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Crafting anvil.png
Crafting screen
"Token" redirects here. For the item used to level up the Duck Journal, see Duck Token.
For years you have been able to create weapons with your bare hands, using raw steel, in real life. What if we were to tell you there’s now a way to SIMULATE that in-game? Because we just did!
— Crafting publicity blurb

Crafting is an in-game system that allows players to create any specific items for use in Team Fortress 2. Crafting was introduced with the WAR! Update in the December 17, 2009 Patch. Items that can be created include weapons, cosmetic items, and materials that can be used in further craftings, such as Scrap Metal or Class Tokens. Crafting is usually conducted by utilizing unwanted or duplicate items gained through the item drop system. In order to create items, the player must follow the blueprints, all of which are initially available to players with a Premium Team Fortress 2 account. After following a valid blueprint recipe, the player gains the item specified by the blueprint. Non-Premium users cannot craft Rare or Special items[1], and no tools except for the Strange Count Transfer Tool can be crafted. Crafting allows players to craft 156 unique weapons (including 19 reskins) and 600 unique cosmetic items.

Crafting any cosmetic item or weapon displays "Crafted by [name]" in the description of the item. This can be removed by right clicking the item in the backpack and clicking the Restore button.


Craft icon Materials.png Crafting items

Main article: Craft items


Blueprint Requires ProducesExample Cost
Smelt Class Weapons Any 2 weapons wielded by the same class 1 × Scrap Metal Brass Beast + Killing Gloves of BoxingScrap Metal 2
Combine Scrap Metal 3 × Scrap Metal 1 × Reclaimed Metal Scrap Metal + Scrap Metal + Scrap MetalReclaimed Metal 6
Combine Reclaimed Metal 3 × Reclaimed Metal 1 × Refined Metal Reclaimed Metal + Reclaimed Metal + Reclaimed MetalRefined Metal 18
Smelt Refined Metal 1 × Refined Metal 3 × Reclaimed Metal Refined MetalReclaimed Metal + Reclaimed Metal + Reclaimed Metal 18
Smelt Reclaimed Metal 1 × Reclaimed Metal 3 × Scrap Metal Reclaimed MetalScrap Metal + Scrap Metal + Scrap Metal 6


Blueprint Requires ProducesExample Cost
Fabricate Class Token[2] Any 3 weapons wielded by the same class 1 × Class Token Disciplinary Action + Direct Hit + EqualizerClass Token - Soldier 3
Rebuild Class Token[2] Any 1 Class Token and any 1 weapon belonging to an alternative class 1 × New Class Token Class Token - Sniper + JagClass Token - Engineer 4
Fabricate Slot Token[3] Any 3 weapons equipped in the same slot 1 × Slot Token Natascha + Huntsman + ShortstopSlot Token - Primary 3
Rebuild Slot Token[3] Any 1 Slot Token and any 1 weapon equipped to an alternative slot 1 × New Slot Token Slot Token - Melee + SandvichSlot Token - Secondary 4
Smelt Tokens Any 3 tokens 1 × Reclaimed Metal Slot Token - Primary + Class Token - Scout + Class Token - MedicReclaimed Metal 9

Craft icon Common.png Standard items


Blueprint Requires ProducesExample Cost
Fabricate Class Weapons 1 × Scrap Metal + 1 × Class Token and 1 × Slot Token 1 × Class and slot specific weapon Scrap Metal + Class Token - Demoman + Slot Token - SecondarySticky JumperorScottish ResistanceorSplendid ScreenorChargin' TargeorTide TurnerorQuickiebomb Launcher 8
Fabricate SpaceChem Pin 3 x Moustachium Bar + Spacemetal Scrap SpaceChem Pin -0 + special crafting ingredients

