. Nice job, TF2 Community.
* '''August 10, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8597 Introducing Kong King]. Steam user [http://steamcommunity.com/id/3Dnj 3Dnj] and [http://store.steampowered.com/app/202170/ Sleeping Dogs] have made a new [[Maps|map]] for the featured Triad Pack: [[Kong King]]! You'll have lots of fun (or pain) with your friends (or enemies) in this [[King of the Hill]] map based on a Chinese city!
* '''August 2, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8548 Year of the Dog]. The Chinese Mafia has invaded Team Fortress 2... and has brought [http://www.teamfortress.com/triad several new items] with it! You can get all the items in the [[Triad Pack]] in [[Item drop system|random drops]], by [[crafting]] them, by buying them in the [[Mann Co. Store]], or for free if you pre-purchase [http://store.steampowered.com/app/202170/ Sleeping Dogs] on Steam.
* '''July 31, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8502 Dreams of Chronic and Sustained Cruelty]. The TF2 Team goes on an explanation on how the efects for [[Pyroland]] were achieved through several filters, shaders and gradients.
* '''July 12, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8397 Mann Co. Summer Sale]. This year's [http://store.steampowered.com/ Steam Summer Sale] has begun, and Team Fortress 2 is going to have its own summer sale as well. Get your wallets ready, because several [[tools]], [[weapons]], [[hats]] and [[miscellaneous items]], [[Steam Workshop|community-contributed]] or not, are going to be on sale until July 22. If you want to buy items for even lower prices, you can also choose from many special summer bundles.
* '''July 10, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8378 The Source Filmmaker is LIVE!] Valve's long-awaited filmmaking tool, the [[Source Filmmaker]], has finally been released to the public, for free! Now any users can create their own vids, or modify [[Meet the Heavy]] and [[Meet the Engineer]] any way they want to. A [http://steamcommunity.com/sfm special Steam page] is live as well to celebrate SFM's launch.
* '''June 27, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8283 Meet the Pyro...] has finally been [[Meet the Pyro|released]]! Delve into the world of your favorite psychopathic arsonist and discover the mystery behind the mask, as you play with the new items announced in the update, because the [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8288 Pyromania is LIVE!!!] Ever wanted to create your own Team Fortress 2 short videos? You can soon as [[Source Filmmaker]] is also announced; sign up for a beta invite at the [http://sourcefilmmaker.com official Source Filmmaker blog].
* '''June 26, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://tf2.com/post.php?id=8273 Pyromania: Day Two]. The Public Enemy, the Urban Professional, and the Dumpster Diver items are revealed and the Pyro receives a deadly new toy, the [[Scorch Shot]]. Only one day to go until [[Meet the Pyro]] is released!
* '''June 25, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8260 Pyromania: Day One]. The long awaited [[Meet the Pyro]] short will be released in a couple of days, and to celebrate it, Valve announces the [[Pyromania Update]]. Day one reveals a new map, with a new gamemode, comemorating [[Poopy Joe]]'s unsuccessful mission: [[Doomsday]]. Several new additions will be announced until Wednesday, when the last [[Meet the Team]] video will go live. Keep your eyes open for future announcements!
* '''June 22, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8256 Mmm Mmmph!] The Pyro mumbles something, as usual. What could he be trying to say this time? [[ARG|Mph mmmmmmph, mmp mmmmmmph mph? Mmmmmhmm mmmmmmmph mph...]]
* '''June 21, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8045 How a Gun Gets Made]. If maps are not fun enough to make, [http://steamcommunity.com/id/jalcober Jalcober] still made a tutorial for other users on how to model, texture and submit your [[weapons]] for TF2. Meanwhile, the community discovered that if you craft two [[Banana Peel]]s together, you get a secret message unique to each user. These codes resulted in [[:File:Saxton Hale Hearing Transcript.jpg|this image]]. Find out more and keep up to date on the [[ARG]] article.
* '''June 1, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=8124 How a Map Gets Made]. Ever wonder how TF2 maps are made? Then you'll enjoy this breakdown of the thought process that goes into making a popular map. See how [[Gorge]] came about, from initial concept as rough sketches, all the way to the final product.
* '''April 7, 2012''' - A new Valve-related encyclopaedia, the [http://ricochet.wiki.tf Ricochet Wiki], is launched by our community! Start editing it now, but be careful to not fall off your pad or get hit by an incoming disc while editing!
*'''March 28, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7655 You Are Quite Welcome]. Nothing beats a [[hat]]. Except of course, maybe hats that show off how great you are, or hats that only last one day. Well you're in luck, because the Per Diem Perk has just begun! The players with most [[Dueler|duel wins]], [[Philateler|Map Stamps purchased]], and [[Gifting Man From Gifting Land|gifts handed out]] are going to receive special one-of-a-kind hats that last one day each! Now you too can own a one-of-a-kind hat without having to [[Propaganda Contest|win an art contest]] or [[Top Notch|invent Minecraft]]! Plus, if you thought [[Strange]] [[weapons]] didn't track enough stats, that's about to change! All you need is to do is use a [[Strange Part]] on your favorite Strange weapon and you'll be ready to use math to explain exactly how much better you are than other people!
*'''February 14, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7347 Love is in the air!] Do you have someone you play with whom you fancy a bit more than others? Have your romantic gestures of endlessly pocketing them as a Medic failed to win you their affection? By gifting them the [[Something Special for Someone Special]], you can both be given a pair of uniquely named rings while announcing your love to the entire TF2 community at once! And it's less expensive than the traditional way to propose: By [[:File:How-to-Date Book.png|wearing a gorilla mask and pretending to be dying of diabetes]]! Happy Valentines Day!
*'''February 9, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7317 I Can't Taunt Without My Radio]. Coming directly from the [[Steam Workshop]], a new item has found its way into the game, along with the [[Aladdin's Private Reserve]], the [[Lucky Shot]], and the [[Conquistador]]: the [[Boston Boom-Bringer]] for the [[Scout]]. It plays a beatbox music whenever you taunt, making it the perfect choice for chilling out to a cool beat or bothering those hip-hop haters!
*'''February 2, 2012''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7254 TF2012!] Time for a TF2 version of the State of the Union address! First up, the TF2 team confirm they have top men working on a '''top secret''' project....that does not involve hats?! The [[Steam Workshop]] now has a Steam group which can be found [http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/ here]. [[Meet the Pyro]] is confirmed to be out sometime this year, so look out for it in 2014! And finally the Second [[First Annual Saxxy Awards|Annual Saxxy Awards]] is back and better than ever. How? You'll just have to wait to find out.
*'''December 21, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7072 The Australian Christmas Update... UPDATE!] Not enough gifts in this holiday? Say no more! The new items are now even easier to collect, either by [[crafting]], [[Item drop system|dropping]], or [[Mann Co. Store|buying]] them. Not only that, but everyone playing during the holiday will receive a [[Spirit of Giving]], as well as a [[Secret Saxton]] to start gifting people right away. Still missing the Smissmas spirit? All cables in all maps are now wrapped in festive lights. Enjoy the holiday!
*'''December 15, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7020 The Australian Christmas Update is Here!] A veritable pile of new items and hats have arrived for your TF2 pleasure, including the frigid [[Spy-Cicle]] or the jolly [[Holiday Punch]]. There are items for everyone, though you may need a [[Nice Winter Crate Key|key]] to put your hands on [[Mann Co. Supply Crate#Series #36 – Nice Winter Crate|some of them]]. A Merry [[Australian Christmas 2011|Australian Christmas]] to everyone!
*'''December 14, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7005 Happy Australian Christmas Eve]. If you didn't figure out in the [[True Meaning]] [[comic]], new [[Item sets#Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack|exclusive]] [[Item sets#Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack|space]] items have arrived for the [[Engineer]] and the [[Pyro]], as part of the [[Australian Christmas 2011]] holiday event! You can see more about them, plus [[Foundry|a new map]], in the [http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas2011/ first part of the update]!
*'''December 13, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6992 It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Australian Christmas]. Discover the story behind Smissmas and its [[True Meaning|true meaning]] in a holiday-themed [[comics|comic]], featuring the [[RED]] [[Engineer]] and the RED [[Pyro]]!
*'''December 1, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6841 Mann Co. Spotlight Items]. Introducing the latest graduate from the [[Steam Workshop]], the [[Itsy Bitsy Spyer]]. And now you don't even have to start up TF2 to make him your own as the new Steam 'Buy Now' feature allows you to purchase items from the [[Mann Co. Store]] straight from the web!
*'''November 14, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6770 We want holiday-themed community items!]. Ah, November. That special time of year when subtle insinuations hinting at the approach of a certain holiday begin to manifest themselves, and [[Mann Co.]] prepares new shipments of festive merchandise for the discriminating mercenary. It's the perfect time for the community to demonstrate their passion for the festive season and [[Steam Workshop|contribute]] themed items to the Steam Workshop! So stop pine-ing away in your Claus-trophobic basements, and start creating some community content!
