Template:Did you know/Previously featured facts
From Team Fortress Wiki
Did you know...
- ...that the Virtual Viewfinder has a Team Fortress cartridge inserted into it, along with a screen that reads 'Game Over' on the inside of the model?
- ...that all of the stock melee weapons (besides the Fire Axe) are one-handed?
- ...that the voice actor for the Sniper, John Patrick Lowrie, is married to Ellen McLain, who voices the Administrator?
- ...that the classes' are derived from the original models used in beta?
- ...that the Administrator has an unused sound file in which she commands the team to "Stop the courier", indicating that a Hunted mode may have been in the works?
- ...that the Sniper isn't wearing his glove when he brushes his teeth in the Meet the Sniper video?
- ...that the hospital in the Meet the Medic short was based on the Pacific Medical Center near the Valve offices?
- ...that only three non-Scout players are needed in order to push a payload cart at its maximum speed?
- ...that the Pyro can reflect Rescue Ranger bolts and Crusader's Crossbow syringes?
- ...that the Pyro uses the same voice lines in all languages?
- ...that in the Meet the Soldier video, when the Soldier hits the BLU Spy with his Shovel, there is a sign in the background that says 'No smoking'?
- ...that the capture status indicator on the HUD for a control point breaks with 16 or more players on the point?
- ...that in Meet the Sniper, the bobble-head civilian is standing on the Team Fortress Classic logo?
- ...that the Sentry Gun is the fastest deployable building an Engineer can construct?
- ...that the Nemesis icon is strikingly similar to the Punch-Out!! series logo?
- ...that a Scout can assist in his own death if he is hit by his reflected stun ball, and then killed by an opponent?
- ...that the Engineer is the only one who doesn't give a thumbs-up when thanking someone?
- ...that if a Engineer is stunned while he is selecting a place to put down his buildings, he can still see the blueprint model in third person?
- ...that the eye color of robots are determined by their difficulty; blue eyes for Easy/Normal and yellow eyes for Hard/Expert?
- ...that all of the class characters have blue eyes except the Demoman (and possibly the Pyro)?
- ...that it was once possible to stop the Trains on Well?
- ...that Sawmill was the first official map to feature weather effects?
- ...that the Medic was originally supposed to have an over-sized syringe to heal his teammates?
- ...that the Engineer's grandfather, Radigan Conagher, invented many of the Engineer's weapons after receiving one hundred pounds of Australium from the Administrator in 1890?
- ...that there is an unused song in the game's files originally intended to be played when the player used an Upgrade Station?
- ...that in the Australian Christmas update, Saxton Hale had a Christmas tree pictured on his chest instead of the usual Australia?
- ...that the hieroglyphs in Egypt include the Heavy with his Minigun, the Spy backstabbing someone, a Level 1 Sentry Gun, a Sapper, and the backstab symbol?
- ...that a tombstone in Harvest reads 'R.I.P. The 10th Class'?
- ...that the Sentry Gun the Soldier rocket jumps onto in the Meet the Soldier video is a Level 2 Sentry Gun, whereas the scene before shows it as Level 3?
- ...that Bonk! Atomic Punch comes in two flavors, Cherry Fission (RED) and Blutonium Berry (BLU)?
- ...that you can't upgrade Dispensers or Teleporters in the Xbox 360 or PS3 versions of Team Fortress 2?
- ...that early designs of Team Fortress 2 involved assigning one player on a team as the commander, who would then give orders to his teammates from an overhead map?
- ...that the number displayed when Display damage done as text over your target is enabled, the most damage that can appear is −32,767, which is one more than the lower bound of a 16 bit value?
- ...that an Engineer can take damage from his own Sentry Gun?
- ...that if the Demoman hits anything with a critical Bottle swing, it breaks?
- ...that carts automatically destroy any buildings they run over on the track?
- ...that the Freedom Staff was originally created for the Soldier only?
- ...that the Engineer can use the Wrangler to shoot himself with his own Sentry Gun to get to hard to reach areas?
- ...that Merasmus has a tattoo of the Soldier's emblem on his left bicep?
- ...that a player standing on an enemy Teleporter exit when someone teleports will result in the player being telefragged?
- ...that the Heavy's default melee weapon was supposed to be a large Lead Pipe?
- ...that the Scout can achieve a movement speed of up to 35.7 kilometers (22.2 miles) per hour?
- ...that Shakespearicles invented the Rocket Launcher, along with the method of rocket jumping?
- ...that the Soldier and Engineer's voice actors (Rick May and Grant Goodeve, respectively) have both voiced the character Wolf O'Donnel from the Star Fox game series?
- ...that a "decapitation" is actually the model's head shrunk so small that it cannot be seen, and instead spawns a gibbed head?
- ...that the Pyro gives a "thumbs up" gesture when using the "Good Job" voice command?
- ...that the Scout and Pyro have the most amount of weapons?
- ...that although the Pyro is right-handed, he holds the Fire Axe left-handed?
- ...that the Powerjack is made up of a 1950s automobile jack and car battery?
- ...that a Medic will fill his ÜberCharge faster if the heal target is hurt?
- ...that the Detpack is a weapon in the classic Team Fortress games and is only used by the Demoman?
- ...that the zombie Spy was originally meant to feature a face stained with blood?
- ...that a telefrag will instantly fill the Buff Banner's gauge?
- ...that in the Meet the Soldier video, a Scout is shown with his headphones over his right ear when it is normally worn on their left?
- ...that the Japanese text written on the top of the box from the Box Trot taunt means "The Spy is in this box." (スパイは、この箱のなかにいる)?
- ...that the original design for the Heavy had a mullet hairdo?
- ...that Robin Walker worked on the original Team Fortress mod for Quake back in 1996?
- ...that the Love & War Update was referenced prior to its release by a line in Dota 2's "The Stanley Parable Announcer Pack"?
- ...that the Sniper's father is more than slightly disappointed that his son did not become a doctor?
- ...that the Heavy is the only class with natural knockback damage resistance?
- ...that unusable grenades can be seen on the Soldier, Demoman, and Pyro models?
- ...that in player view the ammo belt on Natascha is on the left side, but in global view the ammo belt is on the right side?
- ...that the RED Soldier appeared as a model placeholder in 0x10c, a beta game made by Markus "Notch" Persson, the creator of Minecraft?
- ...that the Your Eternal Reward resembles the Team Fortress Classic knife?
- ...that the Soldier shares an apartment with Merasmus?
- ...that the Respectless Rubber Glove was the first cosmetic item in-game to get jiggle bones?
- ...that the Scout wears a left-hander's Batter's Helmet despite the fact that he is a right-handed batter?
- ...that the Engineer received the Lugermorph and Golden Wrench before his update?
- ...that there are several references to Team Fortress 2 in Bloons Tower Defense 5, two of which are one of the Soldier's taunts as an icon and a Monkey Engineer which creates Sentry Guns?
- ...that adjusted for inflation since 1968 (the year in which Team Fortress 2 supposedly takes place), it costs more than $3,600,000.00 (2024) to fire the Heavy's Minigun for twelve seconds?
- ...that if an Engineer is killed while carrying a toolbox, the dropped toolbox will provide full ammo and metal to the player that picks it up?
- ...that Valve created a set of Team Fortress 2 trading cards that were never officially released, featuring characters, levels, and weapons?
- ...that the Degreaser is made up of parts from a vintage gas station pump, car muffler, antique fire extinguisher, and stove top burner?
- ...that the Love & War Update was once called the Bucket List Update?
- ...that when the Engineer reloads his Pistol, he inserts the magazine backwards?
- ...that the steering wheel is on the left-hand side in the Snipers camper van (as opposed to Australian cars which are right-sided)?