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Flying Guillotine Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Mad Milk Flying Guillotine 9
Fabricate Baby Face's Blaster Reclaimed Metal + 2 x Shortstop Baby Face's Blaster 8
Fabricate Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Reclaimed Metal + Mad Milk + Winger Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 8
Fabricate Wrap Assassin Reclaimed Metal + Southern Hospitality Wrap Assassin 7
Fabricate Soda Popper Reclaimed Metal + Bonk! Atomic Punch + Force-a-Nature Soda Popper 8
Fabricate Winger Reclaimed Metal + Shortstop Winger 7
Fabricate Atomizer Reclaimed Metal + Bonk! Atomic Punch + Sandman Atomizer 8
Fabricate Fan O'War Scrap Metal + Mad Milk Fan O'War 3
Fabricate Sun-on-a-Stick 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Boston Basher Sun-on-a-Stick 13
Fabricate Boston Basher Sandman + Tribalman's Shiv Boston Basher 2
Fabricate Candy Cane Kritzkrieg + Pain Train Candy Cane 2
Fabricate Shortstop Reclaimed Metal + Force-a-Nature Shortstop 7
Fabricate Mad Milk Reclaimed Metal + Jarate Mad Milk 7
Fabricate Holy Mackerel Reclaimed Metal + Sandman Holy Mackerel 7
Fabricate Crit-a-Cola Kritzkrieg + Bonk! Atomic Punch Crit-a-Cola 2
Fabricate Back Scatter Reclaimed Metal + Shortstop + Crit-a-Cola Back Scatter 8

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Beggar's Bazooka Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Direct Hit Beggar's Bazooka 9
Fabricate Escape Plan Scrap Metal + Disciplinary Action Escape Plan 3
Fabricate Original 2 x Scrap Metal + Reclaimed Metal Original 10
Fabricate Cow Mangler 5000 Reclaimed Metal + Black Box Cow Mangler 5000 7
Fabricate Righteous Bison Reclaimed Metal + Battalion's Backup Righteous Bison 7
Fabricate Liberty Launcher 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Black Box Liberty Launcher 13
Fabricate Mantreads Refined Metal + Gunboats Mantreads 19
Fabricate Reserve Shooter 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Frontier Justice Reserve Shooter 13
Fabricate Disciplinary Action 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Pain Train Disciplinary Action 13
Fabricate Market Gardener Reclaimed Metal + Gunboats + Pain Train Market Gardener 8
Fabricate Half-Zatoichi Reclaimed Metal + 2 x Eyelander Half-Zatoichi 8
Fabricate Concheror Scrap Metal + Battalion's Backup Concheror 3
Fabricate Black Box Reclaimed Metal + Direct Hit Black Box 7
Fabricate Battalion's Backup Reclaimed Metal + Buff Banner Battalion's Backup 7
Fabricate Gunboats Razorback + Chargin' Targe Gunboats 2
Fabricate Pain Train Scrap Metal + Sandman Pain Train 3
Fabricate Rocket Jumper Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Mantreads Rocket Jumper 9
Fabricate Air Strike Reclaimed Metal + Beggar's Bazooka + Gunboats Air Strike 8
Fabricate B.A.S.E. Jumper Reclaimed Metal + Buff Banner + Sticky Jumper B.A.S.E. Jumper 8
Fabricate Panic Attack 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Back Scatter Panic Attack 13

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Neon Annihilator Reclaimed Metal + 2 x Third Degree Neon Annihilator 8
Fabricate Scorch Shot Reclaimed Metal + Flare Gun + Degreaser Scorch Shot 8
Fabricate Phlogistinator Reclaimed Metal + Soda Popper + Backburner Phlogistinator 8
Fabricate Manmelter Reclaimed Metal + Detonator Manmelter 7
Fabricate Third Degree Reclaimed Metal + Axtinguisher + Powerjack Third Degree 8
Fabricate Reserve Shooter 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Frontier Justice Reserve Shooter 13
Fabricate Detonator 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Flare Gun Detonator 13
Fabricate Sharpened Volcano Fragment 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Axtinguisher Sharpened Volcano Fragment 13
Fabricate Back Scratcher Scotsman's Skullcutter + Axtinguisher Back Scratcher 2
Fabricate Degreaser Reclaimed Metal + Backburner Degreaser 7
Fabricate Powerjack Reclaimed Metal + Axtinguisher Powerjack 7
Fabricate Homewrecker Scrap Metal + Equalizer Homewrecker 3
Fabricate Panic Attack 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Back Scatter Panic Attack 13