*'''November 7, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6722 Vote Now! Help Me Beat Up a Doctor!] If [http://www.darkhorse.com/Books/18-055/The-Adventures-of-Dr-McNinja-Night-Powers Dr. McNinja] and [[Saxton Hale]] were to duel, who would win? Obviously, the Australian CEO of [[Mann Co.]] who personally killed 1,593 physicians. Help him decide this once and for all by voting [http://www.darkhorse.com/Blog/686/dark-horse-vs-dr-mcninja-vs-saxton-hale here]. In other news, one of Hale's co-workers was smart enough to decipher [http://www.teamfortress.com/manniversary/newhats.html Saxton's secret message] and send him a [http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/SaxtonFanletter.jpg prompt reply] only a few weeks too late. Thanks anyway, PVO.
*'''November 2, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated twice. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6679 Gift Abuse: The Gift That Keeps on Abusing]. The [[Administrator]] complains about how some game servers are cheating to abuse the gift system. Press F7 at anytime to report abusive players and servers with the Abuse Reporting Tool and make the game fair for everyone. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6687 Enter... MONOCULUS!... AGAIN!] Keep an eye on [[Monoculus]], as he will become stronger every time he's defeated. Go get him!
*'''October 27, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated twice. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6633 Enter… MONOCULUS!] Discover the story behind [[Merasmus the Magician]] in the "[[Bombinomicon (comic)|Bombinomicon]]" Halloween comic. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6635 Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special]. The [[Very Scary Halloween Special|Third Annual Scream Fortress Update]] is here! Kill [[Monoculus|giant floating eyes]]! Collect [[Very Scary Halloween Special#Class sets|costumes]] to wear during the holiday! Visit the [[Eyeaduct|Underworld]]! All of this is only available until the Halloween event is over. Trick or treats!
*'''October 21, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6588 Update on the Halloween Update]. Halloween is coming next week, and it's going to be scarier than ever! To get yourself ready for it, visit [[Mann Manor]] repeatedly, and kill the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] until you become as brave as [[Saxton Hale]] himself. Then, this next update will scare you so much you'll wish you could unsee everything that happened! But you can't! In the meanwhile, wear your [[Halloween Masks|paper bags]], and enjoy the holiday!
*'''October 13, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6508 Surprise Manniversary Update and Sale]. Get your [[Bootlegger|pirate]] [[Salty Dog|gear]] and [[Birdcage|birdcage]] ready! The newly revamped item submission system will allow the addition of more [[hats]] than ever before! Best of all, you can now show off THREE of your precious equippables at once with epic [[replay|slow-mo and shaky-cam]]! So go celebrate with a hearty [[high-five]]! And you can shop with a clear [[Cremator's Conscience|conscience]] knowing everything is on sale now!
*'''October 11, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6483 Making of a Skull Hat]. Bay Raitt provides an exclusive in-depth behind the scenes look at the creative process behind the [[Spine-Chilling Skull]], and also announces "an improved item submission process" for item creators.
*'''September 6, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://tf2.com/post.php?id=6202 Steam Trading: Out of Beta and available to everyone!]. To celebrate this, items are on sale within the [[Mann Co. Store]], and items are also for sale in the in-game stores of [[Portal 2]] and [[Spiral Knights]].
*'''August 24, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6128 Happy Birthday to Us] 15 years ago, when [[hats]] were just a twinkle in Robin's eye, a Quake mod known as [[Team Fortress|Quake Team Fortress]] was born. Immensely popular, the mod spawned several iterations before culminating in the release of [[Team Fortress Classic]], and eventually [[Team Fortress 2]]. So join us in celebration by donning your [[Party Hat]], grabbing your [[Noise Maker - TF Birthday|Noise Maker]] and wishing Team Fortress and the [[Valve]] team a happy birthday! Did we mention there's [[Birthday mode#Gallery|cake]]?
*'''August 18, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6105 The Manno-Technology Bundle] Bidwell bravely <s>stole</s> liberated [[Manno-Technology Bundle|eight new Deus-Ex-themed items]] from Sarif Industries for your killing pleasure! From the merciless [[Machina]] to the trendy [[Deus Specs]], the battlefield has never seen this much technology. All of these items can be yours when you pre-order [http://store.steampowered.com/app/28050/ Deus Ex: Human Revolution] before August 22nd, 2011.  
*'''August 9, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6040 Introducing Steam Trading Beta] Hats piling up? Ready to trade them away for cold, hard...video games? You're in luck - [[Trading#Steam Trading|Steam Trading Beta]] is now live! Players who opt into this service will be able to securely trade their Team Fortress 2 inventory and Steam gifts with others who opt in to the beta. Steam Community profiles of Beta participants have been upgraded with a [[backpack]] viewer and additional tabs displaying any Steam gifts available for trading. Opting into Steam Trading Beta also alows players to conduct item trades directly through the Steam interface without launching Team Fortress 2. Get to trading, or read the [https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6748-ETSG-5417 Trading Beta FAQ] for more details!
*'''August 4, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5992 A History of Violence] Fifteen years ago, [[Team Fortress]] was on its way to be released. Although there were no maps, no teams, and - surpisingly - no hats, we had [[Soldier (Classic)|Soldiers]] wielding [[Rocket Launcher (Classic)|Rocket Launchers]]. Today, players who own ''[[Quake IV]]'' will have the chance to satisfy their nostalgia with the [[Original]] Rocket Launcher, built with the help of id software. The TF2 Team would also like to thank them for making everything until today possible. The item was actually made to celebrate the [http://www.quakecon.org/ QuakeCon], a [http://store.steampowered.com/ QuakeCon Steam Sale] was released, along with several other [[promotional items]] recently added: The [[Wingstick]] from ''[[RAGE]]'', The [[Dragonborn Helmet]] from ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]'', The [[Anger]] from ''[[Brink]]'', and [[Pip-Boy]] from ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]''! Get them now before the promos are over!
*'''July 20, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=5887 Fit For a King] Several [[Grockets|rockets]] have crash landed on TF2 maps. Sent by the peculiar [http://www.drgrordborts.com Dr. Grordbort], they contain his latest inventions. Luckily the [[Soldier]] (on a [http://www.teamfortress.com/grordborts/comic/?p=1 tea party]) is the first on the scene to uncover the stash. Now equipped with the the quite fantastically named [[Righteous Bison]], [[Cow Mangler 5000]], [[Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet]] and [[Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe]], get ready because the Soldier is charging his laser. Pew pew pew.
*'''July 1, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5770 Summer Sale!] It's officially Summer in TF2 land, and you know what that means: more STUFF! Put on your [[Summer Shades|shades]] and open those [[Supply_crates#Series_.2322_-_Refreshing_Summer_Cooler|Refreshing Summer Coolers]] you traded all your metal away for and get awesome new hats, miscellaneous items, and a [[Postal Pummeler|mailbox]]. Plus, the blog hints at the possibility of a second miscellaneous item slot! So get your [[Prairie Heel Biters|spurs]], [[License to Maim|badge]], and [[Texas Ten Gallon|hat]] ready, because the Engineer is about to become a full-on [[Frontier Justice|Sheriff]].
*'''June 24, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5731 The Über Update, Day Five] Today is '''Stuff Friday'''! Introducing: the [[Meet the Medic (taunt)|Meet the Medic taunt]] for the [[Medic]], the [[Schadenfreude|Schadenfreude taunt]] for all classes, the [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=P3123 limited edition Meet the Medic lithograph] available for purchase, and special art from the update on the [http://www.teamfortress.com/artwork.php Artwork page]. We hope you enjoyed the update!
*'''June 23, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated twice. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5719 Meet the Medic] This is it! The moment you've been waiting for! [[Meet the Medic]] is finally here! '''The Clinical Trial''' set for the [[Medic]] was announced! The [[Über Update]] was released! And before we forget, there's [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5722 one more thing...] ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'' is now [http://www.teamfortress.com/freetoplay/ free to play]!
*'''June 22, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5712 The Über Update, Day Three]. Today is [http://www.teamfortress.com/uberupdate/day_03.html World War Wednesday]! Introducing: '''The General's Formals''' set and the '''Airborne Armaments''' set  for the [[Soldier]], and the [[Detonator]] for the [[Pyro]]. Tomorrow is the big day!
*'''June 21, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5708 The Über Update, Day Two]. Today is [http://www.teamfortress.com/uberupdate/day_02.html Timbuk Tuesday]! Introducing: the '''Lawrence of Australia''' set for the [[Sniper]], the '''One Thousand and One Demoknights''' set for the [[Demoman]], and '''The #1 Fan''' set for the [[Scout]]. Only two days left to go!