- ...that you cannot taunt underwater?
- ...that RED and BLU's names come from their owner's names, Redmond Mann and Blutarch Mann?
- ...that in Meet the Engineer, his camp-fire is actually a burning BLU Sniper?
- ...that the Soldier has a crew cut hairstyle underneath his helmet?
- ...that Pier has a secret disco room behind the vent in BLU spawn?
- ...that the Huntsman can be drawn mid-air, but can't be fired until the Sniper touches the ground?
- ...that the Scout would have been able to catch projectiles and throw them back using the Catcher's Mitt?
- ...that by healing an enemy Spy, a Medic can get a teamkill assist?
- ...that the Sniper once slept in the corpse of a water buffalo?
- ...that a useless wire connected to a power socket at both ends loops around the 2Fort intel rooms?
- ...that a Scout getting gibbed has a 1 in 20 chance of spawning a dove flying out of his body?
- ...that in Meet the Sniper, the Pyro can be seen wielding the Flare Gun before it was officially announced?
- ...that the picture that depicts the Pyro winning the Heavy vs. Pyro war is a reference to the Meet the Pyro cinematic in which the Heavy takes a Fire Axe to the head?
- ...that the songs the Heavy may sing as part of his response rules include Mily Balakirev's "Song of the Volga Boatmen", Chopin's "Funeral March", and Khachaturian's "Sabre Dance"?
- ...that the Medic traded a soul for a pen in the comic The Naked and the Dead?
- ...that eating the Sandvich gives a Heavy the ability to punch out all of someone's blood in three hits (though not in-game)?
- ...that Demoman's dad walked 24.1 kilometers (15 miles) in the rain to blow up the Queen of England for a nickel?
- ...that the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 instruction manuals included with The Orange Box incorrectly list the Scout's Scattergun as a shotgun, the Heavy's Minigun as a chain gun, and the Sniper's Kukri as a machete?
- ...that there was a release gap of 11 years between Team Fortress and Team Fortress 2?
- ...that the RED Spy is in a relationship with the BLU Scout's mother?
- ...that Scout has 7 older brothers and he is the youngest?
- ...that Soldiers, Demomen, and Pyros can jump over the carriages in Well and attack the enemy team before the gates have opened?
- ...that on the map Thunder Mountain, there is a Sniper hidden in the hills by a campfire and his camper van?
- ...that at the end of Meet the Spy, the RED Spy stabs the Heavy and Soldier to the tune of the ending flourish?
- ...that the Engineer is the shortest character?
- ...that in all of the Meet the Team videos, the BLU Scout is never shown being killed?
- ...that the Pistol is similar to the Makarov, a Russian handgun?
- ...that Medics ÜberCharged with the Vaccinator using fire resistance can survive the Hadouken taunt kill?
- ...that the only taunt you can unlock for free is the Director's Vision?
- ...that there are modern-day computers hidden behind the cracked doors on DeGroot Keep?
- ...that the in-game console and files refers to the Sniper's Kukri as a club?
- ...that the Pyro can headshot enemies using deflected arrows?
- ...that the Backburner originally granted a bonus of +50 maximum health?
- ...that a Pyro flamethrower named "Wrath of Wan Hu" would have been part of the Triad Pack, but was scrapped and eventually replaced by the Huo Long Heater?
- ...that the Ghastly Gibus originally belonged to Zepheniah Mann?
- ...that if two Huntsman arrows hit each other in mid air, they are both destroyed?
- ...that the Meet the Scout video shows the RED team attacking out of the BLU's base?
- ...that the Phlogistinator is named after the now disproven phlogiston theory?
- ...that a Sentry Gun can't hit any enemy hiding behind a Dispenser?
- ...that the Spy-cicle instantly regenerates in Medieval Mode when the Spy gets ignited?
- ...that the Dead Ringer does not have a world model and cannot be seen by anyone except the user when active?
- ...that when you sort the Backpack by class, the listing order of the classes is that of Team Fortress Classic instead of Team Fortress 2?
- ...that in one of the official Left 4 Dead blog's featured community campaigns, Blood Tracks, the Pain Train and the Homewrecker appear as custom melee weapons?
- ...that the Kritzkrieg, the Blutsauger, and the Ubersaw were the first unlocks added to the game?
- ...that pressing the alternate fire button while constructing a building allows you to rotate it?
- ...that the excited Scout in the Force-A-Nature ad also appears in a slighty altered form as the icon for the You'll Feel a Little Prick Medic achievement?
- ...that in the Meet the Team videos, the "Copyright LOLOLOL" is a joke of how lenient they are with their promotional work?
- ...that the Soldier got rejected from all branches of the US military during WWII?
- ...that Heavy's Minigun fires 4 shots per 1 ammo point and it takes him 20 seconds of nonstop firing to run out of ammo, meaning that "Sasha" only fires 2400 rounds per minute and not 10000 as the Heavy states in Meet the Heavy?
- ...that the Pyro's Detonator can be used to perform jumps similar to rocket jumping?
- ...that five classes are known smokers: the Demoman, Medic, Sniper, Soldier, and Spy?
- ...that the Heavy makes an appearance in the Left 4 Dead comic The Sacrifice as a miniature action figure?
- ...that the Bottle is dated 1808 and the Scottish Handshake is dated 1680?
- ...that on the picture of the achievement Soviet Union, the Heavy on the right sports a mullet, similarly to his original design?
- ...that the Sniper became a master of Jarate after being insulted by the enemy Spy?
- ...that Team Fortress 2 was first announced in 1998 as a realistic first-person shooter?
- ...that the cigarette the Spy throws when he performs his Disguise Kit taunt acts as a physics object and can bounce off walls and objects?
- ...that in the beginning of Meet the Medic, a slowed version of "Faster Than A Speeding Bullet" plays?
- ...that despite RED standing for 'Reliable Excavation (and) Demolition' and BLU being an acronym for 'Builder's League United', BLU almost always is attacking while RED is almost always defending?
- ...that the Team Fortress series' birthday is on August 24?
- ...that the Sniper's parents live on Adelaide Street, Australia (red house on the left)?
- ...that the Horseless Headless Horsemann and MONOCULUS were both developed from the Demoman's animations and sounds, respectively?
- ...that the Pain Train was originally intended to be used by the Pyro?
- ...that the Bread Bite has 2 completely unique inspect animations, unlike the rest of Heavy's gloves?
- ...that the song the Engineer plays during the Meet the Engineer video is a real song, called "Someone Else's Song", and was originally written by Jeff Tweedy of the American Country band Wilco for their album Being There in 1996?
- ...that Meet the Spy was leaked onto YouTube on May 17, 2009, two days before its intended release?
- ...that RED Spies smoke white cigarettes and BLU Spies smoke brown ones?
- ...that Archimedes used to be a wedding dove, before the Medic stole the catering van used for the prime minister's wedding (it's unknown which country's prime minister) where Archimedes was situated?
- ...that a Scout's Sandman ball can be reflected by a Pyros compression blast?
- ...that a #101 Golden Wrench and a #11112 Gentle Manne's Service Medal were given to the winner of a charity auction for Child's Play?
- ...that the Golden Wrench, Saxxy and Golden Frying Pan are made from Australium, and freeze their victims into golden statues?
- ...that in Meet the Spy while Spy fights with the Medic, after knocking his glasses into the air a Half-Life 2 crate prop appears?
- ...that some of the taunts from the Love & War Update existed in TF2's code since Scream Fortress 2013?
- ...that the spawn rooms for both RED and BLU on Coldfront were inspired by the war room from the 1964 film Dr. Strangelove?
- ...that the Rescue Ranger's sine wave changes depending on the amount of metal the player has?
- ...that the Battalion's Backup and the Resistance Powerup are the only sources of melee resistance in the game?