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Ali Baba's Wee Booties Mantreads + Gloves of Running Urgently Ali Baba's Wee Booties 2
Fabricate Splendid Screen 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Chargin' Targe Splendid Screen 13
Fabricate Persian Persuader Scrap Metal + 2 x Half-Zatoichi Persian Persuader 4
Fabricate Half-Zatoichi Reclaimed Metal + 2 x Eyelander Half-Zatoichi 8
Fabricate Loch-n-Load Reclaimed Metal + Scottish Resistance Loch-n-Load 7
Fabricate Ullapool Caber 2 x Scrap Metal + Pain Train Ullapool Caber 5
Fabricate Claidheamh Mòr Homewrecker + Chargin' Targe Claidheamh Mòr 2
Fabricate Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker 2 x Refined Metal + Haunted Metal Scrap + Scotsman's Skullcutter Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker 37 + Haunted Metal Scrap
Fabricate Scotsman's Skullcutter Axtinguisher + Jarate Scotsman's Skullcutter 2
Fabricate Pain Train Scrap Metal + Sandman Pain Train 3
Fabricate Loose Cannon Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Loch-n-Load Loose Cannon 9
Fabricate Sticky Jumper Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Ullapool Caber Sticky Jumper 9
Fabricate B.A.S.E. Jumper Reclaimed Metal + Buff Banner + Sticky Jumper B.A.S.E. Jumper 8
Fabricate Tide Turner Reclaimed Metal + Ali Baba's Wee Booties + Chargin' Targe Tide Turner 9
Fabricate Iron Bomber 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Air Strike Iron Bomber 13
Fabricate Quickiebomb Launcher 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Tide Turner Quickiebomb Launcher 13

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Huo-Long Heater Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Family Business Huo-Long Heater 9
Fabricate Holiday Punch Reclaimed Metal + Holy Mackerel + Gloves of Running Urgently Holiday Punch 8
Fabricate Tomislav 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Brass Beast Tomislav 13
Fabricate Family Business Reclaimed Metal + Frontier Justice + Homewrecker Family Business 8
Fabricate Eviction Notice 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Fists of Steel Eviction Notice 13
Fabricate Fishcake 3 x Moustachium Bar + 'Fish' Fishcake 0 + special crafting ingredients
Fabricate Brass Beast Reclaimed Metal + Natascha Brass Beast 7
Fabricate Buffalo Steak Sandvich Reclaimed Metal + Sandvich Buffalo Steak Sandvich 7
Fabricate Warrior's Spirit Scrap Metal + Gloves of Running Urgently Warrior's Spirit 3
Fabricate Fists of Steel Reclaimed Metal + Killing Gloves of Boxing Fists of Steel 7
Fabricate Gloves of Running Urgently 2 x Scrap Metal + Killing Gloves of Boxing Gloves of Running Urgently 5
Fabricate Dalokohs Bar Scrap Metal + Sandvich Dalokohs Bar 3
Fabricate Panic Attack 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Back Scatter Panic Attack 13

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Pomson 6000 Reclaimed Metal + Righteous Bison + Short Circuit Pomson 6000 8
Fabricate Eureka Effect Reclaimed Metal + 2 x Jag Eureka Effect 8
Fabricate Widowmaker 2 x Reclaimed Metal + L'Etranger Widowmaker 13
Fabricate Short Circuit Reclaimed Metal + Scrap Metal + Gunslinger Short Circuit 9
Fabricate Jag Scrap Metal + Southern Hospitality Jag 3
Fabricate Southern Hospitality Scrap Metal + Ambassador Southern Hospitality 3
Fabricate Rescue Ranger Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Eureka Effect Rescue Ranger 9
Fabricate Panic Attack 2 x Reclaimed Metal + Back Scatter Panic Attack 13

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Overdose Reclaimed Metal + Gloves of Running Urgently + Crusader's Crossbow Overdose 8
Fabricate Quick-Fix Reclaimed Metal + Mad Milk + Kritzkrieg Quick-Fix 8
Fabricate Solemn Vow Reclaimed Metal + 8 x Jarate Solemn Vow 14
Fabricate Crusader's Crossbow 2 x Scrap Metal + Huntsman Crusader's Crossbow 5
Fabricate Amputator Scrap Metal + Vita-Saw Amputator 3
Fabricate Vita-Saw 2 x Scrap Metal + Übersaw Vita-Saw 5
Fabricate Vaccinator Reclaimed Metal + 3 xQuick-Fix Vaccinator 9