*'''June 20, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5703 The Über Update, Day One]. This is it: [[Meet the Medic]] is finally, officially coming, along with the largest update in Team Fortress 2 history! Day One, aka [http://www.teamfortress.com/uberupdate/day_01.html Mobster Monday], starts off with the revelation of two new class packs, '''Black Market Business''' for the [[Heavy]], and '''The Man of Honor''' for the [[Spy]], and a new [[Payload]] map, [[Barnblitz]]! While you're at it, check out the blog's snazzy new redesign, including the gorgeous [http://www.teamfortress.com/artwork.php Artwork] section. And guess what: '''TF2 is F2P for a week!''' Invite your poor, Irish friends to get some hats and kill some mercenaries while they can!
*'''June 15, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5670 Happening in YOUR Community] As TF2Maps sets up their [http://asymmetrycp.tf2maps.net/ Asymmetry/Symmetry Control Point Map Contest], [http://ozfortress.com/ OZ Fortress] made their 6th Ultiduo and a [http://ozfortress.com/showthread.php?t=45983 video] with the higlights from their Cup 2 season. Check them out!
*'''June 14, 2011''' - ''Spiral Knights'' promo item! If you unlock the achievement "Mission Accomplished" for [http://store.steampowered.com/app/99900/ ''Spiral Knights''], you'll get a new item for the [[Soldier]]: the [[Spiral Sallet]]. Did we mention ''Spiral Knights'' is free?
*'''June 8, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5626 The Saxxy Awards Are Here!] Tears rolled as Valve announced the winners of each category live for the [[First Annual Saxxy Awards]]! Each winner received an [[Saxxy|Australium-plated statuette]], a complete list of which can be found [[List of Saxxy owners|here]].
*'''June 6, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5614 Saxxy Awards Show - LIVE!]  Hold on to your hats while you watch as Valve announces the winner of a category every 5 minutes this [http://timeanddate.com/s/21vv Wednesday, June 8th @ 3:00PM PDT!]
*'''June 2, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated twice. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5601 The Saxxy Nominees have been announced!] After selecting ten videos for each category, Valve lets the TF2 Community choose their favorite videos among the nominees in all twenty categories to choose who'll win the [[First Annual Saxxy Awards|Saxxy Awards]]. [http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards/vote.php Start judging]! There's also a new ''Red Faction: Armageddon'' promo item! If you pre-order [http://store.steampowered.com/app/55110/ ''Red Faction: Armageddon''] before June 9, you'll get a new melee [[Weapons|weapon]] for the [[Pyro]]: the [[Maul]]. AND! From June 3-10, it will be [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5604&p= Double Drop Week]!
*'''May 31, 2011''' - ''Magicka: Nippon'' DLC promo item! If you purchase the [http://store.steampowered.com/app/73031/ ''Magicka: Nippon''] DLC for [http://store.steampowered.com/app/42910/ ''Magicka''] before June 5, you'll get a new item for the [[Demoman]]: the [[Conjurer's Cowl]].
*'''May 23, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5534&p=1 Battle Voting Continues!] When Valve closed the submission deadline last Thursday, they had received tens of thousands of videos submitted for the [[Saxxy Awards]]! But now, the Saxxys approach the end of the Battle Voting, on May 26th, so [http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards/vote.php vote] while you can! The most voted videos will then be selected by Valve, allowing the community to vote one more time to decide who'll take the Saxxy. Until then, keep on voting!
*'''May 20, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5514&p=1 Bonjour amis de cinéma]. Francis the Talking France explains Valve's lack of cinematic know-how, so part of the Saxxy Awards decision making process will be left up to you, the fans! [http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards/vote.php You can vote for entries on this page], as well as flag any ''Call of Duty'' or Animal Planet videos, as [http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards/#rules those are generally not eligible for the contest].
*'''May 13, 2011''' - ''The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings'' promo items! If you purchase [http://store.steampowered.com/app/20920/ ''The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings''] before May 17, you'll get three new items for the [[Scout]]. Enjoy!
*'''May 10, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=5444&p=1 Saxxy Contest FAQ]. Valve answers your [http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards/#faq frequently asked questions] about the [[First Annual Saxxy Awards|Saxxy Awards]] and posts an update for the next [http://agcommunity.org/?q=node/1106 Community vs. Pros] event. And since the community requested it, a no-dialog version of the [[Meet the Director]] comic is now available for [http://media.steampowered.com/apps/tf2/meetthedirector/hires_notext.zip download].
*'''May 5, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5420&p=1 The Replay Update]. Valve releases the next major TF2 update. Introducing the '''Replay Update'''! Now it's even easier than ever before to make exciting videos of your greatest losses and most humiliating victories. Demonstrate your movie directing skills by entering to win a [http://www.teamfortress.com/replayupdate/ Saxxy Award], with over twenty categories to choose from. And in case that wasn't enough, there's a new [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/ comic] to read and ten new hats to wear. Have fun, and good luck to all who enter the contest!
*'''May 2, 2011''' - [http://store.steampowered.com/news/5405/ Midweek Madness]: ''Plants Vs. Zombies'' promo items! If you buy ''[http://store.steampowered.com/app/3590/ Plants Vs. Zombies]'' on Steam before May 5th, you'll get two hats for TF2: the [[Brain Bucket]] for the [[Soldier]], and the [[Dead Cone]] for the [[Pyro]]. Enjoy!
*'''April 28, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5381&p=1 Mounts and Blades and Hats and Fires and Hats and Swords] A number of promotional items have been released! 2 hats for [[Mount & Blade With Fire & Sword]] and a misc and weapon for [[SpaceChem]], which Robin states is ''pretty much the greatest game ever made''. A few Community news items too!
*'''April 19, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5325&p=1 Well That Was Close] When the TF2 Team discovered [[Portal 2]] had no [[hats]], they had to do something urgently. Specifically, spending a night adding hats to the game. That means players can now equip any [[Mann Co. Cap]]s, [[Prince Tavish's Crown]]s, [[Pyro's Beanie]]s, [[Fancy Fedora]]s, [[Master's Yellow Belt]]s, and [[Tyrant's Helm]]s they already own in [[Team Fortress 2]] on their robots! You're ''welcome'', Portal 2 team.
*'''April 15, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5317&p=1 Update on the Hatless Update: Now with 100% More Hat] A hat, or as Robin "Judas" Walker calls it, a "pin", managed to sneak into the Hatless Update! While the TF2 Team spends the weekend at the library looking up the definition of the word "pin", you may want to know that players who have pre-ordered [[Portal 2]] will receive [[Companion Cube Pin|a suspiciously hat-like pin]] to wear proudly. It's like a hat, except for your chest (or not).
*'''April 14, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5306&p=1 The Hatless Update] Despite the sayings and even the threats, the TF2 Team proves TF2 is no one-trick pony and releases the Hatless Update, an update with zero new hats! Introducing the [[coaching]] and [[voting]] systems, training for more classes, class-specific duels, dynamic model loading, server-Steam ID association, bot improvements, voice chat improvements and even paint improvements, plus several item tweaks and a new map: [[Badlands (King of the Hill)|KOTH_Badlands]]! Enjoy the update, but watch your back, because Spy-Bot is feeling more devious than ever.
*'''April 8, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5254&p=1 Charity Results] The TF2 Team raised '''$430,543.65''' with all the donations from the [[Japan Charity Bundle]], and would like to thank the TF Community for their generous acts! The [http://www.unusualhatclub.com/forums/ Unusual Hat Club] also raised more $3,000 for Japan through their Hats for Help campaign. Thank you everyone who took part in this charity!
*'''April 7, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=5244&p=1 This is Very Good Title to Blog Post] The [[Heavy]], who is filling in for the [[Soldier]] (due to jury duty), just wanted to let you all know there are [[April_7,_2011_Patch|nine new hats]] available through [[crafting]], [[Item drop system|dropping]], or purchasing through the [[Mann Co. Store]]. Oh, yes. And a [[Teddy Roosebelt|bear]]. That is all.
*'''April 5, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5223&p=1 How does this blog thing work again?] The TF2 team posts various pieces of community news, notably a video of a female [[Spy]] model created by  ChemicalAlia, maker of the [[Saharan Spy]] [[Polycount Pack]].
*'''April 1, 2011''' -  [http://store.steampowered.com/sub/7586/ The Potato Sack]. Purchase or own all 13 games in The Potato Sack and receive a Genuine [[Classified|potato hat]] in TF2. 
*'''March 29, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=5199&p=1 Hats For Help] Sales from the [[Japan Charity Bundle]] have raised '''over $300,000''' so far in support of the [[w:American Red Cross|American Red Cross's]] disaster relief efforts in Japan. This is fantastic news, and a testament to the generosity and awesomeness of the Team Fortress 2 community. Well done, and keep up the great efforts! And just as a reminder, the Japan Charity Bundle will be available in the [[Mann Co. Store]] until April 6.
*'''March 23, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5170&p=1 If We Could Be Serious For a Moment...] Valve supports the current Red Cross efforts in Japan by making three special [[hats]] and two [[Noise Maker]]s available in the [[Mann Co. Store]] through the [[Japan Charity Bundle]]. All of the money, after tax, goes directly to the Red Cross. But hurry up, as the hats will become '''permanently''' unavailable after April 6.