- ...that you can actually see through Soldier's Rocket Launcher from the ends?
- ...that Crit-a-Cola was designed the day before it was incorporated into the game?
- ...that the RED spawn room of Mann Manor contains a room with a desk and an ominous person sitting at it, revealed to be Redmond Mann next to his life-extension machine?
- ...that the Payload has the words 'Cry some more' scratched onto the front?
- ...that in the Meet the Heavy video, the Heavy fires his Minigun for exactly "twelve seconds"?
- ...that the Sniper lives in his camper van?
- ...that the Demoman is the only class whose emblem differs from the logo on their shoulder?
- ...that Bossa Studios released an update for the game Surgeon Simulator 2013 based on Meet the Medic?
- ...that "Rocket Jump Waltz" is not technically a waltz as it is written in 4/4 time as opposed to 3/4 time?
- ...that Valve has stated an interest in an animated series, comic, or even a film based on Team Fortress 2?
- ...that the Engineer is nicknamed 'Hardhat' (to the Scout), 'Engy' (to the Soldier), 'Truckie' (to the Sniper), 'My hard-hatted friend' (to the Medic), and 'Laborer' (to the Spy)?
- ...that the Sentry Gun of the Engineer beeps according to their level?
- ...that the Demoman will still drink from his Bottle and belch when it is smashed?
- ...that the Spy can survive kill taunts with the Dead Ringer if his health is not too low?
- ...that if your disguise weapon is one that reloads a magazine or shells, reloading your Revolver will cause your disguise to reload their weapon?
- ...that in his HUD icon, the Demoman's patch is on the wrong eye?
- ...that the Upgrade to Premium Gift's bar code has a small bit of text under it that reads *MAGGOTS*?
- ...that the Pyro has the most taunt kills?
- ...that the Team Fortress 2 mercenaries are actually the third generation of mercenaries hired by Blutarch and Redmond Mann?
- ...that the Scout wears a left-handed Batter's Helmet, and he wields the Wrap Assassin with his left hand in A Smissmas Story, even though he is right-handed?
- ...that any class may consume dropped Sandviches, and not just the Heavies that wield them?
- ...that originally, the Scout was planned to have a Nail Gun as a primary weapon?
- ...that the emblem on the Heavy's sleeve was originally a skull and crossbones?
- ...that in his HUD icon, the Heavy is not wearing his fingerless gloves?
- ...that if an Intelligence carrier falls off of a cliff to his death, the Intelligence will be instantly returned to the capture zone?
- ...that you will regenerate all health lost from drowning?
- ...that the Dragon's Fury projectile can be reflected?
- ...that despite breaking upon a backstab, the promotional image of the Razorback shows it with a knife embedded in it, and very much intact?
- ...that the Spy's HUD icon features his outdated beta design?
- ...that there are unused headshot and backstab animations for Mann vs. Machine's robots?
- ...that the Vita-Saw was originally going to have the Solemn Vow attribute along with its attributes?
- ...that 14 Golden Wrenches were destroyed for charity?
- ...that there were plans to add female versions of the mercenaries?
- ...that in the PC version of Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed, where the RED Pyro, Heavy, and Spy are an exclusive character, the Spy's cigarette was removed in fear of raising the ratings system up to T or +13 because of content showing the use of tobacco, but one of the Spy's idle animations implied that he once had a cigarette by removing it from his mouth and back in again with his hand?
- ...that the Scout receives extra health from a dropped Sandvich in reference to Meet the Scout?
- ...that one of the initial ideas was to have a "claymation" look, with players that gibbed into chunks of clay?
- ...that in the Razorback update, the Dead Ringer could be seen in the "dead" Spy's hand before it was officially announced?
- ...that the one of the Pyro's cosmetic items appears to be the Engineer's absent left glove?
- ...that in Meet the Sandvich, it says "COPYRIGHT OMNOMNOM" on the bottom right corner instead of the usual "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL"?
- ...that the RED Demoman's father lost both eyes before he was 30, yet maintained 26 jobs until he died?
- ...that the Original is based off of the Rocket Launcher from Quake?
- ...that the Soldier speaks some responses like a robot when he has the entire Tin Soldier item set equipped?
- ...that the Demoman lost his eye due to his mother asking him to get a job?
- ...that the texture for the Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser suggests that there used to be an interior to the snow globe's cabin, and that the normal map texture contains a drawing of the Steam mascot, Sir Roderick Bodkin?
- ...that the Medic's Bonesaw, Amputator, Vita-Saw, and Solemn Vow taunts give off an audible noise, with the Bonesaw and Solemn Vow sounding like a violin and the Amputator and Vita-Saw like a cello?
- ...that the Equalizer and the Escape Plan were originally one item, under the former name, before being split in Team Fortress 2 Beta?
- ...that the Holiday Punch was originally going to have a style that gave the gloves a color scheme similar to the Officer's Ushanka?
- ...that with the exception of the Demoman and Soldier, all classes wear gloves (or in the case of the Engineer and Sniper just one)?
- ...that it is possible to survive performing the Soldier's Grenade taunt by colliding with a ceiling before the explosion part of the taunt?
- ...that the Soldier has a higher chance of spawning bread when teleporting?
- ...that it was revealed in the Comics that there were several teams hired by the Administrator named Ajax, Echelon, and Citadel?
- ...that the oldest known unusual is a Circling Peace Sign Stout Shako?
- ...that the first time the Engineer is seen without his goggles is in the Loose Canon comic?
- ...that it is possible to perform a flare jump using the Flare Gun at a very specific angle on some locations of the maps?
- ...that in old beta Source Filmmaker builds, there are models of the Team Fortress Classic flamethrower?
- ...that the Capo's Capper is a slightly modified and retextured Fancy Fedora?
- ...that the PASS Time speed boost Haste is faster than the Mannpower powerup Haste?
- ...that it is possible to land Mini-Crits using the Axtinguisher on an enemy Pyro or an enemy Sniper wearing the Darwin's Danger Shield?
- ...that the Strange Bacon Grease, despite its name, is actually in Unique quality?
- ...that development on Powerhouse actually began in 2007, but the developer left it unfinished and then released the map for the Gun Mettle Update?
- ...that MONOCULUS went back in time and tried to become the mercenaries' parents?
- ...that the Dangeresque, Too? was the farthest Valve wanted to go into the future in cosmetics, as shutter shades got popular in the 1980s?
- ...that a fully overhealed Heavy can survive all of Pyro's taunt kills?
- ...that Merasmus borrowed $12,000 from the Japanese mafia?
- ...that the Clinical Trial is the only item set in the game that doesn't feature a cosmetic?
- ...that the Festive Huntsman has a tag on that says "Merry Smissmas --Sniper"?
- ...that the Whoopee Cap's description references Jughead Jones, of Archie Comics fame, who is well-known for wearing a similar cap?
- ...that the music from the Kazotsky Kick taunt can be heard in the CS:GO map Train, coming from a small radio inside the kitchen?
- ...that the Conniver's Kunai's overheal bonus removes damaging debuffs such as afterburn and Bleeding?
- ...that all of the Demoman's alternate grenade launchers were released in Christmas updates?
- ...that the Fan O'War was originally going to be for Soldier instead of Scout?
- ...that a fully charged Machina headshot is one of the few things that can kill a Spy at full health while he's using the Dead Ringer?
- ...that there is an actual eye museum in the Badlands of New Mexico, USA?
- ...that the Candy Cane, Boston Basher, Pain Train, Holiday Punch, Killing Gloves of Boxing, and the Machina are the only weapons whose stats have remained unchanged since release?
- ...that the Heavy and Medic have no class-specific domination lines?