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Hitman's Heatmaker Reclaimed metal + Machina + Bazaar Bargain Hitman's Heatmaker 8
Fabricate Cleaner's Carbine Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Bushwacka Cleaner's Carbine 9
Fabricate Cozy Camper Reclaimed Metal + Jarate + Razorback Cozy Camper 8
Fabricate Machina Reclaimed Metal + Righteous Bison + Sydney Sleeper Machina 8
Fabricate Bazaar Bargain Reclaimed Metal + Sydney Sleeper + Eyelander Bazaar Bargain 8
Fabricate Shahanshah Reclaimed Metal + Amputator + Bushwacka Shahanshah 8
Fabricate Sydney Sleeper Reclaimed Metal + Huntsman Sydney Sleeper 7
Fabricate Darwin's Danger Shield Reclaimed Metal + Razorback Darwin's Danger Shield 7
Fabricate Bushwacka Reclaimed Metal + Eyelander Bushwacka 7
Fabricate Tribalman's Shiv Dead Ringer + Huntsman Tribalman's Shiv 2
Fabricate Classic Reclaimed Metal + Huntsman + Bazaar Bargain Classic 8

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Red Tape Recorder Reclaimed Metal + 3 x Spy-cicle Red Tape Recorder 9
Fabricate Spy-cicle Reclaimed Metal + Your Eternal Reward Spy-cicle 7
Fabricate Diamondback Reclaimed Metal + Frontier Justice + Dead Ringer Diamondback 8
Fabricate Enforcer Reclaimed Metal + Scrap Metal + L'Etranger Enforcer 9
Fabricate Big Earner Reclaimed Metal + Conniver's Kunai + L'Etranger Big Earner 8
Fabricate Conniver's Kunai Scrap Metal + Your Eternal Reward Conniver's Kunai 3
Fabricate L'Etranger Reclaimed Metal + Dead Ringer L'Etranger 7
Fabricate Your Eternal Reward Reclaimed Metal + Cloak and Dagger Your Eternal Reward 7

Craft icon Rare.png Rare items

See also: Random crafting recipes
Note: These blueprints are only available to premium players.
Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Headgear 3 × Refined Metal 1 × Random Headgear 54
Rebuild Headgear 2 × Headgear 1 × Random Headgear 108
Fabricate Class Headgear 4 × Refined Metal + 1 × Class Token 1 × Class specific random Headgear 75
Fabricate Bonk Helm[4] Batter's Helmet + 2 × Bonk! Atomic Punch Bonk Helm 2 + Headgear
Fabricate Set Headgear 4 × Refined Metal + 1 × Item set weapon 1 × Specific piece of set Headgear 73
Fabricate Strange Count Transfer Tool 2 × Strange Part Strange Count Transfer Tool 0 + 2 other items

The following list shows what is accepted in the Fabricate Set Headgear blueprint and their results:

Craft icon Special.png Special items

Note: These blueprints are only available to premium players.
Blueprint Requires Produces Cost
Fabricate Saxton Hale Halloween Mask[5] Scout Mask + Soldier Mask + Pyro Mask + Demoman Mask + Heavy Mask + Engineer Mask + Medic Mask + Sniper Mask + Spy Mask Saxton Hale Mask 0 + 9 Headgear
Fabricate Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker[5] 2 × Refined Metal + Haunted Metal Scrap + Scotsman's Skullcutter Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker 37 + Haunted Metal Scrap
Fabricate Haunted Headgear[5] 4 × Refined Metal + Haunted Metal Scrap Spine-Tingling SkullorSpine-Cooling SkullorSpine-Twisting Skull 72 + Haunted Metal
Fabricate Pile of Ash 4 × Mysterious Treasure Pile of Ash 5
Fabricate Power Up Canteen 4 × Scrap Metal Power Up Canteen 8
Fabricate Pile of Curses 7 x Voodoo-Cursed Bag of Quicklime or Voodoo-Cursed Nail or Voodoo-Cursed Novelty Bass or Voodoo-Cursed Old Boot or Voodoo-Cursed Robot Arm or Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton or Voodoo-Cursed Sticky-Bomb Pile of Curses 7
Fabricate Bread Box 3 x Headgear Bread Box 162
Custom Blueprint[6] Matches items from existing blueprints Result for matched blueprint n/a

Crafting weapon classifications

In contrast with the weapon slots presented in-game, the crafting system classifies some weapons in different slots. For example, the Spy's Revolver is classified as a secondary weapon despite how it is equipped in the first item slot in-game. Below is a list of all the usable weapons and slots that the crafting system uses. Note that the table does not include the Stock weapons for the classes, such as the Scattergun, as these are not usable in crafting. However, if one has a stock weapon that has been renamed or described, it can be used to craft into scrap.


Some items which are obtained by special means, such as promotions and weapons bought from the Mann Co. Store, cannot be crafted either as an ingredient or as a result.


Cosmetic items