*'''March 10, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5104&p=1 The First-Ever Three-Way Pack Update!] Oh? You want more [[promotional items]]? Well great news! Valve, Sega, and Larolaro, creator of the [[Soldier]]'s [[Item_sets#Soldier|Tank Buster]] [[Polycount Pack]] have teamed up to bring you The [[Shogun Pack]], bringing nine brand new in-game items for TF2! You get four weapons, four hats, and a [[tool]]. The new items are available through [[crafting]], [[Item drop system|dropping]], purchasing in the [[Mann Co. Store]], or by preordering ''[http://store.steampowered.com/app/34330/ Total War: Shogun 2]'' by March 15 on Steam, which will get you a Genuine quality version of the set. Enjoy the update!
*'''March 1, 2011''' - Here are some updates on recent TF2 [[Promotional items]]. First, a new item is available. If you preorder [http://store.steampowered.com/app/55100/ ''Homefront''] before March 15, you'll receive the [[Hero's Hachimaki]], a [[hat]] for the [[Soldier]]. Also, the RIFT preorder weapons, the [[Sharpened Volcano Fragment]] and the [[Sun-on-a-Stick]], are now [[Trading|tradable]] and [[Crafting|craftable]]. Have fun with the new items!
*'''February 24, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=5052&p=1 Community Map Pack!] Valve decides that Mondays aren't the only days in the week worth sprucing up, as they've just put three more community maps into TF2! Introducing the [[Community Map Pack Update]]! Added to the game are [[Lakeside]], a [[King of the Hill]] map by Valentin "3DNJ" Levillain; [[Nightfall]], a [[Payload#Payload_Race|Payload Race]] map by Aaron "Psy" Garcha and Paul Good; and [[Frontier]], the [[Payload]] map by Patrick "MangyCarface" Mulholland and Arhurt that stars [[Payload#Lil.27_Chew_Chew|Lil Chew-Chew]]! Congratulations to the mapmakers for getting their work officialized (again, in some cases)! Now, go get playing (and [[Map stamp|stamp]]-buying)!
*'''February 14, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=5010&p=1 It's Monday.] Valve posts [[User:Benjamuffin|Benjamuffin's]] song about [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmWv6gyRjCs Tom Bui] again (third time) as they sing about the latest updates in the TF2 community. First, [http://www.ukcs.net/ United Kingdom Community Servers] is holding a Knockout Cup. Next, [http://www.esl.eu/eu/tf2 ESL] announces a 1v1 Scout Cup, with the signups still open for all of you scatterbrained speedniks. Finally, a mysterious individual known as SlienceMaster shows off a ''[http://sliencemaster.deviantart.com/art/The-Voodoo-Juju-195802779 real life hat]''. But wait, you ask. How is it possible that someone made a hat in real life? By basing it off of a [[Voodoo Juju|preexisting hat]], of course.
*'''February 3, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4965&p=1 From Hell.] Another TF2 cross-promotion has arrived, this time in the form of [http://store.steampowered.com/app/91000/ RIFT]. If you preorder RIFT before March 1st, you'll have access to two new weapons in TF2: the [[Sharpened Volcano Fragment]] for the [[Pyro]] and the [[Sun-on-a-Stick]] for the [[Scout]].
*'''February 2, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4960&p=1 It Is Me, But Smaller!] The second figure in Gaming Heads' TF2 statue line has been revealed in the form of [https://www.gamingheads.com/teasers/soldier.php the Soldier]! Like [https://www.gamingheads.com/index.php?option=com_myphp&Itemid=3&product=84 the Heavy], the Soldier will have team colored variants and an exclusive version that comes with both the [[Rocket Launcher]] and the [[Direct Hit]].
*'''January 24, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4909&p=1 Monday Night Combat.] Team Fortress 2 meets [http://store.steampowered.com/app/63200/?snr=1_4_4__13 Monday Night Combat]! If you purchase Monday Night Combat on Steam before February 1st, you'll get three items for TF2, including the [[Essential Accessories]] and [[Superfan]] for the Scout, and the all-class [[Athletic Supporter]] hat. You'll also get a bunch of TF2 items for use in Monday Night Combat! But most important of all, [[Crit-a-Cola]] [[January 24, 2011 Patch|has been added to the weapon drop list]]! Seems those theories were right all along...
*'''January 21, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4905 Look at me! Look at me!] Two pieces of community news:  Wireplay's about to start Season 8 of their competitive 6v6 league; announcing TF2Maps.net's [[Construction Theme]] pack, and their [http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=15962 Asymmetry vs Symmetry] mapping contest.
*'''January 6, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4859 Have at 'em, lads!] A community notice for the upcoming [[Pubstars vs Pros#Winter Wasteland|Pubs vs Pros Winter Wasteland matchup]], where 6 competitive TF2 players take on 9 pubbers, and a reminder to watch ETF2L's Highlander Mix-up highlights on eXtelevision.
*'''January 3, 2011''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://tf2.com/post.php?id=4850 Back to the drawing board, genius!] The TF2 team has released the details on the new [[Item Test]] system, which gives community item contributors an easier way to test their creations. The details on how to test custom models can be found in the blog post or [[Item Test|here]] on the wiki.
*'''December 27, 2010''' - Team Fortress 2 is chosen as [http://pcgamer.com PCGamer UK's] [http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/12/27/pc-gamer-uks-online-game-of-the-year/ Online Game of the Year], 3 years after release! Well done Valve! Keep up the awesome stuff that keeps us coming back!
*'''December 22, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://tf2.com/post.php?id=4822&p=1 Additional time has been awarded.] The [[Administrator]] has kindly asked [[Saxton Hale|Mr. Hale]] to increase his shipments of weapons and equipment for exactly one week, in order to ensure that you are properly equipped to fulfill your contracts. There are control points that need capturing, intelligence that needs recovering, and hats to be secured. From December 23rd to December 30th, the [[item drop system|rate at which items drop]] will be doubled. Also, [[Non-player characters#Miss Pauling|Miss Pauling]] has gifted everyone with a [[Stocking Stuffer Key|"stocking stuffer"]]. Happy Holidays to all!
*'''December 17, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated.  [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4811&p=1 Aye! Me bottle o'scrumpy! Anon!] The Australian Christmas update is here! A ton of new items have been added to the game, as well as a new game mode! Three more Polycount packs have been put in game, including "The Medi-eval Medic," "The Hibernating Bear," and "The Expert's Ordnance"! [[Festive Keys|Keys]] have been added for the [[Festive crate]]s! New game mode: [[Medieval Mode]], where you can use nothing but ye olde weapons! And you can donate to mappers you like, and get a hat in exchange! Wow! Aren't you glad we all live in the Wonderful World of Oz?
*'''December 10, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated.  [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4773&p=1 Need a Sentry Here!] The blog shows off a beautiful Sentry Gun built by [http://www.wetanz.com/weta-workshop-services/ Weta Workshop]. It's motion-sensitive, has audio, and the ability to blow away terrible ''[http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/half-life-2/news/half-life-movie-would-have-to-be-made-by-valve-not-off-the-table/a-20100827171412247019/g-20071217171133821076 Half-Life]'' movie scripts!  The [http://twitter.com/TeamFortress Team Fortress twitter account] is also announced, just in case you follow that sort of thing.
*'''December 9, 2010''' - New TF2 [[Promotional items|promotional item]]! [http://www.killingfloorthegame.com/xmas/ The Pyro Meets ''Killing Floor''!] From December 14th to January 4th, owners of both TF2 and ''[[w:Killing Floor (2009 video game)|Killing Floor]]'' can get a nifty new in-game TF2 item for the [[Pyro]]: [[Mr Foster's Gasmask and Tie]]! Who needs those useless [[Napalm grenade|napalm grenades]] when you can show everyone that you mean business? And you'll be able to play as Pyro ([[RED]] or [[BLU]]) in ''Killing Floor''! Who knew the Pyro was a fan of [[w:Industrial music|industrial music]] (not that any of us are shocked)? Anyway, here's the [http://store.steampowered.com/app/1250/ Steam store link]. Have fun!
*'''December 6, 2010''' - [http://store.steampowered.com/treasurehunt The Great Steam Treasure Hunt is here!] Who needs metal detectors when you can get [[hats]]? From December 6th to the 20th, you can participate in [[The Great Steam Treasure Hunt]]! Buy games on sale, complete objectives, enter to win free games, and of course, GET A HAT. Every couple of days, new objectives will be added to the Treasure hunt, for a total of 28. You can get an upgradable TF2 hat in the process, starting with the [[Bounty Hat]] at five objectives, the [[Treasure Hat]] at fifteen, and the [[Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect]] for completing all 28! And no, the third hat probably isn't the question mark, sadly.