- ...that you can play Team Fortress 2 using a controller or in Virtual Reality?
- ...that there are a total of 209 weapons?
- ...that BLU team's first Pyro was former US president Abraham Lincoln?
- ...that Abraham Lincoln invented stairs?
- ...that the Carlton is based off a dance move done by Carlton Banks in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
- ...that the scrapped Nail Gun's ammo belt appears in the bottom space of a Dispenser, regardless of level?
- ...that the Box Trot taunt is a reference to the Metal Gear series?
- ...that the Box Trot was hidden in the background of various places on the pages for the Gun Mettle Update?
- ...that Sniper is actually from New Zealand?
- ...that Your Eternal Reward is a reference to the knife that Jafar wields in the movie Aladdin?
- ...that the Degreaser's airblast was originally intended to be chargeable, similar to the Stickybomb Launcher?
- ...that the Engineer at the end of Meet the Medic is playing "A Little Heart to Heart" on his guitar?
- ...that there are RED versions of the Mann vs. Machine robots in the files, but nowhere to be seen in-game?
- ...that the Teleporter is the only building that does not change in appearance when upgraded?
- ...that the Isolated Merc and the Isolationist Pack are the only item sets in the game to provide buffs and debuffs?
- ...that the BLU Pyro from Team Fortress Classic is a woman named Beatrice?
- ...that the Soldier's Stash does not in any way, shape, or form promote smoking or gambling?
- ...that the mercenaries, alongside other Valve characters, appeared in a version of Peggle called Peggle Extreme?
- ...that the Scream Fortress 2023 update features the largest number of new Halloween maps to date, with twelve maps?
- ...that there was a cosmetic called the Bonk'n'Flash, which was scrapped due to copyright concerns and was replaced by the Bonk Boy and the Lightning Lid?
- ...that there are Cool Beans hidden on the map Banana Bay?
- ...that it is a common running joke and theory that Spy is Scout's father?
- ...that the Horseless Headless Horsemann is Silas Mann?
- ...that the Spy is the only class in the game with a custom PDA?
- ...that the Minigun is named Sasha, the Brass Beast is named Oksana, the Huo-Long Heater is named Sheila, and the Tomislav is named Svetlana?
- ...that
is the longest console command present in TF2?
- ...that the Woodland Warrior Rocket Launcher skin has a hidden Spycrab in it?
- ...that the Beggar's Bazooka kill icon's name is "dumpster_device"?
- ...that a fully overhealed Heavy with the Fists of Steel active and under the effect of the Dalokohs Bar can survive a fully-charged Machina headshot?
- ...that on the map Banana Bay there is a hidden ritual to Poopy Joe near BLU spawn?
- ...that the loading screen of Yukon still shows the old control point placement?
- ...that the Amputator has a +3 health regeneration which can negate the Blutsauger's -2 health drain?
- ...that the Pyro, during the robot invasion, owned a company?
- ...that despite its description saying otherwise, the RoBro 3000 has an on/off switch?
- ...that the only non-stock Soldier primary weapons that have a hollow barrel are the Original and the Rocket Jumper?
- ...that Soldier was originally supposed to receive the Stratonic Swatter weapon?
- ...that all Team Fortress 2 Comics published with Updates before August 2011 were collected in the book The Sacrifice and Other Steam-Powered Stories?
- ...that both achievements "Riftwalker" and "Five Second Plan" are earned by killing an enemy 5 seconds after exiting a Teleporter?
- ...that there are two RED Spy indicators on BLU's dashboard in Meet the Spy?
- ...that with the Lumbricus Lid equipped the Grenade taunt has a unique kill icon?
- ...that the Soldier and Demoman were best friends, but the Administrator made them enemies?
- ...that the Festive lights on some weapons are powered by Bonk! batteries?
- ...that MONOCULUS is the Demoman's missing eye?
- ...that the Valve Store incorrectly listed the Stickybomb Launcher as the Scottish Resistance on the Demoman Action Figure?
- ...that the Tartan Spartan has a description that references a famous line from the 2006 movie 300?
- ...that melee weapons have a higher chance to have random crits than any other weapons?
- ...that at point-blank range the Force-A-Nature deals more damage than Soldier's Rocket Launchers (except the Direct Hit)?
- ...that the Stickybombs placed during Setup time or Mann vs. Machine while under effect of the Kritzkrieg disappear if the Medic changes class?
- ...that players on the winning team during Humiliation can respawn via switching classes?
- ...that a football ball can spawn when you equip with Ball-Kicking Boots?
- ...that the ghost of Zepheniah Mann is still wearing his Ghastly Gibus?
- ...that the Demoman's eye was "given back" by the Medic in the comic The Naked and the Dead?
- ...that the name of the Huo-Long Heater comes from the Chinese word for "fire dragon" (火龙, huǒlóng)?
- ...that both Miss Pauling's contract voiceline and final page of the Blood Money comic alludes to Spy beating a DNA test?
- ...that in the WAR! Comic, the Administrator is watching the events of Meet the Spy unfold before Miss Pauling shows up?
- ...that the Shortstop was originally supposed to slow down players on hit, but never functioned properly?
- ...that the Pyromancer's Mask has an unused bodygroup, which gives it grey horns?
- ...that there are 7 items that can be both Strange and Genuine quality?
- ...that the MONOCULUS' voice is the Demoman's voice but slowed down?
- ...that the Nostromo Napalmer is a reference to Alien (1979), and has the same design as the flamethrower props in the movie?
- ...that some hats and bot heads from Mann vs. Machine are available on the Steam Community Market for SteamVR?
- ...that Robin Walker, John Cook, and Ian Caughley originally created QTF just because they wanted a multiclass version of Quake for their own use?
- ...that the Gas Grenade is a scrapped grenade weapon that was to be used by the Spy?
- ...that the Pyro was the first class to get a taunt kill?
- ...that the Carrier Tank in Mann vs. Machine was placed into different maps before the official release of the game mode?
- ...that the Siberian Sophisticate adds a barcode to the back of Heavy's head?
- ...that the Boxcar Bomber is named after the Bockscar B-29 bomber plane that dropped the nuclear bomb in Nagasaki, Japan during World War II?
- ...that there is a reference to the Liberty Bell hidden in the Liberty Launcher?
- ...that on its right side, the Family Business has a small faded picture of a hammer and sickle?
- ...that there's an unused .midi version of "Intruder Alert"?
- ...that the newspaper shown on the last panel of the comic Ring of Fired apparently uses an invented language for the article content under the English titles?
- ...that while using the Vaccinator, keeping the alternate fire button pressed maintains an ÜberCharge through all of the charges left with no interruptions in between?
- ...that the End of the Line Update update was originally supposed to include a map?
- ...that, in early versions of Team Fortress 2, there was a file titled "female_head_black.vtf", which started the "is the Pyro female?" theory?
- ...that the textures of Ground Control contain the Japanese characters "のヮの" (No Wa No), which are a reference to one of the common expressions the character Haruka Amami makes in the THE iDOLM@STER games?
- ...that at the end of Meet the Medic, at the scene where the mercenaries are sitting in a waiting room to get their ÜberCharged hearts, the order they were given matches the class order used in Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that the idea for the Spy came from a Team Fortress bug?
- ...that there was a scrapped building for the Engineer called the Repair Node?
- ...that the Short Circuit was originally planned to be a machine gun that opened up out of the Engineer's glove instead of an electricity-based weapon?
- ...that the Medic's hometown was Stuttgart before being changed to Rottenburg in Two Cities Update?
- ...that the map used for Meet the Medic is actually just an edited version of Badwater Basin?
- ...that the taunts for the Medic's Bonesaw and Vita-Saw have a chance to play versions of Playing With Danger, the Domination jingle and the Revenge jingle?
