Nucleus (King of the Hill)

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Nucleus is a alternate version of arena_nucleus that has been modified to fit the King of the Hill gameplay type. A diabolical doomsday device is the foundation of this circular arena map, which features long sightlines and a bottomless radioactive pit underneath most of the game area. The hill, located in the center of the arena, is only accessible for most classes by catwalks suspended over a chasm, which open after the timer has run down.


The goal of KotH Nucleus is to capture the Control Point and Defend it for 3 minutes.


  • The Device - The central feature of Nucleus, easily identified by its colorful, swirling... whatever-it-is. The metal 'bulb' houses the control point, and opens after a few minutes, with gantries extending out to it.
  • The Pit - Just below The Device is a bottomless radioactive pit, with a narrow catwalk in the center. This catwalk holds a Medium Medpack, instead of the Arena-standard Small Medpack. Likely because of its precarious position, it was made a larger medpack by the map designer.
  • The Upper Deck - From one side of the main spawn exit both sides may climb a set of stairs to a couple of balconies overlooking the main point. More stairs climb downwards towards the pit and the circular catwalks. This area is a key point of contention between the two sides, owing to the aerial advantage and route to the enemy's spawn available from it.

Common strategies

  • Note that due to their exploitable nature the extending catwalks and the point itself are stick-proof: stickies and Jarate will simply bounce off them.
  • Snipers can be deadly on this map, owing to the unfettered sightlines available from every side onto the point. For this reason, it is wise to run flanking Scouts/Spies and counter-Snipers to allow your Soldiers, Heavies and Medics to get onto the point without being killed. Be sensible about this; too many Snipers and not enough combat classes and the point itself will go uncaptured.
  • Engineers will have a tough time on Nucleus- Sentries erected to overlook the point will be easily taken out by Snipers and Soldiers from the other side. You can try setting up a "surprise" Sentry on the lower catwalks, or alternatively try setting up in the upper balcony area with the medium ammo box to deny that area to the enemy.
  • Due to the control point's small size, Demomen are very effective at clearing the point. If there are several enemies standing on the point, the Grenade Launcher's splash damage allows a demoman to kill most of them very quickly.
  • A good place to hang out after the point is captured, particularly for Heavies, Demomen and Pyros, are the entrances to the two side catwalks leading onto the point. The enemy is usually concentrating straight ahead at your spawn opposite; with this in mind you can catch them in some devastating crossfire if you are clever about it.


  • Nucleus has no 3D Skybox.
  • The map is one of the few KOTH Maps to have support for Bots.
  • The particles seen in the device are re-used from Portal's ending.
Control Point Multiplier Seconds
Center Point ×1
24 .000
16 .000
13 .091
11 .520