*'''December 2, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4721&p=1 Prepare for your examination!] The [[Team Fortress 2 Beta|Team Fortress 2 public beta]] has been released! Now you can test out different versions of weapons, maps, and other game-changing effects without actually breaking the game! As usual, Valve keeps tabs on the community, noting how UGC is about to start their [http://www.ugcleague.com/home_tf2h.cfm TF2 Highlander League] and how Ozfortress has created a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kcaapGt5s8&hd=1 TF2 State of Origin Promo Video]. Valve also posts a helpful guide to understanding that Victoria is the best state in Australia, wherever that is. Also, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmWv6gyRjCs do you like music]? You ''do'' like music, don't you?
*'''November 24, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4697&p= Let's try that again!] Remember how Valve was going to participate in that [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4289&p=1 ETF2L.org Highlander exhibition match] with pubbers and pros, and how it was postponed? Well fear not! The match has been rescheduled! You can get all the details [http://etf2l.org/2010/11/20/the-highlander-mix-up-match-for-real-this-time/ here]. Also, [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1601600 do you like art?] You ''do'' like art, don't you?
*'''November 23, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4690&p= Who wants some a this?] ''[[Poker Night at the Inventory]]'' is out! Now you can get [[Lugermorph|those]] [[Iron Curtain|really]] [[ Enthusiast's Timepiece|cool]] [[Dangeresque, Too?|new]] [[License to Maim|items]] you've been hearing about on the wiki for the past few weeks! So why are you still reading this? [http://store.steampowered.com/app/31280/ Go get the game and have fun!] Oh, and the TF2 team posts a few community updates, including AndyBoneS14's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVcY6PrdJ5c TF2 LAN Trilogy (Part 1)], epic.LAN's [http://www.epiclan.co.uk/epic5/tf2 UK LAN TF2 Tournament], and Part 4 of [http://www.tfportal.net/news/1610/tfportal-fanstuff-special-part-4-mods/ TFPortal's TF2 Fanstuff Special].
*'''November 5, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4623&p= TF2 Maintenance - November 9 - 1pm PST]. The TF2 team updates us on item system downtime on '''Tuesday, November 9th''' [http://timeanddate.com/s/1w1h] from 1pm PST and an hour and a half on, leaving ''Backpacks'', ''Loadouts'', ''Trading'', the ''Mann Co. Store'' and ''Crafting'' unavailable for the period. Additionally, all API users should note that item IDs are moving during the same maintenance block. Conveniently provided is a [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1563331 Steam Users' Forums thread] with updates.
*'''November 3, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4608&p=1 Shh. Sascha is asleep.] Telltale's upcoming ''Poker Night at the Inventory'', featuring the [[Heavy]] from [[Team Fortress 2]], is going to have earnable TF2 in-game items! First up, there will be a preorder bonus consisting of the [[Dealer's Visor]] for the Heavy. Next, through regular ''Poker Night'' gameplay, you'll have the chance to earn The [[Iron Curtain]] [[Minigun|minigun]] for the Heavy, Max's [[Lugermorph]] for the [[Scout]] and the [[Engineer]], a Freelance Police badge called [[The License to Maim]] [[Miscellaneous items|miscellaneous item]] for all classes, the [[Enthusiast's Timepiece]] [[Invisibility Watch|wrist watch]] from Penny Arcade's Tycho for the Spy, and finally, [[Wikipedia:Strong Bad|Strong Bad's]] [[Dangeresque Shades]] for the [[Demoman]]. Have fun!
*'''October 29, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4587&p=1 Here, have some art.] The TF2 team posts some high res artwork from the [[Scream Fortress]] event. Nice!
*'''October 27, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4567&p= Sound of Blog Post Being Posted] The [http://www.teamfortress.com/screamfortress/ Scream Fortress, 2010 Halloween Event] is upon us! Introducing: The [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]]! Kill him and get the new [[Ghostchievements]]! And any of last year's [[Scarechievements]] if you missed 'em! All of this can be done on one of the two winning [[Art Pass Contest]] maps, [[Mann Manor]]! What's that? Too scary a map for you? Ha! Then you can play the other winning map, [[Mountain Lab]]! Also check out the [[Mann Co. Store]] for new items, like the [[Sticky Jumper]]! [http://www.teamfortress.com/screamfortress/family_portrait/ Have fun!]
*'''October 26, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4558 Couldn't ya see the bloody bombs?] Valve and KritzKast team up for a contest where YOU can figure out what the heck the [[Demoman]] was saying in his [[Meet the Demoman|Meet the Team short]]! Next, [[BLU]] and [[RED]] sticky bomb plush are now available in the [[Merchandise|Valve online store]]. Also, My Gaming Edge is working on their 1v1 training mod. And finally, from the makers of the [[Heavy]]'s interactive YouTube adventures comes "A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story" featuring poor [[Pyro]].
*'''October 14, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4489&p=1 Sandwich and I are coming for you!] Valve announces the winners of the [[Art Pass Contest]], as well as some honorable mentions. Congrats to YM and 3DNJ for winning! Special mentions to Acegikmo, Gooba, honeymustard, and TerabyteST for their excellent work. Valve also links to an ESEA S6 highlight reel.
*'''October 6, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4441&p=1 Free hats!] [[Ellis' Cap]] and the [[Frying Pan]] given to those who already owned or purchase a copy of Left 4 Dead 2 before Thursday at 4pm PST. Also, a Team Fortress 2 update that fixes numerous bugs from the [[Mann-Conomy Update]].
*'''September 30, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated:
**[http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4412 Mann-Conomy F.A.Q.] A third blog post to reiterate there is an F.A.Q. for the new update.
**[http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4410 Probably not a big deal, but...] The next major update is revealed:  [[The Mann-Conomy Update]].  Introducing the long-awaited Polycount items, the [[Mann Co. Store & Catalog]], more new items and new features.
**[http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4408 Bidwell's Big Plan] A comic introducing the back story of the [[Mann-Conomy Update]].
*'''September 2, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4289 The Highlander Mix-Up Match is HERE!] The Valve guys open the [[ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge]] with a friendly, Highlander match with pubbers and pros. Due to technical difficulties, the match was postponed. Stay tuned for more information.
*'''August 24, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4245&p=1 The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting!] A contest where YOU write hat descriptions, with the winning entries appearing in-game? AND a new TF2 cross-promotion for buying ''Worms:Reloaded''? Wow! It gets you a hat and holy hands grenades! Plus, Valve takes some competitive scene notes.
*'''August 19, 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4226&p=1 Two Quick Notes] The TF2 Community Submitted Avatar Gallery is up and they show their love for eXTV's latest video, an [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hts1uTjd6mc Intro to Competitive TF2]
*'''August 11th 2010''' - [http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/08/11/next-tf2-update-adds-trading-new-game-mode/ PCgamer] posts an interview with Robin Walker regarding Trading, a new [[Game modes|Game Mode]] and the [[Polycount pack]] (with a bonus surprise pack). All three are scheduled to be released sometime "next month."
*'''August 10th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4173&p=1 Sorry to pop in unannounced] Announcement of the ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge and an open invitation to community contributors to give interviews on modelling.  
*'''August 4th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4151&p=1 Golden Wrench Destruction for Charity] The TF2 team reflects on the Golden Wrench charity event, and of their continued respect for the community's initiatives.
*'''July 28th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4130&p=1 Is that an Equalizer in your pocket?] The TF2 team has been busy playing [http://www.minecraft.net Minecraft], an upcoming game and the community has been busy making a Minecraft themed Payload map!
*'''July 24th 2010''' - The <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.toptiertactics.com/golden-charity/ Golden Charity] is officially underway. Donate money to [http://www.childsplaycharity.org/ Child's Play]! Every 25 donations of over $10 will result in a destroyed [[Golden Wrench]]! [http://www.toptiertactics.com/golden-charity/ Please do donate]</span>!
*'''July 19th 2010''' - Do you like [[Hats|hats]]? Do you like free games? Do you like blasting away waves of alien parasites with your friends? Do you REALLY like hats?? Then check out [http://store.steampowered.com/app/630/ Alien Swarm], a free game from Valve that comes with a [[Alien Swarm Parasite|TF2 hat-bearing achievement!]] Don't you LOVE hats???
*'''July 16th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4083&p=1 RUN! RUUUUUN! I AM COMING FOR YOU!], The guys at TF2Maps.net have opened their doors on their new [[Art Pass Contest]]. Valve have lost a map and the TF2Maps.net entrants have to detail it! The winner goes official! Also, Team Fortress Wiki get a cameo in the comic!
*'''July 15th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4076&p=1  Aye, that's tha way ya do it!] The winners of the Polycount pack contest [http://www.polycount.com/2010/07/14/the-team-fortress-2-polycount-pack-winners have been announced!] Congratulations to all of the winners! BONUS: Valve has confirmed that several more packs from the contest will be added to the game in later updates. Huzzah!