- ...that one of the garbled recordings that is heard when the Red-Tape Recorder is used to sap a building says "Let's make some noise..." when it is slowed down to 80% speed?
- ...that the Manniversary Paper Hat is made from a folded copy of the Jarate ad from the Sniper vs. Spy Update?
- ...that the Sniper unlock was originally going to be a sniper rifle called the Walkabout, but it was later scrapped and replaced with the Huntsman?
- ...that the Respawn rooms were planned to have turrets, but were scrapped before the final release?
- ...that Sam's Hat was originally intended to be released alongside Max's Severed Head, the Big Kill, and the Lugermorph, with the release of Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse, but was scrapped due to difficulties fitting the heads of each class, yet its textures remained in the game files?
- ...that if an arrow is nocked with the Huntsman, and the player is killed before the arrow was shot, the arrow will shoot immediately upon dying?
- ...that a picture from the Engineer Update shows a picture of the Engineer from Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that the "Bonk! Atomic Punch" page of the Scout Update features an early version of Pipeline as its background, before it had even been released?
- ...that the Baby Face's Blaster and the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol are named after the famous criminals George "Baby Face" Nelson and Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd?
- ...that the Equalizer and the Eyelander were originally featured on the hidden Poopy Joe page during the WAR! Update?
- ...that the Bombinomicon costs $6.66?
- ...that the Sentry Buster uses the hitbox of a Giant Demoman Robot?
- ...that the SMG was originally intended for the Scout?
- ...that the Ambassador originally dealt mini-crits on headshot rather than full critical hits?
- ...that the game is more likely to give you random crits if you have killed several enemies, to help you get a memorable killing streak?
- ...that the in-game calendar shows that June 1968 started on a Wednesday, but it actually started on a Saturday?
- ...that the C.A.P.P.E.R is the same weapon used by the 'captain' of the space movie BLU watches in the Invasion Community Update trailer?
- ...that the Quadwrangler was originally an Engineer item?
- ...that the Frag Grenade and Bear Trap, both scrapped weapons, can be seen in the Mann vs. Machine upgrade station?
- ...that the lenses on the Sniper Rifle do not show realtime reflections, but instead show pre-rendered textures of your whereabouts?
- ...that the Neon Annihilator was originally pitched as a Chinese lantern?
- ...that the RED Soldier digs out of a Mann Co. Supply Crate in the Mac Update trailer?
- ...that in the Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative trailer, you can see one of the Aperture employees watching Meet the Pyro, two months before it was officially announced?
- ...that the money in the Dillinger's Duffel has Saxton Hale's face on it?
- ...that switching heal targets during an ÜberCharge causes it to drain faster?
- ...that in Meet the Pyro, when the Pyro is first seen in Pyroland, there is a cloud in the top-right corner that resembles the Venus symbol?
- ...that the cities on the map the Spy is looking at in the hidden room of Doomsday are the three maps of Mann vs. Machine?
- ...that both Doe's Drill and Doe's Doom are named after the Soldier's alias, Jane Doe?
- ...that the medieval map, DeGroot Keep, is named after the Demoman's real name, Tavish DeGroot?
- ...that both the Pain Train and the Fists of Steel got their names from in-game voice lines?
- ...that it is possible to prevent a Payload bomb's detonation by knocking it away from the pit with an explosion?
- ...that the Balloonicorn made its first appearance on the cover of A Smissmas Story as a festive tree ornament?
- ...that in Doomsday, there's a hidden room not accessible in normal gameplay with a Spy looking at a map?
- ...that the Beggar's Bazooka and the Helmet Without a Home were featured in the Team Fortress 2 is Free to Play video announcement?
- ...that the Huntsman's, the Übersaw's and the Gunslinger's taunts can stun ÜberCharged enemies?
- ...that if you turn on subtitles in the Meet the Pyro video, the Scout says "He's not here, is she?" when referring to the Pyro?
- ...that if you equip the Sydney Sleeper, the bullets in the Sniper's breast pocket are replaced with darts?
- ...that healing beams from the Medi Gun and its alternatives, Dispenser, Payload cart, and team leaders in Player Destruction mode decrease the duration of Jarate, Mad Milk, afterburn, and the Gas Passer effects?
- ...that you can deflect an enemy baseball with your own?
- ...that a gray Tyrant's Helm, a Huntsman, and an Eyelander can be seen in the Resupply cabinets in DeGroot Keep?
- ...that the Grenade Launcher has six chambers because it originally had six shots in its clip?
- ...that the Ullapool Caber taunt was originally a scrapped bottle taunt for the Demoman?
- ...that, as a Soldier, when activating the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, and the Concheror, the buff can be held by holding down the fire button, and be used in the moment when you let go of it?
- ...that if you successfully taunt kill a player with the Ubersaw you are granted with 100% ubercharge?
- ...that the Engineer's Pip-Boy changes the look of your construction and destruction tools' menu?
- ...that the inspiration for the Flare Gun came from the stock Incendiary Cannon in Team Fortress Classic and Quake Team Fortress?
- ...that the Eyelander, the Nessie's Nine Iron, and the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker occasionally whisper "heads"?
- ...that a Spy using the Invis Watch can stay cloaked permanently if he is standing near a Level 3 Dispenser?
- ...that a Spy doesn't need to be disguised to take an enemy Teleporter?
- ...that a picture of Saxton Hale can be seen on a board on the background of Meet the Spy?
- ...that the Burst style on the Reggaelator bears the icon of the Quit button from the main menu?
- ...that the Gunboats were given to the Soldier after he won a competition against the Demoman in the WAR! Update?
- ...that the Flame Thrower could not originally perform airblasts before the Pyro Update?
- ...that the Sandvich originally healed 120 health and could be reused immediately?
- ...that when disguising as a different class, the hitboxes don't change?
- ...that the Sniper has a mug in Meet the Sniper that says '#1 Sniper'?
- ...that disguising as a friendly Spy with the Disguise Kit will simply remove your disguise?
- ...that collecting heads with the Eyelander or its reskins also increases your shield bash damage?
- ...that in Trailer 1, the Medic is seen with a stethoscope that was later removed, but brought back as the Surgeon's Stethoscope?
- ...that it is possible for two Huntsman Snipers to use the Arrow Stab taunt on each other indefinitely, appearing stunned in front of each other?
- ...that you can combine the Atomizer and the Force-A-Nature to perform four jumps in mid-air?
- ...that the bobblehead in Meet the Sniper was originally supposed to be an "Old Geezer" instead of the Civilian?
- ...that on the day before the Über Update was officially announced, the TF2 Official Website was covered with doves and bird excrement?
- ...that whenever a Golden Frying Pan, a Golden Wrench or a Saxxy is destroyed, a message is sent to all active players regarding which user has destroyed the item?
- ...that Sinshine became an official map added in the Scream Fortress 2015 event, before its non-Halloween counterpart Sunshine which was added in the Meet Your Match Update?
- ...that you gain kill assists on friendly Sentry Guns that you help build and maintain?
- ...that according to the comic Death of a Salesbot, the President of the United States by 1999 is a Pomeranian named "Kisses Von Butternubs"?
- ...that if a player has friendly fire enabled, they can hurt themselves with the Third Degree by attacking a Medic healing them?
- ...that the Market Gardener also crits while rocket jumping using enemy rockets?
- ...that in Foundry, behind the glass in the main RED spawn, is a room guarded by a RED Soldier with a Scout and Heavy inside looking at photos of the robots?
- ...that the Sandvich has its own Meet the Team video?
- ...that the Engineer is seen holding the Frontier Justice in the Mac Update trailer video before it was officially announced?
- ...that the Announcer only has annual one hour vacations?
- ...that the Soldier's voice actor, Rick May, also voiced General Pepper, the Narrator, Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, and Andross from the popular Nintendo 64 game, StarFox 64?
- ...that the Ubersaw and the Vita-Saw both have a vial that will fill with a blue or red liquid when an ÜberCharge is being built, and drain while the ÜberCharge is being used?
- ...that the hilt of the Persian Persuader has the Loch Ness Monster forged on it?
- ...that the road sign in Meet the Sniper sports the headshot kill icon?
- ...that the Engineer wears his default hard hat backwards?
- ...that the Medic plays his "violin" on the wrong shoulder in his melee taunt?
- ...that the closing portcullis on DeGroot Keep can kill you even when you have the Dead Ringer out?
- ...that the Huntsman, Jarate, and an unpacked crate marked "Razorback" can all be seen in the Meet the Spy video?
- ...that being killed by one of the Halloween bosses counts as an environmental death?
- ...that the Backburner couldn't originally perform airblasts?
- ...that the Aladdin's Private Reserve was spelled with an extra "L" when it was first released?
- ...that the Demoman was once poisoned in the comic, Old Wounds, by nothing but food since he drinks alcohol a lot?
- ...that the RED Spy has a deeper voice than the BLU Spy in Meet the Spy?
- ...that a mysterious figure resembling Miss Pauling can be seen in the Meet the Medic video?
- ...that the Demoman was originally intended to be white-skinned?
- ...that the Razorback originally had a -15% movement speed reduction on the wearer?
- ...that the Huntsman cannot be drawn underwater?
- ...that the knife trick the Spy does in Trailer 2 is called the "half twirl" and the one he does in the Meet the Spy video is called the "Y2K rollover"?
- ...that you can die from a telefrag even while wielding the Dead Ringer?
- ...that when the Scout triple jumps with the Atomizer, he will leave a purple smoke puff behind instead of his regular white trail?
- ...that the BLU Scout's pants were originally blue, rather than brown?
- ...that if you shoot a friendly Sniper arrow with the Righteous Bison, his arrow will catch on fire?
- ...that a Demoman can use the rocks in front of the BLU team's spawn area on DeGroot Keep to charge through the air and get inside of the castle before the gate opens?
- ...that you can assist in removing a Sapper by healing the Engineer who removes it?
- ...that while consuming the Sandvich, the Heavy cannot be stunned?
- ...that in the Scout Update, if you sent a letter to Mann Co. ordering a Force-A-Nature, you would get a letter from Saxton Hale saying they were out of stock, but in The Contract comic, they were overstocked?
- ...that the "Leaked Video" emergency panel in the Meet the Spy video originally read "Lost Memory"?
- ...that a Scout covered in Mad Milk and under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch will still give health to the enemy attacking him?
- ...that the Heavy can survive kill taunts if he is wearing the Fists of Steel?
- ...that the bagpipe music on DeGroot Keep is a re-usage of the "Day of Defeat" British victory anthem song?
- ...that following Meet the Spy's release, the cut inflicted on the Sniper's cheek was added to his in-game model as a scar?
- ...that there is a scarecrow on Mann Manor wearing the Ghastly Gibus?
- ...that the console command
impulse 102
spawns a human skull?
- ...that you can destroy Stickybombs with melee weapons?
- ...that Valve has released two follow-up variations of "More Gun" since its release with the Engineer Update?
- ...that Saxton Hale's chest hair is shaped like Australia?
- ...that the Hotrod flips down over the Engineer's face when he is hauling a building?
- ...that the Mercenary was originally called the "Weekend Warrior"?
- ...that in the Ghoul Box, a cosmetic item for the Engineer, it shows a hidden rat in its textures referencing the creator's late pet rat?
- ...that the Sandman originally disallowed the Scout from double jumping?
- ...that Sawmill is built atop an abandoned spytech base?
- ...that the likeness of the Scout's mother is engraved on the barrel of the Ambassador?
- ...that it is possible to kill a player on the winning side during Humiliation with a kill taunt?
- ...that the Ambassador was originally able to shoot through multiple targets?
- ...that after the Scout touches the camera lens in Meet the Scout, he leaves a fingerprint that stays there for the rest of the video?
- ...that the Spy fights with the Knife in his right hand, but fences with his left hand?
- ...that the Hadouken, Grenade, and Fencing kill taunts can destroy buildings?
- ...that the Heavy and Medic do not wear any default headgear?
- ...that it is possible to be killed whilst under the effects of an ÜberCharge?
- ...that in Sam & Max 304: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls, a BLU Dispenser makes a cameo appearance?
- ...that you can assist yourself as a Spy by shooting a building that you are sapping?
- ...that the Mann vs. Machine teaser is the only official video where RED and BLU members team up?
- ...that Abraham Lincoln loves Arena mode?
- ...that the BLU Spy periodically appeared behind the RED Sniper in the day 3 post of the Sniper update page before the Spy update page was ultimately revealed?
- ...that in Meet the Spy, the first cosmetic items for the Heavy and Sniper could be seen before they were officially revealed?
- ...that in the beta version of the game, 2Fort had no roof on its bridge?
- ...that the Spy speaks fluent English, French, Italian, and Spanish?
- ...that there are multiple easter eggs on the map Thunder Mountain, including a hidden swimming pool?
- ...that the Shred Alert has its own unused kill icon?
- ...that the Medic appeared to have various organs from various exotic creatures in his fridge in Meet the Medic, including a Loch Ness hamster?
- ...that there are currently more than 300 players that hold Community weapons?
- ...that the dog tags worn by the Scout appear blank with no additional text?
- ...that a Pyro's airblast can reflect enemy Jarate and Huntsman arrows?
- ...that Saxton Hale fought a lion while cutting his hair?
- ...that the Heavy's High Noon taunt (code-wise) kills with a wide and invisible bullet?
- ...that if you shoot an enemy in the head with the Sniper Rifle while you are not scoped, it will not count as a headshot even if the enemy dies?
- ...that Pipeline is the first official map to take place at night?
- ...that when you reload the Pistol as a Scout, the animation in the first-person view differs from the one in third-person view?
- ...that the first spoken reference to an opposing team was made by the BLU Soldier in Meet the Sandvich?
- ...that in Meet the Scout, the Scout reloads his Scattergun once, but the shotgun shell appears from thin air?
- ...that in Meet the Sniper, when the Demoman's Bottle is embedded in his skull, his eye actually appears to be (mostly) undamaged?
- ...that in the game's code, the developer comment explaining the Sniper achievement "Pincushion" simply states "Boromir someone", referencing the death of Boromir in The Lord of the Rings?
- ...that competitive players of the Heavy sometimes use a trackball instead of a mouse to turn around quickly?
- ...that the Sniper from Team Fortress Classic is named Virgil, and the Engineer is named Fred?
- ...that according to in-game calendars, Team Fortress 2 takes place in 1968?
- ...that there used to be an unused class, the Civilian?
- ...that the Demoman lost his original set of foster parents at the age of six in a failed attempt to blow up the Loch Ness Monster?
- ...that the Pyro has a flowery purse in his locker?
- ...that the Nessie's Nine Iron, a melee reskin for Demoman, is a reference to the legendary Scottish monster, the Loch Ness Monster?
- ...that the illustrative style of Team Fortress 2 is commonly mistaken for cel-shading when, in fact, it uses rim highlights instead of outlines to emphasise silhouettes, and is therefore the opposite?
- ...that the Engineer's favorite equation is in fact part of the equation that governs character lighting in-game?
- ...that a Train can kill an ÜberCharged player?
- ...that the Soldier embarked on a Nazi killing spree, for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself, and that his rampage ended immediately in 1949 upon hearing that World War II had already ended four years prior?