*'''July 8th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4048&p=1  Engineer Update is Here!]. The Engineer update is released! [[Maps#Payload|Three new official maps]], the community map [[Coldfront]], [[Engineer#Weapons|several new weapons]], and of course, new [[Engineer_responses|Engineer domination lines]]. What are you waiting for? Go play!
*'''July 7th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4040&p=1  Engineer Update: Day Three]. Another official (dynamic) payload map, [[Hightower]], is unveiled, as well as a community-created wrench (and there's at least one more melee item to follow). Plus! [[Engineer_Update#Unannounced_information|Moving sentries?]]
*'''July 6th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4034&p=1  Engineer Update: Day Two]. A new weapon is revealed: the [[Wrangler]]! Also, a new official payload map, [[Upward]], will come out with the update. 50 [[Golden Wrench|Golden Wrenches]] to go!
*'''July 5th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4026&p=1  Engineer Update: Day One]. The first regular unlock for the [[Engineer]] is revealed: The [[Frontier Justice]], an alternate [[shotgun]]. Every 25 Golden Wrenches found will produce information on a new weapon on the [[TF2 Official Blog]].
*'''July 2nd 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4013&p=1 Loose Canon]. Apple comic was non-canon, but the [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/index.html Engineer comic] is canon. A must read!
*'''July 1st 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=4014&p=1 Steam Web APIs] Valve creates new APIs for item data in TF2. Check out the blog for further details.
*'''June 30th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4009&p=1 Listen!] Calm before the storm: Check out the entries for the Polycount Contest! Also commemorates the TF2 Wiki at its newer, more official, less confrontational home.
*'''June 18th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3963&p=1 Three Maps. Two Teams. One Victor.] Pubbers battle it out with Pros in The Battle of Both Worlds! Watch as competitive players slug it out with public server players. And check out that nifty poster.
*'''June 10th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3929&p=1 Wow, you guys are GOOD] TF2 comes out on the Mac! Welcome to the fray, guys. [[Mac update trailer]] available for your viewing pleasure. Mac users get [[Earbuds]]!
*'''June 9th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3923&p=1 Tomorrow.]. Big things happening at Valve. Things like the release of TF2 on Mac, 10th June 2010.
*'''June 3rd 2010''' - [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1293534 Crash hunting with Valve's -GreenMarine-.] Been crashing in TF2 a lot lately? Then you can help solve the problem!
*'''May 24th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3861&p= Danke, my hard-hatted friend!] Valve and [http://www.polycount.com/ Polycount] team up for a new [http://www.polycount.com/team-fortress-2-polycount-pack/ video game art contest!]
*'''May 20th 2010''' - More [[Steam Workshop|Contribute!]] items added. 10 new hats, 2 new weapons, and 1 new misc. item. Congrats guys.
*'''May 18th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3835&p=1 All I can tell you about this next procedure is that it will be excruciating.] More Pyro updates are coming out! Also check out Mister Royzo's [http://www.alphastudiossoftware.nl/fancy_vs_nasty/ Fancy vs Nasty Update] page.
*'''May 13th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated twice - [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3692&p=1 A Week in the Life of the TF2 Team]. A member of staff is missing from Valve! He didn't like hats, so the team didn't like him. [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3826&p=1 Gotta move that gear up!]. Community activity round up. [http://compctf.tf2maps.net/ TF2Maps Competitive CTF Contest] and the Third European edition of Pros vs Pubbers.
*'''May 5th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated - [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3788&p=1 Imagine if I hadn't been drunk]. [[Primeval warrior]] added to game and [[Engineer update (teaser)|Engineer Update teaser video]] released. [http://www.teamfortress.com/119/comingsoon.html Coming Soon...]
*'''April 29th 2010''' - [[April_29,_2010_Patch|Team Fortress 2 Update]] - 119th update commemorative items added: [[Grizzled veteran]], [[Soldier of fortune]] and [[Mercenary]].
*'''April 28th 2010''' - [[April_28,_2010_Patch|Team Fortress 2 Update]] - New Scout secondary unlock [[Crit-a-Cola]] added, multiple bugs fixed and fundamental gameplay changes introduced.
*'''April 20th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated - [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3727 Thanks for standin still, wanker.], Significant changes to the [[item drop system]] detailed.
*'''April 15th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated - [http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3698 It is a good day to be giant man], Sam & Max crossover announced. [[Lugermorph]], [[Big kill]] and [[Max's severed head]] released to those who purchase [http://store.steampowered.com/app/901399/ The Devil's Playhouse].
*'''April 8th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated - [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3683 Gotta move that gear up!], Round-up of Community activity.
*'''March 19th 2010''' - [[TF2 Official Blog]] updated - [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3618 Nice goin', pardner], first wave of Community items released. Items released include: [[Killer's kabuto]], [[Pain train]] and [[Hotrod]].
*'''2010年3月9日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新—[http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3578 您的 Mac 问题已解答]
*'''2010年3月2日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新—[http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3539 该死该死该死该死!]
*'''2010年2月2日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新—[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3391 宣传竞赛的亚军!]
*'''2010年1月28日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新—[http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3388 骗子、赢家和好管闲事者]
*'''2010年1月27日'''—[[January_27,_2010_Patch/zh-hans|军团要塞 2 更新]]—‘壹佰?报纸’('100? Newspaper')被加入主选单中。社区被迷惑了。
*'''2010年1月25日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新—疯狂腿安息。
*'''2010年1月13日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新—[http://www.teamfortress.com/contribute/ 贡献]网站公布了,将您的定制模型和头像提交给 VALVe!
*'''2009年12月21日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新两次—官方[[bot/zh-hans|电脑人(bot)]]命令已加入[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3279]
*'''2009年12月17日'''—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]]已更新三次—第肆天已声明,[[Soldier/zh-hans|士兵]]赢了爆破手的战争,自称新[[Gunboats/zh-hans|炮艇]]物品为自己的—两张新地图已揭晓,[[Gorge/zh-hans|Gorge]] 和 [[Doublecross/zh-hans|Doublecross]]—战争更新已上场,尽情享乐吧!
*'''2009年12月16日'''—死伤已更新—两把新士兵武器,[[Buff Banner/zh-hans|战旗]]和[[Equalizer/zh-hans|十字镐]],已揭晓—新爆破手武器[[Scottish Resistance/zh-hans|苏格兰防御者]]已揭晓—士兵和爆破手的[[achievements/zh-hans|成就]]已揭晓—[[TF2 Official Blog/zh-hans|TF2 官方日志]][http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3255 已更新]—[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3253 宣传赛赢家公布了]
== [[Team Fortress Wiki:April Fools' Day|愚人节]]事件 ==
*'''2011年4月1日'''—介绍首届[[w:zh:愚人节|澳元素四月更新]],加入了一把新武器和可玩[[class/zh-hans|兵种]]!首先,忘记[[Holy Mackerel/zh-hans|圣灵鲭鱼]],并来查看最新的 TF2 武器,[[cow|牛]]。最初是从 [[2fort/zh-hans|2fort]] 海陵,牛已准备好去战斗,对您的敌人造成[[bleeding/zh-hans|流血]]和[[milk/zh-hans|牛奶]]。还有加入了第一次可玩角色——[[User:Benjamuffin/Demopan|煎锅战士]]!装备了他所信赖的[[Stout Shako/zh-hans|斯托特军帽]]和[[Frying Pan/zh-hans|平底煎锅]],此[[trading/zh-hans|交易]]专家会以交易请求打断团队通讯。享受此更新吧!
[[Category:Main Page/zh-hans]]

Latest revision as of 07:34, 3 September 2023

  • 2019年8月2日 - TF2官方博客更新:《关于2019箱子危机的更新》(原标题:“Update on the Crate Depression of 2019”)


  • 2018年3月28日 - TF2官方博客更新。“竞技模式更新上线!”(原标题:“Competitive Update Shipped!”)
  • 2018年2月5日 - TF2官方博客更新。“丛林炼狱版本更新新闻”(原标题:“Jungle Inferno News”)
  • October 26, 2017 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Scream Fortress IX has arrived! Scream Fortress is back for another year of happy haunting alongside Jungle Inferno! Free Halloween contracts with unique rewards can now be found on your ConTracker until November 8, 2017.
  • 2017年10月20日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Jungle Inferno is Live! The Jungle Inferno Update is finally here! The Jungle Inferno Campaign! New Pyro weapons! War Paint! Cases! Taunts! It's all here, and it's all in-game and ready to play!
  • 2017年10月19日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. We're Almost Live! The Jungle Inferno Update is almost here! Valve has decided to delay the update another twenty-four hours to make sure everything is up to snuff before it launches. In the meantime, the patch notes can be read here. We're in the endgame!
  • 2017年10月18日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Hot Stuff! Valve has finally lifted the curtain on the Pyro's new balance changes! And we haven't forgotten about the best part, new weapons are here as well!
  • 2017年10月17日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Hit the Campaign Trail! A major update calls for a new campaign, and that's the case with the Jungle Inferno Update! Introducing the Jungle Inferno Campaign! The campaign system has been given a new layer of paint, returning with new exclusive rewards and new ways to play.
  • 2016年10月21日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Scream Fortress VIII has arrived! Once again Halloween has come, and it's spookier than ever! Amongst the menacing maps, cutting-edge contracts, and terrifying taunts, we are proud to present our newest ungodly creation: a taunt Unusualifier, which you can find in the latest case. Scared yet, unusual fans? Because that's not all! Until the event ends, the chances of receiving an unusual cosmetic from a case will be doubled! And all those cosmetics will have an effect from this event! It's downright horrifying!
  • 2016年10月11日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. What We're Up To Happy almost-Halloween! This time each year we usually would be finishing up our annual Halloween event, but that's not the case here. No, we will be focusing on something even better: a big upcoming update and campaign! Does that mean this year's horrifying haunting is cancelled? Not at all! Halloween will still be coming next week with all-new maps, contracts, taunts, and more, so stick around!
  • 2016年8月24日 - TF2官方博客更新。 我们今天20岁了!今天是军团要塞的20岁生日!登录TF2获得你派对尖帽和一个免费的噪音制造器来表达你的欢乐。虽然今天是我们最喜欢的游戏的生日,它也可能是别人的生日。可能是你的,可能是我的。我们想说的是,这也是演员史蒂夫·古滕伯格的生日。生日快乐,史蒂夫!
  • 2016年8月15日 - TF2官方博客更新。 拜见你的优胜者:火焰兵!经过五个星期的燃烧和子弹,但更多的是燃烧,火焰兵已宣布成为Meat vs Match的获胜者!因此,在未来的更新,他将是第一个收到一个兵种包更新的佣兵,包括平衡改动,装饰品和新武器。祝贺并感谢所有参与这次活动的玩家!
  • 2016年8月9日 - TF2官方博客更新。 第六届Saxxy奖!又过了一年。现在是举办第六届Saxxy奖的时候了!是时候展示起源电影制作者社区最好的才能!提交日期截止为11月11日。
  • 2015年12月4日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Arkham Knight Contest Winners Pretending to be Batman (or Robin) just got a lot easier with the addition of new Batman-themed cosmetics personally approved by Batman himself! Along with the three winners are seven runner-ups, including a full set, all available in the Mann Co. Store!
  • 2015年10月28日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. The TF Workshop Arkham Knight Contest Instead of dressing up as Batman for Halloween this year, why not take the opportunity to dress your favorite mercenary up as Batman? The Steam Workshop is now accepting entries for Batman: Arkham Knight cosmetics, so make sure to submit yours before November 16!
  • 2015年9月21日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. What We're Up To With the Gun Mettle Campaign winding down, it's time to prepare for the next big update, which should be out by the end of the year. For Halloween this year, it's the community's turn to make the event shine! Get your workshop submissions in before October 18, 2015 to have a shot at seeing your item in-game!
  • 2015年8月18日 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Introducing PASS Time, a New Beta Game Mode! Developed in collaboration with Bad Robot and Escalation Studios, PASS Time is a new gamemode mixing traditional sport and the fine pastime of virtually murdering your friends. Try and score the Jack in the enemy's goal to gain points while avoiding becoming a bloody mess!
  • 2014年8月14日TF2 官方日志已更新。现已能接受 TF2 商品的提交 曾经觉得现时的时尚潮流缺少的一点东西?好像不够印有醉酒随笔的T恤?好的不过不是醉酒的爆破手随笔。然后来到这个通道提交您的设计在军团要塞 2 工作坊里的全新商品部分,然后购买它们。保证让您看起来 295% 更酷。* (*无保证)
  • 2014年6月5日TF2 官方日志已更新。曼恩公司的工厂车间 事实证明,为某个游戏制作新武器并不是精确的科学。有时您失败,并有时您真的很失败。窥视一下 TF2 团队的思想,因为他们分享究竟错的(并有时是对的)东西可以成为武器设计。
  • 2014年5月2日TF2 官方日志已更新。赶上 TF 漫画!有很多的知识可以叠起超过七年。从您的普皮·乔不知道您的管理员?或者只是迷茫、困惑,并患有当明亮的阳光击中您眼睛的时候更恶化的眩目头痛所以您凑合着一种躺在您床底下的灰尘兔子之中,为了更新只是走出来查看官方 TF2 日志的生活?那么您很幸运。“服用”这个漫画和两片阿斯匹林,一切就会变得很清晰。
  • July 10, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Move That Update Up! After a week of teasing, it's finally here! Redeem your Summer Claim Checks for Summer Coolers that contain the newest batch of community-contributed items, enjoy the new and improved maps, and play with the newly improved weapons that you never thought to use before!
  • July 9, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Move Those Votes Up! Ever wonder how Valve decides which items submitted to the workshop are shipped into the game? They give us their breakdown with a handy list of criteria and, yes, your votes do count. Also included is a sneak peak at one of the sixty-four items being shipped with the upcoming update.
  • July 5, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Move Those Maps Up! All good exploits must come to an end. An upcoming update will fix exploits in the majority of all official maps, including Badwater, and two more community maps, Process and Standin, are going to become official! Look forward to more news to come!
  • June 27, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Help Us Pay it Forward No item is made solely by one contributor without a little bit of help. As thanks, Valve is now allowing workshop contributors to share some of the profit from their item sales with some of the service providers who provided that help. Even better is Valve has decided to take this money from their own cut of the sales, so now there's no reason not to share some of your profits with those mentors that helped you along the way.
  • June 11, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. There's never been a better time to submit Over ten million dollars have been paid out to over 400 community content creators and nearly $250,000 is slated to be paid out to the contributors behind the Robotic Boogaloo update. If you want to try and earn yourself some of that sweet hat money, now's the best time to submit your work to the Steam Workshop. The item submission tools have been greatly improved, and any item submitted with the tool will be given a gold star to show that it is compatible with TF2.
  • May 1, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. SteamPipe: Just a Heads-Up SteamPipe, a new system that improves the way content is downloaded, updated and stored, is now officially live! The conversion process takes a few minutes, but faster uninterrupted downloads, quicker boot times and map loads, and easier distribution, installation and management of mods are well worth it. Read the FAQ for more informations.
  • April 2, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Don't Drink the Jarate "We don't normally post TF2 cosplay on the blog, for two reasons: 1) We'd quickly turn into a TF2 cosplay site; and 2) Our hearts are shriveled little prunes of hate." However, a group of amazing Team Fortress 2 cosplayers is featured on the blog, and you can find more pictures here.
  • April 1, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Business Time The TF2 Team tricked Reddit into thinking they bought Team Fortress 2 so that they could secretly buy Reddit instead. To celebrate this sneaky purchase, Reddit-themed items will be added to the game. Don't be too excited, though, this might be an April Fool joke like last time.
  • March 19, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog update. Future Shock Now you can wear a hat in real life while wearing a hat in Team Fortress 2! Virtual reality support has been added to the game, be sure to check it out!
  • January 28, 2013 - TF2 Official Blog updated. TF2 Action Figures Are Out Now! NECA released two new action figures based on the best, most popular team members: the Pyro and the Demoman. They are now available in the Valve Store, in Toys 'R' Us, FYE, Hastings, and on Amazon, so go get one before they are gone!
  • December 19, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. New Adult Swim Gear Are you a fan of The Venture Bros. or Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Ever want to show everyone in the game just how big of a fan you are? Now you can, with some new gear arriving from the folks at Adult Swim! Check it out here.
  • December 11, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Well, Now I'm a Statue "I wish I'd read the fine print, since Mann Co. now owns my likeness rights until the year 7039." Gaming Heads has turned Sniper into a statue, and you can find more info from here.
  • October 17, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Attention, Cowards! Saxton Hale has taken time out of his busy day to address you - that's right, you - and your cowardice. If you are not a coward then this is not addressed to you, but otherwise you are in for a world of theoretical hurt.
  • August 16, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Introducing the TF2 Game Hub. Ever wanted to have TF2 screenshots, videos, discussions, news, blog posts and Steam Workshop submissions all mashed up in one place? No? Well, that's too bad, because Team Fortress 2 just got a game hub, which is part of the Steam Community update. While the entire update is only available in a closed beta, anyone can check out the new TF2 hub and get a taste of what's coming to Steam soon.
  • August 12, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Blood Brothers. In just 12 hours, the community has unveiled TF2's most complex ARG so far, which revealed a new comic a few weeks less than Valve had planned. Nice job, TF2 Community.
  • June 21, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. How a Gun Gets Made. If maps are not fun enough to make, Jalcober still made a tutorial for other users on how to model, texture and submit your weapons for TF2. Meanwhile, the community discovered that if you craft two Banana Peels together, you get a secret message unique to each user. These codes resulted in this image. Find out more and keep up to date on the ARG article.
  • June 1, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. How a Map Gets Made. Ever wonder how TF2 maps are made? Then you'll enjoy this breakdown of the thought process that goes into making a popular map. See how Gorge came about, from initial concept as rough sketches, all the way to the final product.