- ...that the Scout trained himself to run so that he could beat his older brothers to fights in the south streets of Boston?
- ...that the logo for the RED team in Team Fortress Classic appears behind the Pyro at the end of Trailer 1?
- ...that the Heavy's custom Minigun weighs one hundred and fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute, costing four hundred thousand dollars to fire for twelve seconds?
- ...that the Pyro's Flame Thrower is constructed from a converted gas pump and a canister of propane?
- ...that the Engineer has eleven PhDs in hard science?
- ...that the Heavy and the Demoman are both voiced by Gary Schwartz?
- ...that the SMG was originally intended for the Scout?
- ...that sub-front companies for RED include 'Brown Nugget Mining', 'Cornwell', and 'Happy Farmers Cooperative'?
- ...that BLU stands for 'Builders League United' and RED for 'Reliable Excavation and Demolition'?
- ...that the Administrator is voiced by Ellen McLain, who is also the voice of the character "GlaDOS" in the Portal series and the Overwatch dispatcher in the Half-Life series?
- ...that Medic's pet Archimedes, had his name based off of a real scientist that studied physics?
- ...that the Sniper keeps a bobblehead of the original Civilian from Team Fortress Classic on the dash of his RV?
- ...that Team Fortress 2 had grenades in it at some point?
- ...that the Team Fortress 2 dev team runs a site featuring concept art, community spotlights, and details of the game's development?
- ...that the Sniper and Spy are the only characters to wear a wrist watch?
- ...that the Spy voice command, where you call a specific class a Spy when you have your crosshair centered on them, also works with the enemy?
- ...that when you suicide in spawn, you can immediately respawn by changing classes?
- ...that Team Fortress 2 has won awards from IGN, GameSpy, and 1up for artistic direction?
- ...that in first-person mode, the Sniper is wearing gloves on both hands, but from a third-person perspective, such as taunting, he is only wearing a glove on his left hand?
- ...that a disguised Spy can "leech" health from an enemy Dispenser, Payload cart, or Medic?
- ...that a Medic or Dispenser can heal a player faster than they can drown, allowing players to possibly stay underwater indefinitely?
- ...that Valve used motion-capture for some of the scenes in Expiration Date?
- ...that the Dynamite Pack, Overhealer, Tranquilizer Gun, Syringe, and Nail Gun were all weapons that were planned for inclusion, but eventually scrapped?
- ...that when a Spy drops his disguise while being ÜberCharged by an enemy Medic, he will glow his team color while the Medic continues to glow his?
- ...that the Bat is the single-class weapon with the most reskins, at 3?
- ...that it takes about a second for a Sentry Gun to do a full 360?
- ...that the Bat is the fastest swinging stock melee weapon to compensate for its decreased damage?
- ...that it is possible in some cases to sap a Sentry Gun right after backstabbing the Engineer?
- ...that the Engineer and Medic have the least amount of weapons?
- ...that Engineers can climb higher with a Level 1 Sentry Gun than with a Dispenser?
- ...that both the Scattergun and Shotgun fire 10 bullets at once?
- ...that a Level 3 Sentry Gun's rockets can be deflected by the Pyro's compression blast?
- ...that consumption of the Sandvich is both an "attack" and a taunt?
- ...that the Scout is able to run so fast and perform double jumps due to not only his extraordinary agility, but also his consumption of large quantities of coffee?
- ...that the Sandvich first appeared in Meet the Scout?
- ...that in Team Fortress Classic, every class except the Engineer, Spy, Medic, and Civilian had a Crowbar as a melee weapon?
- ...that details for the Heavy Update were leaked before release by beta playtesters at the Something Awful Forums?
- ...that there are exactly 21 bars in the loading screen?
- ...that a certain response after eating the Sandvich is a reference to Portal's "Still Alive" song ("Moist and delicious! Hehaha!")?
- ...that the Engineer's grandfather, Radigan Conagher created the modern Sentry Gun designs by 1890?
- ...that the Engineer's Dispenser contains the nail belt for the Scout's old Nail Gun in the ammunition holder?
- ...that the Heavy is the only class without an assigned taunt for all-class melee weapons?
- ...that a Sentry Gun can be built underwater?
- ...that in Meet the Sniper, the Sniper is shown to have an injury called Garand Thumb caused by the bolt of an M1 Garand slamming onto the user's thumb after inserting a new clip?
- ...that the Civilian class possesses his own unique death scream?
- ...that the BLU Soldier refers to the RED team contemptuously as "you RED team ladies"?
- ...that Meet the Scout was the first official video in which RED and BLU communicate?
- ...that the numbers on the top front of the Train on Well spells '7331', which spelled backwards is '1337' (leet)?
- ...that the Spy has the most class-exclusive weapon reskins, at 8?
- ...that products offered by TF Industries include the The Sentry Gun Mechnical Firing Device- Model v 2.1, The Uhlman Build-Matic Wrench, The Dispense-O-Matic 9000 Provisions Dispenser, Telemax Teleporters, and The Sandvich Edible Device?
- ...that holding down the primary attack button with the Sapper equipped will deploy it continuously?
- ...that the Medic is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, who also voiced "Travis Touchdown" in the Wii action game No More Heroes?
- ...that in the German versions of the Meet the Team videos, the classes are implied to be robots, bleeding oil and exploding into cogs and screws when gibbed?
- ...that the bullets the Heavy fires are "Super Caliber Fragile Ballistic" brand bullets, referencing Mary Poppins?
- ...that the Engineer drinks 'BLU Streak' brand beer?
- ...that the BLU Soldier has died in every Meet the Team video to date?
- ...that the Scout and Spy are the only classes without an emblem on their shoulder?
- ...that during the Meet the Demoman video, a Dispenser is shown behind the Sentry Gun, but disappears after the scene cuts back from the Demoman?
- ...that Team Fortress 2 maps have been ported into Left 4 Dead?
- ...that Mann vs. Machine had many predecessors in development, including Raid and Creep Mode?
- ...that in the Meet the Soldier video, the BLU team has already secured the RED team's final control point (judging from the color of the megaphones)?
- ...that although RED's cover is that it operates as a demolitions company, it is BLU that delivers the Payload carts to them?
- ...that despite the Heavy being Russian, Natascha is the German spelling of the name?
- ...that on the main screen, the Heavy and Demoman are missing their shoulder logos?
- ...that Gold Rush matches take place at 9:07 AM?
- ...that if you reload after firing one shot of the Shotgun, two shells are reloaded instead of one?
- ...that the first aluminum baseball bat was produced in the 1970s, at least two years after the game's setting?
- ...that the kit the Spy uses to disguise himself is called the Spytron 3000?
- ...that the BLU Spy has white cigarettes inside his Disguise Kit, despite them appearing brown on the player model?
- ...that at least seven of the nine classes have a designated job and a unique motto that were given them in Trailer 2, the exceptions being the Pyro and Medic?
- ...that a fully charged Medic can deploy his ÜberCharge even when he isn't healing anybody?
- ...that an unused addcond (49,
) exists that causes the player to be disguised as a Dispenser when crouching?
- ...that the Force-A-Nature was manufactured in Portugal?
- ...that the stun balls the Sandman hits are 'All Ballers League' brand balls?
- ...that Natascha's model in the game files is "Ludmila"?
- ...that a Pyro can perform a rocket jump by air blasting a rocket at his feet?
- ...that the Heavy's hands are so large, he grips the pump of his Shotgun with only his thumb and index finger?
- ...that the readying animation for Bonk! Atomic Punch is NOT the same as the Bat and the ball-less Sandman, yet the Sandvich and the Disguise Kit are?
- ...that the plural of "Dummkopf" is "Dummköpfe", not "Dummkopfs"?
- ...that the Medic and Heavy speak several phrases in German and Russian, respectively?
- ...that the Spy has an English accent in his French voice lines?
- ...that the fluid that splashes from Bonk! Atomic Punch and Crit-a-Cola cans is recycled from the acid fired by the antlion workers in Half Life 2: Episode Two?
- ...that the map of Australia at the bottom right corner of Jarate advertisement is missing Tasmania?
- ...that there is a neutral grey suitcase in the game files, suggesting some form of one-flag Capture the Flag may have been scrapped before release?
- ...that shooting an enemy at exactly the same time as your Sentry Gun (and killing them) will result in you assisting yourself?
- ...that the Heavy cannot be stunned while eating his Sandvich?
- ...that the letters "MTP", which are the initials for Meet the Pyro, are carved on the Scorched Key?
- ...that there is a TF2 soundtrack called "Sandwich Maker" in the Source Filmmaker Beta which appears in the Engineer Update teaser?
- ...that there have been easter eggs about Mann vs. Machine dating as far back as the Engineer Update?
- ...that there are unused death animations for every class (other than the Pyro), presumably to be used for the respective class burning to death?
- ...that a Full Moon occurs every 29.5 days starting Midday, October 12, 2011, but NASA times the average length of a synodic month as 44 minutes and 3 seconds longer?
- ...that there are several doors and shops in Turbine Center with references on them to different people, including Jerma985, Bruce Wayne, and Eric Smith?
- ...that in Meet the Spy, the door to the briefcase room opens after the code is put in, meaning that the password was actually 1111?
- ...that the design of the Administrator was not originally created by Valve, but was instead purchased from the artist Heather "Makani" Campbell some time before December 9, 2009?
- ...that the song that plays when the viewer sees Pyroland in Meet the Pyro is a real song written by The Lovin' Spoonful called "Do You Believe in Magic"?
- ...that in Trailer 2, two Medics can be briefly seen in the reference pose?
- ...that both RED and BLU use the passcode "1111" as shown in Expiration Date on the inside of the van and Meet the Spy, as the number 1 key on the keypads is worn out?
- ...that the head of the parrot on the Jungle Inferno Update Day 2 page blows up if you hover your mouse over it?
- ...that the Self-Aware Beauty Mark's name is a reference to a line the Medic says in Expiration Date?
- ...that the original BLU team consists of some famous historical figures, such as Nikola Tesla and Abraham Lincoln?
- ...that the Powerjack used to have a +25% damage bonus in addition to a +75 health on kill?
- ...that with the Hitman's Heatmaker you can activate Focus no matter the amount of charge it is at?
- ...that Strange Bacon Grease, which turns Frying Pans Strange quality, was introduced before Strangifiers were released?
- ...that in Trailer 1 the Spy can be seen wielding a Tranquilizer Gun?
- ...that a Soldier at 1 health wielding the Escape Plan cannot outrun a Scout?
- ...that the Neck Snap taunt is the first partner taunt that only one class can initiate?
- ...that the Scout appears as a figurine in Half-Life: Alyx?
- ...that the Rocket Jumper and Sticky Jumper used to have max health penalties?
- ...that the Soldier is married to the Heavy's sister, Zhanna?
- ...that the label on the Bonk! Atomic Punch does not have the exclamation mark (!) after the "Bonk"?
- ...that the Fight Songs: The Music Of Team Fortress 2 vinyl records feature map soundscapes on each side, including the ambience of Mercenary Park, which had not been released at the time?
- ...that the Spycrab meme's popularity resulted in a plushie version being created?
- ...that a fire extinguisher on Turbine Center can put out a burning player once per round?
- ...that the Team Fortress Wiki has a secret?
- ...that the Voodoo-Cursed Spy Soul originally had a zombie face instead of a skull?
- ...that Team Fortress 2 went through several different iterations before release, such as Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms and Invasion?
- ...that in Meet the Demoman, during the censored part the Demoman actually says "They've got more fecking sea monsters in the great Loch at Ness than they've got the likes of me"?
- ...that the Flying Guillotine has a max flight time?
- ...that the Cow Mangler 5000, Pomson 6000, Batsaber and a lot of other items have unused paint variants?
- ...that Valve employees can give themselves weapons with the special Valve quality?
- ...that on the queue you can change the color of the TF logo from red to blue by clicking on it?
- ...that the Bonk! Atomic Punch was invented in 1932 and consists of zinc, ammonium chloride, molten salt and sugar?
- ...that the Execution is the only taunt kill to use ammo?
- ...that Merasmus uses Sniper's melee animations?
- ...that the Chinese characters (酒吧) on the Neon Annihilator mean "bar"?
- ...that the Third Degree is the only direct upgrade to any weapon in the game?
- ...that the Classic is based on the design of the Sniper Rifle from Team Fortress Classic?
- ...that in the Mann vs. Machine teaser, the Scout switches between the Sandman and the stock Bat twice?
- ...that the gibs for each class use beta designs seen in both the first and second trailers?
- ...that activating all four Vaccinator charges back-to-back gives you ten seconds of ÜberCharge, which is longer compared to the ÜberCharges of the Medic's other secondary weapons?
- ...that with the Ali Baba Wee Booties or Bootlegger, a shield, and 4 or more collected heads, the Demoman becomes faster than the Scout?
- ...that Gold Rush started as a remake of Dustbowl from Team Fortress Classic in the form of Dustbowl 2?
- ...that the Eviction Notice is the fastest swinging melee weapon in the game, even faster than the Bat?
- ...that Valve employees have the ability to cheat on any server by using an employee exclusive cheat command called Powerplay?
- ...that the first classes added to QuakeWorld Team Fortress were the Scout, the Sniper, the Soldier, the Demoman and the Medic?
- ...that the Heavy Weapons Guy class was originally added in QuakeWorld Team Fortress because the developers loved the movie Predator?
- ...that the first couple of versions of Team Fortress had no teams and was purely deathmatch?
- ...that in case a Sapper is placed on a Sentry Gun, the Sentry manual says to "bludgeon device with reckless abandon using wrench" and "follow with sporadic shotgun fire in the immediate vicinity of the device"?
- ...that the Pyro class was originally added after QuakeWorld came out to help out players with slow network connections?
- ...that the Engineer couldn't haul his buildings until the Engineer Update, three years after Team Fortress 2 first came out?
- ...that the Gunboats would have been given to the Demoman if he won the WAR! Update?
- ...that the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker is the weapon with the longest name?
- ...that Medieval Mode exists because the Soldier angered a magician?
- ...that prior to the Meet Your Match Update, only the Quick-Fix allowed the Medic to match the speed of his patient?
- ...that the name "Team Fortress" came from a Doom map called fortress.wad?
- ...that the Disciplinary Action has the longest range compared to the other melee weapons?
- ...that the Engineer class was originally added in QuakeWorld Team Fortress for players who wanted to be in combat and have an impact, but didn't necessarily want to do it directly?
- ...that the ÜberCharge in Meet the Medic shorted out the Quick-Fix's "invuln function", which is why it rapidly heals for its ÜberCharge instead?
- ...that Heather Campbell, the artist who drew the original fan rendition of the Administrator, went on to illustrate many of the comics?
- ...that Nolan North, the voice actor for characters such as Merasmus, the Mann brothers and Zepheniah Mann, and the unused pumpkin bomb lines was born on the 31st of October, the same day as Halloween?
- ...that the Spy's original Knife deploy animation was much longer and more elaborate, as seen in Trailer 2?
- ...that a fully overhealed Demoman with the Chargin' Targe can survive the Hadouken?
- ...that the Claidheamh Mòr was originally called the "Claidheamohmor" before it was changed to its current name for the "joy of our Celtic players"?
See also