  • April 7, 2012 - A new Valve-related encyclopaedia, the Ricochet Wiki, is launched by our community! Start editing it now, but be careful to not fall off your pad or get hit by an incoming disc while editing!
  • March 28, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. You Are Quite Welcome. Nothing beats a hat. Except of course, maybe hats that show off how great you are, or hats that only last one day. Well you're in luck, because the Per Diem Perk has just begun! The players with most duel wins, Map Stamps purchased, and gifts handed out are going to receive special one-of-a-kind hats that last one day each! Now you too can own a one-of-a-kind hat without having to win an art contest or invent Minecraft! Plus, if you thought Strange weapons didn't track enough stats, that's about to change! All you need is to do is use a Strange Part on your favorite Strange weapon and you'll be ready to use math to explain exactly how much better you are than other people!
  • February 2, 2012 - TF2 Official Blog updated. TF2012! Time for a TF2 version of the State of the Union address! First up, the TF2 team confirm they have top men working on a top secret project....that does not involve hats?! The Steam Workshop now has a Steam group which can be found here. Meet the Pyro is confirmed to be out sometime this year, so look out for it in 2014! And finally the Second Annual Saxxy Awards is back and better than ever. How? You'll just have to wait to find out.
  • November 14, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. We want holiday-themed community items!. Ah, November. That special time of year when subtle insinuations hinting at the approach of a certain holiday begin to manifest themselves, and Mann Co. prepares new shipments of festive merchandise for the discriminating mercenary. It's the perfect time for the community to demonstrate their passion for the festive season and contribute themed items to the Steam Workshop! So stop pine-ing away in your Claus-trophobic basements, and start creating some community content!
  • August 9, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Introducing Steam Trading Beta Hats piling up? Ready to trade them away for cold, hard...video games? You're in luck - Steam Trading Beta is now live! Players who opt into this service will be able to securely trade their Team Fortress 2 inventory and Steam gifts with others who opt in to the beta. Steam Community profiles of Beta participants have been upgraded with a backpack viewer and additional tabs displaying any Steam gifts available for trading. Opting into Steam Trading Beta also alows players to conduct item trades directly through the Steam interface without launching Team Fortress 2. Get to trading, or read the Trading Beta FAQ for more details!
  • July 1, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Summer Sale! It's officially Summer in TF2 land, and you know what that means: more STUFF! Put on your shades and open those Refreshing Summer Coolers you traded all your metal away for and get awesome new hats, miscellaneous items, and a mailbox. Plus, the blog hints at the possibility of a second miscellaneous item slot! So get your spurs, badge, and hat ready, because the Engineer is about to become a full-on Sheriff.
  • June 20, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. The Über Update, Day One. This is it: Meet the Medic is finally, officially coming, along with the largest update in Team Fortress 2 history! Day One, aka Mobster Monday, starts off with the revelation of two new class packs, Black Market Business for the Heavy, and The Man of Honor for the Spy, and a new Payload map, Barnblitz! While you're at it, check out the blog's snazzy new redesign, including the gorgeous Artwork section. And guess what: TF2 is F2P for a week! Invite your poor, Irish friends to get some hats and kill some mercenaries while they can!
  • June 14, 2011 - Spiral Knights promo item! If you unlock the achievement "Mission Accomplished" for Spiral Knights, you'll get a new item for the Soldier: the Spiral Sallet. Did we mention Spiral Knights is free?
  • May 23, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Battle Voting Continues! When Valve closed the submission deadline last Thursday, they had received tens of thousands of videos submitted for the Saxxy Awards! But now, the Saxxys approach the end of the Battle Voting, on May 26th, so vote while you can! The most voted videos will then be selected by Valve, allowing the community to vote one more time to decide who'll take the Saxxy. Until then, keep on voting!
  • May 5, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. The Replay Update. Valve releases the next major TF2 update. Introducing the Replay Update! Now it's even easier than ever before to make exciting videos of your greatest losses and most humiliating victories. Demonstrate your movie directing skills by entering to win a Saxxy Award, with over twenty categories to choose from. And in case that wasn't enough, there's a new comic to read and ten new hats to wear. Have fun, and good luck to all who enter the contest!
  • April 14, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. The Hatless Update Despite the sayings and even the threats, the TF2 Team proves TF2 is no one-trick pony and releases the Hatless Update, an update with zero new hats! Introducing the coaching and voting systems, training for more classes, class-specific duels, dynamic model loading, server-Steam ID association, bot improvements, voice chat improvements and even paint improvements, plus several item tweaks and a new map: KOTH_Badlands! Enjoy the update, but watch your back, because Spy-Bot is feeling more devious than ever.
  • April 8, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Charity Results The TF2 Team raised $430,543.65 with all the donations from the Japan Charity Bundle, and would like to thank the TF Community for their generous acts! The Unusual Hat Club also raised more $3,000 for Japan through their Hats for Help campaign. Thank you everyone who took part in this charity!
  • March 29, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Hats For Help Sales from the Japan Charity Bundle have raised over $300,000 so far in support of the American Red Cross's disaster relief efforts in Japan. This is fantastic news, and a testament to the generosity and awesomeness of the Team Fortress 2 community. Well done, and keep up the great efforts! And just as a reminder, the Japan Charity Bundle will be available in the Mann Co. Store until April 6.
  • February 14, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated. It's Monday. Valve posts Benjamuffin's song about Tom Bui again (third time) as they sing about the latest updates in the TF2 community. First, United Kingdom Community Servers is holding a Knockout Cup. Next, ESL announces a 1v1 Scout Cup, with the signups still open for all of you scatterbrained speedniks. Finally, a mysterious individual known as SlienceMaster shows off a real life hat. But wait, you ask. How is it possible that someone made a hat in real life? By basing it off of a preexisting hat, of course.
  • December 27, 2010 - Team Fortress 2 is chosen as PCGamer UK's Online Game of the Year, 3 years after release! Well done Valve! Keep up the awesome stuff that keeps us coming back!
  • December 17, 2010 - TF2 Official Blog updated.  Aye! Me bottle o'scrumpy! Anon! The Australian Christmas update is here! A ton of new items have been added to the game, as well as a new game mode! Three more Polycount packs have been put in game, including "The Medi-eval Medic," "The Hibernating Bear," and "The Expert's Ordnance"! Keys have been added for the Festive crates! New game mode: Medieval Mode, where you can use nothing but ye olde weapons! And you can donate to mappers you like, and get a hat in exchange! Wow! Aren't you glad we all live in the Wonderful World of Oz?
  • November 5, 2010 - TF2 Official Blog updated. TF2 Maintenance - November 9 - 1pm PST. The TF2 team updates us on item system downtime on Tuesday, November 9th [1] from 1pm PST and an hour and a half on, leaving Backpacks, Loadouts, Trading, the Mann Co. Store and Crafting unavailable for the period. Additionally, all API users should note that item IDs are moving during the same maintenance block. Conveniently provided is a Steam Users' Forums thread with updates.
  • October 14, 2010 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Sandwich and I are coming for you! Valve announces the winners of the Art Pass Contest, as well as some honorable mentions. Congrats to YM and 3DNJ for winning! Special mentions to Acegikmo, Gooba, honeymustard, and TerabyteST for their excellent work. Valve also links to an ESEA S6 highlight reel.
  • August 24, 2010 - TF2 Official Blog updated. The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting! A contest where YOU write hat descriptions, with the winning entries appearing in-game? AND a new TF2 cross-promotion for buying Worms:Reloaded? Wow! It gets you a hat and holy hands grenades! Plus, Valve takes some competitive scene notes.
  • July 19th 2010 - Do you like hats? Do you like free games? Do you like blasting away waves of alien parasites with your friends? Do you REALLY like hats?? Then check out Alien Swarm, a free game from Valve that comes with a TF2 hat-bearing achievement! Don't you LOVE hats???
  • June 30th 2010 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Listen! Calm before the storm: Check out the entries for the Polycount Contest! Also commemorates the TF2 Wiki at its newer, more official, less confrontational home.
  • June 9th 2010 - TF2 Official Blog updated. Tomorrow.. Big things happening at Valve. Things like the release of TF2 on Mac, 10th June 2010.
  • May 20th 2010 - More Contribute! items added. 10 new hats, 2 new weapons, and 1 new misc. item. Congrats guys.
  • 2010年1月27日军团要塞 2 更新—‘壹佰?报纸’('100? Newspaper')被加入主选单中。社区被迷惑了。
  • 2010年1月13日TF2 官方日志已更新—贡献网站公布了,将您的定制模型和头像提交给 VALVe!
  • 2009年12月17日TF2 官方日志已更新三次—第肆天已声明,士兵赢了爆破手的战争,自称新炮艇物品为自己的—两张新地图已揭晓,GorgeDoublecross—战争更新已上场,尽情享乐吧!
